Finding Aid

The following six record groups are listed on this page. Please select from the drop-down list:

Record Group: Gdynia Department of Transportation 1945-1949

Extent: 89 files

The AJDC maintained a separate office in the port city of Gdynia that arranged and received shipments of goods for relief distribution.

This record group is arranged in six series.

Series: General files

File 2091: Activity reports; organizational matters



Activity reports; organizational matters

Series: Correspondence

File 2092: Outgoing correspondence (January-December 1948)
File 2093: Correspondence with AJDC headquarters in Warsaw
File 2094: Correspondence (outgoing) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw on transports coming to Gdynia and distribution of goods
File 2095: Correspondence (outgoing) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw on the distribution of goods (August 1946-February 1947)
File 2096: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw (January-March 1948)
File 2097: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw (April-June 1948)
File 2098: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw (July-September 1948)
File 2099: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw (October-December 1948)
File 2100: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw (January-April 1949)
File 2101: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with the Department of Transportation in Warsaw (May-December 1949)
File 2102: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with AJDC Paris (December 1945-December 1946)
File 2103: Foreign correspondence (outgoing and incoming) (1 of 3)
File 2104: Foreign correspondence (outgoing and incoming) (2 of 3)
File 2105: Foreign correspondence (outgoing and incoming) (3 of 3)
File 2106: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with various institutions and individuals (1946)
File 2107: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with various institutions and individuals (1947)
File 2108: Correspondence (outgoing and incoming) with various institutions and individuals
File 2109: Correspondence (outgoing cables and telegrams), September 1946-September 1949
File 2110: Correspondence, January-March 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 1-181)



Includes lists of goods.

Correspondence, January-March 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 1-181)

File 2111: Correspondence, April-June 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 182-342)



Includes lists of goods.

Correspondence, April-June 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 182-342)

File 2112: Correspondence, July-August 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 344-488)



Includes lists of goods.

Correspondence, July-August 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 344-488)

File 2113: Correspondence, September-October 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 492-625)



Includes lists of goods.

Correspondence, September-October 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 492-625)

File 2114: Correspondence, November-December 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 629-763)



Includes lists of goods.

Correspondence, November-December 1947 (Outgoing Ref. No. 629-763)

File 2115: Correspondence with various institutions, January-November 1949



Includes lists of goods.

Correspondence with various institutions, January-November 1949

Series: Incoming shipments

File 2116: Records of incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 1-32)
File 2117: Records of incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 35-48)
File 2118: Records of incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 46-254)
File 2119: Records of incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 501-587)
File 2120: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, January 1945-January 1947. (Transport No. 1-83)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, January 1945-January 1947. (Transport No. 1-83)

File 2121: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, January-June 1947 (Transport No. 83-123)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, January-June 1947 (Transport No. 83-123)

File 2122: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, June-November 1947 (Transport No. 124-147)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, June-November 1947 (Transport No. 124-147)

File 2123: Documentation on incoming shipments to Poland (attachments to Transport No. 141-147)



Includes lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Poland (attachments to Transport No. 141-147)

File 2124: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, November 1947-January 1948 (Transport No. 148-169)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, November 1947-January 1948 (Transport No. 148-169)

File 2125: Documentation on aid shipments to Poland (attachments to Transport No. 148-160)



Includes lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on aid shipments to Poland (attachments to Transport No. 148-160)

File 2126: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, February-April 1948 (Transport No. 170-190)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, February-April 1948 (Transport No. 170-190)

File 2127: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, April-July 1948 (Transport No. 191-221)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, April-July 1948 (Transport No. 191-221)

File 2128: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, July-December 1948 (Transport No. 222-250)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, July-December 1948 (Transport No. 222-250)

File 2129: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, December 1948-February 1949 (Transport No. 250-257)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, December 1948-February 1949 (Transport No. 250-257)

File 2130: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, February-March 1949 (Transport No. 258-269)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, February-March 1949 (Transport No. 258-269)

File 2131: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, March-July 1949. (Transport No. 270-284)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, March-July 1949. (Transport No. 270-284)

File 2132: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, June-November 1949 (Transport No. 285-300)



Includes claim vouchers, lists of goods, correspondence.

Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia, June-November 1949 (Transport No. 285-300)

File 2133: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia: Customs declarations (Transport No. 85-125)
File 2134: Documentation on incoming shipments to Gdynia: Customs declarations (Transport No. -126-161)
File 2135: Certificates of damage on incoming shipments to Gdynia
File 2136: Records on the status of incoming shipments to Gdynia (1 of 6)
File 2137: Records on the status of incoming shipments to Gdynia (2 of 6)
File 2138: Records on the status of incoming shipments to Gdynia (3 of 6)
File 2139: Records on the status of incoming shipments to Gdynia (4 of 6)
File 2140: Records on the status of incoming shipments to Gdynia (5 of 6)
File 2141: Records on the status of incoming shipments to Gdynia (6 of 6)
File 2142: Record cards on incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 7-60)
File 2143: Record cards on incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 61-75)
File 2144: Record cards on incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 76-150)



Nos. 101-149 are missing.

Record cards on incoming shipments to Gdynia (Transport No. 76-150)

File 2145: Correspondence regarding incoming shipments to Gdynia

Series: Financial records

File 2146: Documentation regarding storage of goods belonging to AJDC in the port of Gdynia
File 2147: Revenue and expense invoices (originals and copies)
File 2148: Expense vouchers (1947, No. 300-328; 1948, No. 1-124)
File 2149: Expense vouchers (No. 125-221)



Expense vouchers (No. 125-221)

File 2150: Expense vouchers (No. 1-74)



Expense vouchers (No. 1-74)

File 2151: Expense vouchers (No. 75-128)



Expense vouchers (No. 75-128)

File 2152: Receiving Reports (1 of 2)



Receiving Reports (1 of 2)

File 2153: Receiving Reports (2 of 2)



Receiving Reports (2 of 2)

File 2154: Distribution of goods for various institutions: Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (summaries)
File 2155: Distribution of goods for various institutions: Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (expense vouchers, acceptance and receiving records, correspondence) (1 of 3)
File 2156: Distribution of goods for various institutions: Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (expense vouchers, acceptance and receiving records, correspondence) (2 of 3)
File 2157: Distribution of goods for various institutions: Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (expense vouchers, acceptance and receiving records, correspondence) (3 of 3)
File 2158: Distribution of material aid for various institutions (outgoing correspondence, January-June 1947)
File 2159: Distribution of material aid for various institutions (outgoing correspondence, July-December 1947)
File 2160: Distribution of parcels to private individuals: Lists of registered recipients, statistics, receipts, correspondence
File 2161: Stocktaking and inventories (1 of 2)
File 2162: Stocktaking and inventories (2 of 2)



Stocktaking and inventories (2 of 2)

File 2163: Stocktaking (December 1948-September 1949)



Includes warehouse inventory as of 31 December 1948.

Stocktaking (December 1948-September 1949)

Series: Personnel records

This series is restricted in accordance with our Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series: Administrative finances

File 2171: Financial statements (August 1945-May 1946)



Includes correspondence, bills, balance statements.

Financial statements (August 1945-May 1946)

File 2172: Cashbook (January-March 1946)



Cashbook (January-March 1946)

File 2173: Cashbook (February-March 1946)



Cashbook (February-March 1946)

File 2174: Cashbook (May 1948)



Cashbook (May 1948)

File 2175: Receipts (January 1949)



Receipts (January 1949)

File 2176: Receipts (February 1949)



Receipts (February 1949)

File 2177: Cash reports (June 1949)



Cash reports (June 1949)

File 2178: Cash Reports (December 1949)



Cash Reports (December 1949)

File 2179: Maintenance of the premises of the Department of Transportation in Gdynia

Record Group: Department of Warehouses 1945-1949

Extent: 88 files

The Department of Warehouses managed the storage of goods to be distributed as relief; together with those of the Department of Transportation, the documents in this record group illustrate the organization and range of this activity throughout Poland.

This record group are arranged in five series.

Series: General files

File 2180: Organizational matters, circulars, activity reports (October 1946-February 1948)

Series: Correspondence

File 2181: Correspondence with AJDC headquarters in Paris on warehouses
File 2182: Correspondence with AJDC headquarters in Poland
File 2183: General correspondence (January-December 1947)
File 2184: General correspondence (May 1948-April 1949)
File 2185: General correspondence (May-December 1949)



General correspondence (May-December 1949)

File 2186: Correspondence on the distribution of financial assistance (1 of 2)
File 2187: Correspondence on the distribution of financial assistance (2 of 2)
File 2188: Correspondence on the distribution of financial assistance: Jewish Committees
File 2189: Correspondence regarding various matters (allotment of goods, distribution of goods, warehouse storage)
File 2190: Correspondence regarding various matters (allotments, distribution of goods, costs, transportation)

Series: Incoming goods

File 2191: Documentation of goods taken from AJDC Warsaw warehouse (October 1945-March 1946)
File 2192: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (October-November 1946). (Act No. 87-196)
File 2193: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (July-December 1947; files no. 201-500)
File 2194: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (October-December 1947; file no. 399-550)
File 2195: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (January-March 1948; file no. 1-63)
File 2196: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (September-December 1948; file no. 200-399)
File 2197: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse and vouchers for goods released (mainly medical supplies and drugs)
File 2198: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (January-March 1949; file no. 1-165)
File 2199: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (April-August 1949; file no. 166-401)
File 2200: Reports of goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (October-December 1949; file no. 491-620)
File 2201: Specifications for goods received at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (August-November 1948; 1-78a)
File 2202: Expense vouchers from the Department of Transportation in Gdynia on goods shipped to the AJDC Warsaw warehouse
File 2203: Expense vouchers from the Department of Transportation in Gdynia on goods shipped to the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (January-February 1949; Invoice No. 3-30a)
File 2204: Warehouse index cards of various goods

Series: Distribution of goods

File 2205: Applications for assistance and release of goods from the AJDC warehouse for individuals and institutions (voucher no. 700-921)
File 2206: Applications for assistance and release of goods from the AJDC warehouse for individuals and institutions (voucher no. 971-1264)
File 2207: Applications for assistance and release of goods from the AJDC warehouse for individuals and institutions (voucher no. 1272-1526)
File 2208: Applications for assistance and release of goods from the AJDC warehouse for individuals and institutions (voucher no. 1826-2067)
File 2209: Applications for assistance and release of goods from the AJDC warehouse for individuals and institutions (voucher no. 2068-2394)
File 2210: Applications for assistance and release of goods from the AJDC warehouse for individuals and institutions
File 2211: Applications for assistance and release of goods from the AJDC warehouse for individuals (voucher no. 1-392)
File 2212: Applications for release of goods from the AJDC warehouse (voucher no. 1-409)
File 2213: Documentation regarding the distribution of goods from the AJDC warehouse
File 2214: List of clothing issued through 30 June 1946
File 2215: Register of vouchers issued to various organizations and individuals on the release of goods from the AJDC warehouse (1949)
File 2216: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions (1 of 2)
File 2217: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions (2 of 2)
File 2218: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Cases 2-7)
File 2219: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 8-17)
File 2220: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 23-44)
File 2221: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 45-56)
File 2222: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 57-64)
File 2223: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 65-70)
File 2224: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 71-84)
File 2225: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 85-100)
File 2226: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 101-129)
File 2227: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 130-145)
File 2228: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 146-164)
File 2229: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 1-4)
File 2230: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 5-29)
File 2231: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 30-39)
File 2232: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 40-49)
File 2233: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 50-65)
File 2234: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 66-95)
File 2235: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 96-109)
File 2236: Vouchers for goods from the AJDC warehouse issued to institutions and individuals (Case No. 110-130)
File 2237: Vouchers for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (1 of 3)
File 2238: Vouchers for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (2 of 3)
File 2239: Vouchers for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (3 of 3)
File 2240: Supporting documents for vouchers for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (January 1948-January 1949)
File 2241: Vouchers for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse to AJDC workers
File 2242: Vouchers for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse to AJDC workers, correspondence
File 2243: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (Lists No. 1-23)
File 2244: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (Lists No. 24-42)
File 2245: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (Lists No. 46-88)
File 2246: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (Lists No. 58-88)
File 2247: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (Lists No. 1-50a)
File 2248: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (Lists No. 51-80a)
File 2249: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse (lists and vouchers; Lists No. 66-78a)
File 2250: Documentation for goods issued from the AJDC warehouse to individuals (lists and vouchers)
File 2251: Records on the status of goods in the AJDC warehouse. (Protocols No. 1-19)
File 2252: Documentation on material aid packages sent to individuals (July 1946-September 1947)
File 2253: Documentation on people receiving packages through the Department of Landsmanshafts
File 2254: Receipts for Christmas gifts issued
File 2255: Numbered index register of goods
File 2256: Inventory (1946) (1 of 2)



Inventory (1946) (1 of 2)

File 2257: Inventory (1946) (2 of 2)



Inventory (1946) (2 of 2)

File 2258: Inventory (1947) (1 of 2)



Inventory (1947) (1 of 2)

File 2259: Inventory (1947) (2 of 2)



Inventory (1947) (2 of 2)

File 2260: Inventory (1948) (1 of 2)



Inventory (1948) (1 of 2)

File 2261: Inventory (1948) (2 of 2)



Inventory (1948) (2 of 2)

File 2262: Inventory (1948-1949)



Inventory (1948-1949)

File 2263: Inventory record sheets



Inventory record sheets

Series: Administrative finances

File 2265: Budget estimates



Budget estimates

File 2266: Statement of expenditures of the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (June-October 1946)
File 2267: Documentation of cash at the AJDC Warsaw warehouse (July-August 1947)

Record Group: Department of Bookkeeping 1945-1949

Extent: 149 files

This record group includes budgets, balance sheets, and financial reports of both the AJDC and the organizations and institutions it financed.

It is arranged in three series.

Series: Financial records

File 2268: Reports on the activities of the AJDC Poland Directorate (September 1947-December 1948)
File 2269: Cash Report, AJDC Poland, December 1945-January 1946



Includes statement of material aid distribution.

Cash Report, AJDC Poland, December 1945-January 1946

File 2270: Various financial statements for 1945-1946



Includes lists of persons receiving assistance.

Various financial statements for 1945-1946

File 2271: Quarterly statement of disbursements and expenses for the period December 1945-September 1949
File 2272: Cash Report, AJDC Poland, October-December 1946
File 2273: Material for the financial statements of AJDC Poland in 1946, monthly transaction statements
File 2274: Statistical and financial report of AJDC Poland, January 1947
File 2275: Statistical and financial report of AJDC Poland, February, April, and May 1947
File 2276: Budget for the first half of 1947; summary of monthly expenditures, AJDC Poland, 1947; transaction statement, January-August 1947; general statement of expenditure, 1947 (including spending on landsmanshafts)
File 2277: Financial statements of AJDC Poland, 1947
File 2278: Budget of AJDC Poland for the first and second half of 1948
File 2279: Various financial statements for 1948: subsidies, expense reimbursements, staff loans
File 2280: Budget of AJDC Poland for the first and second half of 1949
File 2281: Budget of AJDC Poland and other financial statements, January-August 1949
File 2282: Budget estimates for AJDC Poland in the half of 1949 (materials)
File 2283: Statistical and financial report for AJDC Poland, 1948
File 2284: Monthly and semiannual balance sheets for AJDC Poland, 1948
File 2285: Statistical and financial reports for AJDC Poland, February-March 1949
File 2286: Monthly balance sheets for AJDC Poland, January-April 1949 (materials)
File 2287: Financial statements of AJDC Poland, December 1945-January 1948

Series: Recipient institutions and organizations

File 2288: Budget estimates for institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland, September-October 1945



Includes materials and correspondence.

Budget estimates for institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland, September-October 1945

File 2289: Budget estimates for institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland, July-December 1949
File 2290: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (January 1947)
File 2291: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (March 1947)
File 2292: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (June 1947)
File 2293: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (September-October 1947)
File 2294: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (February-March 1948)
File 2295: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (April-June 1948)
File 2296: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (July-August 1948)
File 2297: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (September-October 1948)
File 2298: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (November-December 1948)
File 2299: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (January 1949)
File 2300: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (March-April 1949)
File 2301: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (May-July 1949)
File 2302: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (August-September 1949)
File 2303: Monthly financial reports on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC Poland (October-December 1949)
File 2304: Correspondence on financial matters with the Department of Transportation (regarding AJDC warehouses)
File 2305: Correspondence on financial matters of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (Warsaw)
File 2306: Correspondence on financial matters relating to the Ringelblum Archive
File 2307: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Cooperative Bank for the Productivization of Jews
File 2308: Correspondence on financial matters of the Cooperative Bank for the Productivization of Jews (1 of 2)
File 2309: Correspondence on financial matters of the Cooperative Bank for the Productivization of Jews (2 of 2)
File 2310: Correspondence regarding loans to individuals by the Cooperative Bank for the Productivization of Jews
File 2311: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (1 of 6)
File 2312: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (2 of 6)
File 2313: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (3 of 6)
File 2314: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (4 of 6)
File 2315: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (5 of 6)
File 2316: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (6 of 6)
File 2317: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (1 of 9)
File 2318: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (2 of 9)
File 2319: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (3 of 9)
File 2320: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (4 of 9)
File 2321: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (5 of 9)
File 2322: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (6 of 9)
File 2323: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (7 of 9)
File 2324: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (8 of 9)
File 2325: Materials on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Economic Center “Solidarność” and other cooperatives (9 of 9)
File 2326: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Jewish Historical Commission at the Central Committee of Jews in Poland
File 2327: Correspondence on financial matters of the Central Historical Committee in Lodz (from 1948 with the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw)
File 2328: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (October 1946)
File 2329: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (November 1946)
File 2330: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (December 1946)
File 2331: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (March-April 1947)
File 2332: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (May 1947)
File 2333: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (July-August 1947)
File 2334: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (September-October 1947)
File 2335: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (July-September 1947)
File 2336: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (January-May 1948)
File 2337: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (June-September 1948)
File 2338: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (first and second quarters of 1948; year-end summary)
File 2339: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Central Committee of Jews in Poland (January 1949)
File 2340: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: The Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (1 of 6)
File 2341: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: The Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (2 of 6)
File 2342: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: The Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (3 of 6)
File 2343: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: The Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (4 of 6)
File 2344: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: The Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (5 of 6)
File 2345: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: The Central Committee of Jews in Poland and regional committees (6 of 6)
File 2346: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: The Central Committee of Jews in Poland, regional committees, and other Jewish organizations in Poland
File 2347: Financial correspondence with AJDC headquarters in Paris (1 of 2)
File 2348: Financial correspondence with headquarters in Paris AJDC (2 of 2)



Includes inventory matters.

Financial correspondence with headquarters in Paris AJDC (2 of 2)

File 2349: Financial correspondence with the departments of AJDC in Poland
File 2350: Correspondence on financial matters with banks
File 2351: Financial correspondence with the Bank of National Economy (1 of 3)
File 2352: Financial correspondence with the Bank of National Economy (2 of 3)
File 2353: Financial correspondence with the Bank of National Economy (3 of 3)
File 2354: Financial correspondence with the Bank of Commerce (1 of 3)
File 2355: Financial correspondence with the Bank of Commerce (2 of 3)
File 2356: Financial correspondence with the Bank of Commerce (3 of 3)
File 2357: Financial correspondence with the Bank of Commerce (emigration matters)
File 2358: Correspondence with various financial institutions and national organizations (1 of 7)
File 2359: Correspondence with various financial institutions and national organizations (2 of 7)
File 2360: Correspondence with various financial institutions and national organizations (3 of 7)
File 2361: Correspondence with various financial institutions and national organizations (4 of 7)
File 2362: Correspondence with various financial institutions and national organizations (5 of 7)
File 2363: Correspondence with various financial institutions and national organizations (6 of 7)
File 2364: Correspondence with various financial institutions and national organizations (7 of 7)
File 2365: Correspondence on financial matters with the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (1 of 3)
File 2366: Correspondence on financial matters with the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (2 of 3)



Includes lists of registered persons covered by this material.

Correspondence on financial matters with the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (2 of 3)

File 2367: Correspondence on financial matters with the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (3 of 3)
File 2368: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Aguda religious kibbutzim
File 2369: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Coordinating Commission for Children and Youth Affairs of Ichud and Hehaluts-Pioneer
File 2370: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Organizing Committee of Jewish Religious Congregations
File 2371: Correspondence on matters of financial settlements with the Motion Picture Export Association, Inc., New York
File 2372: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: General Jewish Workers Union (Bund) in Poland
File 2373: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Hehaluts-Pioneer
File 2374: Correspondence on financial matters with Hehaluts-Pioneer
File 2375: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Dror Socialist Youth Organization (from 1948, unified with Haluts Poale Tsiyon Youth “Dror-Borochov-Yugnt” in Poland)
File 2376: Correspondence on financial matters with the Organization for the Development of Industrial Creativity, Craft, and Agriculture among the Jewish population in Poland (ORT)
File 2377: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Mizrachi – Torah ve-Avodah Religious Zionist Organization in Poland
File 2378: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: WIZO
File 2379: Correspondence on financial matters with the Nowe Życie (New Life) Cooperative Publishers (Wroclaw)
File 2380: Correspondence on financial matters with various institutions and organizations: Czytelnik (Reader) Cooperative Publishers, Jewish Actors Association in Poland, the Union of Jewish Artists, sports clubs (Bar-Kochba in Walbrzych, Makkabi in Lodz)
File 2381: Correspondence on financial matters with the Care of Auschwitz Association (Krakow)



The Care of Auschwitz Association was a society created by the Polish authorities to preserve the site of Auschwitz as a memorial.

Correspondence on financial matters with the Care of Auschwitz Association (Krakow)

File 2382: Correspondence on financial matters with the Jewish Theater in Warsaw



Includes description: Ida Kaminska and Meir Melman, “Tasks of the Jewish theater and organizational forms in the new Poland.”

Correspondence on financial matters with the Jewish Theater in Warsaw

File 2383: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia (TOZ) (1 of 2)
File 2384: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia (TOZ) (2 of 2)
File 2385: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Friends of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (London)
File 2386: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Ichud United Zionist Democrats in Poland (1 of 2)
File 2387: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Ichud United Zionist Democrats in Poland (2 of 2)
File 2388: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Union of Zionists and Association of Non-Party Independent Jews
File 2389: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Writers and Journalists Association of Jewish Communities in Poland; the monthly “Yidishe Shriftn” at the Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists
File 2390: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Hashomer Hatzair Jewish Workers’ Party (Hashomer Hatzair Labor Organization)
File 2391: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Poale Tsiyon Left Jewish Workers’ Party (from November 1947: Poale Tsiyon United Jewish Workers’ Party) (1 of 2)
File 2392: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Poale Tsiyon Left Jewish Workers’ Party (from November 1947: Poale Tsiyon United Jewish Workers’ Party) (2 of 2)
File 2393: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Poale Amun Yisrael Jewish Religious Workers’ Party, Lódz
File 2394: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Poale Tsiyon Jewish Socialist Workers Party
File 2395: Financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Poale Tsiyon-CS-Hitahdut Jewish Zionist-Socialist Workers Party
File 2396: Correspondence on financial matters with the Jewish Press Agency
File 2397: Materials for financial statements on the activities of institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland: Correspondence
File 2398: Financial Correspondence regarding various matters (1 of 2)
File 2399: Financial Correspondence regarding various matters (2 of 2)
File 2400: Confirmation of receipt of grants by institutions and organizations funded by AJDC in Poland. (No. 1-184)
File 2401: Accrual notes (May-July 1947)



Includes correspondence with various institutions and organizations.

Accrual notes (May-July 1947)

File 2402: Accrual notes (July-September 1948)



Includes correspondence with various institutions and organizations.

Accrual notes (July-September 1948)

File 2403: Accrual notes (October-November 1948)



Includes correspondence with various institutions and organizations.

Accrual notes (October-November 1948)

File 2404: Accrual notes (December 1948)



Includes correspondence with various institutions and organizations.

Accrual notes (December 1948)

File 2405: Accrual notes (May-June 1949)



Includes correspondence with various institutions and organizations.

Accrual notes (May-June 1949)

File 2406: Accrual notes (July-September 1949)



Includes correspondence with various institutions and organizations.

Accrual notes (July-September 1949)

File 2407: Accrual notes (October 1949)



Includes correspondence with various institutions and organizations.

Accrual notes (October 1949)

Series: Administrative finances

File 2408: Cash book (expenses), 1948



Cash book (expenses), 1948

File 2409: Cash documents: Reports, bills, receipts (November 1946) (1 of 2)
File 2410: Cash docuemnts: Reports, bills, receipts (November 1946) (2 of 2)
File 2411: Cash documents: Reports, bills, receipts (September 1947)
File 2412: Cash documents: Reports, bills, receipts (May 1948) (1 of 3)
File 2413: Cash documents: Reports, bills, receipts (May 1948) (2 of 3)
File 2414: Cash documents: Reports, bills, receipts (May 1948) (3 of 3)



File 2415: Cash documents: Reports (January-April 1949)
File 2416: Cash documents: Reports, bills, receipts

Record Group: Department of Office Management 1945-1949

Extent: 8 files

This record group comprises 8 files containing documents related to the administration and management of the AJDC offices in Poland.

File 2417: Correspondence regarding the headquarters office in Warsaw
File 2418: Documentation regarding the maintenance and repair of AJDC properties: Contracts, estimates, correspondence
File 2419: Documentation on the renovation of the property at Narbutta 54/56 in Warsaw
File 2420: Documentation on renovations and furnishing of the Brius sanatorium in Otwock
File 2421: Inventories of equipment (furnishings) of AJDC properties
File 2422: Inventories of equipment (furnishings) of AJDC properties (with a list of works of art)



Includes a list of items to be exported to AJDC headquarters in Paris.

Inventories of equipment (furnishings) of AJDC properties (with a list of works of art)

File 2423: Documentation regarding office supplies (receipt and expense cards, general statement)
File 2424: Records of purchases of goods, expenses related to the maintenance of premises, etc.

Record Group: Department of Purchasing 1945-1948

Extent: 1 files

This record group comprises 1 file of documents related to the supply and maintenance of the AJDC offices in Poland.

File 2425: Canteen: purchasing, accounts, correspondence

Record Group: Miscellaneous 1945-1949

Extent: 20 files

This record group comprises 20 files of miscellaneous documents, including lists, bulletins, reports, and published articles, newsletters, and brochures.

File 2426: Report on the opening ceremony of the Congress of Polish Jews in Feldafing on 24 June 1945
File 2427: List of names of Jewish lawyers, with addresses
File 2428: Lists of names of persons (from Biala) residing in the USSR from 1939, people living in Biala before the war, and people from Bielsko-Biala in the military
File 2429: List of names of people with date of birth and occupation
File 2430: Various stories and poems sent to AJDC



Various stories and poems sent to AJDC

File 2431: Studies of the Polish economy (e.g., “Informative Summary on Economic Conditions in Poland”)
File 2432: Study by M. Schibsby, “An Immigration Summary,” New York, 1947
File 2433: International Study Weeks for Child Victims of the War, 23-28 May 1948, Warsaw
File 2434: Bulletin: “Congrezion” (Basel), No. 1, 3-4, 6, 8-11
File 2435: Newsletters: “Department of State Wireless Bulletin” (U.S. Embassy in Warsaw), No. 211, 213, 215-216, 218; “Air Bulletin,” No. 5; “USA,” No. 242, 14 October 1947
File 2436: Bulletin: “Evrejskaâ Palestina” (Paris), No. 2 (1947)
File 2437: Bulletin: “J.T.A. News” (Paris), No. 272 (23 November 1947); 263 (17 November 1948); 264 18 November 1948); 142 (23 June 1949); 143 (24 June 1949); 145 (26 June 1949); 7 March 1949; 15 December 1949
File 2438: Mizrachi – Torah ve-Avodah Religious Zionist Organization in Poland: “Bulletin” (1946), No. 14-15
File 2439: Newsletters of the Press Office, British Embassy in Warsaw: “Press Summary,” 2 September-25 November 1947 (partial issues)
File 2440: Brochure of the united Haluts Poale Zion Youth “Dror-Borochov-Yugnt” in Poland: “27 years of Histadrut” (Lodz), December 1947
File 2441: Poale Tsiyon Left Jewish Workers’ Party, “Bulletin,” 1947, No. 11
File 2442: Poale Tsiyon Left workers’ bulletin “In Gerangl” (Linz), 1947, No. 20
File 2443: Brochure: Facts about Canada, Ottawa, 1947
File 2444: Bulletin: “Wool Digest of the International Wool Secretariat,” 1947, No. 4-8, 10-12, 14-18, 20; 1949, No. 26
File 2445: Newsletter: “The Jewish Press Agency,” No. 315, 356, 484

The digitization of this collection was made possible through funding from the Polonsky Foundation and the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe.

For the 1939-1941 collection, click here.

Archives of The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc.

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