Record Group 1-1: General
File 1: General, 1939 - 1940 (June)
JDC commitment of $200,000 for new settlement forwarded to Dominican Government, Warren – Ambassador – Pastoriza, 10/13/39. Dominican Government prepared to negotiate on basis of offer, Pastoriza-Rosenberg, 10/19/39. On the Agreement between the Dominican Republic and DORSA, 1/30/40, see: File 12. Also see: File 9, Rosenberg trip to the Dominican Republic. Shares of stock valued at $100,000 issued to Generalissimo Trujillo in exchange for the Cooperativa SOSUA property; Rosenberg stressed that the stock was issued at JDC’s insistence so as to give the transaction an economic basis, 2/23/40. President Roosevelt congratulated Rosenberg on the signing of the Agreement and requested they keep him closely informed of progress, 3/6/40. Agro-Joint allocated $300,000 additional for DORSA, Rosenberg-Hourwich et al , 3/15/40. Unfriendly attitude to SOSUA project voiced in certain high U.S. Government quarters, based on fear that German immigrants will include fifth columnists, Pell -Rosenberg, 5/28/40. Also see: File 40, Publicity; File 43, Reports; Files 45a-45b, Reports
File 2: General, 1940 (July - December)
Generalissimo Trujillo expressed readiness to obtain additional land for Sosua if DORSA’S resources should permit the establishment of 1,000 additional colonists in 1941; he offered settlers access to mountain tract for maintenance of health and well being, Trujillo-Rosenberg 12/26/40. Agro-Joint allocated $200,000 to DORSA for the reception of new settlers, Pilpel- DORSA, 12/26/40. Correspondence. Also see: File 40, Publicity; File 43, Reports; Files 45b, Reports
File 3: General, 1941
JDC allocated $300,000 to cover transportation to Dominican Republic of 1,000 settlers starting 6/1/41, memo 1/15/41. DORSA urged to bring over no German refugees for the present owing to fifth-column scare stories, Pell-Reyher,1/18/41. Rosenwald Association granted DORSA $125,000, 1/31/41, 6/28/41. Falk, Leon Jr. elected DORSA President and Rosenberg, J.N. Chairman of the Board, 9/24/41. DORSA announced the receipt of about $1,000,000 in all, chiefly from Agro-Joint, and that it would seek to raise $600,000 additional for 1942, Ibid. Agro-Joint earmarked $100,000 to DORSA, and JDC agreed to advance $150,000 out of a newly acquired legacy; both funds were for 1942, 12/16/41. Correspondence. Also see: File 40, Publicity; File 43, Reports; Files 45b, Reports
File 4: General, 1942 (1958, 1960)
Photo view of SOSUA, Undated. DORSA appealed to Jewish Federation & Welfare Funds for $150,000 for 1942, Rosenberg – Hyman 1/28/42 & attachments; also see: File 16, 12/9/42. Dr. Rosen withdrew from active leadership in DORSA owing to illness, Rosenberg -Schweitzer 4/20/42, 5/7/42. L. Falk resigned as President and Arons, S. elected Resident Manager of Cooperativa SOSUA to replace D. Schweitzer who resigned, Minutes Exec. Committee 5/14/42. Owing to wartime restrictions, the development of the Cooperativa SOSUA project was to be frozen for duration of the war, Ibid. JDC transferred $360,000 to Agro-Joint for use of DORSA, 12/17/42. Rosenberg summarized early history of Cooperativa SOSUA through 1942 for H. Agar’s “The Saving Remnant,” 4/2/58. Text prepared by H. Agar in his book, published in 1960. Correspondence. Also see: Files 43, 46, Reports
File 5: General, 1943 - 1944 (August)
Dr. Maurice B. Hexter elected of Agro-Joint, Minutes of Directors meeting, 2/6/43. Report by Hexter, M. of 15 day trip to Cooperativa SOSUA, Minutes 12/30/43. Report by Stern, D.: “Visit to Sosua Settlement,” July-August 1944. See: File 43. DORSA administration in Dominican Republic divided into two – the one dealing with the homesteaders to be headed by Bein, W.L., the other dealing with all other branches by W.M. Baum – and financial retrenchment was to follow, Hexter – Rosenberg, 2/16/44. JDC earmarked $115,000 to meet the DORSA budget for 1944. Minutes, 3/21/44. Correspondence. Also see: File 41, Publicity; File 43, Reports
File 6: General, 1944 (September) - 1945
Agro-Joint allocated $70,000 additional for the DORSA budget together with $15,000 for a demonstration project and an immigration survey, Minutes, 9/20/44. JDC Emergency Administration Committee approved $150,000 allocation to Agro-Joint towards SOSUA program for 1945, Minutes 12/12/44.David Stern elected Exec. Director of Agro-Joint for five years, 1/11/45. Progress report on status of Cooperativa SOSUA by Baum, W., 10/16/45 (included in Minutes DORSA Executive Committee), Dominican Committee for Jewish Immigration headed by Lopez-Penha, H.H. formed by Dominican Government to stimulate investment of capital and encourage Jewish immigration, 12/20/45, Lopez-Penha to Warburg. Correspondence. Also see: File 43, Reports
File 6a: General, 1946
Warburg informs Lopez-Penha that JDC lacks the resources to stimulate capital investments, 1/5/46. The Dominican Republic Delegation at U.N. Assembly Meeting in London announces ratification by their Government of open-door policy for Jewish immigrants, 3/18/46, Lopez-Penha to Warburg, 3/26/46, Stern to Moses. Transcripts of Joint-Meeting Agro-Joint-DORSA & Executive Committee DORSA, 6/11/46. Lopez-Penha informs Warburg that his personal interest in the Jewish cause stems from his Jewish descent, 3/21/46. The Administrative Committee approves D. Stern’s recommendation for expenditure of $212,000 to establish 102 families at Sosua, 6/25/46, Minutes Administrative Committee. Warburg informs Lopez-Penha that JDC able to shoulder responsibility only for refugees approved in advance by JDC-DORSA and for no others, 7/25/46, 8/27/46, Baum to Pilpel. Selection of Shanghai refugees for settlement in Sosua, 4/1/46, 7/24/46 Pilpel to Moses, 9/5/46, 9/12/46, 9/16/46, 9/18/46, 10/30/46,11/25/46. Correspondence. Also see: File 44, Reports
File 6b: General, 1947 - 1948
Additional materials on selection of Shanghai refugees for settlement in SOSUA, 2/7/47, 7/28/47, Jordan to Baum & Stern, 8/5/47, 8/7/47, 11/13/47, 11/22/47, Jordan to Pilpel, 11/28/47. 1947 DORSA budget of $315,000 including $65,000 for a water pipeline project, approved by JDC Administrative Committee, 5/13/47. Progress statements on SOSUA activities by: Baum, W. 12/25/47; D. Stern, 4/1/48;Frisch, R. (Moses) 9/9/48; & Rosenberg, J.N. 12/15/48. Rosenberg resigns as Chairman of DORSA Board and succeeded by Hexter, M.B.; Rosenberg designated Honorary Chairman, 4/6/48. Report on visit to Cooperativa SOSUA by Philip Rubberneck 10/6/48 and comments thereupon by D. Stern, 12/15/48. JDC Admin. Committee recommends additional allocation for 1948 of $77,500 to aid in completing 28 homesteads, Minutes 10/6/48. Correspondence. Also see: File 41, Publicity; Files 44-45, Reports
File 6c: General, 1949 - 1952
Progress statements on Cooperativa SOSUA by:Hexter, M.B. 1/18/49, 2/16/50, 2/9/51; Pipel, R. 9/21/49. D. Stern retired as DORSA Executive Director, Minutes B. of D. 6/9/49, 3/28/49. JDC Admin. Committee approves 1950 budget of $107,000, 1/10/50, contributes $43,500 to 1951 budget, 3/13/51, and $77,200 to 1952 budget 4/1/52. R. Frisch retires from DORSA 2/16/51, 2/18/51. Rosenzweig, A. named Administrator, 3/23/51. Correspondence. Also see: File 41, Publicity; File 45, Reports
File 7: General, 1953 - 1955
JDC allocated $36,200 to DORSA budget plus $30,000 as a long-term loan. Dominican citizenship granted to Cooperativa SOSUA Settlers 7/1/53. Report on SOSUA by Frisch, R. (Moses). 8/14/53. Correspondence.
File 8: General, 1956 - 1971
JDC allocated $10,260 to DORSA budget for 1956, 4/17/56, and $4,000 as a one-time grant in 1957, 4/9/57. Report by Rosenzweig, A., 3/28/57. Brief reports by Hexter, M.B., 2/13/57, 3/1/60, 2/15/61, 2/18/64. JDC prepared to phase out relief payments to Joint Relief Committee by December 31, 1962, 3/23/61. Rosenzweig withdrew as Administrator in light of domestic political situation, and B. Phillip named JDC representative, 12/6/61. Minutes of Discussion re DORSA 12/15/61. JDC agreed to sell to B. Phillip the 16,000 acres it still owned in SOSUA at a price of $200,000, payable over a ten-year span, 11/6/68, 12/11/68, 2/11/69, 3/26/69. B. Phillip shouldered financial responsibility for other DORSA operations, 3/9/70, 8/26/71.
File 8a: General, 1972 - 1974
Also see: File 41, New Yorker magazine short story, 3/21/64; File 57, Community Center & Synagogue; File 13, Agreement with B. Phillip
File 8b: General, 1981 - 1986
File 9: Rosenberg Diary, Copy 1
Diary of Rosenberg trip to Dominican Republic 1/11/40 – 2/7/40. A series of running comments on the progress of negotiations between the Dominican Republic and DORSA which led to the signing of the Agreement on January 30, 1940.
File 10: Rosenberg Diary, Copy 2
Diary of Rosenberg trip to Dominican Republic 1/11/40 – 2/7/40. A series of running comments on the progress of negotiations between the Dominican Republic and DORSA which led to the signing of the Agreement on January 30, 1940.
File 11: Rosenberg Correspondence, 1939 - 1970
File 11a: Settlers' Committees, Minutes of Meetings, 1944 - 1945, Settler's Council (Heimstaettenrat)
File 11b: Settlers' Committees, Minutes of Meetings, 1944 - 1945, Economic Commission (Wirtschaftskommission)
File 11c: Settlers' Committees, Minutes of Meetings, 1944 - 1945, Colmado
Minutes in German.
Settlers’ Committees, Minutes of Meetings, 1944 – 1945, Colmado
Record Group 1-2: Agreements
File 12: Agreements, With the Dominican Republic, 1939-1940
On 1/30/40, the Dominican Republic and DORSA (represented by J.N; Rosenberg & Rosen, J.A.) entered into an agreement that covered the settlement of refugees in the Dominican Republic and defined their legal rights. The Dominican Congress ratified the agreement three weeks later. Correspondence. Also see: File 9, Rosenberg Diary, for running comments on the progress of negotiations.
File 13: Agreements, With Bruno Phillip, 1968-1971
Agreement for the sale of 16,000 acres in SOSUA Corporation, owned by DORSA, to Bruno Phillip, JDC representative, 11/6/68, 12/11/68, 2/11/69, 3/26/6, 12/5/69, 3/9/70. Correspondence.
Record Group 1-3: By-Laws
File 14: By-Laws, 1950 - 1955
Also see: File 35, DORSA Minute Books, 12/13/39
Record Group 1-4: Financial
File 15: Financial, 1939 - 1941
Financial Report, 12/9/39 – 5/31/40; Financial Status Report, 9/30/41 (dated 10/31/41)
File 16: Financial, 1942 - 1943
Agro-Joint Statements of Resources, Liabilities andReserves, 12/31/42, 12/31/43 Welfare Funds, 1942 Spring & Fall Campaigns, 12/9/42
File 17: Financial, 1944 - 1946
Agro-Joint Statements of Resources, Liabilities and Reserves, 12/31/44, 12/31/45
File 17a: Financial, 1947 - 1948
DORSA budget control for 1946, 2/26/47. Expendituresfor homesteaders and settlers’ and artisans’ families 6/15/46 – 9/25/47; 1/1/48 -2/29/48; 5/1/48 – 7/31/48. Summary account of Cooperativa SOSUA operations based upon D. Stern’s July 1947 Report, attached to memo 1/30/48. For the complete report, see: File 44. Digest of DORSA’s Financial Transactions, 12/11/39 – 12/31/47 (attached to 2/10/48).
File 18: Financial, 1949 - 1952
Expenditures for homesteaders 12/12/48 – 4/30/50, 6/8/50. DORSA budget control 1/1/52- 6/30/52, 8/11/52.
File 19: Financial, 1953 - 1959
Balance sheet 12/31/55
File 20: Financial, 1960 - 1967
Consolidated balance sheet 12/31/62. Report of visit to the Dominican Republic 10/12/66 -10/22/66, by J.A. Lowenstein,= 11/11/66.
File 21: Financial, 1960 - 1972
Cumulative Summary Statement of Operations 12/11/39 -12/31/67, 8/9/60 DORSA Remittances to JDC NY 1962 – 1969, 3/4/70
File 22: Financial, Audit Reports, Loeb & Troper
Annual Reports, 1941, 1942; Trustees Maintenance Trust Agreement, 1940 – 1942; Auditor’s Field Letters, 1943 – 1949
File 23: Financial, Bank Resolutions & Signatures, 1942 - 1972
File 24: Financial, Capital Stock
General, 1943 — 1964; Rosenwald Family Association, 1951 – 1969
File 25: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, Commerce Department, U.S., 1951 - 1968
File 26: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, Securities & Exchange Commission, U.S. Annual, 1942 - 1952 (1943 missing), 1953
File 27a: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, Tax Reports, U.S. Government, 1940 - 1963
File 27b: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, Financial Bank Deposit for Agro-Joint
File 28: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, Tax Reports, U.S. Government, 1964 - 1975
File 29: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, Tax Reports, New York State, 1941 - 1964
File 30: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, 1965 - 1975
File 31: Financial Reports to Government Agencies, Tax Reports, New York City, 1951 - 1969
File 32: Financial Statements, 1941 - 1944
Cumulative & Monthly with some omissions
File 33: Financial Statements, 1948 - 1951 Monthly
File 34: Fund Raising, 1947 - 1954
File 34a: Financial, Insurance Return to Top
Record Group 1-5: Minute Books
File 35: Minute Books, December 1939 - April 1940
File 35a: Minute Books, May 1940 - March 1941
File 35b: Minute Books, September 1941 - October 1942
File 35c: Minute Books, December 1942 - May 1943
File 35d: Minute Books, July 1943 - June 1947
File 35e: Minute Books, March 1948 - March 1951
File 36: Minute Books, Annual Meetings 1953 - 1969
File 37: Minute Books, 1970 - 1976
File 37a: Minute Books, Correspondence
Record Group 1-6: Personnel
File 38: Personnel
Correspondence, memos & addenda covering American and local employees. For additional materials on Executive Directors and Administrators, see: Files 1 – 6.
Record Group 1-7: Property
File 39: Property, General
Statistical Survey of DORSA Homesteads, 7/1/43. Maps of DORSA Territory and of DORSA Property SOSUA, November – December 1946. Blueprint of Cooperativa SOSUA outlining individual properties and presenting names of settlers, 6/14/58. Brief preliminary report on ownership of DORSA properties by Hexter, M.B., 4/13/67. List of remaining DORSA properties and names of settlers, 5/16/67.
File 39a: Property, Individuals
Rent Payments by Homesteaders and Settlers 1962 – 1965. Materials on sales of individual properties to: Dr. Garcia (1967 – 1970), Israel Hershkovitz (1967 – 1970), John Martin, former U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, (1964 -1968), Gustavo . Tavares (1964 – 1966), Walter Wehsely (1967 – 1968), Otto Wohlmuth (19 66 – 1971), Richard Wolf (1965 – 1971). Also see: File 44, 7/9/47, for detailed data on settlers and settlers’ houses.
Record Group 1-8: Publicity
File 40: Publicity, 1936; 1939 - 1941
Rosen, J.A., Rosenberg, J.N., Schwartz, J.J., R.L. Trujillo.
File 41: Publicity, 1943 - 1970
(Note: no materials for 1942) Comments by Rosenzweig, A. on short story on Cooperativa SOSUA, “Other Peoples’ Houses,” in New Yorker magazine, 3/30/64. Correspondence.
Record Group 1-9: Reports (Narrative & Statistical)
File 42: Reports (Narrative & Statistical), On Dominican Republic, 1939 - 1953
Field Investigations of Settlement Potentials on Selected Lands in the Dominican Republic, together with a brief summary outline, both documents undated. “The Dominican Republic, Agriculture, Climate & Economic Conditions,” Arons, S., 11/21/39. “Brief History of Santo Domingo” (up to establishment of Cooperativa SOSUA), H. Bodkin, 1/5/40.
Reports (Narrative & Statistical), On Dominican Republic, 1939 – 1953
File 43: Reports (Narrative & Statistical), Cooperativa SOSUA, 1940 - 1945
Concerning Refugee Settlement in the Dominican Republic,” 2/15/40, 6/12/40, 9/17/40. “Agricultural Possibilities at SOSUA Settlement,” Atherton Lee, 7/10/40. “Report to Dominican Government,” Rosenberg, J.N., 1/30/41. SOSUA Haven for Refugees in the Dominican Republic,” 9/24/41. ” Roosevelt, Under Secretary of State Welles, Governor Lehman, Regarding SOSUA,” October – November 1941. SOSUA reports on agriculture, animal husbandry and construction, 11/9/42. “Report on Visit to SOSUA Settlement July 1944,” and “Notes concerning SOSUA Settlement July 1945,” Walter E. Sondheimer. “Report on Visit to SOSUA Settlement, Dominican Republic, July – August, 1944,” David Stern. “Statistical Survey of DORSA Homesteads: Per 7/1/43,” see: File 39.
Reports (Narrative & Statistical), Cooperativa SOSUA, 1940 – 1945
File 44: Reports (Narrative & Statistical), Cooperativa SOSUA, 1946 - 1947
DORSA reports on Cooperativa SOSUA for 1946, narrative and statistical, January 1947. Information Regarding SOSUA Settlement, March 1947. Report on SOSUA Settlement 1940 -1947, by David Stern, 7/9/47.
Reports (Narrative & Statistical), Cooperativa SOSUA, 1946 – 1947
File 45: Reports (Narrative & Statistical), Cooperativa SOSUA, 1948 - 1956
Reports (Narrative & Statistical), Cooperativa SOSUA, 1948 – 1956
Report on Dominican Republic & Cooperativa SOSUA by Philip Skorneck, 10/6/48 – 10/22/48. DORSA Report by Rosenberg, J.N., 12/15/48 in English and in Spanish translation. DORSA Reports on SOSUA Settlement for the years 1949, 1951, 1952, 1953. Brief Information on SOSUA Settlement, May 1950, July 1955.
File 45a: Intergovernmental Committee Reports, Refugees 1938 - 1940
The Report deals with developments for refugee settlement from the time of the Evian Conference in 1938 up to the signing of the DORSA Agreement with the Dominican Republic on 1/30/40.
File 45b: Intergovernmental Committee Reports, Intergovernmental Committee for Refugees (IGCR) Meeting at Ciudad Trujillo and Cooperativa SOSUA, 1941
The Report discusses refugee settlement and developments in the Dominican Republic from the signing of the DORSA Agreement up to February 1941.
File 46: Brookings Institution Report, 1940 - 1943
Brookings Institution Report, 1940 – 1943
The Brookings Institution Survey on Refugee Settlement in the Dominican Republic was prepared with the aid of a $50,000 grant by the Falk Foundation of Pittsburgh and undertaken on the initiative of Falk, Leon Jr., President of DORSA in 1941 – 1942. The report maintained that the absorptive capacity of the Dominican Republic was restricted to some 3,000 – 5,000 agricultural settlers and an unspecified number of industrial settlers and must rest upon “existing conditions.”The JDC labeled the report prejudiced since, among other considerations, it disregarded the recommendation of the Brookings own agricultural expert whose estimate of absorptive capacity was far higher. Opponents of DORSA often cited the report in support of their own position. The JDC files do not contain the full text of the report. Correspondence.