This subcollection focuses on the composition, structure, operations, leadership and personnel of JDC, JDC committees, and JDC administrative departments and is arranged in two record groups, Overseas Headquarters and New York Headquarters.
Record Group 1-1: New York Headquarters Administration
Records describe expanding JDC committee development, assignments, and commitments to undertake relief activities for impoverished Jews in various locations abroad; conferences addressing the needs of Jews and Jewish communities overseas; fundraising campaigns and the use of publicity materials to raise public awareness; procedures for the transmission of relief funds and individual remittances.
Series 1: General Files
File 1: JDC Administration, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.66 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, materials, including unsigned report (January 3, 1921) on Jewish war relief work in 1920; proposals for JDC reorganization. List [Names of lay leadership, key personnel overseas].
File 2: JDC Administration, Chronology of Events, 1914-1916, 1919-1922
Extent: 0.25 inch
Brief chronological entries (1914-1916, 1919-1922) on appeals for aid, fund-raising, distribution of financial aid and relief supplies sent to various locations; organization of agency, installation of officers, dispatch of field workers. List [Names of lay leadership, key personnel overseas].
JDC Administration, Chronology of Events, 1914-1916, 1919-1922
File 3: JDC Administration, Incorporation, 1919-1920
JDC Administration, Incorporation, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.15 inch
Certificate of incorporation (carbon; February 11, 1920), for purpose of receiving, using funds of the American Jewish Relief Committee, Central Relief Committee and Jewish Peoples Relief Committee. List [Names of lay leadership].
Series 2: Conferences
File 4: JDC Administration, Conferences, Astor, August 1919
Extent: 0.75 inch
Program, summary and transcript of conference at Hotel Astor (August 10, 1919). List [Names of lay leadership, key personnel overseas].
File 5: JDC Administration, Conferences, Astor, September 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Program, summary and transcript of conference at Hotel Astor (September 29-30, 1919, also known as the “adjourned” conference, meant to conclude the conference on August 10, 1919). Reports on local political and social conditions affecting Jewish communities. List [Names of lay leadership, key personnel overseas].
File 6: JDC Administration, Conferences, Becker, December 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Transcript of conference convened in New York (December 12, 1920) to hear James Becker report on situation in Europe.
Series 3: Reports
File 7: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Chairman's Reports, 1920
Extent: 0.20 inch
Felix Warburg reports (July 1; August 17; and October 14, 1920) on JDC activities overseas.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Chairman’s Reports, 1920
File 8: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Director's Office, 1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Recommendation to abolish the office of executive director, including handwritten memo (unsigned, undated) on director’s role.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Director’s Office, 1921
File 9: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Secretary's Reports, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.33 inch
Brief chronological entries on secretary’s (Albert Lucas) daily activities (comparable to diary entries; incomplete record for all dates).
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Secretary’s Reports, 1919-1920
File 10: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Office of the Treasurer, May 13, 1920
Extent: 0.10 inch
Report from office of the treasurer (unsigned, undated – probably report to Executive Committee meeting of May 13, 1920) on income, allocations for 1919.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Office of the Treasurer, May 13, 1920
File 11: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Daily Reports, January-March 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Brief summaries of staff meetings, regarding correspondence, finances, activities; spread sheets with staff assignments.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Daily Reports, January-March 1920
File 12: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Administration Committee, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence on organization, responsibilities, leadership and burdens of Administration Committee. Letter (April 2, 1920) appointing Herbert Lehman as chair; letter (March 16, 1921) on medical committee to advise Administration Committee.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Administration Committee, 1920-1921
File 13: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Administration Committee Minutes, April-December 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Minutes (record) of Administration Committee meetings (two-three times a week), show evolution of JDC activities; summarizing financial, personnel queries; requests, decisions on aid, supplies.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Administration Committee Minutes, April-December 1920
File 14: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Administration Committee Minutes, January-June 1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Minutes (record) of Administration Committee meetings (two-three times a week), show evolution of JDC activities; summarizing financial, personnel queries; requests, decisions on aid, supplies, liquidation.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Administration Committee Minutes, January-June 1921
File 15: JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Index of Minutes, December 1920-June 1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Monthly index of minutes (record) of Administration Committee meetings.
JDC Administration, Executive Staff, Index of Minutes, December 1920-June 1921
File 16: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Notices and Agendas, 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Meeting notices and chronological summaries to Executive Committee of recommendations, allocations, correspondence, reports by JDC officers, committees (appears to be incomplete).
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Notices and Agendas, 1919
File 17: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes of Meetings, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Minutes (with occasional transcripts) of regular/special meetings of Executive Committee; reports, resolutions on personnel, operations, allocations.
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes of Meetings, 1919
File 18: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Notices and Agendas, 1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Meeting notices and chronological summaries to Executive Committee of reports by committees, recommendations, allocations, correspondence (appears to be incomplete).
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Notices and Agendas, 1920
File 19.1: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, January-February 1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Meeting minutes, some transcripts, with reviews of committee reports, resolutions.
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, January-February 1920
File 19.2: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, March-June 1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Meeting minutes, some transcripts, with reviews of committee reports, resolutions.
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, March-June 1920
File 20.1: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, July-October 1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Meeting minutes, some transcripts, with reviews of committee reports, resolutions, allocations. Transcript of memorial meeting (July 15, 1920) for Israel Friedlaender and Rabbi Bernard Cantor.
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, July-October 1920
File 20.2: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, November-December 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Meeting minutes, some transcripts, with reviews of committee reports, resolutions, allocations, including materials held over from meeting of October 28, 1920.
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, November-December 1920
File 21: JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, January-June 1921
Extent: 1 inch
Index of meeting minutes. Meeting minutes, one transcript; reviews of committee reports, resolutions, allocations. List [Names staff of Medical Unit, February 10, 1921].
JDC Administration, Executive Committee, Minutes, January-June 1921
Series 4: Governing Bodies – Committees
File 22.1: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Cultural Activities (formerly Standing and Subcommittees), 1920-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous materials, including committee minutes, memo by Israel Friedlaender, before his murder, on functions of JDC. List [Names of committee members].
File 22.2: JDC Administration, Committees, Standing and Subcommittees, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous materials, including membership lists of administrative committees. Occasional committee meeting minutes, reports. List [Names of committee members].
JDC Administration, Committees, Standing and Subcommittees, 1919-1921
File 23.1: JDC Administration, Committees, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.66 inch
Miscellaneous on various committees. Materials on European (International) Conference on World Relief, on which there are divergent views within JDC; intent to assess immediate relief needs, and create a business entity for loans to rehabilitate the European Jewish population. List [Names of committee members].
File 23.2: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Landsmanschaften, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous materials, landsmanschaften committee correspondence. List [Names of landsmanschaften figures].
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Landsmanschaften, 1919-1921
File 23.3: JDC Administration, Committees, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial Committee, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous materials, committee correspondence on memorial service for Israel Friedlaender and Rabbi Bernard Cantor, who were murdered in Ukraine in July 1920; establishment of a trust fund for the Friedlaender and Cantor families. List [Members of memorial committee].
JDC Administration, Committees, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial Committee, 1920-1921
File 23.4: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Medical Affairs, 1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, committee minutes, on arrangements for medical aid overseas.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Medical Affairs, 1921
File 23.5: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Personnel, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, committee minutes, transcripts on arrangements for personnel abroad; how constituent committees meet their respective goals in personnel, functional assignments. List [Names of people approved for some positions].
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Personnel, 1919-1921
File 23.6: JDC Administration, Committees, Purchasing Committee, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, committee minutes; individual assignments for oversight of various supplies.
JDC Administration, Committees, Purchasing Committee, 1919-1921
File 24.1: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Records and Information, 1919
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, proposals for unit, including research functions.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Records and Information, 1919
File 24.2: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Remittance and Finance, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes, proposals regarding transmission of funds, packages.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Remittance and Finance, 1920-1921
File 24.3: JDC Administration, Committees, Reconstruction Committee, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Committee minutes, including first meeting (May 20, 1920) of Reconstruction Committee. Memo (transmitted May 26, 1921) on Sir Herbert Samuel’s proposal on establishment of Palestine Mortgage Bank.
JDC Administration, Committees, Reconstruction Committee, 1919-1921
File 25.1: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Transportation, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Activities concerned with transit of individuals, refugees. Correspondence, meeting minutes, miscellaneous on immigration, care of migrants in transit, appeals for aid, coordination with HIAS.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Transportation, 1919-1921
File 25.2: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on War Orphans, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, including Albert Lucas “minute” (May 5, 1919) calling for special department, local bureaus for care of war orphans, dependent children; cites conditions of orphans in Palestine.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on War Orphans, 1919-1921
File 26.1: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Central Europe, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.66 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports on activities to aid established communities, as well as refugees in Vienna.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Central Europe, 1919-1921
File 26.2: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Lithuania, Latvia, The Baltics, 1920
Extent: 0.10 inch
Minutes of committee meeting (July 30, 1920) summarizing political, social and communal conditions in Lithuania, Latvia and the Baltics, inaccessibility of area, efforts to send relief.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Lithuania, Latvia, The Baltics, 1920
File 26.3: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Palestine, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports to Executive Committee (many of which are repetitive). Cables on remittances, allocations, appeals for aid. Memo (unsigned) outlining JDC activities (August 1920).
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Palestine, 1919-1921
File 27.1: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Poland, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports to Executive Committee (many of which are repetitive). Cables on remittances, allocations, appeals for aid.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Poland, 1919-1921
File 27.2: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Romania, Serbia and Other Countries, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports to Executive Committee (many of which are repetitive). Cables on remittances, allocations, appeals for aid.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Romania, Serbia and Other Countries, 1919-1921
File 27.3: JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Russia and Ukraine, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
[FROM JANUARY UNTIL OCTOBER 1919, KNOWN AS “COMMITTEE ON RUSSIA AND ‘OCCUPIED TERRITORIES'” – DESPITE NAME, LITTLE ON RUSSIA.]Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports to Executive Committee (many of which are repetitive). Cables on remittances, allocations, appeals for aid.
JDC Administration, Committees, Committee on Russia and Ukraine, 1919-1921
Series 5: Personnel
File 28: JDC Administration, Personnel, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Memos on membership in JDC. Lists (undated) of committee members, participants in committee meetings. Staff list. List [Names of JDC members].
File 29: JDC Administration, Personnel, Uniforms for JDC Personnel, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence regarding permission for use of military-style uniforms for JDC personnel abroad.
JDC Administration, Personnel, Uniforms for JDC Personnel, 1919-1921
File 35.1: JDC Administration, Individuals, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial, July-September 1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Memos, correspondence on plans for a public memorial service (September 9, 1920) for Israel Friedlaender and Rabbi Bernard Cantor, aid to their families; drafts of several proposed statements. Miscellaneous letters of condolences. Transcript (duplicate) of memorial meeting (July 15, 1920) for Israel Friedlaender and Rabbi Bernard Cantor.
JDC Administration, Individuals, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial, July-September 1920
File 35.2: JDC Administration, Individuals, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial, October 1920-1925
Extent: 1.75 inches
Memos, correspondence on preparation and distribution of memorial volume, after a public memorial service (September 9, 1920) for Israel Friedlaender and Rabbi Bernard Cantor. Correspondence regarding aid to their families; miscellaneous letters of contributors to memorial fund.
JDC Administration, Individuals, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial, October 1920-1925
File 35.3: JDC Administration, Individuals, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial, Memorial Volume, 1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Bound volume of memorial service for Israel Friedlaender and Rabbi Bernard Cantor, September 9, 1920, Carnegie Hall, New York; includes remarks from Cyrus Adler, Louis Marshall, H. Masliansky, Julian Mack, Abram Elkus, Judah Magnes; miscellaneous cables, resolutions and letters of condolences.
JDC Administration, Individuals, Friedlaender-Cantor Memorial, Memorial Volume, 1920
File 35.4: JDC Administration, Individuals, Friedman, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, regarding passport, appointment/payment to Dr. Reuben Friedman.
Series 6: Publicity
File 44: JDC Administration, Publicity Department, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Outline of department responsibilities; miscellaneous projects under consideration; lists of documents sent to various JDC committees, list of article on JDC activities in Yiddish press.
File 45: JDC Administration, Publicity, Publications
Extent: 1.25 inches
Copies of Information Service Letters, on functional activities, by location (December 1919-January 1920; August 1920-June 1921); News Letters for Anglo-Jewish newspapers, each with a feature story and some shorter news stories (1919-1921), some press releases; Jewish Relief News (1920); Central Relief Committee Bulletins (1920).
File 46: JDC Administration, Publicity, Yiddish Press, 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Digest of news in Yiddish press (translated) regarding or concerning JDC.
File 47: JDC Administration, Publicity, Yiddish Press Clips, 1920-1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Articles (in Yiddish) from Yiddish press (occasional translations).
JDC Administration, Publicity, Yiddish Press Clips, 1920-1921
File 48: JDC Administration, Campaigns, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence, brochures, miscellaneous materials for fund-raising appeals, including holiday columns written for Anglo-Jewish publications. Campaign plan for New York (November 13, 1919). Telegram of support from President Woodrow Wilson (May 27, 1920).
Series 7: Financial
File 49: JDC Administration, Financial, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 2.5 inches
Financial reports; audits and financial statements. Several letters on accounting procedures.
File 50: JDC Administration, Financial, Sources of Income, 1919
Extent: 0.75 inch
General and financial correspondence on individual and collective contributions.
File 51: JDC Administration, Financial, Sources of Income, 1920
Extent: 1 inch
General and financial correspondence on individual and collective contributions
File 52: JDC Administration, Financial, Sources of Income, 1921
Extent: 1 inch
General and financial correspondence on individual and collective contributions.
File 53: JDC Administration, Financial, Income From Committees, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.75 inches
General and financial correspondence on income from American Jewish Relief Committee, Central Relief Committee and Peoples Relief Committee.
JDC Administration, Financial, Income From Committees, 1919-1921
File 54: JDC Administration, Financial, Appropriations and Budgets, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Summary financial reports of appropriations by recipient country.
JDC Administration, Financial, Appropriations and Budgets, 1919-1921
File 55: JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Individual Remittances, 1919
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence on prospects, procedures for remitting funds to individuals overseas. Correspondence on transmissions. List [Names of some recipients].
JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Individual Remittances, 1919
File 56: JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Individual Remittances, 1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence on prospects, procedures for remitting funds to individuals overseas. Miscellaneous on Remittance Bureau, accounting procedures, banking concerns, exchange rates. Correspondence on transmissions. Information Service Letter (November 1, 1920) explains operations of Transmission Department.
JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Individual Remittances, 1920
File 57: JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Individual Remittances, 1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence on problems remitting funds to individuals overseas, expense to JDC. Information Service Letter (January 27, 1921) regarding problems with transmission, exchange.
JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Individual Remittances, 1921
File 57: JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Transmission Bureau, 1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Bound volume on operations of Transmission Bureau, procedures, audit, with list of agents overseas, courier routes in Poland. List [Names of transmission agents, couriers in Poland].
JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Transmission Bureau, 1921
File 58: JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Remitters, 1919-1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence, primarily from individuals, about sending funds to relatives abroad. List [Names of senders, recipients]
JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Remitters, 1919-1920
File 59: JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Remitters, 1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence, primarily from individuals, about sending funds to relatives abroad. List [Names of senders, recipients]
File 60: JDC Administration, Transmission of Funds, Remitters, 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
List of individuals, with names of recipients of remittances abroad. List [Names of senders, recipients]
Record Group 1-2: Overseas Administration
Records describe overseas relief efforts, communal conditions, and appeals for funds; the establishment of JDC’s EUREXCO (European Executive Council), with headquarters in Paris; the end of emergency relief activities, the closing of JDC’s overseas branches and committees, and the reorganization on a functional basis.
Series 1: Overseas Administration, General Files
File 61.1: Overseas Administration, General, January-March 1919
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, cables on efforts to supply relief to Jews in Poland, in partnership with official and voluntary agencies; staff arrivals, assignments in Europe.
File 61.2: Overseas Administration, General, April-May 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables on logistics of activities; Harriet Lowenstein’s successful acquisition of relief supplies; efforts to supply relief to Jews in Poland; typhus epidemic in Poland, need for Yiddish-speaking medical personnel. Committee to investigate Pinsk murders.
File 62: Overseas Administration, General, June-November 1919
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence, cables on efforts to coordinate, supply relief to Jews, plans to cease operations in Paris; removal of American Relief Administration. Miscellaneous on tracing relatives in Europe. Felix Warburg report (November 7, 1919) on trip to Europe, summary of local conditions, need for reconstruction funds. Baruch (Barnet) Zuckerman letter (June 26, 1919) arguing that some funds be used for spiritual and communal needs; on bandits in Ukraine; on future of Bessarabia; subsequent tension with James Becker. List [Name of individual Jews sought in Galicia]
File 63.1: Overseas Administration, General, January-May 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Extensive correspondence from European director general, Julius Goldman, on communal conditions, on organization of European headquarters, logistics, purchasing via London office (list of letters 1-60). Goldman agreement (February 25, 1920) with American Typhus Mission on contribution to delousing program in Poland.
File 63.2: Overseas Administration, General, June-July 1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Extensive correspondence from European director general, Julius Goldman, on communal conditions, institutional appeals for funds. Cable (June 24, 1920) commits to retaining Paris office for additional year.
File 63.3: Overseas Administration, General, August 1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence from European director general, Julius Goldman, on financial matters, communal appeals, summaries of European staff memos. Goldman letter to Alexander Landesco (August 6, 1920) on aid to individuals, but not groups, emigrating to Palestine. JDC Information Service Letter (August 1, 1920) on JDC Overseas Administration, lists European offices, representatives. Danziger Zeitung article (translation, August 13, 1920) on “ghetto” in Troyl.
File 63.4: Overseas Administration, General, September-December 1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence from European director general, Julius Goldman on relief, relief supplies, administration; James Becker takes position as acting director general in October. Becker report (December 12, 1920) on European activities, budget, political and communal considerations. JDC Information Service Letter (October 21, 1920) on JDC European personnel. Miscellaneous, including summary of Vienna conference of JDC European representatives (November 1920); need for more data to make “fair share” decisions on local communal needs, prospects for budget cuts.
File 65.1: Overseas Administration, General, January-April 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence from Boris Bogen, Howard Gans on efforts to control costs, manage and coordinate activities in Europe.
File 65.2: Overseas Administration, General, May-July 192
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, memos regarding liquidation of relief activities, reorganization on a functional basis.
File 66: Overseas Administration, General, August-September 1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Boris Bogen reports, transcripts of meetings of James Rosenberg with Bogen, Frank Rosenblatt to review JDC activities, priorities in Europe.
Series 2: Overseas Administration, Conferences
File 64: Overseas Administration, Vienna Conference, November 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Summary and transcript of conference of JDC European representatives in Vienna (November 15-19, 1920). Narrative and financial reports of country directors on political and communal conditions, needs; resolutions of delegates.
Series 3: Overseas Administration, Governing Bodies
File 67: Overseas Administration, European Executive Council, Minutes, January-June 1921
Extent: 1 inch
Minutes of meetings of European Executive Council, organized to coordinate work in Europe; cables to/from New York.
Overseas Administration, European Executive Council, Minutes, January-June 1921
Series 4: Overseas Administration, Personnel
File 68.1: Overseas Administration, Personnel, Overseas Commissions, 1919-June 1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Miscellaneous on personnel recommendations, travel, credentials. Information Service Letter (December 24, 1919) on first American Jewish relief unit; Felix Warburg statement on unit (January 15, 1920).
Overseas Administration, Personnel, Overseas Commissions, 1919-June 1920
File 68.2: Overseas Administration, Personnel, Overseas Commissions, July 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous on personnel recommendations, travel, credentials.
Overseas Administration, Personnel, Overseas Commissions, July 1920-1921
File 68a: Overseas Administration, Personnel, Salaries, 1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous on staff salaries, credit.
Series 5: Overseas Administration, Financial
File 69: Overseas Administration, Financial, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding finances, remittances, allocations.
File 70: Overseas Administration, Financial, Administrative Accounts, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence, financial statements regarding functional and personnel accounts, bank accounts, audits.
Overseas Administration, Financial, Administrative Accounts, 1919-1921
File 71: Overseas Administration, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on transmission of funds for programs, individuals. List [Names of some recipients]
Overseas Administration, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1919-1921