Record Group: Aden
The Aden record group covers the years 1946-1952, and includes 25 folders in two boxes, nearly one linear foot of material, divided into three series: Administration, Subject Matter and Organizations. The early correspondence, cables and reports are concerned with rebuilding the educational facilities, homes and business destroyed or damaged in the 1947 pogroms. Relief and rehabilitation allocations for Aden are mentioned in the files. In addition, during this period diverse Adennite and Yemenite Jews from various locations are brought to Aden, gathered in several camps and eventually transported to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet. Issues related to health, medical supplies, relief programs and maintenance of refugee camps are well documented in the material.
Series 1: Aden: Administration
File AD.1: Aden: General. 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: C.5009
Correspondence and cables related to administrative tasks in Aden, including appropriations, money transfers and relief programs; Operation Magic Carpet.
File AD.2: Aden: Remittances to Aden. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5005.3
Cables and correspondence related to monthly budgets, requests for funds and notification of monetary transfers.
Series 2: Aden: Organizations
File AD.3: Aden: Central British Fund. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5002
Correspondence and cables related to relief and rehabilitation allocations for Aden from the Central British Fund; school facilities; immigration of Adenite Jews to Israel.
File AD.4: Aden: ICA Contributions. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5003
A series of cables that refer to ICA (Jewish Colonization Association — ICA/JCA) allocations for relief efforts in Aden.
File AD.6: Aden: South African Jewish Appeal. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5006
Offers by SA Jewish Appeal to contribute to relief efforts in the aftermath of the 1947 pogrom in Aden.
File AD.5: Aden: Jewish Agency Contribution. 1948-1949
Old Folder NumberC.5008
Extent of Jewish Agency participation in maintenance budget for Hashid Camp and emigration of Yemenites/Adenites to Palestine/Israel.
File AD.7: Aden: World Jewish Congress. 1949-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: C.5015
Cables, correspondence and letter in newspaper about rescue efforts for Yemenite Jewry and which organizations claimed credit.
Series 3: Aden: Subject Matter
File AD.17: Aden: Schools in Aden. 1948-1949, 1952
Old Folder Number: C.5002.1
Correspondence and cables related to rebuilding and enlarging educational facilities (schools) that were destroyed or damaged in the 1947 pogroms.
File AD.8: Aden: 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 6
Miscellaneous correspondence on reconstruction loans, Emergency Hospital, Central British Fund Allocation.
File AD.15: Aden: Reports and Appropriations. 1946-1948
Eyewitness reports on the situation of Adenite and Yemenite Jews during and after the 1947 pogrom; correspondence and cables related to relief — funds, reconstruction loans, medical supplies, food and clothing
File AD.16: Aden: Reports and Appropriations. 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: C.5005.2
Reports on conditions in Aden in general and in the refugee camps in particular; correspondence and cables about budget allocations and VIP visits; emigration from Aden to Israel
File AD.12: Aden: Medical Program. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5004
Requests for medical supplies for Aden; preparation for evacuation of Aden population; treatment of malaria outbreak
File AD.9: Aden: Aden Camp. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5007
Correspondence and cables related to aftermath of the 1947 pogrom in Aden; disturbances in Hashed Camp; plans to evacuate Yemenite refugees to Israel.
File AD.19: Aden: Transport Aden to Israel. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5010.1
Correspondence and cables related to transport of Yemenite refugees from Aden to Israel including number of flights, number of passengers per flight, airfares and other details.
File AD.20: Aden: Transportation Aden to Israel of Yemen Infiltrees (Military Age). 1949
Old Folder Number: C.5010.2
Cables, memoranda and correspondence on the plight of military age Yemenite refugees in Aden whose emigration to Israel was continually delayed by the British.
Aden: Transportation Aden to Israel of Yemen Infiltrees (Military Age). 1949
File AD.14: Aden: Reconstruction Loans. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.5011
Cables and correspondence related to reconstruction loans granted to rebuild businesses, homes and public buildings destroyed or damaged in the 1947 pogrom.
File AD.11: Aden: Emigration from Aden to Palestine. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.5010
Continuous updates on plight of Adenite and Yemenite Jews in Aden; relief funds; emigration of refugees in Hashid Camp and others to Israel.
File AD.10: Aden: Compensation for Damages to Jews. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.5012
Correspondence and memoranda on the issue of compensation claims by the Aden Jewish Community for damages sustained during the pogroms of 1947.
File AD.13: Aden: Press Releases Aden-Yemen. 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: C.5013
Correspondence, cables, press releases and other forms of publicity about “Operation Magic Carpet.”
File AD.21: Aden: Yemenite Program. 1946-1947, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: C.5014
Memoranda, correspondence, cables and lengthy reports on the aliyah of the Yemenite Jews to Israel (Operation Magic Carpet) with comprehensive details on maintenance of the population in the Aden camps and air transport costs and schedules.
File AD.22: Aden: Yemenite Program. 1950
Old Folder Number: C.5014 BIS
Series of cables with statistical information related to movement of Yemenite Jews to Israel: flight schedules with number of passengers; camp population figures and influx of additional refugees into camps.
File AD.18: Aden: Shipments of Supplies. 1949
Old Folder Number: C.5016
Brief memorandum and lists of goods shipped to Aden and goods awaiting shipment.
Record Group: Algeria
The Algeria record group covers the years 1947-1954 and consists of 32 files in the series Administration, Localities, Organizations, and education, Jewish communities, the Ecole Rabbinique Algiers, supplies, and post-earthquake aid in Orleansville. Included in the material are reports on a number of subjects and localities. Also included is administrative material on the AJDC Algiers office and the legal status of the JDC program in France and Algeria.
Series 1: Algeria: Administration
File AL.26: Algeria: AJDC 1954
Old Folder Number:43
File AL.29: Algeria: Legislative Series 1954
Old Folder Number:10
File AL.28: Algeria: Legal Status in France and Algeria 1949
Old Folder Number:Misc. 143
File AL.27: Algeria: Algiers — Local Field Personnel. 1953
Old Folder Number:6
Series 2: Algeria: Organizations
File AL.2: Algeria: Ecole Rabbinique Algiers 1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.210
Architectural plans for the Ecole Rabbinique and construction budget. Provision for scholarships for Rabbinical students.
File AL.3: Algeria. OSE Financial. 1949-1950
File AL.4: Algeria OSE Monthly Activity Reports
File AL.5: Algeria: ORT. 1950,1952,1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.213
Report on Constantine canteen (June 1950) 1953 Budget & requirements. Algiers statistics report (November 1954)
File AL.6: Algeria Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence
Old Folder Number: 3
Application of students for Paul Baerwald School 1950-1951
File AL.7: Algeria: Zionist Federation.1949
Old Folder Number: C.56.206
Zionist Federation of Algeria Resolution representing 30,000 Jews from southern region areas confirming wish to emigrate to Israel
Series 3: Algeria: Subject Matter
File AL.8: Algeria 1947
File AL.9: Algeria: 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: Ed.19
Ecole Rabbinique report. Transportation of Torah scrolls from Hanau Germany. Reports: Visits to Algeria; Education and Supplies.
File AL.15: Algeria: Legal Status 1949
File AL.10: Algeria: Algiers Bulletin Interieur d’Information. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.56.204
roposed information bulletin
File AL.12: Algeria: Constantine Education. 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.208
Education supplies & requirements in Constantine, Yeshiva Ets Haim Algiers & yeshivot in Bone & Oran. USDA food storage arrangements.
File AL.13: Algeria:General 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 1
Agreement relating to Atlantide transit center, conditions & supplies..Transit centers & medical services.
File AL.14: Algeria Legal Documents 1949
File AL.16: Algeria: Medical 1948-1951,1953
Old Folder Number: C.56.203
Supplies for refugees including Matzot. Gift to Algerian government of second-hand clothing for distribution. Medical supplies; assistance for Disponsaire Polyvalent Algiers.
File AL.18: Algeria: Programs & Reports. 1950-1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.214
Reports on Jewish communities in Algeria. Constantine education needs, nursery school, meals & teacher requirements.
File AL.19: Algeria. Visits to Algiers 1951
Old Folder Number: 1.2
Report of William Bein’s visit to Algiers & of Dr. Szyfman’s visit
File AL.30: Algeria: Algeria Medical, Affaire Hospitalisations 1949-1949
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Algeria: Algeria Medical, Affaire Hospitalisations 1949-1949
File AL.31: Algeria: Algeria Medical, Hospitalizations 1949-1949 (1 of 2)
Old Folder Number: 1.2
Algeria: Algeria Medical, Hospitalizations 1949-1949 (1 of 2)
File AL.32: Algeria: Algeria Medical, Hospitalizations 1949-1949 (2 of 2)
Old Folder Number: 1.3
Algeria: Algeria Medical, Hospitalizations 1949-1949 (2 of 2)
Series 4: Algeria: Localities
File AL.20: Algeria: Algiers Budget. 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: C.56.201
Expenditure for relief programs in Algeria. Budget for Algiers, Tangiers, Morocco & Spanish Morocco.
File AL.21: Algeria: Algiers Financial & Statistical Reports. 1948,1950
Old Folder Number: C.56.202
Financial & statistical reports
File AL.22: Algeria Constantine 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: C.56.208.1
Report of JDC Activities in Constantine.
File AL.23: Algeria: Orleansville.1954
Old Folder Number: C.56.207
August 1954 Earthquake – aftermath, reconstruction, reports and updates. Budget allocations and Welfare Assistance. Lists of Orleansville community members.
File AL.24: Algeria: Reports 1947, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: SS.88
Statutes of the federation of Algeria Community 1947. Algiers institutions & financial reports. Reports from Oran & Bone.
File AL.25: Algeria: Supplies 1954
Record Group: Argentina
The Argentina record group, covering the years 1945-1954, consists of 18 folders in four series: Administration, Localities, Organizations and Subject Matter. The Administration series consists of two files: one deals with the distribution of South American campaign funds, and one is a legal case file. The two Localities files contain matters relating to Jewish community members in Argentina and their efforts to send aid to relatives in Europe. The four files in the Organizations series, as well as the eight files in the Subject Matter series, mainly concern aid given to immigrants in South America, and aid sent to Jewish causes in Europe.
Series 1: Argentina: Administration
File AR1: Argentina Financial Buenos Aires 1947-1953
Old Folder Number: C.10.005
Discussion on distribution of South American campaign funds;
Series 2: Argentina: Organizations
File AR.2: Argentina Association Filantropica Israelita 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.10.003
JDC European Emigration Headquarters, Paris memorandum on recommended proceedure for service to JDC sponsored emigrants in transit to overseas countries (February 1947). Ledger Card sample. Role of Filantropica Israelita (June 1948) JDC grants for emigrants to Argentina. Soprotimis support of new immigrants. Official Bulletin of Rules for Granting Permission to Immigrants to Enter the Country. Meetings reports JDC Buenos Aires.
File AR.3: Argentina Organizacion Central de Ayuda a las Victimas Israelitas de la Guerra 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.10.004
Report of expenditures of the Junta de Ayuda Judia a las Victimas de la Guerra 1 December 1945 to 30 November 1947 & purchase of medicines and medical supplies for Budapest Jewish community. Correspondence and discussion for Chile delegate as a delegate to the European Aid Conference in Paris. Suggestion to appoint to the JDC Board members of cooperative committees in various countries.
Argentina Organizacion Central de Ayuda a las Victimas Israelitas de la Guerra 1947-1948
File AR.4: Argentina Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1953
Old Folder Number: 3
Social Work Training Program. Scholarship request
Argentina Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1953
File AR.5: Argentina World Jewish Congress 1947
Old Folder Number: C.10.008
Campaign by the World Jewish Congress Brazil to raise money for rescued children in Europe
Series 3: Argentina: Subject Matter
File AR.6: Argentina 1946
File AR.7: Argentina Argentine Funds for Czechoslovakia 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.10.002
Purchase of Czechoslovak currency with Argentinan pesos
File AR.8: Argentina Emigration 1952-1953
Old Folder Number:PICMME 1124.4
Correspondence between various JDC offices concerning entry permits for refugees in various South American countries.
File AR.9: Argentina Fernandez Gift Buenos Aires 1948
Old Folder Number: C.10.003.1
Correspondence discussing a designated contribution for the purchase of sweets for a children’s home
File AR.10: Argentina General 1947-1948,1952-1954
Old Folder Number: C.10.000
General correspondence including country report August 1947
File AR.11: Argentina IRO Delegates 1948
Old Folder Number: C.10.003.2
Report on visit of two IRO Delegates from Geneva
File AR.12: Argentina Legislation 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 10
Bound booklets of Argentina laws for Employers, Agricultural Workers & Social Security
File AR.13: Argentina Polish Delegation 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: MISC 244
Visit of Polish Delegation & expenses
File AR.14: Argentina Publicity Buenos Aires 1947
Old Folder Number: C.10.006
Correspondence concerning photographs sent to Argentina showing JDC operations in Greece and Italy to be used for publicity in the local press
File AR.15: Argentina Settlement of Agriculturalists 1948
Old Folder Number: C.10.010
Discussion on establishing an agricultural training school with JDC backing in Germany. JCA project to settle agriculturalists in Argentina.
Series 4: Argentina: Localities
File AR.16: Argentina 1945
Old Folder Number: 2
Support of relatives in Europe. Emigration & Maintenance. Letters containing names of refugees in Europe seeking relatives
File AR.17: Argentina Meeting Reports Buenos Aires 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.10.009
Meeting Reports (March-August 1948) ; Report of Latin American Committee (in New York) May 1949 – relationship of JDC to other local organizations and the Zionist Movement; distribution of collected funds.
Record Group: Australia
The Australian Record Group covers the years 1946-1954 and includes 34 folders in two boxes. The material is organized in four series: Administration, Organizations, Subject Matter and Localities. Documents in this record group concern immigration to Australia and all related issues involved with immigration. Movement of children from Czechoslovakia and Hungary to Australia is an important topic in the material. Much of the correspondence and cables between the JDC and IRO focus on immigration of refugees and displaced persons to Australia.
There are lengthy lists of Jews emigrating from Hungary to Australia and other destinations, as well as correspondence regarding specific survivors and lists of survivors distributed to the Australian Jewish community. Correspondence and cables related to Landing Permit Holders for Australia, Operation “Deadline”, several lists of L.P. Holders, sailing schedules, IRO eligibles, problematic issues between JDC and IRO such as reimbursement for transportation costs and information for eligibles are contained in the folders. Problematic cases are discussed, such as the special effort to enable refugees from Shanghai to enter Australia. Extensive correspondence on regulations and restrictions on immigration to Australia, including restrictive currency laws are presented.
Series 1: Australia: Administration
File AT.1: Australia: Budget & Financial. 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: C.15.001
Discussion on fund raising campaign ford 1952; allocation of funds; projects supported in NSW and Victoria; details of projected allocations of 1955 budget; audit reports
File AT.2: Australia: General Reports. 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.15.000
Telegram from Charles Jordan to Arthur Calwell, Minister of Immigration, Canberra, complaining about unreasonable attitude towards immigration from Shanghai
File AT.3: Australia: Various Statements. 1954
Series 2: Australia: Organizations
File AT.4: Australia: Emigration Shipping Place to Australia. 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.3
Correspondence re IRO assistance to Joint in moving groups of DP’s to Australia by ship or aircraft;reference to requirement that 75% non-Jewish groups to be placed upon the same vessel
Australia: Emigration Shipping Place to Australia. 1948-1951
Series 3: Australia: Subject Matter
File AT.5: Australia: Reimbursement for Immigration. 1947-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: IRO 1139.9
Correspondence, memoranda and cables about AJDC claims for IRO reimbursement for immigration to Australia.
File AT.6: Australia. 1945
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence and cables regarding specific survivors and lists of survivors distributed to Australian Jewish community.
File AT.7: Australia. 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: C-2
Correspondence between Mr. Charles Jordan (or his assistant) and Mr. Walter L. Brand.
File AT.8: Australia: Australian Children Project. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.15.002
correspondence focusing on various projects aimed to settle children in Australia; list of 8 children with birthdates and present location (Germany); concern that delay in approval will disqualify them as they will reach the age limit of 17; further discussion of other destinations for children;
File AT.9: Australia: Emigration (Shanghai Refugees). 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: MISC 238
Extensive correspondence on regulations and restrictions on immigration to Australia; restrictive currency laws discussed; special effort made to enable refugees from Shanghai to get entry permits to Australia
File AT.10: Australia: General. 1953
Old Folder Number: 21
Brief correspondence on emigration from Hungary to Australia; lengthy list of Jews emigrating from Hungary for Australia and other destinations
File AT.11: Australia: Immigration. 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 1
Correspondence and cables related to immigration of Displaced Persons to Australia.
File AT.12: Australia: Immigration to Australia.1947-1950
Old Folder Number: C.15.003.1
Concern with getting children out of Czechoslovakia & Hungary expressed in correspondence between OSE & JDC; official statement denying that the Australian government repudiated landing permits issued to refugees
File AT.13: Australia: Immigration. 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: Misc. 185
Correspondence about Australian landing permits sent to Budapest; reimbursement by IRO for immigration to Australia.
File AT.14: Australia: Immigration to Australia. 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: C.15.003.2
immigration of children from Czechoslovakia and Hungary to Australia.
File AT.15: Australia:Immigration to Australia. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.15.003.A
Correspondence on currency regulations; place of origin of passengers on Savingram; study of Australian caseload; 16th Annual Report & Balance Sheet of the Australian Jewish Welfare Society (NSW Branch); correspondence on Sydney Einfeld’s visit to Paris & New York
File AT.16: Australia: Immigration and Reimbursement. 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: 2
Issues between JDC and IRO related to movement of refugees to Australia.
File AT.17: Australia: James Rice Files: Australia L.P. Holders. 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: No. 1
Correspondence and cables related to Landing Permit Holders for Australia; Operation “Deadline”; sailing schedules for Australia; several listss of L.P. Holders
Australia: James Rice Files: Australia L.P. Holders. 1951-1952
File AT.18: Australia: James Rice Files: Immigration to Australia. 1948-1950 (January-May)
Old Folder Number: No. 12
Correspondence, memoranda and cables related to immigration of DPs to Australia; issues of reimbursement for transportation by IRO
Australia: James Rice Files: Immigration to Australia. 1948-1950 (January-May)
File AT.19: Australia: James Rice Files: Immigration to Australia. 1950-1951
Old Folder Number:No. 13
Correspondence and cables related to immigration of DPs to Australia and reimbursement by IRO for transportation costs; lists of L.P. Holders; problematic cases
Australia: James Rice Files: Immigration to Australia. 1950-1951
File AT.20: Australia: James Rice Files: Immigration to Australia. 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: No. 1
Correspondence and cables about immigration to Australia; lists of sailing schedules; lists of IRO eligibles; problematic issues between JDC and IRO; reimbursement matters; information for eligibles
Australia: James Rice Files: Immigration to Australia. 1952-1954
File AT.21: Australia: Jewish Colonization Association – JDC Loan Fund. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.15.005.2
Discussion on drastic drop of Jewish emigration to Australia; suggestion from JDC to JCA to join in loan fund, sponsor technicians and other cooperative ventures to assist immigrants
Australia: Jewish Colonization Association – JDC Loan Fund. 1953-1954
File AT.22: Australia: Legislative Series 1953-Aust.I.1953
Old Folder Number: 10.2
Long-Service Leave: An Act relating to the Ministry of Labour and Industry, to amend and consolidate the law relating to industrial matters and the supervision and regulation of factories, shops and other premises and for other purposes.
File AT.23: Australia: Legislative Series 1954-Aust.
Old Folder Number: 10.1
Navigation (Crew Accommodation) Regulations.
File AT.24: Australia: Report of Mr. Leslie B. Prince on His Visit to Australia on Behalf of Jewish Colonization Association & American Joint Distribution Committee. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.15.005.1
Twenty-four page detailed report by Leslie B. Prince; followed by numerous appendicies containing abstracts of annual reports of various Australian Jewish relief and aid organizations
File AT.25: Australia: Special File. 1946-1953
Old Folder Number: C.15.003
Description of microfilm of file – “Correpondence of DPs & refugees in Australia;” report on meeting discussing possibility of Jewish resettlement in Aus.; screening of immigrants; immigrant requirements; aspects of Jewish migration to Australia
File AT.26: Australia: Sydney – Immigration. 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: C.15.201
contains typed copy of a news clipping reporting the arrival of 50 Jewish immigrants from Hong Kong; they are the first of 300 immigrants from Shanghai scheduled to arrive in Australia within the next few months;
File AT.27: Australia: Sydney – Packages to Austria.1947
Old Folder Number: C.15.203
Discussion on policy whereby American Army postal authorities impounded packages sent to individuals in Germany and Austria who were not members of the military or voluntary agencies staff
File AT.28: Australia: Sydney – Shipments. 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: C.15.202
discussion on shipments of food items to Europe to be distributed to individuals in Central Europe; shipments of soap to remain in Europe and food items sent to Europe to be then shipped to Israel for B’nai B’rith in Jerusalem;
File AT.29: Australia: Transfer of Australian Pounds to France. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.15.004
Discussion on advisability of accepting offer of steamship company of paying for transporting immigrants departing from France in Australian currency
Australia: Transfer of Australian Pounds to France. 1948-1949
File AT.33: Australia: Barumchercyh, Majer. 1951
Old Folder Number: 56
File AT.34: Australia: Emigration 1946
Old Folder Number: 1.2
Series 4: Australia: Localities
File AT.30: Australia: Melbourne General. 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: C.15.100
Letter of resignation from Manager-General Secretary of AJWS in Melbourne to JDC in France; shipments of supplies to needy Jews in Europe
File AT.31: Australia: Sydney – General. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.15.200
discussion of materials available and photos sent to Sydney for fund-raising campaign
Record Group: Austria
The Austria Record Group contains 296 folders in 17 boxes, just over six linear feet of material, and divided into four series: Administration, Organizations, Subject Matter and Localities. During the years covered by this Record Group, 1945-1954, Austria was occupied by Allied and Russian forces. Documents reflect JDC’s relationship with military authorities as well as with the Austrian government. JDC’s efforts in Austria largely focused on the needs of refugees, displaced persons, emigrants, and survivors of the Austrian Jewish Community. Priorities were providing food, clothing, medical care, and schooling for children and vocational training for adults, as well as meeting religious needs. A number of long-range legal issues also concerned JDC, including heirless property and restitution, reparations, and the “Gold Train,” a trainload of valuable items seized from Hungarian Jews by local officials, shipped out of Hungary ahead of the advancing Red Army and captured by U.S. forces in Austria. Items of note include documents concerning reparation agreements with Austria including a 43-page memorandum from Simon Wiesenthal on the assets of convicted war criminals; a 6-page general report about Jewish life in the French Zone of Austria and a description of the 45 concentration camps in Austria and a copy of the first issue of the ADJC bulletin in Austria.
Especially significant are several lists of names, including lists of Austrian Jews who returned from concentration camps, of Austrian Jews residing in occupied Vienna; of Austrian Jews who arrived in Sweden and 69 German Jews who were interred in Karaganda Siberian Camp and repatriated to Berlin.
Series 1: Austria: Administration
File AU.2: Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper 1948 AJDC Austria.
Old Folder Number: 40
Detailed audit report for 1948; includes locations where supplies were kept; number of people aided; population figures, etc.
File AU.3: Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1949, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 39
The audit report has a breakdown of all JDC activities in Austria during 1949; it mentions that the economic conditions of Vienna’s Jews had improved over the year before.
Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1949, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1949-1950
File AU.4: Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1950, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 38
The audit report has a breakdown of all JDC activities in Austria during 1950
Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1950, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1950-1951
File AU.5: Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1951, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1951-1952.
Old Folder Number: 37
The audit report has a breakdown of all JDC activities in Austria during 1951; report also has reconciliation of the grants to the Israelitsche Kultusgemeinde.
Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1951, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1951-1952.
File AU.6: Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1952, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1952-1953.
Old Folder Number: 36
The audit report has a breakdown of all JDC activities during 1952 in Austria.
Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1952, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1952-1953.
File AU.7: Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1953, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number:35
The audit report has a breakdown of all JDC activities in Austria during 1953.
Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1953, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1953-1954
File AU.8: Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1954, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1954
Old Folder Number: 35.1
The audit report has a breakdown of all JDC activities in Austria in 1954; it includes the audit report for the Vienna Kultusgemeinde for the same period.
Austria. Audit, Loeb & Troper, 1954, AJDC Austria & Subventioned Organizations. 1954
File AU.9: Austria. British Zone Report. 1946
Old Folder Number: C.23.001
Single cover page indicating that the report, which is not in file, was given to Leo Schwartz in NY, in Sept. 1949.
File AU.10: Austria. Budget. 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.005
Correspondence regarding budgets including breakdown of various types of allocations – cash relief, canteens, medical program, students program, religious & cultural, child care, homes for the elderly, relief supplies, operating expenses, integration program, miscellaneous; tables comparing expenditures from 1945 to 1952; local grants to Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg and Innsbruck.
File AU.11: Austria. Financial 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: Misc.211
Correspondence regarding: financial reports; Motion Picture Export Association; payments; report on the situation of the Vienna Jewish community.
File AU.12: Austria: Financial. 1948-1949, 1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.013
Comparison of expenses between AJDC Austria & AJDC Germany for first quarter 1949; operating expenses reported at 20% of expenses; JDC contribution to 1954 flood disaster in Austria.
File AU.13: Austria. General I. Administration Claims Conference Financial 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: Med. 252.1
Costs of the medical programme. Budget estimates of JDC Austria 1948-1949
Austria. General I. Administration Claims Conference Financial 1948-1949
File AU.14: Austria. Indigenous Employees of HIAS & Jewish Agency for Palestine. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.003
Discussion of special food and clothing grants to local employees who are not paid in foreign currency.
Austria. Indigenous Employees of HIAS & Jewish Agency for Palestine. 1947
File AU.15: Austria. Internal Organization Austria 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: 10
Correspondence regarding: the Association of Political Persecutees Klagenfurt; Report of Activities of the Legal Department including: loans, restitution, insurance, offences, ECA, legal advice and leases.
File AU.16: Austria. Loan Institutions General – Reports. 1949-1951, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4
Monthly statistical reports of credit cooperatives in Vienna; minutes of various meetings on the topic; list of recipients of loans with amounts; blank forms in German for loan applications; a few undated incomplete ledger sheets.
Austria. Loan Institutions General – Reports. 1949-1951, 1953
File AU.17: Austria. Loan Institutions General – Vienna. 1949
Old Folder Number:
C.1.4 Report on loans made with list of recipients; details of office expenses; item titled “Regulations for the Gemilath Chases Casse in Vienna”.
File AU.18: Austria. Loan Institutions – General, Vienna. 1951
Old Folder Number 3.1
Minutes of the executive committee (names recorded) of the loan fund; includes lists of borrowers and guarantors as well as monthly statistical reports of the Vienna credit cooperative; amounts of loans listed.
File AU.19: Austria. Loan Institutions – General, Vienna. 1952
Old Folder Number: 3.2
Minutes of the bimonthly meetings of the executive committee (names recorded) of the loan fund; includes lists of borrowers and amounts of loan.
File AU.20: Austria. Loan Institutions – General, Vienna. 1953
Old Folder Number: 3.3
Minutes of the bimonthly meetings of the executive committee (names recorded) of the loan fund; includes lists of borrowers and amounts of loan.
File AU.21: Austria. Minutes of Meeting 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence relating to French franc expenses relating to the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria, travel expenses and statements of expenses, payments and receipts to Conference Claims on Austria.
File AU.22: Austria. Parcels, Packages, Mail – Vienna. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.009
Correspondence concerning packages mailed to Vienna that were never received; items were eventually delivered.
File AU.23: Austria. Report to Country Directors Conference 1953
Old Folder Number: Misc.26
Report on Austria including: emigration, students, welfare, Rothschild hospital, Kultusgemeinde, medical, loan Kassa and restitution.
File AU.27: Austria. Telephone, Vienna. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.013
Update on change of telephone numbers for various JDC departments in Austria; names of all deparatment head are listed.
File AU.28: Austria. Telephone Conversations – Vienna. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.014
Telephone log of four conversations with Harold Trobe; subjects discussed include needs of newly arrived refugees.
File AU.29: Austria. Transfer of French Francs to the French Zone of Austria. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.24.003
Discussion on the possibilty of transfering French Francs to the JDC offices in the French Zone of Austria.
Austria. Transfer of French Francs to the French Zone of Austria. 1948
File AU.30: Austria. Vehicles – Vienna. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.015
Discussion of request of Vienna JDC office for authorization to purchase 6 passenger automobiles.
File AU.158: Austria. Health Activities Insurance 1948-1949
File AU.161: Austria Rothschild Hospital 1945-1949
Old Folder Number:Med.4
Statistics report and blueprints of the Rothschild hospital
File AU.163: Austria. Mr. Bloom Inquiry
Old Folder Number: Misc.325
Personal case of inquiry of impounded shipment of cigarettes
File AU.221: Austria. Special Reports 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: Med.8.1
Reports including: nursing reports Salzburg and Linz areas, costs of the medical programme, DPs statistic report, penicillin and streptomycin reports.
File AU.265: Austria: General Documentation. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 22
File AU.268: Austria: Local Field Personnel 1953
Old Folder Number: 6
File AU.295: Austria: Location Service: Questions and Correspondence 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 12
Correspondence and memoranda establishing the procedures for tracing missing individuals and survivors in Austria. The file contains some application forms.
Austria: Location Service: Questions and Correspondence 1947-1949
File AU.296: Austria: General File 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 13
Correspondence and memoranda about the transfer of the Search Department of JDC Vienna Area to Jewish community of Vienna.
File AU.297: Austria 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 14
Correspondence and memoranda on administrative issues including the Location Service, foreign DPs as students at Vienna University and an analysis of JDC activities in Austria for the first quarter of 1948.
Series 2: Austria: Organizations
File AU.31: Austria. Compulsory Work Law. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: IRO 1121
Discussion on whether the new Austrian compulsory work law applied to Jewish Refugees.
File AU.32: Austria. Friendship Train – Austria – Germany. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: S.1501.1
Correspondence on the distribution of items sent on the Friendship Train between the various voluntary agencies; copies of the bills of lading for a number of shipments to Germany from the Pacific Northwest; numerous cables discussing the shipments.
File AU.33: Austria. Infiltrees. 1947, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: IRO 1169.2
Discussion on care of refugees who arrived in Austria after 21 April 1947; letter from Headquarters of US Forces in Austria on new rules and exception made for refugee Jews who arrived after the cut-off date; letter to authorities why is not advisable to house Jewish refugees with non-Jewish refugees.
File AU.34: Austria. IRO Program. 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: IRO1136
Correspondence on provisions of food and clothing supplements provided by IRO and distrbuted by JDC; help provided by JDC for Romanian refugees praised by IRO officials; also mentioned are supplies provided to IRO by JDC; volume of various items supplied is listed in the correspondence.
File AU.35: Austria. Jewish Community – Kultus Gemeinde, Vienna. 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.22.004
Correspondence regarding reports on: status of ex-Jews and assistance from the JDC, Transient Jewish Status, an 8-page document listing all personnel with nationality, DP camps, draft of salary scale for foreign service personnel, JDC activities, problems of the Jews of Vienna and auditor report.
Austria. Jewish Community – Kultus Gemeinde, Vienna. 1947-1954
File AU.36: Austria. Loeb & Trober ORT 1947
File AU.39: Austria. Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence JDC and General 1949-1951
Old Folder Number: 3
Paul Baerwald school and student applicantions.
Austria. Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence JDC and General 1949-1951
File AU.41: Austria. O.R.T. – United States Zone. 1947-1948, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.051
Correspondence on the relationship of JDC with ORT including receipt of food parcels for ORT through JDC, request for and difficulties faced by ORT to gain official recognition in Austria and mention of instructors for courses and emigration of graduates.
File AU.42: Austria. Voluntary Agencies (Facilities). 1947, 1949, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1149.3
IRO policy statement on qualifcations to obtain facilities that they furnished to voluntary organizations; List of voluntary organizations affiliated with IRO Austria, includes list of JDC staff in Austria dated April 1949; regulations issued in 1953 reflect unwillingness of US military authorities to recognize the vital work of voluntary agencies – extensive discussion and correspondence on this issue.
Austria. Voluntary Agencies (Facilities). 1947, 1949, 1953-1954
Series 3: Austria: Subject Matter
File AU.1: Austria 1952
Old Folder Number: 36
Credit cooperative in Vienna and it’s budget. The budget for ORT in 1952.
File AU.37: Austria. Medical Program 1947-1948, 1950
Old Folder Number: IRO.1131.1
Medical programme, relations with PCIRO in the medical sphere and hard core cases.
File AU.38: Austria. Medical Program Conferences 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: IRO.1131.2
Discussions between the AJDC and IRO regarding transfer of patients to Italy, eligibility in Switzerland, Nordrach Rothschild property, supply of penicillin, food supplementation, medical care in Italy and x-ray equipment for Austria.
File AU.40: Austria. Projects Forms PEP 1952
Old Folder Number: IRO.1139.11
PEP projects forms Austria on resettlement, counselling, training, miscellaneous, care and maintenance.
File AU.43: Austria. January-July 1952
Old Folder Number: 4
Correspondence relating to the Austrian Law on Successor Organization, restitution, heirless property, visit of Chancellor Figl to America, proposal to introduce a bill to compensate persons imprisoned by the Nazis but excluding those who were sent to concentration camps without trial, antisemitism and loan for the Jewish community.
File AU.44: Austria. August-October 1952
Old Folder Number: 4.1
Correspondence relating to Nazi amnesty laws, restitution law, the Austrian government’s response to Jewish restitution, heirless property, Brazilian reaction to the Austrian government, restitution for non-Austrian citizens who were incarcerated in Austrian concentration camps, Austrian request for full sovereignty and the four organizations meeting.
File AU.45: Austria. November-December 1952
Old Folder Number: 4.2
Correspondence relating to a meeting of the Jewish organizations to discuss Austria, Austrian government’s attitude to Jewish reparations, Arab pressures on the Austrian government, compensation for only Austrian citizens, JDC share of expenses and negotiations on restitutions and heirless property.
File AU.46: Austria. January-March 1953
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence relating to a liason officer between foreign organisations and the Jewish community in Austria, restitution including pensions, health and life insurance, social security and heirless property, the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria and general correspondence.
File AU.47: Austria. January-June 1953
Old Folder Number: 2
Organizational setup, composition & agenda for the Committee of Claims on Austria. Restitution & indemnification in Austria- US Department of State view June 1953. Memorandum on negotations with Austria.
File AU.48: Austria. April-May 1953
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Correspondence relating to restitution, heirless property, compensation, legislation, meeting of Jewish organisations in Paris, Committee for Claims on Austria, minutes of meetings, relations between the Jewish organisations and general correspondence.
File AU.49: Austria. July-September 1953
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Reports, memoranda & data relating to negotiations with Austria regarding reparations.
File AU.50: Austria. October 1953
Old Folder Number: 2.2
Memoranda in connection with the reparations negotiations with Austria.
File AU.51: Austria. November 1953
Old Folder Number:2.3
Background material for restitution negotiations with Austrian Government. 43 page document from Simon Wiesenthal “Memorandum on the question of the assets of convicted war criminal damage to Jews, which was drafted by Austrian courts in favor of the Republic of Austria”. Newspaper cuttings from the Wiener Zeitung 22 February 1949 relating to currency dealings, dollar bonds & NEWAG loan.
File AU.52: Austria. December 1953
Old Folder Number: 2.4
Report of Austrian cabinet meeting November 24. Report by Julius Raab Federal Chancellor of Austria to parliament on negotiations with Jewish organizations. Newspaper cuttings and reports. Alpine Montan and petition to cancel debentures.
File AU.53: Austria. January-April 1954
Old Folder Number: 2.5
Discussion of press coverage and photo copies of press cuttings. Report of meeting of Budesverband der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden Oesterreichs. Restitution negotiation preparations and memos. Data regarding Austria pensions. Report of preliminary discussions in Vienna (March 1954).
File AU.54: Austria. May-June 1954
Old Folder Number: 2.6
Background data for restitution negotiations and their resumption. Press coverage. Data from Jewish community in Innsbruck.
File AU.55: Austria. July-December 1954
Old Folder Number: 2.7
Restitution negotiations progress. Press coverage.. Draft of Austrian proposal September 1954. Summary of points discussed with Austrian Government. Second memorandum on negotiations between Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria and the Austrian Goverment.
File AU.56: Austria. 1954
Old Folder Number: 4
Correspondence relating to problems of a lack of unity among the Austrian organizations worldwide, the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria, restitution, the postponment of the issue of heirless property, social insurance law, discussions/negotiations with the Austrian government, a collection of statements by American Leaders and Newspapers and general correspondence.
File AU.57: Austria. Activity Reports 1946
Old Folder Number: Med.5
Medical activities reports including: Wiesenhof and Seefeld camps, Gnadenwald house, food rations and clothing supplies, medical work, Mentlberg castle and hospitalisation.
File AU.58: Austria. Activities Report 1947
Old Folder Number: Med.5.3
Medical reports including: monthly reports, DP camps, food and supplies, relations with other agencies, vital statistics, hospitalisation, tuberculosis, VD programme, dental services, nursing services and mass examinations.
File AU.59: Austria. Activities Report 1948
Old Folder Number:Med.5.2
Medical activities reports including: monthly reports, vital statistics, DP Hospital Lin and Salzburg, sanatoria, personnel, mass examinations, VD control, supplies, medical care and relations with other organisations.
File AU.60: Austria. Activities Report 1949
Old Folder Number: Med. 5.1
Medical reports including: statistical medical report for the American zone of Austria, monthly reports, Beth-Bialik, Hallein and Ebelsberg camps, Rothschild Hospital, Neuro-Psychatric cases of Jewish DP camps Salzburg area and nursing department AJDC Salzburg.
File AU.61: Austria. Activities Report 1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: Med.5.4
Medical reports including: Rothschild and DP camps, hospitalisation, monthly reports, medical supples, statistical reports, hard core cases, dental report and diseases.
File AU.62: Austria. American Fuel Relief for Austria. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.002
Correspondence on American Fuel Relief for Austria, a New York based organization including price, delivery and quality; reluctance of JDC to get involved with shipments to specific individuals; letter from DP’s in Linz appealing to a landsmanschaft for heating fuel.
File AU.63: Austria. American Red Cross Contribution to Austrians & Austrian Camps O.N.A. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.003
Correspondence concerning ONA dispatch claiming that Jewish DP’s receive aid from Red Cross; letter from JDC affirming that the Red Cross program for Jewish DP’s ended in June 1946.
Austria. American Red Cross Contribution to Austrians & Austrian Camps O.N.A. 1948
File AU.64: Austria. Archives No ED 117, Austria. 1948-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 9
Copy of first issue of AJDC bulletin in Austria; very detailed 6-page large format report up to October 31, 1948 of activities of the Cultural & Educational Dept. in Austria broken down into occupation zones, etc.; detailed reports of visits by Dr. Judah Shapiro; lists of projects for DPs; report of Jewish Neo-Refugees in Austria with a selection of case studies; lists showing enrollement of children in DP camp schools.
File AU.65: Austria: Army Bills Presented for Payment. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.004
Correspondence regarding the US Army’s request for back payment of rent; the status of the JDC as a free or paying guest; rental contracts; letter to Guy de Rothschild expressing sympathy on death of Baron Louis de Rothschild.
File AU.66: Austria. Austrian-German Property Claim. 1953
Old Folder Number:C.20.031.1
Correpondence on the Austro-German agreement dealing with property claims and losses of gold and currency by Austrian Jewish victims.
File AU.67: Austria. Austrian Restitution Legislation – Restoration of Firm Names. 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 7
Copies of legislation and correspondence related to efforts to restore commercial property to original owners and reinstate the original names of the firms.
Austria. Austrian Restitution Legislation – Restoration of Firm Names. 1946-1948
File AU.68: Austria. Austrian Shillings for PICRO, Salzburg. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.902
Discussion on division of payments between the JDC & the Jewish Agency for Palestine – each recieved 50%; expenses incurred to be paid to PICRO.
File AU.69: Austria. Austrian Successor Organization Heirless Property 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 1.2
Correspondence relating to nationality, restitution fund, heirless property, restitution law, conversations with members of the Austrian government, Austrian Successor Law, rumours and the Austrian Peace Treaty.
Austria. Austrian Successor Organization Heirless Property 1947-1949
File AU.70: Austria. Austrian Successor Organization Heirless Property 1949
Old Folder Number: 1.3
Correspondence relating to heirless property, Austrian Successor Organization, meeting of the Four Organizations, restitution, Austrian Peace Treaty, proposed amendments to the restitution law and Austrian Restitution Fund.
Austria. Austrian Successor Organization Heirless Property 1949
File AU.71: Austria. Austrian Successor Organization Heirless Property 1950
Old Folder Number: 1.4
Correspondence relating to heirless property, change to the restitution law including opposition to the return of property to the victims, Austrian treaty and the Successorship Law, a restitution fund and the status of restitution
Austria. Austrian Successor Organization Heirless Property 1950
File AU.72: Austria. Bindermichl Camp, Linz. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.803
Extensive correspondence on matters of concern in the camp; among them are the retaining of the director and not rassigning him to another post; concern that JDC staff members were required to work on the Sabbath.
File AU.73: Austria. Cables to Dr. Nahum Goldmann. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Cables and other correspondence for Dr. Goldmann pertaining to restitution negotiations with Austria.
File AU.74: Austria. Cables from Saul Kagan. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number:1.3
Cables relaying information on status of Restitution negotiations, attempt to break deadlock and restart dialogue.
File AU.75: Austria. Cables to Saul Kagan. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1.2
Detailed communications on status of restitution negotiations with Austria.
File AU.76: Austria. Camp Ebelsburg. 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: C.20.014
Correspondence regarding Ebelsberg camp including poor living conditions, lack of food, patients constantly hungry, no one cares for the families of patients and Jewish refugee invalids calling for a hunger strike.
File AU.77: Austria. Camp Hallein, Austria, United States Zone. 1948, 1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.044
Correspondence regarding Hallein camp including VIP visitors complaints about overcrowding and conditons in the barracks, IRO giving the camp priority consideration, influx of Romanian and orthodox refugees, a letter in German from Simon Wiesenthal describing the antisemitic behavior of Camp Hallein Austrian administrator and a report on the closing of Camp Hallein, 1954.
Austria. Camp Hallein, Austria, United States Zone. 1948, 1952, 1954
File AU.78: Austria. Camp Reports 1947
Old Folder Number: Med.86
Correspondence regarding: report on medical services in camps by UNRRA; medical reports and statistics on Tyler camp, Wegscheid, camp 231, Steyr, Reithoffer center, camp 1001, Wels; lists of medical personnel; nursing reports on the camps; statistical report of the medical activities in Viennese Refugee camps.
File AU.79: Austria. CARE. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.050
Request from CARE to JDC to direct 30 food packages donated to CARE with the stipulation that they be distributed through the JDC.
File AU.80: Austria. Central Committee Upper Austria. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number:C.20.006
Correspondence regarding the disagreement between the JDC & the Jewish Central Committee Upper Austria which represents 22,000 Jewish refugees in the American Zone.
File AU.81: Austria. Chaim Rozenberg – Complaints. 1947-1948, 1951
Old Folder Number:C.20.061
Corresondence dealing with response to complaints by Chaim Rosenberg.
File AU.82: Austria. Child Care. 1947, 1950
Old Folder Number: C.20.007
Correspondence concerning child care including projects, repatriation of children, supplementary food; JDC food imports to Austria, Germany and Italy.
File AU.83: Austria. Claims Conference Documents. 1953
Old Folder Number: 6
Two memoranda connected with negotiations with the Austrian Government.
File AU.84: Austria. Claims of Leopold Fiala 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 1
Correspondence regarding claims of Leopold Fiala to the JDC regarding non-honouring of payment by the Laenderbank and the agreement of the JDC to pay for half the amount owing.
File AU.85: Austria. Clothing Distribution. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number:C.20.008.BIS
Clothing provided for distribution to DPs and members of the Jewish community in Vienna and inadequate contribution of SOS clothing.
File AU.86: Austria. Clothing Factory, Mr. Arthur Weihs, Vienna. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.001
Correspondence concerning the proposal of Arthur Weihs of New York who formerly owned a clothing factory in Vienna; he reports that much of the machinery is in tact and he proposes renting the factory to the JDC to manufacture coats or to contract out the manufacture of coats; his brother-in-law currently a JDC employee in Bratislava can assist in readying the factory.
File AU.87: Austria. Clothing Position. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.010.1
Clothing inventory including countries listed: Austria, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland & Romania.
File AU.88: Austria. Clothing Requisition for Workers. 1948
Old Folder Number:C.20.010
Request for an additional allotment of clothing for workers
File AU.89: Austria. Clothing for Romanian Jews in Austria. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.009
Correspondence concerning the needs of Romanian Jews who were ‘infiltrating’ into Austria; their large numbers exhausted clothing reserves additional shipments due to arrive shortly in time for winter distribution.
File AU.90: Austria. Comite Israelite Bregenz. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.055.1
Correspondence regarding the election of a new committee of the Jewish community of Bregenz including results and congratulatory letter to the newly elected officials and a letter stating that the request for increased food rations for Bregenz could not be granted as the food supply there is no worse in comparison to other locations
File AU.91: Austria. Communications with Home Countries 1947
Old Folder Number: 14
Correspondence regarding enquiries in Poland for restitution of property.
File AU.92: Austria. Complaints, Camp Bindermichel. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.803.1
Follow-up correspondence on complaints that were received by Landsmanschaften on the conditions of their fellow townspeople in JDC supervised DP camps.
File AU.93: Austria. Complaints from Jonas Reisman, Linz. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.804
Correspondence on a complaint over discrimination against Betar in the Enns DP camp; complaint sent to the German Jewish newspaper, der Aufbau and the Yiddish newspaper the Day; discussion on how the complaint was to be dealt with.
File AU.94: Austria. Correspondence with United States Forces in Austria. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.020
Letter from the Headquarters of the United States Forces in Austria to JDC Vienna requesting information on policies and plans of JDC on immigration of DPs to US or Israel and the detailed reply including amount of food subisidy provided by JDC to DPs.
Austria. Correspondence with United States Forces in Austria. 1948
File AU.95: Austria. Die Oesterreichischen Opferfuersorgegesetze und die Rassisch Verfolgten
Old Folder Number: 2
Material relating to financial assistance for victims.
Austria. Die Oesterreichischen Opferfuersorgegesetze und die Rassisch Verfolgten
File AU.96: Austria. Documents Sent Out. 1953
Old Folder Number: 19
Memoranda, correspondence and other documents sent out by the members of the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria to officials in the Austrian government and other interested parties.
File AU.97: Austria. DPs Contribution to Jewish Agency 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.001
Correspondence dealing with a DP group of Orthodox Jews, the “Sheerith Hapleita” in Austria, who want to donate one month of AJDC food rations for Israel; list of food not taken; food itself not tranferrable.
File AU.99: Austria. Dr. Otto Wagner 1948
File AU.100: Austria. Educational, Cultural & Religious. 1947, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: C.20.011
Report on the JDC Educational & Cultural Deptartment activities from December 1946 to March 1947 and correspondence regarding fund raising, students and the needs of the Vienna Orthodox community.
File AU.101: Austria. Elections of the Vienna Jewish Community. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.059
Correspondence discussing the 1948 elections of the Vienna Kultusgemeinde including an analysis of the 1948 election.
Austria. Elections of the Vienna Jewish Community. 1947-1948
File AU.102: Austria. Emigration from Hungary. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.002
Letter discusses request of people referred by the Budapest JDC office for air transport to the United States.
File AU.103: Austria: Employment of Jewish DPs. 1946, 1948, 1952
Old Folder Number: C.20.012
Correspondence regarding employment of Jewish DPs including the consequences of the Austrian Compulsory Work Law on Jewish refugees, special skills of DPs to be considered before assigning them work and the State Department’s list of categories exempt for labor under the Austrian labor laws.
File AU.104: Austria. Facilities in Austria. 1954
Old Folder Number: 5
Austrian Government demand that voluntary agencies dealing with migration of refugees register with government authorities.
File AU.105: Austria. Food Rations. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.046
Correspondence focusing on food issues in Austrian DP camps; amount of calories discussed; IRO responsiblity in food distribution; chart of Austrian Ration Issue.
File AU.105: Austria. Food Rations. 1948-1949
File AU.106: Austria. French Francs. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.053
Correspondence on transfer of French francs and military francs; already receive British military pounds from paymaster in Vienna.
File AU.107: Austria. French Zone. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.24.000
Discussion on the role of JDC in providing maintence for Jewish residents in DP camps in French Zone.
File AU.108: Austria General 1948
Old Folder Number: Med.86.2
General correspondence regarding medical matters including: tuberculosis, syphilis, smallpox, inventory, report on the British Zone, clinics, sanitoriums, nursing situation, rehabilitation, supplies, refresher course for doctors, dental issues, Hallein camp, OSE Children’s colony.
File AU.109: Austria: General. 1948, 1950-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.000
Extensive correspondence on lefts of former POWs and inmates of concentration camps; problem of Antisemitism in Austria; report of situation of Jews in Salzburg area, DP camps Asten & Glasenbach; various lists of visitors to the Vienna office.
File AU.110: Austria. General Cables (Incoming). 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1.4
Incoming cables relaying information on status of restitution negotiations.
File AU.111: Austria. General Cables (Outgoing). 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1
Cables related to Austrian restitution claims negotiations; communications between members of the Committee on Austrian Claims.
File AU.112: Austria. General I. Communicable Diseases and Tuberculosis Control 1948-1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: Med.252
Tuberculosis survey on Jewish DPs in Austria, November 14-December 4 1947. Tuberculosis patients. Offer of Norway Relief committee to pre-tuberculosis children to stay in Norway. Individual cases. Labour Zionist Committee plan in Switzerland. Pages restricted.
Austria. General I. Communicable Diseases and Tuberculosis Control 1948-1951, 1953-1954
File AU.113: Austria. Medical Supplies 1949-50, 1954
File AU.114: Austria. General II. Mental Hygiene 1949, 1951, 1954
Old Folder Number: Med.253
Psychiatric cases and institutes. Individual cases. A report on the situation detailing patients histories.
File AU.115: Austria. General Miscellaneous Correspondence. 1947, 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: Med.154.4
General miscellaneous correspondence relating to the booklet Dein Kind, Ebelsberg DP camp, Medical Bulletin and health activities, Dr. Molnar’s trip to Austria.
Austria. General Miscellaneous Correspondence. 1947, 1949-1953
File AU.116: Austria.Old Age Care, Homes & Jewish Hospitals Vienna 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: Med.254.3
Report on the Jewish hospital in Vienna.
Austria.Old Age Care, Homes & Jewish Hospitals Vienna 1952-1954
File AU.117: Austria. Resettlement in Israel 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: Med.254.2
Hard core cases resettlement in Israel including to MALBEN facilities. Individual cases.
File AU.118: Austria. Social Work 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: Med.254.1
Medical social work and individual cases
File AU.119: Austria Special Project Mass Examination 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: Med.254
Report on mass examination and follow-up service in Austria 1948-1949. List of medical department names.
File AU.120: Austria. General Declaration of Death Reports 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 35
Correspondence regarding: Act concerning Missing Persons, Declarations of Death and the Determination of the Time of Death; legal proof of death and related matters.
File AU.122: Austria. Heirless Property 1951
Old Folder Number: 1.5
CCorrespondence relating to Austrian rehabilitation fund, proposed amendment to the restitution law, Austrian Successor Organization and efforts to undermine restitution and heirlees property.
File AU.123: Austria. Holidays – Closing of Offices. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.015
Correspondence and discussion on complaints regarding compulsory work on the Sabbath at some of the JDC’s offices in Austria; JDC letter stating that “the JDC is in principle dedicated to the observance of Jewish religious tradition” and claims that this is set aside in case of emergencies.
File AU.124: Austria. Holidays – Special Food. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.016
CCable requesting transfer of $20,000 expenditure for special holiday food.
File AU.125: Austria. IRO Infiltrees in Austria 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 11
Correspondence regarding: infiltrees into Austria and problems over responsibility for them between the JDC, UNRRA and IRO, health care, sanitation, maintenance, overcrowding and supplies. Rumanian refugees in Austria.
File AU.126: Austria. IRO Miscellaneous 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 12
Correspondence relating to the Austrian Government’s refusal to contribute to the IRO for DP camps maintenance and the subsequent situation in the camps.
File AU.127: Austria. James Rice Files 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 2
General correspondence regarding: responsibility for refugees including payment/reimbursement, emigration, repatriation, supplies, relations with the IRO, Israel movement through Austria to Italy, summer camps programme, DP camps and the IRO freeze order in the camps.
File AU.128: Austria. James Rice Files 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 2.1
General correspondence regarding: refugees in Hohenems, Zionist affiliation, supplies, clothing and responsibility, tuberculosis cases for Switzerland and hard core cases, emigration, individual cases, repatriation, Hallein DP camp.
File AU.129: Austria. James Rice Files 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 2.2
General correspondence including: individual cases, responsibility and cost for refugees, emigration, Hallein and Asten camps, hard core cases, High Commissioner’s visit to camp, inter-agency cooperation, report on the raid in Austen camp on the Jewish section.
File AU.130: Austria. Jewish Community, Kultus Gemeinde, Vienna & Salzburg. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.22.004
Correspondence regarding insurance, travel arrangements, visits to DP camps and other general correspondence.
Austria. Jewish Community, Kultus Gemeinde, Vienna & Salzburg. 1947-1948
File AU.131: Austria. Jewish Labor Committee. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.048
Response to letter received from Executive Secretary of the Jewish Labor Committee complaining about the conditions prevailing in DP camps in Austria and the role of the JDC regarding food distribution in the camps.
File AU.132: Austria. Jewish Population. 1946-1947, 1950
Old Folder Number: C.20.018
Correspondence regarding the Jewish population including meeting with the Chancellor of Austria, Leopold Figl, the rehabilitation of Austria’s indigenous Jews, restitution, a revival of antisemitism in Austria and other matters.
File AU.133: Austria. Jewish Students. 1947-1949, 1951, 1953
Old Folder Number: C.20.035
Correspondence regarding students including assistance in lodging, food, clothing, tuition, breakdown in studies and intended emigration and thank you letters to the JDC.
File AU.134: Austria. Judische Nachrichten – Vienna Jewish News. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.005
Letter recommending that the JDC be placed on the mailing list of the Vienna Jewish newspaper as it contains valuable information.
File AU.135: Austria. Kosher Food – Children’s Homes. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.019
Correpondence regarding the supply of kosher and non-kosher food by the JDC including refunds to the JDC for the extra cost of kosher food, JDC opposition to the plan of Agudas Israel to distribute food and corespondence between JDC and Agudas Israel World Organization about providing kosher meat to children’s homes in St. Wolfgang, Salzburg & Bad Gastein.
File AU.136: Austria. Labor Zionist Relief & Rehabilitation Fund Committee. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.049
Corrrespondence concerning a request for a monthly grant of $8,000 to the Labor Zionist Relief and Rehabilitation Fund and St. Wolfgang children’s home with 60 unaccompanied children.
Austria. Labor Zionist Relief & Rehabilitation Fund Committee. 1947
File AU.137: Austria. Laenderbank Claims 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 1
Correspondence regarding Viennese claimants seeking money from the JDC after their cheques were not honoured by the Laenderbank and the JDC agreed to pay for half the amount owing. Includes a breakdown on the situation of claimants.
File AU.138: Austria. Lawyers 1949
Old Folder Number: 9
Lists of Jewish lawyers in Vienna and one letter regarding a lawyer.
File AU.139: Austria. List of Austrian Jews Residing in Vienna During the Occupation. 1945
Old Folder Number: 2
List containing names, date of birth, place of birth and present address for Austrian Jews residing in Vienna during the occupation.
Austria. List of Austrian Jews Residing in Vienna During the Occupation. 1945
File AU.140: Austria. List of Austrian Jews Returned from Various Concentration Camps to Vienna
Old Folder Number: 3
List of Austrian Jews who returned to Vienna from concentration camps. It includes name, date of birth, place of birth, address in Vienna.
Austria. List of Austrian Jews Returned from Various Concentration Camps to Vienna
File AU.141: Austria. List of Survivors No. 73 – Jews of Austrian Nationality Who Arrived in Sweden
Old Folder Number: 14
List of Jews of Austrian Nationality who arrived in Sweden..
Austria. List of Survivors No. 73 – Jews of Austrian Nationality Who Arrived in Sweden
File AU.142: Austria. Loan from the Austrian Government. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.052
Correspondence regarding reports concerning the state of the Jewish community in Austria including Vienna and its financial requirements in order to provide vital services to its members and a proposal from Harold Trobe that the Austrian government lend the Jewish community 25 million schillings.
File AU.143: Austria. Loans to Austrian Jews in Shanghai. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.043
Discussion on loans given to Jews from Vienna while in Shanghai from the JDC office in Shanghai and who are now living in Austria; includes blank loan application form from Shanghai along with promissory note attachment.
File AU.144: Austria. Mass Examination Reports 1947
Old Folder Number: Med.86.1
Tuberculosis Survey on Jewish DPs in Austria, November 14-December 4 1947; Purpose of Mass Examinations as understood by the personnel in the Linz area.
File AU.145: Austria. Mass Examination 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: Med.207
Correspondence regarding medical issues including examinations, TB, mass examinations in Saalfelden, Puch and Vienna DP camps and problems encountered and discussions on salary.
File AU.146: Austria. Mausoleum in Palestine for Jews Killed in Concentration Camps. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.057
Two leters from March 8, 1948 discussing request for funding for the construction of a mausoleum in Eretz Yisrael from Selfaid of the Jewish Former Concentration Camp Inmates in Upper Austria; contains important description of the 45 concentration camps in Austria.
Austria. Mausoleum in Palestine for Jews Killed in Concentration Camps. 1948
File AU.147: Austria. Medical 1947-1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.021
Correspondence regarding medical conditions in Austria including reports on medical programmes, children’s homes, TB patients, field visits, supplies and other correspondence.
File AU.148: Austria. Medical Bulletin 1947-1948
File AU.149: Austria. Medical Bulletins 1948-1950
File AU.150: Austria. Medical Social Workers 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: Med.202
Correspondence regarding medical social work, mass examinations, rehabilitation centre, Ebelsberg camp, reports including field, monthly and general, orientation, evaluations
File AU.151: Austria. Memoranda of Meetings and Conversations – Seymour J. Rubin. 1954
Old Folder Number: 7
Summaries of meetings and conversations between Seymour J. Rubin and Austrian officials and members of the Joint Executive Board of the Committee for Jewish Claims against Austria.
Austria. Memoranda of Meetings and Conversations – Seymour J. Rubin. 1954
File AU.152: Austria: Milk Consignment, Linz. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.805
Letter to Moses Levine describing the consignment of milk to Linz, Austria.
File AU.153: Austria. Minutes of Meetings 1953
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Correspondence relating to minutes of meetings regarding heirless property, restitution, legislation, negotiations with the Austrian government and the Austrian government’s reponsibilities.
File AU.154: Austria. Minutes of Meetings 1954
Old Folder Number: 2.2
Correspondence relating to meetings held with various members of the Austrian Government, Jewish organizations regarding restitution, heirless property and legislative matters and the Austrian Government’s response.
File AU.155: Austria. Miscellaneous 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: Misc.240
Correspondence regarding: a memorandum for possible inclusion in treaty with Austria; JDC/IRO agreement; gold train; Haganah enlistment and problems with this; relief as loans; the per diem cut for staff in the American Zone; emigration and other problems.
File AU.156: Austria. Miscellaneous Conversations with Interested Parties. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 18
Memoranda and summaries of conversations and meetings between interested parties involved in the negotiations over Jewish material claims against Austria.
Austria. Miscellaneous Conversations with Interested Parties. 1953-1954
File AU.157: Austria Economic Cooperation Administration Activities 1948
Old Folder Number: Med.4.2
Economic cooperation activities.
File AU.159: Austria. Miscellaneous. Rehabilitation Centre Ebelsberg 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: Med.4.3
Correspondence regarding Ebelsberg rehabilitation centre, the situation, and food menus
Austria. Miscellaneous. Rehabilitation Centre Ebelsberg 1949-1950
File AU.160: Austria. Miscellaneous Reports 1948
Old Folder Number: Med.8.2
Reports on: infectious diseases in Austria, treatment of syphilis, monthly reports, statistic report, ration scales for supplementary food distribution.
File AU.162: Austria. Motion Picture Company Report. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.008
Correpondence concerning proposal by Herbert Erlanger of the Motion Picture Export Company to have JDC use the Austrian currency that they had accumulated and pay them in dollars.
File AU.164: Austria. Mr. & Mrs. Kornreich 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: Misc.386
Emigration to various countries. Arrest of the Kornreich family in France and the imprisonment of Mr. Kornreich in Austria
File AU.166: Austria. Nationality Laws and Amendment 1947
Old Folder Number: 13
Correspondence regarding nationality laws and who is eligible.
File AU.167: Austria. The New Refugees. 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: C.22.007
Correspondence on refugees who came to Austria fleeing from communist rule in Hungary and Czechoslovakia including the JDC’s role in providing for their needs and case histories of the refugees.
File AU.168: Austria. Office of General Counsel – 1953 (#3)
Old Folder Number: 5
Correspondence, cables and summaries of meetings of the Jewish Executive Board related to negotiations with the Austrian Government for Restitution of Property and Heirless Property Claims.
File AU.169: Austria. Office of General Counsel May-August 1953
Old Folder Number: 7.2
Memoranda and background material in connection with restitution negotiations with the Austrian government. Extract of agreement between the Austrian People’s Party and the Wahlpartei der Unabhaengigen on how to meet future claims of World Jewry against the Austrian Government June 1953.
File AU.170: Austria. Office of General Counsel September 1953
Old Folder Number: 7.3
Restitution Negotiations with the Austrian Government
File AU.171: Austria. Office of General Counsel October 1953
Old Folder Number: 7.4
Restitution Negotiations with the Austrian Government.
File AU.172: Austria. Orthodox Rabbis. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.063
Complaint concerning actions of a small group of Orthodox rabbis who prevented programs to take place close to the 9th of Av.
File AU.173: Austria. Outgoing Cables January-June 1947
Old Folder Number: 5
Outgoing cables on supplies, insurance, living cost allowance, programmes and activities and other general correspondence.
File AU.174: Austria. Outgoing Cables June-August 1947
Old Folder Number: 5.1
Cables regarding supplies, medical issues, legal correspondence, tri-country conference and other general correspondence.
File AU.175: Austria. Outgoing Cables August-November 1947
Old Folder Number: 5.2
Cables regarding supplies, legal correspondence, medical issues, children’s emigration, insurance, public relations and other general correspondence.
File AU.176: Austria. Outgoing Cables 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 5.3
Cables regarding supplies, legal matters, children’s emigration, medical issues, insurance, public relations and other general correspondence
File AU.177: Austria. Passover Supplies. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.047
Correspondence on Passover supplies including food supplied by the JDC, list of items needed for Passover, rations and difficulties in getting the supplies on time.
File AU.178: Austria. Payment of Savings to Emigrating Refugees. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.023
Correspondence regarding payment of savings in dollars by Austrian government to emigrating refugees and the proposal to deposit foreign currency with the Finance Ministry.
Austria. Payment of Savings to Emigrating Refugees. 1947-1948
File AU.179: Austria. Peace Treaty AU/102. 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: 1
Correspondence and memorandum connected with treaty negotiations with Austria and inclusion of compensation claims; drafts of treaty and final version.
File AU.180: Austria. Persons Entering American Sector of Vienna. 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.064
Contains one-page survey of displaced persons who entered the American Zone of Austria and the American Sector of Vienna between Dec. 22, 1945 & April 21, 1947 – numbers of Poles, Hungarians, Roumanians & Others; includes Jews & non-Jews, note in letter states “the Consulate has no statistics on the number of Jews specifically who have registered.”
Austria. Persons Entering American Sector of Vienna. 1945-1948
File AU.181: Austria. Personnel – Living Cost Allowance 1947, 1949-1950, 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: C.20.024
Correspondence regarding administrative costs, approved list of living cost allowance for employees in the various occupation zones of Austria, living cost allowance in Germany and Italy and clothing allowance.
Austria. Personnel – Living Cost Allowance 1947, 1949-1950, 1952-1953
File AU.182: Austria. Personnel – Medical Staff. 1947, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.025
Correspondence regarding additonal medical personnel – names of prospective physicans to hire mentioned – Drs. Kohlman, Weissman, Landes, Wolken, & Kaplan.
File AU.183: Austria. Polish Jews. 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.027
Question on whether to ship files containing lists of about 70,000 Polish Jews who passed through Bratislava on their way to Vienna and a report that JDC pays for 100 kilos of luggage per immigrant.
File AU.184: Austria. Programs. 1947-1952
Old Folder Number: C.20.026
Correspondence regarding budgets, monthly reports, tables showing population, funds, expenditure and other general correspondence.
File AU.185: Austria. Refugees & Transients. 1947-1949, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.017
Correspondence on food supplies, Romanian Jewish refugees, complaints that some offices were open on Jewish holidays, closure of Rothschild hospital and the opposition to that, conditions of refugees, relations with the US military and the IRO and other matters.
File AU.186: Austria. Reinstatement of Civil Servants 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 11
Correspondence regarding reinstatement of civil servants including matters of pensions for former Jewish civil servants at home and abroad.
File AU.187: Austria. Reparations Bill. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.029
Copies of 2 cables containing only last names mention pending reparations bill.
File AU.188: Austria. Reports. 1946-1949, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.030
Correspondence on supplies, requests, expenditure, reports, information on the pre-war Vienna Jewish community, population distribution and other general correspondence.
File AU.189: Austria. Reports. 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 6
Report of Austrian Institute for economic research; parliamentary reports
File AU.190: Austria: Report on Activities, Linz. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.806
Report covering activities from February 2 to March 4 discusses what took place – students studying at Hallein Unvieristy, concerts & performaces, theatre, Purim, books & newspapers, school supplies, educational & vocational training & budget.
File AU.191: Austria. Report on Jewish Heirless Assets in Austria 1952
Old Folder Number: 11
Report on Jewish Heirless Assets in Austria
File AU.192: Austria. Reports on Relief Activities – Vienna Area. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.011
Report for the month of January 1947 sent from Vienna AJDC office to AJDC office in Paris. 1947
File AU.193: Austria. Reports, Salzburg. 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.901
Very detailed report on activites of the JDC in the Salzburg area from February 1946 to December 1946 includling DP camps, movement of population, antisemitism, etc.
File AU.194: Austria. Report on Supply Conditions. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.037.1
Five page report detailing condition of supplies housed in various warehouses in Austria – items covered include new & used clothing, food, medical supplies, warehouse condtions and distribuiton.
File AU.195: Austria. Request for Religious Supplies. 1948, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.602
Letter sent to Habonim congregation in New York from the Graz Kultusgemeinde requesting religious supplies; request directed to JDC representative in Graz; list of items supplied from the JDC Cultural & Educational Deptartment; request and approved allocations..
File AU.196: Austria. Research Department Reports 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: Med.8
Reports on Austria from 1946-1949 detailing: displaced persons, Jewish community in Vienna, AJDC Austria, DP camps, supplies, general, medical and financial reports, JDC activities in Salzburg.
File AU.197: Austria. Restitution. 1947
File AU.198: Austria. Austrian Restitution Cuttings 1945-1949, 1951
Old Folder Number: 32
Newspaper bulletins on Austrian restitution matters, relations with the Austrian government and antisemitism.
File AU.199: Austria. Restitution and Compensation Legislation in Austria 1949
Old Folder Number: 1
Report on the Restitution and Compensation Legislation by Nehemiah Robinson. A survey of enactments.
Austria. Restitution and Compensation Legislation in Austria 1949
File AU.201: Austria. First Restitution Law Practice
File AU.202: Austria. 2nd Restitution Law 1951
Old Folder Number: 12
Correspondence regarding the 2nd Restitution Law and statistics on the programme of restitution in Austria.
File AU.203: Austria. Third Restitution Law 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 2
Materials relating to the 3rd Restitution Law including Jewish property, time limits, declaration of death and statistics.
File AU.204: Austria. Third Restitution Law 1950
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Material regarding the restitution law including time limits, heirless property, reparations for Jews, amendments to the law, use of heirless Jewish property for former Austrian Nazis.
File AU.205: Austria. Third Restitution Law 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 2.2
Material regarding the restitution law including resolution adopted by the Jewish community Vienna on use of heirless Jewish property for former Austrian Nazis and reports on the deteriorating situation vis a vis restitution in Austria.
File AU.206: Austria. 4th Restitution Law Draft Legislation 1947
Old Folder Number: 14
Correspondence regarding the fourth restitution law.
File AU.207: Austria. Restitution, Miscellaneous Individual Claims 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 30
Correspondence regarding: cases of restitution claims in Vienna. 1st case of a woodwork factory and its donation to the JDC by Paul S. Lourie. 2nd case is of a private home by Mrs. Berta Prochnik.
Austria. Restitution, Miscellaneous Individual Claims 1947-1949
File AU.208: Austria. Austrian Restitution, Miscellaneous, Summaries and Forms 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 34
Correspondence regarding: Jewish population and property; restitution law and relating matters; AJDC programme in Austria including medical report, geographical zones and Jewish population.
Austria. Austrian Restitution, Miscellaneous, Summaries and Forms 1947-1949
File AU.209: Austria. Restitution of Property and Committee on Jewish Claims 1947-1953.
Old Folder Number: C.20.031
Correspondence regarding Jewish restitution with many top government and military officials, inventories of looted property found in possession of SS members (with names), discussion of various post-war citizenship laws and reports on negotiations with the Austrian government.
Austria. Restitution of Property and Committee on Jewish Claims 1947-1953.
File AU.210: Austria. Restitution of Property and Committee on Jewish Claims 1954
Correspondence regarding Jewish restitution, post-war citizenship laws and difficulties with the Austrian government.
Austria. Restitution of Property and Committee on Jewish Claims 1954
File AU.211: Austria. Saul Kagan Correspondence October-December 1952
File AU.212: Austria. Saul Kagan Correspondence January-June 1953
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Memo on restitution claims against Austria, February 1953.Draft agreement between Austrian Jewish Communities and theConference of Jewish Material Claims against Austria, April 1953. Composition of Austrian delegation, May 1953.Pensions to former Nazis, May 1953.
File AU.213: Austria. Saul Kagan Correspondence July-September 1953
Old Folder Number: 3.2
Memoranda on negotiations on restitution with Austrian Government.
File AU.214: Austria. Saul Kagan Correspondence October 1953
Old Folder Number: 3.3
Memoranda on restitution negotations with Austrian Government.
File AU.215: Austria. Saul Kagan Correspondence November-December 1953
Old Folder Number: 3.4
Memoranda on negotiations with the Austrian Government on restitution.
File AU.216: Austria. Saul Kagan Correspondence January-October 1954
Old Folder Number: 3.5
Memoranda on restitution negotiations with Austrian Government. Memorandum regarding pensions under the Austrian Social Insurance Scheme April 1954.
File AU.217: Austria. Sewing Machines, Vienna. 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: C.22.012
Discussion about 217 sewing machines found hidden in northeastern Austira now in the Soviet occupation zone that were collected from many sources; confiscation was feared and the custodian of these machines worked out an agreement for them to be turned over for the use of DPs. Extensive discussion on ownership and legality of their use.
File AU.218: Austria. Schilling Loan 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Correspondence relating to the Austrian government’s loan to the Jewish community with restrictions, the community’s response, heirless property fund and amendment proposals to the restitution law.
File AU.219: Austria. Shilton Betar Re. “Open Letter.” 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.033
Collected working documents.
File AU.200: Austria. Restitution to Former Nazis. 1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.031.2
Correspondence on the proposed law to restore pension lefts and property confiscated from former Nazis, the unanimous rejection by the Allied Council for Austria and minutes of Council meeting.
File AU.220: Austria. Shipments via Trieste. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.054
Correspondence on using Trieste instead of Germany as a shipping port for supplies to Austria.
File AU.222: Austria. Statistical Census of DPs 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.034
Population breakdown by numbers in Bindermichl DP camp
File AU.223: Austria. Statistical Notes on the State of Public Health in the British Zone in Austria 1946
Old Folder Number: Med.87
Statistical Notes on the State of Public Health in the British Zone in Austria 1946
Austria. Statistical Notes on the State of Public Health in the British Zone in Austria 1946
File AU.226: Austria. Supplies 1948
Old Folder Number: O.104
Tables of religious, cultural and educational supplies; countries of emigration destinations; and population figures.
File AU.233: Austria. University of Graz. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.601
Discusses exhumation of corpses – no names of deceased individuals given.
File AU.235: Austria. Various Countries 1945
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence regarding situation immediately after the end of the war in Italy, entry permit to Austria, aid to survivors of Klagenfurt camp, summary report of visit to Austria including situation of survivors from various concentration camps.
File AU.236: Austria. Various Legal Aid 1949-1951
Old Folder Number: 10
Correspondence regarding legal matters in Austria: declaration of assets; Extraordinary Property Tax; request by Austrian Bank Pensioners Society to transfer funds and civil proceedings against the Vienna Kultusgemeinde.
File AU.225: Austria. Supplies 1946-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.20.036
Supplies including food, clothing, vehicles, work materials and cigarettes. Where to obtain food, how to pay for, transport and distribute. Matter of kosher food.
File AU.227: Austria. Supplies 1949
File AU.228: Austria. Supplies from Yugoslavia. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.036.2
JDC Vienna purchased 30 railroad carloads of eggs from Yugoslavia; discussion on whether further purchases should be considered.
File AU.229: Austria. Synagogue Reconstruction. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.038
Question raised on location of synagogue for which 400,000 schilings had been allocated.
File AU.230: Austria. Torah Dedication, Linz. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.807
Correspondence describing the dedication of a Torah scroll provided by the JDC.
File AU.231: Austria. Transportation of Children to Switzerland. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.056
Correspondence on who bears the financial responsibility for the transfer of Jewish children from Austria to a children’s home in Adelboden, Switzerland.
Austria. Transportation of Children to Switzerland. 1948-1949
File AU.232: Austria. United States Repatriates. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.039
Discussion on repatriates to Austria who came from the United States
File AU.234: Austria. Unser Ziel. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.808
Letter stating that two copies of the newspaper Unser Ziel have been sent to M. Beckelman in Paris.
File AU.237: Austria. Vienna 1948 (1 of 2)
Old Folder Number: 4
General correspondence regarding: supplies, reports, Jewish Labour Committee, medical supplies, legal issues, medical issues and treatments, public relations tours and issues, property and possessions matters, complaints, insurance and general correspondence.
File AU.239: Austria. Vienna 1948-1949 (1 of 2)
Old Folder Number: 4.3
General correspondence including: supplies; programmes; shipping tickets; warehouses; purchase requests; shipments; food requirements and supply claims.
File AU.238: Austria. Vienna 1948 (2 of 2)
Old Folder Number: 4.2
General correspondence including: supplies; shipping tickets and shipments to Austria; subscriptions; food requirements report; warehouse inventory reports and commodity prices.
File AU.240: Austria. Vienna 1948-1949 (2 of 2)
Old Folder Number: 4.1
General correspondence including: policies on medical care; public relations morale tours and other matters; supplies; restitution, law and insurance; summer camp programme and educational activities; loans, costs and reports.
File AU.241: Austria. Vienna, Karaganda Group. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.22.006
List of 69 German Jews who were interred in Karaganda Siberian Camp and were repatriated to Berlin.
File AU.242: Austria. Warehouses. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.058
Reports on inventories in the JDC warehouses in Vienna.
File AU.243: Austria. Wilhelm Krauss – Complaints. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.060
Series of letters of complaint about JDC in Vienna from Wilhelm Krauss who returned to Vienna from Shanghai; file also has correspondence dealing with the resettlement of Shanghai refugees in Australia.
File AU.244: Austria. Works Project. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.040
Correspondence on projects for DPs including supplies needed, drama groups, reports on projects in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany and Romania and progress reports.
File AU.245: Austria. World Jewish Congress Children’s Program. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.042
Letter to country directors asking for arrangements with the World Jewish Congress taking over their program of child care.
File AU.246: Austria. Yeshivah Szombathely. 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.041
Request to establish a special camp for students of this Yeshivah and other similar groups that may arrive in Austria; response was that the group was expected to be relocated in Germany so no action was taken.
File AU.260: Austria: Non-Monetary Gold. 1949
Old Folder Number: 1163.6
Discussion of the disposition of gold and diamonds in Austria;
File AU.270: Austria: Austria Credit Cooperative 1951-1951
Old Folder Number: 2.2
File AU.271: Austria: Austria Credit Cooperative 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 2.1
File AU.272: Austria: Austria Credit Cooperative Printed Matters 1949-1951
Old Folder Number: 3
Austria: Austria Credit Cooperative Printed Matters 1949-1951
File AU.273: Austria: Austrian Operations 1951-1953
File AU.274: Austria: Austrian Restitution Varia 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 13
File AU.275: Austria: Correspondence with Governmental Agencies and Israelitische Kultusgemeinde 1953-1954
File AU.276: Austria: Fiala, Leopold Claim 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 17
File AU.277: Austria: Individual Claims Organisation – Austria (Restitution of Property) 1947-48
Old Folder Number: 10
Austria: Individual Claims Organisation – Austria (Restitution of Property) 1947-48
File AU.278: Austria: Leitfaden der modernen medikamentoesen Therapie in Tabellenform 1950-1950
Old Folder Number: 29
Austria: Leitfaden der modernen medikamentoesen Therapie in Tabellenform 1950-1950
File AU.279: Austria: Linz, Jewish Central Committee 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 33
File AU.280: Austria: Medical Litterature, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 13
File AU.281: Austria: Memoranda Saul Kagan to Executive Board Members 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3
Austria: Memoranda Saul Kagan to Executive Board Members 1953-1954
File AU.282: Austria: Reconstruction 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 1
File AU.283: Austria: Rehabilitation Austria 1948-1948
Old Folder Number: Med 99
File AU.284: Austria: Restitution 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 2
File AU.285: Austria: Restitution News 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4
File AU.286: Austria: Rothenberg, A. Dr. 1946-1946
Old Folder Number: 78
File AU.287: Austria: Scholarship, Austria, Prof. Ed. + Fellowships 1949-54
Old Folder Number: Med 221
Austria: Scholarship, Austria, Prof. Ed. + Fellowships 1949-54
File AU.288: Austria: Tuberculosis among Jewish DPs in Germany, Austria and Italy 1947-1947
Old Folder Number: 64
Austria: Tuberculosis among Jewish DPs in Germany, Austria and Italy 1947-1947
Series 4: Austria: Localities
File AU.247: Austria. Appeal for Clothing, Linz. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.802
Correspondence concerning a private appeal by a JDC nurse in Linz for religous supplies and clothing for DPs in Linz; official reaction of JDC to such private appeals reflected in correspondence.
File AU.248: Austria. Appeal for Coal, Linz. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.801
Appeal to Opeler Landsmanschaft for funds to buy coal from their townspeople in Camp Maurice Tyler, Linz, Austria; letter from JDC explaining its position that a centralized aid organization is better equipped to deal with such needs.
File AU.249: Austria. Camp Admont – British Zone. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.23.002
Discussion on Camp Admont, the only DP camp in the British Zone; it has 750 people and is “quite isolated” from any community; question concerning fate of small number of ‘Palestine certificates’ issued to them when the camp is closed and residents are moved to Belsen in Germany.
File AU.250: Austria. Camp Adoption Scheme. 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1149.4
Discussion and correspondence on idea to adopt DP camps to satisfy religious, eduational and cultural needs in the camps; problem that non-Jewish group adopted Rothschild Hospital in Vienna; question on indivudals who have no source of help; minutes of the Standing Conference of British Organisations for Aid to Refugees.
File AU.251: Austria. Field Trip Reports. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 1/NR Med 6.1
Field Trip Reports by Dr. Jacob H. Landes, July, August & September 1947, January 1948; includes medical & public health surveys with a discussion on conditions in each DP camp.
File AU.252: Austria: Field Trip Reports. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 1/NR Med. 6.3
Field Trip Reports by Dr. David Ast, DDS (1947); Dr. P. Robinson (1948); Rae A. Levine, Medical Social Consultant (1949) & Esther Lipton, Nursing Consulatant (1949); Individual reports and evaluations on the conditions of Jewish refugees with an emphasis on the medical aspect; the DP camps in the Salzburg and Linz areas are covered; file also contains blank IRO Disability Registry Card.
File AU.253: Austria. Field Trip Reports. 1947, 1949-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 1/NR Med. 6.2
Field Trip Reports by Dr. Ladislao Molnar – January 1948 report contains complete list of all JDC staff members & positions.
File AU.254: Austria. Gerlos & Gnadenwald Incident – French Zone. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.24.002
Detailed description of incident where French authorities forcibly moved group of refugees on their way to Italy to the Gnadenwald DP Camp.
File AU.255: Austria. Innsbruck General. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.20.700
Request from Jewish DPs not to close the JDC Innsbruck office.
File AU.256: Austria. Innsbruck Incident. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.701
Letter discussing a problem with a group of refugees who left Innsbruck to go to Paris where they were arrested due to negligence of the French consulate in Innsbruck and the French representative in Bregenz and the JDC exoneration in this affair.
File AU.257: Austria. Jewish Central Committee, Salzburg. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.903
Requests from Salzburg Central Committee for termination payments for those leaving Austria.
File AU.258: Austria. Jewish Community Innsbruck. 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: C.20.702
Correspondence focusing on difficulties facing the community, fund request to rebuild the synagogue and the response from the JDC and the French Occupation Forces and the possible use of a community building for Jewish students at Innsbruck Medical College.
File AU.259: Austria. Medical Innsbruck. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.20.703
Correspondence regarding food supplies and medical correspondence.
File AU.261: Austria. Reports – French Zone. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.24.001
A detailed six page general report about Jewish life in the French Zone of Austria.
File AU.262: Austria. St. Wolfgang Children’s Home. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.21.001
Complaint on the kitchen of the home not being Kosher; difficulty in obtaining Kosher meat but the home was made Kosher; correspondence from original owner of the property; home housed in his property without his knowledge.
File AU.289: Austria: Vienna — Local Field Personnel. 1948 (January-June)
Old Folder Number: 4.1
Austria: Vienna — Local Field Personnel. 1948 (January-June)
File AU.290: Austria: Vienna — Local Field Personnel. 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 4
File AU.291: Austria: Vienna — Local Field Personnel. 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 5.1
Record Group: Belgium
The Belgium Record Group is comprised of 224 folders in 15 grey boxes; about 5.5 linear feet of material that includes correspondence, audits, lists of names, and reports, organized into 4 series: Administration, Localities, Subject Matter and Organizations. JDC’s office in Brussels closed in April 1950 due to budgetary issues, and activities were transferred to Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG). This Record Group documents efforts to assist refugees in Belgium and to assist the Jewish Community of Belgium in renewing itself after the losses of the Holocaust and World War II together with an influx of refugees fleeing Eastern Europe. Especially significant in this Record Group are the many lists including: Holocaust survivors, Greek Jews in transit, repatriated political prisoners, orphans with information about the deportations of their parents, political refugees, students, people who left Belgium after 1945, scholarship recipients, rabbis and refugees from Eastern Europe. Other documents deal with the results of the war and the Holocaust, including; providing legal presumption of death and declarations of death; efforts of the Jewish Community in reconstruction; absorption and assistance to refugees, including tailors and carpenters cooperatives, a watchmaking workshop, loan kassas, schools and yeshivas, Yiddish theater, clinics, medical supplies, care of the aged and a traveling Judaica exhibit from the Royal Library of Copenhagen.
Series 1: Belgium: Administration
File BG.1: Belgium Administration Costs 1947
File BG.2: Belgium Budget 1947-1948
File BG.3: Belgium Budget 1948
File BG.4: Belgium Budget 1949
File BG.5: Belgium Budget 1950
File BG.6: Belgium Currency Accounting 1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.039
Payment of Belgian francs against Jerusalem deposit (February-March 1948)
File BG.7: Belgium Finances 1947-1948
File BG.8: Belgium General 1946-1951, 1954
Old Folder Number: 2
Report on the economic situation in Belgium April-May 1946. Reconstruction Activities. Brussels Old Age Home Program November 1949. Closing of JDC Office Belgium March 1950. Small Loan Kassa October 1951
File BG.9: Belgium General 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: MED 85
JDC Program in Belgium 1947-1948 Report No. 47 by Kate Mendel (May 1948). Expenditure & budget estimate January-June 1948.
File BG.10: Belgium General 1947-1953
Old Folder Number: MISC 241
World Jewish Congress childrens activities (1947). HISO Budget cut to Antwerp committee of 20% (December 1947). Expenses and AJDC remittance for Belgium (January- February 1948). List of Rabbis in transit includes families & details. Audit Report (September 1949). Report on activities of Brussels and Antwerp Credit Cooperatives (December 1949), AJDC-Emigration office Belgium (November 1952). Philippson Bank personnel changes (July 1953). Fundraising for Belgium (August-September 1953)
File BG.11: Belgium General 1948-1950, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.000
General correspondence. Merging of Antwerp & Brussels office. Request for financial assistance for establishment of orthodox synagogue at Schaerbeek (December 1953) Families & persons assisted (1954)
File BG.12: Belgium General Correspondence 1950
Old Folder Number: 66
List of 39 children in Anvers Home (January 1950). Comité Central israélite financial report. Disbursements. Supplies
File BG.13: Belgium Personnel Living Costs Allowance 1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.036
Policy review of cost of living allowances (February 1948)
File BG.14: Belgium Personnel 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 8
JDC Paris Booklet on Personnel Policies & Practices for Local Staff January 1949.
File BG.21: Belgium Supplies 1946-1950, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.029
Supply lists & requirements – food, clothing, equipment (1946-1950) Operation Reindeer USDA (December 1954)
File BG.22: Belgium Warehouse Brussels 1947, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: C.29.007
Equipment held in Warehouse & shipping advice. Insurance Policy. Closure of JDC Belgium Warehouse 31 March 1950
File BG.211: Belgium: Local Field Personnel. 1953
Old Folder Number: 6
Series 2: Belgium: Organizations
File BG.23: Belgium Agreement between JDC & Vaad Hahatzala 1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.038
Correspondence and notes about agreement.
File BG.24: Belgium AIVG 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: C.25.002
Report on immediate postwar situation in Belgium & organizations helping Belgian Jewish survivors & Returnees (1946) JDC relief work undertaken by AIVG July-September 1946. AIVG Activity report for 1946. Report on Belgium 1947. AIVG detailed report of assisted persons for March, June 1947. Assistance for Aged and Sick (April 1947). Budget & Financial schedules 1947-1949
File BG.25: Belgium AIVG January-June 1950
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.1
Assistance to transients without identification documents (January 1950) Procedural matters connected to closure of JDC Brussels office April 1950 and AIVG future responsibility.Resignation of Kate Mendel AJDC Brussels & Forthcoming marriage of Kate Mendel Brussels Country Director AJDC & Herbert Katzki AJDC Paris. AIVG Weekly summaries of activities (May 1950) Fund raising in Belgium (June 1950). AIVG Medical Purchases
File BG.26: Belgium AIVG July-December 1950
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.2
Medical supplies (July 1950) Meeting reports. Closure of AIVG Economat (November 1950). Reorganization of AIVG (November 1950). Transfer of Emigration Service (November 1950).
File BG.27: Belgium AIVG January-April 1951
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.3
General correspondence. Closure of Home for Aged at Linkebeek (February 1951). Report on Brussels office (February 1951). Emigrants to Israel (February-March 1951) US Embassy Brussels request for updated information on the work of the JDC in Belgium (March 1951).
File BG.28: Belgium AIVG May-December 1951
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.4
Passover distribution 1951. General office correspondence. Report on Assistance for Political Refugees. AIVG Meeting Reports. Children’s Homes Brussels. Social Service Report June 1951. Education Report (June 1951).Possible adoption of children in US (June, August 1951). ORT program & Budget (November 1951). AIVG Statistical report (October 1951).
File BG.29: Belgium AIVG January-July 1952
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.5
Report on General Situation of Jews in Belgium January 1952. Payment of repatriation costs (February 1952). Distribution of Passover supplies. Emigration. AIVG Medical Assistance (May 1952).Report on visit to Children’s Homes (March 1952).Report on AIVG Dispensary. Belgian Judicial Service Report. Belgium Survey: Interim Report (April 1952)
File BG.30: Belgium AIVG August-December 1952
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.6
Child Care Program (August 1952). Statutes of the Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives.Meetings Reports.Emigration. General Office correspondence.Report on Organization of the Medical Service (December 1952)
File BG.31: Belgium AIVG 1953
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.7
Meeting Reports. Cessation of activities of Comité Belge pour les Réfugiés (January 1953. Report of AIVG General Assembly. AIVG Survey of Activities (July 1953). Emigration.General correspondence.
File BG.32: Belgium AIVG 1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.002.8
Death of Alfred Goldschmidt (April 1954). General correspondence.Opening of Union des Etudiants Juifs Center (May 1954). Pensions for civil victims of the War (June, September 1954). Death of AIVG Director Guy Mansbach (July 1954). Appointment of Anita Mansbach (widow of Guy Mansbach) as director of AIVG (August 1954). AIVG booklet of activities 1944-1954
File BG.33: Belgium AJDC & AIVG Brussels 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 11
Correspondence regarding Brussels & Foreign Personnel including JDC staff in Holland 1946-1949. Closing of JDC Belgium office 1950 & transfer of activities to AIVG end April 1950. Report on Belgium AJDC Directors’ Conference 1954.
File BG.34: Belgium AIVG. Audit 1945
Old Folder Number: 1
Audit of AIVG for 7 month period 1 March-30 September 1945 & from 1 Febraury – 31 August 1945
File BG.35: Belgium AIVG Audit 1949
Old Folder Number: 3
Food & Medical Service Assistance 1949. Insurance Policy. Inventory Anderlecht Home. AIVG Personnel. Expenses & Schedules Audit report comments September 1949.
File BG.36: Belgium AIVG Audit 1949-1950
File BG.37: Belgium AIVG Audit 1953
File BG.38: Belgium AIVG Audit 1954
File BG.39: Belgium AIVG Budget 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.25.005
Budget & Expenditure Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG)
File BG.40: Belgium AIVG Budget 1950
Old Folder Number: C.25.005.1
Budget 1950. Statistical Report A.I.V.G April 1950. Expenditure Statements 1950
File BG.41: Belgium AIVG Budget 1951
Old Folder Number: C.25.005.2
Reorganization of Medical Service (February 1951). Field Trip report Dr. Gonik’s Budget & recommendations. Budget 1951. Medical Statistical Reports AIVG 1951. Statements of Expenditure & Disbursements 1951
File BG.42: Belgium AIVG Budget 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: C.25.005.3
Budget Estimates 1952, 1953. Statistical Reports A.I.V.G 1952, 1953. Statements of Expenditure & Disbursements 1952,1953
File BG.43: Belgium AIVG Budget 1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.005.4
Budget Estimates 1954. Statements of Expenditure & Disbursements 1954
File BG.44: Belgium AIVG. Dispensary 1949-1951
Old Folder Number: MED 12
Medical Clinic statistical & financial reports 1949-1951. Field Trip report November-December 1950. Medical Program & Recommendations January-February 1951. Medical Purchases.
File BG.45: Belgium AIVG Dispensary 1952
Old Folder Number: MED 12.1
Medical Purchases. Monthly medical statistics. Report on visit to Dispensary (April 1952). Study of AIVG Medical Service Brussels July 1952.
File BG.46: Belgium AIVG Financial Report 1950
Old Folder Number: 6
AIVG Internal Financial Report & Audited report by J. Van Buylaere
File BG.47: Belgium AIVG Financial Report 1951
Old Folder Number: 7
AIVG Internal Financial Report & Audited report by J. Van Buylaere
File BG.48: Belgium AIVG Financial Report 1952
Old Folder Number: 8
AIVG Internal Financial Report & Audited report by J. Van Buylaere
File BG.49: Belgium AIVG Survey 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 416
Survey of Activities April-July 1952. General correspondence
File BG.50: Belgium Aliyah de la Jeunesse 1947-1948
Old Folder Number:
Update on Marquain & Kessel-Loo homes (November-December 1947).Kessel-Loo expenses 1947-1948. List of children, dates of birth, countries of origin (1947-1948). Death of Hans Beyth.
File BG.51: Belgium Aliyah de la Jeunesse 1949
File BG.52: Belgium Amicale Belge de L’UNRRA Brussels
Old Folder Number: C.29.001
Query regarding the UNRRA organization
File BG.53: Belgium Antwerp Shomrei Hadass 1954
Old Folder Number: 23
Property owned by the Jewish community of Shomrei Hadass before 1940, estimates of damage and reconstruction costs
File BG.54: Belgium Association of Jewish Political Prisoners Brussels 1947
Old Folder Number: C.29.002
Request from organization for donation for widows & orphans
Belgium Association of Jewish Political Prisoners Brussels 1947
File BG.55: Belgium CARE 1947
File BG.56: Belgium Central Orthodox Committee 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: C.29.008
Yeshiva Etz Hayim report July 1948. Support for Central Orthodox Committee’s work & general correspondence
File BG.58: Belgium Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: C.25.020
Meeting reports (June-July 1952). Personnel. Work and Developments of the Centrale (April- June 1953). Centrale Bulletin & donation statistics (July 1953)
File BG.59: Belgium Comité Central Israélite Brussels 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 74
Copy of pocket calendar 5706/1945-1946 for Brussels Jewish Community Report on Mariaburg Home (November 1945). Financial assistance requests. Meetings reports Vaad Hatzalah with the US Embassy & Belgian Government. Morris Myer Home Ronquières (August-September 1946). Agreement between AJDC & Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the USA & Canada (July, August 1947). Children’s Homes, Anvers & Brussels (September, December 1947)
File BG.60: Belgium Comité Central Israélite Brussels 1948
Old Folder Number: 75
Assistance requested for three homes for orphans near Antwerp & Brussels. Details of homes operated by the Central Jewish Committee and number of children cared for (March 1948). Agreement between AJDC & Rescue Children Inc (May 1948) Lists of children in Children’s homes, dates of birth and family details (August 1948)
File BG.61: Belgium Comité Central Israélite Brussels 1948, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: C.29.008
Assistance to War Orphans in Antwerp & Brussels. Rescue Children Inc. Liabilities in Belgium. Arrangement for communications by Belgian committees after closure of Belgium JDC office March 1950. Financial reports Children’s Home Antwerp August 1950..Lists of children in Anvers Home, names age, place of birth and family details May, November 1954.
File BG.62: Belgium Comité Central Israélite 1949
Old Folder Number: 6
Comité Central Financial & Statistical Reports & Activities January-December 1949
File BG.63: Belgium Comité Central Israélite II 949
Old Folder Number: 6
Supplies & general correspondence. Death of Leo Rothschild August 1949. Shipment of Etrogim and Lullavim August 1949
File BG.64: Belgium Comité Central Israélite Brussels 1950
Old Folder Number: 77
Financial & Statistical Reports January-April 1950
File BG.65: Belgium Comité Central Israélite Brussels 1954
File BG.66: Belgium Comité Central Israélite Financial 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 76
Statistical & Financial Reports May-December 1948
File BG.67: Belgium Comité pour le Placement des Intellectuels Réfugiés 1948
Old Folder Number: IRO 1173
Reparation funds disbursement
Belgium Comité pour le Placement des Intellectuels Réfugiés 1948
File BG.68: Belgium Conseil des Associations Juives de Belgique 1947
Old Folder Number: C.25.007
Child Care work financed by JDC (April-May 1947)
File BG.69: Belgium Conseil des Associations Juives de Belgique 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 64
Disbursement World Jewish Congress (1947-1948). Agreement between American & World Jewish Congress & JDC (December 1947)
Belgium Conseil des Associations Juives de Belgique 1947-1948
File BG.70: Belgium Consistoire de Bruxelles 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.29.003
Request for Financial Assistance. Minutes of AIVG Meeting
File BG.71: Belgium Cooperatives 1947-1949, 1951,1953
Old Folder Number: C.25.008
Financial & statistical report of Cooperatives (June-July 1947). Reconstruction supplies (October 1947) Tailors’ Coooperative (October 1947), Carpenters’ Cooperative (February 1948). Report & financial statement of Tailors’ Cooperative. List of children, list of people working in the Tailors’ cooperative (April-September 1949). ORT Belgium financial requirements (July 1949). Reports on activities of Brussels & Antwerp Credit Cooperatives (December 1949). Loan Kassas Belgium (February-April 1951)
File BG.72: Belgium Cooperatives 1949
File BG.73: Belgium COREF 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 72
List of names – people who left Belgium after 1946, names and country of destination. Requests for Assistance.
File BG.74: Belgium COREF 1949
File BG.75: Belgium Educational Foundation America 1947
Old Folder Number: C.25.004
New appointment at Foundation of W. Hallam Tuck (July 1947)
File BG.76: Belgium Ezrat Hayeled 1947
File BG.77: Belgium Ford Foundation 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 8
Suggestions for grant from Foundation for Belgium Project
File BG.78: Belgium Ford Foundation II 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 12
Ford Rehabilitation project in Belgium. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Agreement with AJDC for a rehabilitation scheme for refugees (May 1953). Belgium Project approved for Center for Assimilation of neo refugees in Brussels (June 1953)
File BG.79: Belgium Hebrew Schools Antwerp 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 70
Requests for financial assistance from Jesod Hatorah & Tachkemoni Antwerp 1947. Report on Antwerp Hebrew schools (January 1948). Donation from the United Galician Jews of America for Beth Jacob Schools in Antwerp (February 1948)
File BG.80: Belgium Hebrew Schools Antwerp 1947-1948, 1950,1954
Old Folder Number: C.28.001
Financial assistance for Antwerp schools (1947). Report on Hebrew schools (January 1948). Book requirements (April-June, November 1954)
File BG.81: Belgium Hebrew Schools Antwerp 1949
File BG.82: Belgium Hebrew Schools Brussels 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 68
Financial support request from Jewish school Brussels, Talmud Torah Kahal Adass Jeschurun Schaerbeek. 1948 Bound report of Communauté Israélite Orthodoxe de Bruxelles
File BG.83: Belgium Hebrew Schools Brussels 1948-1949
File BG.84: Belgium Hebrew Schools Brussels 1950
Old Folder Number: 69
Special financial grant for Ecole Israélite Brussels 1950
File BG.85: Belgium Hehalutz 1948
Old Folder Number: 67
List of names of people assisted by Hehalutz (September-October 1948)
File BG.86: Belgium HISO Centrale Antwerp 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: C.28.002
Budget cuts (1947-1949) Clothing requirements 1949. Repair of Villa Altol. Budget & remittances 1950-1951
File BG.87: Belgium HISO Centrale Antwerp 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: C.28.002.1
Financial assistance & grants (1952-1953) List of people receiving welfare grants. Bound copy of HISO bulletin. Robbery at HISO building (January 1954). Report of Social Services Activities of Centrale Antwerp (May 1954). Report on Maison de Vieillards Anvers (June 1954)
File BG.88: Belgium HISO General 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 82
HISO budget cut 20% by AJDC (December 1947-January 1948). Assistance for Refugees & Transit groups. Passover assistance request.
File BG.89: Belgium HISO General 1949
Old Folder Number: 20
General Correspondence. Annual General Assembly HISO Antwerp Report March 1949. Repair of Villa Altol. HISO monthly budgets, donations, grants & disbursements.
File BG.90: Belgium HISO General 1950
Old Folder Number: 85
HISO monthly budget & remittances Clothing requirements (March 1950). Pesach provisions & allocations. General correspondence
File BG.91: Belgium HISO Legalization of Statutes
Old Folder Number: C.28.002.1
Adoption of new statutes January 1952
File BG.92: Belgium HISO Loan Kassa 1948
File BG.93: Belgium HISO Loan Kassa 1950
File BG.94: Belgium HISO Office de Placement 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 79
Antwerp Reconstruction Program (July-August 1947) Anvers Lists of people assisted for training or in apprenticeship with countries of origin (1947-1948) Financial & Statistical Reports Anvers.
File BG.95: Belgium HISO Office de Placement 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 80
Lists of people receiving scholarships for training Anvers 1949. Anvers. Monthly budgets, financial & statistical reports. ORT program (March 1949
File BG.96: Belgium HISO Reports 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 78
Financial & Statistical Reports August 1947-September 1948
File BG.97: Belgium HISO Reports 1949
Old Folder Number: 81
Lists of assisted persons, family details and countries of origin
File BG.98: Belgium HISO Reports I 1949
Old Folder Number: 31
List of names, addresses, family details of Rabbis & others includes country of origin
File BG.99: Belgium HISO Reports II 1949
Old Folder Number: 29
Many pages contain lists of names, family details country of origin. Financial & Statistical reports.
File BG.100: Belgium HISO Reports 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 86
Repatriation and transit figures (November-December 1949). Lists of assisted people, family details and countries of origin 1950
File BG.101: Belgium Home de Marquain 1946-1947 (1 of 2)
Old Folder Number: C.25.011
School adoption scheme 1946-1947. Report on Jewish schools in Brussels & Antwerp (June 1947) Ecole Artisanale et Agricole proposal to absorb group of Czech students (July 1947)
File BG.102: Belgium Home de Marquain 1946-1947 (2 of 2)
Old Folder Number: 10
Bachad Marquain expenses 1946-1947 Reports & School Meetings budget & requirements 1946-1947. Report by Regional Inspector of Public Education (May 1947). List of pupils, parents’ names, date of birth, nationality & status
File BG.103: Belgium Home de Marquain 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.003
Financial reports. Status of School (May 1948). Closure of Marquain school, transfer to Ronquières June 1948. Proposal to bring children from Czechoslovakia to Ronquières (July 1948)
File BG.104: Belgium Home de Marquain 1948
Old Folder Number: 11
Financial Reports & Statistics (January-July 1948) List of pupils January 1948
File BG.105: Belgium IRO Eligible persons not Assisted 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 6
refugee lists, addresses, arrival in Belgium & nationality. Questionnaire to Voluntary Agencies regarding Excluded Persons (January 1950)
File BG.106: Belgium IRO Eligibility of Neo Refugees
Old Folder Number: IRO 1189
Statistics of assisted refugees 1948. Refugee children assistance. Meeting reports with IRO regarding Refugee Eligibility.Report on Refugees receiving IRO care & Maintenance requuiring Institutional Care (February 1950). General correspondence with IRO regarding care, responsibility & funding of refugees.
File BG.107: Belgium IRO Hard Core 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 5
IRO classification of Hard Core Refugees (9 November 1949). IRO paper on “Institutional Care & Permanent Settlement for Refugees requiring Institutional Care” (9 November 1949).
File BG.108: Belgium IRO-PC. 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 1
Refugee statistics and assistance (July-August 1945). AIVG budget (September 1945) Provisional budget for Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees IGC (October 1945). Amounts disbursed by ICR July-November 1945. Assisted refugees according to nationality (November 1945) Refugee assistance, eligibility, financial reports 1946-1947. Medical assistance criteria. Assistance for Polish children (April-May 1947). Report on IRO work in Brussels (June 1947).
File BG.109: Belgium IRO-PC 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 2
PCIRO policy statement September 1947. Meeting Reports. AJDC Special Agreement on Emigration (January 1948)
File BG.110: Belgium IRO-PC 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3
Opening of IRO office in Luxemberg (November 1948). JDC assisted Neo Refugees (January-February 1949). Scale of assistance through AIVG (January 1949). IRO eligibility (January 1949). Refugees in transit (February 1949). IRO Arrangements for future care of Aged (February 1949) IRO monthly reports. Yeshiva Kehilat Jacob Antwerp lists of survivors (February-March 1949). Re-imbursement by IRO to AIVG (March 1949). Transit & neo-refugee statistics (March 1949). IRO recognized refugees list (March 1949). Study of recently arrived religious children in Belgium (April 1949). Yeshiva group of Neo Refugees from Hungary & Rumania (May 1949). IRO assistance for Rabbinical students Belgium (June 1949). Eligibility for Belgian citizenship (July 1949)
File BG.111: Belgium IRO-PC 1950
Old Folder Number: 4
Eligibility & Maintenance, problems with IRO. Bound booklet ‘L’élite oubliée 1950’.A survey of European refugees from the higher professions.
File BG.112: Belgium Fundraising by IRO Brussels. 1947
Old Folder Number: IRO 1127
Possibility for IRO fundraising to aid children who suffered from the war
File BG.113: Belgium J.C.C. Minutes of Meeting Brussels 1947
Old Folder Number: C.29.004
Situation report of Jews in Various Countries
File BG.114: Belgium Jewish Committee For Relief Abroad 1949
Old Folder Number: 7
Report of work from the Federation of Jewish Relief Organisations London (January 1949). Work of The Joint Clothing Committee London
File BG.115: Belgium Jewish Refugees Welfare Society 1947
Old Folder Number: C.25.018
Financial assistance to Society. Memo on the organization and administration of the transients by Mr. Carmi of the Jewish Refugee Welfare Society (October 1947)
File BG.116: Belgium Jewish School Brussels 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.29.005
Request for subvention from AJDC for new Jewish Day School – Ecole israélite de Bruxelles (October 1947) Financial assistance for the school 1948-1954. Request for grant for supplementary courses for school graduates (August 1954)
File BG.117: Belgium Les Amis Des Enfants 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 8
Shipments & Clothing for Les Amis des Enfants from Australia
File BG.118: Belgium Location Service 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.019
Future of Location Service & recommendations (January 1948)
File BG.119: Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1948
File BG.120: Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1949
Old Folder Number: 56
1949 Audit of Belgium & Subventioned Organizations
File BG.121: Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1950
Old Folder Number: 55
1950 Audit of Belgium & Subventioned Organizations
File BG.122: Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1951
Old Folder Number: 54
1951 Audit of Belgium & Subventioned Organizations
File BG.123: Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1952
Old Folder Number: 53
1952 Audit of Belgium & Subventioned Organizations
Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1952
File BG.124: Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1953
File BG.125: Belgium Loeb & Troper Audit 1954
File BG.126: Belgium Loeb & Troper ORT 1947
File BG.127: Belgium Maccabi 1949
File BG.128: Belgium Maison de Retraite 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: C.29.000
Cost of Care for the Aged in the three homes in Belgium (September 1949). JDC Grant for Home for the Aged.1950-1951.. Report on the Rue de la Glacière Home for Aged Brussels (September 1952, October 1953).Recreational activities for the Aged October-December 1953. Training a social worker for the Home for the Aged Rue de la Glaciere.
File BG.129: Belgium Mizrachi 1947-1948
File BG.130: Belgium Morris Myer Home Ronquieres 1948
File BG.131: Belgium National Council of Jewish Women 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 12
Work of the Council 1945-1947
File BG.132: Belgium National Council of Jewish Women 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 13
Ship-A-Box & Scholarship programs. Booklets on overseas work of the Council (October 1949)
File BG.133: Belgium National Council of Jewish Women 1950
Old Folder Number: 14
Ship-A-Box & Scholarship programs 1950
File BG.134: Belgium ORT 1946-1947, 1949-1950, 1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.034
Project & costings for watchmaking workshop (December 1946) for installation of knitwear workshop (March 1947) & for fur workshop. Bueget for establishing ORT schools in Antwerp, Charleroi & Kessel-Loo (April 1947). JDC Ort agreement May 1947. JDC Control of ORT program (February 1949). Opening of Electro-technics ORT School Antwerp (August 1950). Survey of students completing ORT Courses in Belgium. Report on ORT Belgium 1954
File BG.135: Belgium Sepharadite Community 1949
File BG.136: Belgium Setico 1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.043
Fishing Boat Specifications & Offer (September 1948)
File BG.137: Belgium Société Israélite d’Assistance Antituberculeuse 1948, 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: C.25.028
Work of Antituberculosis society (1948). Funding requests. Home at Wezembeek 1952
Belgium Société Israélite d’Assistance Antituberculeuse 1948, 1950-1953
File BG.138: Belgium Solidarité Juive 1949
File BG.139: Belgium Solidarité Juive 1950
File BG.140: Belgium Union des Etudiants Juifs 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 18
Financial & Statistical Reports.List of Students receiving bursaries – names and details, family history. Funds for Scholarships. General correspondence. Report of Assistance to Students (May 1948).
File BG.141: Belgium Union des Etudiants Juifs 1949
Old Folder Number: 19
Student Scholarships. Financial Reports. General Correspondence
File BG.142: Belgium Union des Etudiants Juifs 1950
Old Folder Number: 20
Student Scholarships. Closure of AJDC office Belgium April 1950
File BG.143: Belgium United Nations Appeal for Children 1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.006.1 Fundraising in aid of Children who suffered during the War (January-February 1948) Belgium United Nations Appeal for Children 1948
File BG.144: Belgium United Refugee Immigration Association 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: C.28.004
Refugee relief by the association 1948-1950
File BG.145: Belgium Vaad Hahatzala 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: C.25.030
Report of Vaad Hahatzala Activities in Belgium 1946-1947
File BG.146: Belgium Child Care Program 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.033 Memo on the World Jewish Congress (December 1946) JDC-WJC agreement on child care projects (April-July 1947) Child care Program of American Jewish Congress (September 1947) Belgium Child Care Program 1946-1948
File BG.147: Belgium Yeshiva at Belz 1947-1952
Old Folder Number: C.25.032
List of students at Yeshiva Kehillat Jacob, Szombathely (also named Yeshiva at Belz), names, ages and places of birth (February 1947).Yeshiva request for financial assistance and for assistance for food (March-April 1947). Report on Yeshiva Kehillat Yaakov April 1947. List of JDC Monthy grants to Yeshiva (July 1947).List of 50 students in Wipstraat Antwerp Yeshiva includes family details, ages and places of birth (November 1950) Financial Assistance to Yeshiva
File BG.148: Belgium Yeshiva Etz Hayim 1947-1948, 1950
Old Folder Number: C.25.013
Financial Assistance for Yeshiva school Etz Hayim 1947-1948, 1950
File BG.149: Belgium Yeshiva Etz Hayim 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 28
Supplies. Financial & Statistical Reports 1948. Includes list of Students
File BG.150: elgium Yeshivah Etz Hayim 1950
File BG.151: Belgium Yeshiva Kehilat Jacob 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 22
Financial & Statistical Reports 1948. Supplies requests.
File BG.152: Belgium Yeshiva Kehilat Jacob 1949
Old Folder Number: 23
Yeshiva Budgets 1949. Lists of Students and of Rabbis, place & dates of birth, visa details & nationality (February 1949).
File BG.153: Belgium Yeshivah Kehilat Jacob 1950
File BG.154: Belgium Yeshiva Kehilat Jacob Miscellaneous
Old Folder Number: 24
Handwritten names of students & schedules
File BG.155: Belgium Yeshiva Kehilat Jacob Reports 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 24
Financial & Statistical Reports (November 1948-December 1949)
File BG.156: Belgium Yeshiva Mesivta 1948
Old Folder Number: 21
Yeshiva Mesivta Group. Survivor Lists Rabbis, place & dates of birth. French Visas 1948
File BG.212: Belgium: Antwerp Cooperative 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 8
File BG.213: Belgium: Antwerp Credit Cooperative 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: 9
File BG.214: Belgium: Brussels Credit Cooperative
Old Folder Number: 10
File BG.215: Belgium: Brussels Credit Cooperative 1948
Old Folder Number: 7
File BG.216: Belgium: Brussels Credit Cooperative 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 10.1
File BG.217: Belgium: Brussels Credit Cooperative 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 12
File BG.218: Belgium: Brussels Credit Cooperative 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 13
File BG.219: Belgium: Centrale Financial/Statistical Reports 1954
Old Folder Number: 1
File BG.220: Belgium: Small Loan Fund 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 11
File BG.221: Belgium: Tailors Cooperative 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: 14
Series 3: Belgium: Subject Matter
File BG.156.1: Belgium Books 1947
File BG.157: Belgium Childcare 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.006
Childrens lists, names & dates of birth, including lists of children with US affidavit (1947)Lists of children in Boitsfort & Les Hirondelles Homes dates & places of birth, deportation details of parents (July 1953)
File BG.158: Belgium Declarations of Death 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 412
Presumption of Death & Legal Declation on Death
File BG.159: Belgium DP Coal Miners 1947
Old Folder Number: C.56.009
Report on DPs in Coal Mines at Marlonwelz & Trazegnies Charlerot, includes names & details of DP workers (August 1947)
File BG.160: Belgium. Dwarfs from Rumania 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.25.010
Group from Bucharest arrived Brussels (August 1947) JDC Care & responsibility (August 1947-January 1948)
File BG.161: Belgium Educational Department 1948-1953
Old Folder Number: C.25.041
Report on Hebrew Instruction in Belgium (July 1948) Support for Yiddish Theatre (July-September 1949). Report on Jewish Schools in Belgium (April 1950). Ecole Israelite (June 1951). Union of Jewish Students (June 1951). Exhibition Palais des Beaux Arts (January 1953)
File BG.162: Belgium Emigration Policies 1947, 1953
Old Folder Number: C.25.012
Emigration Rulings – Family details 1947,1953
File BG.163: Belgium Field Reports 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 11.2
Report on Belgium Field Trip August 1948. Report on dental facilities Brussels (February 1949). Reports on Belgium Field Trips March, July 1949
File BG.164: Belgium Financial Reports 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: MED 9
JDC Program 1946. Budget January-June 1947, Medical Care Budget 1948. Monthly financial & statistical reports 1948-1950
File BG.165: Belgium General Chronic Diseases 1949-1950
File BG.166: Belgium General 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 415
IRO Restrictions on entry to Belgium. Money of Deported Jews in Belgian Banks March 1952. Restitution claim.. Report of Lawyer Régine Orfinger-Karlin regarding Reparations of war damage applicable to private property March 1954
File BG.167: Belgium Jewelry 1947
Old Folder Number: C.25.017
Recovered jewlery taken from Belgian Jews located in Germany (October 1947)
File BG.168: Belgium Jewish Blind 1948-1949
File BG.169: Belgium Lists of Greek Survivors in Transit from Bergen
Old Folder Number: 68
Lists of Greek Jews in transit in Brussels awaiting repatriation.
File BG.170: Belgium List of Repatriated Political Prisoners 1945
Old Folder Number: 17
List of repatriated political prisoners 1945 containing place and date of birth & address
File BG.171: Belgium Lists of Survivors 1945
Old Folder Number: 47
Several lists containing names and details of repatriated survivors several 1945 dates
File BG.172: Belgium Lists of Survivors from Bergen Belsen 1945
Old Folder Number: 56
Undated List of Bergen Belsen Survivors coming from Brussels
File BG.173: Belgium Material for Social Service Manual 1954
Old Folder Number: 39
Unsigned drafts of material for inclusion in Manual
File BG.175: Belgium Medical Program 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.29.006
Establishment of polyclinic 1947-1948 Medical supplies (June-July 1947). Rue Josef Claes Jewish Clinic Brussels (July 1947)
File BG.176: Belgium Parcels from Public Commission 1949
Old Folder Number: C.25.029.1
US Gift parcels to children’s homes with customs duties payable.
File BG.177: Belgium Passover 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953
File BG.178: Belgium Polyclinic 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: MED.85.1
Correspondence regarding proposal to establish a Polyclinic.Supplies Clinic Statistics. Architect’s Plans for Polyclinic.JDC Budgetary Estimates January-June 1948
File BG.179: Belgium Program 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: C25.024
Report on JDC Program in Belgium 1946, January-February, March-April, July-August 1947. Analysis of JDC Activities 1947. Report on JDC Activities in Belgium January-March 1948 Belgium & Luxembourg January -June 1948. JDC program in Belgium report July-September 1948. Closure of AJDC Belgium Office (March-April 1950)
File BG.180: Belgium Reconstruction Loans 1947-1948, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.025
Statistical Loan Reports & balance sheets (June -July1947, February 1948) Reports on Small Loan Kassa (August 1953, February 1954)
File BG.181: Belgium Refugees 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 503
IRO Eligibility of Refugees in Belgium. Test Case Re: Herman Kolischer and eligibility for IRO resettlement and assistance (February 1950). Work Permits for Foreigners in Belgium
File BG.182: Belgium. Refugees in Belgium 1947, 1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: C.25.016
Eligibility for permanent residence in Belgium (November 1947). Increase of refugees from Eastern Europe (December 1952). Refugee status of illegal entry individuals (October-November 1954)
File BG.183: Belgium Report on Health Problems 1954
Old Folder Number: 96.2
Guy Mansbach Report for AJDC Medical Conference 1954
File BG.184: Belgium Reports 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 11
AIVG Program Belgium 1945. JDC Programs in Belgium 1946-1949. JDC Report on Luxemburg 1947
File BG.185: Belgium Reports 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: C.25.026
JDC Program 1945.Report on status of Refugees in transit -Transitaires (July 1946) JDC Program in Belgium January-June 1946, January-February 1947. Reports on Jews in Belgium, Aspects of Life in Belgium 1947. Financial & Statistical reports of Loans (July 1947). JDC program in Belgium (May-June, July-August 1947, January-March, July-September 1948).Financial & statistical reports April 1950
File BG.186: Belgium Reports 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 411
Report of Activities of Lawyer Régine Orfinger-Karlin
File BG.187: Belgium Restitution & Heirless Property 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 410
Extracts from Declarations 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946. Restitution of Property 1947. Inheritance Case Abraham Nadel 1947. Legal Aid. Heirless Jewish Assets Belgium April 1949. Laws relating to Reparations in Belgium
File BG.189: Belgium Royal Library Exhibition 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: Ed 70
Correspondence regarding an exhibit of Judaica in Brussels January 1953 from the Royal Library of Copenhagen
File BG.190: Belgium Scholarships 1947
Old Folder Number: C.25.027
Emigre Charitable Fund (January-April 1947). Scholarships Proposal (February-September 1947)
File BG.191: Belgium Special Subventions 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 10.1
Belgian Medical Program August 1948. Special Medical Projects
File BG.192: Belgium Statistics 1947
Old Folder Number: 20
Statistics of Credit Cooperatives in Antwerp & Brussels 1947
File BG.193: Belgium Statistical Reports 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: MED 11.1
Report on Vilvorde Hospital equipment 1947. Medical Clinic statistics & financial reports 1947-1950
File BG.194: Belgium Le Statut du Réfugié en Belgique 1954
Old Folder Number: 17
Law concerning Refugees in Belgium ratified 22 April 1954
File BG.195: Belgium Students 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: IRO 1188
Assistance for Jewish students. IRO aid to Rabbinical students
File BG.196: Belgium United Appeal 1951
File BG.197: Belgium US Indemnification General Claims Law 1949
Old Folder Number: 2
Groups of persons entitled to indemnification per month amount according to each month in a concentration camp.. Applications to be made by 31st March 1950.
File BG.198: Belgium Vocational Training 1947
Old Folder Number: C.25.031
Eligibility for scholarships & training courses
File BG.199: Belgium Watching Charges During Antwerp Dockers’ Strike 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.28.003
Expenses covered by Insurance policy
Belgium Watching Charges During Antwerp Dockers’ Strike 1947-1948
File BG.222: Belgium: Medical Literature 1948
Old Folder Number: 13
File BG.223: Belgium: Rapport sur les Problemes Medicaux en Belgique
Old Folder Number: 22
File BG.224: Belgium: Yeshivath Ets Chaim 1949
Old Folder Number: 28v
Series 4: Belgium: Localities
File BG.200: Belgium AJDC Country Directors’ Conference Paris 1952
File BG.201: Belgium Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 3
Student applications for Paul Baerwald School of Social Work in Versailles.
Belgium Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence 1949-1950
File BG.202: Belgium Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence General 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Arranging lecturers. Announcement of Dr.René Sand’s death (September 1953)
Belgium Paul Baerwald Department Country Correspondence General 1949-1953
File BG.203: Belgium Mr. Beckelman’s correspondence 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 42
Ford project. JDC subvention to AIVG.Cooperation with “Centrale” in Antwerp
File BG.204: Belgium 1945
File BG.205: Belgium Closure of JDC Office 1950
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence dealing with office closure. AIVG Statistics Report February 1950
File BG.206: Belgium. James Rice Files 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3
Belgian student scholarships (December 1948). IRO Assistance Guidelines (January 1949) List of Refugees, names, addresses & nationalities (February 1949). Statistics of Assisted neo-refugees for 1948. IRO regulations of eligibility. IRO Hard Core cases. IRO definitions of ineligibility affecting refugees (October-December 1949)
File BG.207: Belgium James Rice Files II 1950
Old Folder Number: 4
IRO representative replacement. Report on the situation of political refugees in Belgium (June 1950) Meeting reports & Correspondence with IRO (June-July 1950).
File BG.208: Belgium James Rice Files 1950
Old Folder Number: 4
IRO Eligibility & Maintenance criteria. Belgium residency problems. Refugee lists. New Regulation regarding Work permits for foreigners (February 1950). AJDC-IRO relationship (February 1950)
File BG.209: Belgium Supplies Educational Material 1949
Old Folder Number: Ed 82
Educational material needed 1950 for Belgium. Books & educational material for 2000 children in JDC subventioned schools
Record Group: Bolivia
The Bolivia Record Group consists of one folder covering the year 1945. The documents concern inquiries from the Bolivian Jewish community regarding the fate of relatives in Europe during WWII and responses from the JDC Lisbon office.
Series 1: Bolivia: Subject Matter
File BO.1: Bolivia. 1945
Old Folder Number: 2.3
Inquiries from the Bolivian Jewish community regarding fate of relatives in Europe and responses from JDC Lisbon office
Record Group: Brazil
The Brazil Record Group contains twelve folders covering the years 1945-1954, divided into two series: Administration and Subject Matter. Administrative issues are highlighted in documents dealing with reorganization of the São Paulo office. The bulk of the material is concerned with new emigration policies, opportunities for stateless persons. Much of the correspondence deals with maintenance of immigrant families, disagreements between JDC and the local Jewish communities as well as problems between survivor immigrants and the local Jewish communities. In addition, there are documents on ship sailings, departure dates and number of passengers bound for Brazil. Inquiries about missing relatives in Europe are also found in the material.
Series 1: Brazil: Administration
File BR.1: Brazil: General. 1947
File BR.2: Brazil: Brazilian Transfer Clearings. 1953
Series 2: Brazil: Subject Matter
File BR.3: Brazil: Brazil. 1949-1950
File BR.4: Brazil: Emigration. 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 1
Ship sailings, departure dates and number of passengers on ships bound for Brazil.
File BR.5: Brazil: Emigration. 1947
Old Folder Number: Misc 185
False report that prominent Hungarian fascists had emigrated to Brazil with JDC authorization with other JDC passengers on ship from Italy.
File BR.6: Brazil: Emigration. 1947-1953
Old Folder Number: C.30.001.1
Correspondence on which visas are valid for Brazil with discussion on Austrian, French & German requirements (1947); rest of file deals with 1953 and possibilities of settling immigrants in Brazil; list of visa applicants; numerical list of emigration activities Jan-Sept 1953;
File BR.7: Brazil: Emigration to Brazil. 1954 (January-June)
Old Folder Number: C.30.001.2
Report received mentions large numbers of emigrants (Israeli returnees from Germany) – created a critical situation with potential to have an adverse effect on Brazilian authorities; report of Charles Jordan trip to Brazil March 1954; extensive discussion, newspaper clippings
File BR.8: Brazil. Emigration. July-October 1954
Old Folder Number: C.30.001.3
Correspondence regarding maintenance of immigrant families; disagreements between JDC and local Jewish communities; problems between survivor immigrants and local Jewish communities and JDC staff
File BR.9: Brazil: Emigration. October-December 1954
Old Folder Number: C.30.001.4
Extended correspondence on reorganization of Sao Paulo office; assistance for immigrants; new emigration policies for Brazil; emigration opportunities for stateless persons
File BR. 10: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro. 1945
Old Folder Number: 2.2
Cables about searches for relatives; Uniao Associacao Beneficente Israelita
File BR.11: Brazil: Sao Paulo. 1945
Record Group: Bulgaria
The Bulgaria Record Group covers the years 1945-1954 and consists of 72 folders in 4 boxes, about 1.50 linear feet of material, divided into 4 series: Administration, Localities, Organizations and Subject Matter. During this period, nearly the entire Jewish population of Bulgaria emigrated to Eretz Israel. JDC’s focus in Bulgaria was on emigration and health care infrastructure, as well as changes to Jewish institutions resulting from establishment of a Communist government after War War II. JDC closed its office in Bulgaria in the spring of 1949 due to budget constraints. Documents in this Record Group include building and renovation of Jewish hospitals; legal and illegal emigration; nationalization of Jewish hospitals and schools, the role of the Jewish Consistory of Sofia, the administrative organization of the Jewish community under Communism; establishment of workers’ cooperatives; and health care for children.
Series 1: Bulgaria: Administration
File BL.1: Bulgaria: Activities. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.029
Contains an analysis of the financial & statistical reports on JDC activities in Bulgaria for 1947 and the first six months of 1948
File BL.2: Bulgaria: American Nurse for Bulgarian Program. 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.011>
Delay in opening of the Jewish Memorial Hospital, request shelved for an American nurse.
File BL.3: Bulgaria: Budget. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.001
Extensive month to month accounts of the 1947 & 1948 budgets indicating amounts allocated and the recipients; memorandum on Jewish Memorial Hospital & Sofia Polyclinic; discussion of scholarship fund for resident physicians and post graduate courses in medical professison;
File BL.4: Bulgaria: Closing of the JDC Bulgaria Office. 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: C.31.027
Report of JDC activities in Bulgaria August 1948- April 1949; letter from Consistory freeing Joint from all financial liabilities. Letters of thanks to JDC from Consistory on their leaving Bulgaria; numerous letters in Bulgarian (all translated) expressing gratitude to JDC for all of its help; inventory of items left in Bulgaria as gift to the Jewish community.
File BL.5: Bulgaria: Complaints. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.028
Response to a complaint about the distribution of supplies in Sofia, Bulgaria
File BL.6: Bulgaria: Director for AJDC Bulgaria. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.006
Appointment of a new country director for Bulgaria
File BL.8: Bulgaria Financial. 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 141.7
Discussion on Bulgarian budgets July-Dec. 1947, July-Dec, 1948; including that of the Jewish Memorial Hospital & Plovdiv Polyclinic
File BL.9: Bulgaria: General. 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: MISC 242
Supplies needed 1946; recommendation to transfer unused allocation from Yugoslavia to Bulgaria; Report on problems & developments from October 1946 to March 1947 Estimated budget January-June 1948.
File BL.10: Bulgaria: Illegal Departures 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.009
Report of illegal attemps to go to Eretz Yisrael includes three Jewish youths killed by Bulgarian border guards
File BL.11: Bulgaria: Monthly Operating Statements – Plovdiv Polyclinic. 1948
Old Folder Number: MED 139.2
Budget reports for the year 1948
Bulgaria: Monthly Operating Statements – Plovdiv Polyclinic. 1948
File BL.12: Bulgaria Records 1947
File BL.13: Bulgaria Records II 1947
File BL.14: Bulgaria Records III 1947
File BL.15: Bulgaria Records IV 1947
File BL.16: Bulgaria Rintel Mattersdorff Property 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.013
Correspondence relating to the property.
File BL.17: Bulgaria: Sale of JDC Property 1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.018.4
Request for permission to sell 50 inferior baby scales that had been purchased in Italy by the JDC;
File BL.19: Bulgaria: Special Subventions. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 141.1
Correspondence on subvention to cover the deficit of the Jewish preventorium in Sofia; subvention for special medical projects; medical supply shipments to Bulgaria; Jewish Memorial Hospital and its possible nationalization also discussed.
File BL.20: Bulgaria: Supplies. 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.018.2
Clothing sent to Bulgaria from August 1945-September 1947; no further clothing shipments are needed; anticipated mass immigration to Israel; breakdown of commodity groups for shipment end of 1948. Dental supplies originally destined for Bulgaria would be diverted to Austria;
File BL.21: Bulgaria Three Projects 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.014
Request from Sofia Jewish community for JDC to intercede on their behalf with the National Council of Jewish Women for help in three projects – children’s library program, children’s day home for ages 7 through 14; cultural program including reading room with English books, a 100 voice choir, a symphony orchestra of 50 & a Jewish theatre and dramatic group.
File BL.22: Bulgaria: Vehicles. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.017
Motor vehicles request, for delivery to JDC Bulgaria. Possiblity of purchasing surplus US property. Accident involving JDC vehicle.
File BL.28: Bulgaria Keren Kayemeth Fund 1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.008
Names of the executors of the Keren Kayemeth Fund for Bank of Bulgaria.
File BL.68: Bulgaria: Loeb and Troper 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 59
File BL.69: Bulgaria: Loeb and Troper 1949
File BL.73: Bulgaria: Hospitals 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: Arc. Med. 143
File BL.74: Bulgaria: Medical General 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: Arc. Med. 142
Series 2: Bulgaria: Organizations
File BL.23: Bulgaria CARE 1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.030
Correspondence on Bulgaria abrogating its contract with CARE
File BL.24: Bulgaria Cooperatives. 1947-49
Old Folder Number: C.31.004
List of machines for bookbinding & cardboard co-operatives set up by JDC in Sofia; co-operatives established to aid in rehabilitation of Jewish community
File BL.25: Bulgaria Federation of the Women’s Zionist Organization 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.002
Correspondence concerning the Bulgarian Federation of Women’s International Zionist Organization.
Bulgaria Federation of the Women’s Zionist Organization 1947-1948
File BL.26: Bulgaria Foundation 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 417
Establishment of a foundation in Bulgaria July 1947. Conditions for granting Reconstruction Loans
File BL.27: Bulgaria: Hechalutz Hachsharah. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.007
Discussion on establishing Hachsharah participation in Bulgaria; includes material relating to Italy
File BL.29: Bulgaria Jewish People’s Community 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.025
Items needed for Jewish community house. List of 25 new members of the Central Committee of Jews in Bulgaria including their political affilliation – communist to Zionist; Consistory & Jewish communities under the new rules to be concerned solely with religious activities.
File BL.30: Bulgaria Jewish Scientific Institute 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.010
First report on the activities of the Jewish Scientific Institute, includes valuable items to be sent to the JDC museum in New York Repairs needed for damaged synagogue in Sofia.
File BL.31: Bulgaria Opticians’ Cooperatives 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.3.14
Correspondence on purchase of optical equipment and machinery for cooperative in Bulgaria;
File BL.32: Bulgaria ORT 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.023
ORT disbursements for salaries, and schools for mechanics, electric technicians, carpet making, tailoring & embroidery (children), tailoring & dressmaking (adults), woodworking (children & adults), bookbinding & cardboad making & metal working; ORT budget for 1948. Report on ORT school in Sofia.
File BL.33: Bulgaria ORT Activities 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.3.18
Discussion of JDC’s subsidy to ORT for its program in Sofia; JDC provides scholarships for needy students; discussion on whether the school was going to be nationalized; suggestion that investment of capital equipment is not needed as most of the students will be leaving for Israel;
File BL.34: Bulgaria Teachers’ Retirement Fund 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.020
Nationalization of Jewish schools to enable teachers to qualify for pensions.
File BL.35: Bulgaria Zionist Program 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.022
Requests for financial assistance for the Zionists in Bulgaria; list of claims by Zionists concerning unfair treatment; discussion of illegal immigrants and young people who left Bulgaria illegally; 3 Jewish youths were killed attempting to cross border illegally and others were arrested.
Series 3: Bulgaria: Subject Matter
File BL.36: Bulgaria Activity Reports 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 138.3
Monthly activity reports on the health activities of subventioned institutions in Bulgaria.
File BL.37: Bulgaria Ashkenazi Jewish Community of Sofia 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.000
Request of Ashkenazi community in Sofia to receive direct assistance as the Sephardi does. JDC reply.
File BL.38: Bulgaria Childcare 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.003
Plan to open a Jewish hospital. Examination of 3,000 Jewish school children in Sofia proposal. Summer camp program, request for funding. Proposed rest home and camp funding refused by the Refugee Assistance Fund; JDC approval given for 1948 summer vacation program for children; feeding center established in Sofia.
File BL.39: Bulgaria Cooperative Law 1948
Old Folder Number: C.3.13
Correspondence on “Law of Cooperatives;” copy of law not in file;
File BL.40: Bulgaria Cultural Activities 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.021
Cultural activities sponsored by Sofia’s Jewish community; reading room and new books recently purchased.
File BL.41: Bulgaria Declarations of Death 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 419
Bulgarian law for members of the Forces & Civilians who Disappeared (1926-1928), 1946. Process of securing Death certificates 1946
File BL.43: Bulgaria: Hachsharoth. 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: MISC 210
Correspondence on transfer of funds and conversion of local currency; JDC funding towards hachsharot – JDC allowed to function in Bulgaria on the basis of a non-political program.
File BL.44: Bulgaria: Improvement of Jewish Memorial Hospital. 1948
Old Folder Number: MED 141.4
Discussion of special projects needed to upgrade the Sofia Jewish Memorial Hospital
File BL.45: Bulgaria: Jewish Memorial Hospital & Sofia Polyclinic Operating Statements. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 139.4
Monthly reports
Bulgaria: Jewish Memorial Hospital & Sofia Polyclinic Operating Statements. 1948-1949
File BL.46: Bulgaria: Jewish Memorial Hospital and Plovdiv Polyclinic Monthly Operating Statements. 1949
Old Folder Number: MED 139.5
Includes operating statements for the Jewish Memorial Hospital, Sofia & Polyclinic in Plovdiv
Bulgaria: Jewish Memorial Hospital and Plovdiv Polyclinic Monthly Operating Statements. 1949
File BL.47: Bulgaria Manufacture of Clothes 1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.018.3
Transfer of wool cloth to the Bulgarian JDC assisted co-operatives – from which some 3,000 coats could be made.
File BL.48: Bulgaria: Medical. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.024
Medical supplies – x-ray machines, streptomycin etc. for Bulgaria; whereabouts of missing shipment. Jewish hospitals in Plovdiv and Sofia. Physicians leaving Bulgaria to settle in Israel. Preventative medicine. Effect of mass Aliyah on future medical needs of Bulgaria.
File BL.49: Bulgaria Miscellaneous Reports 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: MED 138.4
Reports on medical issues – year end reports by the school doctor of the Jewish primary school; Sofia Jewish Polyclinic, Plovdiv polyclinic; suggested program for Bulgaria 1946-1947. Analyse of the current situaion and historical background of Bulgaria’s Jews.
File BL.50: Bulgaria: Opening of Jewish Hospital, Sofia. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.024.1
Dedication of the Jewish hospital in Sofia; invitations to JDC personnel; proposal to have a dedication plaque describing the role of JDC in its establishment.
File BL.51: Bulgaria Painting Supplies for Artists 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.018.1
List of members of the organization of Jewish Painters, as well as the paints and supplies on order.
File BL.52: Bulgaria Passover Expenditure 1947
Old Folder Number: C.31.012
Passover supplies for Bulgaria 1947 anticipated needs for 1948. Cable copies.
File BL.53: Bulgaria: Plovdiv Jewish Polyclinic. 1948
Old Folder Number: MED 141.2
Blueprint and documents concerning renovations to improve the Jewish Polyclinic in Plovdiv; project cancelled; includes signed pages of agreement in Bulgarian
File BL.54: Bulgaria Preventorium for TB Children 1948
Old Folder Number: MED 141.3
Discussion on an application by the Jewish Consistory of Sofia for subvention for the Jewish Prevntorium for Tuberculous Children; includes agreement in Bulgarian
File BL.55: Bulgaria: Preventorium Monthly Operating Statements. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: MED 139.6
Monthly statements from the Preventorium outside of Sofia.
Bulgaria: Preventorium Monthly Operating Statements. 1948-1949/
File BL.56: Bulgaria: Project for a State Medical Plan – 25th Congress of Doctors 1940s
Old Folder Number: MED 139.1
Handwritten text on small notebook pages; a 29-page carbon copies of its transcription discussing medical needs in Bulgaria beginning from 1931.
Bulgaria: Project for a State Medical Plan – 25th Congress of Doctors 1940s
File BL.57: Bulgaria Reconstruction 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.015
Hospital reconstruction committee members, machine requirements, cardboard co-operatives; possible bicycle cooperative, a shoe factory, a rest home for children & adults in Plovdiv; 1956 report on cooperatives.
File BL.58: Bulgaria: Reconstruction of the Eshkenazi Synagogue, Sofia. 1948
Old Folder Number: C.31.031
Discussion on JDC grant of 1,000,000 Levas for the reconstruction of the Eshkenazi synagogue in Sofia.
Bulgaria: Reconstruction of the Eshkenazi Synagogue, Sofia. 1948
File BL.59: Bulgaria Restitution 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 418
Property and the abolishment of Anti-Jewish Laws March 1946. Restitution of Property
File BL.60: Bulgaria: Report of Field Trip. 1947
Old Folder Number: MED 138.2
Report containing statistics including number of Jewish births; table of special rations for Jews in Bulgaria; extra foodstuffs given to people who donated blood; list of participants at meeting with physicians discussing medical problems.
File BL.61: Bulgaria: Report on Situation. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.016
Effect of nationalization law on Jewish community; immigrants to Eretz Israel well treated by government; JDC provided financial assistance for departing Jews. Henry L. Levy 25-page report by Henry L. Levy on Bulgaria November 1947-February 1948. Report on field visit to Bulgaria by Dr. W. Schmidt, June 1947. Census report for 1948.
File BL.62: Bulgaria: Research Department Reports. 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: MED 138.1
Field reports June 1946 -June 1948 includes JDC activities in Bulgaria; reports from the medical department; Jewish population statistics in Bulgarian towns and reports on JDC sponsored cooperatives.
File BL.63: Bulgaria: Sofia Polyclinic. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: MED 139.3
Operating budget of Sofia Polyclinic.
File BL.64: Bulgaria Students in Paris 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: C.31.019
Correspondence concerning scholarships granted by the JDC Students’ Organization for Bulgarian students in Paris.
File BL.71: Bulgaria: Medical Literature 1948
Old Folder Number: 13
Series 4: Bulgaria: Localities
File BL.42: Bulgaria General 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 420
Conference of Foreign Ministers June 1946. Memorandum submitted by Jewish organizations during the 1946 Peace Conference concerning Bulgaria.
File BL.65: Bulgaria: JTA Article on Conference of Bulgarian Jewish Communities. 1948
Record Group: Burma
The Burma Record Group covers the year 1949 and includes one folder. It contains a detailed memorandum on the situation of the Burmese Jews including historical background. Correspondence in the folder requests financial aid to facilitate the aliyah of the Burmese Jews to Israel.
Series 1: Burma: Administration
File BU.1: Burma: Jews in Burma. 1949
Old Folder Number: C.55.703
Correspondence requesting aid to finance aliyah of the Jews in Burma; detailed memorandum on the situation of the Burmese Jews with historical background;
Record Group: Canada
The Canada Record Group contains eight folders covering the years 1945-1954, divided into three series: Administration, Organizations, and Subject Matter. The folders document Jewish Canadian relief efforts in the aftermath of the Holocaust. Correspondence highlights a Canadian Jewish Congress campaign to send relief funds and parcels for survivors in DP camps. In addition, the CJC was active in devising a plan to bring hardcore cases to Canada as well as influencing the Canadian government to send a commission to Europe to choose 2,000 DPs to resettle in Canada with employment opportunities in place. The folders also mention the resettlement of 100 European rabbis in Jewish communities throughout Canada.
Series 1: Canada: Administration
File CA.1: Canada: General. 1954
Old Folder Number: C.32.000
Page extracted from the Disabled Persons Act in Canada
Series 2: Canada: Organizations
File CA.2: Canada: IRO: Immigration. 1949, 1951-1953
Old Folder Number: IRO 1195
Controversy over movement of 75 persons ex Austria visaed under the Canadian/Jewish Congress scheme subsequent to the closure of IRO sponsored selection in Austria
Series 3: Canada: Subject Matter
File CA.4: Canada. 1945
File CA.5: Canada. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 6
Miscellaneous correspondence about Jewish Canadian relief efforts for Holocaust survivors in Europe
File CA.6: Canada: Communicable Disease/Tuberculosis TB Scheme. 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: Med 258
Plan to bring a limited number of hardcore cases to Canada
Canada: Communicable Disease/Tuberculosis TB Scheme. 1951-1952
File CA.7: Canada: Needle Trade Delegation. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.32.001
Commission sent by Canadian government to select approx. 2,000 DP’s to be employed in the needle trade; the firms in Canada agreed to employ them so they will not become public charges; detailed 4-page
File CA.8: Canada: Religious Functionaries. 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: C.32.002
Correspondence on request of the Canadian Jewish Congress to permit admission of 100 religious functionaries; six communities – Niagra Falls, Kitchener, Sudbury, Owen Sound & Chatham were prepared to provide contracts for prospective rabbis;
Record Group: Chile
The Chile Record Group contains two folders and spans the years 1945 and 1949, divided into two series: Subject Matter and Organizations. The material includes a list of all Jewish organizations in Chile, correspondence about relief parcels to Europe as well as inquiries for missing relatives.
Series 1: Chile: Subject Matter
File CH.1: Chile. 1945
File CH.2: Chile. 1949
Old Folder Number: 6
Printed Page: List of all Jewish organizations in Chile; names of Executive Committee (representatives of the Zionist Federation of Chile).
Record Group: China
JDC continued its presence in China during the years covered in this Record Group, 1945-1954. The China Record Group is comprised of 63 folders in 5 boxes, less than 2 linear feet, and is divided into three series: Administration, Organizations and Subject Matter. These folders contain correspondence, reports, passenger lists and financial documents. JDC’s major mission in China in this era was to help refugees, who had found safe haven in China during the Holocaust and World War, II emigrate to other countries and to ensure their sustenance until they could leave China. The refugees were concentrated in Shanghai, Harbin, and Tientsin. Emigration was complicated by the Soviet occupation of Manchuria, the Communist Revolution in China and because many of the refugees were elderly or infirm.
Series 1: China: Administration
File CC.1: China. 1952
Old Folder Number: 12
Correspondence regarding: PICMME’s responsibility for payment for resettlement and general situation of Jews in China.
File CC.2: China. Authorisations for Payment 1947
Old Folder Number: C.35.001
Correspondence regarding authorisations for payments to individuals.
File CC.3: China. Financial 1949
File CC.4: China. Harbin, Tientsin, Hong Kong January-March 1950
Old Folder Number: 14
Correspondence regarding: emigration to various countries, matters of reimbursement and baggage.
File CC.5: China. Harbin, Tientsin, Hong Kong April-June 1950
Old Folder Number: 14.1
Correspondence regarding: emigration to Israel, costs and reimbursement.
File CC.6: China. Harbin, Tientsin, Hong Kong June-October 1950
Old Folder Number:14.2
Correspondence regarding: emigration to Israel, payments and reimbursement.
File CC.7: China. Horace Kadoorie 1951
Old Folder Number: 42
Correspondence regarding: funds, accounting, exchange rate, payments and transfers and US Treasury order freezing Chinese assets.
File CC.8: China. James Rice Files. Far East 1951
Old Folder Number: 7
1 page regarding the payments by the IRO for the ship the SS Wooster Victory.
File CC.9: China. James Rice Files. Far East January-May 1952
Old Folder Number: 7.1
Correspondence regarding: emigration including expenses and responsibility, refugees including problems, responsibility and maintenance, relations with the IRO including the closure of the IRO and responsibility for IRO refugees, and expenditure.
File CC.10: China. James Rice Files. Far East May-December 1952
Old Folder Number: 7.2
Correspondence regarding: emigration, refugees including responsibility, expenses and protection, relations with the IRO, funds and the situation of Jews in Shanghai and China.
File CC.11: China. James Rice Files. Far East 1953
Old Folder Number: 7.3
Correspondence regarding: emigration, hard core cases, situation of refugees including cost, maintenance and responsibility, difficulties and reimbursements.
File CC.12: China. James Rice Files. Far East 1954
Old Folder Number: 7.4
Correspondence regarding: Shanghai repatriates for Austria, hard core cases, refugees, emigration including difficulties and reimbursements.
File CC.13: China. Jewish Community Shanghai 1947-1948, 1950, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.35.009
General and financial reports on the situation of the Jewish community in Shanghai.
File CC.14: China. Loans to Shanghai Refugees 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: C.45.091
Correspondence regarding loans to refugees and repayment.
File CC.15: China. Statistical Report on China 1952
Old Folder Number: 36
Report including: Jewish population, JDC programme, emigration and repatriation.
Series 2: China: Organizations
File CC.16: China. Emigration Shanghai 1947
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2
Correspondence regarding: emigration of refugees from Shanghai to various countries and report on situation of refugees in Australia.
File CC.17: China. Emigration Shanghai 1948
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.3
Correspondence regarding emigration of refugees from Shanghai to various countries.
File CC.18: China. Emigration Shanghai 1949
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.4
Correspondence regarding: emigration of refugees from Shanghai to various countries and relations between the IRO and the JDC.
File CC.19: China. Emigration Shanghai January-September 1950
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.5
Correspondence regarding: emigration of refugees from Shanghai to various countries, relations between the IRO and the JDC, and the refugee ship Anna Salen.
File CC.20: China. Emigration Shanghai September-December 1950
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.6
Correspondence regarding: emigration of refugees from Shanghai to various countries and the refugee ship Anna Salen.
File CC.21: China. Emigration Shanghai 1951
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.1
Correspondence regarding: emigration, eligibility, funding and responsibility for the refugees, reports on the situation and the refugee ship Anna Salen.
File CC.22: China. Emigration Shanghai 1952
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.7
Correspondence regarding: emigration, eligibility of the refugees to certain countries, funding and reports on the situation.
File CC.23: China. Emigration Shanghai 1953
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.8
Correspondence regarding: emigration, eligibility, funding and responsibility for the refugees and reports on the situation.
File CC.24: China. Emigration Shanghai 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: IRO.1124.2.2
Correspondence regarding: re-settlement of refugees from China and emigration to various countries.
File CC.25: China. Medical Programme Shanghai 1947
Old Folder Number: IRO.1131.8
Medical programme in Shanghai and difficulties in medical supplies.
File CC.26: China. Shanghai Returnees 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: IRO.1207
Correspondence regarding: emigration, repatriation, responsibilities of the IRO and policy on assistance.
File CC.27: China. United HIAS Service 1954
Old Folder Number: C.35.011
Correspondence on the amalgamation of HIAS and United Service for New Americans and general correspondence.
Series 3: China: Subject Matter
File CC.28: China. 1945
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence regarding: emigration of rabbis and rabbinical students to Sweden, situation of refugees, supplies and funds.
File CC.29: China. 1948
Old Folder Number: 8
Correspondence regarding: medical supplies and medical cases in China.
File CC.30: China. 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 6
Correspondence regarding: general correspondence, reimbursement, shipping and tenancy agreements.
File CC.31: China. 1948-1952
Old Folder Number: C.3
Correspondence regarding: Charles H. Jordan leaving Shanghai; reports on China including problems of emigration and countries of destination; responsibilities for the refugees; funds; compensation for persecution and concentration of Jews from Germany; adjustment of status of students; situation of Jewish refugees from Nazi dominated or occupied Europe in China; the Hongkew Ghetto.
File CC.32: China. Emigration 1948
File CC.33: China. Emigration 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: C.35.002
Correspondence regarding: emigration from China, analysis reports and reimbursement issues.
File CC.34: China. General 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 9
Correspondence regarding: repatriation of tuberculosis patients, medical supplies, hard core cases and responsibility for them and the ship Anna Salen.
File CC.35: China. General 1949-1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.35.000
Correspondence on the closure of the Shanghai office and the takeover of responsibilities by the Council of the Jewish Community, 1950. Takeover of property by the Chinese government, 1953.
File CC.36: China. James Rice Files. Shanghai January-March 1950
Old Folder Number: 12.4
Correspondence regarding: responsibility including finances for refugees, emigration to various countries and difficulties, and the closure of the IROFE and JDC Shanghai offices.
File CC.37: China. James Rice Files. Shanghai April-May 1950
Old Folder Number: 12.5
Correpondence regarding: situation in China, reimbursement, emigration to different countries, responsibility including fiscal for the refugees and repatriation.
File CC.38: China. James Rice Files. Shanghai June-July 1950
Old Folder Number: 12.6
Correspondence regarding: emigration to various countries including problematic cases, responsibility and payment for the refugees, the ship Anna Salen and repatriation cases.
File CC.39: China. James Rice Files. Shanghai July-September 1950
Old Folder Number: 12
Correspondence regarding: situation and statistics in China, emigration to various countries, expenses, the closure of AJDC Shanghai and the Anna Salen ship.
File CC.40: China. James Rice Files. Shanghai October-December 1950
Old Folder Number: 12.1
Correspondence regarding: emigration to various countries, the Anna Salen ship, and responsibility and cost for refugees.
File CC.41: China. James Rice Files. Shanghai January-July 1951
Old Folder Number: 12.2
Correspondence on the status of Iraqi Jews, emigration to various countries, repatriation to Germany and Austria and responsibility for the refugees.
File CC.42: China. James Rice Files. Shanghai August-December 1951
Old Folder Number: 12.3
Correspondence regarding: reports on the ship Anna Salen and the situation in China, responsibility and payment for the refugees and emigration and eligibility to various countries.
File CC.43: China. Klara Blum 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 326
Individual request of Klara Blum for a visa to China.
File CC.44: China. Mr. S.R. Toeg’s Report December 3 1954
Old Folder Number: Misc 243
Report on the situation in China including: the difficulties in obtaining permits to leave and censorship in Harbin.
File CC.45: China. Refugees in Shanghai 1947, 1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: C.35.003
Situation of refugees in Shanghai.
File CC.46: China. Repatriation to Austria and Germany 1947-1949, 1953
Old Folder Number: C.35.004
Correspondence on repatriation to various countries.
File CC.47: China. Reports on Shanghai 1947-1950, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: C.35.005
Reports on the situation in Shanghai and the problems of emigration.
File CC.48: China. Shanghai 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence regarding: refugees in Shanghai including responsibility, funding, legal and political status and emigration. Chinese Government Regulations Regarding the Deportation of German and Austrian Refugees.
File CC.49: China. Shanghai 1948
Old Folder Number: 7.1
General correspondence regarding: responsibility, funding, cost, housing, reimbursement, medical care for refugees, IRO – AJDC Field Operating Agreement and relations between the IRO and AJDC, and emigration to various countries including Israel and Italy.
File CC.50: China. Shanghai January-February 1949
Old Folder Number: 7.2
Correspondence regarding: emigration, names of ships and destination to Israel via Italy or the US, concerns and reports regarding reimbursement and responsibility for refugees between the AJDC and the IRO, US restrictions on emigration for Jewish men and population figures.
File CC.51: China. Shanghai March-April 1949
Old Folder Number: 7.3
Correspondence regarding: emigration – destinations including Israel, Canada, transportation methods, problems and hard core cases, relations with the IRO, reimbursement and responsibility. Reports of activities of the Far Eastern Palestine Office and the SS Woodster Victory.
File CC.52: China. Shanghai May-June 1949
Old Folder Number: 7.4
Correspondence regarding: emigration including destinations to Canada and Israel, transport, cost and obstacles; care and responsibility for the refugees; reimbursements; and issues with hard core refugees.
File CC.53: China. Shanghai July-August 1949
Old Folder Number: 7.5
Correspondence regarding: emigration including destinations, transport, lost luggage and cost; responsibility for refugees; and reimbursements. Amending agreement between Compania Argentina de Navegacion de Ultramar, S.A. as owners of the Woodster Victory and the IRO.
File CC.54: China. Shanghai September-October 1949
Old Folder Number: 7.6
Correspondence regarding: emigration including destinations, transport and difficulties; problems of communications; payments; reports on the Tientsin project and Shanghai and the structure of the council with statistics. List of passengers onboard the SS Gordon.
File CC.55: China. Shanghai November-December 1949
Old Folder Number: 7.7
Correspondence regarding: emigration including destinations, travel arrangements and difficulties; problems, needs and responsibility for the refugees including hard core; reimbursements and expenses; report on Shanghai including costs; and correspondence relating to the future closure of the office in Shanghai and IRO plans to cease activities for those who remain.
File CC.56: China. Shanghai Refugees SS Anna Salen 1948, 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence regarding the situation in Shanghai, the Shanghai Ghetto and individual requests, refugees onboard the Anna Salen and Iraqi refugees in Shanghai
File CC.57: China. Students 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: C.35.010
Adjustment of Status of Students under section 4 DPs Act 1948. Statement regarding the situation of Jewish refugees in China. The Inter University Federation of Great Britain & Ireland.
File CC.58: China. Supplies 1947
Old Folder Number: C.35.006
Correspondence regarding supplies including misinformation by the IRO about what the JDC provides and information on list of suits, trousers, milk and ambulances needed.
File CC.59: China. TB patients from Shanghai to Switzerland 1947
Old Folder Number: C.35.007
Funds for the care of patients from Shanghai in Switzerland.
File CC.60: China. Transfers of Deposits to Shanghai 1948
Old Folder Number: C.77.500
Transfer of funds from Rhodesia to relatives in Shanghai for their emigration to Rhodesia.
File CC.61: China. Transfer of JDC Office to Community 1948-1951, 1953
Old Folder Number: C.3.1
Correspondence regarding: general correspondence from emigration, visa records, exit permit for Mr. Glassgold and his replacement, transfers, vehicles, stamp collections to New Years greetings.
File CC.62: China. Charles H. Jordan Trip to Australia 1947
Old Folder Number: C.35.008
Report of Charles Jordan to Australia, August 20th-September 20th 1947. Arrangements and responsibility for Shanghai refugees. Jewish relations in Australia. Immigration and welfare matters. Organisations and community relations.