Finding Aid
Subcollection: Countries and Regions

The Countries and Regions subcollection of the 1955-1964 Geneva Collection details JDC’s global rescue, relief, and reconstruction programs in 67 locations, arranged as record groups. Formats in these records, such as correspondence, cables, reports, statistical material, lists of names, press releases, meeting minutes and other materials, detail JDC’s ongoing efforts, often in partnership with local and international governmental bodies and non-profit entities, to continue rebuilding European Jewish life in the wake of World War II and to sustain Jewish communities across Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.

JDC’s activities during this period included: massive aid for large-scale emigration, often catalyzed by turbulent events like the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the Suez crisis, also in 1956, and Algeria’s declaration of independence from France in 1962, from Egypt, Hungary, Morocco, Romania, and Tunisia; assisting communities in Australia, France, Israel, and South America in absorbing and supporting hundreds of thousands of new immigrants.

JDC continued in its crucial work with Malben, a wide-ranging social service organization in Israel established in 1949 by JDC and the Israeli government to provide institutional care and social services for handicapped, elderly, and chronically ill populations and to support the development of private and public organizations and resources to support vulnerable populations; supporting yeshivot across the state of Israel; operating extensive education, feeding and nutrition, and medical and public health in Algeria, India, and Iran, among many other locales; establishing Jewish schools, youth groups, feeding programs, resources for maternal and fetal health, and medical programs with partners like Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU), ORT, and Œuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE) for communities across North Africa; and maintaining its vital partnership with the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany (Claims Conference), through which it administered restitution funds from the German government to reinforce and sustain European Jewish life.

Files of key JDC staff in the organization’s overseas offices in Paris (until 1958) and then Geneva (established in July 1958) appear throughout the record groups. Moses W. Beckelman served as director-general of JDC overseas operation until his death in December 1955. He was succeeded by Charles H. Jordan.

[Some of the documents in this collection use outdated or offensive terminology that is contemporary to the time period in which these records were created. Language that comes from the original archival material can provide information about specific issues and about the context of the creators of these records.]

Record Group: Aden

The Aden Record Group contains three folders concerning Jewish refugees from Yemen, en route to Israel, and JDC’s provision of shelter, food and medical care for the refugees in Aden and Ethiopia. One additional folder concerns providing Hebrew teachers for the Selim School for Boys.

Series 1: Subject Matter: Education

The Education subseries contains one folder which concerns the provision of Hebrew teachers for the Selim School for Boys.

File AD.1: Aden: Selim School for Boys 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: 2

This file is comprised of correspondence between JDC New York and JDC Geneva regarding a inquiry from the New York Board of Rabbis concerning funding for a Hebrew teacher at title.

Aden: Selim School for Boys 1959-1960

Series 2: Subject Matter: Refugees

The three folders in the Refugees subseries concern Jewish refugees from Yemen, enroute to Israel, and JDC’s provision of shelter, food and medical care for the refugees in Aden and Ethiopia.

File AD.2: Aden: Max Lapides 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 1

This folder consists of correspondence between title, JDC New York and JDC Geneva regarding the return of title to Aden to deal with an influx of refugees from Yemen.

Aden: Max Lapides 1960-1962

File AD.3: Aden: Ted Feder Files 1957-1960

Old Folder Number: 5010

This folder is comprised of correspondence, memos, and cables concerning migration of Jews from Yemen through Aden to Israel. Topics include attempts to communicate with Jews in Yemen and assistance to Jews who arrive in Aden.

Aden: Ted Feder Files 1957-1960

File AD.4: Aden: Ted Feder Files 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 5010.1

This folder is comprised of correspondence, memos, cables, news clippings and lists of names concerning migration of Jews from Yemen to Israel through Aden and Ethiopia. Topics include health care and establishing short-term transit camps.

Aden: Ted Feder Files 1961-1962

Record Group: Algeria

The Algeria record group consists of 69 files containing correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, statistics, and news clippings regarding JDC’s activities in Algeria. During this time period the Algerian civil war between the Muslims and the French, which lasted several years until Algerian independence in 1962, occurred. With the French withdrawal, most of the European population left for France. Over 100,000 Algerian Jews left, mostly to France and Israel. Some of the elderly, and those with jobs or interests stayed behind. Prior to the exodus, JDC was involved in Algeria through subventions to local programs including Jewish education, youth movements, social services, and a medical clinic. JDC encouraged the Algerian Jewish community to work through the Federation des Communautes Israelites d’Algerie, both to simplify JDC’s working process and to strengthen the federation. During the mass exodus in June 1962, JDC employee Moses Levine traveled to Algeria where he assisted in emigration matters, worked to maintain contact with the Jewish community of Oran, and arranged welfare payments for the needy in Algiers. JDC played an important role in Algerian Jewish affairs after Algerian independence in July 1962. The Jewish communities, previously mostly self-supporting, lost most of their income sources and were unable to sufficiently help the needy; JDC filled much of the gap. In the months immediately following the exodus, JDC played a critical welfare role for the Jews in Algiers and for the remaining Jewish communities throughout the country. Henry Levy was JDC’s Algeria country director from 1957-1958. Additional material on JDC’s work on behalf of Algerian Jews in France can be found in the France record group.

Series 1: Administration: Finance

The Administration: Finance series includes 10 files containing audit reports on JDC for the entire period, monthly financial reports for the years 1961-1964, budgets, correspondence regarding budgetary and financial matters, financial reports of organizations supported by JDC, and statistics on JDC beneficiaries.

File AL.1: Algeria: AJDC Algeria Audit Reports for 1954-1964

Old Folder Number: 43

Audit reports, cover letters, and related notes for the years 1954-1964. Many of the audit reports consist primarily of December monthly branch office reports from Algeria that were checked and stamped by the auditors.

Algeria: AJDC Algeria Audit Reports for 1954-1964

File AL.2: Algeria: AJDC Monthly Financial Reports 1961

Old Folder Number: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30

Monthly financial statements, covering letters, bank statements, journal vouchers, and end-of-year office inventory.

Algeria: AJDC Monthly Financial Reports 1961

File AL.3: Algeria: AJDC Financial Reports 1962

Old Folder Number: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30

JDC financial reports for Algeria covering periods of various lengths of time in 1962. Bank statements and covering letters related to the financial reports.

Algeria: AJDC Financial Reports 1962

File AL.4: Algeria: AJDC Monthly Financial Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, and 101

Monthly financial statements, covering letters, bank statements, journal vouchers, and end-of-year office inventory.

Algeria: AJDC Monthly Financial Reports 1963

File AL.5: Algeria: Monthly AJDC Financial Reports - Entire Year 1964

Old Folder Number: 27

Monthly financial reports for 1964 and office inventory from April 1965.

Algeria: Monthly AJDC Financial Reports – Entire Year 1964

File AL.6: Algeria: Budget 1956

Old Folder Number: C-56.201

Correspondence and monthly budget regarding JDC’s budget for Algeria and whether the finances for Algeria should be handled through JDC’s Morocco office or European headquarters.

Algeria: Budget 1956

File AL.7: Algeria: Budget 1957-1961

Old Folder Number: C.56.201 A

Correspondence, budget tables, lists of payments, monthly JDC financial reports for October and November 1961, financial reports of organizations in Constantine and Oran, cables, and statistics on activities of subventioned organizations regarding budgeting for Algeria, JDC-supported activities, administrative expenses, payments, and transferring funds.

Algeria: Budget 1957-1961

File AL.8: Algeria: Budget and Finance 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.201 “B”

Correspondence, cables, financial reports of supported organizations, financial reports for JDC for December 1961- April 1962 and February 1963, budgets, statistics on JDC beneficiaries, and notes regarding financial matters, loans made by JDC to other organizations, rehousing aid for people living in neighborhoods where Jews were being killed or in danger, money transfers, expenditures and payments, banking arrangements, and budgeting.

Algeria: Budget and Finance 1961-1964

File AL.9: Algeria: Budget and Finance Department File 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 1

File kept by the budget and finance department including correspondence, budgets and associated notes, and bulletin of French ministry of repatriates. The material mostly deals with matters having financial import for the Jewish communities in Algeria or JDC and JDC’s budget.

Algeria: Budget and Finance Department File 1963-1964

File AL.10: Algeria: Financial and Statistical Reports 1955

Old Folder Number: C-56.202

Memorandum regarding the budget of direct activities in Algeria, namely social services and Hebrew teachers.

Algeria: Financial and Statistical Reports 1955

Series 2: Administration: General

The Administration: General series is comprised of 12 files and contains reports, correspondence, minutes of meetings, tables, and other documents regarding JDC activities and the general situation and events in the country. Some of the topics covered in the files include educational, youth-oriented, and welfare activities supported by JDC; the political, security, and economic situation in the country; the departure of the majority of the European and Jewish population; the demographics and situation of remaining Jewish communities; and JDC’s administrative arrangements.

File AL.11: Algeria: Annual Report for 1960

Old Folder Number: C-56.225

Annual report for 1960 describing the political background and situation of the Jewish community, community organization, Jewish education, cultural activities, youth movements, social services, Zionist activities, emigration, and JDC’s role.

Algeria: Annual Report for 1960

File AL.12: Algeria: Annual Reports for 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 2

Annual reports on JDC’s activities in Algeria in 1963 and 1964, which consisted primarily of welfare activities arranged through local communities. The 1964 report notes that JDC expenditures in Algeria after Algerian independence in 1962 increased despite the departure of most of the Jewish population because the communities could no longer cover their own welfare expenses without help.

Algeria: Annual Reports for 1963-1964

File AL.13: Algeria: Bouzareah Property 1958

Old Folder Number: Misc. 235

Letter regarding property owned by the Consistoire of Algiers over which JDC had some control due to the terms of an agreement in which JDC had transferred its share of the property to the Consistoire.

Algeria: Bouzareah Property 1958

File AL.14: Algeria: Charles Jordan File 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: C-1 and C-56.227.

Reports, minutes of meetings, and correspondence. The file covers the situation of Jewish communities prior to, during, and after the period of massive emigration when the vast majority of Algeria’s Jews left, primarily for France, and JDC’s work to understand the situation and provide aid to the remaining Jewish population. The period saw significant amounts of terrorism, uncertainty as to the future of Algeria, the exodus of the majority of the European and Jewish population, Algerian independence, and new difficulties for the poor and disabled left behind in the chaos without family or community support.

Algeria: Charles Jordan File 1961-1962

File AL.15: Algeria: Compte-Rendu l'Enquete Faite en Algerie en Novembre 1955

Old Folder Number: 3

Report on Algerian Jewry by Henry Laufer.

Algeria: Compte-Rendu l’Enquete Faite en Algerie en Novembre 1955

File AL.16: Algeria: General 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-56.200

Correspondence, news clippings, and reports regarding the political and security situation in Algeria as it involved Jews, potential emigration, bombings, construction of a rabbinical school, youth education, and a community center.

Algeria: General 1955-1957

File AL.17: Algeria: General 1958-1962

Old Folder Number: 56.200

Report on Algeria covering July 1956-June 1958 regarding the political and economic background in the country, the situation and organization of Jewish communities, and JDC’s activities. Correspondence, reports, tables, minutes of meetings, and press clippings and excerpts regarding the general situation in Algeria, statistical reporting on JDC beneficiaries, meetings of Jewish leadership in Algeria, land given by JDC to the Algiers Consistoire, JDC’s status in Algeria, administrative matters, Algerian refugees (non-Jewish) in Morocco and Tunisia, welfare activities by JDC and local communities after the main exodus of Algerian Jews, and communal property.

Algeria: General 1958-1962

File AL.18: Algeria: General 1963

Old Folder Number: 56.200.1

Correspondence, report, minutes of meetings, and press clippings regarding the population and situation of Jews and Jewish communities in Algeria, JDC activities to aid the needy, a welfare study, communal property, the responsibilities of JDC’s representative in Algiers, nationalizations, killings, a social worker, anti-Israel press and statements, cooperation between international voluntary organizations, and the situation of the aged.

Algeria: General 1963

File AL.19: Algeria: General 1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.200 A

Correspondence and newspaper clippings regarding administrative matters, matzah, contacts with other aid agencies and officials, estimates of the Jewish population, welfare, visits to the Jews of central and southern Algeria and eastern Algeria, the use of the Ecole Maimonide as an asile, and communal property.

Algeria: General 1964

File AL.20: Algeria: Political Situation 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.216

Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, and news clippings regarding the political and security situations in Algeria and the mood and plans of Algerian Jewry. Topics covered include terrorist activity, emigration to Israel and France, cooperation between organizations on aid to refugees from Algeria in Morocco and Tunisia, meetings of or with Algerian Jewish leadership, a trip by Max Lapides to Algeria in 1961, and the situation of Jewish communities and their welfare needs after the mass departure from Algeria. List of 105 people helped to depart from Algeria.

Algeria: Political Situation 1959-1964

File AL.21: Algeria: Program - Reports 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-56.214 “A”

Correspondence, tables, memoranda, and menu regarding a canteen, subventions for educators from Israel, organization of responsibility for Algeria within JDC, requests for subventions for summer camps, working arrangements between the Federation des Communautes Israelites d’Algerie and JDC, Hebrew language and religious books, various aspects of the situation and JDC’s involvement in Algeria, the Tlemcen Jewish community, youth and education activities, scholarships, youth centers, subventions for Ets Chaim schools in multiple cities, the construction of a rabbinical school, and other matters.

Algeria: Program – Reports 1955-1957

File AL.22: Algeria: Report on JDC Activities by Moe Levine June 1962 and Correspondence 1962

Old Folder Number: C-56.223

Report by Moses Levine on his activities arranging assistance for emigration and welfare during the period of the chaotic exodus of much of the European and Jewish population of Algeria immediately preceding Algerian independence. Includes description of the security situation and feeling of the streets and neighborhoods in major cities. Correspondence regarding Mr. Levine’s work in Algeria in June 1962 and later in the year and related subjects. Lists of departing children and elderly and their escorts.

Algeria: Report on JDC Activities by Moe Levine June 1962 and Correspondence 1962

Series 3: Administration: JDC Offices

The Administration: JDC Offices series includes five files containing correspondence and legal documents relating to the stationing of JDC representatives, the opening of a JDC office, rental of office space, personnel matters including the departure of JDC employees due to dangerous circumstances, and administrative matters.

File AL.23: Algeria: Algiers - Office and Personnel 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: C-56.209

Correspondence and legal documents regarding the opening of a JDC office in Algiers and personnel matters.

Algeria: Algiers – Office and Personnel 1956-1957

File AL.24: Algeria: Algiers Office Lease and Contract 1957

Old Folder Number: 30 A

Correspondence and stamps regarding office lease.

Algeria: Algiers Office Lease and Contract 1957

File AL.25: Algeria: Algiers - Real Estate 1957, 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: 30

Correspondence regarding rental agreements and terms for JDC’s office in Algiers.

Algeria: Algiers – Real Estate 1957, 1959-1961

File AL.26: Algeria: JDC Program in Algeria 1955, 1957

Old Folder Number: Misc. 261

Correspondence regarding the potential appointment of a liaison person in Algeria, retirement arrangements for Elie Gozlan, and payment for office space in Algiers.

Algeria: JDC Program in Algeria 1955, 1957

File AL.27: Algeria: Personnel - Office 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.209 A

Correspondence regarding office premises, departure of staff members due to threatening or dangerous circumstances and related arrangements, administrative arrangements, travel plans, and other matters relating to personnel and the JDC office.

Algeria: Personnel – Office 1958-1964

Series 4: Administration: Legal

File AL.28: Algeria: Communal Property 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 402

Correspondence, document regarding the Agence de Defense des Biens et Interets des Rapatries, and news excerpts regarding the situation of and potential safeguarding of Jewish communal property in Algeria.

Algeria: Communal Property 1963-1964

File AL.29: Algeria: Legal Status of JDC 1958, 1960

Old Folder Number: Misc. 143

Correspondence and copies of documents regarding JDC’s legal status in Algeria. Includes copy of document from 1949.

Algeria: Legal Status of JDC 1958, 1960

File AL.29.1: Algeria: Legal Status of JDC 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence, certificate, regarding representation of JDC in Algeria’s legal status.

Algeria: Legal Status of JDC 1960-1962

Series 5: Administration: Personnel

The Administration: Personnel series contains four files. The majority of these files are restricted for confidentiality concerns. Please see our Access & Restrictions Policy.

File AL.32: Algeria: Local Personnel 1957-1958

Note saying there are no local personnel in 1958.

Algeria: Local Personnel 1957-1958

Series 6: Administration: Public Relations

File AL.34: Algeria: Public Relations 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.220

Press clippings regarding Algerian Jews and the situation of Algeria. Correspondence regarding JDC public relations. JDC press release regarding Algeria from 1964.

Algeria: Public Relations 1960-1964

Series 7: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series consists of eight files containing material on the Federation des Communautes Israelites d’Algerie, an organization through which the various Jewish communities of Algeria cooperated for shared purposes, such as the construction of a rabbinical school, and a central address for JDC’s contacts with Algeria for several years. There are also files on the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the Centre Culturel Juif d’Alger, Eclaireurs Israelites de France, the United HIAS Service, the Association Consistoriale Israelite d’Alger, and CASI (Comite d’Action Sociale Israelite). One file contains reports and correspondence regarding several different organizations. Another series relating to a Jewish organization is the Jewish Organizations: ORT series.

File AL.35: Algeria: AlU Talmud Torah School 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: C-56.222

Correspondence regarding the interest of the Alliance Israelite Universelle (AIU) in developing a program in Algeria and equipment for talmud torahs under the direction of the AIU representative in Algeria.

Algeria: AlU Talmud Torah School 1960-1963

File AL.36: Algeria: Association Consistoriale Israelite d'Alger and CASI (Comite d'Action Sociale Israelite) 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.217

Correspondence, statistics, minutes of general assembly of the Consistoire of Algiers, notes on meetings, and report regarding social services, aid to the elderly, aid for infants, a vacation colony, JDC participation in Consistoire projects, supplies for Les Dames Visiteuses, finances, matzah distribution, communal property, and other matters.

Algeria: Association Consistoriale Israelite d’Alger and CASI (Comite d’Action Sociale Israelite) 1959-1964

File AL.37: Algeria: Centre Culturel Juif d'Alger 1959

Old Folder Number: C-56.218

Report on the activities and finances of title institution and correspondence regarding funding it.

Algeria: Centre Culturel Juif d’Alger 1959

File AL.38: Algeria: Eclaireurs Israelites de France 1959, 1961

Old Folder Number: C-56.219

Correspondence regarding potential contribution to help title scouting movement acquire premises.

Algeria: Eclaireurs Israelites de France 1959, 1961

File AL.39: Algeria: Jewish Organizations and Subventions 1955

Old Folder Number: S.S. 88

Reports regarding Jewish organizations in Algiers, Constantine, Bone, and Setif and JDC subventions for them; architect’s report on an orphanage plan; report on a rabbinical school; reports on and request to subvention a vacation colony; correspondence regarding subventions of a school and youth activities; and financial report of a welfare society.

Algeria: Jewish Organizations and Subventions 1955

File AL.40: Algeria: Program - Reports - Federation des Communautes Israelites d'Algerie 1957-1961

Old Folder Number: C-56.214 “B”

Correspondence, minutes and programs of meetings, and financial tables regarding the Federation of Jewish Communities of Algeria. Topics covered include meetings of the federation, a rabbinical school in Algiers, the Algerian rabbinate, the Ecole Maimonide, relations between various communities and the federation, preparations for the possibility of mass movement from Algeria to France, the desecration of a synagogue in riots in Algiers in December 1960, and complaints on the insufficiency of JDC’s activities.

Algeria: Program – Reports – Federation des Communautes Israelites d’Algerie 1957-1961

File AL.41: Algeria: Program - Reports - Federation des Communautes Israelites d'Algerie 1962, 1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.214 “B”.1

Correspondence, report, tables, and notes regarding the situation of Jews in Algeria, including communal organization, emigration, and terrorism effects; expenses of the federation; and budgeting. Includes March 21, 1962 report of Federation des Communautes Israélites d’Algerie with list of 23 Jews killed in the casbah of Algiers. Lists of families helped to relocate out of dangerous neighborhoods.

Algeria: Program – Reports – Federation des Communautes Israelites d’Algerie 1962, 1964

File AL.42: Algeria: United HIAS Service 1957

Old Folder Number: C-56.212

Correspondence regarding whether and how title will continue work in Algeria and JDC’s relationship or lack thereof with such work.

Algeria: United HIAS Service 1957

Series 8: Organizations: ORT

The Jewish Organizations: ORT series is comprised of five files containing correspondence on subjects relating to ORT vocational schools, including exam results, bourses, and the ORT budget.

File AL.43: Algeria: ORT 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-56.213

Correspondence regarding complaints about ORT in Algiers being open during Shabbat and using non-Jewish teachers for Jewish subjects and the action taken to change the situation, bourses for students, and the failure rate of ORT students in Constantine.

Algeria: ORT 1955-1956

File AL.44: Algeria: ORT 1957-1958, 1960

Old Folder Number: 56.213 “A”

Correspondence, newspaper clipping regarding bourses, ORT courses, a school canteen, exam results, the ORT budget, and boarding students in Algiers.

Algeria: ORT 1957-1958, 1960

File AL.45: Algeria: ORT Algiers 1957

Old Folder Number: 18

Correspondence regarding bourses, a visit by Akiva Kohane, examination results, the ORT budget, and other matters concerning ORT.

Algeria: ORT Algiers 1957

File AL.46: Algeria: ORT Algiers 1958

Old Folder Number: 35

Letter regarding the ORT school in Oran.

Algeria: ORT Algiers 1958

File AL.47: Algeria: ORT Constantine 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence regarding the rate of passage and failures for ORT-Constantine and list of all former students at ORT Constantine.

Algeria: ORT Constantine 1955-1956

Series 9: Organizations: Organizations: Non-Governmental Organizations

File AL.48: Algeria: CIVA - Conseil des Agences Benevoles en Algerie 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.226

Reports by voluntary agencies and U.S. government regarding aid activities in Algeria. Various documents relating to the activities of the Conseil des Agences Benevoles Internationales en Algerie (CIVA). Letter regarding rations put at disposal of JDC by Catholic organization for the benefit of the Jewish community in Algiers.

Algeria: CIVA – Conseil des Agences Benevoles en Algerie 1962-1964

Series 10: Subject Matter: Education

The Subject Matter: Education series includes four files containing correspondence, narrative reports, and financial reports regarding Jewish education at talmud torah schools, Hebrew educators, youth activities, the construction of a rabbinical school, summer camps, books, cultural centers, and other educational matters. Among the reports are 1958 and 1960 reports describing Jewish educational institutions in Algiers.

File AL.49: Algeria: Ecole Rabbinique Maimonide 1958-1959, 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: C.56.210 “A”

Correspondence, price estimates of equipment, and schedule of classes regarding an invitation to the inauguration of title institution, loan payments due to JDC, the search for a director, delays in opening the school, purchase of equipment, planning the school program, funding, and retaining use of the building, put to other uses, after it ceased to function as a school with the departure of most of Algerian Jewry.

Algeria: Ecole Rabbinique Maimonide 1958-1959, 1962-1964

File AL.50: Algeria: Education 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: Ed. 18

Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings of Federation des Communautes Israelites d’Algerie, copies of financial guarantees, financial reports of the Union des Etudiants Juifs de France, and other documents regarding the state of Jewish education in Algeria, the employment and activities of Israeli educators and youth workers, the construction of a rabbinical school, a visit to Algeria by Stanley Abramovitch, Ets Haim seminaries, Talmud Torah classes, Hebrew typewriters, summer camps, books, student aid, a Jewish educator for Algerian students in France, and the Jewish community of Tlemcen.

Algeria: Education 1955-1956

File AL.51: Algeria: Education 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: Ed. 17

Correspondence, reports, minutes of meeting, and lists of courses regarding educational matters, including Jewish schools, teachers, youth activities, summer camps, organizations responsible for youth and educational programs, and JDC subventions for these programs. Reports and press excerpts also deal with the security situation and administrative arrangements. Most of the material is from April-December 1956.

Algeria: Education 1955-1957

File AL.52: Algeria: Educational - General 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.221

Reports on Jewish educational institutions in 1958 by Elijah Bortniker and 1960 by Dr. Esra Shereshevsky; financial reports on subventions; report of the World Jewish Congress’s activities in Algeria 1953-1959; and correspondence regarding Jewish cultural centers, finding a director for a rabbinical school and lycee, a request to subvention a kindergarten, the sending of unneeded books to other countries, and other educational matters.

Algeria: Educational – General 1958-1964

Series 11: Subject Matter: Medical

The Subject Matter: Medical series is comprised of seven files containing correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, statistics, plans for the establishment of a branch of Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE) in Algeria, and other documents. Some of the subjects covered include the JDC-supported Dispensaire Polyvalent, a Jewish-run clinic providing non-sectarian medical care; infant health services; an unsuccessful plan to establish OSE services focusing on mother and child health; summer camps; and general medical statistics.

File AL.53: Algeria: Medical General I 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: Med. 250

Correspondence, reports, tables, and forms regarding medical matters such as the general medical situation of Jews in Algeria, studies regarding the need and potential activities for an OSE program in Algeria, statistics on summer camp participants, and medical supplies. The material is arranged by tabs.

Algeria: Medical General I 1955-1958

File AL.54: Algeria: Medical General II 1956-1959

Old Folder Number: Med. 251

The file contains tabs labeled OSE, OSE/Financial, Jewish Agency, and Maternal Child Care. The tabs contain correspondence, a plan for the establishment of an Algerian branch of OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants), architectural plans for a mother-child health clinic, and statistics on an infant health service rub by Oeuvre des Dames Visiteuses. Much of the material in the file relates to the initial establishment of OSE activities, plans to set up a mother-child health clinic under OSE auspices, and the failure to set up significant OSE services due to the unavailability of expected premises and the chaos affecting World Union OSE, the existence of which was unclear for a period of time.

Algeria: Medical General II 1956-1959

File AL.55: Algeria: Medical Miscellaneous 1959, 1961, 1963

Old Folder Number: 2

Correspondence and minutes of meeting regarding a clinic, a request to help find a job for a doctor outside of Algeria, and the organization of medical services in Algiers in 1963. Includes one page from 1967 or 1968.

Algeria: Medical Miscellaneous 1959, 1961, 1963

File AL.56: Algeria: Medical Program 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-56.203

Correspondence regarding the Dispensaire Polyvalent being open on Shabbat, a request by a doctor for a tuberculosis medicine, and visits to Algeria by medical personnel. Minutes of the general assembly of the Dispensaire Polyvalent.

Algeria: Medical Program 1955-1956

File AL.57: Algeria: Medical - Program 1957-1960, 1963

Old Folder Number: 56.203 “A”

Correspondence, plan for the establishment of an OSE branch, and newspaper clipping regarding the contemplated organization of an OSE program in Algeria, ratio of Jewish patients at the Dispensaire Polyvalent, sending children from Bone to an OSE-owned summer camp property in Switzerland, and arranging for a doctor to care for needy clients.

Algeria: Medical – Program 1957-1960, 1963

File AL.58: Algeria: Reports and Statutes of Medical Organizations and Other Medical Statistics 1955

Old Folder Number: Med. 186

Financial reports, general assembly reports, copy and excerpt of statutes, and general medical statistics regarding medical and related organizations and medical care in Constantine. Includes material from before 1955.

Algeria: Reports and Statutes of Medical Organizations and Other Medical Statistics 1955

File AL.59: Algeria: Statistics - Population 1955, 1964

Old Folder Number: 4

Reports, tables, and correspondence regarding the population of Algeria, particularly the Jewish population and medical aspects for the years 1954 and 1955 and JDC beneficiaries in 1964. The file was kept by the medical department.

Algeria: Statistics – Population 1955, 1964

Series 12: Subject Matter: Old Age Care

File AL.60: Algeria: Old Age Care 1958, 1963

Old Folder Number: 3

Statistics on the elderly in Algiers in 1958 and proposal from 1963 on how to meet the need for institutional care for aged Jews from Algeria in France.

Algeria: Old Age Care 1958, 1963

Series 13: Subject Matter: Social Welfare

File AL.61: Algeria: Welfare Reports 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: S.S. 56

Report on the month of July 1962 in Algeria regarding the situation of the Jewish communities in the wake of the major exodus from Algeria and welfare activities for the remaining needy. 1963 report by Eloise Carleton on her detailed study of relief recipients in Algeria.

Algeria: Welfare Reports 1962-1963

Series 14: Subject Matter: Supplies

File AL.62: Algeria: Supplies 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-56.211

Correspondence and press clipping regarding USDA supplies, clothing for children, typewriters, a Talmud set, and cars.

Algeria: Supplies 1955-1957

File AL.63: Algeria: Supplies 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-56.201.1

Correspondence, cables, and table regarding shipping, clothing distributions, supplies for Les Dames Visiteuses, USDA supplies made available to the Jewish community by NCWC, matzah production in Algeria, and other matters relating to supplies.

Algeria: Supplies 1958-1964

Series 15: Localities

The Localities series contains six files and covers the cities of Bone, Constantine, Ghardaia, Oran, and Orleansville. The files include correspondence and other documents relating to matters such as education, welfare, loans given after a flood, and communal leadership.

File AL.64: Algeria: Consistoire Israelite de Bone 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: C-56.224

Correspondence and financial reports, including lists of relief recipients, regarding the leadership of Algerian Jewry in 1961 and 1962 and help to the Jewish community of Bone during and after the main period of emigration in 1962. Money sent to the community was used for welfare, help with emigration, and provision of religious services.

Algeria: Consistoire Israelite de Bone 1961-1962

File AL.65: Algeria: Constantine - Program - Educational 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-56.208

Correspondence regarding Hebrew teaching, educational materials, teacher training courses, ORT test results, subventions for the Ets-Chaim school, cold storage for food supplies, and whether Samuel Levy of JDC should remain in Constantine.

Algeria: Constantine – Program – Educational 1955-1956

File AL.66: Algeria: Constantine - Program Educational 1957-1958, 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: 56.208 “A”

Correspondence and memorandum regarding books, premises for youth movements, finances of the Constantine community, and social welfare matters.

Constantine – Program Educational 1957-1958, 1960-1963

File AL.67: Algeria: Ghardaia 1958-1960

Correspondence regarding a talmud torah in Ghardaia, a visit to Ghardaia by Henry Levy, and collaboration with the Consistoriale Israelite of Ghardaia and Jewish Agency.

Algeria: Ghardaia 1958-1960

File AL.68: Algeria: Oran 1958, 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 56.215

Correspondence regarding a youth center, welfare payments in August 1962, and aged people allegedly wanting to move to France in 1963.

Algeria: Oran 1958, 1962-1963

File AL.69: Algeria: Orleansville 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-56.207

Correspondence, list of loans, blank loan form regarding a loan fund for rehabilitation after an earthquake, loans given, and repayments.

Algeria: Orleansville 1955-1957

Record Group: Argentina

The Argentina record group includes financial reports, correspondence about finances and relations with other organizations, a booklet about the Buenos Aires Jewish community, and copies of Argentinian labor laws. The activities of the JDC in Argentina at this time included distributing funds allocated by the Claims Conference to local institutions, cooperating with Magbit (Keren Hayesod) in fundraising, and transferring funds received through Magbit in Argentina to organizations which received shares of the fundraising proceeds, namely the United Hias Service, ORT, and OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants). The Buenos Aires JDC office functioned as the JDC headquarters in South America from 1961 at the latest and throughout the period covered in the collection.

Series 1: Administration: Finance

The Finance series contains monthly financial reports of the JDC office in Buenos Aires from 1961-1964 and correspondence on transferring to ORT their share of a fundraising campaign’s proceeds.

File AR.1: Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1961

Old Folder Number: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, and 81

Monthly branch office financial reports for JDC Buenos Aires.

Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1961

File AR.2: Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1962

Old Folder Number: 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, and 79

Monthly branch office reports of the JDC South America headquarters in Buenos Aires for 1962.

Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1962

File AR.3: Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44

Monthly branch office reports of the JDC South America headquarters in Buenos Aires for 1962.

Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1963

File AR.4: Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 59

Monthly branch office reports from the Buenos Aires office, the JDC headquarters for South America.

Argentina: Buenos Aires Monthly Financial Reports 1964

File AR.5: Argentina: Financial - Buenos Aires 1956

Old Folder Number: C-10.005

Correspondence regarding the payment of campaign funds held for ORT.

Argentina: Financial – Buenos Aires 1956

Series 2: Administration: General

The General series includes a newspaper article on an attempted revolution and correspondence and cables regarding JDC staff travel, administrative matters, community celebrations, emigration from Argentina to Israel, and the arrival of Grand Rabbi Aron Angel of Alexandria.

File AR.6: Argentina: General 1956, 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-10.000

Correspondence, cables, and news clippings about an attempted revolution, travel, personnel issues, celebrations and deaths in the Jewish community, emigration figures, and other matters.

Argentina: General 1956, 1958-1964

Series 3: Administration: Legal

The Legal series contains copies of Argentinian labor legislation published by the International Labour Office.

File AR.7: Argentina: Legislative Series 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: 10

Copies of labor laws.

Argentina: Legislative Series 1956-1958

Series 4: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Jewish Organizations series contains material on an advance of funds offered to the Sociedad de Protección a los Inmigrantes Israelitas (SOPROTIMIS) to help immigrants in Argentina and what should be done regarding immigrants in Argentina and Uruguay. The file also contains correspondence on the reception and distribution of funds from the Magbit (Keren Hayesod) fundraising campaign.

File AR.8: Argentina: Magbit 1958-1959, 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 10.001

Correspondence regarding the distribution of funds owing to the JDC from the Keren Hayesod (Magbit) funds raised in campaigns.

Argentina: Magbit 1958-1959, 1962-1964

File AR.9: Argentina: SOPROTIMIS Immigration Correspondence 1955

Old Folder Number: C-10.003

Correspondence regarding transfers of funds to the Sociedad de Protección a los Inmigrantes Israelitas (SOPROTIMIS) to help immigrants in Argentina and letter about integration needs in Uruguay.

Argentina: SOPROTIMIS Immigration Correspondence 1955

Series 5: Subject Matter: Case Files

The file in this series is restricted for confidentiality concerns. Please see our Access & Restrictions Policy.

Series 6: Localities

The Localities series consists of two files. One file contains a booklet in English and Hebrew about the Jewish community of Buenos Aires as well as reports in French on mental health in Argentina as a whole and in Mendoza Province. The other file contains an article describing the history, organization, and culture of Argentinian Jews, who numbered around half a million at the time.

File AR.11: Argentina: Article on Jewish Community 1964

Old Folder Number: 27

Article describing Argentine Jewry.

Argentina: Article on Jewish Community 1964

File AR.12: Argentina: Booklet on Buenos Aires Community and Reports on Mental Health 1959, 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 36

Title booklet is in English and Hebrew and describes the Jewish community of Buenos Aires. Title reports are in French and deal with mental health in Argentina as a whole and in Mendoza Province.

Argentina: Booklet on Buenos Aires Community and Reports on Mental Health 1959, 1963-1964

Record Group: Australia

The Australia record group includes correspondence between organizations and individuals, financial reports and annual reports of the Australian Jewish Welfare (and Relief) Society (AJWS). A significant amount of the material in the record group deals with reporting of activities by the AJWS and the financial transactions by which the JDC sent money to them to fund these activities. Emigration also continued during these years, with several waves from Hungary and Poland in particular. With many Holocaust survivors immigrating to Australia in the post-war period and the years 1955-1964, funding from the Claims Conference was especially important. With many survivors coming to Australia in these years, the lack of housing became a important focus of the materials in this record group.

Series 1: Administration: Financial

The Administration: Finance series contains audit reports, income and expenditure statements, requests to send financial reports and their receipts, transfer of funds to Australia for aid in settling Hungarian refugees, accounts for Isabella Lazarus home for Jewish children, Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish home and other finances.

File AT.1: Australia: Budget and Financial 1956

Old Folder Number: C.15.001

Correspondence on audit reports, remittances, exchange control and transfer and an estimated requirements.

Australia: Budget and Financial 1956

File AT.2: Australia: Budget & Financial 1957-1960

Old Folder Number: C-15.001A

Correspondence regarding transfer of funds to Australia for aid in settling Hungarian refugees, allocation of use to Perth through Sydney, requests to send financial reports.

Australia: Budget & Financial 1957-1960

File AT.3: Australia: Income and Expenditure Statements 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence regarding the planned budgets, expenditures and income statements.

Australia: Income and Expenditure Statements 1962-1964

File AT.4: Australia: Reports 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: 18

Financial reports and receipts.

Australia: Reports 1959-1964

File AT.5: Australia: Various Statements 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: 31

Income and expenditure statements, accounts for Isabella Lazarus home for Jewish children, Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish home and other finances.

Australia: Various Statements 1955-1956

Series 2: Administration: General

The Administration: General series contains correspondence covering a number of topics including: reports on the Australian Jewish community, Jewish emigration from Hungary and Poland, visits and balance sheets.

File AT.6: Australia: General Reports 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: C.15.00

Reports on Australia including organisational work, population, executive council, correspondence regarding Dr. W.S. Matsdorf and a 15 page annual report and balance sheet.

Australia: General Reports 1956-1957

File AT.7: Australia: General Report 1956, 1958

Old Folder Number: MISC 237

Mainly a 32 page report on Australian Jewish community by Sidney Einfeld describing Jewish emigration from Hungary and Poland, Old Age Homes, visit of Katzki to Australia and correspondence dealing with Australian pounds transactions.

Australia: General Report 1956, 1958

File AT.8: Australia: General Reports 1956, 1958-1961, 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: C-15.000A

Press release, cables, newspaper clipping, transcripts of reports given in Paris by Sydney Einfeld and Herb Katzki, as well as another written report. Topics include internal structure of Jewish community, need for trained Jewish social workers, statistics regarding community and social work needs.

Australia: General Reports 1956, 1958-1961, 1963-1964

Series 3: Administration: Individual Files

The Administration: Individual files series contains Charles Jordan and Herbert Katzki’s reports and correspondence. Topics include: Jordan’s condolences on the death of Moses Beckelman, his trip to Australia and use of Claims Conference funds in Australia.

File AT.9: Australia: Charles Jordan Personal and Claims Conference 1955, 1957

Old Folder Number: C-2

Charles Jordan’s correspondence on a variety of topics including condolences on the death of Moses Beckelman and plans for reporting on use of Claims Conference funds in Australia.

Australia: Charles Jordan Personal and Claims Conference 1955, 1957

File AT.10: Australia: Charles Jordan Trip 1964

Old Folder Number: C-33

Correspondence in preparation for, during, and following up on Jordan’s trip to Australia and New Zealand. Includes Jordan’s recommendations for how the Australian Jewish community should proceed once Claims Conference allocations cease in 1965.

Australia: Charles Jordan Trip 1964

File AT.11: Australia: Herbert Katzki Claims Conference 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports on services provided to Hungarian immigrants, balance sheets of children’s homes, architectural plans, photocopied photographs of buildings, relating to requests and recommendations for Claims Conference allocations for Australia.

Australia: Herbert Katzki Claims Conference 1956-1957

Series 4: Jewish Organisations: Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society (AJWS)

The Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society (AJWS) had its two main branches in Melbourne and Sydney and were the main organisation dealing with the Jewish community. It was led by Sydney Einfeld. Topics of correspondence include: monthly financial and statistical reports sent by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry regarding the Australian Jewish Welfare Society; correspondence with the Australian Jewish Welfare Society regarding reports on loan fund for refugee housing sponsored by JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association; cables, correspondence, memoranda, reports, newspaper clipping, regarding the activities of the Federation of Australian Jewish Welfare Societies such as aid to immigrants; transfer of Executive Council of Australian Jewry offices from Sydney to Melbourne; VIP visits to Geneva; the election of Jewish activist Sydney Einfeld to Australian parliament, and Charles Jordan’s trip to Australia.

File AT.12: Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society 1955, 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: C-15.204.1

Cables, meeting minutes, annual reports, brochures appealing for funds to support title, correspondence regarding Charles Jordan’s plans to visit Australia and his subsequent advice to the community on issues including centralizing and intensifying fundraising, cutting down numbers in old age and children’s homes, and re-organizing the office.

Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society 1955, 1960-1964

File AT.13: Australia: Federation of Australian Jewish Welfare Societies 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C.15.204

Cables, correspondence, memoranda, reports, newspaper clipping, regarding the activities of the Federation of Australian Jewish Welfare Societies such as aid to immigrants. Other topics include the transfer of Executive Council of Australian Jewry offices from Sydney to Melbourne, VIP visits to Geneva, the election of Jewish activist Syd Einfeld to Australian parliament, and Charles Jordan’s trip to Australia.

Australia: Federation of Australian Jewish Welfare Societies 1958-1964

File AT.14: Australia: Australian Jewish Welfare Societies Budget Programme 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 99

Correspondence dealing with planned budget for programmes, request for financial aid and reports on country programmes: UNHCR aid program, UNHCR resettlement fund and refugees.

Australia: Australian Jewish Welfare Societies Budget Programme 1963-1964

File AT.15: Australia: AJW&RS Financial Reports Melbourne 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 1

Monthly financial and statistical statements from the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society.

Australia: AJW&RS Financial Reports Melbourne 1961-1962

File AT.16: Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 2

Monthly financial and statistical reports sent by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry regarding the Australian Jewish Welfare Society.

Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1961-1962

File AT.17: Australia: AJWR&S Financial Reports Melbourne 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 2

Monthly financial reports of the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society for 1962.

Australia: AJWR&S Financial Reports Melbourne 1962-1963

File AT.18: Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 1

Correspondence and monthly financial reports for 1962, Australian Jewish Welfare Society.

Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1962-1963

File AT.19: Australia: AJW&RS Financial Reports Melbourne 1963

Old Folder Number: 1

Monthly financial and statistical reports from the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society in Melbourne.

Australia: AJW&RS Financial Reports Melbourne 1963

File AT.20: Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1963

Old Folder Number: 2

Monthly financial statements from Australian Jewish Welfare Society in Sydney.

Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1963

File AT.21: Australia: AJW&RS Financial Reports Melbourne 1964

Old Folder Number: 1

Monthly financial statements of the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society.

Australia: AJW&RS Financial Reports Melbourne 1964

File AT.22: Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1964

Old Folder Number: 2

Monthly financial reports as well as year-end auditor’s report of the Australian Jewish Welfare Society.

Australia: AJWS Financial Reports Sydney 1964

File AT.23: Australia: AJW&RS Financial and Statistical Reports, Melbourne 1964

Old Folder Number: 3

Monthly financial and statistical statements for Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society, Melbourne.

Australia: AJW&RS Financial and Statistical Reports, Melbourne 1964

File AT.24: Australia: AJWS Financial and Statistical Reports Sydney 1964

Old Folder Number: 4

Monthly financial and statistical statements from the Australian Jewish Welfare Society in Sydney.

Australia: AJWS Financial and Statistical Reports Sydney 1964

File AT.25: Australia: Sydney Loan Kassa (Claims) Australian Jewish Welfare Society 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: 11

Table, correspondence regarding housing and other loans issued by the Australian Jewish Welfare Society supported by JDC.

Australia: Sydney Loan Kassa (Claims) Australian Jewish Welfare Society 1955-1957

File AT.26: Australia: AJWS Refugee Housing Sydney 1962

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence regarding transmission of financial reports from the Australian Jewish Welfare Society to JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association in London.

Australia: AJWS Refugee Housing Sydney 1962

File AT.27: Australia: AJWS JDC/Claims Conference Refugee Housing Sydney 1962

Old Folder Number: 6

Cover letters for financial statements from 1960 and 1961 detailing work of housing account for Hungarian Refugees administered by the Australian Jewish Welfare Society.

Australia: AJWS JDC/Claims Conference Refugee Housing Sydney 1962

File AT.28: Australia: AJWS Refugee Housing Sydney JDC/ICA 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 32

Correspondence with the Australian Jewish Welfare Society regarding reports on loan fund for refugee housing sponsored by JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association.

Australia: AJWS Refugee Housing Sydney JDC/ICA 1963-1964

File AT.29: Australia: AJWS Refugee Housing Sydney 1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Cover letters and requests for financial statements concerning Housing Account of the Australian Jewish Welfare Society.

Australia: AJWS Refugee Housing Sydney 1964

File AT.30: Australia: Reports 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 4

Requests for reports and annual reports and narrative reports.

Australia: Reports 1958-1964

Series 5: Jewish Organisations: Claims Conference

The Jewish Organisations: Claims Conference series contains correspondence regarding Claims Conference money allocated to schools, synagogues and welfare in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

File AT.31: Australia: Loan Kassas Claims Conference 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 12

Correspondence regarding the loan kassas subventioned directly by the Claims Conference in Australia, one in Melbourne and one in Sydney.

Australia: Loan Kassas Claims Conference 1956-1957

File AT.32: Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1961

Old Folder Number: 36

Photographs, correspondence regarding remittances to various educational institutions in Melbourne and Sydney.

Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1961

File AT.33: Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: 35

Cable and correspondence regarding grants allocated by the Claims Conference for education, synagogue and welfare in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.

Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1961-1963

File AT.34: Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962

Old Folder Number: 53.2

Correspondence regarding transfer of Claims Conference funds to schools and synagogues in Sydney.

Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962

File AT.35: Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1963 1 of 2

Old Folder Number: 53.1

Correspondence regarding transfer of Claims Conference funds to welfare concerns, schools and a leadership grant in Melbourne and towards Education in Brisbane.

Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1963 1 of 2

File AT.36: Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1963 2 of 2

Old Folder Number: 53.3

Correspondence regarding remittances from the Claims Conference used for a building program at a school in Melbourne, as well as to fund Jewish education boards in Melbourne and Brisbane.

Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1963 2 of 2

File AT.37: Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 53

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference money allocated to schools and synagogue in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth.

Australia: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1964

Series 6: Jewish Organisations: Jewish Aid Society

The Jewish Organisations: Jewish Aid Society series contains cover letters and requests for financial statements, bound reports, financial and statistical reports, sample borrower cards, promissory notes, loan application forms and payment due notices, balance sheets, booklet on history of Melbourne Jewish Aid Society and correspondence regarding their activity.

File AT.38: Australia: Jewish Aid Society Melbourne 1962

Old Folder Number: 8

Cover letters and requests regarding financial statements of loan kassa.

Australia: Jewish Aid Society Melbourne 1962

File AT.39: Australia: Jewish Aid Society Melbourne 1963

Old Folder Number: 9

Cover letters and requests for financial statements from the title organization.

Australia: Jewish Aid Society Melbourne 1963

File AT.40: Australia: Jewish Aid Society Melbourne 1964

Old Folder Number: 8

Cover letters and requests for financial reports of the welfare organization.

Australia: Jewish Aid Society Melbourne 1964

File AT.41: Australia: Melbourne Loan Kassa (Claims) Melbourne Jewish Aid Society 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: 14

Bound reports, financial and statistical reports, sample borrower cards, promissory notes, loan application forms and payment due notices, balance sheets, booklet on history of Melbourne Jewish Aid Society and correspondence regarding their activity.

Australia: Melbourne Loan Kassa (Claims) Melbourne Jewish Aid Society 1955-1957

Series 7: Jewish Organisations: Jewish Mutual Loan

Jewish Organisations: Jewish Mutual Loan series contains balance sheets, financial and statistical reports, memoranda, correspondence, a blank loan application form relating to loans given by the Jewish Mutual Loan Company Pty. Ltd., the loan society in Melbourne co-sponsored by JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association in London.

File AT.42: Australia: Jewish Mutual Loan Melbourne 1959, 1962

Old Folder Number: 9

Correspondence regarding quarterly reports of title.

Australia: Jewish Mutual Loan Melbourne 1959, 1962

File AT.43: Australia: Jewish Mutual Loan Melbourne 1963

Old Folder Number: 13

Cables, correspondence relating to reports sent to Geneva and London from the JDC/Jewish Colonization Association-sponsored Jewish Mutual Loan fund in Melbourne.

Australia: Jewish Mutual Loan Melbourne 1963

File AT.44: Australia: Jewish Mutual Loan Melbourne 1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Cover letters and requests for financial statements from an Australian loan kassas.

Australia: Jewish Mutual Loan Melbourne 1964

File AT.45: Australia: Melbourne Loan Kassa (JDC/ICA) Jewish Mutual Loan Company 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: 13

Balance sheets, financial and statistical reports, memoranda, correspondence, and a blank loan application form relating to loans given by the Jewish Mutual Loan Company Pty. Ltd., the loan society in Melbourne co-sponsored by JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association in London.

Australia: Melbourne Loan Kassa (JDC/ICA) Jewish Mutual Loan Company 1956-1958

Series 8: Jewish Organisations: Jewish Colonization Association JCA/ICA

The Jewish Organisations: Jewish Colonization Association (ICA/JCA) series contains reports on housing loans and financial statements from housing loan kassa sponsored by JDC, Jewish Colonization Association and Central British Fund and monthly information on immigration to Australia provided by the United HIAS Service to JDC.

File AT.46: Australia: JDC/ICA Loan Fund 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-15.005A

Cable, charts, blank reporting forms, memoranda and correspondence regarding joint JDC-Jewish Colonization Association loan funds established in Melbourne as the Jewish Mutual Loan Company, and made available in Sydney as the Mutual Enterprises of Sydney.

Australia: JDC/ICA Loan Fund 1955-1957

File AT.47: Australia: Loan Kassas Correspondence JDC/ICA 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: 15

File contains correspondence with the Jewish Colonization Association in London concerning loan kassas in Australia. Additionally, monthly information on immigration to Australia was provided by the United HIAS Service to JDC.

Australia: Loan Kassas Correspondence JDC/ICA 1956-1958

File AT.48: Australia: New Housing JDC/ICA/CBF Melbourne 1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Correspondence regarding reports on housing loans and financial statements from housing loan kassa sponsored by JDC, Jewish Colonization Association, and Central British Fund.

Australia: New Housing JDC/ICA/CBF Melbourne 1964

File AT.49: Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA/CBF Melbourne 1962

Old Folder Number: 4

Cover letters for financial statements sent by the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society in Melbourne concerning the fund set up for refugee housing by JDC, Jewish Colonization Association, and the Central British Fund.

Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA/CBF Melbourne 1962

File AT.50: Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA Melbourne 1962

Old Folder Number: 5

Cover letters for financial statements sent by the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society concerning funds made available by JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association.

Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA Melbourne 1962

File AT.51: Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA Melbourne 1964

Old Folder Number: 9

File includes cover letters for financial statements from title organization.

Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA Melbourne 1964

Series 9: Jewish Organisations: Loans Fund

The Jewish Organisations: Loans Fund series contains correspondence deals with balance sheets, newspaper clipping, memoranda, four Australian loan funds as well as the establishment of a cooperative building society. Also included are financial and statistical reports for loan kassas in Melbourne and Sydney, as well as a press release on the Jewish Colonization Association, mentioning the JCA’s facilitation of refugee housing in Australia.

File AT.52: Australia: Loan Institutions 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 4

Financial statements for various loan kassas, with emphasis on 1963.

Australia: Loan Institutions 1962-1964

File AT.53: Australia: Loan Institutions 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Financial and statistical reports for loan kassas in Melbourne and Sydney, with emphasis on 1964. Also included is a press release on the Jewish Colonization Association, mentioning the JCA’s facilitation of refugee housing in Australia.

Australia: Loan Institutions 1963-1964

File AT.54: Australia: Loan Kassas General 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 16

Balance sheets, newspaper clipping, memoranda, and correspondence regarding the four Australian loan funds as well as the establishment of a cooperative building society there.

Australia: Loan Kassas General 1956-1957

Series 10: Jewish Organisations: Mutual Enterprises

The Jewish Organisations: Mutual Enterprises series contains requests and cover letters regarding financial statements for loan kassas, tables, meeting minutes, and correspondence regarding loans given, many for the purpose of establishing small businesses.

File AT.55: Australia: Mutual Enterprises, Ltd., Sydney 1962

Old Folder Number: 5

Requests and cover letters regarding financial statements for loan kassa.

Australia: Mutual Enterprises, Ltd., Sydney 1962

File AT.56: Australia: Mutual Enterprises, Ltd., Sydney 1963

Old Folder Number: 31

Correspondence regarding reports of title, an interest free loan fund co-sponsored by JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association.

Australia: Mutual Enterprises, Ltd., Sydney 1963

File AT.57: Australia: Mutual Enterprises, Ltd., Sydney 1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Cover letters and requests for financial statements from an Australian loan kassa.

Australia: Mutual Enterprises, Ltd., Sydney 1964

File AT.58: Australia: Sydney Loan Kassa (JDC/ICA) Mutual Enterprises 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: 10

Tables, meeting minutes, and correspondence regarding loans given, many for the purpose of establishing small businesses, by one of the loan kassas in Sydney.

Australia: Sydney Loan Kassa (JDC/ICA) Mutual Enterprises 1955-1957

Series 11: Jewish Organisations: Paul Baerwald

File AT.59: Australia: Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 6

File contains memoranda and correspondence concerning study trip of Dr. Matzdorf, who came from Australia to study methods of social work with the elderly in Europe and Israel.

Australia: Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1956-1957

Series 12: Subject Matter: Childcare

The Subject Matter: Childcare series contains architectural plans for a children’s home built on Maleela Avenue, Balwyn, Melbourne and a report on study done by social workers of Australian Jewish Welfare & Relief Society on problems of juvenile delinquency.

File AT.60: Australia: Juvenile Delinquency in Melbourne 1964

Old Folder Number: S.S.78

Report on study done by social workers of Australian Jewish Welfare & Relief Society on problems of juvenile delinquency.

Australia: Juvenile Delinquency in Melbourne 1964

File AT.61: Australia: Plans - Melbourne Frances Barkman Children's Home 1961

Old Folder Number: 6

Architectural plans for a children’s home which was built on Maleela Avenue, Balwyn, Melbourne.

Australia: Plans – Melbourne Frances Barkman Children’s Home 1961

Series 13: Subject Matter: Employment

File AT.62: Australia: Melbourne General 1957

Old Folder Number: C.15.100

Correspondence regarding requests for Yiddish type operators and journalists for Australian Jewish Herald newspaper.

Australia: Melbourne General 1957

Series 14: Subject Matter: Housing

The Subject Matter: Housing series contains correspondence regarding the Central British Fund, the Jewish Colonization Association and the JDC regarding partnership and funding for housing schemes; Hungarian refugees in emigrating, funds, housing, resettling and integration; cover letters for financial statements.

File AT.63: Australia: Housing Scheme 1960, 1963

Old Folder Number: 20

Correspondence regarding the Central British Fund and the Jewish Colonization Association and the JDC regarding partnership and funding for the housing scheme.

Australia: Housing Scheme 1960, 1963

File AT.64: Australia: Housing Loans for Hungarian Immigrants 1957

Old Folder Number: 9

Chart listing number of bank guarantee and cash loans.

Australia: Housing Loans for Hungarian Immigrants 1957

File AT.65: Australia: Hungarian Refugees Housing Project 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: C.15.006

Correspondence concerning Hungarian refugees in emigrating, funds, housing, resettling and integration.

Australia: Hungarian Refugees Housing Project 1956-1957

File AT.66: Australia: New Housing JDC/ICA/CBF 1963

Old Folder Number: 12

Cover letters for financial statements for fund issued to Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society by JDC together with the Jewish Colonization Association and the Central British Fund.

Australia: New Housing JDC/ICA/CBF 1963

File AT.67: Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA Melbourne 1963

Old Folder Number: 10

Cover letters for financial statements sent to Geneva from Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society regarding fund subventioned by JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association.

Australia: Refugee Housing JDC/ICA Melbourne 1963

Series 15: Subject Matter: Immigration

The Subject Matter: Immigration series contains correspondence regarding immigration to Australia, especially from Hungary, Poland, Italy and Morocco; immigrants in Australia; statistical charts detailing arrivals by country of origin, destination city, and method of transportation to Australia; tracing requests; and a trip by Walter L. Brand to Europe and his meeting with Charles Jordan and new Australian immigration policy and the effects on Jewish immigration.

File AT.68: Australia: Arrivals Statistics 1964

Old Folder Number: 8

Charts depicting monthly arrivals, countries of origin, aid given, as well as chart depicting full year’s arrivals.

Australia: Arrivals Statistics 1964

File AT.69: Australia: Immigration to Australia 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: 1

Cables, booklet pages, correspondence relating to immigration statistics, a tracing request, and requests for sponsorship letters.

Australia: Immigration to Australia 1955-1957

File AT.70: Australia: Immigrant Arrivals 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Statistical charts detailing arrivals by country of origin, destination city, and method of transportation to Australia. Emphasis on 1964, but includes one chart summarizing 1960-1963.

Australia: Immigrant Arrivals 1960-1964

File AT.71: Australia: Immigration to Australia 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C.15.003A

Correspondence regarding emigration to Australia, especially from Italy and Morocco, immigrants in Australia, and a trip by Walter L. Brand to Europe and his meeting with Charles Jordan and new Australian immigration policy and the effects on Jewish immigration.

Australia: Immigration to Australia 1955-1956

File AT.72: Australia: Immigration to Australia and Housing Projects 1956-1961, 1963

Old Folder Number: C.15.003B

Statistical bulletins, academic booklets, cable and correspondence relating to visits abroad of active Australian Jews, and remittances to Australian organizations, including for a housing project intended for immigrants.

Australia: Immigration to Australia and Housing Projects 1956-1961, 1963

File AT.73: Australia: Persons Assisted Data 1964

Old Folder Number: 11

Monthly statistical charts detailing methods of help such as hostel, cash relief, medical, clothing, etc, as well as countries of origin.

Australia: Persons Assisted Data 1964

Series 16: Subject Matter: Medical

File AT.74: Australia: Medical Investigation 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence regarding a medical investigation into medical problems for Holocaust survivors especially in regards to psychological problems.

Australia: Medical Investigation 1962-1964

Series 17: Subject Matter: Old Age Homes

File AT.75: Australia: Plans - Melbourne Montefiore Home for the Aged 1961

Old Folder Number: 5

Architectural plans for a four story wing to be built at an old age home.

Australia: Plans – Melbourne Montefiore Home for the Aged 1961

File AT.75.1: Australia: Solomons Home for the Aged, Adelaide 1960

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence and implementation resolution regarding Claims Conference grant to the Mr. and Mrs. Nat Solomons Home for the Aged in Adelaide.

Australia: Solomons Home for the Aged, Adelaide 1960

Series 18: Subject Matter: Welfare

File AT.76: Australia: Welfare and Grants 1958-1959, 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: C.O. 23

File contains correspondence, cable, aide-memoire and memoranda, and reports on welfare concerns. Topics include statistics on immigrants for 1963, a proposal for a sociological study to be undertaken of the Melbourne community, JDC grant to Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society, arrangements for Egyptian and Hungarian refugees, funds made available by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees through its Major Aid Program for old age homes for victims of persecution, proposal for home for mental patients.

Australia: Welfare and Grants 1958-1959, 1962-1964

Record Group: Austria

The Austria record group contains correspondence, annual reports, audits, financial reports, various other reports, news clippings, press releases, memoranda, applications for Claims Conference funds from Austrian Jewish organizations and institutions, minutes of meetings, statistical material, and copies of Austrian legislation. In 1955 there was still a group of Jewish displaced persons from World War II living in camps; JDC played a role in supporting and resettling this population in Camp Asten. During this period the total Jewish population of Austria numbered approximately 10,000, mostly located in Vienna, with over half of this population over the age of 50. The old age home, hospital, and welfare work in Vienna were run by the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (the Jewish communal organization) of Vienna, the largest Jewish organization in Austria. The smaller communities of Salzburg, Linz, Innsbruck, and Graz also had kultusgemeinden that dealt with communal affairs and welfare.

Series 1: Administration: Finance

The Administration: Finance series contains audit reports on JDC Austria, including reports on subventioned organizations; correspondence on the budget of JDC Austria; and monthly financial reports for the years 1961-1964.

File AU.1: Austria: Audit Reports - AJDC Austria and Subventioned Organizations 1955-1961

Old Folder Number: 22, 23, 24, 25, 49, 50, and unnumbered folder

Loeb & Troper audit reports on JDC Austria, the Austrian Kultusgemeinden, and the Jewish School in Vienna, including cover letters requesting comments.

Austria: Audit Reports – AJDC Austria and Subventioned Organizations 1955-1961

File AU.2: Austria: Audit Reports - AJDC Austria 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 33

Loeb & Troper audit reports on JDC Austria for the years 1962-1964.

Austria: Audit Reports – AJDC Austria 1962-1964

File AU.3: Austria: Loeb & Troper Audits 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 30

Audit reports on JDC Austria, Jewish communities in Austria, and a Jewish school in Vienna. Also included is correspondence regarding audits and bookkeeping.

Austria: Loeb & Troper Audits 1962-1964

File AU.4: Austria: Blocked Shillings 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: C-20.069

Correspondence regarding the availability and status of blocked schillings.

Austria: Blocked Shillings 1958-1959

File AU.5: Austria: Budget 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-20.005

Correspondence regarding JDC Austria budgets. Also included is the budget estimate of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna.

Austria: Budget 1955-1957

File AU.6: Austria: Budget 1958-1963

Old Folder Number: C-20.005″A”

Correspondence regarding budgets for JDC Austria and subscriptions to publications.

Austria: Budget 1958-1963

File AU.7: Austria: Budget 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Budget tables, correspondence, and memoranda concerning the JDC Austria budget and related matters.

Austria: Budget 1963-1964

File AU.8: Austria: Financial 1955

Old Folder Number: C.20.013

Letter regarding questioning by Austrian authorities about a donation given in 1949.

Austria: Financial 1955

File AU.9: Austria: Monthly Financial Reports and Year End Report 1961

Old Folder Number: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14

Monthly financial reports and bank statements from the JDC office in Austria.

Austria: Monthly Financial Reports and Year End Report 1961

File AU.10: Austria: Monthly Financial Reports 1962

Old Folder Number: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14

Monthly financial reports and bank statements and end of year inventory.

Austria: Monthly Financial Reports 1962

File AU.11: Austria: Monthly Financial Reports and Year End Documents 1963

Old Folder Number: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14

Monthly branch office reports and bank statements and end of year accounting.

Austria: Monthly Financial Reports and Year End Documents 1963

File AU.12: Austria: Financial Report January/February 1964

Old Folder Number: 3

Monthly financial reports.

Austria: Financial Report January/February 1964

File AU.13: Austria: Financial Report March/April 1964

Old Folder Number: 4

Monthly financial reports.

Austria: Financial Report March/April 1964

File AU.14: Austria: Financial Report May/June 1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Monthly financial reports.

Austria: Financial Report May/June 1964

File AU.15: Austria: Financial Report July/August 1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Monthly financial reports.

Austria: Financial Report July/August 1964

File AU.16: Austria: Financial Report September/October 1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Monthly financial reports.

Austria: Financial Report September/October 1964

File AU.17: Austria: Financial Report November/December 1964

Old Folder Number: 8

Monthly financial reports.

Austria: Financial Report November/December 1964

File AU.18: Austria: Monthly Statistical Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Statistics on population, welfare recipients, and expenditures.

Austria: Monthly Statistical Reports 1964

Series 2: Administration: General

The Administration: General Series includes material dealing with JDC administration, relations with the Austrian Jewish community, Austrian Jewish politics, visitors, refugees, welfare, Nazism and Anti-Semitism in Austria, Austrian legislation and the Austrian State Treaty and their effect on voluntary agencies and JDC’s status, and various other matters. The problematic measures were Anschluss-era legislation brought from Germany, which allowed tight control of voluntary agencies, especially those engaged in emigration.

File AU.19: Austria: Capital Investment Fund Conference 1956

Old Folder Number: 14

Directory of Jewish organizations with addresses in Austria based on the European Jewish Yearbook, and a cover page explaining the potential use of this information.

Austria: Capital Investment Fund Conference 1956

File AU.20: Austria: Death of Baron Louis Rothschild 1955

Old Folder Number: C-20.004

Correspondence regarding Dr. Emil Maurer’s absence from Vienna for a memorial service for Baron Louis Rothschild and his desire to express condolences to the family in Paris.

Austria: Death of Baron Louis Rothschild 1955

File AU.21: Austria: Facilities in Austria (& Germany) - Registration Requirements 1955

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence and copies of legislation regarding the status and rights of voluntary agencies, particularly with the return of sovereignty in Austria and Germany.

Austria: Facilities in Austria (& Germany) – Registration Requirements 1955

File AU.22: Austria: Facilities in Austria (& Germany) - Registration Requirements 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: 5.1

Correspondence, copies of laws, official communications, and minutes of a meeting regarding registration requirements for foreign voluntary services dealing with emigration in Austria that were based on legislation brought from Germany during the Anschluss period. File also includes correspondence regarding Germany taxation policies for foreign employees of voluntary agencies.

Austria: Facilities in Austria (& Germany) – Registration Requirements 1955-1956

File AU.23: Austria: Field Reports 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 45

Reports, memoranda, and correspondence concerning administration of JDC Austria, transmigrants, Claims Conference funds, Austrian Jewish politics, and subventions.

Austria: Field Reports 1961-1964

File AU.24: Austria: General 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-20.000

Correspondence and press clippings regarding various matters including individual inquiries and requests from JDC, refugees in Austria, publicity, lists of visitors, neo-Nazi activity, and the rental conditions of the JDC office in Vienna.

Austria: General 1955-1957

File AU.25: Austria: General 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-20.000 “A”

Correspondence regarding problematic cases and complaints, automobiles, offices, VIP visitors, travel, and policy matters with regard to relations with the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna and welfare cases. Copy of a report on antisemitism and Nazism in Austria.

Austria: General 1958-1964

File AU.26: Austria: Honors for Theodore Feder 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.025

Cables regarding events honoring Mr. Feder.

Austria: Honors for Theodore Feder 1955-1956

File AU.27: Austria: JDC Registration, Restitution, and Iron Curtain Migrants 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-5

Registration and other forms related to JDC reporting to the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid of the United States Government. Correspondence regarding the board for distribution of Austrian restitution funds, migrants from Iron Curtain countries and their clothing needs, and a loan for an Austrian community leader.

Austria: JDC Registration, Restitution, and Iron Curtain Migrants 1955-1957

File AU.29: Austria: Voluntary Agencies Status 1955-1956, 1959

Old Folder Number: 1149.3

Correspondence, memorandum, and minutes of meeting regarding the the status of refugees and voluntary agencies with the transition from occupation to sovereignty in Austria, imported Nazi and German laws from the Anschluss era, and registration of organizations helping with emigration.

Austria: Voluntary Agencies Status 1955-1956, 1959

Series 3: Administration: Individual Files

The Administration: Individual Files series contains Jerome Jacobson’s incoming and outgoing cables, mostly relating to restitution; Akiva Kohane’s outgoing correspondence relating to Austria for the years 1961-1964; Henri Elfenbein’s correspondence, which primarily concerns cooperation with the UN and other organizations to provide counseling, integration aid, or resettlement opportunities for refugees; Charles Jordan’s correspondence and notes on a number of matters relating to Austria; and Samuel Haber’s Austria file.

File AU.30: Austria: Akiva Kohane Outgoing Correspondence November 1961-December 1964

Old Folder Number: 46

Copies of Akiva Kohane’s letters having to do with Austria, covering topics including Claims Conference funds; restitution; personnel; Austria country reports; transmigrants; the budget for Austria; supplies; Austrian Jewish politics; and other matters.

Austria: Akiva Kohane Outgoing Correspondence November 1961-December 1964

File AU.31: Austria: Charles Jordan File 1956-1957, 1959, 1963

Old Folder Number: C-2

Letters to, from, copied to, concerning, or with notes handwritten by Charles Jordan. Letters concern Jews from Iron Curtain countries, incidents in Austria, a story of temporary peace in the Jewish community of Austria, blocked shillings, instruction not to use a certain hotel, and a sealed envelope containing information on the assets of the Berlin Jewish community.

Austria: Charles Jordan File 1956-1957, 1959, 1963

File AU.32: Austria: Henri Elfenbein Correspondence - Refugee Cooperation, Hidden Gold, and Medication Requests 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: 2

File includes correspondence regarding cooperation with UN, governments, and voluntary agencies in the settling of refugees and report by Simon Wiesenthal on gold stashes hidden by Nazis in Austria at the end of the war. Also included is correspondence on cooperation with organizations and government concerns support for elderly refugees; resettlement of refugees in Sweden; a counseling project to secure jobs, loans, and housing for refugees; and other matters.

Henri Elfenbein Correspondence – Refugee Cooperation, Hidden Gold, and Medication Requests 1955-1956

File AU.33: Austria: Henri Elfenbein Correspondence 1956

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence of Henri Elfenbein in Geneva regarding United Nations Refugee Fund projects in Austria including integration counselling, aid to students, and institutional settlement; currency transactions; and the arrival and care for refugees from Hungary in Austria.

Austria: Henri Elfenbein Correspondence 1956

File AU.34: Austria: Jerome Jacobson Incoming and Outgoing Cables 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: 1

Cables, mostly to or from Jerome Jacobson, regarding restitution, travel, meetings, and an event on the tenth anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen.

Austria: Jerome Jacobson Incoming and Outgoing Cables 1955-1956

File AU.35: Austria: Samuel L. Haber File - AJDC Austria 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 11

Samuel Haber’s file of incoming and outgoing correspondence regarding relations with the Jewish Agency, Austrian Jewish politics, restitution, personnel issues, transmigrants, and other topics.

Austria: Samuel L. Haber File – AJDC Austria 1958-1964

Series 4: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Individual Files series contains Jerome Jacobson’s incoming and outgoing cables, mostly relating to restitution; Akiva Kohane’s outgoing correspondence relating to Austria for the years 1961-1964; Henri Elfenbein’s correspondence, which primarily concerns cooperation with the UN and other organizations to provide counseling, integration aid, or resettlement opportunities for refugees; Charles Jordan’s correspondence and notes on a number of matters relating to Austria; and Samuel Haber’s Austria file.

File AU.37: Austria: Legislative Series 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: 5

Copies of labor laws.

Austria: Legislative Series 1955-1958

File AU.148: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence June-July 1955

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meeting, cables, translations of laws, and transcript of British parliamentary discussion regarding refugees and DPs, the Austrian State Treaty, and negotiations and legal positions on restitution.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence June-July 1955

File AU.149: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence August-December 1955

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meeting, press releases, notes, questionnaire completed by the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna, and newspaper clipping regarding restitution from Austria, the membership a curatorium for a restitution fund, the position of refugees in Austria, and the implementation of articles 25 and 26 of the Austrian State Treaty.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence August-December 1955

File AU.150: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence January-March 1956

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence, cables, copy and translation of restitution law and forms, excerpt of Austrian parliamentary debate regarding the passage of a law creating a fund for restitution to emigrants from Austria, appointment of board members for the restitution fund, other restitution matters, and refugees in Austria.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence January-March 1956

File AU.151: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence April-December 1956

Old Folder Number: 8.1

Correspondence and translation of law regarding the membership of the curatorium responsible for a restitution fund for emigrants from Austria, activities of the fund, restitution of heirless property, other restitution matters, and the status of refugees in Austria.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence April-December 1956

File AU.152: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence January-June 1957

Old Folder Number: 6

Correpsondence, copies and translations of laws, and report regarding restitution laws and policies, the functioning of the Hilfsfonds restitution fund, and membership of committees and managers of agencies dealing with restitution.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence January-June 1957

File AU.153: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence July-December 1957

Old Folder Number: 6.1

Correspondence, minutes of meeting, report, cables, press clippings, and copy of transcript of national assembly session regarding Jewish property losses in Austria, the implementation of restitution policies and laws, the functioning of restitution agencies, the organization of a meeting in Paris regarding restitution matters, whether and how Austria is meeting its obligations under the Austrian State Treaty, an agreement between Austria and the United States regarding cancellation of Austrian bonds, and other matters relating to restitution.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence July-December 1957

File AU.154: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence January-September 1958

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence, drafts of agreements, notes, publicity notice, and press clipping and translations regarding restitution negotiations, the functioning of restitution agencies, invalidation of bonds, alleged anti-semitism among Hungarian refugees, a loan to help a restitution agency do its preparatory work before receiving funds, Austrian tax laws, and an agreement between JDC and the Vienna Jewish community regarding admittance of clients into an old age home.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence January-September 1958

File AU.155: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence October-December 1958

Old Folder Number: 3.1

Correspondence, notes, and newspaper clipping regarding the organization of a meeting on restitution, matters relating to restitution negotiations, and eviction notices given to the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Salzburg.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence October-December 1958

File AU.156: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence 1959

Old Folder Number: 9

Correspondence, memoranda, press clippings and extracts, and reports on meetings regarding negotiations between Germany and Austria about restitution, negotiations of Jewish representatives with Austria for restitution, a property restoration fund, and other matters regarding restitution policies and their implementation.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence 1959

File AU.157: Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence 1960

Old Folder Number: 9.1

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, report, press extracts and clippings, and copies and translations of laws regarding negotiations on restitution for Jewish victims of Nazism, restitution laws, the functioning of restitution agencies, and related matters.

Austria: Office of General Counsel Correspondence 1960

File AU.158: Austria: Office of General Counsel - Restitution Matters 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Meeting reports, press clippings and extracts, translation of laws, notes, and correspondence regarding restitution, restitution-related negotiations between Austria and Germany, requests for information regarding individual and group claims, and a property restoration fund.

Austria: Office of General Counsel – Restitution Matters 1961-1964

Series 5: Administration: Personnel

The files in this series are restricted for confidentiality concerns. Please see our Access & Restrictions Policy.

Series 6: Administration: Publicity

The Administration: Publicity series includes press releases, news clippings, correspondence about publicity and public relations, a report on VIP visits to Austria, and an outline for an address by Charles Jordan to a UJA mission to Vienna.

File AU.43: Austria: Public Relations - Press Releases 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: C-22.005.A

Press releases from the Iskult Presse Nachrichten, newspaper clippings, correspondence about press of interest to the JDC, and a report on VIP trips.

Austria: Public Relations – Press Releases 1960-1963

File AU.44: Austria: Public Relations 1958, 1960

Old Folder Number: 29

File contains correspondence about the story of Judith Seke, who was helped by JDC and agreed to have her story published. Also included is an outline for an address by Charles Jordan to a UJA mission in Vienna.

Austria: Public Relations 1958, 1960

Series 7: Intergovernmental Organizations: World Refugee Year

The Intergovernmental Organizations: World Refugee Year series contains material on preparations for World Refugee Year, attempts to find resettlement or integration solutions for Hungarian refugees in Austria, attempts to secure funding for these solutions, and contracts related to World Refugee Year arrangements.

File AT.45: Austria: Life Annuities File - World Refugee Year 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: 13

Correspondence, lists, minutes of meetings, reports, statistics, and program proposals relating to the World Refugee Year in Austria and attempts to find permanent solutions of resettlement or integration for refugees from Hungary in Austria. Much of the material focuses on negotiations and preparing case information for international agencies, World Refugee Year committees, and the Jewish communities in Austria and Belgium in order to secure funding for solutions for refugees.

Austria: Life Annuities File – World Refugee Year 1959-1960

File AT.48: Austria: World Refugee Year 1959

Old Folder Number: WRY-27

Correspondence regarding preparations for and meetings about the World Refugee Year in Austria.

Austria: World Refugee Year 1959

File AT.49: Austria: World Refugee Year Contracts 1961

Old Folder Number: Ref. 53

Copies of contracts and correspondence regarding aid provided to individuals in Austria for the World Refugee Year.

Austria: World Refugee Year Contracts 1961

Series 8: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series contains Claims Conference applications from Austria and the recommendations made for them, correspondence on a Hashomer Hatzair summer camp, and correspondence concerning a request by the Austrian branch of the Committee for Auschwitz to care for tuberculosis patients from Poland in Austria.

File AU.50: Austria: Claims Conference General 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 37

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference applications from Austria.

Austria: Claims Conference General 1960-1964

File AU.51: Austria: Haschomer Hazair Summer Camp 1957

Old Folder Number: C.20.007

Correspondence regarding Haschomer Hazair Summer Camp.

Austria: Haschomer Hazair Summer Camp 1957

File AU.52: Austria: Oesterreichische Lagergemeinschaft Auschwitz Tuberculosis Patients from Poland to Austria 1959

Old Folder Number: C-20.071

Correspondence concerning a request by the Austrian branch of the Committee for Auschwitz to care for tuberculosis patients from Poland in Austria.

Austria: Oesterreichische Lagergemeinschaft Auschwitz Tuberculosis Patients from Poland to Austria 1959

Series 9: Jewish Organizations: Bundesverband Jewish Documentation Center

The Jewish Organizations: Bundesverband Jewish Documentation Center series contains correspondence and documentation related to the Claims Conference applications and allocations for the Jewish Documentation Center run by the Bundesverband der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden Österreichs. The Documentation Center collected information on Nazi criminals and crimes. It was under the direction of Simon Wiesenthal until it was transferred to the management of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde in Vienna, at which point Wiesenthal left and established his own center. Also included in the files are reports from the center.

File AU.53: Austria: Bundesverband der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Österreichs - Claims Conference Allocation for Documentation Center 1962

Old Folder Number: 54

Correspondence regarding the payment of a Claims Conference allocation for the Jewish Dokumentationzentrum.

Austria: Bundesverband der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Österreichs – Claims Conference Allocation for Documentation Center 1962

File AU.54: Austria: Bundesverband Documentation Center - Claims Conference 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 39

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference application and allocation for the Jewish Documentation Center, and reports from the center dealing with war crimes and criminals.

Austria: Bundesverband Documentation Center – Claims Conference 1962-1964

File AU.55: Austria: Bundesverband Documentation Center - Claims Conference 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 40

Correspondence regarding the claims conference application and allocation for the Jewish Documentation Center and how the allocation is being affected by Austrian Jewish politics.

Austria: Bundesverband Documentation Center – Claims Conference 1963-1964

Series 10: Jewish Organizations: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde

The Jewish Organizations: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde series contains one file each on the kultusgemeinden of Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, and Salzburg, and one file that deals with all of the Austrian kultusgemeinden and the division of resources between them. The files deal largely with the Claims Conference applications and allocations for the different communities, including budgetary material submitted by the kultusgemeinden. Other matters relating to these communities, such as the transfer of JDC responsibilities to the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Linz, are also covered in the files.

File AU.56: Austria: Communities - All Communities 1960-1962, 1964

Old Folder Number: 33

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference applications by the Jewish communities in Austria, how much funding they should receive from the Claims Conference, and distribution of government funds among the communities.

Austria: Communities – All Communities 1960-1962, 1964

File AU.57: Austria: Communities - Graz 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 28

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference allocations from the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (IKG) of Graz, including budgetary material supplied by IKG Graz.

Austria: Communities – Graz 1961-1964

File AU.58: Austria: Communities - Innsbruck 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 29

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference applications and allocations for the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Innsbruck and other matters relating to the community.

Austria: Communities – Innsbruck 1962-1964

File AU.59: Austria: Communities - Linz 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 30

Applications, recommendations, and allocations of Claims Conference funds for the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Linz. Correspondence regarding transfer of JDC responsibilities to IKG Linz.

Austria: Communities – Linz 1961-1964

File AU.60: Austria: Communities - Salzburg 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 31

Applications, recommendations, and allocations for Claims Conference funds for the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Salzburg. Includes general budgets of the Salzburg IKG.

Austria: Communities – Salzburg 1961-1964

Series 11: Jewish Organizations: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Vienna

The Jewish Organizations: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Vienna series contains correspondence, budgets, newspaper clippings, minutes of meetings, press releases, and other documents. These materials cover issues including Claims Conference applications and allocations for the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (IKG) of Vienna, joining the Standing Conference on European Jewish Community Services, administrative matters, and the takeover of welfare cases from the JDC by IKG Vienna.

File AU.61: Austria: Communities - IKG Vienna 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 13

Correspondence, newspaper clippings, minutes of meetings, press releases, and other documents relating the Vienna Jewish community. Included is correspondence about the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna joining the Standing Conference on European Jewish Community Services, fundraising possibilities, personnel training possibilities, cooperation on audits, handover of welfare cases from the JDC to the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, planning for the construction of a community center, community elections, and textbook ordering.

Austria: Communities – IKG Vienna 1961-1964

File AU.62: Austria: IKG Vienna Claims Conference Application #8242 1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Correspondence and budgetary material relating to the the Israeltische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna’s Claims Conference application for 1964.

Austria: IKG Vienna Claims Conference Application #8242 1964

File AU.63: Austria: IKG Vienna Claims Conference Correspondence 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 9

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference applications of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (IKG) of Vienna and budgetary material from IKG Vienna.

Austria: IKG Vienna Claims Conference Correspondence 1962-1963

File AU.64: Austria: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde - Jewish Community - Vienna 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-22.004

Correspondence from and about the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde.

Austria: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde – Jewish Community – Vienna 1955-1956

File AU.65: Austria: Jewish Community Kultusgemeinde Vienna & Salzburg 1957-1964

Old Folder Number: 22.004 A

Correspondence on various matters relating to the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde in Vienna and Salzburg, including how to use properties, the functioning of a hospital, payments by the Austrian government to the kultusgemeinden, and the leadership of the Jewish community.

Austria: Jewish Community Kultusgemeinde Vienna & Salzburg 1957-1964

File AU.66: Austria: Transfer of Welfare Load to IKG (Jewish Community) 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: C-20.070

Correspondence regarding negotiations with the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde regarding the takeover of welfare cases aided by the JDC.

Austria: Transfer of Welfare Load to IKG (Jewish Community) 1959-1961

File AU.67: Austria: Vienna Kultusgemeinde - Standing Conference Membership 1962

Correspondence regarding potential membership of the Vienna Kultusgemeinde in the Standing Conference on European Jewish Community Services.

Austria: Vienna Kultusgemeinde – Standing Conference Membership 1962

Series 12: Jewish Organizations: ORT

The Jewish Organizations: ORT series is comprised of six files and includes correspondence on ORT budgets and the import of machinery, information on numbers of students and teachers and subjects of courses, and monthly financial reports for 1963-1964.

File AU.68: Austria: ORT 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.051

Correspondence on a guarantee for ORT machinery import and the ORT budget in Austria and Germany.

Austria: ORT 1955-1956

File AU.69: Austria: ORT 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 4 and 19

File includes correspondence regarding the ORT Austria budget and information regarding subjects of training and numbers of teachers and students.

Austria: ORT 1956-1957

File AU.70: Austria: ORT 1958, 1960

Old Folder Number: C-20.051″A”

Correspondence about retracting a guarantee for ORT’s import of machinery in 1958 and ORT Austria’s proposed budget for 1961.

Austria: ORT 1958, 1960

File AU.71: Austria: ORT Monthly Statistical Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Monthly statistical reports on students, teachers, and institutions.

Austria: ORT Monthly Statistical Reports 1964

File AU.72: Austria: ORT National Financial Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 7

Monthly financial reports for ORT Austria.

Austria: ORT National Financial Reports 1963

File AU.73: Austria: ORT National Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 9

Monthly financial reports for ORT Austria.

Austria: ORT National Financial Reports 1964

Series 13: Organizations: NGOs

File AU.74: Austria: Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta 1957

Old Folder Number: C-20.067

Note on grant to the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta in connection with Hungarian relief program and a copy of leaflet on history of the Order.

Austria: Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta 1957

File AU.75: Austria: Standing Conference of Voluntary Agencies - Refugee and Foreign Agencies Policies 1955

Old Folder Number: SC-11

Charle’s Jordan’s correspondence, notes on meeting, and press excerpt regarding Austrian government policy towards refugees and voluntary agencies, particularly with regard to the resumption of Austrian sovereignty and the signing of the State Treaty.

Austria: Standing Conference of Voluntary Agencies – Refugee and Foreign Agencies Policies 1955

Series 14: Subject Matter: Anti-Semitism

File AU.76: Austria: Draft White Paper on Austria 1955

Old Folder Number: 15

Paper on the history of Austrian anti-Semitism with comments.

Austria: Draft White Paper on Austria 1955

Series 15: Subject Matter: Case Files

The file in this series is restricted for confidentiality concerns. Please see our Access & Restrictions Policy.

Series 16: Subject Matter: Cemeteries

File AU.78: Austria: Cemeteries 1964

Complaint and reports on the status of Austrian cemeteries. Some cemeteries in Vienna were in bad shape but would require large sums to repair.

Austria: Cemeteries 1964

Series 17: Subject Matter: Community Centers

The Subject Matter: Community Centers series includes furniture plans for a Vienna youth center and correspondence regarding the proposed construction of a community center in Vienna and investigating other European Jewish community centers for ideas.

File AU.79: Austria: Community Center - Vienna 1963

Old Folder Number: 32

Correspondence regarding potential travel to see other Jewish Community Centers in Europe before making plans for the center in Vienna.

Austria: Community Center – Vienna 1963

File AU.80: Austria: Schedule of Furniture and Equipment and Estimated Costs for Vienna Youth Center 1958

Old Folder Number: 5

Schematic drawings of room setups, breakdown of type and expense of furniture items for each room, and pictures of the types of furniture contained in the plan.

Austria: Schedule of Furniture and Equipment and Estimated Costs for Vienna Youth Center 1958

File AU.81: Austria: Vienna Community Center 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: C-20.072

Correspondence and newspaper clippings regarding plans to build community center in Vienna, what other communities have done, and visits of the architect Prof. Boltenstern to other European JCCs.

Austria: Vienna Community Center 1963-1964

Series 18: Subject Matter: Education

The Subject Matter: Education series contains files that deal with Jewish schools in Vienna, their needs, and their funding by JDC, Claims Conference, and the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna. Other files contain reports on kindergartens and correspondence on kindergartens and childcare.

File AU.82: Austria: Child Care - Kindergartens, Israel Trip, and Hainbach Children's Home 1958, 1961

Old Folder Number: C-20.007.A

File contains a report on kindergartens in Vienna, correspondence regarding a trip to Israel for Austrian children, and correspondence regarding Jewish children in the Hainbach Children’s Home near Vienna.

Austria: Child Care – Kindergartens, Israel Trip, and Hainbach Children’s Home 1958, 1961

File AU.83: Austria: Day Care - Correspondence 1957-1959, 1963

Old Folder Number: 4

Report on a visit to kindergartens, correspondence regarding possible steps for improvements, orders for kindergarten posters, and a newspaper clipping on a reorganized kindergarten program.

Austria: Day Care – Correspondence 1957-1959, 1963

File AU.84: Austria: Jewish School, Ruthgasse 21, Vienna XIX 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 27

Correspondence regarding the budget and subvention of the Judisches Schulwerk in Vienna.

Austria: Jewish School, Ruthgasse 21, Vienna XIX 1963-1964

File AU.85: Austria: Talmud Thora, Malzgasse 1964

Old Folder Number: 23

Correspondence regarding the Talmud Thora, Malzgasse, a Vienna school.

Austria: Talmud Thora, Malzgasse 1964

File AU.86: Austria: Talmud Thorah School Sinai, Vienna 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 22

Correspondence about subvention to the Talmud Thorah School in Vienna.

Austria: Talmud Thorah School Sinai, Vienna 1963-1964

File AU.87: Austria: Talmud-Thora-Schule, Vienna - 1964 Claims Conference Application 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 38

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference application of the Talmud-Thora-Schule, expenses from forced repairs, and support for the school by the JDC and Israeltische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna.

Austria: Talmud-Thora-Schule, Vienna – 1964 Claims Conference Application 1963-1964

Series 19: Subject Matter: Looted Property

The Subject Matter: Looted Property series contains reports, correspondence, and news clippings regarding loot, likely of Jewish origin, suspected to be hidden by Nazis in Austria and attempts to smuggle it into Germany.

File AU.88: Austria: Austrian Gold - Looted Property in Austria 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.065

Reports by Simon Wiesenthal on looted property hidden by Nazis and related correspondence.

Austria: Austrian Gold – Looted Property in Austria 1955-1956

File AU.89: Austria: Looted Property in Austria 1956

Old Folder Number: 409

Correspondence and news clippings regarding Nazis moving hidden gold and jewelry from Austria into Germany.

Austria: Looted Property in Austria 1956

Series 20: Subject Matter: Medical

The Subject Matter: Medical series includes correspondence, reports, statistics, and sample forms for a psychiatric survey. Subjects covered in the files include the medical situation and care for refugees from Hungary, the Jewish hospital connected to the old age home in Vienna, arrangements for a psychiatric survey of Austrian Jews, and various other medical matters.

File AU.90: Austria: Medical - Hungarian Refugees 1956-1957, 1959

Old Folder Number: Med. 253

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, statistics, and graphs regarding the medical situation of refugees from Hungary in Vienna and how it has been addressed.

Austria: Medical – Hungarian Refugees 1956-1957, 1959

File AU.91: Austria: Medical General I 1955-1962

Old Folder Number: Med. 252

Correspondence regarding mentally ill in Bad Ischl, purchase orders and correspondence regarding x-ray machine and medicines, correspondence regarding a vacation property, and recommendations for Claims Conference allocations for Austria.

Austria: Medical General I 1955-1962

File AU.92: Austria: Medical General III 1955-1959

Old Folder Number: Med. 254

Correspondence and reports on the mentally ill, the sale of the Rothschild Hospital, the functioning of a Jewish hospital, and health and sanitation arrangements and record keeping for Hungarian Jewish refugees in Austria. File also includes minutes of meeting on Hungarian situation with Jewish agencies and the World Council of Churches.

Austria: Medical General III 1955-1959

File AU.93: Austria: Medical Miscellaneous 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence regarding help for the former secretary-general of the OSE, trips, meetings, psychiatric care, and the old age home and hospital in Vienna.

Austria: Medical Miscellaneous 1962-1964

File AU.94: Austria: Psychiatric Survey 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 1

Correspondence regarding setting up a psychiatric survey of Jews in Austria and compiling and distributing the results, demographic statistics on Vienna Jews, and a survey questionnaire sample.

Austria: Psychiatric Survey 1962-1964

Series 21: Subject Matter: Old Age Homes

The Subject Matter: Old Age Homes series includes a survey of the Jewish Home for the Aged in Austria by Dr. L. Molnar and other correspondence and notes on this institution and the attached hospital.

File AU.95: Austria: Medical, Old Age Report 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: C-20.021.A

Survey of the Jewish Home for the Aged in Austria, including discussion of facilities and services provided in the home, discussion of the practicality of having an attached hospital, and statistics about residents of the home and the age distribution of the Vienna Jewish community.

Austria: Medical, Old Age Report 1958-1960

File AU.96: Austria: Old Age Care - Old Age Home & Jewish Hospital Vienna 1960, 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: Med. 253

Correspondence and note on trip regarding the old age home and Jewish hospital in Vienna.

Austria: Old Age Care – Old Age Home & Jewish Hospital Vienna 1960, 1962-1963

Series 22: Subject Matter: Reconstruction

The Subject Matter: Reconstruction series has to do with the Jüdische Spar-und Kreditgenossenschaft loan kassa. The files include minutes of meetings and financial reports of the loan kassa and correspondence about issues such as the kind of people receiving loans and reporting of activities to the JDC.

File AU.98: Austria: Credit Cooperative 1955

Old Folder Number: 35

Minutes of board meetings of the Austria loan kassa, financial reports, balance sheets, and correspondence regarding other issues relating to the loan kassa, such as loans to it by the JDC.

Austria: Credit Cooperative 1955

File AU.99: Austria: Credit Cooperative 1957

Old Folder Number: 40

Correspondence regarding reporting by the Vienna loan kassa and loans to it by the JDC. Also included are a balance sheet and minutes of meeting of the loan kassa for February 1957.

Austria: Credit Cooperative 1957

File AU.100: Austria: Jüdische Spar- und Kreditgenossenschaft Minutes Vienna 1958

Old Folder Number: 27

Minutes of meetings discussing loans for individuals from the loan kassa of Vienna.

Austria: Jüdische Spar- und Kreditgenossenschaft Minutes Vienna 1958

File AU.101: Austria: Loan Kassa Financial and Statitistical Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 8

Monthly financial reports of loan institution, as well as a list of recipients and repayment status of Ford Foundation loans.

Austria: Loan Kassa Financial and Statistical Reports 1963

File AU.102: Austria: Loan Kassa Financial and Statistical Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 1

Monthly financial and statistical reports for the Jüdische Spar-und Kreditgenossenschaft loan kassa in 1964, a yearly report for 1963, and other correspondence relating the loan kassa.

Austria: Loan Kassa Financial and Statistical Reports 1964

File AU.103: Austria: Loan Kassa Minutes of Meetings 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 2

Protocol of meetings of the Jüdische Spar- und Kreditgenossenschaft, the loan kassa in Vienna.

Austria: Loan Kassa Minutes of Meetings 1962-1964

File AU.104: Austria: Reconstruction Program - Loan Kassas 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.028bis

Correspondence regarding the nature of loans and loan recipients of the loan kassa of Vienna.

Austria: Reconstruction Program – Loan Kassas 1955-1956

File AU.105: Austria: Reconstruction Program Loan Kassas, Vienna 1958, 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: C-20.028bis

Correspondence regarding the Vienna loan kassa.

Austria: Reconstruction Program Loan Kassas, Vienna 1958, 1960-1961

File AU.106: Austria: Vienna Loan Kassa 1962

Old Folder Number: 19

Cover letters and correspondence on loan kassa reports.

Austria: Vienna Loan Kassa 1962

File AU.107: Austria: Vienna Loan Kassa 1963

Old Folder Number: 35

Cover letters for reports on the Jüdische Spar-und Kreditgenossenschaft, correspondence on accounting, and correspondence and news article relating to leadership of the loan kassa.

Austria: Vienna Loan Kassa 1963

File AU.108: Austria: Vienna Loan Kassa 1964

Old Folder Number: 36

Correspondence about sending reports and other matters pertaining to the Jüdische Spar-und Kreditgenossenschaft, a loan kassa in Vienna.

Austria: Vienna Loan Kassa 1964

Series 23: Subject Matter: Refugees

The Subject Matter: Refugees series contains material that deals with Hungarian refugees in Austria, statistics on displaced persons, the 1955 Austrian State Treaty and its effects on refugees, aid provided to transmigrants passing through Austria on their way from Communist countries to other countries, refugees from Yugoslavia, and furniture purchases for refugees as a part of World Refugee Year.

File AU.109: Austria: Furniture Purchases for Refugees 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: Ref. 44

Receipts of furniture purchases for refugees to help them become settled and related correspondence. The money was provided by the United States as part of a World Refugee Year project.

Austria: Furniture Purchases for Refugees 1961-1963

File AU.110: Austria: Hungarian Refugees - Printed Material & Clippings 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: File 4, No. 3

Press releases, reports, correspondence, articles, and statistics dealing with refugees from Hungary and the activities of various non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations working to meet their needs.

Austria: Hungarian Refugees – Printed Material & Clippings 1956-1957

File AU.111: Austria: Hungarian Refugees - Printed Material & Clippings 1957

Old Folder Number: File 4, No. 2

News clippings, reports, statistics, press releases, minutes of meetings, memoranda, budget estimates, and cables originating from JDC, other non-governmental organizations, and the UN dealing with refugees from Hungary in Austria, Yugoslavia, and Brazil. Also included are reports of the the visit of the president of Tunisia to the Jews of Tunis.

Austria: Hungarian Refugees – Printed Material & Clippings 1957

File AU.112: Austria: Hungarian Refugees - Printed Material & Clippings 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: File 4, No. 1

Press releases, reports, statistics, minutes of meetings, and descriptions of projects dealing with Hungarian refugees from voluntary agencies and the UN, including JDC materials.

Austria: Hungarian Refugees – Printed Material & Clippings 1957-1958

File AU.113: Austria: Hungarian Refugees 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: C-5(c)

Correspondence, notes, and minutes of meeting regarding the developing crisis in Hungary, the arrival of refugees in Austria and other countries, and the measures being taken by the international community and the JDC.

Austria: Hungarian Refugees 1956-1957

File AU.114: Austria: Israeli Returnees & Israeli Visa Holders 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: C-20.068

Statistical Report on Israeli returnees and correspondence about aid provided to Israeli transmigrants.

Austria: Israeli Returnees & Israeli Visa Holders 1959-1960

File AU.115: Austria: Refugees & Transients 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.017

Notes on caseload, DP statistics, correspondence and cables on maintenance arrangements with the United Hias Service regarding transmigrants, correspondence on transmigrant policies with regard to changing destinations, and correspondence on the sale of the Rothschild Hospital.

Austria: Refugees & Transients 1955-1956

File AU.116: Austria: Refugees- Emigration 1958-1963

Old Folder Number: C-20.017A

Correspondence and news clippings regarding aid to Rumanian transmigrants going to countries other than Israel and problems arising between organizations about this matter. Also included is correspondence regarding US willingness to process property claims of Rumanian refugees and Belgian aid for refugees remaining in Austria.

Austria: Refugees- Emigration 1958-1963

File AU.117: Austria: Refugees from Yugoslavia to Austria 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: C-20.037

Correspondence regarding refugees from Yugoslavia in Austria.

Austria: Refugees from Yugoslavia to Austria 1957-1958

File AU.118: Austria: State Treaty (Geneva Convention on Refugees) 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.055

Correspondence, official policy instructions, minutes of a meeting, and description of procedures regarding the State Treaty returning Austrian independence and its effects on refugees and voluntary agencies working with them.

Austria: State Treaty (Geneva Convention on Refugees) 1955-1956

File AU.119: Austria: Statistical Report on Displaced Persons, Refugees and Aliens in Austria 1955

Old Folder Number: 23

Statistical report from the U.S. Army with figures supplied by the Austrian government.

Austria: Statistical Report on Displaced Persons, Refugees and Aliens in Austria 1955

Series 24: Subject Matter: Religious/Cultural

The Subject Matter: Religious/Cultural series includes correspondence on the kashrut supervision and subvention for a Jewish kitchen, organizing orthodox Jewish education, and the provision of supplies for Passover and Sukkot.

File AU.120: Austria: Educational - Cultural & Religious 1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.011

Correspondence about a kosher kitchen and organizing orthodox Jewish education.

Austria: Educational – Cultural & Religious 1956

File AU.121: Austria: Jewish Kitchen 1964

Old Folder Number: 25

Correspondence regarding the subvention and kashrut supervision for a Jewish kitchen in Vienna.

Austria: Jewish Kitchen 1964

File AU.122: Austria: Supplies 1957, 1960

Old Folder Number: C-20.036″A”

Correspondence regarding Passover and Sukkot supplies and a purchase request form.

Austria: Supplies 1957, 1960

Series 25: Subject Matter: Restitution

The Subject Matter: Restitution series covers topics including negotiations with the Austrian government on Jewish claims, pension payments to Nazi victims outsides the country, the effects of restitution money on welfare payments, research on the Anschluss and Austrian support for Nazism, and a loan for the organization in charge of receiving and distributing restituted Jewish property in Austria. Additional material on the subject of restitution can be found in the Administration: Legal series.

File AU.123: Austria: Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-20.031″A”

Correspondence, cables, and draft of statute related to negotiations between Jewish representatives and the Austrian government about Jewish claims on Austria.

Austria: Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria 1955-1957

File AU.124: Austria: Correspondence - Negotiations on Claims Against Austria and Related Research 1955

Correspondence on negotiations about restitution and pension payments, as well as on research related to claims against Austria in the German archives held in Britain.

Austria: Correspondence – Negotiations on Claims Against Austria and Related Research 1955

File AU.125: Austria: Press on Austria Negotiations 1955

Old Folder Number: 4

Press clippings, bulletins, and press releases relating to negotiations with Austria on compensation to Austrian Jews for Nazi crimes and negotiations relating to the treaty re-establishing Austrian independence.

Austria: Press on Austria Negotiations 1955

File AU.126: Austria: Restitution 1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.032

Letters regarding restitution from Germany for individuals and what its effect on relief payments should be.

Austria: Restitution 1956

File AU.127: Austria: Restitution Negotiations and Travel Expenses 1955-1956

Correspondence dealing with restitution negotiations and related expenses.

Austria: Restitution Negotiations and Travel Expenses 1955-1956

File AU.128: Austria: Restitution of Property & Committee on Jewish Claims of Austria 1957-1961

Old Folder Number: 20.031″B”

Correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and minutes of meetings relating to restitution from Austria. Topics covered include potential payments to people at Malben institutions, a loan to Samestelle A, the organization responsible for receiving restituted Jewish property, and negotiations with the Austrian government regarding restitution.

Austria: Restitution of Property & Committee on Jewish Claims of Austria 1957-1961

File AU.129: Austria: Saul Kagan Correspondence 1955

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence on research on the Anschluss and Austrian popular support for Nazism and dealings with the Austrian government with regard to Jewish claims.

Austria: Saul Kagan Correspondence 1955

File AU.130: Austria: The Austrian Emigrants Assistance Fund 1956

Old Folder Number: 9

Translation published by the World Jewish Congress of documents relating to the Austrian decision to create a fund to pay political persecutees who had formerly been Austrian citizens or residents but no longer live in the country.

Austria: The Austrian Emigrants Assistance Fund 1956

File AU.131: Austria: Twelve Power Demarche 1959-1960, 1963

Old Folder Number: 10

Press clippings and correspondence regarding the Austrian claim that Germany should compensate them for payments to Jews who were Nazi victims.

Austria: Twelve Power Demarche 1959-1960, 1963

Series 26: Subject Matter: Social Welfare

The Subject Matter: Social Welfare series includes lists of Romanian transmigrants receiving assistance, descriptions of social needs and potential activities for the elderly, and correspondence on social work and social work staffing in Austria.

File AU.132: Austria: AJDC Welfare Caseload 1962

Old Folder Number: 1

Lists of Romanian and other transmigrants, as well as population statistics.

Austria: AJDC Welfare Caseload 1962

File AU.133: Austria: AJDC Welfare Caseload 1963

Old Folder Number: 2

Lists of Romanian and other transmigrants.

Austria: AJDC Welfare Caseload 1963

File AU.134: Austria: AJDC Welfare Caseload 1964

Old Folder Number: 3

Lists of transmigrants.

Austria: AJDC Welfare Caseload 1964

File AU.136: Austria: Paul Baerwald Department 1955

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence regarding social needs and social work in Austria, including needs for activities for the elderly.

Austria: Paul Baerwald Department 1955

File AU.137: Austria: Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1956

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence regarding visits by social workers and social work staffing.

Austria: Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1956

Series 27: Subject Matter: Supplies

File AU.138: Austria: Supplies 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.036

Correspondence regarding the need for and transportation cost of USDA food supplies and servings per container of kosher meat.

Austria: Supplies 1955-1956

Series 28: Localities

The Localities series contains JDC annual reports on Austria, statistical reports on populations and caseloads, and field trip reports by staff members who visited Vienna and investigated the matter of personnel for the Jewish community among other matters. The reports address topics including Hungarian refugees, transmigrants, restitution, welfare, and education. One file on Salzburg deals with publicity and the closing of the JDC office there.

File AU.139: Austria: Annual Reports 1958-1962

Old Folder Number: 9

Annual reports on the JDC Austria program and related correspondence.

Austria: Annual Reports 1958-1962

File AU.140: Austria: Annual Reports 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 8

Annual reports on JDC activities in Austria for the years 1963 and 1964.

Austria: Annual Reports 1963-1964

File AU.141: Austria: Country & Statistical Reports 1957, 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: C-20.030.A

Yearly reports and monthly report on programs and statics, statistical reports on populations and caseloads. Topics covered include Hungarian refugees, restitution, welfare, and education.

Austria: Country & Statistical Reports 1957, 1959-1961

File AU.142: Austria: Field Reports - Visits to Vienna, Murray M. Sklar and Mr. Haber 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: C-20.030.1

Reports from field trips to Vienna by Murray Sklar and Sam Haber. The reports discuss meetings with community and AJDC leaders in Vienna, especially discussions regarding difficulties in finding or training qualified personnel for the Jewish community.

Austria: Field Reports – Visits to Vienna, Murray M. Sklar and Mr. Haber 1959-1961

File AU.143: Austria: Reports 1958-1961

Old Folder Number: 47

Field trip reports, correspondence on budgets, a report on the home for the aged, correspondence on Rumanian refugees arriving in Austria, correspondence regarding annual reports, and other reports on Austria.

Austria: Reports 1958-1961

File AU.144: Austria: Salzburg General 1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.900

Correspondence regarding publicity and the closing of the Salzburg JDC office.

Austria: Salzburg General 1956

Series 29: Localities: DP Camps

The Localities: DP Camps series contains correspondence regarding refugees at Camp Asten, prospects for emigration or housing solutions, the difference between old camp residents and Hungarian refugees housed at the camp, a press release about a fire in Camp Asten, and a letter describing the settling of the final cases at the camp. Additional material deals with other camps, including a memorial for those murdered by the Nazis at the Mauthausen camp.

File AU.145: Austria: Camps in Austria - Asten 1958-1962

Old Folder Number: C-20.022″A”

Correspondence regarding refugees at Camp Asten and sample forms for analyzing cases. The correspondence concerns provision of matzah for the residents, a potential housing project, emigration prospects, the differing situation of old refugees and new refugees from Hungary, and ORT students at the camp.

Austria: Camps in Austria – Asten 1958-1962

File AU.146: Austria: Camps in Austria 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-20.022

Press release, correspondence, cables, brochure, and excerpt from article dealing with requests regarding individuals in camps, a fire in camp Asten, and a memorial service at Mauthausen.

Austria: Camps in Austria 1955-1956

File AU.147: Austria: Welfare - Asten 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: 34

Letter regarding closure of Camp Asten and what happened with the final cases.

Austria: Welfare – Asten 1961-1963

Record Group: Belgium

The Belgium record group covers the years when the JDC office in Brussels oversaw all JDC activities in Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg (the Benelux countries) and in the period 1960 to 1964, also in Denmark. The record group also includes documents concerning the Belgium Congo. In these years, Leonard Seidenman was JDC Country Director for the Benelux nations, and for Denmark. JDC worked especially closely with the organizations Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hupbetoon (Centrale) in Antwerp and Comite d’Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG) in Brussels. In these years, the Jewish community in Belgium constructed new schools, synagogues, community centers and old age homes throughout Belgium, often with grants from the Claims Conference. Documents in this Record Group reflect the growth of the Jewish community in Belgium, with Antwerp becoming a center of Hasidic life in Europe, especially for the Satmar, Gur, and Belz Hasidim. Of special note in this Record Group are folders concerning Villa Altol in Antwerp, which became a flagship for old age homes in Europe; a one-day fundraiser for Centrale headquartered in the Antwerp Diamond Burse and a copy of the 1931 document incorporating JDC in Belgium.

Series 1: Administration: Finance

The Administration: Finance series contains correspondence, audits, reports, monthly and annual financial reports for JDC Belgium, AIVG/SSJ and other JDC-subventioned agencies in Belgium.

File BG.1: Belgium: AJDC Financial and Annual Reports 1964
File BG.2: Belgium: Audits 1956, 1958-1954

Old Folder Number: 41, 42, 43, 44, 46

Audits and related correspondence. Loeb and Troper audits for JDC Belgium and Subventioned Organizations.

Belgium: Audits 1956, 1958-1954

File BG.3: Belgium: Monthly and Annual Financial Reports for JDC Belgium and Service Social Juif 1961

Old Folder Number: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Monthly and annual financial reports and related correspondence. SSJ is a division of Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: Monthly and Annual Financial Reports for JDC Belgium and Service Social Juif 1961

File BG.4: Belgium: Monthly and Annual Financial Reports JDC Belgium and Service Social Juif 1962

Old Folder Number: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Monthly and annual financial reports and related correspondence. SSJ is a division of Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: Monthly and Annual Financial Reports JDC Belgium and Service Social Juif 1962

File BG.5: Belgium: Monthly and Annual Financial Reports for JDC Belgium and Service Social Juif 1963

Old Folder Number: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Monthly and annual financial reports and related correspondence. SSJ is a division of Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: Monthly and Annual Financial Reports for JDC Belgium and Service Social Juif 1963

File BG.6: Belgium: Some Notes on the Financing of JDC Subventioned Welfare Services in Belgium 1963

Old Folder Number: 22

Title, 8-page report by Julian Breen.

Belgium: Some Notes on the Financing of JDC Subventioned Welfare Services in Belgium 1963

Series 2: Administration: Individual Correspondence

The Administration: Individual Correspondence series contains the outgoing correspondence of Sam Haber concerning the Benelux countries. Topics include refugees, JDC cooperation with other agencies, Jews in Hungary and Romania, fundraising and Yemenite Jews in Aden.

File BG.7: Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux January-March 1960

Old Folder Number: 5.3

Sam Haber’s outgoing correspondence. Topics include refugees, JDC cooperation with other agencies and personnel matters.

Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux January-March 1960

File BG.8: Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux April-June 1960

Old Folder Number: 5.2

Sam Haber’s outgoing correspondence. Topics include refugees, JDC cooperation with other agencies and personnel matters.

Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux April-June 1960

File BG.9: Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux July-September 1960

Old Folder Number: 5.1

Sam Haber’s outgoing correspondence. Topics include Jews in Hungary and Romania, JDC cooperation with other agencies and fundraising.

Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux July-September 1960

File BG.10: Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux October-December 1960

Old Folder Number: 5

Sam Haber’s outgoing correspondence. Topics include Jews from Yemem in Aden, tracing requests, JDC cooperation with other agencies and scholarships.

Belgium: Sam Haber Correspondence Benelux October-December 1960

Series 3: Administration: JDC Offices

The Administration: JDC Offices series contains correspondence, memos, insurance policies, work orders, receipts, and rate lists. Topics include opening of a JDC office in Brussels and a copy of the 1931 incorporation papers for JDC Belgium.

File BG.10.1: Belgium: Brussels Office Lease 1958-1962, 1964

Old Folder Number: 43a

Correspondence, rental contract, and receipts regarding the rental of the Benelux Brussels office at 24 Rue des Chevaliers, also used by AIVG social welfare organization.

Belgium: Brussels Office Lease 1958-1962, 1964

File BG.11: Belgium: JDC Offices Administration 1958-1961

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence, revenue department survey, memos. Topics include opening of office in Brussels and copy of 1931 incorporation papers for JDC.

Belgium: JDC Offices Administration 1958-1961

File BG.12: Belgium: JDC Offices Telephone Telegram 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence, forms and list of international telegram/cable rates concerning telephone and telegram services.

Belgium: JDC Offices Telephone Telegram 1958-1964

File BG.13: Belgium: Office Furniture, Equipment, Insurance 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Correspondence, insurance policies, work orders, receipts, paper and envelope samples concerning JDC offices in Belgium.

Belgium: Office Furniture, Equipment, Insurance 1958-1964

File BG.14: Belgium: Office Management 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence, Rosh Hashanah card, advertising solicitations, tearsheets, memos concerning JDC office in Brussels.

Belgium: Office Management 1958-1964

Series 4: Administration: Legislative

File BG.15: Belgium: Conditions of Entry of Foreigners 1961

Old Folder Number: 413

Legal gazette notice and translation of royal decree concerning title.

Belgium: Conditions of Entry of Foreigners 1961

File BG.336: Belgium: Legal Varia 1955-1956, 1959, 1961, 1964

Old Folder Number: 415

Text of law, report, and correspondence regarding the entry and stay of foreigners and refugees in Belgium, legal relationships between Jewish organizations in Belgium, and legal services provided by the AIVG.

Belgium: Legal Varia 1955-1956, 1959, 1961, 1964

Series 5: Administration: Personnel

The files in this series are restricted for confidentiality concerns. Please see our Access & Restrictions Policy.

Series 6: Intergovernmental Organizations: World Refugee Year

The Intergovernmental Organizations: World Refugee Year contains correspondence, tables, memos and flyers concerning World Refugee Year, a United Nations project to draw attention to the situation of refugees. Topics include immigration, housing and pension schemes for refugees in Belgium and Holland.

File BG.19: Belgium: World Refugee Year 1959

Old Folder Number: WRY-28

Correspondence concerning Belgium’s programs for World Refugee Year.

Belgium: World Refugee Year 1959

File BG.20: Belgium: World Refugee Year 1959, 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: 16

Correspondence, tables, memos, flyers concerning title. Topics include immigration status of refugees, housing and pension schemes for refugees in Belgium and Holland.

Belgium: World Refugee Year 1959, 1960-1961

Series 7: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Jewish Organizations series contains correspondence, reports, telegrams, booklets, publications, grant applications, a protest poster, announcements, newsletters, and reports for Jewish Organizations in Belgium. Topics include Jewish education, Holocaust remembrance, summer camps, disagreement between Jewish community organizations in Belgium, and Claims Conference grants.

File BG.21: Belgium: Amicale des Anciens du Comite de Defense des Juifs 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Tear sheets from official publication announcing formation of title and correspondence regarding title’s request for a Claims Conference grant to produce a study on rescue and resistance of Belgian Jews during the Holocaust.

Belgium: Amicale des Anciens du Comite de Defense des Juifs 1963-1964

File BG.22: Belgium: Bureau Du Conseil d Administration Et De La Commission D Examen Des Demandes Minutes 1957-1958
File BG.23: Belgium: Comite des Anciens Deportes Juifs de Charleroi 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: 42

Correspondence, some handwritten; meeting agenda excerpts, blueprint concerning title’s application for a Claims Conference grant to construct a memorial to Jews from the Charleroi area who died in the Holocaust.

Belgium: Comite des Anciens Deportes Juifs de Charleroi 1960-1961

File BG.24: Belgium: Communaute Israelite de Bruxelles 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 14

Correspondence, memos, telegram, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title, the Jewish Community of Brussels. Topics include condolences on the death of President John F. Kennedy; Claim Conference grant applications, announcement of the death of the president of the community, Louis Gros.

Belgium: Communaute Israelite de Bruxelles 1958-1964

File BG.25: Belgium: Community Organizations 1964

Old Folder Number: 12

Correspondence and telegram concerning disagreement between Jewish community organizations in Belgium.

Belgium: Community Organizations 1964

File BG.26: Belgium: Counseil D'Administration Meeting Minutes 1958
File BG.27: Belgium: Consistoire Central Israelite de Belgique 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 20

Correspondence, memos, forms, meeting agenda excerpts, newsletter concerning the Consistoire Central Israelite de Belgique, an umbrella organization for the Jewish community in Belgium. Topics include reconstruction, Claims Conference grants and Jewish education. Of special note are documents detailing the cost of reconstruction of synagogues and other communal buildings destroyed in the Holocaust and a document detailing provision of Jewish education in public and private schools throughout Belgium.

Belgium: Consistoire Central Israelite de Belgique 1958-1964

File BG.28: Belgium: Directory of Jewish Organizations 1956

Old Folder Number: 10

Directory prepared for Capital Investment Fund Conference held in Paris May 2-3 1956 under the sponsorship of JDC and the Claims Conference.

Belgium: Directory of Jewish Organizations 1956

File BG.29: Belgium: Federation de la Jeunesse Juive 1956-1959

Old Folder Number: BR-22

Correspondence and meeting minutes concerning title, the Jewish Youth Federation. Topics include Claims Conference grant application and summer camps.

Belgium: Federation de la Jeunesse Juive 1956-1959

File BG.30: Belgium: Foyer d'Israel/Arbeter Ring/Center d'Oeuvres 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 39

Correspondence and receipts concerning Claims Conference grants to the three organizations in title.

Belgium: Foyer d’Israel/Arbeter Ring/Center d’Oeuvres 1961-1964

File BG.31: Belgium: Jewish Agency Federation Sioniste 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, invitations, and announcements concerning the Jewish Agency Federation Sioniste and its sponsorship of cultural events, including commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising; celebrations for Israeli Independence Day; and lectures and classes.

Belgium: Jewish Agency Federation Sioniste 1960-1964

File BG.32: Belgium: Organisation des Jeunes Filles et Fermes Agoudistes NOWAJ Antwerp 1958, 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 22

Correspondence and reports concerning title’s applications for Claim Conference grants.

Organisation des Jeunes Filles et Fermes Agoudistes NOWAJ Antwerp 1958, 1961-1962

File BG.33: Belgium: Secours Mutuel Juif 1957-1961

Old Folder Number: 2124

Correspondence, memos, program announcements dealing with title, title’s educational programs and Claims Conference grants.

Belgium: Secours Mutuel Juif 1957-1961

File BG.34: Belgium: Solidarite Juive 1956-1964

Old Folder Number: 2109

Correspondence, invitations, event announcements, protest poster and announcement concerning title and title’s division Commission de l’Enfance & Colonies. Topics include applications for title’s attempt to receive Claims Conference grants for children’s vacation colonies, annual commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and the May 8, 1963 anti-nuclear protest in Belgium.

Belgium: Solidarite Juive 1956-1964

File BG.35: Belgium: United HIAS Service 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 14

Correspondence, postcard, handwritten notes concerning title and refugee resettlement.

Belgium: United HIAS Service 1958-1964

Series 8: Jewish Organizations: Advisory Committees

The Jewish Organizations: Advisory Committees series contains correspondence, minutes of meetings, and lists of claims conference applicants for advisory committees for Claims Conference grants in Antwerp and Brussels. These organizations made recommendations regarding applicants for Claims Conference grants.

File BG.36: Belgium: Adivsory Committee Antwerp 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 34

Correspondence and meeting minutes concerning the advisory committee, which was created to make recommendations regarding Claims Conference grant applications.

Belgium: Adivsory Committee Antwerp 1956-1957

File BG.37: Belgium: Advisory Committee for Claims Conference Brussels 1956-1964

Old Folder Number: Br-2

Correspondence, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, memos, and lists of applicants for Claims Conference grants. The Advisory Committee for Claims Conference Brussels, Comite Consultatif de Bruxelles Pour La Claims Conference, made recommendations to the Claims Conference concerning grant applications from Jewish institutions and agencies in Brussels.

Belgium: Advisory Committee for Claims Conference Brussels 1956-1964

Series 9: Jewish Organizations: Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG)/Service Social Juif (SSJ)

The Jewish Organizations: Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG)/Service Social Juif (SSJ) was the main Jewish social welfare organization in Brussels. The organization began as AIVG, to assist Jewish victims of the Second World War and the Holocaust and as its services expanded, changed its name to SSJ. The series contains correspondence, reports, lists of refugees, annual reports, bylaws, meeting agendas and minutes, client intake forms, travel authorization requests, invitations, blueprints, questionnaires, memos, flow charts, maps, spreadsheets and trip reports. Topics include medical programs, social welfare, fundraising, Claims Conference grants, closing of a children’s home, organizational management, budgeting, training for social workers, and legal services for war victims.

File BG.38: Belgium: AIVG 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-25.002D

Correspondence, reports, memos and annual reports concerning the Comite d’ Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre. Topics include budgeting, social welfare, and medical services.

Belgium: AIVG 1955-1956

File BG.39: Belgium: AIVG 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence, memos, and travel authorization requests concerning the Comite d’Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG 1955-1958

File BG.40: Belgium: AIVG 1957

Old Folder Number: C-25.002E

Correspondence, memos, reports and annual report concerning the Comite Aide aux Israelities Victimes de la Guerre. Topics include social work, organizational management and personnel, budget, and financing.

Belgium: AIVG 1957

File BG.41: Belgium: AIVG 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.002F.2

Correspondence, memos, brochures, reports, financial statements and invitation regarding the Aide Israelite Aux Victimes de la Guerre and its division, Service Social Juif. Topics include funding, extensive reports on AIVG and SSJ and the impact of Foster Parents’ Plan ending its operations in Belgium.

Belgium: AIVG 1958-1964

File BG.42: Belgium: AIVG Brussels 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: Br-4

Correspondence, memos, annual reports, bylaws, meeting agendas and minutes, charts, and client intake forms concerning Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre. Topics include Claims Conference grants, closing of Guy Mansbach Children’s Home, social services provided by AIVG, and leadership within AIVG.

Belgium: AIVG Brussels 1955-1958

File BG.43: Belgium: AIVG Brussels 1959

Old Folder Number: Br-4.1;Br-9

Correspondence, memos, annual reports, bylaws, meeting agendas and minutes, charts, and client intake forms concerning the Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre. Topics include Claims Conference grants, social services provided by AIVG, and history of AIVG’s legal services division.

Belgium: AIVG Brussels 1959

File BG.44: Belgium: AIVG Brussels 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: 13

Correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, newsletters, envelope with postal cachet for “Centrale,” and copies of newspaper articles concerning Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre. Topics include Claims Conference grant applications and the termination of Foster Parents Plan assistance in Belgium and West Germany.

Belgium: AIVG Brussels 1959-1961

File BG.45: Belgium: AIVG Budget 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-25.005E

Correspondence, memos, spreadsheets, tables, budgets concerning the Comite d’Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG Budget 1955-1956

File BG.46: Belgium: AIVG Budget 1957

Old Folder Number: C-25.005F

Correspondence, tables, and spreadsheets concerning the Comite d’Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG Budget 1957

File BG.47: Belgium: AIVG Budget 1957-1959

Old Folder Number: 23

Correspondence, budget worksheets, budgets, and list of board members concerning the Aide aux Israelites Victimes de Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG Budget 1957-1959

File BG.48: Belgium: AIVG Final Report by Adeline H. Frigond 1958

Old Folder Number: 24

Report and related correspondence.

Belgium: AIVG Final Report by Adeline H. Frigond 1958

File BG.49: Belgium: AIVG and General Budget 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-25-005G

Correspondence, memos, budgets and tables concerning the budgets for Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre and associated organizations.

Belgium: AIVG and General Budget 1958-1964

File BG.50: Belgium: AIVG Guy and Anita Mansbach 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: MISC 402

Correspondence and memos regarding Guy and Anita Mansbach, executives of Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre, Brussels.

Belgium: AIVG Guy and Anita Mansbach 1956-1957

File BG.51: Belgium: AIVG Medical Program 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-29.006

Correspondence and report concerning the medical program of Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG Medical Program 1955-1956

File BG.52: Belgium: AIVG Naturalization Fund Brussels 1955-1959, 1961

Old Folder Number: Br-4A; 10

Correspondence and report regarding the program of AIVG to offer funds to pay the fees for Jewish residents of Belgium who are seeking citizenship, using funds from a Claims Conference grant. The annual report of AIVG for the year 1957 is also included in folder.

Belgium: AIVG Naturalization Fund Brussels 1955-1959, 1961

File BG.53: Belgium: AIVG Program and Administrative Structure 1956

Old Folder Number: 10; 25.002

A 72-page typed report on Aide Israelite Aux Victimes de la Guerre by Janet Siebold; memo concerning title.

Belgium: AIVG Program and Administrative Structure 1956

File BG.54: Belgium: AIVG Seminar Minutes 1957

Old Folder Number: 17

Minutes and case studies of seminars for social worker supervisors of Aide Aux Israèlites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG Seminar Minutes 1957

File BG.55: Belgium: AIVG Seminar Minutes 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: 17.1

Seminar minutes and case files from Aide aux Israèlites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG Seminar Minutes 1958-1959

File BG.56: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Budgets and Balance Sheets 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.002F.1

Includes 1962 balance sheets and 1963 and 1964 budgets for Service Social Juif, a division of Aide Israelite Aux Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Budgets and Balance Sheets 1962-1964

File BG.57: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Monthly Statistical Reports January-June 1964

Old Folder Number: 8.1

Statistical reports and related correspondence.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Monthly Statistical Reports January-June 1964

File BG.58: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Statistical Reports July-December 1964

Old Folder Number: 8

Statistical reports and related correspondence.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Statistical Reports July-December 1964

File BG.59: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Statistical Reports on Refugees 1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Statistical reports, related correspondence, and monthly lists of refugees assisted by SSJ.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Statistical Reports on Refugees 1964

File BG.60: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Statistical Spreadsheets 1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Set of spreadsheets tracking SSJ budget and casework for 1964.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Statistical Spreadsheets 1964

File BG.61: Belgium: AIVG Special Reports 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: 22

Correspondence, annual reports, reports, lists and memos concerning Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de Guerre and a brochure on The United Restitution Office.

Belgium: AIVG Special Reports 1957-1958

File BG.62: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: SS50

Reports and correspondence concerning title, Comite d’Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre/Service Social Juif, in Brussels. The reports are focused on the organization’s social welfare aspects, including training, social workers, and the children’s home. Also discussed are the medical department, loan kassa and personnel issues.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ 1957-1958

File BG.63: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ 1959-1962

Old Folder Number: SS38

Reports concerning the Comite d’Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre/Service Social Juif. Topics include social welfare services and legal services to war victims.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ 1959-1962

File BG.64: Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Brussels 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence, blueprint, survey questionnaire, memos dealing with the Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre/Service Social Juif. Topics include a conference on transients, subventions, and Claims Conference grants.

Belgium: AIVG/SSJ Brussels 1961-1962

File BG.65: Belgium: Plans SSJ Brussels 1963

Old Folder Number: 2, UNK

Blueprints, change orders, and square meter estimates for SSJ.

Belgium: Plans SSJ Brussels 1963

File BG.66: Belgium: Plans SSJ Brussels 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK

Blueprints for SSJ.

Belgium: Plans SSJ Brussels 1963-1964

File BG.67: Belgium: SSJ 1955-1956, 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: 12, C.25.0024

File includes correspondence, annual reports, copies of newspaper clippings, memos, and statistical tables concerning SSJ. Topics include medical program, fundraising, and the construction of a new building.

Belgium: SSJ 1955-1956, 1959-1964

File BG.68: Belgium: SSJ 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 9

Correspondence, memos, newspaper clippings, and fundraising letters concerning SSJ. Topics include summer camp, annual budgets, social work and fundraising.

Belgium: SSJ 1961-1964

File BG.69: Belgium: SSJ Loan Fund for Refugees 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 34

Correspondence and trip report concerning SSJ.

Belgium: SSJ Loan Fund for Refugees 1963-1964

File BG.70: Belgium: SSJ Loan Fund for Refugees 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 13

Correspondence, reports and memos concerning Service Social Juif’s establishment and management of fund.

Belgium: SSJ Loan Fund for Refugees 1963-1964

File BG.71: Belgium: Service Social Juif Monthly and Annual Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Monthly and annual financial reports and related correspondence.

Belgium: Service Social Juif Monthly and Annual Financial Reports 1964

Series 10: Jewish Organizations: Arbeter Ring

The Jewish Organizations: Arbeter Ring series containins correspondence, memos, receipts, and price estimates. Topics covered include Claims Conference grants, a summer colony, and budgets. One file also contains correspondence and receipts regarding the Association des Amis De L’Enfant Juif.

File BG.72: Belgium: Arbeter-Ring 1957-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, memos, price estimates, tax receipt and change of address form concerning the Workmen’s Circle organization in Brussels. Topics include Claims Conference grants, summer colony, and budget.

Belgium: Arbeter-Ring 1957-1964

File BG.73: Belgium: Enfants/Arbeter Ring 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 55

Correspondence and receipts concerning the Association des Amis De L’Enfant Juif and Cercle Amical Arbeter Ring.

Belgium: Enfants/Arbeter Ring 1962-1963

Series 11: Jewish Organizations: Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid En Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon (Centrale)

The Jewish Organizations: Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid En Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon (Centrale) series contains correspondence, reports, cables, memos, spreadsheets, budgets, blueprints, invitations, and forms. Centrale is a Jewish social welfare organization in Antwerp. Topics include construction of a compound for the Centrale’s institutions, Claims Conference grants, JDC subventions, assistance to refugees, personnel, assistance to the aged, and a summer colony.

File BG.74: Belgium: Antwerp Compound 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 3

Documents relating to architectural plans for a compound including an old age home, children’s home, synagogue, and offices. Includes cost estimates, equipment lists, and notes on the the plans.

Belgium: Antwerp Compound 1960-1962

File BG.75: Belgium: Antwerp Compound Blueprints 1960-1964 (1 of 2)

Old Folder Number: 3.1

Blueprints for compound containing old age home and synagogue.

Belgium: Antwerp Compound Blueprints 1960-1964 (1 of 2)

File BG.76: Belgium: Antwerp Compound Blueprints 1960-1964 (2 of 2)

Old Folder Number: 3.2

Blueprints for compound of Jewish institutions in Antwerp.

Belgium: Antwerp Compound Blueprints 1960-1964 (2 of 2)

File BG.77: Belgium: Centrale 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-28.002B

Correspondence, memos, spreadsheets, cables and invitations concerning the Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include subventions from JDC, assistance to Hungarian and Polish refugees, budgeting, and administration of the organization.

Belgium: Centrale 1955-1957

File BG.78: Belgium: Centrale 1955-1959

Old Folder Number: 36

Correspondence, memos, wedding invitation concerning the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include personnel issues, Claims Conference grants, a brief history of Villa Althol summer colony, assistance to the aged, refugees and social work.

Belgium: Centrale 1955-1957

File BG.79: Belgium: Centrale 1958, 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: C-28.002C

Correspondence, memos, copies of cables, invitations, budgets, and spreadsheets concerning the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include financing, budgeting, fundraising, and personnel.

Belgium: Centrale 1958, 1960-1964

File BG.80: Belgium: Centrale 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: 37

Correspondence, memos, concerning the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include personnel issues, Claims Conference grants, refugees and assistance to the aged.

Belgium: Centrale 1959-1960

File BG.81: Belgium: Centrale 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 39

Correspondence, memos, newspaper clipping, and wedding invitation concerning the Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include JDC subventions, refugees, personnel, and Claims Conference grant applications.

Belgium: Centrale 1960-1962

File BG.82: Belgium: Centrale 1962-1964 (1 of 2)

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence, budgets, memos concerning the Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Other topics include travel grants to refugees.

Belgium: Centrale 1962-1964 (1 of 2)

File BG.83: Belgium: Centrale 1962-1964 (2 of 2)

Old Folder Number: 40

Correspondence, memos, death notice, bar mitzvah announcement, fundraising forms, price list concerning the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include fundraising, refugees, personnel, and JDC subventions.

Belgium: Centrale 1962-1964 (2 of 2)

File BG.84: Belgium: Centrale and AIVG 1959-1960, 1963

Old Folder Number: SS51

Reports concerning social and medical services provided by the Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon in Antwerp and the Comite d’Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre in Brussels.

Belgium: Centrale and AIVG 1959-1960, 1963

File BG.85: Belgium: Centrale Antwerp 1955

Old Folder Number: C-21

Correspondence regarding Centrale’s request for a loan fund from JDC.

Belgium: Centrale Antwerp 1955

File BG.86: Belgium: Centrale Antwerp Compound 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK; 18

Correspondence, excerpts from meeting agendas, cost estimates, handwritten notes, blueprint, memos concerning Centrale’s project. Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon requested a grant from Claims Conference to cover half the cost of centralizing Jewish communal services in Antwerp, including expanding the old age home, making improvements to the children’s home, canteen and Centrale offices as well as building a maternity home. Documents also discuss the children’s summer camp.

Belgium: Centrale Antwerp Compound 1960-1964

File BG.87: Belgium: Centrale Bulletin 1959, 1962

Old Folder Number: C-25.020.1

Correspondence and handwritten note concerning Centrale.

Belgium: Centrale Bulletin 1959, 1962

File BG.88: Belgium: Centrale Financial and Statistical Reports 1957 Antwerp 1958

Old Folder Number: 1

Financial and statistical reports of the Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon.

Belgium: Centrale Financial and Statistical Reports 1957 Antwerp 1958

File BG.89: Belgium: Centrale Old Age Home and Maternity Ward Antwerp 1956-1964

Old Folder Number: 28

Correspondence, memos, article reprint concerning planning and construction of a complex for the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Facilities include an old age home, a maternity ward, and offices.

Belgium: Centrale Old Age Home and Maternity Ward Antwerp 1956-1964

File BG.90: Belgium: Centrale - Statistical and Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Statistical and financial reports from the Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Mattschappelijk Hulpbetoon, and related correspondence.

Belgium: Centrale – Statistical and Financial Reports 1964

File BG.91: Belgium: Centrale - Statistical Reports on Refugees 1964

Old Folder Number: 9

Monthly statistical and financial reports from the Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon concerning assistance to refugees.

Belgium: Centrale – Statistical Reports on Refugees 1964

Series 12: Jewish Organizations: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives (Centrale)

The Jewish Organizations: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives (Centrale) series contains correspondence, reports, memos, magazines, newsletters, flyers, and event programs. The Centrale served as an umbrella fundraising organization for eight Jewish agencies in Brussels. Topics include fundraising, including fundraising for Jewish refugees from North Africa; donations; and social services.

File BG.92: Belgium: Brussels Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociales Juives Fundraising Report 1960

Old Folder Number: 33

Printed report titled “Grace A Vous, Nous Réussirons: A Special Report on the Brussels Centrale’s Efforts to Improve its Fund-raising Campaign.”

Belgium: Brussels Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives Fundraising Report 1960

File BG.93: Belgium: Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-25.020

Correspondence, report, and magazine concerning the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives. Topics include funding and social services.

Belgium: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1955-1957

File BG.94: Belgium: Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: BR-13

Correspondence, memos, magazine, flyers, event programs concerning the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives. Topics include fundraising, an interview of JDC Country Director Leonard Seidenman, and activity summaries.

Belgium: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1958-1959

File BG.95: Belgium: Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: BR-13

Correspondence, memos, reports, financial reports and newsletters concerning the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives.

Belgium: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1960-1962

File BG.96: Belgium: Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, address list, newsletters, newspaper clipping, and magazine article concerning the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives. Of special note is a telegram sent from the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives to JDC Brussels offering condolences after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Belgium: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1962-1964

File BG.97: Belgium: Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociales Juives, Community Center Brussels 1957, 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence and memos regarding donations to the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives and payments to and from the organization.

Belgium: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives, Community Center Brussels 1957, 1959-1964

File BG.98: Belgium: CENTRALE Fundraising Material Brussels and Antwerp 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.020.2

Correspondence, memos, invitations, programs, flyers concerning the Centrale D’Oeuvres Sociales Juives Bruxelles and Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include annual fundraising campaign, a special campaign for assistance to refugees from North Africa and a description of Antwerp’s one-day phone drive for the latter.

Belgium: CENTRALE Fundraising Material Brussels and Antwerp 1958-1964

File BG.99: Belgium: Centrale, Program for Fundraising Campaign 1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.020

88-page printed program opening event of a musical concert.

Belgium: Centrale, Program for Fundraising Campaign 1964

Series 13: Jewish Organizations: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives (Centrale)

The Jewish Organizations: Comité Central Israélite series contains correspondence, memos, claims conference applications, reports, and invitations concerning the Comité Central Israélite, which ran a children’s home.

File BG.100: Belgium: Comité Central Israélite 1955-1959

Old Folder Number: 1080

Correspondence, memos, Claims Conference applications, reports on history and operations of the Comité Central Israélite, cable, and wedding invitation. Most documents in this folder concern the Comité Central Israélite’s Claims Conference grant for its children’s home in Antwerp.

Belgium: Comité Central Israélite 1955-1959

File BG.101: Belgium: Comité Central Israélite 1957

Old Folder Number: C-29.008 C

Correspondence and memos concerning funding for the Comité Central Israélite, Rosh Hashanah card, and invitation to memorial plaque dedication.

Belgium: Comité Central Israélite 1957

File BG.102: Belgium: Comité Central Israélite Brussels 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-29.008 B

Correspondence, memos, financial reports and price lists concerning the Comité Central Israélite.

Belgium: Comité Central Israélite Brussels 1955-1956

File BG.103: Belgium: Comité Central Israélite Monthly Financial and Statistical Reports 1956, 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: 16

Monthly financial and statistical reports and related correspondence.

Belgium: Comité Central Israélite Monthly Financial and Statistical Reports 1956, 1958-1959

Series 14: Jewish Organizations: Community Centers

The Jewish Organizations: Community Centers series contains architectural plans, correspondence, notes, memos, applications for Claims Conference grants, equipment lists, booklet, and event program. Files cover community centers in Antwerp, Brussels, Liege and Charleroi, as well as a conference on Jewish community centers.

File BG.104: Belgium: Conference on Jewish Community Centers 1960

Old Folder Number: 43

Printed 102-page booklet concerning the Conference on Jewish Community Centers.

Belgium: Conference on Jewish Community Centers 1960

File BG.105: Belgium: Foyer Israelite Charleroi 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 43

Correspondence, programming schedule, legal notice, invitation, financial statements, and Claims Conference grant application concerning the Charleroi Jewish community’s social and cultural center.

Belgium: Foyer Israelite Charleroi 1960-1964

File BG.106: Belgium: Foyer Israelite Liege 1955-1961

Old Folder Number: 49

Correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, financial statements, newspaper clippings, and meeting agenda excerpts concerning application for Claims Conference grant by the Foyer Israelite, a Jewish social and cultural organization in Liege.

Belgium: Foyer Israelite Liege 1955-1961

File BG.107: Belgium: Foyer Israelite Liege 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 50

Correspondence, newspaper clippings, memos, and meeting agenda excerpts concerning the Claims Conference grant to the Foyer Israelite. This folder included photos of Charles Jordan giving a speech.

Belgium: Foyer Israelite Liege 1961-1964

File BG.108: Belgium: Antwerp - Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Blueprints 1960, 1963-1964 (3 of 3)

Old Folder Number: 2.3

Architectural plans for community center.

Belgium: Antwerp – Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Blueprints 1960, 1963-1964 (3 of 3)

File BG.109: Belgium: Antwerp - Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Blueprints 1964 (1 of 3)

Old Folder Number: 2.1

Architectural plans for community center.

Belgium: Antwerp – Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Blueprints 1964 (1 of 3)

File BG.110: Belgium: Antwerp - Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Blueprints 1964 (2 of 3)

Old Folder Number: 2.2

Architectural plans for community center.

Belgium: Antwerp – Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Blueprints 1964 (2 of 3)

File BG.111: Belgium: Antwerp - Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Plans 1964

Old Folder Number: 2

Architect’s notes on community center plan.

Belgium: Antwerp – Romi Goldmuntz Community Center Plans 1964

File BG.112: Belgium: Romi Goldmuntz Antwerp 1957-1960

Old Folder Number: 25

Programs from Royal Sports Club Maccabi honoring Romi Goldmuntz and blueprint for the Romi Goldmuntz Community Center.

Belgium: Romi Goldmuntz Antwerp 1957-1960

File BG.113: Belgium: Romi Goldmuntz Foundation Jewish Community Center Antwerp 1955-1962

Old Folder Number: 16,17

Correspondence, reports, memos, land auction notice, blueprints, legal notice, and reports concerning the community center’s application for a Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Romi Goldmuntz Foundation Jewish Community Center Antwerp 1955-1962

File BG.114: Belgium: Schedules of Equipment Community Center Brussels 1958

Old Folder Number: 8

Equipment lists with cost estimates, drawings of community center rooms.

Belgium: Schedules of Equipment Community Center Brussels 1958

Series 15: Jewish Organizations: Maccabi

The Jewish Organizations: Maccabi series contains correspondence, cables, flyers, and tickets concerning the sports organization Maccabi and its requests for Claims Conference grants.

File BG.115: Belgium: Association Sportive Maccabi 1956-1962

Old Folder Number: 1260/BR-28

Correspondence, cables and flyers concerning the Association Sportive Maccabi and its application for Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Association Sportive Maccabi 1956-1962

File BG.116: Belgium: Koninklijke Sportclub Maccabi Antwerp 1957-1964

Old Folder Number: A/12; 55

Correspondence, telegram, cables, invitation, and tickets concerning the Koninklijke Sportclub Maccabi and its request for a Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Koninklijke Sportclub Maccabi Antwerp 1957-1964

Series 16: Jewish Organizations: Menorah

The Jewish Organizations: Menorah series contains correspondence, memos, reports, newsletters, and event announcements concerning the formation and programming of the cultural organization Menorah and its requests for Claims Conference grants.

File BG.117: Belgium: Menorah 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-25.044

Correspondence, memos, reports, and newsletter concerning formation and funding requests of Menorah.

Belgium: Menorah 1955-1956

File BG.118: Belgium: Menorah Brussels 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: BR-25

Correspondence, memos, financial reports, event announcements concerning Menorah. Topics include programming and Claims Conference grants.

Belgium: Menorah Brussels 1958-1964

File BG.119: Belgium: Menorah/Centrale 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-25.004

Correspondence, memo and reports on activities of Menorah and regarding Menorah’s request for a Claims Conference grant. Also included are Menorah newsletters for May 1955, September 1955-April 1956 and a reprint from the Bulletin of Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives documenting living conditions of poor members of the Jewish community.

Belgium: Menorah/Centrale 1955-1956

Series 17: Jewish Organizations: Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive

The Jewish Organizations: Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive series contains correspondence, financial reports, budgets, meeting minutes, customs and tax forms, and invitations concerning Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive, “Friends of Jewish Children,” which operated Centre des Jeunes, the youth center at the Brussels Jewish Community Center. Topics include programming, fundraising, Claims Conference grants, budgeting, personnel, and plans for the center.

File BG.120: Belgium: Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive January-July 1959

Old Folder Number: 4

Correspondence, newsletters, budgets, meeting minutes, customs and tax forms concerning Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive.

Belgium: Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive January-July 1959

File BG.121: Belgium: Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: 28

Correspondence, invitations, change of address postcard, financial reports, budgets, meeting minutes concerning the Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive which operated Centre des Jeunes, the “Youth Center,” at the Brussels Jewish Community Center. Topics include programming and fundraising.

Belgium: Les Amis de la Jeunesse Juive 1959-1961

File BG.122: Belgium: Les Amis de la Jeunnese Juive (Centre des Jeunes) Brussels 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence, memos, invitations concerning the Les Amis de la Jeunnese Juive. Topics include hiring center directors, Claims Conference grants, and budget.

Belgium: Les Amis de la Jeunnese Juive (Centre des Jeunes) Brussels 1961-1964

File BG.123: Belgium: Youth Center Community Center Les Amis de la Jeunesse 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence regarding claims conference applications for the construction of a Brussels community center and plans for the center. Minutes of meetings, budgets, and newsletter of Les Amis de la Jeunesse.

Belgium: Youth Center Community Center Les Amis de la Jeunesse 1955-1958

Series 18: Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassas

The Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassas series contains correspondence, memos, financial reports, spreadsheets, annual reports, and trip report concerning loan kassas in Antwerp, Brussels, Liege, policies of loan kassas in Germany, and the Refugee Loan Fund in Brussels. Topics include reinvestment policies and formalizing the practices of the Liege Loan Kassa.

File BG.124: Belgium: L'Entr'Aide Israelite Committee 1962

Old Folder Number: 2

Correspondence listing names of L’Entr’Aide Israelite Committee.

Belgium: L’Entr’Aide Israelite Committee 1962

File BG.125: Belgium: Loan Kassas 1958-1961, 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.025A

Correspondence and memos regarding the loan kassas. Topics include reinvestment policies and formalizing the practices of the Liege Loan Kassa.

Belgium: Loan Kassas 1958-1961, 1963-1964

File BG.126: Belgium: Loan Kassas 1963

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence, financial reports, memos, spreadsheets and annual report concerning Loan Kassas in Brussels, Antwerp and Liège.

Belgium: Loan Kassas 1963

File BG.127: Belgium: Loan Kassas 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 1

Financial statements and trip report concerning loan kassas in Antwerp, Brussels, Liege and the Refugee Loan Fund in Brussels.

Belgium: Loan Kassas 1963-1964

File BG.128: Belgium: Loan Kassas Germany 1957-1959

Old Folder Number: 2

Correspondence, announcement concerning small loan policy of loan kassas in Germany.

Belgium: Loan Kassas Germany 1957-1959

Series 19: Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassa Antwerp

The Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassa Antwerp series contains correspondence, financial statements, financial tables, and memos concerning the Joodsche Cooperatieve Leenkas. Loan Kassas made small loans, often for business start-up and expansion. Topics include repayment of loans and reinvestment of payments.

File BG.129: Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1955

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence and financial statements concerning the Joodsche Cooperatieve Leenkas.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1955

File BG.130: Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1957

Old Folder Number: 34

Correspondence and financial statements concerning the Joodsche Cooperatieve Leenkas.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1957

File BG.131: Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1959, 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 24

Correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, and financial statements concerning the Joodsche Cooperatieve Leenkas.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1959, 1961-1964

File BG.132: Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1962

Old Folder Number: 18

Correspondence, memos and financial tables concerning the Joodsche Cooperatieve Leenka.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1962

File BG.133: Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1963

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence concerning the Joodsche Cooperatieve Leenkas and handprinted notes referencing pre-1963 correspondence.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1963

File BG.134: Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1964

Old Folder Number: 35

Correspondence concerning the Joodsche Cooperatieve Leenkas. Topics include repayment of loans and reinvestment of payments.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Antwerp 1964

Series 20: Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassa Brussels

The Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassa Brussels series contains correspondence, memos, brochures, reports, financial tables, meeting minutes concerning title, Caisse de Prets et de Credit. Loan Kassas provided small loans, often for start-up or expansion of businesses.

File BG.135: Belgium: Caisse de Prêts et de Crédit Brussels 1963

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence, memos, and reports concerning the Caisse de Prêts et de Crédit, Brussels.

Belgium: Caisse de Prêts et de Crédit Brussels 1963

File BG.136: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1955

Old Folder Number: 2

Correspondence, financial statements, and reports concerning the loan kassa in Brussels.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1955

File BG.137: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-25.025; C-25.025 A

Correspondence, memos, and 10th anniversary brochure concerning the Caisse de Prets et de Credit.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1955-1957

File BG.138: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, financial statements, memo, and ad tearsheet concerning Caisse de Prets et de Credit, the loan kassa in Brussels. Topics include comments on the cost of operating the kassa versus the benefit to the community.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1956-1957

File BG.139: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1958

Old Folder Number: C-25.037

Correspondence concerning the Caisse de Prets Et de Credit. Folder includes copy of letter from March, 1948.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1958

File BG.140: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1958-1961, 1964

Old Folder Number: BR-12, Two UNK

Correspondence, annual report, Rosh Hashanah greetings, and meeting announcement concerning the Caisse de Prets et de Credit.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1958-1961, 1964

File BG.141: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1962

Old Folder Number: 17

Correspondence, financial tables, and memos concerning the Caisse de Prêts et de Crédit.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1962

File BG.142: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1964

Old Folder Number: 33

Correspondence and memos concerning the Caisse de Prets et de Credit. Topics include request for additional JDC subvention.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels 1964

File BG.143: Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels Board of Directors Minutes 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 2

Board meeting minutes of Caisse de Prêtes et de Crédit.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Brussels Board of Directors Minutes 1962-1964

Series 21: Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassa Liege

The Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassa Liege series contains correspondence, invitations, agendas, published legal notices, financial tables, statements, and memos concerning L’Entr’Aide Israelite. Loan Kassas provided small loans, often for business start-up and expansion. Topics include formation of title, JDC subventions and election of officers.

File BG.144: Belgium: Loan Kassa Liege 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 48

Correspondence, invitations, meeting agendas, and published legal notice concerning L’Entr’Aide Israelite. Topics include formation of L’Entr’Aide Israelite, JDC subventions, and elections of officers.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Liege 1958-1964

File BG.145: Belgium: Loan Kassa Liège 1962

Old Folder Number: 16

Correspondence and memos concerning L’ Entr’Aide Israelite.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Liège 1962

File BG.146: Belgium: Loan Kassa Liège 1963

Old Folder Number: 50

Correspondence, memos, and financial tables concerning L’entr’ Aide Israelite.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Liège 1963

File BG.147: Belgium: Loan Kassa Liege 1964

Old Folder Number: 32

Correspondence, financial statements, and memos concerning L’EntrAide Israelite.

Belgium: Loan Kassa Liege 1964

Series 22: Jewish Organizations: ORT

The Jewish Organizations: ORT series contains correspondence, memos, reports, and financial statements for the Organization for Rehabilitation through Training. Topics include vocational training, real estate, and a report on training in the diamond industry in Antwerp.

File BG.148: Belgium: ORT 1956

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence regarding ORT and vocational training subsidies by Jewish social welfare organizations in Belgium.

Belgium: ORT 1956

File BG.149: Belgium: ORT 1958

Old Folder Number: 28

Correspondence and memos concerning ORT. Topics include training in diamond industry.

Belgium: ORT 1958

File BG.150: Belgium: ORT 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: C-25.034A

Correspondence and memos concerning ORT. Topics include vocational training and real estate.

Belgium: ORT 1958-1960

File BG.151: Belgium: ORT Monthly Financial Reports 1961

Old Folder Number: 1

Monthly financial reports.

Belgium: ORT Monthly Financial Reports 1961

File BG.152: Belgium: ORT National Financial Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 7

National financial reports.

Belgium: ORT National Financial Reports 1963

File BG.153: Belgium: ORT National Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 9

National financial reports.

Belgium: ORT National Financial Reports 1964

File BG.154: Belgium: ORT Monthly Statistical Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 6

Monthly statistical and financial reports.

Belgium: ORT Monthly Statistical Financial Reports 1964

Series 23: Subject Matter: Case Files

The files in this series are restricted for confidentiality concerns. Please see our Access & Restrictions Policy.

Series 24: Subject Matter: Child Care

The Subject Matter: Child Care series contains correspondence, memos, brochures, lists of names, reports, copies of cables, inspection reports, and financial statements, blueprints concerning children’s homes, youth groups, vacation colonies, summer camps, and children in foster care. Topics include programs for Jewish children placed in Christian foster homes, movement of children in group homes from Germany to Belgium, closing a children’s home in Brussels, operation and inspection of summer camps, financing and budgeting for various services for children.

File BG.157: Belgium: Centrale Children's Home Antwerp 1958-1960, 1962

Old Folder Number: 31

Correspondence, memos and lists of names concerning the children’s home operated by Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include renovation of children’s home, children residing in the home, and funding.

Belgium: Centrale Children’s Home Antwerp 1958-1960, 1962

File BG.158: Belgium: Centrale Children's Salvation Antwerp 1958-1962

Old Folder Number: 30

Correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, and reports concerning Centrale Children’s Salvation. Topics include Children’s Salvations’s budget and work with Jewish children placed in Christian foster homes.

Belgium: Centrale Children’s Salvation Antwerp 1958-1962

File BG.159: Belgium: Centrale d'Oeuvres Sociale Juives 1958-1961

Old Folder Number: C-25.020A

Correspondence, memos, copies of cables concerning the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociale Juives. Topics include youth groups, community centers, funding, and personnel matters.

Belgium: Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociale Juives 1958-1961

File BG.160: Belgium: Centrale Villa Altol Antwerp 1956, 1959-1963

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, memos, brochure, inspection reports, financial statements for summer camp operated by the Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon. Topics include budget, JDC subventions, application for a Claims Conference grant, and government inspections.

Belgium: Centrale Villa Altol Antwerp 1956, 1959-1963

File BG.161: Belgium: Centre des Jeunes Shapiro Report 1959

Old Folder Number: C-25.020.3

Report by Sidney Shapiro and related handwritten notes.

Belgium: Centre des Jeunes Shapiro Report 1959

File BG.162: Belgium: Child Placement 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: C-25.006.2

Correspondence and memos concerning movement of children in group homes from Germany to Belgium.

Belgium: Child Placement 1958-1959

File BG.163: Belgium: Child Placement Study 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: SS33

Correspondence, tables, and report concerning plan for closing the Guy Mansbach Children’s Home in Brussels and finding placements for the remaining residents.

Belgium: Child Placement Study 1957-1958

File BG.164: Belgium: Children's Homes, Camps and Summer Colonies 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-25.006

Correspondence and memos regarding children’s homes, camps, and summer colonies. Topics include expenses, furnishings, recreation, and funding.

Belgium: Children’s Homes, Camps and Summer Colonies 1955-1957

File BG.165: Belgium: Comite Central Childrens Home Financial Liquidation 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: MISC. 241

Correspondence concerning financial liquidation of children’s home. One page concerns belongings of Henri Elias, which were shipped from Brussels to Paris.

Belgium: Comite Central Childrens Home Financial Liquidation 1957-1958

File BG.166: Belgium: Comite Central Israelite Brussels 1958

Old Folder Number: C-29.008D

Correspondence regarding the Comite Central Israelite and closure of its children’s home.

Belgium: Comite Central Israelite Brussels 1958

File BG.167: Belgium: Disposition of AIVG Children's Home, Rhode-St.Genèse 1958-1960, 1962

Old Folder Number: 16

Correspondence, drafts, and memos regarding the AIVG Children’s Home in Rhode-St.Genèse which was operated by Service Social Juif, a division of Aide Aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre.

Belgium: Disposition of AIVG Children’s Home, Rhode-St.Genèse 1958-1960, 1962

File BG.168: Belgium: Jardin d'Enfants Gan Israeli Brussels 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, memos, notices, newspaper clipping, and meeting minutes excerpts concerning the Jardin d’Enfants Gan Israeli, a kindergarten in Brussels that was originally part of Foyer d’Israel. Topics include Claims Conference grant, facilities, and management of the kindergarten.

Belgium: Jardin d’Enfants Gan Israeli Brussels 1963-1964

File BG.169: Belgium: Plans Children's Home Antwerp 1961

Old Folder Number: 20

Blueprint for the children’s home in Antwerp.

Belgium: Plans Children’s Home Antwerp 1961

File BG.170: Belgium: Summer Camps 1956

Old Folder Number: Med. 257

Correspondence regarding an application for funds by the Villa Altol summer camp and investigation of the existing program and needs.

Belgium: Summer Camps 1956

File BG.171: Belgium: Summer Colonies 1957-1963

Old Folder Number: 15

Correspondence, reports, and memos concerning summer colonies. Topics include needs of different sectors of Jewish community regarding summer camps.

Belgium: Summer Colonies 1957-1963

File BG.172: Belgium: Vacation Colony Study 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: 16

Correspondence and report on children’s vacation colonies operated by Jewish community organizations.

Belgium: Vacation Colony Study 1958-1959

File BG.173: Belgium: Zeirei Agudath Israel en Belgique Antwerp 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 10

Correspondence, newsletter, and meeting agenda excerpts concerning Zeirei Agudath Israel en Belgique and its application for a Claims Conference grant for summer camp.

Belgium: Zeirei Agudath Israel en Belgique Antwerp 1960-1962

Series 25: Subject Matter: Education

The Subject Matter: Education series contains correspondence, meeting agenda excerpts, lists of students, receipts, blueprints, cost estimates, brochures, cables, memos, technical studies, soil stability test results, drawings, reports, change orders, invitations, news releases, proposals, and invitations. Most of these folders concern construction and additions of Jewish Community schools, often with grants from Claims Conference. In some cases, the school construction is part of a project that may include other communal facilities, such as synagogues or community centers. Other topics are scholarships, Jewish education in public schools, and the growth of the Belz community in Antwerp.

File BG.174: Belgium: Bahad Marquain School 1955

Old Folder Number: C-25.003

Correspondence concerning closure and disposal of equipment of the Bahad Marquain School, the school operated by Brit Chalutzim Datiim (Religious Pioneers for Israel) in Marquain, Belgium.

Belgium: Bahad Marquain School 1955

File BG.175: Belgium: Beth HaMidrash et Aide Fraternelle Beth Jitzhak Antwerp 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence and meeting agends excerpts concerning Claims Conference grant application by title, an organization of the Sanz community in Antwerp.

Belgium: Beth HaMidrash et Aide Fraternelle Beth Jitzhak Antwerp 1961-1963

File BG.176: Belgium: Bibliotheque Maimonide Antwerp 1958, 1963

Old Folder Number: 28

Correspondence concerning application by title for a Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Bibliotheque Maimonide Antwerp 1958, 1963

File BG.177: Belgium: B'nei Akiva Talmud Torah 1960

Old Folder Number: 2

Two letters about arranging a meeting.

Belgium: B’nei Akiva Talmud Torah 1960

File BG.178: Belgium: Boarding School for Western Europe Antwerp 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence, meeting agenda excerpts, list of students concerning Claims Conference grant application for title, operated by the Union Europeenne Des Communautes Israelites Orthodoxes.

Belgium: Boarding School for Western Europe Antwerp 1961-1964

File BG.179: Belgium: Books 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-25.040

Correspondence concerning purchases for the Brussels Jewish community.

Belgium: Books 1955-1956

File BG.180: Belgium: Centre National des Hautes Etudes Juives 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, speech, invitations, report, wire service article concerning title, The National Center for Advanced Jewish Studies in Belgium. Topics include speeches by Charles Jordan, one concerning refugees from North Africa and one titled “Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies.”

Belgium: Centre National des Hautes Etudes Juives 1961-1964

File BG.181: Belgium: Centre National des Hautes Etudes Juives 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 47

Correspondence and receipts concerning Claims Conference payments to the Centre National des Hautes Etudes Juives.

Belgium: Centre National des Hautes Etudes Juives 1962-1964

File BG.182: Belgium: Chasside Belz Bnot Jerusalem Antwerp 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, memos, meeting agenda excerpts, cost estimates concerning title’s application for a Claims Conference grant to remodel a school building and add trade classes.

Belgium: Chasside Belz Bnot Jerusalem Antwerp 1960-1963

File BG.183: Belgium: Commune de St. Gilles Ecole Plans 1958

Old Folder Number: UNK

Blueprints for title, a school.

Belgium: Commune de St. Gilles Ecole Plans 1958

File BG.184: Belgium: Correspondence Courses for Jewish Education 1959

Old Folder Number: C-25.047

Correspondence and memos regarding correspondence courses for Jewish education and Jewish education in public schools.

Belgium: Correspondence Courses for Jewish Education 1959

File BG.185: Belgium: Ecole Israelite 1957, 1962

Old Folder Number: C-29.005″A”

Correspondence, brochures, routing slip, and memos concerning the Ecole Israelite.

Belgium: Ecole Israelite 1957, 1962

File BG.186: Belgium: Ecole Israelite Brussels 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: 39

Correspondence, memos, and cables regarding construction of the Ecole Israelite.

Belgium: Ecole Israelite Brussels 1960-1963

File BG.187: Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-29.005

Correspondence and memos concerning the Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles. Topics include budget, personnel, and courses.

Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1955-1956

File BG.188: Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1956-1961

Old Folder Number: 22

Correspondence regarding the purchase and renovation of a building for title, a Jewish school, and the working out of finances and Claims Conference support for the project.

Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1956-1961

File BG.189: Belgium: Ecole Israelite de Bruxelles 1958, 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: CA-7/28/1.1

Blueprints, correspondence, site surveys, drawings, handwritten notes, plans for construction of title, a Jewish school in Brussels.

Belgium: Ecole Israelite de Bruxelles 1958, 1961-1962

File BG.190: Belgium: Ecole Israelite de Bruxelles 1958, 1962

Old Folder Number: CA-7/28/1

Blueprints, correspondence, site surveys, drawings, handwritten notes, plans for construction of title, a Jewish school in Brussels.

Belgium: Ecole Israelite de Bruxelles 1958, 1962

File BG.191: Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1959-1961, 1963

Old Folder Number: 16

Correspondence and memos concerning payments to the Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles.

Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1959-1961, 1963

File BG.192: Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: 23

Correspondence regarding funding, both local and from the Claims Conference, for the purchase or construction of a school building. Pamphlets regarding the school. Book list.

Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1961-1963

File BG.193: Belgium: Ecole Israelite de Bruxelles 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 39

Correspondence and receipts concerning Claims Conference payments to the Ecole Israelite de Bruxelles.

Belgium: Ecole Israelite de Bruxelles 1962-1964

File BG.194: Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 24

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference funding for a school property purchase and operation of the school. The property was purchased after a process of years. Death notices for Elias Baum. Financial reports for the Athenee Maimonide and lists of books for the school.

Belgium: Ecole Israélite de Bruxelles 1963-1964

File BG.195: Belgium: Ecole Israelite, Brussels Etude Technique 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, technical studies, soil stability tests, copy of drawing and blueprints for Jewish School in Brussels.

Belgium: Ecole Israelite, Brussels Etude Technique 1961-1962

File BG.196: Belgium: Ecole Tachkemoni Antwerp 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 48

Correspondence and receipts concerning Claims Conference payments to the Ecole Tachkemoni for construction, equipment and educational programs.

Belgium: Ecole Tachkemoni Antwerp 1961-1962

File BG.197: Belgium: Education Department 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: C-25.041

Correspondence concerning Jewish schools.

Belgium: Education Department 1956-1957

File BG.198: Belgium: Educational Activities 1959, 1962, 1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.041A

Correspondence and memos concerning educational materials and the educational needs of teenage immigrants from Poland to Belgium.

Belgium: Educational Activities 1959, 1962, 1964

File BG.199: Belgium: Ets Chajim 1962

Old Folder Number: 58

Correspondence and receipts regarding Claims Conference payments to the Ecole Israélite Supérieure Ets Chajim.

Belgium: Ets Chajim 1962

File BG.200: Belgium: Ets Chajim Antwerp 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence, memos and cables concerning title’s application for a Claims Conference grant. Title’s full name is Ecole Israélite Supérieure pour l’Europe “Ets Chajim” Enseignement des Sciences Juives, it was originally named Yeshivah Kapellen.

Belgium: Ets Chajim Antwerp 1958-1960

File BG.201: Belgium: Ets Chajim Antwerp 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence, memos, meeting agenda extracts concerning Claims Conference grant application by title, École Israélite Supérieure Etz Chajim.

Belgium: Ets Chajim Antwerp 1961-1964

File BG.202: Belgium: Hebrew Schools Antwerp 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-28.001

Correspondence concerning Tachkemoni and Jesode-HaTora – Beth Jacob, the two Jewish schools in Antwerp, and an invitation to the 35th anniversary celebration of Tachkemoni.

Belgium: Hebrew Schools Antwerp 1955-1956

File BG.203: Belgium: Jesode Hatora Antwerp 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: 19

Correspondence, blueprints, material lists, cost estimates, change orders concerning title’s Claims Conference grant for school construction.

Belgium: Jesode Hatora Antwerp 1959-1960

File BG.204: Belgium: Jesode Hatora Beth Jakob Antwerp 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 25, 26

Correspondence, memos, forms, invitations, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s application for Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Jesode Hatora Beth Jakob Antwerp 1958-1964

File BG.205: Belgium: Jesode Hatora Beth Jacob Antwerp 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 49

Correpondence and receipts concerning Claims Conference payments to the Jesode Hatora Beth Jacob.

Belgium: Jesode Hatora Beth Jacob Antwerp 1961-1964

File BG.206: Belgium: Jewish Center Directors Training Program in Israel 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 35

Correspondence and news releases regarding the Jewish Center Directors Training Program in Israel.

Belgium: Jewish Center Directors Training Program in Israel 1962-1963

File BG.207: Belgium: Les Amis de L'Enfant Juif 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 28

Correspondence regarding title, a group organizing non-political Yiddish Jewish education, including discussions of expenses and needs. Recommendation for Claims Conference applications of title. Financial reports of title.

Belgium: Les Amis de L’Enfant Juif 1960-1964

File BG.208: Belgium: Mahon Beth Arie Talmud Torah Brussels 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, memos, budgets, class schedules and meeting minute excerpts for title, a Hebrew/religion school in Brussels also known as Institut Beth Arie. Topics include budget, Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Mahon Beth Arie Talmud Torah Brussels 1960-1963

File BG.209: Belgium: Plans Belz Synagogue and Bnot Jerusalem School Antwerp 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Blueprints, proposal, and correspondence concerning the Belz Synagogue and Bnot Jerusalem School.

Belgium: Plans Belz Synagogue and Bnot Jerusalem School Antwerp 1960-1963

File BG.210: Belgium: Plans Bnot Jerusalem School Antwerp 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 4, 5

Blueprints, correspondence, cost estimates for title.

Belgium: Plans Bnot Jerusalem School Antwerp 1960-1962

File BG.211: Belgium: Plans Jesode HaTorah Antwerp 1963

Old Folder Number: 19

Blueprints, architect’s proposal, and correspondence concerning Jesode HaTorah.

Belgium: Plans Jesode HaTorah Antwerp 1963

File BG.212: Belgium: Plans Machsike Hadass School and Center 1962

Old Folder Number: 18

Blueprint for title.

Belgium: Plans Machsike Hadass School and Center 1962

File BG.213: Belgium: Plans Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1955-1959

Old Folder Number: 21

Blueprints for title.

Belgium: Plans Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1955-1959

File BG.214: Belgium: Plans Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1956, 1959

Old Folder Number: 21

Tender, correspondence, notice, report, construction schedule and square meter estimates concerning construction project of title.

Belgium: Plans Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1956, 1959

File BG.215: Belgium: Plans Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 13, 14, 15, 20

Blueprint of the Tachkemoni School.

Belgium: Plans Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1960-1962

File BG.216: Belgium: Plans Torah Vejirah School and Synagogue Antwerp and Vacation Colony Heer-Agimont 1962

Old Folder Number: 16, 22

Blueprints for the Torah Vejirah School and Synagogue in Antwerp and the Vacation Colony in Heer-Agimont.

Belgium: Plans Torah Vejirah School and Synagogue Antwerp and Vacation Colony Heer-Agimont 1962

File BG.217: Belgium: Scholarship Bracha Rothschild Brussels 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 13

Application and correspondence.

Belgium: Scholarship Bracha Rothschild Brussels 1962-1964

File BG.218: Belgium: Scholarship Rachel Agsteribbe Fisch Brussels 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence and wedding invitation.

Belgium: Scholarship Rachel Agsteribbe Fisch Brussels 1962-1963

File BG.219: Belgium: Scholarship S. Heller Brussels 1961

Old Folder Number: 9


Belgium: Scholarship S. Heller Brussels 1961

File BG.220: Belgium: Scholarship Siegfried Hirsch 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 10

Correspondence concerning Siegfried Hirsch.

Belgium: Scholarship Siegfried Hirsch 1960-1962

File BG.221: Belgium: Scholarship Willy Bok Liege 1961

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence and scholarship application.

Belgium: Scholarship Willy Bok Liege 1961

File BG.222: Belgium: Scholarships Carny, Paul 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: MED 222

Correspondence regarding a scholarship awarded Paul Carny for study at Hebrew University.

Belgium: Scholarships Carny, Paul 1963-1964

File BG.223: Belgium: Societe Pour L'Education de L'Enfant Juif Charleroi 1958

Old Folder Number: 45

Correspondence concerning title’s application for a Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Societe Pour L’Education de L’Enfant Juif Charleroi 1958

File BG.224: Belgium: Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 13, 14, 15

Correspondence, memos, blueprints, list of students, award assembly invitations, financial statements, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s applications for Claims Conference grants.

Belgium: Tachkemoni School Antwerp 1958-1964

File BG.225: Belgium: Talmud Thora/Secours Mutuel/Menorah/Amis de la Jeunesse 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 37

Correspondence and receipts.

Belgium: Talmud Thora/Secours Mutuel/Menorah/Amis de la Jeunesse 1961-1962

File BG.226: Belgium: Talmud Torah de Chaside Belz Antwerp 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 21

Correspondence, reports, financial statements, cost estimates, memos, telegrams and invitations concerning title’s applications for Claims Conference grants. Topics include construction and renovation of schools, synagogue and mikvah, the growth of the Belz community in Antwerp, development of the community’s schools.

Belgium: Talmud Torah de Chaside Belz Antwerp 1958-1964

File BG.227: Belgium: Torah Vejirah Antwerp 1957-1964

Old Folder Number: 18, 19

Correspondence, application form, price lists, lists of names, newspaper clippings, posters, bar mitzvah invitation concerning application for Claims Conference grants for the Torah Vejirah summer camp and school of the Satmar community in Antwerp.

Belgium: Torah Vejirah Antwerp 1957-1964

File BG.228: Belgium: Union of Hebrew Teachers in Belgium Antwerp 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence and meeting agenda excerpt concerning title’s application for Claims Conference Grant.

Belgium: Union of Hebrew Teachers in Belgium Antwerp 1960-1961

File BG.229: Belgium: Yeshiva Torah Vedaat Antwerp 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 19

Correspondence, handwritten note concerning reestablishment and Claims Conference grant application of title.

Belgium: Yeshiva Torah Vedaat Antwerp 1963-1964

Series 26: Subject Matter: Medical

The Subject Matter: Medical series contains correspondence, invitations, meeting minutes, field trip reports, minutes of seminars, memoranda, press release, lottery results, surveys, and reports. Topics include psychiatric programs in the European Jewish community, funding a mental health facility in Belgium, a series of seminars for social workers based on psychological case histories of individuals and families; Claims Conference grant applications; and arrangements and funding for refugee mental cases.

File BG.230: Belgium: Centre Medico-Psychologique 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 12

Correspondence, financial reports, field reports and memos concerning title, which provided mental health services for the Jewish Community in Belgium. Topics include Claims Conference grants, a JDC conference on mental health; and coordination between the community’s two social service agencies, Service Social Juif, Brussels and Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Mattschappelijk Hulpbetoon in Antwerp regarding the Centre Medico-Psychologique.

Belgium: Centre Medico-Psychologique 1962-1964

File BG.231: Belgium: Field Trips Dr. Ladislao Molnar/Dr. Alexander Gonik 1956-1958, 1960, 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 8

Title, correspondence and handwritten notes concerning title, medical field trips by Dr. Ladislao Molnar and Dr. Alexander Gonik.

Belgium: Field Trips Dr. Ladislao Molnar/Dr. Alexander Gonik 1956-1958, 1960, 1962-1964

File BG.232: Belgium: Mental Health Program 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 3.1

Correspondence, meeting minutes, rand memos. Topics include psychiatric programs funding by Claims Conference and JDC of a mental health facility in Belgium.

Belgium: Mental Health Program 1962-1963

File BG.233: Belgium: Mental Health Program 1964

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, field trip reports and memos. Topics include psychiatric programs in the European Jewish Community and that of OSE France, and funding by Claims Conference and JDC of a mental health facility in Belgium.

Belgium: Mental Health Program 1964

File BG.234: Belgium: Minutes of Seminars by Dr. Dierkens 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: 16

Title is a series of seminars based on psychological case histories of individuals and families presented to social workers.

Belgium: Minutes of Seminars by Dr. Dierkens 1958-1960

File BG.235: Belgium: OSE Medical Program 1957-1962

Old Folder Number: C-29.006A

Correspondence, survey results and survey questionnaire concerning medical care in the Jewish community in Belgium, availability of polio vaccine and possibility of center for gerontology.

Belgium: OSE Medical Program 1957-1962

File BG.236: Belgium: Psychiatric Survey 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 2

Correspondence, memos, reports, survey results, handwritten notes and lottery results concerning title, a survey of the number and needs of psychiatric patients in Belgium and Holland. Other topics include the possibility of creating a psychiatric treatment program in Belgium, and conferences.

Belgium: Psychiatric Survey 1961-1962

File BG.237: Belgium: SSJ and Centrale Mental Health Program Brussels 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence, memos and reports concerning establishment and operation of a mental health program for the Jewish Community of Belgium by Service Social Juif, Brussels and Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon, Antwerp. Topics include need for the program, application for Claims Conference grant and statistics concerning the program.

Belgium: SSJ and Centrale Mental Health Program Brussels 1961-1963

File BG.238: Belgium: SSJ and Centrale Mental Health Program Brussels 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 12

Correspondence, memos, meeting minutes, excerpts of meeting minutes concerning title’s Claims Conference grant. The mental health program was a joint project of Centraal Beheer Van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon and Service Social Juif.

Belgium: SSJ and Centrale Mental Health Program Brussels 1963-1964

File BG.335: Belgium: Mental 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: Ref. 108

Correspondence, meeting notes, press release, memoranda, and report regarding arrangements and funding for refugee mental cases, particularly funding from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; and Claims Conference grants to medico-psychological centers in Brussels and Antwerp.

Belgium: Mental 1963-1964

Series 27: Subject Matter: Old Age Homes

The Subject Matter: Old Age Homes series contains correspondence, invitations, booklet, financial spreadsheets, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, blueprints, tables, summaries of case histories, annual reports, Claims Conference grant applications. Most of the documents in these files concern construction of the Jewish Community’s old age home in Brussels, Heureux Sejour, which became a flagship for construction and operation of old age homes in Europe.

File BG.239: Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (1 of 4)

Old Folder Number: 2

Blueprints for Old Age Home in Brussels, Plan No. 1-5.

Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (1 of 4)

File BG.240: Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (2 of 4)

Old Folder Number: 2.1

Blueprints for Old Age Home in Brussels, Plan No. 6-13.

Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (2 of 4)

File BG.241: Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (3 of 4)

Old Folder Number: 2.2

Blueprints for Old Age Home in Brussels, Plan No. 14-19.

Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (3 of 4)

File BG.242: Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (4 of 4)

Old Folder Number: 2.3

Blueprints for Old Age Home in Brussels, Plan No. 15-24 and laundry.

Belgium: Drawings Old Age Home Brussels 1958 (4 of 4)

File BG.243: Belgium: L'Heureux Sejour 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 32

Correspondence, invitations, excerpts from meeting minutes concerning title, the Jewish community old age home in Brussels. Topics include Claims Conference grant applications, the opening and planned expansion of the home.

Belgium: L’Heureux Sejour 1961-1964

File BG.244: Belgium: L'Organisation Des Loisirs Dans Les Maisons de Retraite

Old Folder Number: 41

Title, a 20-page printed booklet, “The Organization of Recreation in Retirement Homes: Practical Experiences.”

Belgium: L’Organisation Des Loisirs Dans Les Maisons de Retraite

File BG.245: Belgium: Maison de Retraite pour Vieillards 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-29.000

Correspondence regarding title, the Jewish Community’s old age home in Brussels. Topics include improving conditions at the home and fundraising.

Belgium: Maison de Retraite pour Vieillards 1955-1956

File BG.246: Belgium: Maison de Retraite Pour Vieillards Brussels 1956-1959

Old Folder Number: Br-24;30

Correspondence, memos, newspaper clippings concerning the request of title, a Jewish old age home, for Claims Conference and other grants for new construction.

Belgium: Maison de Retraite Pour Vieillards Brussels 1956-1959

File BG.247: Belgium: Maison de Retraite Pour Vieillards Brussels 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: Br-24; 31

Correspondence, financial spreadsheets, meeting minutes concerning construction and opening of title, Jewish Old Age Home in Brussels.

Belgium: Maison de Retraite Pour Vieillards Brussels 1960-1961

File BG.248: Belgium: Old Age Home Brussels 1956-1959

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence, memos, cornerstone laying program, blueprint, tables, summaries of applicant case histories. Topics include the Claims Conference grant application and award, construction, furnishing and staffing of title, Heureux Séjour.

Belgium: Old Age Home Brussels 1956-1959

File BG.249: Belgium: Old Age Home Brussels 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 11.1

Correspondence, memos, annual report. Topics include the Claims Conference grant application and award, construction, furnishing and opening of title, Heureux Séjour.

Belgium: Old Age Home Brussels 1960-1964

File BG.250: Belgium: Old Age Home Renovation Brussels

Old Folder Number: UNK

Architect’s proposal for renovation of Maison de Retraite “Heureux Sejour,” the Jewish community old age home in Brussels.

Belgium: Old Age Home Renovation Brussels

File BG.251: Belgium: Old Plans Home for the Aged Brussels

Old Folder Number: S-1312.10

Blueprints for title; undated.

Belgium: Old Plans Home for the Aged Brussels

File BG.252: Belgium: Plans Villa Altol Antwerp 1962

Old Folder Number: 23

Blueprints for title, a summer camp.

Belgium: Plans Villa Altol Antwerp 1962

File BG.253: Belgium: Survey of the Jewish Homes for the Aged 1959

Old Folder Number: 15

Title, a 10-page report by Dr. L. Molnar.

Belgium: Survey of the Jewish Homes for the Aged 1959

Series 28: Subject Matter: Public Relations

The Subject Matter: Public Relations series contains correspondence, memos, news releases, copies of cables, lists of media contacts. Topics include a disastrous earthquake in Agadir, Morocco; and visitors to Jewish organizations in Belgium and Holland.

File BG.254: Belgium: Publicity and Correspondents 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: 10; 13

Correspondence, news release concerning disaster in Morocco, lists of media contacts.

Belgium: Publicity and Correspondents 1959-1960

File BG.255: Belgium: VIPS 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: MISC 7; 9

Correspondence, memos, copies of cables concerning visitors to Jewish organizations in Belgium and Holland.

Belgium: VIPS 1960-1964

Series 29: Subject Matter: Refugees

The Subject Matter: Public Relations series contains correspondence, memos, news releases, copies of cables, lists of media contacts. Topics include a disastrous earthquake in Agadir, Morocco; and visitors to Jewish organizations in Belgium and Holland.

File BG.256: Belgium: Annuities 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 26

Correspondence, handwritten notes, directory of social services agencies for immigrants and refugees in Belgium, statistical tables, reports, case histories, all concerning refugees and possible candidates for lifetime annuities from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Belgium: Annuities 1962-1964

File BG.259: Belgium: Refugees 1957

Old Folder Number: C-25.016A

Correspondence, memos and tables concerning refugees from Egypt, Poland and Hungary who are in Belgium.

Belgium: Refugees 1957

File BG.260: Belgium: Refugees 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.016B

Correspondence concerning refugees from Poland, Hungary and Egypt in Belgium and Yugoslavia. Of special note is May 9, 1962 letter from Murray Troper to Max Gottshalk concerning SS St. Louis.

Belgium: Refugees 1958-1964

File BG.262: Belgium: Standing Conference, Refugees 1956

Old Folder Number: SC-20 (a)

Correspondence concerning the Standing Conference of Voluntary Agencies Working for Refugees and Belgium’s plan to admit 500 refugee families.

Belgium: Standing Conference, Refugees 1956

File BG.263: Belgium: UNHCR 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 59

Correspondence, forms, case histories and handwritten notes concerning refugees in Belgium and eligibility for annuities from the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees.

Belgium: UNHCR 1962-1963

File BG.264: Belgium: UNHCR and Ford Foundation, Refugee Settlement 1955-1960

Old Folder Number: 1210

Correspondence and memos concerning United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Ford Foundation programs for resettling refugees, and Austrian citizenship and passports.

Belgium: UNHCR and Ford Foundation, Refugee Settlement 1955-1960

Series 30: Subject Matter: Religious and Cultural

The Subject Matter: Religious and Cultural series contains correspondence, blueprints, meeting agenda excerpts, change orders, newsletters, invitations and event announcements. These documents concern construction of synagogues in Brussels and Antwerp, usually with Claims Conference grants; activities of the Centre des Jeunes (youth center) in Brussels and a request for a grant by a Jewish singing group.

File BG.265: Belgium: Centre des Jeunes Brussels publications 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 3

Rond-Point, the monthly newsletter for the Youth Center in Brussels, program for the 1963 annual fundraising event; an invitation to a book launch for a translation of the Torah with Rashi’s commentary; art gallery exhibition program, and a newsletter from 1953-1954.

Belgium: Centre des Jeunes Brussels publications 1960-1964

File BG.266: Belgium: Centre des Jeunes Publications Brussels 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: BR-11.A

Publications, invitations, event and announcements concerning title, the Jewish youth center in Brussels.

Belgium: Centre des Jeunes Publications Brussels 1959-1964

File BG.267: Belgium: Communaute Israelite de Charleroi 1956-1964

Old Folder Number: 45, 26

Correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, bleuprint, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s application for a Claims Conference grant to build a new synagogue.

Belgium: Communaute Israelite de Charleroi 1956-1964

File BG.268: Belgium: Communaute Israelite de Schaerbeek Ahavath Shalom Synagogue 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence, memos, invoices, blueprints, cost estimates, construction plans, meeting minute and agenda excerpts, agreements concerning title’s Claims Conference application and grant to build a new synagogue.

Belgium: Communaute Israelite de Schaerbeek Ahavath Shalom Synagogue 1959-1964

File BG.269: Belgium: Communaute Israelite du Rite Sephardite 1958-1963

Old Folder Number: 19

Correspondence, memos, budget, architectural drawings concerning title’s grant from Claims Conference to build a new synagogue. There is a brief history of the Sephardic community of Belgium.

Belgium: Communaute Israelite du Rite Sephardite 1958-1963

File BG.270: Belgium: Communaute Israelite Orthodoxe de Bruxelles Synagogue and Chessed Chel Emeth Cemeteries 1956-1964

Old Folder Number: 15

Correspondence, memos, meeting agenda and minutes excerpts, blueprints, bylaws concerning titles’ Claims Conference grant applications for improvements to synagogue and new land for cemetery. Chessed Chel Emeth is the community burial society.

Belgium: Communaute Israelite Orthodoxe de Bruxelles Synagogue and Chessed Chel Emeth Cemeteries 1956-1964

File BG.271: Belgium: Ensemble Chantant "Nashir" Brussels 1958

Old Folder Number: 35

Letter requesting Claims Conference funding for title, a Jewish singing group. Letter regarding the time for a meeting.

Belgium: Ensemble Chantant “Nashir” Brussels 1958

File BG.272: Belgium: Israelitische Ortodokse Gemeente Antwerp 1961

Old Folder Number: 22

Planning document and blueprint for a covered swimming pool and two mikvot for title, the Orthodox Jewish Community of Antwerp.

Belgium: Israelitische Ortodokse Gemeente Antwerp 1961

File BG.274: Belgium: Klaus Czortkow Synagogue Antwerp 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 4

Correspondence, memos, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s application for a Claims Conference grant.

Belgium: Klaus Czortkow Synagogue Antwerp 1961-1964

File BG.275: Belgium: Plans (Exterior) New Sephardic Synagogue Brussels 1962

Old Folder Number: 24.1

Blueprints for title, exterior.

Belgium: Plans (Exterior) New Sephardic Synagogue Brussels 1962

File BG.276: Belgium: Plans (Interior) New Sephardic Synagogue Brussels 1962

Old Folder Number: 24

Blueprints for title, interior.

Belgium: Plans (Interior) New Sephardic Synagogue Brussels 1962

File BG.277: Belgium: Plans Chasidei Gur Synagogue Antwerp 1964

Old Folder Number: 3

Blueprint with handwritten note concerning title.

Belgium: Plans Chasidei Gur Synagogue Antwerp 1964

File BG.278: Belgium: Plans Chasside Wisnitz Synagogue and Mikvah 1962

Old Folder Number: 11

Blueprint for title.

Belgium: Plans Chasside Wisnitz Synagogue and Mikvah 1962

File BG.279: Belgium: Plans Gitschotel Synagogue Antwerp 1962

Old Folder Number: 12

Blueprints for title.

Belgium: Plans Gitschotel Synagogue Antwerp 1962

File BG.280: Belgium: Plans Schaerbeek Synagogue 1960

Old Folder Number: 1

Correspondence, blueprints and change orders for title.

Belgium: Plans Schaerbeek Synagogue 1960

File BG.281: Belgium: Synagogue Chasidei Gur 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 2

Correspondence, memos, agenda excerpts concerning title’s applications for Claims Conference grants.

Belgium: Synagogue Chasidei Gur 1962-1964

File BG.282: Belgium: Synagoog Chaside Wiznitz Antwerp 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 9

Correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s application for Claims Conference grants.

Belgium: Synagoog Chaside Wiznitz Antwerp 1960-1964

File BG.283: Belgium: Synagogue Gitschotel Borgerhout Antwerp 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 12

Correspondence, blueprints, cost estimates, and meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s application for Claims Conference grant. Gitschotel and Borgerhout are suburban areas of Antwerp.

Belgium: Synagogue Gitschotel Borgerhout Antwerp 1962-1963

Series 31: Subject Matter: Restitution

The Subject Matter: Restitution series contains correspondence, reports, royal decrees, copies of laws, memos, newspaper clippings and a translation of an agreement. Topics include existence and legal status of heirless property in Belgium, laws of inheritance, restitution by Germany to victims of the Nazis and visa requirements for entry into Belgium.

File BG.284: Belgium: Restitution and Heirless Property 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: 410; OGC/Bel/3

Correspondence, reports concerning title. Topics include existence and legal status of heirless property in Belgium and laws of inheritance.

Belgium: Restitution and Heirless Property 1955-1956

File BG.285: Belgium: Twelve-Power Demarche, Subfile Belgium 1956-1961

Old Folder Number: UNK

Correspondence, royal decrees, copies of laws, memos, newspaper clippings pertaining to restitution by Germany to victims of the Nazis who were living in Belgium or held Belgian citizenship during World War II and the Holocaust; documents concerning visa requirements for entry into Belgium.

Belgium: Twelve-Power Demarche, Subfile Belgium 1956-1961

File BG.286: Belgium: Twelve-Power Demarche, Belgium subfile 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: UNK.1

Correspondence, translation of agreement, and copies of newspaper clippings pertaining to restitution by Germany to victims of the Nazis who were living in Belgium or held Belgian citizenship during World War II and the Holocaust; documents concerning visa requirements for entry into Belgium.

Belgium: Twelve-Power Demarche, Belgium subfile 1961-1964

Series 32: Subject Matter: Social Welfare

The Subject Matter: Social Welfare series contains correspondence, seminar schedules, seminar minutes, forms, reports, case histories, interview protocols, field trip reports, and evaluation forms. Topics include seminars, professional training, supervision and evaluation of trainee social workers, social services, old age homes.

File BG.287: Belgium: Cercle D'Etudes Sur La Supervision 1959

Old Folder Number: 18

Correspondence, handwritten notes, seminar schedules forms and reports concerning title, “Studies on Supervision,” dealing with supervision of and courses for social welfare professionals.

Belgium: Cercle D’Etudes Sur La Supervision 1959

File BG.288: Belgium: In Service Training for Social Workers 1957, 1960, 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 10, 11, 40, 41

Correspondence, case studies and memos concerning training sessions for social workers and social work interns.

Belgium: In Service Training for Social Workers 1957, 1960, 1963-1964

File BG.289: Belgium: Manual for Basic Training Seminars for Social Work Professionals 1957-1960

Old Folder Number: 19

Correspondence, case histories, interview protocols, and correspondence concerning title.

Belgium: Manual for Basic Training Seminars for Social Work Professionals 1957-1960

File BG.290: Belgium: Minutes of Seminars in Supervision for Social Workers 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: 15

Title and lecture notes concerning title.

Belgium: Minutes of Seminars in Supervision for Social Workers 1959-1960

File BG.291: Belgium: Paul Baerwald Department 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: 3; 6

Correspondence, field trip report, C.V. and flyer. Topics include professional education and the Jewish Old Age Home in Brussels.

Belgium: Paul Baerwald Department 1955-1956

File BG.292: Belgium: Social Services 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: SS47

Reports on social services and old age homes.

Belgium: Social Services 1962-1964

File BG.293: Belgium: Supervision and Evaluation of Trainee Social Workers 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: 14, 20

Evaluations, course schedules, cover letter, handwritten notes and forms concerning evaluation of social worker trainees.

Belgium: Supervision and Evaluation of Trainee Social Workers 1959-1960

Series 33: Localities: Antwerp

The Localities: Antwerp series contains correspondence, memos, blueprints, reports, meeting agenda excerpts. Topics include Claims Conference grants, construction of a mikvah, swimming pools and residences, a fire that destroyed a Beit Midrash and a number of Torah scrolls, community relations, the history of the Antwerp Jewish Community and diamond exchange.

File BG.294: Belgium: Draft Paper on Antwerp Jewish Community 1961

Old Folder Number: 26

Draft background paper on history and status of Antwerp Jewish Community and diamond exchange.

Belgium: Draft Paper on Antwerp Jewish Community 1961

File BG.295: Belgium: Orthodox Israelitische Gemeente Machsike Hadass 1955-1956, 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: 32

Correspondence, memos, blueprints, reports, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s application for Claims Conference grants. Topics include construction of a mikvah/swimming pool complex, a fire that destroyed a Beit HaMidrash and a number of Torah scrolls, community relations.

Belgium: Orthodox Israelitische Gemeente Machsike Hadass 1955-1956, 1959-1964

File BG.296: Belgium: Plans Orthodox Community Complex Antwerp

Old Folder Number: UNK

Blueprints for title, two mikvot, school, two residences and swimming pool.

Belgium: Plans Orthodox Community Complex Antwerp

File BG.297: Belgium: Shomrei Hadass Israelitische Gemeente Antwerp 1955-1957, 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: 23

Correspondence, excerpts of meeting agendas and minutes, blueprints, cables, grant applications concerning title’s applications for Claims Conference grants for establishment of after-school programs, construction of a cemetery wall and rebuilding a synagogue.

Belgium: Shomrei Hadass Israelitische Gemeente Antwerp 1955-1957, 1960-1963

Series 34: Localities: Belgian Congo

The Localities: Belgian Congo series contains correspondence, reports and news releases concerning refugees during the movement for independence of the Congo and the Jewish communities of Central, South and East Africa. Much of the series is comprised of letters and reports from a personal/business trip Herbert Katzki took to Africa.

File BG.298: Belgium: Congo - Jewish Communities 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: C-35.910A

Correspondence and report. This folder is comprised of letters from JDC executive Moe Leavitt concerning a business/pleasure trip to Middle, Eastern and Southern Africa and a report from Morton Friedman of United HIAS on the status of Jewish communities in title. Topics include independence in the Congo and other countries, and the impact on the Jewish communities, refugees and sightseeing and speaking engagements in South Africa.

Belgium: Congo – Jewish Communities 1960-1961

File BG.299: Belgium: Congo - Refugees 1960

Old Folder Number: C-35.910; 1A

Correspondence, reports and copies of news service reports concerning title and the status of their communities following independence in the Congo.

Belgium: Congo – Refugees 1960

Series 35: Localities: Belgium

The Localities: Belgium series contains correspondence, meeting minutes, blueprints, press releases, handwritten notes, field trip reports, flyers, meeting agendas, postcards, newspaper clippings, and budgets. Topics include schools, synagogues, children’s homes, vacation colonies, unclaimed Jewish assets, medical care in the Jewish Community of Belgium, fundraising, refugees, funding, survey of the Jewish communities in Brussels and Antwerp, U.S. Department of Agriculture supplies, SS ST. Louis, and a hoax involving a claim that the nieces of a Los Angeles couple had survived the Holocaust. Included are files on particular communities, including Jewish communities in Arlon, Liege, and Ghent.

File BG.300: Belgium: Arlon Jewish Community 1958-1962

Old Folder Number: 55

Correspondence, newspaper clipping, memos and blueprints concerning title’s grants from Claims Conference and JDC for education, cantor’s salary and Holocaust Memorial.

Belgium: Arlon Jewish Community 1958-1962

File BG.301: Belgium: Blueprints for Various Projects Antwerp, Heer-Agimont 1959-1962

Old Folder Number: 17

Blueprints for Torah-Veirah school and synagogue and Machsike Hadass Kindertehuis (Orphanage), Antwerp; Torah-Vejirah Summer Colony, Heer-Agimont.

Belgium: Blueprints for Various Projects Antwerp, Heer-Agimont 1959-1962

File BG.302: Belgium: Community Meetings Brussels and Antwerp 1956-1959

Old Folder Number: 3

Meeting minutes. Topics include vacation colonies, children’s home, unclaimed Jewish assets.

Belgium: Community Meetings Brussels and Antwerp 1956-1959

File BG.303: Belgium: Communaute Israelite Liege 1958-1962, 1964

Old Folder Number: 47

Correspondence, bid proposals, announcement of memorial ceremony, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s Claims Conference grant to renovate synagogue.

Belgium: Communaute Israelite Liege 1958-1962, 1964

File BG.304: Belgium: Conference on Community Centers 1960

Old Folder Number: 4

Correspondence, reports, press releases, agendas and memos concerning title, held in Brussels May 1-2.

Belgium: Conference on Community Centers 1960

File BG.305: Belgium: Correspondence with Dr. Max Gottschalk 1958-1959, 1961

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence between title and JDC Benelux.

Belgium: Correspondence with Dr. Max Gottschalk 1958-1959, 1961

File BG.306: Belgium: General Correspondence 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-25.000

Correspondence, invitation and reports concerning emigration and Jewish communal organizations.

Belgium: General Correspondence 1955-1956

File BG.307: Belgium: General Correspondence 1955-1962

Old Folder Number: 1

Correspondence, memos, handwritten notes, meeting agendas invitations, postcards and flyers announcing events, short history of JDC Belgium. Topics include Claims Conference, meeting notices, RSVPs.

Belgium: General Correspondence 1955-1962

File BG.308: Belgium: General Correspondence 1957-1960

Old Folder Number: C-25.000A

Correspondence, memos, newspaper clippings and reports. Topics include fundraising, education, establishment of the JDC office in Brussels, coordination with other agencies, budget and the case of John and Sonia Barsky of Los Angeles, targets of a hoax involving a claim that their nieces had survived the Holocaust.

Belgium: General Correspondence 1957-1960

File BG.309: Belgium: General Correspondence 1957-1963

Old Folder Number: 1

Correspondence, announcements, invitations concerning JDC policies and fundraising and commemorative events in Belgium.

Belgium: General Correspondence 1957-1963

File BG.310: Belgium: General Correspondence 1958-1960, 1964

Old Folder Number: C-3

Correspondence, memos and handwritten note concerning JDC Europe organization, payment policies, and fundraising.

Belgium: General Correspondence 1958-1960, 1964

File BG.311: Belgium: General Correspondence 1958-1963

Old Folder Number: 4

Correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, memos concerning JDC operations, relations with other agencies, and compensation issues.

Belgium: General Correspondence 1958-1963

File BG.312: Belgium: General Correspondence 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: C-25.000A.1

Correspondence, memos, cables. Topics include fundraising, SS St. Louis, coordination with other agencies, and budget.

Belgium: General Correspondence 1961-1964

File BG.313: Belgium: General Correspondence Antwerp 1955-1964

Old Folder Number: A/1

Correspondence, reports, blueprints, memos invitation, wedding invitation. Topics include funding of community institutions, Claims Conference, personnel issues and education.

Belgium: General Correspondence Antwerp 1955-1964

File BG.314: Belgium: General Correspondence and Field Reports 1958-1960, 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence, field visit reports, memos, handwritten notes. Topics include resettlement of refugees, fundraising, education and Jewish organizations.

Belgium: General Correspondence and Field Reports 1958-1960, 1962-1964

File BG.315: Belgium: Jewish Community Ghent 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: 46

Correspondence, article on community demographics, meeting agenda excerpts concerning title’s application for a Claims Conference. (Ghent is spelled Gand in French.)

Belgium: Jewish Community Ghent 1960-1963

File BG.316: Belgium: Martin Greenberg, Sidney Shapiro Field Reports 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: C-25.046

Title, memos and correspondence concerning title. The main topic is fundraising campaigns.

Belgium: Martin Greenberg, Sidney Shapiro Field Reports 1958-1960

File BG.317: Belgium: Preliminary Report of Social Survey 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: MED 256

Correspondence, memos, draft survey forms, charts, final survey concerning title, planning and execution of title, a comprehensive survey of the Jewish communities in Brussels and Antwerp undertaken by OSE.

Belgium: Preliminary Report of Social Survey 1956-1957

File BG.318: Belgium: Refugees, Claims Conference, Mental Health 1957, 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: 10

Correspondence, memos and meeting minutes. Topics include refugees, Claims Conference, medical and mental health issues.

Belgium: Refugees, Claims Conference, Mental Health 1957, 1959-1964

File BG.319: Belgium: Social Survey Analyses 1956

Old Folder Number: MED 255

Correspondence, charts, handwritten notes, tables, IBM punch card concerning title, a comprehensive survey of the Brussels Jewish Community undertaken by OSE.

Belgium: Social Survey Analyses 1956

File BG.321: Belgium: Supplies 1956

Old Folder Number: C-25.029

Correspondence concerning application, permits and shipment of U.S. Department of Agriculture surplus commodities, including butter and oil, to Belgium.

Belgium: Supplies 1956

File BG.322: Belgium: Trip Report on Liege and Brussels David Miller 1961

Old Folder Number: C-25.020.4

Title. Topics including funding, community center programs, fundraising.

Belgium: Trip Report on Liege and Brussels David Miller 1961

Series 36: Localities: Benelux

The Localities: Benelux series contains correspondence, annual country reports for Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Denmark, memos, spreadsheets, budget reports and studies. Documents concerning the Benelux (Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg) countries and Denmark were categorized together in these years because the JDC office in Brussels was in charge of JDC activities in these four countries. Topics include extensive reports on the status and history of the Jewish communities of Benelux and Denmark, JDC activities, youth programs, education, fundraising, homes for the aged, and Claims Conference grants.

File BG.323: Belgium: Benelux Annual Reports 1959-1960, 1962, 1964

Old Folder Number: C-29.010

Annual Reports for Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Denmark for 1959-1960 and correspondence regarding annual reports.

Belgium: Benelux Annual Reports 1959-1960, 1962, 1964

File BG.324: Belgium: Benelux Country Reports 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: 2.3

Title, annual country reports for Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The 1960 report also includes Denmark.

Belgium: Benelux Country Reports 1958-1960

File BG.325: Belgium: Benelux Country Reports 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: 3

Title, annual country reports for Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg as well as Denmark.

Belgium: Benelux Country Reports 1961-1963

File BG.326: Belgium: Benelux Field Reports and Budget 1959-1962

Old Folder Number: 2.2

Correspondence, spreadsheets, reports and budget reports.

Belgium: Benelux Field Reports and Budget 1959-1962

File BG.327: Belgium: Benelux Meetings 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: 3.1

Correspondence, meeting minutes and memos concerning JDC activities in Belgium. Topics include youth programs, education, fundraising, building construction.

Belgium: Benelux Meetings 1958-1960

File BG.328: Belgium: Benelux Organizations and Programs 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: 2.1

Correspondence, reports and studies on community organizations, schools and facilities for the aged in Belgium and Holland.

Belgium: Benelux Organizations and Programs 1958-1960

File BG.329: Belgium: Benelux Statistics, Fundraising and Consulting 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: 2

Correspondence, reports, and printed brochure concerning the demographics, fundraising efforts and JDC consulting in the Jewish community of Belgium.

Belgium: Benelux Statistics, Fundraising and Consulting 1959-1961

File BG.330: Belgium: Country Reports Benelux and Denmark 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: 4

Title, statistical tables, correspondence and memos concerning title. Extensive reports covering status and history of Jewish communities in Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland and Denmark including communal organizations, and social welfare and educational projects, Claims Conference grants. Correspondence regarding 1961 and 1962 report.

Belgium: Country Reports Benelux and Denmark 1958-1960

File BG.331: Belgium: Country Reports Benelux and Denmark 1961

Old Folder Number: 4.1

Title, correspondence and memos concerning title. Extensive report covers status and history of Jewish communities in Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland and Denmark including communal organizations, and social welfare and educational projects, and Claims Conference grants. Correspondence concerning 1962 report.

Belgium: Country Reports Benelux and Denmark 1961

File BG.332: Belgium: Country Reports Benelux and Denmark 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 4.2

Title, correspondence and memos concerning title. Extensive reports cover status and history of Jewish communities in Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland and Denmark including communal organizations, and social welfare and educational projects, and Claims Conference grants. Correspondence concerning 1964 report.

Belgium: Country Reports Benelux and Denmark 1962-1963

Series 37: Localities: Brussels

The Localities: Brussels series contains correspondence, an application for Claims Conference funds, an article report and memos dealing with a proposed community organization for the Jewish community of Brussels and related fundraising and a proposed study of the Brussels Jewish community.

File BG.332.1: Belgium: Capital Grants Projects Brussels 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: 4.2

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference-funding building projects in Brussels such as a cemetery, children’s home, synagogues, and youth center.

Belgium: Capital Grants Projects Brussels 1958-1964

File BG.333: Belgium: Demographic Study of the Jewish Population of Brussels 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 21

Request for Claims Conference funding for a study of the Jewish population of Brussels, estimated at 20,000 people, and related correspondence.

Belgium: Demographic Study of the Jewish Population of Brussels 1960-1964

File BG.334: Belgium: Proposed Community Organization Brussels 1959-1960

Old Folder Number: C-25.048

Correspondence, article reprint and memos dealing with title and fundraising.

Belgium: Proposed Community Organization Brussels 1959-1960

Record Group: Bolivia

The Bolivia Record Group contains correspondence and financial reports from the Jewish Community’s Loan Kassa in La Paz, which assisted many immigrants in establishing and expanding businesses. Also included is an English copy of 1956 Bolivian Social Security legislation.

Series 1: Administration: Legal

File BO.1: Bolivia: Legislative Series 1958

Old Folder Number: 13

Copy of Bolivian legislation concerning social security. This file was not digitized or microfilmed.

Bolivia: Legislative Series 1958

Series 2: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

File BO.2: Bolivia: La Paz Loan Kassa 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 18

This folder is comprised of correspondence and accounting records regarding title.

Bolivia: La Paz Loan Kassa 1956-1957

Record Group: Brazil

The Brazil record group contains JDC financial reports, general JDC correspondence, files on Jewish organizations, emigration files, and a file of various publications relating to the Jewish community in Brazil. 1955 was a year of transition for the JDC in Brazil. Organized Jewish immigration to the country had been temporarily halted and in 1955 JDC stopped directly helping immigrants in Brazil and handed over this function to the United HIAS Service. From that point on the major involvement of the JDC in Brazil was its continued support of loan kassas serving immigrants, which received money from the JDC and the Jewish Colonization Association. The overall activities of the loan kassas waxed and waned with waves of immigration. Among the immigrants arriving in Brazil during this period were Jewish refugees from Hungary and Egypt, arriving respectively in the wakes of the failed Hungarian revolution and the Suez Crisis, events which are also documented in the record groups of those countries. Other aspects of JDC activity in Brazil were the distribution of funds to Brazilian organizations on behalf of the Claims Conference and JDC’s receiving a percentage of Magbit funds raised in Brazil through Keren Hayesod in Jerusalem.

Series 1: Administration: Finance

The Administration: Finance series contains monthly branch office reports for the years 1961-1964. There are also cover letters noting the exchange rate and correspondence relating to JDC finances in Brazil. The branch office reports show the sources where the funds originate and disbursements to Claims Conference recipients and for operating expenses. The reports also show repayment of funds owed to JDC by loan kassas.

File BR.1: Brazil: São Paulo Monthly Financial Reports 1961

Old Folder Number: 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, and 93

Monthly branch office reports from São Paulo JDC office.

Brazil: São Paulo – Monthly Financial Reports 1961

File BR.2: Brazil: São Paulo Monthly Financial Reports 1962

Old Folder Number: 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, and 91

Monthly branch office reports and cover letters noting the exchange rate for the year 1962.

Brazil: São Paulo Monthly Financial Reports 1962

File BR.3: Brazil: São Paulo Monthly Financial Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, and 56

Monthly branch office reports and related correspondence.

Brazil: São Paulo Monthly Financial Reports 1963

File BR.4: Brazil: São Paulo Monthly Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 61

Monthly branch office reports from São Paulo JDC office.

Brazil: São Paulo Monthly Financial Reports 1964

Series 2: Administration: General

The Administration: General series contains news clippings and correspondence about opposition to using Claims Conference funds and allegations of mismanagement of loan kassas; a report on the Jewish community of Belem; correspondence regarding employee travel, requests for subventions, bank accounts, and staff changes; and a JTA bulletin in Portuguese.

File BR.5: Brazil: General 1955

Old Folder Number: C-30.000

News clippings and correspondence on press campaigns against using Claims Conference funds and alleged corruption of loan kassa management. Report on the Jewish community of Belem and its willingness to take immigrants from North Africa.

Brazil: General 1955

File BR.6: Brazil: General 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-30.000 “A”

Correspondence and cables regarding requests for aid for organizations, employee trips, bank accounts, and Isaac Kleinbaum’s leaving JDC to work for Israel Bonds. JTA bulletin in Portuguese.

Brazil: General 1958-1964

Series 3: Administration: Legal

File BR.7: Brazil: Legislative Series 1955, 1957

Old Folder Number: 13

Copies of labor laws.

Brazil: Legislative Series 1955, 1957

File BR.8: Brazil: Mental Health Legislation

Old Folder Number: 38

Compilation of legislation spanning several decades. Latest reference is 1962.

Brazil: Mental Health Legislation

Series 4: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

File BR.9: Brazil: Associacao "Mekor Haim" 1960-1961, 1964

Old Folder Number: C-30.006

Report by Egyptian Jewish community in Brazil on the creation and needs of the community and request for financial aid. The request was politely turned down.

Brazil: Associacao “Mekor Haim” 1960-1961, 1964

File BR.10: Brazil: Conselho de Assistencia Sao Paulo - Lists of Assistees 1957

Old Folder Number: 30.003

Lists of Egyptian, Hungarian, Israeli, European, and other refugees and immigrants helped by the Conselho de Assistencia in 1957. The lists include the name of the head of the family, number of persons per family, and amount of assistance provided. Page of statistics giving total breakdowns of assistance by place of origin and Nazi victim status.

Brazil: Conselho de Assistencia Sao Paulo – Lists of Assistees 1957

File BR.11: Brazil: Magbit Sao Paulo - Negotiations 1958-1959, 1963

Old Folder Number: 30.002

Correspondence regarding fundraising decisions and disputes.

Brazil: Magbit Sao Paulo – Negotiations 1958-1959, 1963

File BR.12: Brazil: United HIAS Service Rio de Janeiro 1959-1963

Old Folder Number: C-30.004

Correspondence regarding UHS activities in relation to increasing immigration to Argentina, World Refugee Year activities in Brazil, and Jewish leadership in Sao Paulo.

Brazil: United HIAS Service Rio de Janeiro 1959-1963

Series 5: Jewish Organizations: Loan Kassas

The Loan Kassas series contains financial and statistical reports; minutes of meetings of the various loan kassas; and correspondence regarding the opening up and winding down of loan kassas, reporting by loan kassas, how to deal with problems such as inflation, and other matters connected to the status and functioning of the loan kassas. The loan kassas reported regularly to the JDC’s reconstruction department because part of their funding came from JDC. The files also contain a significant amount of correspondence with the Jewish Colonization Association because it was also a major source of funds for the loan kassas.

File BR.13: Brazil: AMPI São Paulo 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 19

Correspondence regarding Assistencia Mutual para Imigrantes Israelitas (AMPI), a loan kassa. Financial and statistical reports and reports on meetings from AMPI. Report on the arrival and reception of Hungarian and Egyptian refugees in Brazil.

Brazil: AMPI São Paulo 1956-1957

File BR.14: Brazil: Centisra, Porto Alegre 1962

Old Folder Number: 9

Correspondence regarding the winding down of Centisra, a loan kassa in Porto Alegre.

Brazil: Centisra, Porto Alegre 1962

File BR.15: Brazil: Centisra, Porto Alegre 1963

Old Folder Number: 15

Letter about the status and lack of activities of Centrisa, a defunct loan organization.

Brazil: Centisra, Porto Alegre 1963

File BR.16: Brazil: Centisra, Porto Alegre 1964

Old Folder Number: 42

Correspondence regarding the closing of the loan kassa Centrisa.

Brazil: Centisra, Porto Alegre 1964

File BR.17: Brazil: Kupat Sao Paulo 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 16

Correspondence regarding accounting and the financial position of the Kupat Gemilat Chesed loan kassa. Minutes of board meetings of the Kupat. Activity report for the year 1956.

Brazil: Kupat Sao Paulo 1956-1957

File BR.18: Brazil: Loan Institutions Monthly Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 6

Monthly financial and statistical reports for 1963 and end-of-year reports for 1962 of Brazilian loan kassas.

Brazil: Loan Institutions Monthly Reports 1963

File BR.19: Brazil: Loan Institutions Monthly Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 7

1964 monthly financial and statistical reports from loan institutions in Brazil and 1963 yearly reports. Correspondence regarding reduction in activity of SIA (Sociedade Israelita Auxiliadora) and matters pertaining to reporting by loan institutions.

Brazil: Loan Institutions Monthly Reports 1964

File BR.20: Brazil: Loan Kassas 1960

Old Folder Number: C-30.005

Correspondence regarding reporting on the situation of loan kassas in Brazil and the large losses of those institutions.

Brazil: Loan Kassas 1960

File BR.21: Brazil: Loan Kassas 1963

Old Folder Number: 17

Correspondence and notes on meeting on loan funds SIA, AMPI, and KUPAT in Brazil and other loan funds in South America.

Brazil: Loan Kassas 1963

File BR.22: Brazil: Loan Kassas 1964

Old Folder Number: 44

Cover letters of reports from loan kassas and correspondence regarding reporting practices.

Brazil: Loan Kassas 1964

File BR.23: Brazil: Loan Kassas General 1962

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence regarding the finances of Brazilian loan kassas and reporting by these institutions.

Brazil: Loan Kassas General 1962

File BR.24: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Loan Kassas 1957

Old Folder Number: 26

Correspondence regarding an old loan kassa and the new loan kassa in Rio de Janeiro, Caixa de Emprestimos Para Imigrantes (CEPI). Summary of CEPI meetings, field report on Brazil, and a financial and statistical report.

Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Loan Kassas 1957

File BR.25: Brazil: SIA Rio de Janeiro Branch 1962

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence regarding the operations and winding down of the Sociedade Israelita Auxiliadora (SIA).

Brazil: SIA Rio de Janeiro Branch 1962

File BR.26: Brazil: SIA Sao Paulo 1962

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence regarding reports from the Sociedade Israelita Auxiliadora, a loan kassa, and attempts to deal with the effects of inflation.

Brazil: SIA Sao Paulo 1962

File BR.27: Brazil: SIA São Paulo 1963

Old Folder Number: 16

Correspondence regarding Sociedade Israelita Auxiliadora’s future plans given the dramatic decrease in immigration to Brazil and whether Akiva Kohane is getting information before or after Mr. Girmounsky of the Jewish Colonization Association.

Brazil: SIA São Paulo 1963

File BR.28: Brazil: SIA São Paulo 1964

Old Folder Number: 43

Correspondence regarding the future of the Sociedade Israelita Auxiliadora, the loan institution of Sao Paulo. There is discussion of whether it should continue functioning, where its funding will come from, and how it will be staffed.

Brazil: SIA São Paulo 1964

Series 6: Subject Matter: Case Files

One file in this series is restricted for confidentiality concerns. Please see our Access & Restrictions Policy.

File BR.33: Brazil: Beldner, Florica - Rio de Janeiro 1958

Old Folder Number: Misc. 318

Letter from Herbert Katzki to James Rice of the United Hias Service saying he is enclosing correspondence from title.

Brazil: Beldner, Florica – Rio de Janeiro 1958

Series 7: Subject Matter: Immigration

The Subject Matter: Immigration series contains correspondence, reports, tables, cables, articles, meeting summaries, names lists, and forms relating to immigration to Brazil. Prior to 1955, Jewish organizations had ceased bringing immigrants to Brazil after a period of major immigration due to a crisis of dissatisfied immigrants from Europe and Israel overwhelming local community resources. The material discusses the progress that was made in finding solutions for the immigrants, how to deal with some of the remaining issues, and the resumption of organized Jewish immigration to Brazil.

File BR.30: Brazil: Immigration 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C.30.001.B

Correspondence, reports, tables, cables, articles, meeting summaries, names lists, and forms relating to immigration to Brazil. The major theme dealt with in the file is negotiations between JDC, United HIAS Service, and the Brazilian Jewish community institutions regarding who will be responsible for what aspects of renewed immigration and how to manage immigration so as to avoid overwhelming the community with unruly immigrants and welfare cases as had happened in the previous wave of immigration.

Brazil: Immigration 1955-1957

File BR.31: Brazil: Immigration 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: C-30.001 A

Report by the United HIAS Service on Romanian and Lebanese emigrants in Brazil. Article and letter regarding the Organisation de Secours aux Réfugiés.

Brazil: Immigration 1958-1959

Series 8: Subject Matter: Publications

File BR.32: Brazil: Publications and Studies Relating to the Jewish Community and Article on Psychiatry 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 36

History of a welfare society, booklet on old age home, statutes of hospital society, article on psychiatry, report on the Sao Paulo Jewish community, and a study of Jewish university students.

Brazil: Publications and Studies Relating to the Jewish Community and Article on Psychiatry 1961-1964

Record Group: Bulgaria

The Bulgaria record group contains correspondence from Charles Jordan to supply matzah to Bulgaria and emigration for elderly or hard core cases from Bulgaria.

Series 1: Subject Matter: Emigration

File BL.1: Bulgaria: Emigration 1964

Old Folder Number: C.29

Correspondence regarding emigration of elderly or hard core cases from Bulgaria.

Bulgaria: Emigration 1964

Series 2: Subject Matter: Religion and Culture

File BL.2: Bulgaria: Matzoth 1955

Old Folder Number: C.21

Correspondence from Charles Jordan regarding supplies of matza for Bulgaria to be sent from Holland.

Bulgaria: Matzoth 1955

Record Group: Canada

The Canada Record group highlights the role of the Canadian Jewish Community in fundraising and aiding Jews in Israel and Europe. Some documents provide insight into the status of Jews in Canada.

Series 1: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Legal series covers the years 1956 and 1958 and consists of one folder containing copies of Canadian legislation concerning employee benefits and hiring practices.

File CA.1: Canada: Legislative Series 1956, 1958

Old Folder Number: 14

Copies of legislation concerning unemployment insurance, equal pay for women, rehabilitation services, apprentices and qualification of tradesmen. This file was not microfilmed or digitized.

Canada: Legislative Series 1956, 1958

Series 2: Administration: Personnel

The Administration: Personnel series covers the year 1955 and contains one folder regarding the prospects for employment of one individual with OSE.

File CA.2: Canada: Lightman, Jack 1955

Old Folder Number: MISC 393

Correspondence concerning position with OSE for title.

Canada: Lightman, Jack 1955

Series 3: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series covers the years 1957-1964 and consists of three folders, two concerning the Canadian Jewish Congress and one concerning Beth Sholom Synagogue, Montreal. Major topics are fundraising, assistance from the Canadian Jewish Community to Jews in Europe and Israel, the status of the Jewish Community in Canada and antisemitism in Canada.

File CA.3: Canada: Beth Sholom Montreal 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: MISC 22

Correspondence and memos concerning a request from the title’s men’s club identification of projects in Israel and France to which the club could contribute.

Canada: Beth Sholom Montreal 1963-1964

File CA.4: Canada: Canadian Jewish Congress 1957-1964

Old Folder Number: C-32.004D

Correspondence, newspaper, news letters and memos concerning title. Topics include visiting dignitaries, status of Jews in Russia, Jewish education in Canada and anti-Semitic incidents.

Canada: Canadian Jewish Congress 1957-1964

File CA.5: Canada: World Refugee Year 1959

Old Folder Number: WRY-29

Correspondence between the Canadian Jewish Congress and JDC concerning World Refugee Year.

Canada: World Refugee Year 1959

Series 4: Subject Matter: Case File

The Subject Matter: Case File series consists of one folder which covers the years 1957-1958 and contains correspondence concerning an international child custody case. This is restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 5: Subject Matter: Fundraising

The Subject Matter: Fundraising series consists of one folder covering the years 1958-1964 which contains correspondence, memos and copies of cables concerning visits by UJA missions to Europe.

File CA.7: Canada: UJA Mission and Jewish Welfare Fund 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-32.006

Correspondence, memos and copies of cables concerning visits by UJA Missions to Europe. Topics include fundraising.

Canada: UJA Mission and Jewish Welfare Fund 1958-1964

Record Group: Chile

The Chile Record Group covers the years 1955-1964 and consists of 3.5 inches of material organized into 11 folders in the series Administration: Legal; Jewish Organizations CAPIJ/CORDAJ; Jewish Organizations; Subject Matter: Disaster Relief; Subject Matter: Old Age Homes and Localities: Chile. Documents include correspondence, reports, memos, financial statements, cables, news releases and booklets. Taken together, the documents in this Record Group give a picture of a fairly young Jewish Community, which is assisting new Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, coping with a catastrophic earthquake and establishing long-term community institutions. Of special interest in this Record Group are documents concerning CORDAJ, a loan kassa (small loan institution) which was established after a May 1960 earthquake to provide assistance to victims. Other folders document CAPIJ, a loan kassa which offered loans to small business owners, and the community’s old age home.

Series 1: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Legal Series covers the year 1956 and consists of two folders containing reprints of legislation concerning industrial organizations and mental health.

File CH.1: Chile: Legislative Series 1956

Old Folder Number: 14

Copy of legislation concerning industrial organizations. This file was not microfilmed or digitized.

Chile: Legislative Series 1956

File CH.2: Chile: Mental Health Legislation

Old Folder Number: 38

Report on title.

Chile: Mental Health Legislation

Series 2: Jewish Organizations: CAPIJ/CORDAJ

The Jewish Organizations: CAPIJ/CORDAJ series covers the years 1962-1964 and consists of five folders containing correspondence and financial statements concerning the loan kassas Caja de Prestamos Para Immigrantes Judios and CORDAJ (the full name of this institution does not appear in the documents.) CORDAJ was established after a May 1960 earthquake to provide assistance to victims while CAPIJ provided loans to small businesses.

File CH.3: Chile: CAPIJ/CORDAJ 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 36

This file is comprised of correspondence and financial statements regarding title.

Chile: CAPIJ/CORDAJ 1962-1963

File CH.4: Chile: CAPIJ/CORDAJ 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Monthly financial statements and correspondence concerning title, Caja de Prestamos para Inmigrantes Judios (CAPIJ) and CORDAJ. CORDAJ was established after a May 1960 earthquake to provide assistance to victims. Correspondence discusses the liquidation of CORDAJ and turning CAPIJ over to the community.

Chile: CAPIJ/CORDAJ 1963-1964

File CH.5: Chile: CAPIJ Santiago 1962

Old Folder Number: 7

This folder is comprised of correspondence and memos dealing with title and proposed changes in the policies of loan kassas in Chile.

Chile: CAPIJ Santiago 1962

File CH.6: Chile: CAPIJ Santiago 1963

Old Folder Number: 11

This folder is comprised of correspondence, and memos concerning title. Topics include loan policies and operational procedures.

Chile: CAPIJ Santiago 1963

File CH.7: Chile: CAPU Santiago 1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence, newspaper clippings and memos regarding establishment of title, a loan kassa, and transferring title to the Santiago Jewish community.

Chile: CAPU Santiago 1964

Series 3: Jewish Organizations: Magbit

The Jewish Organizations: Magbit series covers the year 1958 and consists of one folder, which is comprised of correspondence concerning Magbit (Keren Hayesod).

File CH.8: Chile: Magbit 1958

Old Folder Number: C-33.003

This folder is comprised of correspondence regarding title.

Chile: Magbit 1958

Series 4: Subject Matter: Disaster Relief

The Subject Matter: Disaster Relief series covers the year 1960 and is comprised of one folder comprised of correspondence, reports, memos, cables and news releases concerning JDC programs in Chile. Much of the material concerns the May 21, 1960 earthquake in southern Chile and JDCs efforts to fund aid for the Jewish and general communities.

File CH.9: Chile: General 1960

Old Folder Number: 33.000A

This folder is comprised of correspondence, reports, memos, cables and news releases concerning JDC programs in Chile. Much of the material concerns the May 21, 1960 earthquake in southern Chile and JDCs efforts to fund aid for the Jewish and general communities.

Chile: General 1960

Series 5: Subject Matter: Old Age Homes

The Subject Matter: Old Age Homes series contains one folder covering the years 1955-1963 and includes annual reports, bylaws, survey questions, booklets, a map, brochure and handwritten notes concerning health planning and the Santiago Jewish Community’s Old Age Home, Hogar Israelita de Ancianos.

File CH.10: Chile: Health and Old Age Services and Legislation 1955-1963

Old Folder Number: 37

Annual reports, survey questions, booklets, map, brochure, handwritten notes. Topics include health planning and the Jewish Community Old Age Home.

Chile: Health and Old Age Services and Legislation 1955-1963

Series 6: Localities: Chile

The Localities: Chile series covers the years 1956-1957 and consists of one folder containing correspondence related to establishment of a loan kassa in Santiago, an invitation to the 50th anniversary celebration of the Jewish Community in Chile and the response from JDC Overseas Director Charles Jordan.

File CH.11: Chile: Correspondence 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: C – 33.000

This folder is comprised of a letter regarding establishing a loan institution in Santiago de Chile, a invitation to JDC Paris for the 50th anniversary celebration of the Jewish Community in Chile and the response from Charles Jordan.

Chile: Correspondence 1956-1957

Record Group: China

The China record group is comprised of 40 files spanning 20 linear inches and covers the years 1955-1964. The materials in this record group are correspondence between organizations and individuals, financial reports and printed annual reports of the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai, and a significant number of names lists. In previous years most of the Jewish community, swelled by refugees from Europe, had already left China, and the JDC operation in China was required by the government to be reorganized as a local organization, the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai. The files contain the JDC’s correspondence with the chairmen of the Council of the Jewish Community, Ruby D. Abraham, who served until 1956, and Pavel I. Yudalevich (from 1956 through the end of the period covered by this collection) and with individuals in Hong Kong, namely United HIAS Service representatives Walter J. Citrin and Victor J. Zirinsky and the notable Jewish businessman and philanthropist Horace Kadoorie. The Council handed responsibility for migration to the representatives of the Jewish organizations in Hong Kong in 1956, but it continued to provide welfare and care for the elderly and chronically ill, largely with JDC funding. A significant amount of the material in the record group deals with reporting of welfare activities by the Council and the financial transactions by which the JDC sent money to the Council to fund these activities.

Series 1: Administration: Finance

The Administration: Finance series consists of a single file. See file description for details.

File CC.1: China: Budget 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Budgets and correspondence relating to budgetary matters and the closing down of most of the operation of the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai.

China: Budget 1962-1964

Series 2: Administration: General

The Administration: General series consists of two files and covers the years 1955-1958 and 1960-1962. The files contain correspondence and documents regarding World Jewish Congress reporting on China, the activities and honors of the Kadoorie brothers, emigration from China, troubles facing the Council of the Jewish Community, the movement of the Tientsin cemetery, and research on Jews in the Far East from 1940-1950.

File CC.2: China: General 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C.35.000

Correspondence and World Jewish Congress press releases regarding emigration and obstacles to it, the activities of remaining Jewish communities, and the movement of the Tientsin Jewish cemetery. Reports of the Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association operated for Chinese farmers in Hong Kong.

China: General 1955-1957

File CC.3: China: General 1957-1958, 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: C35.000″A”

Correspondence regarding Council of the Jewish Community staff and its troubles with the Chinese government; credit to the JDC in World Jewish Congress reports on China; and research on Jews in the Far East from 1940-1950. Article reporting honor for the Kadoorie brothers in Hong Kong.

China: General 1957-1958, 1960-1962

Series 3: Administration: Individual Files

The Administration: Individual Files series contains a single file. See file description for details.

File CC.4: China: Leonard Seidenman Correspondence 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: 15

Correspondence, memoranda, reports, and financial statements regarding the China program in general, the status of case loads, remittances to the Council of the Jewish Community, individual cases, meetings, Council of the the Jewish Community staff, and cemetery transfers.

China: Leonard Seidenman Correspondence 1955-1958

Series 4: Administration: JDC Offices

The Administration: JDC Offices series consists of a single file. See file description for details.

File CC.5: China: Transfer JDC Office to Community 1955

Old Folder Number: C-3(a)

Correspondence regarding what happened to the JDC files from the Shanghai office and how to deal with a dilemma involving repatriation of Jews in China to the USSR.

China: Transfer JDC Office to Community 1955

Series 5: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Legal series consists of four files. Two of these files have to do with Charles Jordan’s legal testimony that the creation of the Hongkew Ghetto in Shanghai was caused by Nazi Germany. One file contains correspondence regarding various legal matters relating to emigration and resettlement of refugees, the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai, and other matters. One file contains copies of decisions against the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai by the customs authorities and appeals, and correspondence related to the case and its implications for JDC policy.

File CC.6: China: Affidavit - Shanghai Refugees 1959

Old Folder Number: C-23

Affidavit of Charles Jordan about whether the creation of the Hongkew Ghetto was caused by Nazi Germany.

China: Affidavit – Shanghai Refugees 1959

File CC.7: China: Legal Department - Various Matters 1956-1961

Old Folder Number: 424

Correspondence regarding the transfer of emigration responsibilities from China, placement for mental cases and other difficult cases from China and related agreements with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the status of property owned or managed by the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai, and a request to pursue compensation for a former resident of the Hongkew Ghetto. Drafts of agreements between JDC and the UNHCR.

China: Legal Department – Various Matters 1956-1961

File CC.8: China: Shanghai - Hongkew Ghetto 1959-1960, 1962, 1964

Old Folder Number: 421

Legal summons, copy of depositions by Charles Jordan, legal decision, and correspondence on Mr. Jordan’s testimony relating to whether Germany was responsible for influencing the Japanese to establish the Hongkew ghetto. Correspondence about identifying an individual as a resident of the ghetto for legal purposes.

China: Shanghai – Hongkew Ghetto 1959-1960, 1962, 1964

File CC.9: China: Shanghai Community Council - Fine Imposed by Chinese Customs Authorities 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 423

Copies of decisions against the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai and appeals, and correspondence related to the case and its implications for JDC policy. Originally two separate but similar files, probably those of Jerome Jacobson and Daniel Lack.

China: Shanghai Community Council – Fine Imposed by Chinese Customs Authorities 1960-1962

Series 6: Administration: Legal Case Files

The Administration: Legal Case Files series contains a single case file, restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 7: Intergovernmental Organizations: International Refugee Organization

The Intergovernmental Organizations: International Refugee Organization series is comprised of four files and covers the years 1955-1956. The files include correspondence regarding United Nations schemes for the placement of difficult cases of the elderly or disabled in various countries and correspondence on placement in Malben in Israel, as well as lists of people for the various schemes, emigrants and deaths in the Chinese Jewish community, and people repatriating to the Soviet Union. Also included are schedules of chartered flights for the movement of some of the emigrants from Hong Kong to their destinations.

File CC.11: China: IRO Refugees from China 1955 (1 of 2)

Old Folder Number: IRO 1124.2D

Correspondence concerning destination of refugees leaving China; repatriation from China to Russia; numerous lists some containing hardcore cases with nationality included; people who either died or had already left China.

China: IRO Refugees from China 1955 (1 of 2)

File CC.12: China: IRO Refugees from China 1955 (2 of 2)

Old Folder Number: IRO 1124.2.E

Correspondence concerning destination of hard core refugees leaving China; contains lists titled – ‘Nominal Roll of Jewish Residents of Shanghai, Harbin, Tientsin, Moukden & Dalny’ July 1955 with 685 names, including age, nationality, IRO & emigration status; changes in Nominal Roll with deletions & new additions, Sept. 1955; refugees destined for MALBEN; Dutch, Belgian, Danish, Italian, Irish Scheme for China Refugees; Tripolitaneans in Italy; Nominal lists of Hard Core Cases (160 names).

China: IRO Refugees from China 1955 (2 of 2)

File CC.13: China: IRO Refugees from China 1956

Old Folder Number: IRO 1124.2.F

Correspondence concerning getting people out of China and finding the appropriate framework for them; hardcore people difficult to place; correspondence with Jewish agencies in various countries seeking placement for hardcore cases – mentioned on a case by case basis; Belgian, Dutch, French Scheme for China Refugees; list of refugees from China repatriated to Russia; list of ‘China Refugees Accepted by MALBEN’ (Feb. 1956); list of persons who left China (or died), December 1955, January 1956, February 1956; April 1956; schedule for Chartered flights from Hong Kong to Europe; letter from refugees expressing thanks for help provided to them.

China: IRO Refugees from China 1956

File CC.14: China: IRO Refugees from China June-December 1956

Old Folder Number: IRO 1124.2.G

Correspondence concerning relocation of refugees to Israel, Australia, the United States and various countries in Europe; numerous lists of people grouped by families including some non-Jews from Shanghai, Harbin, Tientsin, some received exit permits from Soviet consulate, others from the Chinese government; lists of people admitted to MALBEN facilities in Israel; includes list of ‘difficult cases.’

China: IRO Refugees from China June-December 1956

Series 8: Intergovernmental Organizations: United Nations

The Intergovernmental Organizations: United Nations series is comprised of two files. See file descriptions for details.

File CC.15: China: High Commissioner UNREF Projects 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: 1213

Correspondence regarding UNREF project agreements and drafts of agreements, including for the support of needy Jewish refugees in China and the resettlement of aged or hardcore refugees in Belgium, France, Ireland, and Denmark. Included are drafts and signed copies of agreements; correspondence regarding wording, implementation, and legal implications of the agreements; and documents relating to issues of the takeover of the UNHCR caseload in China by the Chinese and a meeting between the voluntary agencies and representatives of the UNHCR and ICEM regarding migration from China.

China: High Commissioner UNREF Projects 1955-1958

File CC.16: China: UNREF Chinese Refugees - Hong Kong 1955

Old Folder Number: SC-14A

Request by the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to Charles Jordan as president of the Standing Conference of Voluntary Agencies to bring to the attention of the Standing Conference the problem of Chinese Refugees in Hong Kong.

China: UNREF Chinese Refugees – Hong Kong 1955

Series 9: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series is comprised of two files, both relating the United HIAS Service and the Council of the Jewish Community. See file descriptions for details.

File CC.17: China: Council of the Jewish Community and United HIAS Service 1964

Old Folder Number: C.O./25

Various correspondence and table regarding matters including the idea of closing the United HIAS Service office in Hong Kong, acknowledgement of receipt of reports, and issuance of certificates for restitution payments to residents of the Shanghai ghetto during the war. Nominal roll of Shanghai Jewish community.

China: Council of the Jewish Community and United HIAS Service 1964

File CC.18: China: United HIAS Service 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C.35.011

Correspondence regarding transfer of responsibility for emigration from the Jewish community of Shanghai to UNHCR and ICEM, United HIAS Service (UHS) staffing in Hong Kong, and reimbursements to UHS for ECA grants. Includes monthly lists of Jewish refugees eligible for such grants.

China: United HIAS Service 1955-1957

Series 10: Jewish Organizations: Council of the Jewish Community

The Jewish Organizations: Council of the Jewish Community series is comprised of five files and covers the years 1955-1964. Two of these are financial files, one an audit report on the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai for 1955 and one a file of monthly financial reports by the Council from 1964. The other files contain correspondence and reports dealing with the finances and welfare activities of the Council, emigration, and other matters. The JDC remitted money to the Council through accounts managed by the Kadoories in Hong Kong on a regular basis, and monitored how these expenditures were used as documented in the reports sent by the Council. The Council also had some local sources of income and assets.

File CC.19: China: Council of the Jewish Community Audit Report 1955

Old Folder Number: 60

Audit report on the Council of the Jewish Community.

China: Council of the Jewish Community Audit Report 1955

File CC.20: China: Council of the Jewish Community - Monthly Financial Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 12

Monthly and annual reports on receipts, disbursements, expenses, and deficits from the Council of the Jewish Community, Shanghai.

China: Council of the Jewish Community – Monthly Financial Reports 1964

File CC.21: China: Jewish Community Shanghai 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-35.009

Correspondence, reports, tables, and cables regarding the finances of the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai. Included in the file are requests for remittances; reports on the Council’s activities and expenditures; and correspondence on matters including clarifying unclear budgetary items, the increasing needs for welfare help amongst Tientsin Jews, refunding the Shanghai Sephardic Association via emigrants in Hong Kong for donations in Shanghai, the sale of synagogues in China, and the shipping of books to Israel.

China: Jewish Community Shanghai 1955-1956

File CC.22: China: Jewish Community Shanghai 1957

Old Folder Number: C-35.009″A”

Correspondence and reports regarding the finances of the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai. Included are reports on the activities and finances of the council and correspondence about the sending of remittances for the community, what to do with reserves of valuables held by the Council, income from property administered by the Council, the sale of a synagogue, exit permits, the preparation of a booklet containing a report and statements of account, and budgeting

China: Jewish Community Shanghai 1957

File CC.23: China: Shanghai Jewish Community & HIAS, Hong Kong 1958-1964

Old Folder Number: C-35.009

Correspondence, memos, cables, and financial statements regarding budget, funding, accounting, legal troubles, and urgent appeals by the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai and financial responsibility for emigration from Hong Kong. Lists of deaths and departures of Jews from China. One letter discusses famine affecting Jews in China and the possibility of sending aid packages.

China: Shanghai Jewish Community & HIAS, Hong Kong 1958-1964

Series 11: Subject Matter: Case Files

The Subject Matter: Case Files series is comprised of a single case file, restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy..

Series 12: Subject Matter: Cemeteries

The Subject Matter: Cemeteries series contains a single file. See file description for details.

File CC.25: China: Cemeteries - Jewish Community and UHS 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: C-35.011

Correspondence, cables, and memoranda concerning the movement of the Jewish cemetery of Harbin and mentioning the movement of other Jewish cemeteries in China. At first there was concern that the Chinese government would charge an enormous cost for the transfer, then there was a fundraising effort, and in the end the government paid the expenses.

China: Cemeteries – Jewish Community and UHS 1958-1960

File AT.61: Australia: Plans - Melbourne Frances Barkman Children's Home 1961

Old Folder Number: 6

Architectural plans for a children’s home which was built on Maleela Avenue, Balwyn, Melbourne.

Australia: Plans – Melbourne Frances Barkman Children’s Home 1961

Series 13: Subject Matter: Emigration

The Subject Matter: Emigration series consists of five files and covers the years 1955-1961. These files describe diplomatic efforts to allow emigration of Jews with Soviet citizenship from China, the handover of emigration responsibilities from the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai to representatives of Jewish organizations in Hong Kong, and efforts to place difficult-to-settle individuals from China in European countries with the help of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The diplomatic efforts described include the Israeli government, the Singaporean politician David Marshall, Indian officials, and a Quaker delegation. One file contains numerous lists of Jewish residents of China, including general lists and lists dealing with eligibility for emigration and aid. A notable item in the files is a report on the situation of Jews in China based on a discussion with S.R. Toeg, a leading figure of the Sephardi community in China who had left the country. Another matter covered by the files is the handover of leadership of Council of the Jewish Community from R.D. Abraham to P.I. Yudalevich.

File CC.26: China: Emigration from China 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C.35.002″A”

Correspondence, report, and news clipping on attempts to allow Jews remaining in China to emigrate.

China: Emigration from China 1955-1956

File CC.27: China: Emigration Issues 1955, 1957

Old Folder Number: C-3

Minutes of meeting with S.R. Toeg on situation in China and emigration difficulties, related notes, and correspondence about getting Israeli help on the issue. Includes a note describing Moshe Sharett’s willingness to provide visas to all Jews wishing to leave China. Also included is correspondence about the situations of a couple of leading Jewish individuals from China.

China: Emigration Issues 1955, 1957

File CC.28: China: Evacuation 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-3(b)

Correspondence regarding visit of Quaker delegation in China and two other letters dealing with the Jews remaining in China and negotiations for allowing their departure.

China: Evacuation 1955-1956

File CC.29: China: Hard Core Cases - UNHCR Schemes 1955-1958

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence regarding difficult-to-settle cases in China and efforts to place them in European countries involving the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Correspondence regarding problems in emigration from China for people with Soviet nationality. Includes a list of difficult cases.

China: Hard Core Cases – UNHCR Schemes 1955-1958

File CC.30: China: Lists 1956-1961

Old Folder Number: 16

Lists of Jewish residents of Chinese cities, lists of eligibility for aid and emigration possibilities, and lists of emigrants. Correspondence with UNHCR office over aid.

China: Lists 1956-1961

Series 14: Subject Matter: Medical

The Subject Matter: Medical series contains a single file. See file description for details.

File CC.31: China: Medical General 1955, 1959

Old Folder Number: Med. 259

Correspondence regarding hardcore cases in China attempting to find placement in Israel or Europe.

China: Medical General 1955, 1959

Series 15: Subject Matter: Refugees

The Subject Matter: Refugees series consists of three files and covers the years 1957-1961. The files include correspondence to secure placement of elderly or handicapped refugees from China in other countries, correspondence about a crisis of non-Jewish European refugees in China, and a letter from Taiwanese committee for the World Refugee Year asking other countries and organizations to help refugees from China. Other materials in the files are lists of deaths and departures from China and statistics on people aided by Council of the Jewish Community.

File CC.32: China: European Refugees in China 1958-1961

Old Folder Number: C-35.003.1

Correspondence, tables, and cables regarding aid to refugees in China. The material covers subjects including a crisis of non-Jewish European refugees in China, statistics regarding people aided by the Council of the Jewish Community of Shanghai, and attempts to get the UNHCR to be more forthcoming with aid for Jewish refugees in China.

China: European Refugees in China 1958-1961

File CC.33: China: Refugees from China 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: 1124.2″H”

Correspondence and cables regarding emigration cases and lists of deaths and departures from China. Most of the file concerns cases of elderly or handicapped individuals for which attempts are made to find countries and institutions to accept them and agencies to give guarantees that they won’t become the responsibility of the government.

China: Refugees from China 1957-1958

File CC.34: China: Refugees from China 1959

Old Folder Number: WRY-49

Letter from Taiwanese committee for the World Refugee Year asking other countries and organizations to help refugees from China.

China: Refugees from China 1959

Series 16: Subject Matter: Restitution

The Subject Matter: Restitution series consists of a single file. See file description for details.

File CC.35: China: Repatriation to Austria and Germany 1956, 1959

Old Folder Number: C-35.004

Correspondence regarding indemnification of Jews who had been forced to live in the Hongkew Ghetto in Shanghai. Report and statements of account of the Council of the Jewish Community of Shanghai covering 1955 and the first half of 1956.

China: Repatriation to Austria and Germany 1956, 1959

Series 17: Localities

The Localities series is comprised of five files and covers the years 1956-1961. Four of these files deal with the China situation and program as whole, including budgeting and remittances to the Council of the Jewish Community in Shanghai by JDC, welfare provided by the Council and intergovernmental agencies, emigration, the moving of cemeteries, crises of the Council of the Jewish Community, correspondence about White Russian refugees in China, and various other matters. One file contains reports on the history and situation of Jews in Shanghai and Tientsin. Included in the files are annual reports of the Council of the Jewish Community, lists of names of the Jews residing in China, and a report on the history of Jews in China in general from the World Jewish Congress.

File CC.36: China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 12

Reports and memoranda regarding the China budget and caseload, lists and notes regarding emigration cases, correspondence regarding emigration policies and the overall China situation, and an annual report of the Council of the Jewish Community.

China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1956-1957

File CC.37: China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1958

Old Folder Number: 13

Correspondence and lists regarding emigration, remittances to the Jewish community, hard core cases, the transfer of the Harbin cemetery, and White Russian refugees in China. Report on the history of the Jewish community in China.

China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1958

File CC.38: China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1959

Old Folder Number: 14

Names lists of Jews in China, 1956-1957 and 1958-1959 annual reports of the Council of the Jewish Community, correspondence regarding budgeting, correspondence on remittances for the Council of the Jewish Community, financial and welfare statistics, correspondence regarding UNHCR and ICEM benefits, and correspondence regarding valuables possessed by the Council of the Jewish Community.

China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1959

File CC.39: China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1959-1961

Old Folder Number: 14.1

The majority of the the file deals with crises facing the Council of the Jewish Community of Shanghai: a negative decision in a customs case, confiscation of property, and an order to stop relief services. The file also includes statistics about the Jewish community of China, correspondence regarding remittances, reports of deaths and departures, and financial reports. A separately arranged segment of the file contains statistics about the Jewish community and correspondence about a request for help moving a cemetery.

China: Finance, Emigration, and Jewish Community 1959-1961

File CC.40: China: Reports on Shanghai and Tientsin 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: C-35.005

Report of the Council of the Jewish Community of Shanghai including narrative section and financial tables. Article about the history and situation of the Sephardic Jewish Community in Shanghai. Report on the situation of Jews in Tientstin and the activities of the Tientsin Hebrew Association.

China: Reports on Shanghai and Tientsin 1955-1956

Record Group: Cuba

The Cuba Record Group covers the years 1956-1964 and consists of four files, totaling one inch, in three series, Administration, Organizations and Subject Matter. The Administration series includes two files on general administrative matters concerning a former employee as well as delivery of religious articles to the local community and response to requests for additional assistance. The Organization series includes one file on the International Council of Jewish Social and Welfare Services (INTERCO) and its assistance to Cuba. The Subject Matter series contains one file on refugees, highlighting efforts to assist the Cuban Jewish community to emigrate to other countries in the aftermath of the Communist Revolution.

Series 1: Administration: General

The Administration: General series covers the years 1956-1963 and consists of two files, one concerning a possible former employee and the other related to requests for assistance to the Cuban Jewish community.

File CU.1: Cuba: General 1956

Old Folder Number: C.35.952

One brief letter and a newspaper article related to questionable activities involving a former Joint employee.

Cuba: General 1956

File CU.2: Cuba: Havana Jewish Sephardic Community 1959-1960, 1963

Old Folder Number:C.35.953

General correspondence reporting on the delivery of some religious articles to the community and the Joint’s response to a request for increased welfare assistance. The file contains a publication entitled “Interim Report to the President of the United States on the Cuban Refugee Problem” by Tracy S. Voorhees.

Cuba: Havana Jewish Sephardic Community 1959-1960, 1963

Series 2: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Jewish Organizations series covers the year 1964 and contains one file on the International Jewish Council on Social and Welfare Services (INTERCO) 1964. The file contains correspondence on William Cohen’s planned trip to Cuba to evaluate the needs of the Jewish community.

File CU.3: Cuba: Cuba Mission-International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services (INTERCO) 1964

Old Folder Number: 13

Correspondence related to William Cohen’s mission to Cuba under the sponsorhip of the International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services (INTERCO) for the purpose of offering such welfare assistance as may be necessary to the members of the Cuban Jewish community.

Cuba: Cuba Mission-International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services (INTERCO) 1964

Series 3: Subject Matter: Refugees

The Refugees series covers the years 1961-1964 and consists of one file with correspondence and cables related to getting members of the Cuban Jewish Community out of the country after the Communist regime assumed control. Particular emphasis is placed on the Family Reunion Program.

File CU.4: Cuba: Correspondence on Refugees 1961-1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence and cables related to getting members of the Jewish Community in Cuba out of the country once the Communist regime assumed control. Particular emphasis is placed on the Family Reunion Program whereby children and elderly are reunited with relatives in the U.S.

ACuba: Correspondence on Refugees 1961-1964

Record Group: Czechoslovakia

The Czechoslovakia record group contains a total of 27 files comprising about 10 linear inches of material and covers the years 1955-1964. This record group includes material relating to matters left over after the JDC left Czechoslovakia in 1950, including a request to transfer funds from a defunct credit cooperative that were owed to the JDC to the Jewish community in Czechoslovakia for the benefit of old age homes instead. The files also include German-language information bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities of Bohemia and Moravia in Prague from the years 1960-1964. Other materials in the record group include an inquiry into whether any JDC property had been nationalized (none was), copies of Czechoslovakian labor laws, an article about someone arrested for allegedly distributing money on behalf of the JDC, and correspondence regarding a change of leadership of the American Fund for Czechoslovak Refugees. The record group contains many legal case files and other files dealing with aid to individuals. These files are restricted for confidentiality concerns in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 1: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Legal series consists of two files. See file descriptions for details.

File CZ.1: Czechoslovakia: Claims Against the Government of Czechoslovakia 1958

Old Folder Number: C-36.020.1

Correspondence regarding whether JDC had any property in Czechoslovakia that was nationalized or confiscated that might be compensated for under US law. No such properties could be identified as records showed no property owned by JDC in Czechoslovakia in 1950 at the closing of JDC operations there.

Czechoslovakia: Claims Against the Government of Czechoslovakia 1958

File CZ.2: Czechoslovakia: Legislative Series 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 14

Copies of labor laws. This file was not microfilmed or digitized.

Czechoslovakia: Legislative Series 1956-1957

Series 2: Administration: Legal Case Files

The Administration: Legal Case Files series contains eight case files restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 3: Administration: Public Relations

The Administration: Public Relations series consists of a single file. See file description for details.

File CZ.11: Czechoslovakia: JTA News Release - Arrest 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: C-36.015A

Correspondence regarding a news item about someone arrested for allegedly distributing JDC money. Includes copy of source article in German.

Czechoslovakia: JTA News Release – Arrest 1957-1958

Series 4: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series is comprised of four files containing German-language information bulletins of the Rat der Judischen Gemeinden in Böhnem und Mähren zu Prag (the Council of the Jewish Communities of Bohemia and Moravia in Prague) from the years 1960-1964. Most of these bulletins are between 80 and 100 pages long and deal with current events, the Holocaust, and cultural and religious matters. They were edited by Dr. Rudolf Iltis.

File CZ.12: Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: 2

Booklets in German from the Rat der Judischen Gemeinden in Böhnem und Mähren zu Prag.

Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1960-1961

File CZ.13: Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 2.1

Booklets in German from the Rat der Judischen Gemeinden in Böhnem und Mähren zu Prag.

Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1961-1962

File CZ.14: Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 2.2

Booklets in German from the Rat der Judischen Gemeinden in Böhnem und Mähren zu Prag.

Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1962-1963

File CZ.15: Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1964

Old Folder Number: 2.3

Booklets in German from the Rat der Judischen Gemeinden in Böhnem und Mähren zu Prag.

Czechoslovakia: Information Bulletins of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague 1964

Series 5: Organizations: NGOs

The Organizations: NGOs series consists of a single file. See file description for details.

File CZ.16: Czechoslovakia: American Fund for Czechoslovak Refugees, Inc. 1955

Old Folder Number: O-210

Correspondence regarding the handover of leadership of the American Fund for Czechoslovak Refugees from Reverend Blahoslav S. Hruby to Dr. Kenneth D. Miller.

Czechoslovakia: American Fund for Czechoslovak Refugees, Inc. 1955

Series 6: Subject Matter: Assistance and Supply Requests

The Subject Matter: Assistance and Supply Requests series contains seven files and concerns requests for material and emigration assistance for Jews behind the Iron Curtain. It is restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 7: Subject Matter: Case Files

The Subject Matter: Case Files series consists of two case files, and is restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 8: Subject Matter: Reconstruction

The Subject Matter: Reconstruction series is comprised of two files covering the years 1958-1959. Both of them contain correspondence about a request to transfer funds left over from the Obroda Credit Cooperative and owed to the JDC to the Jewish council in Prague for the benefit of old age homes. The files document that it was decided to turn over the funds, and that the government would agree for them to be devalued less than the general devaluation of Czechoslovakian currency, but the files do not indicate whether or not the transaction was actually carried through.

File CZ.26: Czechoslovakia: Credit Cooperative "Obrada" 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: 38.002.1

Request to use blocked funds owed to the JDC from the liquidation of title to benefit Jewish old age homes in Czechoslovakia and related correspondence.

Czechoslovakia: Credit Cooperative “Obrada” 1958-1959

File CZ.27: Czechoslovakia: Credit Cooperative "Obrada" 1958

Old Folder Number: 437

Correspondence regarding a request by Dr. Flasner, a lawyer of the Jewish council in Prague, to use money from the Obroda credit cooperative, established with JDC’s help and disbanded after JDC left the country, for old age homes.

Czechoslovakia: Credit Cooperative “Obrada” 1958

Record Group: Denmark

The Denmark record group contains 31 files totaling about 8 linear inches of material and covers the years 1955-1964. As described by a pamphlet in one of files, the Jewish community of Denmark in this period had a population of about 6500 centered in Copenhagen. The majority of the material in the record group deals with Claims Conference applications of Jewish communal organizations and schools, including the applications themselves, recommendations on allocations, documentation of transfers of funds, building plans for consideration of funding, bills showing how the allocations are being spent, and other correspondence related to the applying organizations and their activities. This material may be found in the series Organizations: Jewish Organizations, Subject Matter: Blueprints, and Subject Matter: Education. The JDC made recommendations on Claims Conference applications and transferred Claims Conference allocations to the receiving organizations. Most of the material in the record group dates from 1960-1964, the years in which this Claims Conference process took place in Denmark. Leonard Seidenman, based in Brussels, was the JDC employee responsible for activities in Denmark during these years. The record group also includes bank statements and financial reports on JDC’s activities in Denmark, a file on attempts to get funding from Denmark for World Refugee Year, a file on an agreement for Germany to transfer funds to Denmark for Danish victims of Nazi persecution, and various other correspondence and documents.

Series 1: Administration: Conferences

The Administration: Conferences series consists of one file from 1956 containing a directory of Jewish organizations in Denmark prepared by Jerome J. Jacobson for a capital investment fund conference sponsored by JDC and Claims Conference.

File DK.1: Denmark: Capital Investment Fund Conference - Directory of Jewish Organizations 1956

Old Folder Number: 9

Directory of Jewish organizations in Denmark prepared by Jerome J. Jacobson for a conference sponsored by the JDC and Claims Conference.

Denmark: Capital Investment Fund Conference – Directory of Jewish Organizations 1956

Series 2: Administration: Finance

The Administration: Finance series is comprised of five files covering the years 1960-1964. Four of these files contain bank statements and statements of the financial activities of the JDC in Denmark, mostly connected with Claims Conference allocations. One file contains audit reports on JDC’s activities in Denmark.

File DK.2: Denmark: Audit Reports - AJDC Denmark 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 62

Loeb & Troper audit reports on JDC Denmark with cover letters requesting comments.

Denmark: Audit Reports – AJDC Denmark 1960-1964

File DK.3: Denmark: Operations through "Den Danske Landmandsbank" 1961

Old Folder Number: 28

Bank statements for the year 1961 and financial statements of JDC operations in Denmark.

Denmark: Operations through “Den Danske Landmandsbank” 1961

File DK.4: Denmark: Operations Through "Den Danske Landmandsbank" 1962

Old Folder Number: 27

Bank statements and summary statements of receipts and disbursements.

Denmark: Operations Through “Den Danske Landmandsbank” 1962

File DK.5: Denmark: Operations through "Den Danske Landmandsbank" 1963

Old Folder Number: 27

Bank statements and summary statements of receipts and disbursements.

Denmark: Operations through “Den Danske Landmandsbank” 1963

File DK.6: Denmark: Operations through "Den Danske Landmandsbank" 1964

Old Folder Number: 11

Bank statements and financial report for 1964.

Denmark: Operations through “Den Danske Landmandsbank” 1964

Series 3: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Legal series consists of one file covering the years 1956-1957. It includes copies of labor legislation published by the International Labour Office.

File DK.7: Denmark: Legislative Series 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: 9

Copies of labor laws.

Denmark: Legislative Series 1956-1957

Series 4: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series is comprised of eight files covering the years 1960-1964. All of these files deal primarily with Claims Conference activities. Two files contain correspondence relating to transfer of Claims Conference allocations from the Claims Conference to the receiving organizations by way of the JDC. Two files deal with the Mosaiske Troessamfund, the Jewish Community of Denmark, including correspondence relating to applications for Claims Conference funds for building and cultural purposes, a pamphlet on Jewish life and history in Denmark, and condolences on the death of Otto Levysohn, the president of the Mosaiske Troessamfund. Much of the correspondence in these files originates from Mr. Levysohn and from Fritz Rothenberg, the secretary of the organization. Other organizations with files in the series are the Association of Libraries of Judaica and Hebraica in Europe; Machsike Hadass, a religious community; the Jodisk Haandvaerkersforenings Selvhjaelpekasse, an artisans association; and Hakoah, a sports organization.

File DK.8: Denmark: Copenhagen - Association of Libraries of Judaica and Hebraica in Europe 1961-1963

Old Folder Number: 8

Correspondence regarding funding of title by Claims Conference and prospects for a central catalogue of Jewish libraries in Europe.

Denmark: Copenhagen – Association of Libraries of Judaica and Hebraica in Europe 1961-1963

File DK.9: Denmark: Claims Conference Remittances - Hojskole - Troessamfund - Cheder 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 41

Requests to remit and receipts for funds transferred by the JDC on behalf of the Claims Conference to Danish Jewish organizations.

Denmark: Claims Conference Remittances – Hojskole – Troessamfund – Cheder 1961-1962

File DK.10: Denmark: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 59

Requests to remit and receipts for funds transferred by the JDC on behalf of the Claims Conference to Danish Jewish organizations.

Denmark: Claims Conference Remittances 1962-1964

File DK.11: Denmark: Jodisk Haandvaerkersforenings Selvhjaelpekasse, Copenhagen 1960

Old Folder Number: 12

Negative recommendation for Claims Conference application of title.

Denmark: Jodisk Haandvaerkersforenings Selvhjaelpekasse, Copenhagen 1960

File DK.12: Denmark: Koah Vacation Camp, Copenhagen 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 4

Correspondence regarding plans and Claims Conference allocation for the construction of a vacation camp.

Denmark: Koah Vacation Camp, Copenhagen 1961-1962

File DK.13: Denmark: Machsike Hadass, Copenhagen 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 5

Correspondence about Claims Conference and JDC funding for building improvements for title. Copies of bills proving that the work was completed.

Denmark: Machsike Hadass, Copenhagen 1960-1964

File DK.14: Denmark: Mosaiske Troessamfund - Old Age Home, Synagogue, Community Center - Copenhagen 1960-1963

Old Folder Number: 6

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference funding for building and cultural purposes. Correspondence and cables regarding travel arrangements and the death of Pavl Melchior. Schedule of proposed uses for a community center and architectural plans. Pamphlet on Jewish life and history in Denmark.

Denmark: Mosaiske Troessamfund – Old Age Home, Synagogue, Community Center – Copenhagen 1960-1963

File DK.15: Denmark: Mosaiske Troessamfund - Old Age Home, Synagogue, Community Center - Copenhagen 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 7

Correspondence and notes regarding the progress of Claim Conference-funded projects and the death of Otto Levysohn, president of the Mosaiske Troessamfund. Building plans.

Denmark: Mosaiske Troessamfund – Old Age Home, Synagogue, Community Center – Copenhagen 1963-1964

Series 5: Subject Matter: Blueprints

The Subject Matter: Blueprints series consists of four files containing plans for projects including community centers and a summer camp. One file also contains cost estimates for a Copenhagen community center.

File DK.16: Denmark: Copenhagen - Carolina Summer Camp 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 1

Architectural plan for building. This file was not microfilmed or digitized.

Denmark: Copenhagen – Carolina Summer Camp 1963-1964

File DK.17: Denmark: Copenhagen Community Center 1960-1961, 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: 4

Correspondence and cost estimates regarding an application for Claims Conference funds for a community center. Architectural plans for the center.

Denmark: Copenhagen Community Center 1960-1961, 1963-1964

File DK.18: Denmark: Machsike Hadass, Copenhagen 1964 Application

Old Folder Number: 4

Architectural plan–not microfilmed or digitized.

Denmark: Machsike Hadass, Copenhagen 1964 Application

File DK.19: Denmark: Mosaiske Copenhagen - Community Center Plans 1963

Old Folder Number: 33

Building plans for a community center. Not microfilmed or digitized.

Denmark: Mosaiske Copenhagen – Community Center Plans 1963

Series 6: Subject Matter: Case Files

The Subject Matter: Case Files series contains two case files, which are restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy..

Series 7: Subject Matter: Education

The Subject Matter: Education series is comprised of five files covering the years 1955-1956 and 1960-1964. Two files include correspondence with the Paul Baerwald Department of Social Work, including an offer by a Jewish kindergarten to take on a teacher in need of experience. The three other files include Claims Conference applications of schools and related correspondence from Cheder l’Jaldej Jeschurun, Det Jodiske Religionskole, and Skandinavisk-Jødiske Højskole. The applications are for the purposes of hiring a Hebrew teacher, organizing a teachers seminar, and supporting and furnishing a yeshiva.

File DK.22: Denmark: Cheder l'Jaldej Jeschurun, Copenhagen 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 9

Applications for Claims Conference funds for title, a Jewish school, and recommendations and announcement of actual grants.

Denmark: Cheder l’Jaldej Jeschurun, Copenhagen 1960-1964

File DK.23: Denmark: Det Jodiske Religionskole, Copenhagen 1960

Old Folder Number: 10

Application for Claims Conference support.

Denmark: Det Jodiske Religionskole, Copenhagen 1960

File DK.24: Denmark: Paul Baerwald Department 1955

Old Folder Number: 3

Correspondence regarding the offer of a Jewish kindergarten to take on a teacher in need of experience working in a Jewish setting.

Denmark: Paul Baerwald Department 1955

File DK.25: Denmark: Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1956

Old Folder Number: 6

Letter saying that brochures in French wouldn’t be useful, but material in English could be.

Denmark: Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1956

File DK.26: Denmark: Skandinavisk-Jødiske Højskole, Copenhagen 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence regarding Claims Conference allocation to title.

Denmark: Skandinavisk-Jødiske Højskole, Copenhagen 1960-1964

Series 8: Subject Matter: Emigration

The Subject Matter: Emigration series is comprised of one file dating from 1959. The file contains one letter from Charles Jordan explaining why the JDC won’t get involved in inviting Romanian Jews to Denmark.

File DK.27: Denmark: Rumanian Jews 1959

Old Folder Number: C-19

Letter saying that almost all Rumanian Jews leaving Rumania wish to go to Israel.

Denmark: Rumanian Jews 1959

Series 9: Subject Matter: Medical

The Subject Matter: Medical series consists of one file covering the years 1955 and 1957. The file discusses the possibility of Denmark taking in a Jewish tuberculosis patient from China.

File DK.28: Denmark: TB Patients 1955, 1957

Old Folder Number: C-40.012

Correspondence regarding the potential placement of a Jewish TB patient in Denmark.

Denmark: TB Patients 1955, 1957

Series 10: Subject Matter: Refugees

The Subject Matter: Refugees series includes one file covering the years 1960-1961. It deals with attempts to get Denmark to fund housing solutions for Jewish refugees from Egypt in France as part of World Refugee Year.

File DK.29: Denmark: World Refugee Year 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: 17

Correspondence regarding a potential Danish project to provide housing aid for Jewish refugees from Egypt in France. Includes descriptions of families that could benefit from the aid. The project was turned down.

Denmark: World Refugee Year 1960-1961

Series 11: Subject Matter: Restitution

The Subject Matter: Restitution series consists of one file covering the years 1958-1960 and 1962-1963. The file contains copies of legislation and agreements, copies of articles, and correspondence regarding an agreement for Germany to provide funds to Denmark for Danish victims of Nazi persecution and the distribution of those funds.

File DK.30: Denmark: 12 Power Demarche 1958-1960, 1962-1963

Old Folder Number: 17

Copies of legislation and agreements, copies of articles, and correspondence regarding an agreement for Germany to provide funds to Denmark for Danish victims of Nazi persecution and the distribution of those funds.

Denmark: 12 Power Demarche 1958-1960, 1962-1963

Series 12: Localities

The Localities series contains one folder containing one letter from 1955. The letter deals with discussion of potential for communal development in Denmark.

File DK.31: Denmark: Jewish Community 1955

Old Folder Number: C-40.003

Letter about discussion of potential for communal development.

Denmark: Jewish Community 1955

Record Group: Dominican Republic

File DO.1: Dominican Republic: Immigration 1957

Old Folder Number: C.40.202

Newspaper clippings and correspondence regarding acceptance by Dominican Republic of Hungarian and Egyptian Jewish refugees, and that country’s request for funding from ICEM.

Dominican Republic: Immigration 1957

Record Group: Eastern Europe

This Record Group contains documents concerning Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the USSR. Many of the documents are requests for assistance for people living in the Eastern Bloc countries during the Cold War and offer insight into the daily hardships of life behind the Iron Curtain as well as the additional problems faced by Jews who applied for emigration visas. Other folders show the complexity of the international relations between Western and Eastern bloc nations, and how diplomatic issues affected the ability of individuals and organizations in the West to either recover or receive compensation for properties behind the Iron Curtain.Most of the folders in this Record Group are comprised of documents concerning individual case files and legal cases and are restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy

Series 1: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Legal series contains copies of lawsuits, correspondence, cables memos, contracts, agreements, newspaper and law journal articles concerning the legal status of assets in Eastern Europe owned by U.S. citizens and organizations, the status of assets in the U.S. that originated in Eastern Europe and JDC’s claim to certain Hungarian assets in the U.S. These files are restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 2: Subject Matter: Case Files

The Subject Matter: Case Files series consists of three folders containing correspondence, memos, lists of names concerning requests for medical, material, emigration and tracing service assistance. One folder deals with restitution for citizens of Eastern European countries who suffered physical and material damage under Nazi occupation. These files are restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 3: Subject Matter: Emigration

The Subject Matter: Emigration series consists of one folder containing correspondence, news releases and newspaper clippings concerning refugees from Hungary and Romania, and assistance provide by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Series 4: Subject Matter: Religion and Culture

The Subject Matter: Religion and Culture series consists of two folders containing correspondence, memos and a business card concerning shipment of matzot, ritual items, Hebrew textbooks and prayer books to Eastern Europe.

File EE.9: Eastern Europe: Passover Supplies 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-23

Correspondence and memos concerning shipment of matzot to Eastern Europe.

Eastern Europe: Passover Supplies 1955-1957

File EE.10: Eastern Europe: Religious Supplies 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: C-23(A)

Correspondence, memos and business card concerning shipment of ritual items and Hebrew text and prayer books to Russia, Poland and Bulgaria.

Eastern Europe: Religious Supplies 1956-1957

Record Group: Ecuador

The Ecuador Record Group covers the years 1962-1964 and consists of one folder in the Organizations: Jewish Organizations series which contains correspondence, memos and meeting minutes concerning the Loan Kassa in Quito.

Series 1: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series covers the years 1962-1964 and consists of one folder, which contains correspondence, memos and meeting minutes concerning the Loan Kassa in Quito.

File EC.1: Ecuador: Cooperativa, Quito 1962-1964

Old Folder Number: 45

This folder is comprised of correspondence and memos concerning the Loan Kassa in Quito.

Ecuador: Cooperativa, Quito 1962-1964

Record Group: Egypt

The Egypt record group contains 169 files comprising 91 linear inches of material and covers the years 1955-1964. The vast majority of this material deals with the expulsion and persecution of Egyptian Jews following the Suez crisis of 1956, the resulting refugee crisis, and efforts to aid the remaining Jewish community in Egypt. The Jewish population in Egypt prior to the crisis was estimated at 50,000, and included Egyptian citizens, people without official citizenship, and citizens of countries in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. The community was centered primarily in the cities of Cairo and Alexandria and included both Sephardi and Ashkenazi elements, as well as Karaites. By the end of January 1957 approximately 7,500 Jewish refugees from Egypt had arrived in Europe by ship, and by the end of June the number of arrivals by ship and plane numbered over 20,000. The exodus continued, and one note in the files estimates that in August 1965 only 2,500 Jews remained in Egypt. The files contain reports and documentation on the crisis of Egyptian Jewry as it developed after the war, including mass arrests, sequestration of property by the Egyptian government, closure of businesses, discriminatory laws affecting employment and citizenship, pressure and threats forcing some people to leave the country, and withholding access by refugees to their assets that remained in Egypt.

Series 1: Administration: General

The Administration: General series is comprised of five files and covers the years 1955-1964. The files include correspondence on aid to Egyptian Jewry prior to the Suez Crisis, cables and correspondence on the development of the pressure on Egyptian Jews in late 1956, correspondence and reports on the situation of the Jews in Egypt and cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross to aid them. One file contains a copy of a private scheme to enable the liquidation of property in Egypt.

File EG.1: Egypt: Contacts and Aid 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: Misc. 247

Correspondence regarding the idea of sending educational books to Egypt, emigration possibilities, and a grant to the Jewish community of Cairo. Report by Mr. Shoskes of the United Hias Service on his trip to the Middle East.

Egypt: Contacts and Aid 1955-1956

File EG.3: Egypt: General 1955-1956

Old Folder Number: Ref. 38

Correspondence and cables regarding the status and persecution of Jews in Egypt after the 1956 war and attempts to get information on the situation. Copies of Egyptian nationality laws and sections of the Egyptian constitution. Booklet on the prosecution of Jews in Egypt in 1955.

Egypt: General 1955-1956

File EG.4: Egypt: General 1958-1960, 1963-1964

Old Folder Number: C-40.500″B”

Reports, correspondence, and newspaper clippings having to do primarily with the overall situation of Egyptian Jewry, covering matters including emigration, finances, and relations with the Egyptian government. The reports were written by Henri Elfenbein and include reports on meetings with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) regarding cooperation to help Egyptian Jews.

Egypt: General 1958-1960, 1963-1964

File EG.5: Egypt: Trust Agreement 1957

Old Folder Number: 456

Memorandum and copy of an agreement form for a scheme to liquidate property in Egypt. Page of notes.

Egypt: Trust Agreement 1957

Series 2: Administration: Individual Files

The Administration: Individual Files series is composed of 13 files and covers the years 1955-1964. Three files contain materials created or maintained by Charles Jordan, including correspondence, reports, notes, and other documents relating to the situation of Jews in Egypt, how to help them, arrangements for Jordan’s trips to Egypt, the removal of sifrei Torah from Egypt, and a copy of a scheme for spreading anti-Jewish propaganda that reached JDC’s hands. Eight files are Henri Elfenbein’s general files on the Egyptian situation. Elfenbein was based in Geneva before and after the relocation of JDC European Headquarters to there from Paris in 1958. His files contain correspondence on the situation of Jews in Egypt and Jewish refugees from Egypt, cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross on provision of aid, sifrei Torah from Egypt, and the search for a replacement for the chief rabbi of Egypt. There are one file each of Herbert Katzki and Leonard Seidenman.

File EG.6: Egypt: Charles Jordan Correspondence and Reports 1956, 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: C-17.1

Correspondence regarding arrangements for Charles Jordan’s trips to Egypt, the removal of unused Torah scrolls from Egypt, emigration, and other matters pertaining to the situation in Egypt.

Egypt: Charles Jordan Correspondence and Reports 1956, 1960-1964

File EG.7: Egypt: Charles Jordan General December 1956-November 1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 28

Correspondence, memoranda, and notes on how to approach the developing refugees situation with regard to what organizations and governments will do to help. Translation of a document found in the Egyptian embassy in Spain entitled “Schematic Plan for the Organization and Activity of a Secret Office of Anti-Jewish Information and Propaganda.”

Egypt: Charles Jordan General December 1956-November 1957

File EG.8: Egypt: Charles Jordan's Material on Egyptian Refugees 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 69

Correspondence, reports, press clippings, and minutes of meetings regarding the persecution and other aspects of the situation of Jews in Egypt, reception of Jews in France and government actions on their behalf, cooperation with the International Red Cross in aiding Jews in Egypt, applications for help for refugees from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and other matters relating to Jews from Egypt arriving in Europe as refugees.

Egypt: Charles Jordan’s Material on Egyptian Refugees 1956-1957

File EG.9: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 77.1

Henri Elfenbein’s general file on Egypt. Elfenbein was based in Geneva while the JDC European headquarters was in Paris, and he was in contact with the offices of the International Red Cross and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees there. Correspondence, articles, copies of questionnaires, copies of Egyptian legislation, and reports dealing with the persecution of Jews in Egypt, arrival of refugees in Europe, recognition of refugee status, aid for Egyptian Jewish students, and tracing requests. Includes letters to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees regarding help extended to Egyptian Jews inside and outside of Egypt.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1956-1957

File EG.10: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 77.2

Henri Elfenbein’s general file on Egypt. Correspondence, reports, lists, minutes of meetings, notes on conversations, and memoranda regarding the situation of Jews in Egypt, resettlement opportunities for refugees and emigrants, individual cases, and Egyptian Jewish university students. Includes list of Egyptian and Hungarian refugees in Brazil with current occupations and salaries.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1957-1958

File EG.11: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: Ref. 78

Henri Elfenbein’s general file on Egypt. Reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, and notes on conversations relating to the situation and finances of the Jewish communities in Egypt, aid to refugees from Egypt, continuing emigration, and the search for a replacement for the chief rabbi. Reports of number of arrivals on ships from Egypt to Italy.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1958-1959

File EG.12: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General May-July 1959

Old Folder Number: Ref. 78.1

Henri Elfenbein’s general file on Egypt. Reports from the Jewish community and Jewish hospital of Cairo (from dates prior to the correspondence in the file). Correspondence regarding a reduction of the International Red Cross delegation in Egypt, financing for aid to refugees, and religious and welfare needs in Egypt.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General May-July 1959

File EG.13: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General July-September 1959

Old Folder Number: Ref. 78.2

Henri Elfenbein’s general file on Egypt. Correspondence and reports on the various aspects of the situation of the Jewish community in Egypt, aid to refugees from Egypt, and sifrei Torah in Egypt. Includes list of names of immigrants to South America from Egypt helped by the United HIAS Service and an article about the the Egyptian situation from February 1957.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General July-September 1959

File EG.14: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General September 1959-August 1960

Old Folder Number: Ref. 79

Henri Elfenbein’s general file on Egypt. Reports from meetings of the Jewish community of Cairo and correspondence regarding the situation of the Jewish community in Egypt, aid for refugees from Egypt in Europe, the retirement of the chief rabbi of Egypt, what to do with Torah scrolls, and French education. Lists of ships with refugees arriving in Italy.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General September 1959-August 1960

File EG.15: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: Ref. 79.1

Correspondence about searching for a replacement for the grand rabbi of Egypt, the death of Rabbi Haym Nahoum, how to move Torah scrolls out of Egypt, the winding down of International Red Cross activities in Egypt, assistance to the Jewish communities in Egypt, and Egyptian arriving in Italy.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1960-1961

File EG.16: Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1961

Old Folder Number: Ref. 79.2

Correspondence and minutes of meeting on the functioning of the Jewish community in Egypt, political changes in Egypt and their effect on aid for Jews, and the transfer of Torah scrolls out of the country.

Egypt: Henri Elfenbein General 1961

File EG.17: Egypt: Herbert Katzki File - Jewish Refugees 1957

Old Folder Number: 16

Memoranda, notes, press clippings, and bulletins regarding the situation of Jews in Egypt and their leaving as refugees. This appears to have been Herbert Katzki’s file.

Egypt: Herbert Katzki File – Jewish Refugees 1957

Series 3: Administration: Legal Case Files

The Administration: Legal Case Files series contains three files, which are restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 4: Intergovernmental Organizations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

The Intergovernmental Organizations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) series is comprised of three files and covers the years 1956-1958. The files contain correspondence, reports, memoranda, minutes of meeting, and a copy of a an agreement regarding obtaining official refugee status for Jewish refugees from Egypt and the provision of housing aid in France for such refugees.

File EG.22: Egypt: High Commissioner - Egyptian Refugees 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: 1217″A”

Correspondence, reports, memoranda, multilateral housing aid agreement, and copies of expulsion certificates dealing with Jewish refugees from Egypt, particularly housing aid in France. The file documents communication and cooperation with the office of the UNHCR.

Egypt: High Commissioner – Egyptian Refugees 1956-1958

File EG.23: Egypt: High Commissioner - Egyptian Refugees - March 1957-January 1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 27

Correspondence and minutes of meeting regarding talks and agreements with the UNHCR and UNHCR funding for refugees in conjunctions with the French and US governments. Copy of UN Refugee Fund Agreement.

Egypt: High Commissioner – Egyptian Refugees – March 1957-January 1958

File EG.24: Egypt: Memoranda to UNHCR 1957

Old Folder Number: 492

Memoranda submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in order to attempt to obtain status and aid for Jewish refugees from Egypt.

Egypt: Memoranda to UNHCR 1957

Series 5: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Organizations: Jewish Organizations series contains two folders and covers the years 1956-1960. One file deals with the Jewish community of Egypt, and one file contains COJASOR’s report on the functioning of a common fund to aid Jewish refugees from Egypt in France. See file records for details.

File EG.25: Egypt: Jewish Community of Egypt 1956-1958, 1960

Old Folder Number: 460

Reports from and about the Cairo Jewish community, a report from the hospital committee in Cairo, minutes of a school committee meeting, and correspondence regarding a visit of Chief Rabbi Haim Nahoum to Europe.

Egypt: Jewish Community of Egypt 1956-1958, 1960

File EG.26: Egypt: Rapport sur le Fonctionnement du Fonds Commun pour l'Etablissement des Refugies d'Egypte 1957-1959

Old Folder Number: 40.510 D

Financial statement and narrative report regarding a fund for helping refugees from Egypt in France. Lists of refugees to whom grants and loans were made.

Egypt: Rapport sur le Fonctionnement du Fonds Commun pour l’Etablissement des Refugies d’Egypte 1957-1959

Series 6: Jewish Organizations: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt

The Jewish Organizations: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt series is comprised of 85 files and covers the years 1956-1962. In early 1957 the JDC, in cooperation with the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Agency, and the World Jewish Congress, decided to create a registry of Jewish property losses in Egypt in order to create a pool of information that could serve the interest of refugees in various ways. Over one thousand individuals were registered by late 1959. The Central Registry compiled information on Jewish refugees from Egypt, helped refugees cash letters of credit and access insurance policies, and tried to obtain international safeguarding of property. Of the files in this series, 57 contain forms filled out by registrants about their personal situations and their property losses in Egypt, and details of their incarceration in relevant instances. These files are restricted for reasons of privacy. Please see our access and restrictions policy. Other files contain copies of bulletins and circular letters issued by the Central Registry, the chronological files of the Central Registry, a list of registrants, files on particular types of property, such as deposits with the Swiss consulate in Egypt, correspondence on data tabulation, and other matters pertaining to the Central Registry. The Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt was headed by Jerome J. Jacobson and staffed in turn by Zipporah B. Wiseman and Freddy M. Galimidi. When it ceased to function in the early 1960s, its files were kept by JDC.

File EG.27: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt 1958-1960, 1962

Old Folder Number: C-40.521″A”

Report on payments by JDC to title and correspondence regarding the Central Registry and property of Jews leaving Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt 1958-1960, 1962

File EG.30: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Bulletins 1957-1959

Old Folder Number: 24

Bulletins issued by the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt and related correspondence. Notes on the activities of the Central Registry and statistics from forms collected by it.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Bulletins 1957-1959

File EG.31: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Chronological File May-July 1957

Old Folder Number: 9

Chronological file of the Central Registry containing copies of mail, mostly sent by Zipporah B. Wiseman. Correspondence covers matters such as questionnaires, the compilation of information, the creation of punch cards, stories of individual cases, bulletins, mailing lists, supplies and expenses, and attempts to have letters of credit honored by French banks.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Chronological File May-July 1957

File EG.32: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Chronological File August-December 1957

Old Folder Number: 9.1

Chronological file of the Central Registry of Jewish Losses containing copies of outgoing letters, mostly written by Zipporah B. Wiseman and Jerome J. Jacobson. The material covers matters such as the distribution and collection of questionnaires; punch card keys; providing information to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; attempts to aid people in relation to letters of credit, life insurance policies, and safeguarding property; and setting up meetings.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Chronological File August-December 1957

File EG.33: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Chronological File 1958

Old Folder Number: 5

Chronological file of the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt containing outgoing letters from Zipporah B. Wiseman, Freddy M. Galimidi, and Jerome J. Jacobson. Material includes correspondence about questionnaires, safeguarding property, letters of credit, life insurance, punch cards, and assets deposited at the Swiss consulate in Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Chronological File 1958

File EG.34: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Chronological File January-May 1959

Old Folder Number: 3

Chronological file of the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt containing copies of outgoing correspondence from Freddy M. Galimidi. The material deals with the completion of questionnaires, insurance, a French-Egyptian agreement, safeguarding and desequestration of property, letters of credit, a British-Egyptian agreement, and assets left by refugees at the Swiss consulate in Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Chronological File January-May 1959

File EG.35: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Chronological File June-December 1959

Old Folder Number: 3.1

Chronological file of the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt containing copies of outgoing correspondence from Freddy M. Galimidi. The material deals with statistics gathered from 1035 registrants, desequestration of property, letters of credit, assets left by refugees at the Swiss consulate in Egypt, administrative expenses, and other matters.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Chronological File June-December 1959

File EG.36: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Chronological File 1960-1961

Old Folder Number: 4

Chronological outgoing correspondence of the Central Registry dealing with matters including desequestration of property, power of attorney, expenses of the Central Registry, news from Egypt, letters of credit, assistance to refugees in Israel, and attempts by individuals to protect or access their property.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Chronological File 1960-1961

File EG.37: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Chronological File 1961-1962

Old Folder Number: 1

Part of a letter regarding who to talk to about Central Registry matters.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Chronological File 1961-1962

File EG.38: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Circular Letters 1957-1960

Old Folder Number: 26

Copy of report on eligibility of refugees for UNHCR protection and assistance. Circular letters of the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt addressing matters including filling out of questionnaires, safeguarding of assets, letters of credit from Egyptian banks, and desequestration of property in Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Circular Letters 1957-1960

File EG.97: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in In Egypt - Egyptian Refugees 1959

Old Folder Number: 499

List of over 1000 Jewish refugees from Egypt registered with the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in In Egypt – Egyptian Refugees 1959

File EG.98: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - French Translations of Egyptian Questionnaire (First Draft) and Memorandum 1957

Old Folder Number: 502

Memorandum describing agreement to establish the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt. Drafts of questionnaires requesting information on persecutions and property losses.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – French Translations of Egyptian Questionnaire (First Draft) and Memorandum 1957

File EG.99: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - IBM Keying

Old Folder Number: 465

Codes, sketch, and note, apparently for creating punch cards based on forms filled out by refugees for the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – IBM Keying

File EG.100: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - IBM Tabulation 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: 464

Keys for punch cards, cost estimates, notes, sample punch cards, and correspondence regarding using punch cards to tabulate data from the Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – IBM Tabulation 1957-1958

File EG.102: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Insurance 1957-1961

Old Folder Number: 4

Correspondence regarding legal aspects of insurance companies’ unwillingness to pay refugees for policies they had held in Egypt.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Insurance 1957-1961

File EG.103: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Insurance Policies of Refugees 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: 494

Correspondence regarding the legal situation of life insurance policies held by refugees from Egypt and legal strategies to pursue the interests of the insurance holders. Copy of French court decision in an insurance case.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Insurance Policies of Refugees 1957-1958

File EG.108: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - List of Individuals in Israel 1957

Old Folder Number: 3

List of people who arrived in Israel from Egypt, including names, dates of birth, passport information, dates of aliyah, and family status.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – List of Individuals in Israel 1957

File EG.109: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Property Loss Forms Requested but not Returned 1957-1960

Old Folder Number: 503

Correspondence with individuals who requested or were sent forms to register their losses of property in Egypt but who did not return them.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Property Loss Forms Requested but not Returned 1957-1960

File EG.110: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt Questionnaires 1957

Old Folder Number: 505

Drafts and final version of questionnaires about detention and loss of property and correspondence about the questionnaires and the registry. Completed questionnaires.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt Questionnaires 1957

File EG.111: Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt - Swiss Consulate Deposits 1958-1960

Old Folder Number: 457

List of individuals who deposited documents or money at the Swiss consulate in Egypt, correspondence about retrieval of these assets, and a form for claiming them.

Egypt: Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt – Swiss Consulate Deposits 1958-1960

Series 7: Organizations: NGOs

The Organizations: NGOs series contains a single file with a history of the effects of the Suez crisis on the Jews of Egypt as told by the representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross who was stationed there from 1956 to 1962. This document is in French. See file record for details.

File EG.112: Egypt: "Entre Juifs et Arabes" - Le Conflit de Suez et Conséquences - Memoire sur la Mission Humanitaire Exercée en Egypte 1956-1962, Edmond Muller

Old Folder Number: Ref. 15

Report by Edmond Muller, representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Egypt and the United Arab Republic during and after the Suez Crisis, about what happened to the Jews in Egypt during and after that conflict. A large majority of the community had left the country within a few years as a result of persecution.

Egypt: “Entre Juifs et Arabes” – Le Conflit de Suez et Conséquences – Memoire sur la Mission Humanitaire Exercée en Egypte 1956-1962, Edmond Muller

Series 8: Subject Matter: Case Files

The Subject Matter: Case Files series is composed of nine files and covers the years 1957-1964. Most of the files contain information on many cases. The cases covered in the files have to do with emigration, welfare, employment, loans, medical issues, mental illness, imprisonment, and resettlement. These files are restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 9: Subject Matter: Community Relief

The Subject Matter: Community Relief series is comprised of seven files and covers the years 1956-1958. These files contain reports, correspondence, news clippings, minutes of meetings, memoranda, and financial records dealing primarily with the situation of Jewish communities in Egypt, their needs, and the aid provided to them through the International Committee of the Red Cross, as well as emigration and other issues. Three files relate entirely to the trips of Elisabeth A. Bertschi, an employee of the International Social Service, to Egypt, and her investigations of the needs of the communities and of individuals with particular problems due to their medical situation or age.

File EG.122: Egypt: General January-September 1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 30

Correspondence, press clippings, bulletins, and reports from Egyptian Jewish communities dealing with the finances of these communities and aid provided to them through the International Red Cross, the persecution of Jews in Egypt, and how to help prisoners.

Egypt: General January-September 1957

File EG.123: Egypt: General Situation 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: Misc. 246

Correspondence, minutes of meetings, memoranda, and news clippings regarding the beginning of the crisis of Jews in Egypt, discussions with individuals coming out of Egypt, needs of the Jewish community, the role of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the general situation in Egypt.

Egypt: General Situation 1956-1958

File EG.124: Egypt: Information on Egyptian Refugees and Situation in Egypt 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 68

Copies of articles providing first-hand and other reports on the situation of foreigners in Egypt. Correspondence regarding the financial needs of the Jewish community of Cairo given the crisis and related changes in the community.

Egypt: Information on Egyptian Refugees and Situation in Egypt 1956-1957

File EG.125: Egypt: Miss Bertschi's Egyptian Trip 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 37 Parts A-C

Correspondence concerning a return visit of Elisabeth A. Bertschi of the International Social Service to Egypt. Reports on visits to Jewish institutions in Egypt, reports on community finances, booklets published by Jewish institutions, and minutes of meetings of officials of the International Red Cross and Jewish organizations and of Miss Bertschi with the Jewish organizations.

Egypt: Miss Bertschi’s Egyptian Trip 1956-1958

File EG.126: Egypt: Miss Bertschi's Egyptian Trip 1957-1958 (1 of 2)

Old Folder Number: Ref. 37 Part D

Correspondence and financial documents regarding finances of the Jewish communities in Egypt and emigration from Egypt, including lists of Jews receiving aid from the rabbinate. Much of the material was sent or composed by Elisabeth A. Bertschi during a trip to Egypt.

Egypt: Miss Bertschi’s Egyptian Trip 1957-1958 (1 of 2)

File EG.127: Egypt: Miss Bertschi's Egyptian Trip 1957-1958 (2 of 2)

Old Folder Number: 37 Part E

Reports, case histories, and correspondence regarding the trip of Elisabeth Bertschi of the International Social Service to Egypt and the situation and possibilities for the ill and elderly that she investigated.

Egypt: Miss Bertschi’s Egyptian Trip 1957-1958 (2 of 2)

File EG.128: Egypt: Situation, Departures, and Assistance 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 33

Reports, correspondence, press clipping, and financial records regarding the persecution of Jews in Egypt, departures from Egypt, assistance in Egypt, British immigration opportunities, Elisabeth Bertschi’s trip, and other matters.

Egypt: Situation, Departures, and Assistance 1957-1958

Series 10: Subject Matter: Education

The Subject Matter: Education series contains four files and covers the years 1956-1964. The files contain correspondence on Jewish students from Egypt who lost their means of support as a result of the Suez crisis and the eventually successful attempt to get the World University Service to contribute some of the funds necessary for the completion of their studies. The files also contain lists of students.

File EG.129: Egypt: Egyptian Students 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: C-40.520

Correspondence regarding Egyptian Jewish students in Europe who lost their means of support due to the effects of the Suez crisis, including case histories of students. The World University Service agreed to provide some aid for the students.

Egypt: Egyptian Students 1957-1958

File EG.130: Egypt: Egyptian Students February 1957-February 1958

Old Folder Number: Ref.72

Correspondence regarding the procurement of aid for students from Egypt in Europe from the World University Service. Booklet about students from Egypt in Israel.

Egypt: Egyptian Students February 1957-February 1958

File EG.131: Egypt: Egyptian Students in France - World University Service 1957-1961

Correspondence regarding aid for Egyptian refugee students from the World University Service. List of students with information about their situation and studies.

Egypt: Egyptian Students in France – World University Service 1957-1961

File EG.132: Egypt: Egyptian Students in France 1956-1964

Lists of Egyptian refugee students needing aid with descriptions of their situations and correspondence about possible aid from the World University Service. Correspondence regarding an education seminar and refugee students from other countries.

Egypt: Egyptian Students in France 1956-1964

Series 11: Subject Matter: Legal

The Subject Matter: Legal series is composed of six files and covers the years 1956-1961. The files primarily contain copies of legislation and international agreements affecting Jews in Egypt and Jewish refugees outside of Egypt. One file also contains other material on the situation of Jews in Egypt. Two files contain information on requests for desequestration of property in Egypt on behalf of individuals and are restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

File EG.135: Egypt: French Agreement with the United Arab Republic (Egypt) 1958, 1960

Old Folder Number: 22

Copies of Egyptian legislation and proclamations affecting Jews.

Egypt: French Agreement with the United Arab Republic (Egypt) 1958, 1960

File EG.136: Egypt: Italian Agreement with the United Arab Republic 1959

Old Folder Number: 28

Copy of a joint communique between Italy and the United Arab Republic that includes statements on the rights of Italian repatriates and Italian nationals.

Egypt: Italian Agreement with the United Arab Republic 1959

File EG.137: Egypt: Texts of Laws and Proclamations 1956

Old Folder Number: 501

Copies of emergency laws passed in the wake of the Suez crisis and lists of people that restrictions apply to.

Egypt: Texts of Laws and Proclamations 1956

File EG.138: Egypt: Status of Jews in Egypt - Documentation - Military Proclamations, Laws, Press Clippings 1956-1961

Old Folder Number: 495

Press clippings, bulletins, informational booklets, copies of proclamations, Egyptian forms, and other documentation on the situation of Jews in Egypt and those who have left Egypt, and information on the Egyptian political situation insofar as it affects Jews.

Egypt: Status of Jews in Egypt – Documentation – Military Proclamations, Laws, Press Clippings 1956-1961

Series 12: Subject Matter: Prisoners

The Subject Matter: Prisoners series consists of two files and covers the years 1961 and 1963. One file contains memoranda regarding Israelis who were arrested by the Egyptians after crossing the border in order to defect. See file description for details. The other file is restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

File EG.140: Egypt: Israeli Returnees from Egypt 1961

Old Folder Number: C-17.2

Memoranda about the resettlement of Israelis who were arrested by the Egyptians after crossing the border in order to defect.

Egypt: Israeli Returnees from Egypt 1961

Series 13: Subject Matter: Refugees

The Subject Matter: Refugees series is comprised of 27 files and covers the years 1956-1961. The files contain correspondence, cables, press clippings, reports, minutes of meetings, statistics, and other materials relating to the situation of Jews in Egypt and to Jewish refugees coming out of Egypt and attempting to resettle themselves in other countries. Some of the materials describe the development of the crisis and the creation and coordination of responses with other organizations. Other materials describe the experiences of refugees and the ongoing needs of the Jewish community in Egypt. The files contain statistics on arrivals of refugees on various boats arriving in Europe; documentation on aid for refugees arriving in France, Italy, and Greece; and documentation of the provision of housing aid and welfare for refugees in France in collaboration with Comite Juif D’Action Sociale et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), the French government, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the United States government. JDC engaged in extensive efforts in order to bring these and other parties to provide financial support for the refugees. In order to keep relevant staff members informed of details of developments with respect to the Egyptian situation, bulletins for internal distribution were compiled during the first half of 1957, and significant documents regarding the situation were photocopied and distributed. These documents may be found in this series.

File EG.141: Egypt: Cables, Correspondence, and News Clippings - Egyptian Refugees 1956

Old Folder Number: Ref. 65

Correspondence, cables, and statistics about the developing crisis in Egypt and the arrival and situation of Jewish refugees in France, Italy, and Greece.

Egypt: Cables, Correspondence, and News Clippings – Egyptian Refugees 1956

File EG.142: Egypt: Egyptian Citizenship Law and Results 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 73

Reports, correspondence, cables, and notes regarding the persecution of Jews in Egypt and the coordination of responses among international agencies and governments.

Egypt: Egyptian Citizenship Law and Results 1956-1958

File EG.143: Egypt: Refugees from Egypt October 1957-October 1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 61

Reports and correspondence on the situation of Jews in Cairo and Alexandria, the financial situation of the rabbinate, Torah scrolls and religious articles, US funding for refugees, and arrivals in Italy.

Egypt: Refugees from Egypt February 1957

File EG.144: Egypt: Egyptian Nationality Law, Jewish Needs in Egypt, and Refugees 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 32

Copy of Egyptian Nationality Law, partial translation, and related letter. Correspondence regarding the needs of Jews in Egypt and the refugee situation.

Egypt: Egyptian Nationality Law, Jewish Needs in Egypt, and Refugees 1956-1957

File EG.145: Egypt: Refugees from Egypt January-July 1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 64

Bulletins with information on Jewish refugees from Egypt, including arrival statistics, the situation Egypt, and the situation in receiving countries in Europe. Includes the distribution list of the bulletin and press clippings attached to the bulletins. The bulletins were compiled by Leonard Seidenman.

Egypt: Refugees from Egypt February 1957

File EG.146: Egypt: Egyptian Refugees - General Memoranda 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 63

Correspondence, reports, notes, and statistics regarding refugees from Egypt, their situations, and their prospects. Correspondence regarding the situation and provision of aid through the International Committee of the Red Cross in Egypt. Copy of Egyptian nationality law. Includes transcript of notes by Rabbi Herbert Friedman after interviewing refugees.

Egypt: Egyptian Refugees – General Memoranda 1956-1957

File EG.147: Egypt: Egyptian Refugees - Laws and Memoranda 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: 504

Copies of agreements between the United Arab Republic and France and Great Britain. Letter about the steps to be taken by refugees in light of the agreement with Britain.

Egypt: Egyptian Refugees – Laws and Memoranda 1958-1959

File EG.148: Egypt: Refugees from Egypt January 1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 66

Correspondence and cables regarding arrival of Jewish refugees from Egypt, the situation in Egypt, issues affecting them in Europe, steps being taken to help them, and related press. Includes lists of arriving passengers, minutes of meetings, press releases, statistics, and copies of newspaper articles.

Egypt: Refugees from Egypt February 1957

File EG.149: Egypt: Egyptian Refugees 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 35 Part A

Memoranda, press clippings, accounts of interviews, correspondence, reports, and statistics. Material covers the situation and experiences of Jews in Egypt, notes on how to respond to the the crisis, ship arrivals, and the working out of policies and levels of support for refugees from governments and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Egypt: Egyptian Refugees 1956-1958

File EG.150: Egypt: Egyptian Refugees 1956-1958, 1961

Old Folder Number: 493

Articles on the international relations of Egypt and the situation of Jews in Egypt. Correspondence regarding registration of Jewish losses in Egypt and the legal status of refugees.

Egypt: Egyptian Refugees 1956-1958, 1961

File EG.151: Egypt: Egyptian Refugees in Holland 1959

Old Folder Number: 27

Letter asking for details of the Portuguese Sephardic Community in order to determine if they can reimburse expenses for refugees.

Egypt: Egyptian Refugees in Holland 1959

File EG.152: Egypt: Egyptian Refugees January-February 1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 39

Correspondence, cables, and press excerpts regarding the situation of the Jewish community in Egypt and refugees from Egypt arriving in Europe.

Egypt: Egyptian Refugees January-February 1957

File EG.153: Egypt: Egyptian Refugees Ship Arrivals 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 35 Part B

Lists of arriving ships with refugee passenger statistics, and related correspondence and notes.

Egypt: Egyptian Refugees Ship Arrivals 1956-1958

File EG.154: Egypt: Possible Egyptian Bulletin Material 1956-1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 71

Press clippings, press release, summary of meeting, reports, copies of legislation, correspondence, cables, and booklet containing information about the situation of Egyptian Jews and refugees. Bulletin mentioned in title is probably a bulletin prepared by Leonard Seidenman about the Egyptian situation.

Egypt: Possible Egyptian Bulletin Material 1956-1957

File EG.155: Egypt: Provision of Aid - Organizations, Subjects, and Countries 1957-1960 (1 of 2)

Old Folder Number: Ref. 36 Parts A-J

Tabs on various subjects relating to the provision of aid to Egyptian Jewish refugees in Europe. Includes a list of 1252 refugees under the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees receiving aid from Comite Juif D’Action Sociale et de Reconstruction (COJASOR).

Egypt: Provision of Aid – Organizations, Subjects, and Countries 1957-1960 (1 of 2)

File EG.156: Egypt: Provision of Aid - Organizations, Subjects, and Countries 1957-1960 (2 of 2)

Old Folder Number: Ref. 36 Parts A-J.1

Correspondence, reports, and notes on meetings on housing, welfare, and emigration aid provided to Jewish refugees from Egypt, as well as the situation and activities of the Jewish communities in Egypt. Much of the material deals with attempts to secure participation in the funding of aid for refugees from the UNHCR and the United States government.

Egypt: Provision of Aid – Organizations, Subjects, and Countries 1957-1960 (2 of 2)

File EG.157: Egypt: Refugee Project Explanation 1957

Old Folder Number: 11

Letter explaining to the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs the application submitted to the UNHCR and UNREF by the JDC on behalf of Jewish refugees from Egypt.

Egypt: Refugee Project Explanation 1957

File EG.158: Egypt: Refugees from Egypt February 1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 25

Correspondence, cables, article, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings, passenger arrival count forms, passenger lists, and copy of petition by American Jewish organizations. The file covers the arrival of Jewish refugees from Egypt, their support and direction, and the situation of Jews in Egypt.

Egypt: Refugees from Egypt February 1957

File EG.159: Egypt: Refugees from Egypt March 1957

Old Folder Number: Ref. 25.1

Lists of ships, ship arrival forms, lists of Jewish passengers, correspondence and cables, reports, article, statement by Israeli representative, and statistics. Material concerns the arrival of Jewish refugees from Egypt in Europe and their further care and direction.

Egypt: Refugees from Egypt March 1957

File EG.160: Egypt: Refugees from Egypt 1957-1958

Old Folder Number: Ref. 60

Statistics on hard cord cases and refugees arriving in Europe. Correspondence regarding aid for Jewish refugees in Italy, France, and Greece; emigration opportunities in the Americas; and other matters. News clippings regarding refugees. Reports on the adaptation of refugees in their countries of settlement.

Egypt: Refugees from Egypt 1957-1958

File EG.161: Egypt: Refugees from Egypt 1958-1962

Old Folder Number: C-40.510 D

Correspondence, notes on meetings, reports, and copies of legislation regarding refugee passenger arrivals in Italy; the situation in Egypt; aspects of policy or care for refugees in France, Holland, Greece, Italy, Australia, and Israel; and cooperation with agencies and governments on assistance to refugees. List of assistees of a UN housing program in France.

Egypt: Refugees from Egypt 1958-1962

File EG.162: Egypt: Requests for Funds from Various Sources 1957-1958

Old Folder Number:Ref. 70

Statement, memoranda, correspondence, and statistics about the expenses of caring for Jewish refugees from Egypt and appealing for help.

Egypt: Requests for Funds from Various Sources 1957-1958

File EG.163: Egypt: Requests to UNHCR and Report on Egyptian Jewish Situation 1957-1958

Old Folder Number:Ref. 34

Correspondence requesting or reporting on United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees activities on behalf of Egyptian Jewish refugees. Report on the Jews remaining in Egypt covering communities, emigration, and welfare.

Egypt: Requests to UNHCR and Report on Egyptian Jewish Situation 1957-1958

File EG.164: Egypt: Ship Movements and Other Refugee Matters 1957

Old Folder Number:Ref. 62

Forms, lists, cables, correspondence, and statistics regarding boat arrivals in Europe and departures for Israel, including some passenger lists. Correspondence and statistics on care for refugees and the expenses involved. Notes from interviews with refugees. Various other material relating to the refugee situation.

Egypt: Ship Movements and Other Refugee Matters 19578

File EG.165: Egypt: Situation of Egyptian Jews and Arrival of Refugees from Egypt 1956-1957

Old Folder Number:Ref. 30

Correspondence and cables regarding the developing crisis of the Jews in Egypt, Jewish refugees coming out of Egypt, and legal matters relating to the situation. List of boat arrivals with numbers of Jewish refugee passengers. Includes two disconnected pages which are each part of documents not otherwise in the file.

Egypt: Situation of Egyptian Jews and Arrival of Refugees from Egypt 1956-1957

File EG.166: Egypt: Special Binder on the Egyptian Refugee Situation January 2-25, 1957

Old Folder Number:Ref. 29

Newspaper clippings and translations about the situation of the Jews in Egypt and letter about issues relating to the help provided to refugees in France.

Egypt: Special Binder on the Egyptian Refugee Situation January 2-25, 1957

File EG.167: Egypt: Working Committee on Egyptian Refugees 1956-1957

Old Folder Number:Ref. 67

Copies of articles, minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, and notes regarding the situation of Jews in Egypt and Jewish refugees from Egypt and what is being done for them. The working committee in the title included members of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the JDC, and French organizations working with the refugees, and the file includes minutes of its meetings. Most of the documents of the special binder on the Egyptian situation distributed to selected JDC staff are contained in this folder.

Egypt: Working Committee on Egyptian Refugees 1956-1957

File EG.170: Egypt: Special Binder Egyptian Refugees - Aide Memoire Submitted to the American Ambassador to France 1957

Old Folder Number:496

Aide memoire on the plight of Jews in Egypt and the asylum granted to a part of them in France submitted to C. Douglas Dillon, American Ambassador to France.

Egypt: Special Binder Egyptian Refugees – Aide Memoire Submitted to the American Ambassador to France 1957

File EG.171: Egypt: Country Conditions and Refugees 1957

Old Folder Number:Ref. 40

Letter regarding expectations of refugee numbers and related diplomacy. File memorandum on meeting between officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Charles Jordan regarding the situation of Jews in Egypt and Sudan.

Egypt: Country Conditions and Refugees 1957

Series 14: Subject Matter: Religious

The Subject Matter: Religious series is comprised of two files and covers the years 1958-1960 and 1963. One file contains correspondence on Torah scrolls and other religious matters. The other contains letters regarding meetings with the chief rabbi of Egypt, Haim Naoum. See file records for details.

File EG.168: Egypt: Cultural & Religious Activities (Torah Scrolls from Egypt) 1958-1960, 1963

Old Folder Number: C-40.522

Correspondence regarding transfer of Torah scrolls. Also includes letters on Jewish schools, the search for a new chief rabbi, and the sale of synagogues.

Egypt: Cultural & Religious Activities (Torah Scrolls from Egypt) 1958-1960, 1963

File EG.169: Egypt: Grand Rabbin Naoum 1958-1959

Old Folder Number: C-40.523

Letters reporting on meetings with title about the situation and needs of Egyptian Jewry.

Egypt: Grand Rabbin Naoum 1958-1959

Record Group: Ethiopia

The Ethiopia Record Group covers the years 1955-1964 and consists of four folders in the series Subject Matter and Localities, totaling about 1.5 inches of material. Three folders in the series Localities: Jewish Communities concern the Falasha community in Ethiopia, including the history and contemporary status of the community, educational programs and possible JDC assistance. Of note in this series is correspondence from Norman Bentwich of London discussing his work and connections in Ethiopia, including being an advisor to Emperor Haile Selassie I during World War II. One folder in the series Subject Matter: Medical concerns medical assistance for the Falasha community and includes a scientific study concerning genetic characteristics of tribes in Ethiopia.

Series 1: Localities: Jewish Communities

The Localities: Jewish Communities series consists of three folders covering the years 1955-1964 concerning the Falasha community in Ethiopia, including the history and contemporary status of the community, educational programs and possible JDC assistance.

File ET.1: Ethiopia: Falashas Asmara 1955-1957

Old Folder Number: C-41.500

Correspondence, reports and press releases concerning title and possible assistance.

Ethiopia: Falashas Asmara 1955-1957

File ET.2: Ethiopia: Falashas 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: C.41-600A

Correspondence and reports concerning educational programs for title.

Ethiopia: Falashas 1959-1964

File ET.3: Ethiopia: Falashas 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: C-24

Correspondence, reports and memos concerning the Falasha community in Ethiopia and possible medical and educational programs.

Ethiopia: Falashas 1960-1964

Series 2: Subject Matter: Medical

The Subject Matter: Medical series consists of one folder covering the years 1959-1964 and concerns medical assistance for the Falasha community and includes a report on the genetic characteristics of tribes in Ethiopia.

File ET.4: Ethiopia: Falashas Medical 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: 18

Correspondence, reports, scientific study and memos concerning title.

Ethiopia: Falashas Medical 1959-1964

File ET.2: Ethiopia: Falashas 1959-1964

Old Folder Number: C.41-600A

Correspondence and reports concerning educational programs for title.

Ethiopia: Falashas 1959-1964

File ET.3: Ethiopia: Falashas 1960-1964

Old Folder Number: C-24

Correspondence, reports and memos concerning the Falasha community in Ethiopia and possible medical and educational programs.

Ethiopia: Falashas 1960-1964

Record Group: Europe (Western)

Series 1: Subject Matter: Assistance and Welfare Supplies

This series is restricted in accordance with JDC’s Access and Restrictions Policy.

Series 2: Localities: Europe

This series contains one file containing two reports on Jewish life in Europe and reconstruction of communities.

File WE.2: Western Europe: Jewish Life in Western Europe 1958

Old Folder Number: 3

Two reports on the status of Jewish community life and the contribution made by the JDC in reconstructing Jewish community life.

Western Europe: Jewish Life in Western Europe 1958

Record Group: Finland

The Administration series includes two files on legal administrative matters, the first dealing with labor laws and the second a formal loan agreement. The Organization series includes three files, one on the Helsinki Community Center and two on loan institutions. The Locality series contains seven files, three on the Jewish community in Abo and four files on the Helsinki Jewish community.

Series 1: Administration: Legal

The Administration: Legal series covers the years 1956-1960 and consists of two files., One file contains printed material from the International Labor Office on the Seaman’s Act 1955. The second file focuses on the text of the loan agreement allocating funds to the Helsinki Jewish Community for construction of a community center.

File FI.1: Finland: Legislative Series 1956-1958

Old Folder Number: 5

Printed material from the International Labor Office on the Seaman’s Act 1955; hours of work; seamen’s pensions; old-age and invalidity insurance. This file was not microfilmed or digitized.

Finland: Legislative Series 1956-1958

File FI.2: Finland: Loan Agreement 1960

Old Folder Number: 583

Correspondence and documentation related to a loan of $45,000 from Claims Conference grants to the Judiska Forsamlingen i Helsingfors for the construction of the Helsinki Community Center. The file contains a copy of the legal agreement and legal points are highlighted in the correspondence.

Finland: Loan Agreement 1960

Series 2: Organizations: Jewish Organizations

The Jewish Organizations series covers the years 1957-1964 and consists of three files. One file relates to the Jewish Community Center in Helsinki and contains memoranda and financial information regarding the loan granted to the community for construction of the center. The other two files contain annual and quarterly financial and statistical reports of loan kassas.

File FI.3: Finland: Helsinki Community Center ($45,000. loan) 1957, 1960-1962

Old Folder Number: 11

Correspondence, memoranda and financial information relevant to the JDC granting a $45,000 interest free loan to the Helsinki Jewish Community to construct a community center.

Finland: Helsinki Community Center ($45,000. loan) 1957, 1960-1962

File FI.4: Finland: Loan Institutions Financial and Statistical Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 8

The file contains the annual financial report for 1962 together with quarterly financial and statistical reports for 1963.

Finland: Loan Institutions Financial and Statistical Reports 1963

File FI.5: Finland: Loan Institutions Financial and Statistical Reports 1964

Old Folder Number: 1

The file contains the financial and statistical report for 1963 together with quarterly financial and statistical reports for 1964.

Series 3: Localities: Abo

The Abo series covers the years 1962-1964 and contains three files. The files contain correspondence between JDC and the Abo Jewish Community related to repayment of an emergency loan granted by the Joint, requests for and submission of annual reports and letters of gratitude to the Joint for its assistance.

File FI.6: Finland: Abo 1962

Old Folder Number: 21

Correspondence related to the loan kassa in Abo: notification of repayment of the second installment of the loan granted by the JDC, request for and submission of annual reports as well as a letter of thanks on the part of the Judiska Forsamlingen for the assistance given by the Joint. The file also contains a card of Rosh Hashanah greetings.

Finland: Abo 1962

File FI.7: Finland: Loan Institutions Financial and Statistical Reports 1963

Old Folder Number: 31

Correspondence related to the Jewish community in Abo. Some of the correspondence is about the repayment of the 4th installment of the loan granted to them in May 1958, other pages refer to requests for and receipt of annual reports as well as an informal request for further financial assistance from the Joint.

Finland: Judiska Forsamlingen in Abo (Abo Jewish Community) 1964

File FI.8: Finland: Abo Loan Kassa 1963

Old Folder Number: 21

Correspondence verifying payment of the third installment of a loan given to the Judiska Forsamlingen by the Joint, queries regarding the 1962 annual report and a reminder to send in the quarterly reports according to schedule.

Finland: Abo Loan Kassa 1963

Record Group: France

The France record group covers the years 1955-1964 and includes 172 linear inches of material, including correspondence, reports, memoranda, financial and statistical data, minutes of meetings, notes, blueprints, cost estimates of construction work, press releases, news clippings, copies of agreements, sample forms for studies, and other types of documents. The immigration into metropolitan France of at least 150,000 Jews from North Africa, and smaller numbers from Eastern Europe and Egypt, during the period covered in this record group required large scale efforts to receive and settle them and to provide for their communal needs. The largest group came from Algeria, from which approximately 100,000 Jews, most of whom were French citizens, fled to France near the time of Algerian independence in 1962, as in the course of the war between the French and the Arabs Jews had been increasingly associated with the French side and had been the victims of incitement and attacks by Arab nationalists. Large numbers of Jews also arrived from Tunisia and Morocco during these years. Although the Algerian Jews were French citizens who received aid from the government and French was also spoken by Jews from the other countries of North Africa that had formerly been under French control, there were still great needs among the new arrivals.

Series 1: Administration: Finance

The Administration: Finance series is comprised of 17 files covering the years 1955-1964. The files include audit reports on JDC’s Office for France and subventioned organizations for the entire period, monthly financial reports for the years 1961-1964, and correspondence and tables regarding budgeting, capital investments, and other financial matters. Many files originally kept by the budget and finance department are distributed in other series, such as files on individual capital investment projects, which can be found in the Cultural and Religious, Child Care, and Education series, and files on the North African Common Fund, which are located in the North African Refugees and Immigrants series.

File FR.1: France: AJDC France Audit Report for 1955

Old Folder Number: 34

Draft of Loeb and Troper audit report on the JDC Office for France for the year 1955 with a cover letter requesting comments.

France: AJDC France Audit Report for 1955

File FR.2: France: AJDC France Audit Reports for 1957-1959

Old Folder Number: 32

Drafts of Loeb and Troper audit reports on the JDC Office for France for the years 1957, 1958, and 1959 with cover letters requesting comments.

France: AJDC France Audit Reports for 1957-1959

File FR.3: France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1956

Old Folder Number: 33

Drafts of Loeb and Troper audit reports on the JDC Office for France, the Comité Juif d’Action Sociale et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), and rabbinic groups.

France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1956

File FR.4: France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1960

Old Folder Number: 31

Loeb and Troper audit reports for the JDC Office for France, the Comité Juif d’Action Sociale et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), Oeuvre de Protection des Enfants Juifs (OPEJ), and the Comité de Bienfaisance Israélite de Paris (CBIP) for the year 1960. Requests for comments and comments on the reports.

France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1960

File FR.5: France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1961

Old Folder Number: 30

Loeb and Troper audit reports for the JDC Office for France and the Comité Juif d’Action Sociale et de Reconstruction (COJASOR) for the year 1961. Cover letters requesting comments on the report.

France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1960

File FR.6: France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1962

Old Folder Number: 29

Loeb and Troper Audit Reports for the JDC Office for France and the Comité Juif d’Action Social et de Reconstruction (COJASOR).

France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1962

File FR.7: France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1963

Old Folder Number: 28

Loeb and Troper audit reports for the JDC Office for France, the Departement Educatif de la Jeunesse Juive (DEJJ), the Comité d’Action Sociale Israelite de Paris (CASIP), a Paris community center, the Comité Juif d’Action Sociale et de Reconstruction (COJASOR).

France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1963

File FR.8: France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1964

Old Folder Number: 27

Loeb and Troper audit reports for JDC France, the Department Educatif de la Jeunesse Juive (DEJJ), the Comité d’Action Sociale Israélite de Paris (CASIP), the Comité Juif d’Action Sociale et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), and Paris community center.

France: AJDC France and Subventioned Organizations Audit Reports for 1964

File FR.9: France: Budget 1955

Old Folder Number: C-43.003

Correspondence regarding budgeting, cash requirements, and insurance payments.
