Recent Additions to the JDC Names Index
We are pleased to announce the addition of important new lists to the JDC Archives Names Index. Adding lists is an ongoing effort, with more names and documents being added from historically significant lists of individuals helped by JDC which are culled from our text collections. The latest lists added are records of departures from Europe, covering the years 1947-1953. These lists are basically memoranda from JDC’s Emigration Service, which had offices throughout Europe including Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Rome, Vienna, and Shanghai, among others. After World War II, JDC’s Emigration Service assisted tens of thousands of Jews to emigrate to North and South America, Palestine/Israel, and Australia, or to resettle elsewhere within Europe.
These new lists detail information on those who departed Europe, including the originating JDC office, name, destination, and ship name where relevant. They are helpful in augmenting the post-World War II emigration information already included in our Names Index from registration cards of Jewish survivors who registered with JDC’s Emigration Department in Munich and Vienna after World War II and other documents.
The JDC Archives would like to thank its devoted corps of indexing volunteers whose tireless efforts make the Names Index possible. The Names Index is the most popular feature of the JDC Archives website and has helped hundreds of thousands of people find documents relating to their families. Do we have information on your family members?
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