Finding Aid
Subcollection 3: Organizations

Record Group 3.1: Centro Israelita de la Republica Dominica

File 57: Centro Israelita de la Republica Dominica (Jewish Community Center & Synagogue), l957 - 1950; 1961

Generalissimo Trujillo contributed some $70,000 for the construction of a Jewish Community Center & Synagogue upon condition that the Jewish community buy the land and furnish the building. Towards the latter purposes, the Claims Conference contributed $3,000 and Falk, Leon Jr. $1,000, while the local community provided the essential furnishings in the main.

Centro Israelita de la Republica Dominica (Jewish Community Center & Synagogue), l957 – 1950; 1961

Record Group 3.2: Coordinating Foundation, 1939 – 1943

File 58: General, 1939 - 1943

Correspondence, memos, reports and addenda. Draft report on Foundation activities, November 1939 – November 1940. Minutes of Executive Committee, 6/12/41, 9/24/41, 12/15/41. Note: Minutes of all the earlier meetings will be found in File 59.

General, 1939 – 1943

File 59: Coordinating Foundation, 1939-1943, Indexed Volume containing Articles of Association, Minutes of Meetings, 11/17/39 - 2/5/41

Indexed volume containing Articles of Association, Minutes of Meetings. 11/17/39 -2/5/41, correspondence, memos and addenda. Also see: File 1: President’s Advisory Committee on Political Refugees; Files 45a-45b: Intergovernmental Committee for Refugees (IGCR); File 54: Arthur M. Lamport Special Fund, Sociedad Cooperativa, “Gemilas Chesed.”; File 55: Caja Cooperativa de Prestamos Y Ahorros; Cooperativa Colmado, Cooperativa Ganadera, Cooperativa Industriel Lechera, Cooperativa SOSUA, Corporacion SOSUA; For Parroquia Israelita de la Republica Dominica, see: Central Files, Dominican Republic, Cultural & Religious Activities. President’s Advisory Committee on Political Refugees 1 Sociedad Cooperativa, “Gemilas Chesed.”

Coordinating Foundation, 1939-1943, Indexed Volume containing Articles of Association, Minutes of Meetings, 11/17/39 – 2/5/41

Digitization of this collection was made possible with funding from the Polonsky Foundation.

Archives of The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc.

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