JDC Archives Accepting Applications for 2020 Documentary Film Grant
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is pleased to announce the 2020 JDC Archives Documentary Film Grant. The JDC Archives will select one film, which will be awarded a grant of $10,000. Eligible films will focus on twentieth century Jewish history, humanitarian assistance, and related topics. Topics can include issues, events and personalities related to overseas Jewish communities during the last century. Films that utilize the JDC archival collections will be given higher consideration. Applicants must have a proven track record as a filmmaker. The grant is for post-production, distribution, and/or JDC Archives licensing costs for a film currently in production or in post-production. Applications are due by February 25, 2020.
Please visit our Documentary Film Grant page to apply and for further information.
Past awardees have worked on diverse topics ranging from Jewish refugees escaping to Cuba during World War II, to Polish-Jewish relations during and after World War II, to the mystery surrounding the lost pages of the Aleppo Codex. A list of documentary film grantees can be viewed here.