Names Search Help
The Names Search databank is an index of names of individuals assisted by JDC in some way; general lists of Holocaust survivors or Jewish residents of a town, for example, are not indexed. These names are found on lists, Emigration Service index cards, and other documents within our Text Collections. The purpose of the index is to provide a resource for genealogists, family historians, and other researchers. For a complete inventory and description of the documents that have been indexed, see Lists in the Names Index.
Given the multiplicity of names and the many possible spelling variations, searching for names can be challenging. Here we present tips and explanations to guide your search. For additional assistance, please contact us via this online form.
Beginning Your Search: Homepage Quick Search
For a convenient quick start, you can run an initial search directly from the homepage of our website :
Enter a surname only and click on “Submit.” Your results will be displayed.
Example: Search on “Moskowitz”
Click on the names (linked in blue) to view the record and the attached document:
Refining Your Results: The Names Search Database
The 387 results in the example above would be time consuming to browse through. You may wish to add a Given Name to your search to limit results. The “fuzzy” variations also include names such as Joskowitz and Boskovitz that are not relevant and can be excluded. To refine your results, use our Names Search database rather than the homepage search option. Click on the Main Menu Database button on the website:
Or go directly to
Once in the database, choose Advanced Search. Then, under Select Databank Profile, choose Names Search from the drop-down menu:
The Names Search template will load:
Surname Search
Entering a name in the Surname field will yield exact results only, without any spelling variations:
For more detailed options, see “Specialized Search Tips” below.
Given Name Search
One of the best ways to limit your results is by adding a Given Name to your search. This is only available in the Names Search database, not in the simple search interface found on the website.
For more detailed options, including variant spellings on Given Names, see “Specialized Search Tips” below.
Location Search
Given historical shifts in borders and governance, especially but not limited to Central and Eastern Europe, it can be difficult to know which form or spelling of a place name to use in your search. The Location search field helpfully combines spelling variants. For example, a search on Vilna will yield results for Vilna, Vilnius, and Wilno; a search on Lwow will yield results for Lwow, Lviv, Lvov, and Lemberg. The principal spelling used in the metadata is the present-day form (Vilnius or Lviv) despite a different spelling on the document itself.
Search term: Vilna
Results: 1,233
Sample result:
Spelling on original document:
Specialized Search Tips
There are several ways to run a search that includes variants, including use of wildcards and/or Boolean searching.
Use the wildcard symbol * to search for results that include all variations on a name ending:
Boolean search
Use the symbol “|” (= the Boolean operator “OR”) to search for specific/exact variant spellings. Only the spellings you enter will be included in your results:
Wildcard and Boolean search can also be combined:
This will yield results that include all variations of name endings (-witz, -wits, -wicz, -vits, -vic, -vici, etc.) on forms that begin with Mosko- or Mosco-.
You can narrow down these results by adding a name in the Given Name search field:
Given Name searches can also include variants:
Names Search in the Text Collection Database
Although the Names Index includes more than 700,000 names, with more continually being added, there are many documents in the Text Collection that include names but have not been indexed. As previously mentioned, the index only includes names of those who have received JDC assistance. Very brief lists and correspondence that may mention an individual name are also not indexed. As noted in the opening of this help guide, for a complete inventory and description of the documents that have been indexed, see Lists in the Names Index.
To search for names in the Text Collection database, choose Text Collection under Select Databank Profile:
A different set of search fields will appear.
Best results for names that appear within a document are obtained using the Full Text Search field. Searching in this field yields results of terms that are found within each document rather than the metadata of the record.
To open the document, click on the four-arrow icon (boxed in red above). For a multipage document where it may be difficult to see where the name occurs, enter the search term in the “Find in document” window (boxed in green below):
You will be taken to the place in the document where the name occurs:
Depending on how common a surname is, a full-text search on a surname only may yield many unrelated results. To refine your results, you may enter a full name (Given Name and Surname) into the Full Text Search window; select the search type “Contains the phrase”:
Full-text searches can make use of the wildcard (*) or Boolean operator or (|) as described above in the section “Specialized Search Tips.”
For further guidance on Text Collection search, see How to Search the Text Collection.
Have feedback or questions? Please Contact Us or email us at [email protected]