Record Group: Tripolitania
The Tripolitania (Libya) record group covers the years 1946-1954 and iscomprised of 35 folders in four series: Administration, Localities,Organizations, and Subject Matter. These years saw the emigration of themajority of Libyan Jews, many of whom moved to Israel, facts reflectedin files dealing with emigration. Many files deal with the medicalprogram, including reports from the OSE on their activities in Libya andother medical reports covering topics including the treatment oftuberculosis and trachoma. The record group also contains reports onJewish communities, AJDC finances, and the political situation. Othertopics in the files include feeding programs and education. Ruben Hassanacted as volunteer director of AJDC Tripoli until Abe Loskove took overas director in November 1950. Louis D. Horowitz then served as directorfrom June 1952 until the closing of the office on July 1, 1954.
Series 1: Tripolitania: Administration
File LY.1: Tripolitania: Audited Reports 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 29
Loeb & Troper report on AJDC Tripolitania
File LY.33: Libya: Tripoli — Local Field Personnel. 1953
Old Folder Number: 6
File LY.36: Libya: AJDC Loeb & Troper 1954
Old Folder Number: 29
Series 2: Tripolitania: Organizations
File LY.2: Tripolitania: Cantines Scolaires. 1948, 1952
Old Folder Number: C.56.512
Supplies & financial assistance for Tripoli canteen.Distribution of meals to schools in Tripoli.
File LY.3: Tripolitania: OSE Financial 1951
Old Folder Number: MED64.1
OSE Financial reports June-October 1951.
File LY.4: Tripolitania: OSE Financial 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: MED65
OSE Financial reports and budget; Dr. Grinberg MedicalReport.
File LY.5: Tripolitania: OSE Financial 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: MED65.1
OSE Financial and medical schedules and budget figures.
File LY.34: Libya: Constitution of Libya 1951
Old Folder Number: 3
File LY.35: Libya: Constitution of Libya II 1951
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Series 3: Tripolitania: Subject Matter
File LY.6: Tripolitania: 1950 (1 of 2)
File LY.8: Tripolitania: Activities 1948, 1950
File LY.9: Tripolitania: AJDC Correspondence 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: MED63
Medical reports. Situation reports, programs & activities.OSE meeting reports & financial statements . COJASORevaluation of OSE program.
File LY.12: Tripolitania: Cultural & Educational. 1947-1950,1952-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.502
UJECO London grant for Education. Feeding Program &Requirement. Education Activities & Reports forAlliance Israelite & Pietro Verri Schools.
File LY.13: Tripolitania: Emigration. 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: C.56.510
Statistical reports and health statistics. Departure to Israelby Galilah ship (December 1951).
File LY.16: Tripolitania: Jewish Community.1947-1950, 1954
Old Folder Number: C-56.505
Administration of community & elections. JDC ExpensesTripolitania.
File LY.17: Tripolitania: Jewish Community Cyrenaica. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.56.401
Report of Jewish community of Cyrenaica. Budget allocationBenghazi & expenditure for education & school feedingprogram.
File LY.19: Tripolitania: Medical Activities. 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: C.56.503
Medical Reports, Treatment of Trachoma and Tuberculosis.
File LY.20: Tripolitania: Miscellaneous Reports 1949-1951,1953
Old Folder Number: MED58
Reports: Medical activities, situation in Tripolitania, OSE-JDCmeetings
File LY.21: Tripolitania: Monthly Activity Reports1948-1952
Old Folder Number: MED62
Medical, statistical, budget, and finance reports; AJDC-OSEmeeting reports.
File LY.22: Tripolitania: Program Reports 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.506
Reports: Health and education programs in Tripolitania andCyrenaica; budget and financial. Appointment of Louis D.Horowitz as Director of AJDC Tripoli (June 1952). Closure of theJDC office in Tripoli (1 July 1954).
File LY.23: Tripolitania: Report 1949
Old Folder Number: 17
Bound report by Dr. R. Grinberg, medical advisor toTripolitania.
File LY.24: Tripolitania: Tuberculosis Control 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: MED60
Treatment of TB patients in Tripolitania, reports andrecommendations; OSE medical statistics.
File LY.25: Tripolitania: Tuberculosis Follow-up Report1950
Old Folder Number: 66
Dr. Molnar’s report of field trip to Tripoli.
Series 4: Tripolitania: Localities
File LY.27: Tripolitania: Budget 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.501
Budget & Programs for Tripolitania, Morocco, Tunisia, Tangier,and Constantine. Closure of Tripoli Branch Account at BarclaysBank June 1954.
File LY.28: Tripolitania: General. 1948, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.500
Correspondence & appreciation relating to Ruben HassanVolunteer Director of AJDC Tripoli. Abe Loskove appointeddirector of AJDC Tripoli (November 1950).
File LY.29: Tripolitania: Financial 1949
Old Folder Number: MED64
JDC Budget & Expenditure Tripolitania & Cyrenaica. OSEStatistics, Budget & Expenditure.
File LY.30: Tripolitania: Supplies. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.56.509
Food supplies, Clothing shipments & Purchase of Children’sshoes Appointment of Abe Loskove as Assistant Director,Tripoli.
File LY.31: Tripolitania: Tripoli 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 4
IRO eligibility for Tripolitan transients. Proposal to sendchildren from Tripolitania to Italy. Situation report ofTripolitan Jews.
Record Group: Tunisia
The Tunisia record group covers the years 1947-1954 and contains 89 filesin the series Administration, Organizations, Subject Matter, andLocalities. After World War II, JDC’s Tunisia program was run on avolunteer basis by Paul Ghez, a prominent member of the Tunisian Jewishcommunity, until an overseas country director was appointed in 1950. TheAdministration series contains JDC activity reports, statisticalreports, audit reports, a file on budgetary planning, and files onpersonnel. The Organizations series consists mostly of files containingmedical and financial reports from the medical organization Oeuvre deSecours aux Enfants (OSE) and reports on extension training in socialwork by the Paul Baerwald School. The Subject Matter series containscorrespondence, reports, statistical materials, teaching materials, andmenus. It details activities in education, medical services, socialservice, canteens, plans for community centers, and welfare. TheLocalities series contains copies of the Tunis Community Bulletin,information on attacks on the Jewish community in Tunis, material onlocal fundraising, and material on the importation of supplies toTunisia.
Series 1: Tunisia: Administration
File TU.1: Tunisia: Audited Reports 1949-1954
File TU.2: Tunisia: Audited Reports 1954
File TU.4: Tunisia: Budget & Financial 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.601
AJDC Tunis financial reports and budget proposals.
File TU.5: Tunisia: General 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: Misc.302
General correspondence. Activities & Situation Reports.
File TU.83: Tunisia: Legal Status in France and Algeria1949
Old Folder Number: Misc.143.1
File TU.83.1: Tunisia: 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 15
A comprehensive report on the country, its economy, resources,society, and the local Jewish population.
File TU.90: Tunisia: Complete Statistical Reports 1953
Old Folder Number: 6
Series 2: Tunisia: Organizations
File TU.9: Tunisia: ORT-SAP Reconstruction. 1952-1954
File TU.10: Tunisia: OSE 1952-1954
File TU.11: Tunisia: OSE Activity Reports 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: MED52
Reports: Activities & Statistical; Medical andAnti-Tuberculosis program.
File TU.12: Tunisia: OSE Bulletins 1948-1952
File TU.13: Tunisia: OSE Financial 1948-1950
File TU.14: Tunisia: OSE Financial 1951
File TU.15: Tunisia: OSE Financial 1952
File TU.16: Tunisia: OSE Financial I 1953
File TU.17: Tunisia: OSE Financial II 1953
File TU.18: Tunisia: OSE Financial III 1953
File TU.19: Tunisia: OSE Financial IV 1953
File TU.20: Tunisia: OSE Mass Examinations 1950,1953-1954
Old Folder Number: MED51
Medical Examinations, Reports & Statistics
File TU.21: Tunisia: OSE Medical 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.608
Projects & Activities in Tunis, Sousse, Sfax. Medical Reports& Field Visits, Opening of OSE Swiss Preventorium.
File TU.22: Tunisia: OSE Reports 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 38
Projects & Activities, Medical & Financial Reports
File TU.23: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald Extension Training1951
File TU.24: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald Extension Training1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 5.1
Extension Training reports & Social Services evaluation,
File TU.25: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald General Correspondence 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 5
Extension Training Program, Evaluation & Reports.
File TU.26: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald General Correspondence1953
Old Folder Number: 5.2
Reports and correspondence.
File TU.27: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald Kindergarten Training Program1953
Old Folder Number: 5.5
Report of Kindergarten Training Program in Tunis.
File TU.28: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald Reports 1953
File TU.29: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald School 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: S.3101.2
Training Courses. Paul Baerwald School future programs for JDCNorth Africa.
File TU.30: Tunisia: Paul Baerwald Training Program for SocialWorkers 1953
Old Folder Number: 5.3
Report and Evaluation of Training program, list of participants.
Tunisia: Paul Baerwald Training Program for SocialWorkers 1953
File TU.31: Tunisia: Protection de l’Enfance Israélite Sfax1947
Old Folder Number: 187
Work of organization caring for children.
File TU.89: Tunisia: Organizations/Jewish Agency1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 40
Series 3: Tunisia: Subject Matter
File TU.32: Tunisia: Bulletin “La Tunisie” 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 171
Copies of Medical journal “La Tunisie”
File TU.33: Tunisia: Claims Conference 1954
Old Folder Number: 27
Recommendations to Claims Conference for allocation of funds for Tunisia
File TU.34: Tunisia: Community Center Sfax 1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.606.1
Architectural Plans for the Community Center
File TU.35: Tunisia Community Center Tunis 1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.606.2
Construction of Community Center in Rue Glatigny, foundationstone ceremony 17 October 1954
File TU.36: Tunisia: Education 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: Ed.9
Education Reports & Programs. Book requirements. Organizationof Modern Hebrew courses.
File TU.37: Tunisia: Education 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: Ed.9.1
Hebrew courses and Hebrew Teachers. Work of Robert Attalphotographing old books. Proposed classes for blind children inTunis.
File TU.38: Tunisia: Education 1954
Old Folder Number: Ed.7
Education Reports, Programs & Schools Curriculum. Fundingrequests. Jewish Pilgrimage sites in Tunisia and dates ofpilgrimage.
File TU.39: Tunisia: Educational Program. 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.606
Education Reports & Projects in Tunis, Sfax & Djerba.Gold expropriated from Djerba by the Germans. Hebrew Activities& Courses.
File TU.40: Tunisia: Legal Status 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 14
Accreditation for Louis D. Horowitz as JDC TunisiaRepresentative.
File TU.41: Tunisia: Medical Services Activity Reports1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 2
Medical Reports & Statistical Schedules.
File TU.42: Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable Disease Control1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 13
Medical Reports & Treatments
Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable Disease Control1949-1954
File TU.43: Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable Diseases Trachoma1950, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 12
Medical Reports, Statistics & Trachoma control program
Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable Diseases Trachoma1950, 1952-1954
File TU.44: Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable DiseasesTuberculosis Control. 1949-1951
Old Folder Number: 11
Tuberculosis survey in Tunisia & Recommendations. Anti-TBprogram.
Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable DiseasesTuberculosis Control. 1949-1951
File TU.45: Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable DiseasesTuberculosis Control 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Menus & Expenses for TB Canteen
Tunisia: Medical Services Communicable DiseasesTuberculosis Control 1952-1954
File TU.46: Tunisia: Medical Services Correspondence 1951
Old Folder Number: 19
Assistance requested for Bikur Holim Hospital Djerba establishedby OSE.
File TU.47: Tunisia: Medical Services Dispensary1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 8
Plans & Estimated Costs for Dispensaries in Sousse &Tunis. Medical Reports & Schedules.
File TU.48: Tunisia: Medical Services Dispensary Sousse1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 12
Sousse Dispensary Inauguration Ceremony. Budget &Expenses.
File TU.49: Tunisia: Medical Services Dispensary Tunis1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 36
Architectural plans for Dispensary & correspondence
File TU.50: Tunisia: Medical Services Field Trip Reports1950-1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 9
Medical & Field Reports of Visits to Tunis & SouthernTunisia. Survey & Control of Tuberculosis.
Tunisia: Medical Services Field Trip Reports1950-1951, 1953-1954
File TU.51: Tunisia: Medical Services Financial 1949-1950,1954
Old Folder Number: 20
Financial & medical schedules.
File TU.52: Tunisia: Medical Services General Correspondence1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 13
Medical & Health Meeting Reports. Lists of Jewish Studentstudying in Paris. Work of the Ariana Preventorium. Appointmentof Dr. Wang as radiologist in Tripoli.
File TU.53: Tunisia: Medical Services General Correspondence1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 13.1
Social Work & Medical Program Reports. Fluoroscopoicexamination project; Penicillin treatment. Study of MortalityRates for Children. Inauguration of ORT-Alliance School.
File TU.54: Tunisia: Medical Services Health Education1951-1953
Old Folder Number: 8
Transcripts from Tunis Radio program. Health Education Reportand Films.
File TU.55: Tunisia: Medical Services Maternal & Child Health1949, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 15
Report on Children’s Mortality Rates in Tunis 1945-1950. Medical& health Projects.
Tunisia: Medical Services Maternal & Child Health1949, 1951-1954
File TU.56: Tunisia: Medical Services Nursing 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 14
Nursing care in Tunisia. List of nurses in Tripoli, age, father’sname, education & nursing experience.
File TU.57: Tunisia: Medical Services Nutrition 1954
Old Folder Number: 5
Menus & Food quantities at different institutions; Milkcomponents and Analysis.
File TU.58: Tunisia: Medical Services Supplies 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 18
Medical supplies & medicines. Requests for various types ofMilk.
File TU.59: Tunisia: Program Reports. 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: C.56.607.1
Reports & Aid Programs for Tunisia. Activities in Djerba,Tunis, Gabes & Constantine.
File TU.60: Tunisia: Program. Reports. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.607
Reports & Activities. Report of Federation of JewishCommunities.
File TU.61: Tunisia: Repatriation Tunis. 1947, 1952
Old Folder Number: C.56.602
Group of Tripolitans in Tunis to be repatrated.
File TU.62: Tunisia: Report 1953
File TU.63: Tunisia: Reports 1948-1950
File TU.64: Tunisia: Reports 1950-1951, 1954
Old Folder Number: 29
Health Reports. Visits & Field Trips to Southern Tunisia,Djerba, Gabes, Sousse & Tunis.
File TU.65: Tunisia: Reports 1953-1954
File TU.66: Tunisia. Reports & Meetings I 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: Ed.8
Meeting Reports & Education Activities. Medical & SocialService Programs.
File TU.67: Tunisia: Reports & Meetings II 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 8
Reports of Meetings & Education Activities.
File TU.68: Tunisia: Report on Medical & Social Problems1954
Old Folder Number: 34
Medical & Social problems in Tunisia.
File TU.70: Tunisia: Social Service Department1951-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 31
Reports: Medical, Social Services Department & Condition ofJews in Jewish Quarter of Tunis.
File TU.71: Tunisia: Social Service Department 1954
Old Folder Number: 26
Preliminary Report by Shirley Hellenbrand PBS Consultant on theSocial Services Department.
File TU.72: Tunisia: Social Service Hygiene Course 1954
Old Folder Number: 23
Dr. Armand Nataf’s Teaching Course material.
File TU.73: Tunisia: Social Service Training Program 1954
Old Folder Number: 26
Shirley Hellenbrand & Lena Meyer: Final Report of TrainingProgram.
File TU.74: Tunisia Social Work Training Dr. Mareschal1954
Old Folder Number: 22
Dr. Mareschal’s Course material for “Cours de Psychologie”
File TU.75: Tunisia: Survey 1951
File TU.76: Tunisia: Visit of JDC delegates to Tunis.1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.56.604
Radio Tunis report of visit of JDC delegates to Tunis. Customsexemption on goods entering Tunisia.
File TU.77: Tunisia: Welfare Activities 1950
Old Folder Number: S.3101.3
Paul Baerwald School recruitment of students. Summer camp programGreece and North Africa.
File TU.85: Tunisia: Etude Critique des Deces Enregistre a L’OSE1954
Old Folder Number: 30
File TU.86: Tunisia: L’index Tuberculinique Des Ecoliers1950
Old Folder Number: 42
File TU.87: Tunisia: Rapport sur les Problemes Medicaux et Sociaux enTunisie 1954
Old Folder Number: 10
Tunisia: Rapport sur les Problemes Medicaux et Sociaux enTunisie 1954
File TU.88: Tunisia: Report on Medical and Social Problems in Tunisia1954
Old Folder Number: 12
Tunisia: Report on Medical and Social Problems in Tunisia1954
Series 4: Tunisia: Localities
File TU.78: Tunisia: Conseil de la Communauté Israélite deTunis 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 1
Tunis Community Bulletin
Tunisia: Conseil de la Communauté Israélite deTunis 1951-1952
File TU.79: Tunisia: General 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.600
Attacks on Jewish quarter of Tunis. Fundraising Programs
File TU.80: Tunisia Supplies 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: Ed.4
Educational Supplies: textbooks, films, games & toys fordispatch to Tunisia. Hebrew languages courses in Schools.
File TU.81: Tunisia: Supplies. 1948, 1950, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.603
Customs duty on items imported into Tunisia. General Suppliesincluding Food & Clothing requirements.
Record Group: Turkey
The Turkey Record Group consists of five folders, covering the years1945-1947, in the Subject Matter and Organization series. The folderscontain correspondence and cables concerning requests to tracerelatives; the difficulties faced by a group of Turkish Jewishconcentration camp survivors who are on board a ship, but lackdocuments; requests for aid for Jews in Romania; the situation ofrefugees; closing the Istanbul office and transferring to the office ofthe Grand Rabbi of Turkey responsibility for coordinating JDC cargoshipments through Istanbul.
Series 1: Turkey: Organizations
The Organizations series is comprised of one folder, which discussesclosing of the Istanbul office and transfering to the office of theGrand Rabbi of Turkey coordination of JDC cargo shipments throughIstanbul.
File TK.4: Turkey: Grand Rabbinate 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: C-85.002
This folder is comprised of correspondence and copies of cablesconcerning title and JDC operations in Turkey. Topics includeclosing the JDC Istanbul office, having the Grand Rabbinate ofTurkey handle processing of JDC freight shipments through Turkeyto Bulgaria and Rumania and funding of the rebuilding of anorphanage at Ortakoy.
Series 2: Subject Matter: DPs/Survivors
The Subject Matter series covers the year 1945. It consists of fourfiles. The files contain correspondence and cables on a number oftopics: requests to help find relatives, passengers on a shipcarrying Turkish Jewish survivors who have encountered difficultiesbecause of their lack of documents, requests for aid shipments, andthe situation of refugees.
File TK.1: Turkey: Cables and Correspondence 1945
Old Folder Number: 3
Series 3: Subject Matter: Emigration
The Subject Matter series covers the year 1945. It consists of fourfiles. The files contain correspondence and cables on a number oftopics: requests to help find relatives, passengers on a shipcarrying Turkish Jewish survivors who have encountered difficultiesbecause of their lack of documents, requests for aid shipments, andthe situation of refugees.
File TK.2: Turkey: Emigration 1945
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Series 4: Turkey: Subject Matter
File TK.3: Turkey: Education 1948
Old Folder Number: Ed.68
Extract of JTA bulletin regarding allowing the teaching ofreligion in schools and a question regarding whether that newshas any relevance to the JDC
File TK.5 Turkey 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: Med.187
Correspondence and cables related to shipments of medical supplies. The file also contains information regarding the closure of the JDC office in Istanbul.
Record Group: United States
The United States Record Group covers the years 1947-1954 and iscomprised of 31 folders in three series: Administration, Subject Matter,and Organizations. The folders are contained in three boxes. There isapproximately 1.25 linear feet of material. Documents includecorrespondence, notes from staff meetings, memos, cables, meetingminutes, reports, and statistics. Many of these files reflect JDC’s PRefforts with elected and career officials in the United States andoverseas, including information about members of Congress visiting DPcamps. Administrative matters covered in this record group include amemo about redistribution of country responsibilities among JDC staffmembers and insurance for trips to Palestine. The emigration process isdocumented, from transportation arrangements, visa issues to the impactof legislation and court cases. The one Education series folder containscopies of newly written Yiddish children’s songs.
Series 1: Administration: General
The Administration series covers the years 1947-1950. Included in theseries are copies of notes from New York staff meetings, a memoabout the redistribution of country responsibilities among staffmembers, correspondence about weekly letters sent by MelvinGoldstein, correspondence stating the insurance policy for trips toPalestine. Also included are two restricted files containingcorrespondence with or about personnel.
File US.1: United States: AJJDC New York 1948
Old Folder Number: S.1805
File US.2: United States: Confidential Weekly Letters to New York1949-1950
Old Folder Number: S.2003
United States: Confidential Weekly Letters to New York1949-1950
File US.4: United States: Notes on New York Staff Meeting1948-1949
Old Folder Number: S2104.8
Series 2: Administration: Personnel
The Administration series covers the years 1947-1950. Included in theseries are copies of notes from New York staff meetings, a memoabout the redistribution of country responsibilities among staffmembers, correspondence about weekly letters sent by MelvinGoldstein, correspondence stating the insurance policy for trips toPalestine. Also included are two restricted files containingcorrespondence with or about personnel.
Series 3: Organizations: Governments
The Organizations series covers the years 1947-1954 and includes thesubseries Government, Jewish Organizations, and Non-GovernmentalOrganizations. The Government subseries includes correspondence withan employee of the State Department about senators, policies, and apotential Israel visit, as well as a letter of thanks from theAmerican Embassy in London and a letter about a planned visit of USCongressmen to DP camps. The Jewish Organizations subseries containscorrespondence and cables from Jewish Organizations in Americarequesting information from the JDC, passing along an individualrequest, and thanking the JDC for its activities in Europe. Alsoincluded is a file on a foundation that helped obtain affidavits forsurvivors to help in their emigration to the United States. The NGOssubseries includes copies of the minutes of meeting of the UnitedService for New Americans, reports and statistics from theIntergovernmental Committee for European Migration, lists ofdepartees, and correspondence about emigration from Shanghai andEurope.
File US.7: United States: Foreign Service of the United States ofAmerica 1947
Old Folder Number: O-460
United States: Foreign Service of the United States ofAmerica 1947
File US.8: United States: Visit of Congressmen 1949
Old Folder Number: C.87.000
File US.9: United States: Warren, George 1952
Old Folder Number: Misc.461
Series 4: Organizations: Jewish Organizations
The Organizations series covers the years 1947-1954 and includes thesubseries Government, Jewish Organizations, and Non-GovernmentalOrganizations. The Government subseries includes correspondence withan employee of the State Depolpartment about senators, policies, anda potential Israel visit, as well as a letter of thanks from theAmerican Embassy in London and a letter about a planned visit of USCongressmen to DP camps. The Jewish Organizations subseries containscorrespondence and cables from Jewish Organizations in Americarequesting information from the JDC, passing along an individualrequest, and thanking the JDC for its activities in Europe. Alsoincluded is a file on a foundation that helped obtain affidavits forsurvivors to help in their emigration to the United States. The NGOssubseries includes copies of the minutes of meeting of the UnitedService for New Americans, reports and statistics from theIntergovernmental Committee for European Migration, lists ofdepartees, and correspondence about emigration from Shanghai andEurope.
File US.10: United States: Bulova Foundation Emigration toU.S.A. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.87.001
United States: Bulova Foundation Emigration toU.S.A. 1947-1949
File US.11: United States: Federation Jewish Fund of Seattle,Washington 1947
Old Folder Number: O-440
United States: Federation Jewish Fund of Seattle,Washington 1947
File US.12: United States: Los Angeles Emigre Service Committee1947
Old Folder Number: O-580
File US.13: United States: Poale Agudah Israel 1948
Old Folder Number: C.87.005
File US.14: United States: Union of American Hebrew Congregations1947
Old Folder Number: O-720
Series 5: Organizations: Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs)
The Organizations series covers the years 1947-1954 and includes thesubseries Government, Jewish Organizations, and Non-GovernmentalOrganizations. The Government subseries includes correspondence withan employee of the State Depolpartment about senators, policies, anda potential Israel visit, as well as a letter of thanks from theAmerican Embassy in London and a letter about a planned visit of USCongressmen to DP camps. The Jewish Organizations subseries containscorrespondence and cables from Jewish Organizations in Americarequesting information from the JDC, passing along an individualrequest, and thanking the JDC for its activities in Europe. Alsoincluded is a file on a foundation that helped obtain affidavits forsurvivors to help in their emigration to the United States. The NGOssubseries includes copies of the minutes of meeting of the UnitedService for New Americans, reports and statistics from theIntergovernmental Committee for European Migration, lists ofdepartees, and correspondence about emigration from Shanghai andEurope.
File US.15: United States: IRO Emigration to U.S.A.1947-1954
Old Folder Number: IRO1139.11A
File US.16: United States: USNA Minutes of Meeting 1948
Old Folder Number: C.87.002.1
Series 6: Subject Matter: Case Files
This series is restricted in accordance with our Access & Restrictions Policy.
Series 7: Subject Matter: Case Files: Multiple Cases
This series is restricted in accordance with our Access & Restrictions Policy.
Series 8: Subject Matter: Education
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1947-1954. Eleven of thefifteen files in this series are on the topic of emigration to theUnited States. The correspondence and cables contained in thesefiles cover a variety of issues related to emigration:transportation arrangements, visa issues, emigration from Shanghai,the impact of immigration legislation, the implications of courtcases, quotas, problems for TB patients, an agreement with theUnited Service for New Americans on how to deal with hard corecases, what to do about people who want to return to Europe, andother strategizing about dealing with emigration issues. Otherdocuments in the files are sheets of information about proceduresfor the emigration of DPs from Germany to the United States, copiesof legislation, departure statistics, a message to a US Congressman,an interview with the head of USNA, statements to the President’sCommission on Immigration and Naturalization, a report on a meetingwith US Congressman, the text of agreements between the JDC andother organizations, minutes of meeting of the American Council ofVoluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, minutes of meeting of the USResettlement Program Technical Committee and Displaced PersonsCommission, and reports on the quota situation. In addition to theemigration files, there is one file in the Education subseries,which includes correspondence on the ordering and receipt of booksand other publications and copies of newly written Yiddishchildren’s songs. The remaining files of the series are case filesabout immigration advice, aiding a former employee, andrestitution.
File US.20: United States: New York 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: Ed. 5
Series 9: Subject Matter: Emigration
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1947-1954. Eleven of thefifteen files in this series are on the topic of emigration to theUnited States. The correspondence and cables contained in thesefiles cover a variety of issues related to emigration:transportation arrangements, visa issues, emigration from Shanghai,the impact of immigration legislation, the implications of courtcases, quotas, problems for TB patients, an agreement with theUnited Service for New Americans on how to deal with hard corecases, what to do about people who want to return to Europe, andother strategizing about dealing with emigration issues. Otherdocuments in the files are sheets of information about proceduresfor the emigration of DPs from Germany to the United States, copiesof legislation, departure statistics, a message to a US Congressman,an interview with the head of USNA, statements to the President’sCommission on Immigration and Naturalization, a report on a meetingwith US Congressman, the text of agreements between the JDC andother organizations, minutes of meeting of the American Council ofVoluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, minutes of meeting of the USResettlement Program Technical Committee and Displaced PersonsCommission, and reports on the quota situation. In addition to theemigration files, there is one file in the Education subseries,which includes correspondence on the ordering and receipt of booksand other publications and copies of newly written Yiddishchildren’s songs. The remaining files of the series are case filesabout immigration advice, aiding a former employee, andrestitution.
File US.21: United States: Emigration 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 1
File US.22: United States: Emigration to the U.S.A.1947-1950
Old Folder Number: C.87.002
File US.23: United States: Emigration to the U.S.A. 1951
Old Folder Number: C.87.002.A
File US.24: United States: Emigration to the U.S.A. January-March1952
Old Folder Number: C.87.002.B
File US.25: United States: Emigration to the U.S.A. April-October1952
Old Folder Number: C.87.002.B.1
File US.27: United States: Immigration 1949
Old Folder Number: 2
File US.28: United States: Immigration 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 3
File US.29: United States: Immigration 1950
Old Folder Number: 4
File US.30: United States: Immigration 1951
Old Folder Number: 5
File US.31: United States: Telshe Yeshivah in Cleveland1948
Old Folder Number: C.87.004
Record Group: Uruguay
The Uruguay Record Group comprises four folders covering the years1947-1954 and is divided into two series: Organizations and SubjectMatter. These files contain correspondence and cables concerningemigration, the possibility of establishing a JDC office in Uruguay,requests from other agencies to increase cooperation with JDC and arequest from the Staschewer Landsmanschaft of Montevideo, anorganization of immigrants from the town of Staschewer, to find landsmen(people from the same area or town) who may be in DP camps, so thelandsmanschaft can provide aid.
Series 1: Organizations: Jewish Organizations
The Organizations series covers the years 1947-1948. It consists ofthree file. One concerns the arrangements for a trip to Uruguay fora representative of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland. Onecontains correspondence relating to the request of therepresentative of HIAS and the Comite de Proteccion a LosInmigrantes Israelites in Montevideo to increase cooperation withthe JDC. The third file is a request for information from theStaschewer Landsmanschaft of Montevideo for the purpose of aidinglandsmen that may be in DP camps and related correspondence.
File UR.1: Uruguay: Central Committee of Jews in Poland – Dr. JosephSack’s Trip to Uruguay 1947
Old Folder Number: C.86.003
Uruguay: Central Committee of Jews in Poland – Dr. JosephSack’s Trip to Uruguay 1947
File UR.2: Uruguay: HIAS Emigration Service 1947
Old Folder Number: C.86.002
File UR.3: Uruguay: Staschewer Landsmanschaft Montevideo1948
Old Folder Number: C.86.004
Series 2: Subject Matter: Emigration
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1947-1954. It consists ofone file containing cables and correspondence about emigration toUruguay and includes material on obtaining visas, the potentialestablishment of a JDC office in Uruguay, and the personal detailsof potential immigrants. This series is restricted in accordance with our Access & Restrictions Policy.
Record Group: USSR
The USSR Record Group covers the years 1945-1950 and consists of 7folders in two series: Administration and Subject Matter. Documentsinclude lists, correspondence, and cables. One file is a legal case fileinvolving an individual submitting a claim to JDC for money loanedduring the Holocaust. There are lists of towns in Eastern Europe withJewish community councils and lists of liberated communities. There iscorrespondence about communication with Moscow and about Soviet policy.A number of folders concern aid, including providing matzah, organizingrelief parcel shipments to the Baltic states and individuals who want tosend aid to relatives in the Soviet Union.
Series 1: Administration: Legal Case Files
The Administration series covers the year 1950. It consists of onelegal case file involving an individual claiming money from theJoint in repayment of a loan. This series is restricted in accordance with our Access & Restrictions Policy.
Series 2: Subject Matter: DPs/Survivors
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1945-1949 and containsfive files. One file contains lists of towns in Eastern Europe withJewish community councils, lists of liberated communities,correspondence about communication with Moscow, and correspondenceabout Soviet policy. Another file contains correspondence aboutorganizing aids for Polish citizens repatriated from Russia andconnecting some of them with Zionist organizations. Other filescontain correspondence and cables about providing matzah, organizingrelief parcel shipments to the Baltic States, and what to do aboutindividuals who want to send aid to relatives in the SovietUnion.
File SU.2: USSR: Russia-Related Material 1945
Old Folder Number: 7.4
File SU.3: USSR: Survivors 1945
Old Folder Number: 2
Series 3: Subject Matter: Emigration
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1945-1949 and containsfive files. One file contains lists of towns in Eastern Europe withJewish community councils, lists of liberated communities,correspondence about communication with Moscow, and correspondenceabout Soviet policy. Another file contains correspondence aboutorganizing aids for Polish citizens repatriated from Russia andconnecting some of them with Zionist organizations. Other filescontain correspondence and cables about providing matzah, organizingrelief parcel shipments to the Baltic States, and what to do aboutindividuals who want to send aid to relatives in the SovietUnion.
File SU.4: USSR: Repatriation from Russia 1948
Old Folder Number: C.87.102
Correspondence concerning immediate supply of food and clothingto 700 Jews freed and repatriated to Poland from Soviet camps;letter lists toiletries, food items and articles of men’s andwomen’s clothing included in each package; 200 repatriates weremembers of Zionist groups Haoved, Hashomer Hatzair, Gordonia,United Poalei Zion, and Ichud Kibbutzim.
Series 4: Subject Matter: Religious/Cultural
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1945-1949 and containsfive files. One file contains lists of towns in Eastern Europe withJewish community councils, lists of liberated communities,correspondence about communication with Moscow, and correspondenceabout Soviet policy. Another file contains correspondence aboutorganizing aids for Polish citizens repatriated from Russia andconnecting some of them with Zionist organizations. Other filescontain correspondence and cables about providing matzah, organizingrelief parcel shipments to the Baltic States, and what to do aboutindividuals who want to send aid to relatives in the SovietUnion.
File SU.5: USSR: Matzot for Jews in Russia 1949
Old Folder Number: C.87.804
Response to reqest to supply matzot for Jews in Russia: JDCsupplied them in 1947.
Series 5: Subject Matter: Supplies
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1945-1949 and containsfive files. One file contains lists of towns in Eastern Europe withJewish community councils, lists of liberated communities,correspondence about communication with Moscow, and correspondenceabout Soviet policy. Another file contains correspondence aboutorganizing aids for Polish citizens repatriated from Russia andconnecting some of them with Zionist organizations. Other filescontain correspondence and cables about providing matzah, organizingrelief parcel shipments to the Baltic States, and what to do aboutindividuals who want to send aid to relatives in the SovietUnion.
File SU.7: USSR: Parcels to Baltic Countries 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: C.87.801
Correspondence regarding aid to Jewish refugees in the Baltic.Letter translated from Yiddish from Aizik Osband, former rabbiin Vilna describing conditions of Jews there, contains list ofpeople who had been deported and returned; Discussion of thepros and cons of sending packages from Palestine versus sendingthem from New York. Detailed list with the cost of various itemsof clothing and the Russian customs duties that was paid forthem. List of food items with weight, price and Russian customsduty. Lists of the number of parcels which were sent to variouscommunities including Riga, Kovno, Shavli, Vilna, Tallin,Dvinsk, Czernowitz, Kishinev – Bessarabia and Northern Bukovinaand others. A request from the Relief Committee for RefugeeRabbis for religious articles as well as material aid.
Series 6: USSR: Subject Matter
File SU.8: U.S.S.R: Social Work 1949
Old Folder Number: 24
Record Group: Yugoslavia
The Yugoslavia Record Group covers the years 1945-1954 and is comprisedof 54 files contained in two boxes, less than 1 linear foot of material.The folders are organized into four series: Administration, SubjectMatter, Organizations and Localities. Documents include financialmaterial, budgets, statistics, meeting minutes, and correspondence. TheYugoslavia Record Group reflects assistance to the Jewish community anddocuments medical assistance, vocational training, aid to refugees,emigration, restitution and religious matters. JDC worked with a numberof different Jewish welfare organizations in Yugoslavia and filesinclude financial information and correspondence with theseorganizations. There are discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature and correspondence about the sale andshipment of coffee.
Series 1: Administration: Financial
The Administration series covers the years 1945-1954. This series ismostly comprised of financial material and legal case files. Thefinancial material includes: budgets, financial proposals,statistical reports, and other matters. The legal case files arelargely comprised of individuals putting forth claims against theJDC. There are also files in this series that contain reports ongeneral JDC activity.
File YU.1: Yugoslavia: Administration Financial1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3
File YU.2: Yugoslavia: Budget 1946-1949, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.89.004
Budget second half of 1948; Revision of budget estimatessubmitted first half of 1949; correspondence on distribution offunds.
File YU.3: Yugoslavia: Cash Balance 1948
Old Folder Number: C.89.005
Request for report on cash balances and major 1947 liabilities tobe sent to New York.
File YU.4: Yugoslavia: Financial 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: Misc.53
File YU.5: Yugoslavia: Financial and Statisical Reports1946-1948
Old Folder Number: C.89.007
Reports from the Yugoslavia Autonomous Relief Committee forNovember & December 1946; detailed financial &statistical reports for January 1948; disbursements for beds& furniture for Belgrade children’s home; for repairs andsetting up a small student’s home in Zagreb.
Series 2: Administration: General
The Administration series covers the years 1945-1954. This series ismostly comprised of financial material and legal case files. Thefinancial material includes: budgets, financial proposals,statistical reports, and other matters. The legal case files arelargely comprised of individuals putting forth claims against theJDC. There are also files in this series that contain reports ongeneral JDC activity.
File YU.6: Yugoslavia: Activities of the JDC 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.89.022
Summary of JDC activities in Yugoslavia in 1947; 3 tables ofdisbursements of the ARC (Automomous Relief Committee) in 1947listing numbers of persons and numbers of centers aided.
File YU.7: Yugoslavia: Educational and Program 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: C.89.014
Yugoslav programs January/February 1947 with detailed budget;programs from
March-August 1947, January-June 1948; status ofJDC and ARC; ARC disbursements,
March-August 1947,July-September 1948, (in dinars);discussion on AJY
Trainingprogram; report by Frederick White on contacts with very seniorgovernment
officials such as President of the Croatian Republic,Mr. Nazo and others in Belgrade.
File YU.8: Yugoslavia: Location Service 1947
Old Folder Number: C.89.009
Attempt to locate report about the activities of the locationservice in Belgrade; letter from Dr. Albert Vajs, president ofthe Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia.
Series 3: Administration: Legal
The Administration series covers the years 1945-1954. This series ismostly comprised of financial material and legal case files. Thefinancial material includes: budgets, financial proposals,statistical reports, and other matters. The legal case files arelargely comprised of individuals putting forth claims against theJDC. There are also files in this series that contain reports ongeneral JDC activity.
File YU.9: Yugoslavia: Legislative Series 1953
Series 4: Administration: Legal Case Files
This series is restricted in accordance with our Access & Restrictions Policy.
Series 5: Organizations: Jewish Organizations
The organizations series covers the years 1946-1954. Theorganizations in this series include a variety of different Jewishwelfare organizations. The files include: financial information ofvarious organizations, correspondence dealing withinter-organizational matters, minutes of an organizational meeting,a discussion of the emigration of Yugoslav Jews and requests for JDCaid.
File YU.15: Yugoslavia: Association of Yugoslav Jews1949-1950
Old Folder Number: C.89.024
Correspondence discusses letter from the Association of YugoslavJews in the United States, Inc.; emigration projectmentioned.
File YU.16: Yugoslavia: Autonomous Relief Committee Minutes ofMeeting 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: C.89.011
Letter of gratitude from ARC to AJDC for continued cooperation inaiding needy Jews of Yugoslavia; Minutes of the September 9,1946, December 14, 1946, and November 3, 1947 minutes ofARC.
Yugoslavia: Autonomous Relief Committee Minutes ofMeeting 1946-1948
File YU.17: Yugoslavia: Delegation to second session of World JewishCongress at Montreux 1948
Old Folder Number: C.89.006
Request that approved allocation to attend the Second Session ofthe World Jewish Congress at Montreux be available whenpostponed Session takes place.
Yugoslavia: Delegation to second session of World JewishCongress at Montreux 1948
File YU.18: Yugoslavia: Federation of Jewish Communities1947-1951
Old Folder Number: C.89.003.A/2
Assistance for needy Jewish students; assistance to Old Age Homein Zagreb; correspondence on copies of documents at the Centrede Documentation Juive Contemporaine requested by the Federationof Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia and arranged by the JDCParis office; July 18, 1951copy of journal “Review ofInternational Affairs” with article by Dr. Albert Vajs – Israel& the Zionist Movement; detailed 12-page letter from theFederation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia stating thecurrent situation in the community and discussing future needs;some correspondence dealing with Yugoslav State Railwaycharges.
File YU.19: Yugoslavia: Federation of Jewish Communities1951-1952
Old Folder Number: C.89.003.2A/1
Discussions with Drs. Vajs & Kadelberg from Yugoslavia ontheir projected needs for 1952; proposed 1952 budget for ZagrebHome for the Aged; 1951 financial report for Zagreb Home for theAged; list of 99 persons in home with age and status of health;list of 33 persons receiving free meals at home but are notresidents; list of 20 staff members and their positions – alsotake meals at home; numerical census of Jews in Yugoslavia, 1November 1951, listing every town where a Jew lives; numericalsurvery of needy Yugoslav Jews by category – students, children,aged, invalids etc.; medical supplies; report of the Chairman ofthe Board of Custodians of the Zagreb Old Age Home.
File YU.20: Yugoslavia: Federation of Jewish Communities. 1953-1954(1 of 2)
Old Folder Number: C.89.0003.B/2
Detailed report from Judah J. Shapiro on September 1952 visit toYugoslavia; attendance at series of events commorating Jews wholost their lives during the war and occupation; dedication ofmemorials in various Yugoslav cities; list of occupational andgeographic distribution of the country’s Jews; projected needsof community for 1953 calendar year – including Old Age Homesand education; list of 47 medications used by Zagreb Home forthe Aged in 1953. Folder 2 of 2 is available at 164145.
Yugoslavia: Federation of Jewish Communities. 1953-1954 (1 of 2)
File YU.21: Yugoslavia: Federation of Jewish Communities. 1953-1954(2 of 2)
Old Folder Number: C.89.0003.B/1
List of required medications for Home for the Aged for 1953/54;clothing requirements for the first 6-months 1953; income andexpendtures April 1 to June 10, 1953; Fourth report on cultural,educational, religious activities needs; proposals of aid for1954; cultural project to publish book on the history of theJews of Yugoslavia; plans to publish “The Jewish Almanac 1954”in Serbo-Croatian; discussion on the possibility of inviting theYugoslavian Jewish Women’s group to affiliate with theInternational Council of Jewish Women; reports from Budget Dept.on approved 1954 budget for Yugoslavia; minutes of meeting onbudget requirements for 1955; letter describing planed summercamps July-September 1955; Yugoslavia expenditures first half of1955; discussion on whether to repair the badly damagedsynagogue in Subotica or to sell it and build a smaller buildingwith the money. Folder 1 of 2 is available at 164069.
Yugoslavia: Federation of Jewish Communities. 1953-1954 (2 of 2)
File YU.22: Yugoslavia: Jewish Student Organization 1948
Old Folder Number: C.89.020
Request from Hashomer Hatzair of Belgrade for relief aid for ninegravely ill members; they are all orphans and suffer fromTB.
File YU.23: Yugoslavia: ORT 1947
Old Folder Number: C.89.021
New York agreement between JDC & ORT – discussion oneligibility of students for training in ORT schools and for reliefassistance from JDC under the JDC/ORT Agreement.
Series 6: Subject Matter: Case Files
This series is restricted in accordance with our Access & Restrictions Policy.
Series 7: Subject Matter: DPs/Survivors
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1946-1954. This series iscomprised largely of medical and supplies files. The medicalmaterial includes: discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature, lists of medical organizations thatJDC works with and a number of cross-reference sheets. The suppliesmaterial includes: lists of Jews that are in need of supplies,correspondence about the sale and shipment of coffee, and theshipment of supplies and machinery needed for vocational trainingprograms. There are also files in this series that contain subjectssuch as: emigration, Yugoslavian refugees, restitution of Jewishproperty, and religious matters.
File YU.25: Yugoslavia: Albanian Refugees 1945
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence with the JDC offices and other organizations inAlbania to expedite aid to Jewish refugees.
File YU.26: Yugoslavia: Stateless Yugoslavs 1947
Old Folder Number: C.89.017
Correspondence discussing Yugoslav law depriving citizenship tothose Yugoslavians who did not return to that country by April1946; implication of the law regarding Jews; effect of this onYugoslavian Jews in Italy.
Series 8: Subject Matter: Emigration
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1946-1954. This series iscomprised largely of medical and supplies files. The medicalmaterial includes: discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature, lists of medical organizations thatJDC works with and a number of cross-reference sheets. The suppliesmaterial includes: lists of Jews that are in need of supplies,correspondence about the sale and shipment of coffee, and theshipment of supplies and machinery needed for vocational trainingprograms. There are also files in this series that contain subjectssuch as: emigration, Yugoslavian refugees, restitution of Jewishproperty, and religious matters.
File YU.27: Yugoslavia: Emigration Matters 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: C.89.000
Various items discussed include emigration of Jews fromYugoslavia
File YU.28: Yugoslavia: Immigration into Yugoslavia 1947
Old Folder Number: C.89.008
Single page stating “In MSG files”
Series 9: Subject Matter: Medical
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1946-1954. This series iscomprised largely of medical and supplies files. The medicalmaterial includes: discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature, lists of medical organizations thatJDC works with and a number of cross-reference sheets. The suppliesmaterial includes: lists of Jews that are in need of supplies,correspondence about the sale and shipment of coffee, and theshipment of supplies and machinery needed for vocational trainingprograms. There are also files in this series that contain subjectssuch as: emigration, Yugoslavian refugees, restitution of Jewishproperty, and religious matters.
File YU.29: Yugoslavia: Chronic Disease Control 1949
Old Folder Number: 41B13
File YU.30: Yugoslavia: Communicable Disease Control 1949
Old Folder Number: 5
File YU.32: Yugoslavia: Communicable Diseases/Venereal DiseaseControl 1949
Old Folder Number: 7
Yugoslavia: Communicable Diseases/Venereal Disease Control 1949
File YU.33: Yugoslavia: Environmental Sanitation 1949
Old Folder Number: 8
File YU.34: Yugoslavia: Maternal and Child Health 1949
Old Folder Number: 9
File YU.35: Yugoslavia: Medical 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: C.89.010
Correspondence focusing on needed technical supplies andmachinery for vocational project; list of textbooks for Jewishmedical students to be purchased in Switzerlalnd and sentdirectly to Yugoslavia; medical supplies – Mustargan from Japan,penicillin, strptomycin, digitalis, aspirin, sulfathianzol, DDT,multi-vitamins; medical equipment; minutes and report of medicalconference of Jewish physicians in Zagreb, Sept. 28-29, 1947 –includes list of 42 who attended.
File YU.36: Yugoslavia: Medical Literature 1948
Old Folder Number: Med.199B
File YU.37: Yugoslavia: Medical Supplies 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 10
File YU.38: Yugoslavia: Rehabilitation Activities 1949
Old Folder Number: 41B2
File YU.39: Yugoslavia: Social Work 1949
Old Folder Number: 14
Series 10: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1946-1954. This series is comprised largely of medical and supplies files. The medicalmaterial includes: discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature, lists of medical organizations thatJDC works with and a number of cross-reference sheets. The suppliesmaterial includes: lists of Jews that are in need of supplies,correspondence about the sale and shipment of coffee, and theshipment of supplies and machinery needed for vocational trainingprograms. There are also files in this series that contain subjectssuch as: emigration, Yugoslavian refugees, restitution of Jewishproperty, and religious matters.
File YU.41: Yugoslavia: Reconstruction 1947
Series 11: Subject Matter: Cultural/Religious
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1946-1954. This series iscomprised largely of medical and supplies files. The medicalmaterial includes: discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature, lists of medical organizations thatJDC works with and a number of cross-reference sheets. The suppliesmaterial includes: lists of Jews that are in need of supplies,correspondence about the sale and shipment of coffee, and theshipment of supplies and machinery needed for vocational trainingprograms. There are also files in this series that contain subjectssuch as: emigration, Yugoslavian refugees, restitution of Jewishproperty, and religious matters.
File YU.42: Yugoslavia: Cultural and Religious 1947
Old Folder Number: C.89.013
Correspondence focusing on the lack of required religiousfunctionaries to maintain Jewish religious life in Yugoslavia asa whole; discussion of fate of Torah scroll sent to Yugoslavia;report on the fate of the historic synagogue of Split demolishedby fascists and Italian soldiers June 1942; letter of gratitudefor supplying matzot for Pesach.
File YU.43: Yugoslavia: Orthodox Community 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: C.89.012
Report on meeting with leaders of Orthodox Yugoslav Jewry – amongthe items mentioned are the need for additional shochtim,mohalim, Hebrew teachers, religious articles – prayer books,mezuzot, talitot, new set of dishes for the soup kitchen, entrypremits for religious functionaries; 7-page list titled “Numberof Member[s] of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia as on October1, 1950,” lists all towns, according to republic and provincewhere Jews reside and the number of residents; 12-pageanalytical report on the post-war condition of Jews inYugoslavia and how the war affected resident Jews.
Series 12: Subject Matter: Restitution
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1946-1954. This series iscomprised largely of medical and supplies files. The medicalmaterial includes: discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature, lists of medical organizations thatJDC works with and a number of cross-reference sheets. The suppliesmaterial includes: lists of Jews that are in need of supplies,correspondence about the sale and shipment of coffee, and theshipment of supplies and machinery needed for vocational trainingprograms. There are also files in this series that contain subjectssuch as: emigration, Yugoslavian refugees, restitution of Jewishproperty, and religious matters.
File YU.44: Yugoslavia: Declaration of Death 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 611
File YU.45: Yugoslavia: Declaration of Death Reports 1947
Old Folder Number: 401
Request for information about death declarations/certificates inAlbania.
File YU.46: Yugoslavia: Restitution Reports 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 612
Series 13: Subject Matter: Supplies
The Subject Matter series covers the years 1946-1954. This series iscomprised largely of medical and supplies files. The medicalmaterial includes: discussions of tuberculosis in Yugoslavia,requests for medical literature, lists of medical organizations thatJDC works with and a number of cross-reference sheets. The suppliesmaterial includes: lists of Jews that are in need of supplies,correspondence about the sale and shipment of coffee, and theshipment of supplies and machinery needed for vocational trainingprograms. There are also files in this series that contain subjectssuch as: emigration, Yugoslavian refugees, restitution of Jewishproperty, and religious matters.
File YU.47: Yugoslavia: American Stamps 1947
Old Folder Number: C.89.002
Need for US stamps to conduct correspondence; Permission grantedto use the APO (Army Post Office) for correspondence with the USand American occupied territories in Europe
File YU.48: Yugoslavia: Coffee Transaction. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.89004.1
Problems relating to shipment 525 tons of coffee from Brazil toYugoslavia; quality of coffee that arrived was not ascontracted; paid for by government of Yugoslavia.
File YU.49: Yugoslavia: Jews in Need of Relief 1947-1953
Old Folder Number: C.89.001
List of Jews resident in Albania 1947 who need assistance;contents of parcels sent to 14 people; matzot shipped toAlbania, unable to do so in 1949; difficulty in communicatingwith individuals in Albania and discussion on how to possiblyovercome the problem.
File YU.50: Yugoslavia: Supplies 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.89.018
Among items requested – matzot, Jewish periodicals; musicalinstruments; questions concerning railroad costs and rebatesfrom Hungarian National Railroad for shipments from Trieste toHungary; equipment required for Old Age home in Zagreb underconstruction (1956).
File YU.51: Yugoslavia: Vocational Training 1947
Old Folder Number: C.89.019
Vocational projects for women; request for advice on requiredequipment; acknowledgment of supplies needed for Home for Agedin Zagreb.
Series 14: Localities: Abbazia
This series covers the year 1946-1954. This series is composed tothree small files. Two of these files contain reports on Yugoslaviathat deals with both the general situation of Yugoslav Jews and alsomore specific information such as the status of medical facilities.The third file contains a correspondence dealing with the town ofAbbazia.
File YU.52: Yugoslavia: Settlement of Mortgage Loan Abbazia1948
Old Folder Number: C.89.023
Settlement agreement concerning mortgage loan of Jewish communityof Abbazia.
Series 15: Yugoslavia: Localities
This series covers the year 1946-1954. This series is composed tothree small files. Two of these files contain reports on Yugoslaviathat deals with both the general situation of Yugoslav Jews and alsomore specific information such as the status of medical facilities.The third file contains a correspondence dealing with the town ofAbbazia.
File YU.53: Yugoslavia: Report on Yugoslavia 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: C.89.016
Detailed report on February 1948 trip by Emanuel Rosen; report onApril 1948 trip by Frederick C. White; report by Dr. Albert Vajson Yugoslavia Jewry during the Holocaust and after 1945 inGerman bulletin of the Austrian Kultusgemeinde of 20 September1954.
File YU.54: Yugoslavia: Reports, Insurance, Cables, andCorrespondence 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 15
Yugoslavia: Reports, Insurance, Cables, and
Correspondence 1946-1948