
Glenn Dynner Lectures on Jewish Responses to Polish Pogroms: Light from the JDC Archives

This lecture, delivered by Glenn Dynner on December 16, 2024, examines the years following the death of Poland’s Marshal Józef Piłsudski on May 12, 1935, which saw a spike in violent picketing and physical assaults against Jews. Many assaults grew into lethal pogroms. Hasidic Jews in particular were targets of violence on account of their recognizable appearance. This talk focuses on the effects of the pogroms and the JDC’s aid efforts for Poland’s thriving Hasidic communities.

This is the third program in the JDC Archives webinar series “Exploring the Jewish Experience in Poland from WWI to the Holocaust: Insights from the JDC Archives.”

This lecture is made possible thanks to the Miriam “Mimi” Pasternak Toubin (z”l) Public Educational Programming from the JDC Archives.

Glenn Dynner, Ph.D., is the Carl and Dorothy Bennett Professor of Judaic Studies and Director of the Bennett Center at Fairfield University.