
Prevention & Partnership: Launch of JDC’s Virtual Public Health Exhibit

We are excited to announce a new virtual exhibit, entitled “Prevention & Partnership: JDC’s Contributions to Public Health.” The exhibit explores JDC assistance in fighting epidemics and promoting global health, with special sections devoted to profiling public health professionals who were at the forefront of these initiatives.

Three case studies are examined:

  • Malaria Eradication in Mandate Palestine: Effectively Combatting Disease to Build a Nation

At a free community clinic, patients wait for a doctor’s attention, Palestine, c. 1920.

  • Trachoma Treatment in Morocco: Combatting Misconceptions and Changing Lives

Jewish child and mother at the OSE trachoma center, Casablanca, Morocco, 1954. Photographer: Jerome Silberstein

  • The Teda Health Center in Ethiopia: Promoting Health and Improving Medical Care

A nurse takes a medical history from a mother about her son. Teda, Ethiopia, 1986. Photographer: Peggy Myers

Learn how JDC traveled far and wide to prevent and control disease and the subsequent implications for community development and overall public healthcare. Hear eyewitness accounts from doctors, read reports about treatment outcomes, and watch film clips showing healthcare in action. Through photographs, audio, and film, the exhibit illustrates JDC’s contributions to global health. Join us in the field!