The Countries and Regions subcollection details JDC’s global humanitarian efforts in 53 countries and regions from 1965-1974. The files contain extensive field reports from JDC country directors, memos, and correspondence which document JDC’s global relief activities around the world.
During this period, JDC’s work in Israel focused on developing innovative models to stimulate social change and community action throughout Israel’s health, education, and welfare sectors. Its oversight and funding of MALBEN, an extensive network of institutions and social services founded by JDC in 1949 to address the needs of handicapped, elderly, and chronically ill populations, was gradually transferred to the Israeli government. This transition was formally completed in 1975. JDC also worked closely with the Israeli voluntary agencies that served populations with physical and mental disabilities to create therapy programs, counseling services, community centers, and summer camps.
In 1969, JDC and the Israeli government founded ESHEL (the Association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged) to coordinate resources and services for under-served elderly on the local, regional, and national levels. A few years later, in 1974, JDC and the Israeli government partnered again to establish the Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Adult Human Development (which later became the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute) to promote the use of research, evaluation, and institutional planning to improve Israel’s social service system.
In Europe, JDC helped establish and fund the European Council of Jewish Communities, a network of European Jewish communities and institutions, in 1968. In North Africa, where the Jewish communities in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt continued to diminish in size, JDC remained active, funding educational institutions and public health services. In France, JDC provided substantial planning and financial support to the French Jewish community in its efforts to absorb waves of North African refugees fleeing political instability.
Across the globe, JDC continued to support loan institutions in Australia, Europe, Israel, South America, and elsewhere to enable Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors to reestablish themselves. JDC’s Cold War expulsions from the Soviet satellite countries placed most of Eastern European Jewry out of direct reach. However, Yugoslavia never expelled JDC, and in 1958, the Polish government invited JDC to return primarily to care for Jews repatriated from the Soviet Union, only to expel it once again in 1967 following the Six-Day War. In March 1967, the Romanian government invited JDC to resume operations, which enabled JDC to sustain thousands of destitute Holocaust survivors, who were left behind when the majority of Romania’s Jews were allowed to make aliyah to Israel.
Please note that the names of some localities reflect the contemporary usage when these records were created.
The files are arranged alphabetically by country or region in 51 record groups. Within each country or regions, files are organized in the following series: Administration, Organizations, Subject Matter, and Localities. Files that are not associated with a series are listed at the end of each record group.
Record Group: Aden
File 1: Aden: General, 1967
Record Group: Afghanistan
File 2: Afghanistan: General, 1969, 1970-1971
Extent: 0.10 inch
Record Group: Algeria
File 3: Algeria: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Samuel Leviss’ annual reports, correspondence on communal, political conditions.
File 4: Algeria: Cemeteries, 1966
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence about care of Jewish cemeteries in Algeria.
Record Group: Argentina
Series 1: Argentina: Administration
File 5: Argentina: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on communal, unstable political and economic conditions.
File 10: Argentina: Financial, 1972-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Financial correspondence on remittances from (AMIA) via State of Israel Bonds.
File 11: Argentina: Fund-Raising, 1971-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Accounting memos on fund-raising income, exchange rates.
File 12: Fund-Raising, 1968-1970
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, accounting memos on fund-raising income, exchange rates.
File 13: Argentina: Fund-Raising, 1965-1967
Extent: 0.75 inch
Accounting memos on fund-raising income, exchange rates; occasional memos regarding remittances to local agencies..
File 6: Argentina: Aged, 1968, 1970, 1972-1973
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on needs, facilities for aged.
File 7: Argentina: Burzaco Home, 1971-1973
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on financial needs, administrative troubles of Burzaco Home for aged.
File 8: Argentina: Education, 1973-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on allocations from JDC and Jewish Agency for schools.
File 9: Argentina: Education, 1971-1972
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports on allocations, fund-raising for schools.
File 14: Argentina: Rabbis, 1969, 1971
Extent: 0.10 inch
Appeals to help locate rabbis; brief review of religious streams in Argentina.
File 15: Argentina: Seminario Rabinico, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.10 inch
Conservative Jewish seminary’s appeal for funds, allocations, includes background on seminary in Argentina.
File 16: Argentina: Shuba Israel, 1971-1973
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, reports on development of educational and religious programs, yeshiva of independent Sephardi organization in Buenos Aires.
Record Group: Australia
Series 1: Australia: Administration
File 17: Australia: General, 1965-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports on administrative and financial matters, fund-raising, personnel; communal statistics. Bernard Gottlieb report (January 25, 1966) on efforts to improve fund-raising, communal organization in Melbourne, Sydney Jewish communities.
File 18: Australia: Financial, 1965-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on finances, fund-raising, remittances to and from Australian Jewry; management, policies of loan funds.
File 20: Australia: Printed Matter, 1960, 1968, 1976
Extent: 0.20 inch
Reports on migrants, communal conditions, agencies in Australian Jewish community. Report (February 9, 1968) on program developments in Australia (1958-1968). Walter Lippmann analysis (received March 2, 1976) of migrant demographics.
File 19: Australia: Loan Funds, 1973-1978
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on finances, loan funds, remittances, including financial aid to Russian Jewish refugees; immigration of Russian Jews.
Record Group: Austria
Series 1: Austria: Administration
File 21: Austria: General, 1966-1975
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on aid to returnees from Israel, anxiety about establishing precedent. References to problems at Malzgasse; closure of Schoenau Castle, which had become the main transit center. Memos on administrative matters, including personnel for Vienna office, staffing for visitors, UJA missions. Statistical reports (April 25, 1969; February 16, 1970; February 27, 1971; February 7, 1972; March 4, 1974) on activities of Vienna office, primarily regarding transmigrants from Soviet satellite states (based on political conditions prevailing at the time); 1969 report includes memo by Georg Weis on restitution problems in Austria. ORT memo (September 14, 1970) on change in activities in Vienna from an operations center for emigration from Central and Eastern Europe, to a transit city; ORT vocational programs unnecessary. Press releases, correspondence (March 1970) on Viennese Jewish “pilgrimage” to U.S., marking 25 years since liberation.
File 22: Austria: Religious Life, 1965
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence concerning kosher kitchen, arrangements for mashgiah; includes references to JDC’s use of kitchen.
File 23: Austria: Financial, 1965-1975
Extent: 0.25 inch
Accounting memos, cables on finances, remittances. Akiva Kohane memo (April 17, 1975) on liquidation of Vienna loan kassa.
File 24: Austria: Documentation Center, 1967-1975
Extent: 0.40 inch
Correspondence, appeals, reports from Simon Wiesenthal’s Documentation Center regarding efforts to expose Nazi criminals. Allegation of defamation (1970) by Minister of Interior Leopold Gratz.
File 25: Austria: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, 1965, 1970
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, including report on communal allocations in 1965.
File 26: Austria: Printed Matter, 1965-1967
Extent: 0.66 inch
Narrative/statistical reports (1965, 1966, 1967) on activities in Austria, specifically in 1967 of JDC Vienna office, which had ceased direct welfare activities, and focused on transmigration.
File 27: Austria: Transmigrants, 1971-1975
Extent: 1.5 inches
Weekly Vienna office memos from 1975 on caseload of migrants (by country of origin); some data on returnees from Israel (noshrim); cables on migration, transit centers. Monek Einziger memo (November 13, 1973) on Bruno Kreisky, attitudes toward Austria’s role as transit center; Kreisky statement (September 29, 1973) that Austria will remain a transit country. Einziger memo (April 19, 1975) on reduced emigration from Soviet Union.
File 28: Austria: Transmigrants, 1970
Extent: 0.50 inch
Memos, cables on caseload of transmigrants (by country of origin).
File 29: Austria: Transmigrants, 1969
Extent: 1 inch
Memos, cables on caseload of transmigrants (by country of origin); correspondence on logistics, political conditions. Akiva Kohane correspondence, including letter (October 16, 1969) on emigration from Czechoslovakia and Poland; Kohane letter (December 19, 1969) on Poland’s emigration, citizenship criteria. Correspondence on tensions with Israel regarding destination of emigrants. Aviezer Golan article (translation, Yediot Aharonot, June 13, 1969) on the flight of Jews from Poland, absorption horrors in Israel.
File 30: Austria: Transmigrants, 1966-1968
Extent: 1.75 inches
Memos, cables on caseload of transmigrants (by country of origin); logistics; processing of migrants; political conditions (including borders) in Czechoslovakia. Samuel Haber letter (September 20, 1968) summarizes Czech emigration after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. Akiva Kohane memos on influx of Jewish and non-Jewish refugees, logistics, aid provided by Austria; Kohane memo (November 29, 1968) on reduction in office staff because of drop in emigration, Czech cancellation of visas.
File 31: Austria: Transmigrants, Returnees from Israel, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.40 inch
Correspondence, memos on noshrim, the returnees from Israel, including tension with Jewish Agency, whether returnees are entitled to resettlement aid; use of returnees as Soviet anti-Zionist propaganda. Correspondence regarding Malzgasse, a condemned building in Vienna crowded with returnees, including reports (transmitted April 5, 1973) from Frank Reiss and Lottie Levinson.
Record Group: Belgium
File 32: Belgium: Children, 1965, 1967
Extent: 0.10 inch
Reports on schools, vacation camp for children in Belgium.
File 33: Belgium: Fund-Raising, 1969-1971
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on fund-raising organization, tensions.
File 34: Belgium: Romi Goldmuntz Community Center, 1966-1968, 1970
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on financing, financial arrangements with donor, creation of Romi Goldmuntz Community Center in Antwerp.
File 35: Belgium: Service Social Juif, 1966-1968, 1971-1973
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports on finances, activities of social welfare agency Service Social Juif (SSJ).
Record Group: Bolivia
File 36: Bolivia: General, 1965-1968, 1970-1971
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on general, financial matters in Bolivia, including disposition to SOPRO of building.
Record Group: Brazil
Series 1: Brazil: Administration
File 38: Brazil: General, 1965-1969, 1971-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence and reports on communal, political conditions.
File 39: Brazil: Aged, 1966-1974
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence, remittances, agreements on arrangements, financing for facilities for aged refugees with mental health problems, with UNHCR funds.
File 40: Brazil: Albert Einstein Hospital, 1967-1969, 1971, 1973
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on needs of hospital, plans for mental health services.
File 41: Brazil: Fund-Raising, 1965-1970, 1972-1973
Extent: 0.66 inch
Financial, accounting correspondence on remittances, division of campaign proceeds.
File 42: Brazil: Loan Kassas, 1965-1968, 1970-1973
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, reports on use, assets of loan kassas. Names of some borrowers listed.
File 44: Brazil: Rabbis, 1969, 1971, 1973
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on needs, appeals to locate rabbis, religious functionaries.
Record Group: Bulgaria
File 45: Bulgaria: General, 1972-1973
Extent: 0.10 inch
Letter describing Jewish community; booklet on Sofia exhibition on salvation of Bulgarian Jews during World War II. (Site, sponsor of exhibit not noted.)
Record Group: Canada
File 46: Canada: Fundraising, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.66 inch
Correspondence on Canadian fund-raising, financial contributions, remittances for aged and for religious education in Israel.
File 47: Canada: Fundraising, 1965-1969
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on Canadian fund-raising, financial contributions, remittances for aged immigrants and religious education in Israel.
File 48: Canada: Immigration, 1966, 1968, 1970
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on immigration, including refugee services, statistics.
Record Group: Chile
File 49: Chile: General, 1967-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on communal, political and economic conditions, refugees, resettlement; anxiety after change of regimes, prospect of anti-Semitism.
File 50: Chile: Children’s Home, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on needs of home, emigration prospects of some children.
File 51: Chile: Disasters, 1971
File 52: Chile: Education, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, appeals for funds for Jewish school in Santiago.
File 53: Chile: Financial, 1970-1974
Extent: 1.5 inches
Financial correspondence on remittances via State of Israel Bonds, allocations in Chile for school salaries, children’s home, old age home.
File 54: Chile: Old Age Homes, 1969-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Financial correspondence on payments, overpayments, appeals regarding old age homes.
File 55: Chile: Religious Life, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.40 inch
Correspondence, remittances, appeals for funds for religious leaders, functions in Chile.
File 56: Chile: Sephardic Community, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, appeals for funds for hiring rabbi for Sephardic community in Santiago.
Record Group: China
File 57: China: Financial, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence; remittances for refugees currently residing in Shanghai; financial report from Shanghai community.
Record Group: Cuba
File 58: Cuba: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports regarding communal needs, political conditions; efforts to raise funds for Cuba from communities outside the U.S., as the U.S. does not maintain diplomatic relations with Cuba at this time.
Record Group: Curaçao
File 59: Curaçao: Fund-Raising, 1971-1974
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence regarding remittances from fund-raising campaigns.
Record Group: Czechoslovakia
File 60: Czechoslovakia: General, 1965-1975
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on political and communal conditions, anti-Semitism and propaganda about Zionist activities; emigration in 1968. Materials on Soviet invasion (1968), flight, status of borders, visas from Austria. Letter (January 13, 1965) on investigation.
Record Group: Denmark
File 61: Denmark: Community Center, 1967-1971
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on financial aid for center, appeal for center director.
File 62: Denmark: Danish Refugee Council, 1967-1970, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports on needs, conditions of Polish refugees in Denmark; newspaper accounts. Correspondence on Danish Refugee Council’s aid to refugees elsewhere.
Record Group: England
Series 1: England: Organizations
File 66: England: Association of Baltic Jews, 1967, 1969-1970, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.15 inch
General and financial correspondence regarding parcel service to Baltics, run by Association of Baltic Jews in England.
England: Association of Baltic Jews, 1967, 1969-1970, 1972-1974
File 67: England: Central British Fund, 1973-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence regarding Central British Fund remittances, allocations.
File 68: England: Central British Fund, 1965-1972
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence regarding Central British Fund remittances, allocations.
File 69: England: Federation of Hungarian Jews, 1965-1966, 1968, 1974
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence regarding parcel service to Hungary, run by Federation of Hungarian Jews in England.
England: Federation of Hungarian Jews, 1965-1966, 1968, 1974
File 70: England: Jewish Trust Corporation, 1965-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Meeting minutes, annual reports of agency, allocations. Income originally from heirless properties in British Occupation Zone of Germany.
Record Group: Ethiopia
Series 1: Ethiopia: Administration
File 71: Ethiopia: General, 1974
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence on efforts to formalize aid, raise funds for Falashas. Background on organizations seeking to help Falashas; minutes of meetings regarding Falashas. Newspaper articles, reports on Falashas.
File 72: Ethiopia: General, 1971-1973
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports, newspaper accounts on aid to Falashas.
File 73: Ethiopia: General, 1969-1970
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence, reports, newspaper accounts on the Falashas, including Beta Israel resettlement scheme and mobile medical unit. Public appeal on behalf of Falashas from Chief Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook (September 16, 1969).
File 74: Ethiopia: General, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports, newspaper accounts on the Falashas, including prospects for resettlement, and for mobile medical unit. Fund-raising letter (September 30, 1968) from Yona Bogale, Raymond Cohen and Dr. Mario Felszer in Addis Abada.
File 75: Ethiopia: Kay Reports, 1974
Extent: 0.33 inch
Julian Kay’s field reports on conditions, needs of the Falashas. Reports are numbered; incomplete.
Record Group: Finland
File 76: Finland: General, 1968-1973
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence regarding loan for community center, loan kassas. Printed matter: Short Report on Finnish Jewry (undated).
Record Group: France
Series 1: France: Administration
File 77: France: General, 1965-1969
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, annual reports on French Jewish community, North African immigrants, transmigrants, refugees, and JDC’s changing role.
File 84: France: Financial, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, financial memos on remittances, allocations, currency devaluation and exchange rates in France.
File 85: France: Financial, Sale of Paris Office, 1971-1972
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, affidavits regarding sale of JDC Paris office, 23 Rue le Boetie.
Series 2: France: Organizations
File 78: France: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1966-1970
Extent: 0.80 inch
Correspondence, reports on appeals for funds, tensions re: financing Alliance Israelite Universelle (AIU) education for Jewish children in Moslem countries.
File 79: France: Appel Juif Unifié de France, 1969-1971, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, financial reports on fund-raising campaigns in France.
File 80: France: Auteuil, Community Center, 1968-1971
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, financial memos on long-delayed Broca community center for Jewish university students and faculty in Auteuil, Paris.
File 81: France: Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, 1965
Extent: 0.15 inch
Appeals for aid, with background on documentation centers activities.
File 82: France: COJASOR, 1968-1972
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, reports on aid to refugees in France. Names of former Egyptian prisoners, dependents receiving relief, 1971.
File 83: France: Education, 1965-1973
Extent: 1 inch
Reports, correspondence, statistical material on schools, planned expansion, financial appeals, educational needs of North African immigrant students.
File 86: France: Fonds Sociale Juif Unifié, 1973-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, summaries of meetings, reports on allocations to FSJU, correspondence on efforts to coordinate FSJU, Jewish Agency financing.
File 87: France: Fonds Sociale Juif Unifié, 1969-1972
Extent: 0.80 inch
Correspondence, summaries of meetings on FSJU financing, tensions regarding Jewish Agency financial commitments, needs of local community versus demands of aid for Israel.
File 88: France: Fonds Sociale Juif Unifié, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence regarding integration of refugees from North Africa, FSJU’s financial needs, responsibility for care of immigrants.
File 89: France: Institut International d’Études Hébraïques, 1965-1971
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence regarding allocations, end of subvention to Institut International d’Études Hébraïques, which originally had programs to train liberal rabbis for positions in Europe.
France: Institut International d’Études Hébraïques, 1965-1971
File 90: France: Kosher Canteens, 1970, 1972
File 91: France: Localities, A-Z, 1965-1970
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on local conditions, appeals for aid, reconstruction.
File 92: France: Localities, Marseilles, 1965-1969
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on day school, community center, Ashkenazi synagogue.
File 93: France: Lubavitch, 1966-1968, 1970, 1972
Extent: 0.15 inch
Appeals for Lubavitch facilities at Aubervilliers, Yerres.
File 94: France: Refugees, 1969-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Financial and general correspondence on aid, relief to transmigrants in France, primarily from Egypt, including many prisoners.
File 95: France: Refugees, 1965-1968
Extent: 1 inch
Financial and general correspondence, statistics on aid, relief to refugees. Correspondence on cost-sharing with French community; prospects of aid from the U.S. government.
Record Group: Germany
File 96: Germany: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Notes (unsigned) on meetings with Israeli, German and American officials during mission to Germany (September-October 1966). Background papers, memos (August 8, 1966; unsigned, January 26, 1968) on Jewish community in Germany. Louis Broido memo (November-December 1966) on “Jews in Germany Today”; Eberhard Bender report (transmitted August 18, 1970) on West Germany’s asylum law, policy. Report of Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle (May 24, 1966). Correspondence on Israel Bonds. Bulletin (1968) of Judische Gemeinde zu Berlin.
File 97: Germany: Refugees, 1974-1976
Extent: 0.15 inch
Memos on Russian returnees in West Germany, including Akiva Kohane memo (January 29, 1974) on influx of Russian Jews, services provided; Kohane report (December 6, 1974) on German deadline for immigrants, integration of refugees into Berlin Jewish community. Newspaper accounts about German policy, aid and resistance to refugees from Soviet Union.
Record Group: Greece
File 98: Greece: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on efforts to raise funds from Salonika Jewish Community, and to access proceeds from liquidation of Castoria. Printed matter: Illustrated brochures on reconstruction of communities.
File 99: Greece: Financial, 1965-1974
File 100: Greece: Loan Kassas, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence seeking to recover, export funds in liquidated loan kassas in Greece.
Record Group: Haiti
File 101: Haiti: Financial, 1965-1969
Extent: 1 inch
Monthly financial reports from Haiti’s Joint Relief Committee on communal conditions, relief for individuals. Occasional correspondence.
Record Group: Hungary
File 102: Hungary: General, 1965-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Memos, correspondence, cables on political and communal conditions, facilities, including Theodore Feder memo (December 10, 1965) on Budapest community, need to maintain aid. Correspondence with, applications from Geza Seifert on proposed projects.
File 103: Hungary: Synagogues, 1969-1973
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence regarding funds for synagogue repair.
File 104: Hungary: Medical Supplies, 1965-1966
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence about possible donation of medical supplies for Budapest hospital.
Record Group: India
File 105: India: General, 1965-1969, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports about small programs, communal conditions in Indian cities, including Aaron Greenbaum report (1966).
File 106: India: Cochin, 1966-1968
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence regarding queries on Jews in Cochin; Aaron Greenbaum’s 1966 report on the Cochin Jewish Community.
Record Group: Iran
Series 1: Iran: Administration
File 107: Iran: General, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, annual and field reports on aid to population in Iran. Press release (January 4, 1973) on Rabbi Yitzhak Bal Haness, first Iranian ordained as rabbi in Israel.
File 108: Iran: General, 1972
Extent: 1 inch
Reports on aid to population in Iran; report on JDC activities in Iran since 1950.
File 109: Iran: General, 1970-1971
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, annual and field reports on aid to population in Iran. Transcript of special meeting on Iran (Geneva, February 1970).
File 110: Iran: General, 1969
File 111: Iran: General, 1965-1968
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence, annual and field reports on aid to population in Iran.
File 112: Iran: Staff Meetings, 1968-1969
File 118: Iran: Financial, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, financial memos on remittances, accounting, exchange rates.
File 119: Iran: Fund-Raising, 1968-1974
Extent: 0.80 inch
Correspondence, reports regarding lethargic fund-raising in Iran; origins and operations of fund-raising, including Sanduk Melli (community chest).
File 113: Iran: Day Care, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Reports, correspondence on day care programs, education, needs of mentally impaired children.
File 114: Iran: Education, 1971-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on education, schools in Iran, government nationalizations.
File 115: Iran: Education, 1965-1970
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports, correspondence on education, schools in Iran, including Stanley Abramovitch annual reports.
File 116: Iran: Education, Jewish Conference, 1972
Extent: 0.66 inch
Transcript of meeting in Jerusalem (October 15, 1972) on Jewish education in Iran.
File 117: Iran: Feeding Programs, 1967, 1970-1972
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, report on feeding programs, financing.
File 120: Iran: Localities, A-Z, 1965-1972
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on local conditions, appeals for aid, education and public health programs.
File 121: Iran: Medical, 1970-1973
Extent: 1 inch
Reports on medical services, community health survey of the Jewish population, financial issues for medical care.
File 122: Iran: Medical, 1965-1969
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports on medical services, school health services, medical bulletins.
File 123: Iran: Medical, Dental, 1968-1969
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, reports on dental services, need for personnel and equipment.
File 124: Iran: Medical, Kanoun Kheir Khah Hospital, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on Kanoun Kheir Khah medical centers, services, financing.
File 125: Iran: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1966, 1968, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on government influence in AIU schools, financial needs.
File 126: Iran: Ozar Hatorah, 1966-1974
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence on Ozar Hatorah factional disputes, property; report on schools, educational levels.
File 127: Iran: Ozar Hatorah, 1965
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence on Ozar Hatorah administration, factional disputes regarding organizational leadership in Iran, relations with JDC. Although this is a religious educational organization, there is no material on education.
File 128: Iran: Relief Supplies, 1965-1969
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on appeals, logistics, shipments, customs problems with relief supplies.
Record Group: Iraq
File 129: Iraq: General, 1965-1973
Extent: 1.25 inches
Materials (many anecdotal reports from travelers, refugees) on dire conditions, arrests, executions, persecution of Jews in Iraq. Names of Jews on trial, in Iraqi prisons, transmitted January 13, 1969; June 30, 1969.
Record Group: Israel
Series 1: Israel: Administration
File 130: Israel: General, 1972-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on JDC operations, financial commitments, responsibility for Malben. Memo of meeting with Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir (March 23, 1972) on transfer to Israel of JDC/Malben institutions for the aged. Fact sheets on various JDC-financed programs.
File 131: Israel: General, 1969-1971
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on operations, including Dr. William Glazier report (May 13, 1970) on a socio-medical issues; position paper (October 1971) on the status of the transformation of Malben, from direct services; paper (via Harold Trobe, October 1971) on the future role of JDC in Israel. Herbert Katzki letter (March 9, 1971) explains why JDC retains responsibility for programs for handicapped in Israel. Printed material: Dr. Yitzchak Margulec chapter, Two Decades of Caring for Aged in Israel, in book Depth and Extent of the Geriatric Problem (undated; transmitted January 25, 1971); Margulec article Concepts of Old Age Care in a Young State (World Medical Journal, Number 3, 1971).
File 132: Israel: General, 1965-1968
Extent: 1 inch
Accounts of Israel before, after Six Day War, including summaries of telephone conversations regarding war situation; Charles Jordan report to Administration Committee (June 9, 1967) on JDC war contingency plans; William Haber speech (July 13, 1967) on Israel Between Triumph and Agony. Correspondence on immigration, Israeli finances, development; economic conference on Israeli development, investment (April 1968), including memos from Prime Minister’s Office on preparations for conference. Memo (February 8, 1968) on recommendations for aliya incentives.
File 133: Israel: Joint Israel, Incorporation, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, memos, on incorporation of JDC-Israel as a distinctive entity in Israel. Joint Israel was incorporated on April 30, 1974; registered in Israel on May 16, 1974. Photocopy of Israeli registration, memorandum of association.
File 134: Israel: Public Relations, 1967-1968
Extent: 0.25 inch
Annual reports (1967, 1968) of activities of public relations department.
File 135: Israel: Staff Meetings, 1969-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Transcripts of staff meetings (incomplete). Indexed for 1969-1970.
File 136: Israel: Staff Meetings, 1967-1968
Extent: 0.75 inch
Transcripts of staff meetings (incomplete), including annual index of issues, programs discussed.
File 137: Israel: Staff Meetings, 1965-1966
Extent: 0.50 inch
Transcripts of staff meetings (incomplete), including annual index of issues, programs discussed.
File 139: Israel: Financial, 1974
Extent: 0.66 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances from JDC, funds from Jewish Agency, disbursements, primarily to finance Malben.
File 140: Israel: Financial, 1973
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget, primarily for Malben.
File 141: Israel: Financial, 1972
Extent: 0.50 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget, primarily to finance Malben.
File 142: Israel: Financial, 1971
Extent: 1 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget, primarily to finance Malben.
File 143: Israel: Financial, 1970
Extent: 1 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget, primarily to finance Malben.
File 144: Israel: Financial, 1969
Extent: 1 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget, primarily to finance Malben. Correspondence on Malben’s financial commitments, including specifics (1968 data) on Malben programs.
File 145: Israel: Financial, 1968
Extent: 1 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget, primarily to finance Malben.
File 146: Israel: Financial, 1967
Extent: 1.25 inches
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget, primarily to finance Malben.
File 147: Israel: Financial, 1966
Extent: 1 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget for Israel projects.
File 148: Israel: Financial, 1965
Extent: 1 inch
General and accounting correspondence on remittances, disbursements, budget for Israel projects.
File 150: Israel: Financial, PEC Israel Economic Corporation, 1968-1970, 1972
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on income, transfer of investment (originally Palestine Economic Corporation stock, for use for scholarships).
Israel: Financial, PEC Israel Economic Corporation, 1968-1970, 1972
File 151: Israel: Financial, U.S. Counterpart Funds, 1968-1969, 1971
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on prospects for allocations to yeshivot in Israel from “counterpart funds,” a technique for delivering developmental assistance abroad by turning foreign aid into reserves of domestic currency.
Series 2: Israel: Organizations
File 152: Israel: AKIM, 1968-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, reports. Dr. Alexander Gonik report, press release on aid to mentally disabled children. Dr. M. Spighel report (May 1969) on the history of AKIM’s Jerusalem branch.
File 153: Israel: Alyn Hospital, 1973-1975
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on services, aid to Alyn Hospital, which treats physically handicapped children.
File 154: Israel: American International School, 1969-1970
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence regarding financial aid to American International School in Kfar Shmaryahu. Printed matter: Booklet with Golda Meir speech to graduating class (June 8, 1970).
File 155: Israel: Beit Hatfutzot, 1965-1966, 1968-1970, 1972, 1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on financial obligations, receipts regarding shared income from fund-raising for project at Beit Hatfutzot. Agreement (Jewish Agency letter, November 11, 1969) outlining House of the World Jewish Communities, to be leased from Tel Aviv University and divided into pavilions.
File 156: Israel: Ben Gurion University, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, proposals for medical/welfare projects to serve Negev. Press release (December 9, 1973) on renaming University of the Negev to Ben Gurion University.
File 157: Israel: Brookdale Institute, General, June-December 1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings on establishment, legal agreements, financing of Brookdale Institute for research. Brookdale report, Number 1 by Israel Katz (May-August 1974); Brookdale supplementary report, Number 1 by Israel Katz (December 1974).
File 158: Israel: Brookdale Institute, General, January-May 1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings on establishment, financing, construction of Brookdale Institute for research. Correspondence expresses tension about financing, overly broad ambitions for institute. Dr. Martin Cherkasky report (May 15, 1974) to Executive Committee on status, needs of Brookdale, including Israeli commitments. Samuel Haber letters (March 18, 1974) formally appointing Israel Katz and Yitzchak Margulec. Haber notes for opening (April 22, 1974); press release on Brookdale (April 24, 1974); JTA story on opening (May 2, 1974). Agreement with Hebrew University to acquire Archeological Building (see letter February 21, 1974).
File 159: Israel: Brookdale Institute, General, August-December 1973
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, minutes of meetings on establishment, administration, budgets, financing, land acquisition, construction of Brookdale Institute.
File 160: Israel: Brookdale Institute, General, January-July 1973
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence primarily on financing, facilities for Brookdale Institute for research. List of members of Advisory Committee of gerontological institute, January 1973.
File 161: Israel: Brookdale Institute, General, 1970-1972
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence on development of Brookdale Institute for research, including extensive financial correspondence. Correspondence, press releases (May 1972) on quasi-official origin of project. Members of expert advisory committee, August 21, 1972.
File 162: Israel: Brookdale Institute, Advisory Committee, 1972, 1973-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Minutes, transcript of meeting (April 22, 1974) of Brookdale Institute’s Professional Advisory Committee.
Israel: Brookdale Institute, Advisory Committee, 1972, 1973-1974
File 163: Israel: Brookdale Institute, Advisory Committee, Report, 1973
Extent: 0.50 inch
Narrative and statistical report (softbound, March 1973) of Brookdale Institute’s Professional Advisory Committee, including structure of gerontological institute, demographic information on needy population.
Israel: Brookdale Institute, Advisory Committee, Report, 1973
File 164: Israel: Brookdale Institute, Agreements, 1971-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, memoranda of intent, agreements between JDC, Montebello Trust and Israeli government on acquisition of land, financing of Brookdale Institute.
File 165: Israel: Brookdale Institute, Financial, 1972-1974
Extent: 1.25 inches
Financial statements, budgets, accounting correspondence on remittances, banking, expenses.
File 168: Israel: Chaim Weizmann Rehabilitation Center, 1966-1969
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on development of Chaim Weizmann Rehabilitation Center at Tel Hashomer.
File 169: Israel: Conference on Human Needs in Israel, 1968-1969
Extent: 0.80 inch
Background papers, report on conference (June 1969) on various facets of Israeli society. Conference invitation from Golda Meir.
File 170: Israel: Council of Sephardic Communities, 1966-1970, 1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on aid to Sephardi yeshiva-synagogue complex, for reconstruction, resettlement of Old City of Jerusalem.
File 171: Israel: Eshel, 1969-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, memos (, Hebrew) on creation and activities of the JDC voluntary organization Association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged in Israel (Eshel). Certificate of registration, articles of association. Correspondence on financing, construction of facilities, needs for services for aged in Israel; annual report (October 1972). Press release (May 12, 1972) on JDC-government agreement to transfer Malben institutions to Israeli government.
File 172: Israel: Franklin Fund, 1971-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on origin, uses of Franklin Fund for scholarships for blind students at university in Israel.
File 173: Israel: Giora Josephthal Memorial Fund, 1965-1966, 1969
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on uses of Josephthal Memorial Fund.
File 174: Israel: Gustav Wurzweiler Foundation, 1966-1969
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence regarding donations from Gustav Wurzweiler Foundation for Association for the Blind of Tel Aviv.
File 175: Israel: Haifa Psychiatric Hospital, 1965-1969
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on delay, prospects for psychiatric mental hospital in Haifa area, for which funds have been raised in name of Adele Rosenwald Levy.
File 176: Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1965-1968, 1970
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, resolutions. Printed matter: Scopus: Special 40th Anniversary Number (June 1965).
File 177: Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Contemporary Jewry, 1966-1970, 1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, conference and research plans, institute mission statement.
Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Contemporary Jewry, 1966-1970, 1974
File 178: Israel: Institute for the Talmudic Encyclopedia, 1966-1967, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence regarding appeals, allocations for publication of Talmudic encyclopedia.
Israel: Institute for the Talmudic Encyclopedia, 1966-1967, 1972-1974
File 180: Israel: Library for the Blind, 1972
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence regarding financing, supplies for central library for the blind.
File 199: Israel: MICHA, 1968, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, press releases on MICHA programs, centers to aid deaf Jewish and Arab children. Correspondence on donations. Minutes of MICHA annual meeting (translation, transmitted June 28, 1973). Ethel Cohen paper on the program for pre-school deaf children (presented August 18, 1970, at International Congress for Education of the Deaf, Stockholm). Printed matter: Booklet (illustrated, Hebrew and , 1973) on MICHA center in Tel Aviv.
File 200: Israel: MICHA, Financial, Metzger Donation, 1969-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on solicitation, arrangements for substantial donations from Metzger family for MICHA center in Haifa to aid deaf Jewish and Arab children. MICHA 1969 annual report (transmitted March 16, 1970).
File 202: Israel: Mrs. Walter N. Rothschild Scholarship Fund, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on aims, allocations of Mrs. Walter N. Rothschild Scholarship Fund for youth to continue secondary education; funds for tuition, books, clothing, dormitories.
Israel: Mrs. Walter N. Rothschild Scholarship Fund, 1972-1974
File 203: Israel: Moadon Shalom Mental Health Center, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on arrangements for financing Moadan Shalom Mental Health Center, relations with Ministry of Health.
File 204: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on administration, programs and relocation of Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at Hebrew University.
File 205: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, 1968-1972
Extent: 0.80 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes, publicity on administration, expansion of programs of Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at Hebrew University. Correspondence regarding prospect of school’s move to Mount Scopus campus. Annual report (, 1970-1971 academic year) on school.
File 206: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, 1967
Extent: 0.40 inch
Materials on dedication ceremony of Paul Baerwald School (April 19, 1967; press releases; transcript of remarks, transmitted July 2, 1967). Background on origin, history of school, social work training.
File 207: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, 1966
Extent: 0.80 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes regarding financing, administration, maintenance of Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at Hebrew University. Correspondence on obligations of Israeli government; financing; social work education at other Israeli universities. References to opening ceremony of Baerwald school.
File 208: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, 1965
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, memos regarding financing, organization, administration and facilities of the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at Hebrew University. Correspondence on obligations of Israeli government.
File 209: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Agreements, 1966-1967, 1969-1970
Extent: 0.25 inch
Materials regarding agreements on management, administration, facilities of Paul Baerwald School (1966-1967) and to expand graduate programs (1969-1970).
Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Agreements, 1966-1967, 1969-1970
File 210: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Building, 1965-1968
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, financial reports on construction, furnishings, landscaping, use of building for Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at Hebrew University. Correspondence on disputes regarding costs, use of site.
Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Building, 1965-1968
File 212: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Financial, Warburg Fund, 1968, 1970-1975
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, financial reports on assets, disbursements of the Felix M. and Frieda Schiff Warburg Foundation Fund, which was used for scholarships, fellowships.
Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Financial, Warburg Fund, 1968, 1970-1975
File 215: Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Schwartz Program, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on program named for Joseph Schwartz to train community centers senior staff in Israel, as well as students from Europe. Correspondence on origins, administration, training, curriculum, financing. Press releases on origin, first year of program (October 19, 1971; August 9, 1972).
Israel: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, Schwartz Program, 1970-1974
File 218: Israel: Shaare Zedek Hospital, 1969-1971, 1974
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence, press releases regarding Shaare Zedek expansion, building plans.
File 219: Israel: Tel Hashomer Hospital, 1966-1969, 1971-1973
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, proposals on services to aged at Tel Hashomer Hospital/ Sheba Medical Center. Correspondence on genetics in Jewish population, including proposal (1972) for population genetic laboratory. Printed matter: Dr. Chaim Sheba, Jewish Migration in its Historical Perspective, Israel Journal of Medical Sciences (December 1971).
File 220: Israel: Village for the Blind, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence on plans for liquidation of Village for the Blind (Kfar Uriel), including demonstrations protesting closure of sheltered workshops, employment problems.
File 221: Israel: Weinberg Child Development Institute, 1969-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on origins, financing of child assessment institute/center at Tel Hashomer in honor of Harold and Anna Weinberg. Correspondence on building development, remittances, donors, plaques, dedication ceremony (1972); subsequent proposals for expansion.
Series 3: Israel: Malben
File 182: Israel: Malben: General, 1970-1971
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, memos on Malben transfer, staff reductions, obligations of institutions; statistical data on admissions.
File 183: Israel: Malben: General, 1967-1969
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, memos on Malben institutions, operations; admissions and financial data. Correspondence on Malben preparation for, conditions after Six Day War. Printed matter: “Towards a happy old age” (booklet, 967) on proposed mutual fund, partnership between the Israeli government and JDC for planning and development of services for the aged.
File 184: Israel: Malben: General, 1965-1966
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on services, institutions, finances, reimbursement from the Israeli government, employments costs due to salary and tax increases. Correspondence on Malben data, press releases. Dr. Alexander Gonik report (transmitted April 27, 1965) on visit to Israel. Minutes of meeting of inter-ministerial subcommittee on Malben (March 30, 1965), reviews programs, problems, relations between JDC and Israel.
File 195: Israel: Malben: Transfer of Institutions, 1972-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, memos, draft agreements on transfer of Malben old-age homes and Pardess Katz hospital to Israeli government, JDCs residual financial obligations, workers demands.
File 185: Israel: Admin, Personnel, General, 1965-1975
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, data on staff, salaries, staff reductions. Annual report (1967, submitted 1968) with narrative, statistical report from the Personnel Department.
File 193: Israel: Admin, Personnel, Termination, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on financial, civil liabilities for termination of employees.
File 194: Israel: Cerebral Palsy, 1967-1968, 1970
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on incidence and treatment of children with cerebral palsy.
Series 4: Israel: Aged
File 222: Israel: Aged, General, 1967-1973
Extent: 0.50 inch
Printed matter, press releases on programs, services for the aged.
File 223: Israel: Aged, Financial, Trust Fund for the Aged, 1967-1968
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, memos, minutes of meetings regarding efforts, in conjunction with the Israeli government, to establish an association to develop, finance services for the aged.
File 181: Israel: Maanak, 1967-1968
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on alternative Social Security program for pension-aged immigrants.
File 224: Israel: Aged, Old Age Homes, Acre, 1971-1972
Extent: 0.10 inch
Report on proposed home for aged in Acre; anticipates residences and treatment facilities.
File 225: Israel: Aged, Old Age Homes, Afula, 1970-1971
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence on development, costs of home for aged in Afula.
File 226: Israel: Aged, Old Age Homes, Beersheva, 1966, 1968-1971
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on development, financing, expansion of home for aged in Beersheva.
File 227: Israel: Aged, Old Age Homes, Neve Avot, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on renovations at Neve Avot, Israels largest institution for the aged; donations, naming Neve Avot pavilions.
File 228: Israel: Aged, Old Age Homes, Financial, Tauber Donation, 1969-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on donations from Dr. Laszlo Tauber for old age home in Rishon Lezion.
Israel: Aged, Old Age Homes, Financial, Tauber Donation, 1969-1974
Series 5: Israel: Medical
File 234: Israel: General, 1971-1973
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports, proposals for medical, public health activities after transfer of Malben facilities in Israel. Minutes of Medical Advisory Committee.
File 235: Israel: General, 1965, 1967-1970
Extent: 0.66 inch
Correspondence, recommendations on retrenchment of direct services, closure of facilities in Israel. Minutes of meetings reviewing medical/Malben programs.
File 236: Israel: Medical Supplies, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, cables on medical supplies, primarily porcine skin graft materials after 1973 war.
File 237: Israel: Rehabilitation, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, cables regarding project to strengthen medical/surgical rehabilitation services.
File 238: Israel: Rehabilitation in Rural Areas, 1972
Extent: 0.15 inch
Report, memo on U.S. government-financed project to provide rehabilitation services to Jewish and Arab communities in rural areas.
File 239: Israel: Mental Health, 1966-1968, 1970-1972
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on mental health services, facilities, programs, including professional training in psychiatry, services for children. Correspondence on origins, Israeli financial commitment to the Jaffa Community Mental Health Center. Printed matter: Dr. Yitzchak Margulec report (1966; , Hebrew) on the development of psychiatric services in Israel.
Series 6: Israel: Religious-Cultural
File 240: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Financial reports (monthly), memos on subventions for yeshivot. Report, recommendations to Cultural Committee (undated, unsigned) on expansion of yeshiva feeding and hygiene programs to younger ages.
File 241: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1972
Extent: 1.5 inches
Financial reports (monthly), memos on subventions for yeshivot.
File 242: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1971
Extent: 1.5 inches
Financial reports (monthly) on subventions for yeshivot.
File 243: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1970
Extent: 1.5 inches
Financial reports (monthly) on subventions for yeshivot.
File 244: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1969
Extent: 1.25 inches
Financial reports (monthly), budget on subventions for yeshivot.
File 245: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1968
Extent: 1.5 inches
Financial reports (monthly) on subventions for yeshivot. Minutes of Cultural Advisory Committee.
File 246: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1967
Extent: 1.5 inches
Financial reports (monthly) on subventions for yeshivot.
File 247: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1966
Extent: 1.5 inches
Financial reports (monthly) on subventions for yeshivot. Cultural Advisory Committee reviews.
File 248: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1965
Extent: 1.25 inches
Financial reports (monthly) on subventions for yeshivot. Cultural Advisory Committee reviews.
File 249: Israel: Yeshivot: Israel Torah Research Institute (ITRI), 1968, 1970-1971, 1973
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence regarding aggressive appeals, sanitary conditions at Israel Torah Research Institute (ITRI) in Bet Safafa, Jerusalem.
Israel: Yeshivot: Israel Torah Research Institute (ITRI), 1968, 1970-1971, 1973
File 251: Israel: Yeshivot: Ozar Haposkim, 1966-1967, 1969-1970, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Financial statements on publications, aid to refugee rabbis.
Israel: Yeshivot: Ozar Haposkim, 1966-1967, 1969-1970, 1972-1974
File 250: Israel: Yeshivot: Leo Baeck School, 1968-1971
Extent: 0.15 inch
Appeals from Leo Baeck School, Reform-sponsored secondary school in Haifa.
File 252: Israel: Yeshivot: Vaad Hayeshivot, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on hardships of yeshivot, appeals for funds, interest-free loan via JDC.
File 253: Israel: Yeshivot: General, 1965, 1968, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence regarding budgets, appeals for funds, currency devaluation.
File 254: Israel: Yeshivot: Chidushei Harim, 1967, 1969, 1971
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on aid to finance kitchen at Gerer yeshiva.
File 255: Israel: Yeshivot: Girls Education, 1965, 1968-1973
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on opportunities for girls education, specifically at Kfar Hassidim, Or Hachaim, and Kfar Eliyahu. Printed matter: Aaron Greenbaum article on girls’ education (Jerusalem Post, May 31, 1968); Greenbaum report Religious Education for Girls in Israel (Hebrew), Sheviley Hahinuch, National Council for Jewish Education, Autumn 1965.
File 256: Israel: Yeshivot: Kollel Beth Talmud Gavoha, 1969
File 257: Israel: Yeshivot: Midrasha-The Jerusalem Seminary, 1968, 1971-1973
Extent: 0.20 inch
Appeals for funds by Midrasha-The Jerusalem Seminary (successor to Machon Harry Fischel). Correspondence (1971-1972) regarding agitation against the Modern Orthodox seminary.
Israel: Yeshivot: Midrasha-The Jerusalem Seminary, 1968, 1971-1973
File 258: Israel: Yeshivot: Vocational Training, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence from Rabbi Leo Jung on remittances for vocational training programs for yeshiva students.
File 138: Israel: Yeshivot: Beit Shemesh, 1969-1971
Extent: 0.20 inch
Press releases, reports of medical and social service projects for aged and handicapped in development towns. Printed matter: Survey of handicapped in Beit Shemesh immigrant town, by Dr. G. Librach (October 1969).
File 179: Israel: Yeshivot: Kfar Chabad, 1967-1969
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence regarding commitment, amount of funds for housing aged immigrants at Kfar Chabad, near Lod.
File 196: Israel: Transformation, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Memos, correspondence on transformation of JDC to structure in Israel that is separate from Malben.
File 197: Israel: Transformation, 1970-1971
Extent: 1 inch
Memos, correspondence on negotiations with Malben union for terminations. Various draft agreements.
File 198: Israel: 20th Anniversary, 1969
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, press materials, pamphlets on activities to celebrate Malben’s 20th anniversary.
File 201: Israel: Mifal Hatorah, 1968-1969, 1973
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on Mifal Hatorah fund-raising, medical care for yeshivah students, families.
File 216: Israel: Refugees, Rabbis, 1959-1970
Extent: 0.75 inch
General and accounting correspondence, financial statements, appeals for aid to refugee rabbis.
File 217: Israel: Samaritans, 1967-1969
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on proposal for Samaritan Museum. Correspondence on communal conditions, needs, aid to Samaritans in Nablus.
File 229: Israel: Children, General, 1972
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, report on disadvantaged children and youth.
File 230: Israel: Children, Handicapped Children, 1965-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Proposals, reports on JDC aid to entities that assess, assist and educate physically and mentally handicapped children. Overview of voluntary agencies assisting handicapped children (transmitted December 27, 1970). Printed matter: Serving Israel’s Handicapped Children(booklet, undated).
File 231: Israel: Community Centers, 1970, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, proposals, reports on nature, professional leadership, supervision of community centers.
File 232: Israel: Day Care, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, reports on day care programs. Minutes (1973) of Professional Advisory Committee on establishing day care programs in community centers.
File 233: Israel: Handicapped, Blind, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, appeals for aid for the blind.
Record Group: Italy
Series 1: Italy: Administration
File 259: Italy: General, 1972-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Loni Mayers annual reports for 1973-1975; 1975 was the peak year for transmigrants movement from Soviet Union; review of social patterns and practices of transmigrants, relief and welfare activities. William Budd report (end date June 15, 1973) on task as consultant in Rome. Correspondence on JDC office space requirements and communal institutions.
File 260: Italy: General, 1965-1971
Extent: 1 inch
Statistical/narrative reports on activities in Italy, the main center for processing transmigrants for countries other than Israel. Annual report for 1965, Leonard Seidenman annual report for 1966 (March 6, 1967) includes tensions with Israel over destination of refugees, substantial delays with immigration to Canada. Report (February 14, 1968) on welfare includes materials on refugees from Libya; report (October 21, 1971) on arrival of Jews from Soviet Union. Correspondence on communal institutions, meetings with communal leaders to liquidate operations and shift responsibility for programs.
File 265: Italy: Financial, 1965-1975
Extent: 0.25 inch
Accounting memos, cables, correspondence on finances, remittances, exchange rates.
Series 2: Italy: Localities
File 266: Italy: Florence, 1966-1976
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on efforts to catalog Florence communal library, which was damaged or neglected during German occupation, including Leonard Seidenman memo (July 18, 1966). Appeals for funds (1967) to salvage Hebrew books damaged in flood. Correspondence on proposed Jewish leadership center; on proposal for exhibition of Jewish artifacts stored in synagogue.
File 267: Italy: Milan, 1968-1969, 1974
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on transfer of hard-core caseload to local community. Press release (May 8, 1974) on community centers for refugee youths in Milan, Rome.
File 268: Italy: Rome, 1968-1970, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Theodore Feder report (transmitted October 9, 1968) on visit to Rome, transfer of caseload to local communities; request for aid for Libyan children. Draft agreement (transmitted June 19, 1969) on transfer of hard-core caseload to local community. Report (transmitted September 27, 1974) on new center in Rome for Russian refugee youth. Press release (July 25, 1973) on William Budd’s sabbatical, spent assisting community center. Financial appeals, Murray Sklar report (March 14, 1973) regarding communal reorganization project.
File 269: Italy: Venice, 1972-1973
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, appeals for aid for synagogue and Jewish quarter restoration, communal support.
File 270: Italy: Venice, Jewish Museum, 1970-1973
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on remittances by Paul Rava, Venetian-born St. Louis lawyer who raises funds for Jewish museum, preservation of ritual and ceremonial objects. Jewish Light article (January 10, 1973) on Ravas efforts. Illustrated brochure on the Jews in Venice. Names of donors to Venice Museum.
File 261: Italy: Aged, 1965-1970
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on building an old age home, because historical site near Rome ghetto is not suitable; additional use of site for medical purposes. Appeals for funds.
File 262: Italy: Disasters, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.33 inch
Leonard Seidenman report (transmitted December 14, 1966) on damage, community, institutions one month after flood in Florence. Memo (January 12, 1967) on damage to communal library. Theodore Feder memo (March 6, 1967) on Florence communitys requests for funds. Correspondence, contributions for salvage of books, loans, synagogue repair and communal aid after flood. JDC contribution after earthquake in Sicily.
File 263: Italy: Education, 1965, 1972
Extent: 0.15 inch
Stanley Abramovitch memo (December 2, 1965) on communal failure to maintain projects started with Claims Conference financing. Newspaper account (1965) praising Jewish school in Milan. Correspondence (1972) on kosher canteen for students at Bologna University.
File 264: Italy: Education, Kindergartens, 1970-1975
Extent: 0.40 inch
Evelyn Peters reports on field visits to assess education programs, staffing of kindergartens (Asili Infantili). Peters report (May 12-23, 1975) on tension, anti-Jewish sentiment, bomb threats.
File 271: Italy: Medical, 1965-1970, 1974-1975
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on reimbursement for medical services; renovation of old age home and hospital near Rome ghetto, and consolidation of medical services there. Correspondence on medical supplies. Dr. Alexander Gonik report (transmitted March 7, 1966) on medical services, prospects for old age home and hospital. Correspondence (1970) with Sophie Grayzel about finances for OSE.
File 272: Italy: Family Diagnostic Center, 1973-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on detailed proposal, financial plan, allocation for a unified approach to family care with a family diagnostic center that would coordination social services, school guidance programs and a professional team of social workers and psychologists.
File 273: Italy: ORT, 1970-1973
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on development, expansion of Jewish schools, vocational education, need for improved ORT facilities, including D. Alberstein memo (September 14, 1970) on ORT problems, operations; Loni Mayer memo (February 22, 1972).
File 275: Italy: Refugees, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, statistics on refugees, transmigrants from Egypt, Eastern Europe. Please also note the Transmigrants files in the New York 1965-1974 Subject Matter Subcollection.
File 276: Italy: Transmigrants, 1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, memos, including memos on caseload of transmigrants from Vienna to Rome (by country of origin), Loni (Eleonora) Mayer memo (September 2, 1974) on increasing transmigrants relief. Akiva Kohane memo (December 18, 1974) on Russian Jews car accidents. Leon Fisher report (transmitted August 16, 1974) on work of Rome office of United HIAS Service in resettlement of Soviet Jews in U.S., reaction from Loni (Eleonora) Mayer; Kohane memo (September 12, 1974) on overlap, friction between JDC and United HIAS Service staff. Press release (April 4, 1974) on Passover seders for Russian Jewish transmigrants.
File 277: Italy: Transmigrants, 1971-1973
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, memos, including memos on caseload of transmigrants (1971-1972), maintenance costs. Loni Mayer memo (January 29, 1973) on increase in caseload. Correspondence on new policy on aid to returnees, including Eliezer Shavit memo to Jewish Agency (November 11, 1973). Akiva Kohane memos on operations in Rome, memo (May 1, 1973) on Russian emigrants and returnees in Rome. Memo (August 1, 1973) on announcement that U.S. Attorney General Elliot Richardson will expedite U.S. immigration of 800 Russians as parolees. Cables, memo (transmitted August 13, 1973) on ABC News interview on U.S.-bound Russian refugees in Italy.
File 278: Italy: Transmigrants, 1970
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, memos, including memos on caseload of transmigrants, several case studies of individual families. Press releases (transmitted August 1970) on expulsion, migration, aid to Polish Jews.
File 279: Italy: Transmigrants, 1969
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, memos, including memos on caseload of transmigrants. Reports on anti-Semitism in Poland, government announcement that Jews are permitted to register for emigration. Leonard Seidenman memo (April 1, 1969) transmits notes on meeting with American and Italian officials regarding anticipated backlog when U.S. entry slots are exhausted.
Record Group: Jordan
File 280: Jordan: Samaritans, 1965-1967
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence, reports on community conditions, financial assistance to Samaritans; insecurity in relations with Jordan.
Record Group: Kenya
File 281: Kenya: General, 1965-1967
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence regarding appeals from Kenya congregation.
Record Group: Libya
File 282: Libya: General, 1966-1971
Extent: 0.80 inch
Reports, correspondence on communal conditions, persecution, emigration, sequestering of Libyan Jewish properties.
Record Group: Middle East
File 283: Middle East: General, 1966-1971
Extent: 1 inch
Reports, fact sheets, minutes of meetings with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), communal organizations regarding conditions, protection of Jewish communities in Middle East.
Record Group: Morocco
Series 1: Morocco: Administration
File 284: Morocco: General, 1974-1975
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on conditions, activities including Stephen Solender report (July 5, 1974) on proposals for education consolidation to cut costs; Sidney Engel report (1974) on education, including school feeding programs, medical services; annual reports 1973, 1974, 1975. Jewish community statement of support for King Hassan’s effort to recover Sahara (1975). Geoffrey Wigoder article (March 1975) on Jewish life in Morocco (source unknown; possibly called IM); Samuel Haber follow-up letter refers to omission of JDC activities in country. Report (unsigned) on Jewish assets in Morocco, efforts to recover.
File 285: Morocco: General, 1972-1973
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports on communal conditions, activities following Yom Kippur War, including Cecile Misrahi reports (December 1972; September 1973; December 1973), Stanley Abramovitch and other reports about visits to Morocco, communal departures, effect on emigration of skilled and professional workers on structure and services within the community. Annual reports 1970-1971 on Morocco (transmitted November 2, 1972); 1972 report. Daniel Lack memo (March 23, 1973) on King Hassan’s hostile speech toward Jews, Zionism.
File 286: Morocco: General, 1970-1971
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports (, French) on communal and political conditions, activities; arrests, precarious position of Jews, crackdown by unstable monarchy; Jews dependence on key national leaders. Sidney Engel account of coup attempt (July 26, 1971). Eliezer Shavit letter (July 18, 1971) implies pejoratively that JDC activities give Moroccan Jews a sense of stability. Daniel Lack memo (September 1, 1971) reviews sentiments of Helene Cazes-Benatur (Benathar) on validity of JDC operations in Morocco, on recommendation that Jews leave Morocco. Annual report (1969); financial and statistical materials.
File 287: Morocco: General, 1968-1969
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes extracts, reports on communal and political conditions, activities, Louis Horwitz memo (January 10, 1969) concerning attacks on individuals, left of foreign service personnel to work in country. Abraham Karlikow (American Jewish Committee) paper (June 5, 1969). Arab newspaper reports. Annual reports (1966, 1967); statistical and financial material.
File 288: Morocco: General, 1967
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports, meeting minutes extracts on communal and political conditions, activities, cancellation of services, emigration. Reports on tension, propaganda, boycotts, attacks in Moroccan cities after 1967 war. Newspaper reports (French).
File 289: Morocco: General, 1965-1966
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports, meeting minutes excerpts on communal and political conditions, activities, including memos, regulations (June-July 1966) on military service, deferment in Morocco. Background paper (transmitted December 1, 1965) on programs, developments in Morocco since 1960; memos on staff meetings in Morocco (December 1965). Printed matter: Joseph Rosenbloom essays (Judaism, 1966) on decline of Moroccan Jewish community.
File 295: Morocco: Financial
Extent: 0.33 inch
Accounting memos, cables, correspondence on finances, remittances, exchange rates; expenditures and budget estimates (1967-1968).
File 312: Morocco: Staff Meetings, 1965-1967
Series 2: Morocco: Localities
File 297: Morocco: Casablanca, 1966-1967
Extent: 0.25 inch
Reports, including Herbert Katzki report (July 20, 1967) on communal conditions, Moslem hostility, boycotts. Morris Rombro report (July 7, 1967) on communal schisms. Claudine Smets report on relief, social welfare cases in 1966; community demographics, personnel. Abe Loskove correspondence (1966) on arson at synagogue.
File 298: Morocco: El Jadida, 1966-1967
File 300: Morocco: Tangier, 1967, 1969
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on communal conditions; attack on rabbi.
Series 3: Morocco: Organizations
File 303: Morocco: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1970-1975
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on finances, remittances for Alliance Israelite Universelle (AIU). Correspondence on problematic arrangements for AIU-Ozar Hatorah transmissions; on teachers severance fund. Sidney Engel letter (May 15, 1974) on government subventions, strings on AIU schools.
File 304: Morocco: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1965-1969
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on finances, remittances for Alliance Israelite Universelle (AIU); coordination with Ozar Hatorah. Correspondence on teachers grievances; correspondence on liabilities, agreement (, French) on teachers pension and severance funds; financial reports.
File 305: Morocco: Asile Hospital Benchimol, 1964-1965
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on Asile Hospital Benchimol, on consolidation of previous services into single institution. Appeals for funds from Leon Bengualid.
File 306: Morocco: Lubavitch, 1965-1975
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on remittances; occasional memos on Lubavitch programs, reports of fraud.
File 307: Morocco: ORT, 1969-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence on schools, finances; memo on school for deaf in Casablanca.
File 308: Morocco: OSE, 1965-1971
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence on medical care; Dr. F. Tavill report on adult medical care (1965, 1967), and on hospitals, medical services. Memo (1965) on handicapped children.
File 290: Morocco: Casablanca Conference, 1965
Extent: 0.50 inch
Narrative, statistical reports on education, social welfare, medical services, from December 1965 staff conference in Casablanca.
File 291: Morocco: Day Care, 1964-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Evelyn Peters, Mary Grist narrative and statistical reports on field visits to assess education programs, administration, staffing of kindergartens amid emigration, social and political tension. Press release (June 24, 1965) on Mary Grist’s work in Moroccos kindergartens.
File 292: Morocco: Disasters, 1965
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on shipments of commodities to flood victims in Ksar-es-Souk.
File 293: Morocco: Education, 1965-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Stanley Abramovitch detailed reports on field visits to assess education programs, enrollment, amid emigration as a result of social and political instability and tension. Correspondence, extracts of committee meeting minutes.
File 296: Morocco: Loan Kassas, 1973
File 301: Morocco: Medical, 1969-1973
Extent: 0.33 inch
Detailed reports (1970, 1971, 1972) by Dr. Zdenko Levental, Dr. Ladislao Molnar, on medical care, needs, assessment of programs, role of OSE, criteria for beneficiaries. Report (unsigned, April 1969) on medical conditions, needs.
File 302: Morocco: Nutrition, 1965-1969
Extent: 0.15 inch
Report on infant feeding project (undated) by Zipporah (Perry) Haber, and Dr. G.R. Wadsworth report (1965) on school feeding programs.
File 309: Morocco: Ozar Hatorah, 1964-1975
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on problems with currency transfers via various educational institutions; educational programs; resistance to consolidation of schools; acceptance of teachers trained in Tangier.
File 311: Morocco: Relief Supplies, 1965-1967
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence on requests, receipts of relief supplies; problems with imports.
Record Group: Nicaragua
File 313: Nicaragua: Disasters, 1972-1973
Extent: 0.10 inch
Record Group: North Africa
File 314: North Africa: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.75 inch
Reports, correspondence on political, communal conditions in North Africa. Financial materials, appropriations summaries, accounting correspondence on loan kassas, including phasing out in 1973.
Record Group: Norway
File 315: Norway: Norwegian Refugee Council, 1968-1970
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on aid to refugee Jews in various locations.
Record Group: Panama
File 316: Panama: Fund-Raising, 1965-1966
Record Group: Philippines
File 317: Philippines: General, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.15 inch
Financial reports, correspondence on Passover supplies.
Record Group: Poland
Series 1: Poland: Administration
File 318: Poland: General, 1971-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Reports, correspondence on political and communal conditions, including Akiva Kohane memo (May 30, 1975) on Warsaw agreement to renovate and maintain synagogue at Twarda 6, minutes of Warsaw meeting (May 25, 1973) on synagogue renovation, cemetery restoration. Kohane memo (September 16, 1975) defending leadership of community after article (Jerusalem Post, September 5, 1975) saying Polish Jews suffer from government-chosen leadership. Kohane memo (December 6, 1974) transmits Societe de Secours et d’EntrAide (SSE) report on impoverished, decayed communal conditions. David Geller (American Jewish Committee) report (October 4, 1974) regarding Poland’s agreements on Jewish sites. Financial correspondence on change in remittances; correspondence (1973-1974) regarding Isaac Lewin’s concern about sending a rabbi to Poland. Translations of articles (1972) in Folksstimme. Printed material: Lucjan Dobroszycki essay, “Restoring Jewish Life in Post-War Poland” (Soviet Jewish Affairs, Volume 3, Number 2, 1973).
File 319: Poland: General, 1969-1970
Extent: 0.75 inch
Memos, correspondence on political and communal conditions, appeals for funds, including grievances about local uses of funds. Izaak Frenkiel letter (January 12, 1970) to Societe de Secours et d’EntrAide (SSE), arguing that despite emigration, kehillot are operating and should not be liquidated. Material on emigration sudden increases, declines; Akiva Kohane memo (January 25, 1970) on emigration/deportation of Polish Jews since 1967 war, viewing as three phases, in which Jews were called fifth columnists; exposed to renewed anti-Semitism; declaration of new emigration policy. News accounts, including translation of article (LExpress, July 1969) by Gabriel Meretik, an emotional account of a Polish Jews decision, process of emigration, of bribes, loss, anxiety. Maksymilian Lenkiewicz-Herz memo (November 1, 1969) on proposal for a documentation center in possibly Yad Vashem or the World Jewish Congress on the period of the expulsion of Polish Jews after World War II; reviews Polish history, persecution of Jews; appears to anticipate some sort of bill of injuries. Translations of articles (1969) in Folksstimme.
File 320: Poland: General, 1968
Extent: 0.75 inch
Memos, correspondence on political and communal conditions, increasing persecution, fear; extracts from minutes of meetings; including Theodore Feder memo (July 9, 1968) on meeting with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, on conditions, emigration of Jews from Poland. Correspondence on emigration in wake of purge of Zionists. Memo (April 26, 1968) from Zachariah Shuster (American Jewish Committee) on conversations with recent migrs from Poland. Samuel Haber memo (April 10, 1968) on sentiments in Eastern Europe, Jews as scapegoats. Translations of articles (1968) about the conditions, government treatment of Jews; accusations, propaganda against JDC, including descriptions of JDC as a subversive, wealthy, Zionist entity, espionage. JDC press release (April 3, 1968) responds to charges. Transfer of financial responsibility from JDC to Societe de Secours et d’EntrAide (SSE).
File 321: Poland: General, 1967
Extent: 0.66 inch
Memos, correspondence on political and communal conditions, tensions, JDC liquidation, including press release (November 2, 1967) confirming that Poland asked JDC to close its relief activities. Correspondence on meetings at State Department on JDC problems in Poland, despite earlier government assurances of satisfaction; Samuel Haber memo (December 1, 1967) on meeting, elaborating on Polands reasons for denial, liquidation of JDC work. Statement by Social-Cultural Association of Jews in Poland (TSKZ) condemning Israeli aggression, calling for Israeli retreat (translation July 15, 1967). Summary of meeting on Poland (September 1967). American Jewish Committee memo (October 2, 1967) on Unzer Wort editorial castigating JDC for activities in Poland, carried on by Polish communists; translations of various articles. Akiva Kohane memos on pre-June 1967 visits to Poland, including budgets, outlines for activities; Kohane memo (December 7, 1967) on budget for Poland.
File 322: Poland: General, 1965-1966
Extent: 1 inch
Memos, correspondence on political and communal conditions, including materials on Jewish fears, acrimonious communal relations; problems regarding exchange rates, government procedures. Akiva Kohane’s extensive memos and field reports, including Kohane memo (July 11, 1966) on exchange rates, impact on operations. Kohane memo (December 1, 1966) on denunciations/accusations against the religious community by the Social-Cultural Association of Jews in Poland (TSKZ). Kohane memo (September 3, 1965) includes material on government responsibility for cemeteries. Kohane memo (January 5, 1966) on plans for home for aged, handicapped in Warsaw. Kohane letter (April 29, 1966) regarding possible transfer of sifrei Torah to home for aged in Antwerp Jewish community. Jankl Gutkiewitch and Michal Mirski speeches from TSKZ Congress, on Yiddish, Yiddish culture (translation, Folksstimme, March 1966). Summary materials in extracts of committee meeting minutes. Correspondence (June-July 1966) regarding Jewish Theological Seminary’s interest in obtaining the library of F. Fryd in Lublin. Correspondence on prospects of renovating synagogue in Dombrovo. Accounting correspondence on remittances.
File 326: Poland: Financial, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.25 inch
Accounting correspondence, memos on finances, remittances and exchange rates.
File 323: Poland: Aged, 1966-1971, 1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Memos, correspondence on homes for aged, including Ministry of Health and Social Welfare letter (April 22, 1967) with terms for Jewish home in Wroclaw. Financial correspondence, Akiva Kohane letters (May 1967) to Central British Fund and to South African Jewish Appeal on needs of elderly Jews in Poland, financing of home. Kohane memo (April 22, 1971) with translation of Folksstimme article by Abram Rok on old age home in Warsaw.
File 324: Poland: Cemeteries, 1965-1975
Extent: 0.25 inch
Memos, correspondence regarding preservation, maintenance, desecration of Jewish cemeteries; Akiva Kohane correspondence, including memo (July 7, 1966) on costs of care, mass graves of Nazi victims. Congressmen Edward Koch and Sidney Yates letter (December 4, 1975) to Ambassador Witold Trampczynski. Correspondence from Zygmunt Kaczynski on Warsaws plan (1972) for tramline near site; tension with TSKZ that undermines government financing for cemeteries. Newspaper accounts.
File 325: Poland: Emigration, 1965-1969
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, memos, including memos on caseload of transmigrants. Correspondence on Poland’s policy, attitudes on emigration. Gaynor Jacobson memo (March 25, 1968) on United HIAS Service’s review of legal position of Polish cases registered for immigration to the U.S.
File 327: Poland: Jewish Historical Institute, 1965-1969
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on access, pessimism about microfilming JDC archives, possession by Jewish Historical Institute.
File 328: Poland: Localities, A-Z
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence (in , Yiddish, Russian) on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations, including correspondence, photo (1965 regarding monument in Sedziszow; Akiva Kohane letter (April 28, 1967) regarding ceremony, new monument in Auschwitz; printed materials on Auschwitz.
File 329: Poland: Religious Life, 1973-1975
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, primarily concerning Rabbi Isaac Lewin, regarding requests, finances for kashrut, other religious observances.
Record Group: Romania
Series 1: Romania: Administration
File 330: Romania: General, 1971
File 331: Romania: General, July-December 1970
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports, correspondence on JDC activities, aid
File 332: Romania: General, January-June 1970
File 333: Romania: General, 1969
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports, correspondence on JDC activities, aid. Correspondence regarding prospect of U.S. designation of most favored nation status for Romania. Fact sheets on JDC programs in Romania. Materials from Review of the Mosaic Cult.
File 334: Romania: General, 1968
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports, correspondence on JDC activities, communal needs, aid. Fact sheets on JDC programs in Romania. Materials from Review of the Mosaic Cult.
File 335: Romania: General, 1967
Extent: 1 inch
Reports, correspondence on revival of JDC activities, communal needs, proposals for aid in Romania. Various fact sheets on JDC programs in Romania. Materials from Review of the Mosaic Cult. Correspondence on Sifrei Torah for Israel.
File 336: Romania: General, 1966
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports, correspondence on activities, communal needs, appeals for aid. Correspondence on Sifrei Torah for Israel.
File 337: Romania: General, 1965
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence (, French, German) on Rabbi Moses Rosen’s activities, travels; emigration from community; relief and holiday supplies for community.
File 338: Romania: Aged, 1970-1971, 1974
File 339: Romania: Cultura Agricola, 1965-1968
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence regarding individual property claim for nationalized site in Romania.
File 340: Romania: Disasters, 1970
File 341: Romania: Emigration, 1965-1966, 1968, 1971-1972, 1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Statistics, correspondence, news accounts on emigration.
Record Group: South Africa
File 342: South Africa: General, 1966, 1970-1975
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence regarding remittances from South African Jewish Appeal.
Record Group: South America
Series 1: South America: Administration
File 343: South America: General, 1970-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports (including from Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee) on communal, economic and political conditions.
File 344: South America: General, 1965-1969
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on communal conditions, consolidation of organizational activities.
File 345: South America: Fund-Raising, 1965-1968, 1974
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence on efforts to extract JDC’s share fund-raising income from Israeli partner agencies.
File 346: South America: Mental Health, 1968-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on care of mentally ill refugees, financial participation in programs with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
File 347: South America: Mental Health, 1966-1967
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings on care of mentally ill aged in Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay; related to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees interest in handicapped refugees in South America.
Record Group: Spain
File 352: Spain: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, appeals for aid; reports, including Edna Weber report (1972) on trip to Barcelona, aid to Nazi-era refugees; correspondence (1974) on factional fighting with Spanish community. Extracts from committee meeting minutes. Fund-raising letter (July 16, 1965) for new Museo Sefardita de Madrid.
File 353: Spain: Education, 1965-1972
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence, reports, including Evelyn Peters report (February 1972) on Colegio Gabirol; Stanley Abramovitch reports on education in Madrid, communal conditions in Gibraltar, Melilla.
File 355: Spain: Asociacion Hebrea de Espana, 1972-1974
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence (, Spanish) on establishment of Asociacion Hebrea de Espana, with brief review of recent Jewish history in Spain.
File 356: Spain: Madrid Jewish Center and Synagogue, 1966-1969
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence re: plans for and establishment of community center and synagogue in Madrid, including press release (December 19, 1968) on consecration of first new synagogue in Spain in centuries, annulment of 1942 expulsion decree.
File 299: Spain: Melilla, 1967-1975
Extent: 0.15 inch
Memos re: financing for Lubavitch education programs in Melilla.
Record Group: Sweden
File 357: Sweden: Financial, 1972, 1974
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on closure, reminiscences about JDC office in Stockholm.
File 358: Sweden: Heirless Assets, 1965-1968
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence (, Swedish), reports on heirless Jewish assets in Sweden and Switzerland; tensions about how to respond to unacceptable settlement offer from Swedish Bankers Association.
File 359: Sweden: Heirless Assets, 1969-1973
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports on heirless Jewish assets in Sweden.
File 360: Sweden: Refugees, 1969-1970, 1972-1973
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, reports on Sweden’s acceptance and treatment of refugees from Poland.
File 389: Sweden: Administration, 1963-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
This annex represents three files inadvertently omitted in the earlier microfilming of this subcollection. The annex comprises materials on three countries: Sweden, Tunisia, and Turkey. This file contains varied correspondence regarding the JDC office in Sweden.
Record Group: Tunisia
Series 1: Tunisia: Administration
File 367: Tunisia: General, 1969-1974
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, field reports on communal, political conditions, local operations.
File 368: Tunisia: General, 1967-1968
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports (, French) on communal, political conditions and dangers after Six Day War, on status of foreign service humanitarian workers in Tunisia. Agreement with government on welfare program (agreement, February 15, 1967; press release, February 22, 1967).
File 369: Tunisia: General, 1966
Extent: 0.75 inch
Materials on restrictions on voluntary agencies, limits on imports; correspondence re: meetings with government officials regarding status, operations of agency.
File 370: Tunisia: General, 1965
Extent: 0.75 inch
Materials regarding restrictions on voluntary agencies, expulsion of personnel, meetings with government officials regarding status, operations of agency.
File 374: Tunisia: Financial, 1965-1974
File 390: Tunisia: General, 1965-1970
Extent: 0.75 inch
This annex represents three files inadvertently omitted in the earlier microfilming of this subcollection. The annex comprises materials on three countries: Sweden, Tunisia, and Turkey. This file contains correspondence, memos and reports regarding a survey of Jewish aged and support for Jewish schools in Tunisia. Includes 1966 NYTimes article re: Tunisian president’s visit to Djerba synagogue.
File 371: Tunisia: Day Care, 1965-1968, 1971
Extent: 0.20 inch
Reports on day care; correspondence on wisdom of continuing support for kindergartens as number of children declines.
File 372: Tunisia: Disasters, 1965, 1969
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence on floods, relief in Zarzis and Sfax.
File 373: Tunisia: Education, 1965, 1967-1974
Extent: 0.25 inch
Reports by Stanley Abramovitch on precarious, deteriorating situation of Tunisian Jews, education.
File 375: Tunisia: Medical, 1969-1971, 1973
Extent: 0.20 inch
Field reports by Dr. Zdenko Levental on medical needs, services for aged and handicapped. Correspondence on OSE, closing dispensaries in Djerba.
File 376: Tunisia: Old Age Home, 1966-1967
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence on application for foreign aid (U.S. AID) for old age home; correspondence on equipment and medical supplies.
File 377: Tunisia: Relief Supplies, 1965-1968, 1971
Record Group: Turkey
File 391: Turkey: Administration, 1965-1971
Extent: 0.20 inch
This file contains correspondence, memos and reports regarding Jewish communities in Turkey.
Record Group: Uruguay
File 378: Uruguay: Financial, 1965, 1968-1974
File 379: Uruguay: Fund-Raising, 1965-1973
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on fund-raising campaigns, JDC share of proceeds, remittances.
File 380: Uruguay: Loan Fund, 1965-1966
Extent: 0.20 inch
Statistical, financial correspondence, reports on operations of loan kassa Reconfin (Reconstruccion Financiera).
File 381: Uruguay: Religious Life, 1971, 1973
Record Group: United Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
File 382: USSR: General, 1965-1975
Extent: 0.40 inch
Correspondence, including Samuel Haber letter (May 13, 1974) outlining JDC aid to Jews in Soviet Union; sample letter from Morris Brafman of American Federation for Soviet Jews (June 1972), calling on American companies to raise the question of Soviet Jews. Marshall Weinberg report (October 25, 1972) on trip to USSR. Press release (February 19, 1971) on Rene Cassin speech to World Conference of Jewish Communities on Soviet Jewry. List of synagogues in USSR (July 1972). -language newspaper accounts (1975) on sanctions for Jews who receive aid from abroad; Elie Wiesel article in LExpress (French, Les Juifs du Silence, October 1966) on Jews in Soviet Union. Extracts/propaganda from Russian press, books; Folksstimme article (March 14, 1970) quoting interview with chief rabbi of Moscow, Rabbi Leib Lewin, saying Jews do not need protection.
File 383: USSR: Emigration, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.40 inch
Cables with statistics on emigration. Extracts of committee meeting minutes on political conditions, emigration tallies. Newspaper accounts, including on Aleksei Kosygin statement (December 1966) on Jewish emigration for family reunification; JTA story (October 15, 1971) about negotiations for possible admission of Soviet Jews into U.S. United HIAS Service memos (December 9, 1966; March 15, 1967; March 29, 1971) on potential emigration from USSR, procedures, family reunification.
File 384: USSR: Relief Supplies, 1967-1975
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, inquiries and occasional statistics on parcel service; utility of cash vouchers vs. parcels; efforts to coordinate relief; currency exchange; purchase options for recipients of gift vouchers; fund-raising campaigns for Soviet Jewry; tensions regarding validating receipt of aid.
File 385: USSR: Religious Supplies, 1968-1974
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, cables, inquiries and occasional statistics on shipments of religious, holiday supplies. JTA article (September 20, 1974) with greetings Moscow Chief Rabbi Yaakov Fishman and communal leader Ephraim Kaplun.
Record Group: Yugoslavia
File 386: Yugoslavia: General, 1965-1974
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on Jewish communities in major cities of Yugoslavia.
File 387: Yugoslavia: Aged, 1966, 1968-1969
Extent: 0.20 inch
Reports on service in old age home; on nutrition study of residents at old age home in Zagreb.
File 388: Yugoslavia: Summer Camp, 1968, 1970-1971
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on summer camp to serve children in Eastern Europe.