JDC Archives Scholars’ Workshop Focuses on Jews in Twentieth-Century Latin America and the Caribbean
Scholars from around the world gather at Brandeis University to attend pioneering workshop
On May 7 and 8, 2024 a dozen scholars from around the world gathered for the JDC Archives two-day scholars’ workshop, “Jewish Immigrants, Local Communities, and International Jewish Organizations in Twentieth Century Latin America and the Caribbean: A Triangular Relationship.” The workshop, held at Brandeis University, was cosponsored by the Brandeis University Initiative on the Jews of the Americas, the Latin American Jewish Studies Association (LAJSA), and the Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry (ASSSJ).
The workshop included three working sessions for the participants to share their research. Coming from a variety of perspectives and approaches, the themes of the panels were “Transit and Internment in the British and Dutch Caribbean During World War II,” “International Jewish Organizations and Local Committees in The World War II, Immediate Postwar, and Cold War Contexts,” and “Making Home in the Americas: Narrative and Reality.” The topics examined were broad in chronological and geographical scope including topics such as Jewish refugees in Curacao during World War II, the immigration of Holocaust survivors to Argentina, and HIAS and JDC’s return to South America under Allende’s Chile.
The papers were read in advance by the participants and sessions began with brief presentations by panelists based on their research in the JDC Archives collections, followed by lively discussions.
Commenting on the value of the workshop, Dalia Wassner, director of the Brandeis Initiative on the Jews of the Americas, said “Our collaborative academic workshop with JDC Archives was a pioneering step in bringing scholars based in the USA, Latin America, Europe and Israel together in fruitful conversation. It was an invaluable opportunity to gather in person and discuss works in progress among a group of scholars interested in the historical connection between Jewish communities and organizations throughout various countries of the Americas and the Caribbean. An archive can often be a treasure trove of information, and when its staff and leadership invest in its widespread availability and ongoing scholarly participation, a living organization pays important tribute to its past impact and ensures its continued salience.”
A highlight of the workshop was JDC Regional Director for Latin America Sergio Widder’s keynote lecture, “A Current Perspective on JDC’s Role in Keeping Jewish Life Vibrant in Latin America.” Barry Shrage, Professor of the Practice, Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program at Brandeis University, introduced Sergio. Jonathan Sarna, University Professor and the Joseph H. & Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University served as a respondent.
The workshop and keynote lecture were made possible by the generous donations of The Knapp Family Foundation, Linda Galarza Spilka, and David and Ruth Musher.