Extent: 678 files
The Organizations subcollection details JDC’s partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations, including several United Nations agencies such as the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA); Jewish and nonsectarian philanthropic agencies; and U.S. and foreign governmental agencies during the years 1945-1954.
The Organizations subcollection is organized into five record groups:
U.S. Government
Foreign Governments
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Within each record group, files are arranged alphabetically by the organization’s name. Those organizations for which there are at least three files are categorized in series within the record groups, with each series titled according to the organization’s name. These series are listed first in alphabetical order. All of the files which appear after these series reflect organizations that have fewer than three files and therefore are not assigned to a series.
Record Group: U.S. Government
File 1522: Board of Foreign Scholarships, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3694
Correspondence with State Department’s Board of Foreign Scholarships regarding prospects for refugees.
File 2023: U.S. Citizens Food Committee, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4626
Correspondence material regarding “friendship train,” collecting food for Europe.
File 2026: U.S. Commodity Credit Corporation, 1950, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4640
Materials regarding laws, availability, mechanisms for receipt of commodities.
File 2027: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1942, 1948-1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4608
Miscellaneous correspondence, press releases.
File 2037: U.S. Office of Alien Property, 1945-1954, 1955, 1958
Old Folder Number: 4617, 4625
Correspondence, federal orders unblocking accounts and “enemy assets.” Materials, correspondence on legislation for successor organizations to recover Jewish heirless assets in U.S.
File 2045: U.S. Office of War Information, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4645
Statement on JDC activities for directory of American organizations with activities abroad.
File 2046: U.S. President’s Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4648
Background materials on displaced persons, refugees, U.S. immigration policy; copies of testimony to committee hearings (in Washington and New York).
U.S. President’s Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, 1952
File 2047: U.S. Social Welfare Attaches Program, 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: 4652
Correspondence on Foreign Service program.
File 2048: U.S. War Assets Administration, 1946-1951
Old Folder Number: 4632
Correspondence on credit, purchase of relief and medical supplies.
Series 1: Economic Cooperation Administration
File 1608: Economic Cooperation Administration, I.-IV. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3771
Paul Hoffman reports on Economic Cooperation Administration, correspondence on how program may be useful to voluntary agencies.
File 1609: Economic Cooperation Administration, IV.-XII 1948
Old Folder Number: 3771
Correspondence, reports on Economic Cooperation Administration, value to voluntary agencies.
Series 2: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid
File 2012: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4618
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 2013: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4619
Correspondence, accounting memos on exports, shipments, freight charges and subsidies.
File 2014: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, 1951
Old Folder Number: 4619
Correspondence, accounting memos on exports, shipments, freight charges and subsidies.
File 2015: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, VI.-XII. 1950
Old Folder Number: 4620
Correspondence, accounting memos on exports, shipments, freight charges and remittances.
U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, VI.-XII. 1950
File 2016: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, I.-V. 1950
Old Folder Number: 4620
Correspondence, accounting memos on exports, shipments, freight charges and remittances
U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, I.-V. 1950
File 2017: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, VII.-XII. 1949
Old Folder Number: 4621
Correspondence, accounting memos on exports, shipments, freight charges and remittances
U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, VII.-XII. 1949
File 2018: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, I.-VI. 1949
Old Folder Number: 4621
Correspondence, accounting memos on exports, shipments, freight charges and remittances
U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, I.-VI. 1949
File 2019: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, VIII.-XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4622
Correspondence, accounting memos on exports, shipments, freight charges and remittances
U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, VIII.-XII. 1948
File 2020: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, I.-VII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4622
Correspondence, reports, accounting memos on exports, shipments. Printed Matter: “Voluntary Foreign Aid,” study by special subcommittee of House Committee on Foreign Affairs
U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, I.-VII. 1948
File 2021: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4622
Correspondence, reports, accounting memos on exports, shipments. Summary of meeting of Advisory Committee with voluntary agencies (March 7, 1947)
File 2022: U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, 1946
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, materials on JDC participation in Advisory Committe
Series 3: U.S. Department of Commerce
File 2028: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 4609
Correspondence transmitting annual statements on remittances and supplies sent abroad
File 2029: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1925-1944, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4610
Correspondence transmitting annual statements on remittances sent abroad
Series 4: U.S. Department of State
File 2030: U.S. Department of State, 1946-1948, 1951-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4615
Correspondence, materials on role of voluntary agencies in United Nations Economic and Social Council
File 2031: Fulbleft Program, 1946, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 4614
Correspondence regarding designation of Paul Baerwald School for Social Work (Paris) for Fulbleft funds
Series 5: U.S. Escapee Program
File 2032: U.S. Escapee Program, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4628
Memos (March 22, 1954) on the U.S. Escapee Program (background, assistance projects). Financial correspondence regarding South American expenses for program
File 2033: U.S. Escapee Program, VII.-XII. 1953
Old Folder Number: 4629
Financial correspondence, reports, primarily regarding South American expenses, accounting procedures for program
File 2034: U.S. Escapee Program, I.-VI. 1953
Old Folder Number: 4629
Contract with State Department (June 29, 1953) for participation in program to find immigration opportunities in South America for escapees from Iron Curtain countries. Financial correspondence, statistical reports on program
File 2035: U.S. Escapee Program, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4629
Correspondence, memos regarding procedures for President’s Escapee Program
Series 6: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner
File 2038: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 4630
General, financial correspondence on conclusion of Joint Procurement Mission, Hadassah purchase of field hospital supplies from Charleroi (Belgium)
U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1950-1951
File 2039: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1949
Old Folder Number: 4630
General, financial correspondence on purchase of surplus supplies, conclusion of Joint Procurement Mission, Hadassah purchase of field hospital supplies from Charleroi (Belgium)
File 2040: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1948
Old Folder Number: 4631
General, financial correspondence on purchase of surplus supplies, conclusion of Joint Procurement Mission, Jewish Agency purchase of Camp Pittsburgh
File 2041: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4631
General, financial correspondence on purchase of surplus supplies
File 2042: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, IX.-XII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 4633
General, financial correspondence on arrangements, credit, purchases of surplus supplies; activities of Joint Procurement Mission
U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, IX.-XII. 1946
File 2043: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, I.-VIII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 4633
General, financial correspondence on arrangements, credit, purchases of surplus supplies; organization and activities of Joint Procurement Mission
U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, I.-VIII. 1946
File 2044: U.S. Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4633
Miscellaneous correspondence, requests for surplus supplies
Series 7: U.S. War Refugee Board
File 2049: U.S. War Refugee Board, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 4659
Correspondence, summaries of War Refugee Board (WRB) activities; news accounts regarding Saly Mayer’s rescue activities. Executive order (June 1,
1946) establishing “Cabinet Committee on Palestine and Related Problems.”
File 2050: U.S. War Refugee Board, V.-XII. 1944
Old Folder Number: 4660
Cables, correspondence; report (November 1944) about German extermination camps at Auschwitz and Birkenau. Summary of WRB discretionary fund expenditures (May-October 1944)
File 2051: U.S. War Refugee Board, I.-IV. 1944
Old Folder Number: 4660
Cables, correspondence; miscellaneous reports on meetings with John Pehle; Executive Order (January 22, 1944) establishing War Refugee Board
File 2052: Reports, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4659
Final summary report (September 15, 1945); report on War Refugee Board from its representative in Bern, Switzerland (March 1944-July 1945)
File 2053: Reports, Ira Hirschmann, 1944
Old Folder Number: 4661
Ira Hirschmann’s reports (carbon copies) on activities of War Refugee Board in Turkey
Record Group: Foreign Governments
File 1485: American Economic Committee for Palestine, 1945, 1947, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3580
Miscellaneous on activities, including summary of agriculture-related activities (May 1946-February 1947).
File 1487: American Financial and Development Corporation for Israel, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 3582
Miscellaneous correspondence and printed materials regarding Israel Bonds.
American Financial and Development Corporation for Israel, 1951-1952
File 1636: Haganah, 1938, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3804
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, primarily concerning fund-raising.
File 1643: Histadruth, 1935, 1937, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 3814
Correspondence, primarily complaints about fund-raising.
Record Group: Intergovernmental
Series 1: Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM)
File 1650: ICEM, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3823
Miscellaneous correspondence, memos on procedures, expenses, reimbursement, migration laws. Draft ICEM constitution (May 6, 1953). ICEM-Israel agreement (1952, transmitted with memo January 30, 1953)
File 1651: ICEM, Reports, 1952-1953
File 1652: ICEM, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 3823
Correspondence, memos on procedures, expenses, reimbursement, migration laws
Series 2: Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees
File 1653: Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3824
Miscellaneous financial correspondence regarding liquidation of international committee
File 1654: Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, VII.-XII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3824
Correspondence, cables on refugees, expenses
File 1655: Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, I.-VI. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3824
Correspondence, cables on emigration, expenses, refugees
File 1656: Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3824
Correspondence, cables on emigration, expenses, refugees
File 1657: Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, VII.-XII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3825
Correspondence regarding Intergovernmental Committee: eligibility requirements, attitudes, procedures
File 1658: Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, I.-VI. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3825
Correspondence regarding post-war conditions, refugees’ needs, organizations and governments’ financial arrangements
Series 3: International Refugee Organization
File 1667: International Refugee Organization, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3840, 3849
Accounting, financial correspondence on reparations payments, including on losses due to exchange rates. Reports, statistics on distribution, International Refugee Organization (IRO) transfers to voluntary agencies
File 1668: International Refugee Organization, IV.-XII. 1952
Old Folder Number: 3840
Accounting, financial correspondence; miscellaneous correspondence on disposition of individual IRO case records
File 1669: International Refugee Organization, I.-III. 1952
Old Folder Number: 3840
Correspondence on refugees and post-IRO migration agency, on disposition of individual IRO case records. Report on meeting (February 1952) of IRO General Council, resolutions on liquidation, disposal of assets. Report on status of refugees (undated, unsigned; possibly by Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe)
File 1670: International Refugee Organization, VIII.-XII. 1951
Old Folder Number: 3841
Materials on termination of IRO activities; report by IRO director-general J. Donald Kingsley (October 9, 1951) on post-IRO residual refugee
File 1671: International Refugee Organization, IV.-VII. 1951
Old Folder Number: 3841
Correspondence on IRO agreement regarding resettlement in Israel of institutional hard-core; on post-IRO migration activities. Financial correspondence on IRO remittances.
File 1672: International Refugee Organization, I.-III. 1951
Old Folder Number: 3841
Miscellaneous correspondence on IRO obligations, intentions to make payments. Financial correspondence on IRO remittances. J. Donald Kingsley memo (March 5, 1951) to IRO General Council, “The experience of the IRO in the field of international migration operations.” “IRO news report.”
File 1673: International Refugee Organization, X.-XII. 1950
Old Folder Number: 3842
Correspondence regarding refugees, repatriates in Shanghai. Financial correspondence on IRO remittances.
File 1674: International Refugee Organization, VII.-IX. 1950
Old Folder Number: 3842
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances. Cables regarding inadequacy of facilities for refugees transported on SS Anna Salen.
File 1675: International Refugee Organization, IV.-VI. 1950
Old Folder Number: 3842
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances; IRO press releases, “IRO News Reports.”
File 1676: International Refugee Organization, I.-III. 1950
Old Folder Number: 3842
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances. Miscellaneous correspondence, including Adolph (Cook) Glassgold letter (March 13, 1950) to Joseph Liao, IRO-Far East, regarding IRO responsibility for relief in China.
File 1677: International Refugee Organization, XI.-XII. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3843, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO claims, remittances. Correspondence on emigration, resettlement of hard-core in China.
File 1678: International Refugee Organization, IX.-X. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3843, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO claims, remittances. Report (September 21, 1949) on resettlement in Dominican Republic (Sosua). Adolph (Cook) Glassgold correspondence on problems with baggage shipments, costs from China.
File 1679: International Refugee Organization, VII.-VIII. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3843, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO claims, remittances, financing for immigration to U.S. IRO General Council resolution (July 17, 1949) on “future international action concerning refugees.” Report of Merchandising Advisory Committee.
File 1680: International Refugee Organization, VI. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3843, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, claims. Memo (June 1, 1949) transmits IRO director-general’s report (of May 9, 1949) with recommendations regarding termination of IRO.
File 1681: International Refugee Organization, V. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3843, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, claims. Miscellaneous correspondence on arrangements for emigration from Shanghai, Tientsin.
File 1682: International Refugee Organization, IV. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3844, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, claims; miscellaneous on potential termination of IRO.
File 1683: International Refugee Organization, III. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3844, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, obligations for reimbursement for emigration to Israel. IRO director-general’s report (March 22, 1949) on the IRO activities since July 1, 1948.
File 1684: International Refugee Organization, II. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3844, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, responsibility for China, Israel migration expenses.
File 1685: International Refugee Organization, I. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3844, 3839
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, responsibility for China, Israel migration expenses; press release (January 28, 1949) regarding IRO resolution on immigration to the Middle East, lifting restriction on reimbursement for migration to Israel. Materials on conference of IRO, voluntary agencies. Names of passengers listed on IRO claims on Alaska Airlines flight from Shanghai to Israel, January 13, 1949.
File 1686: International Refugee Organization, XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3845
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances. Correspondence on IRO meeting in Rome; miscellaneous on evacuation of refugees in Shanghai, visas for Israel.
File 1687: International Refugee Organization, X.- XI. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3845
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances. Correspondence on need to evacuate refugees in Shanghai.
File 1688: International Refugee Organization, VIII.-IX. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3845
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, currency exchange, use of Marshall Plan funds. IRO news digests.
File 1689: International Refugee Organization, V.-VII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3845
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, currency exchange, reimbursement rates, use of Marshall Plan funds, use of funds for resettlement in Israel. Reports by Institute on Overseas Studies on IRO, displaced persons. Summary of conference of voluntary agencies regarding refugees, IRO (Geneva, June 14-16, 1948).
File 1690: International Refugee Organization, V. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3846
Financial correspondence on IRO remittances, use of funds for resettlement in Israel. PCIRO draft resolution (May 4, 1948) on repatriation and resettlement policy. IRO news digest (May 14, 1948) on legal and other protections of refugees. M. Jacob Joslow memo (undated) with abstracts of PCIRO plenary session (Geneva, 1948). Adolph (Cook) Glassgold memo (May 14, 1948) transmits draft Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO) agreement regarding PCIRO obligations in Shanghai.
File 1691: International Refugee Organization, III.-IV. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3846
General, financial correspondence on Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO) obligations in Shanghai. PCIRO news digests, bulletins.
File 1692: International Refugee Organization, II. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3846
General, financial correspondence on reparations, sale of heirless assets, transition to IRO.
File 1693: International Refugee Organization, I. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3846
General, financial correspondence on reparations, sale of heirless assets, transition to IRO. Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO) reports (January 1948) on occupational skills of refugees in PCIRO assembly centers in Europe, on PCIRO health program. Report (January 22, 1948) for PCIRO on activities of voluntary agencies associated with PCIRO.
File 1694: International Refugee Organization, XI.-XII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3847
General, financial correspondence on reparations, negotiations regarding reimbursement for refugees’ resettlement, allocations of heirless assets.
File 1695: International Refugee Organization, VIII.-X. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3847
General, financial correspondence on reparations, including Joel Fisher memos on negotiations with IRO. IRO director-general’s report (October 19, 1947) on IRO’s activities in its first three months. Printed matter: pamphlet on IRO’s “refugee problem” in Italy; copy of agreement between Italy and IRO; PCIRO news bulletins.
File 1696: International Refugee Organization, VI.-VII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3847
General, financial correspondence on reparations, IRO obligations, including IRO exclusion of Romanian infiltratees in Vienna due to shortage of funds.
File 1697: International Refugee Organization, I.-V. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3847
General, financial correspondence. Martha Biehle memo (January 31, 1947) provides background on IRO. Draft constitution for IRO (mimeo); draft proposed agreement between IRO and American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service.
File 1698: International Refugee Organization, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3847
Miscellaneous correspondence on anticipated formation of IRO.
File 1699: Auction Catalogs, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3848
Catalogs for auctions of heirless Jewish assets, sold in U.S. to raise funds for refugees, under auspices of the Merchandising Advisory Committee of the Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO).
File 1700: Interim Report on Liquidation of Reparation Program, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3838
Reports on use of reparations funds for refugees, transmitted by J. Donald Kingsley letter (December 15, 1952) as “liquidating trustee, Paris reparation refugees fund” regarding allocations of reparations to non-repatriable victims of Nazi regime under Five-Power agreement (June 14, 1946). Appendices include reparations terms, interim progress report (July 1947-September 1948).
File 1701: Merchandising Advisory Committee, 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 3850
Correspondence, committee meeting minutes, cash reports.
File 1702: Merchandising Advisory Committee, Securities, 1950, 1954-1955
Old Folder Number: 3851
Miscellaneous on European securities JDC received from IRO.
Merchandising Advisory Committee, Securities, 1950, 1954-1955
File 1703: Budgets, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 3852
Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO) budget submissions.
Series 4: International Tracing Service
File 1706: International Tracing Service, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3858
Allied High Commission’s monthly activity reports on operations of tracing service; summary report for 1954. Miscellaneous correspondence on disposition of records.
File 1707: International Tracing Service, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3859
Allied High Commission’s monthly activity reports on operations of tracing service; summary report for 1953. Miscellaneous correspondence on disposition/transfer of records.
File 1708: International Tracing Service, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3860
File 1709: International Tracing Service, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3860
Allied High Commission’s monthly activity reports (April-December) on operations of tracing service.
File 1710: International Tracing Service, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 3860
Correspondence regarding JDC location service; correspondence, memos regarding development of International Refugee Organization (IRO) tracing service, monthly reports (July and December 1948) on operations of tracing service.
Series 5: United Nations
File 1975: United Nations, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 4090
Miscellaneous speeches, press releases on UN, relief, refugees.
File 1976: Food and Agriculture Organization, Report, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4094
“The State of Food and Agriculture, 1947,” report for FAO conference in Geneva, August 1947.
File 1977: Technical Assistance Office, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4101
Materials regarding UN-UNESCO conference on “social problems of executing technical assistance programs for economic development,” including working paper on experience of voluntary agencies.
File 1978: World Festival for Friendship, 1946-1947
File 1979: World Health Organization, 1947-1949, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4103
Correspondence regarding JDC’s relations with WHO, scholarships, conference.
File 1980: United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1947-1948, 1951, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4091
Miscellaneous on development of declaration on human lefts, including materials on State Department conference (October 1947), draft of international bill of human lefts.
United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1947-1948, 1951, 1953
File 1981: United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 4092
Speeches, conference notices, correspondence, including letter from Harold Glasser to Pierce Williams (July 22, 1948) on repatriation of Jewish displaced persons.
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), 1947-1950
File 1982: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1949-1951, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4093
Correspondence, meeting announcements, reports on JDC activities.
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1949-1951, 1954
File 1983: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 4093
Correspondence, meeting announcements, reports on UNESCO conferences.
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1946-1948
File 1984: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 4095
Miscellaneous materials, including notes on voluntary agencies’ meetings regarding Ford Foundation grants.
File 1985: United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 1946-1953
Old Folder Number: 4097
Miscellaneous on relief supplies. Gordon Carter memo (April 8, 1949) regarding UNICEF aid to JDC homes in Hungary.
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 1946-1953
File 1986: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 1948-1949, 1963
Old Folder Number: 4098
Financial correspondence regarding claims.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), 1948-1949, 1963
File 1987: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), VI.-XII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 4098
Correspondence, press releases, memo (for UJA conference, June 7-8, 1947) regarding liquidation of UNRRA. Financial correspondence regarding claims. Materials on eligibility for aid for Romanian infiltratees in Austria.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), VI.-XII. 1947
File 1988: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), I.-V. 1947
Old Folder Number: 4098
Correspondence, press releases, memos, including Harlan Cleveland, UNRRA China office, report (May 28, 1947) regarding financial assistance to JDC.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), I.-V. 1947
File 1989: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), V.-XII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 4099
Correspondence regarding impact of UNRRA’s termination, including letters from Lowell Rooks (September 3 and October 2, 1946) on UNRRA plans. Printed matter: “Medical guide for use of [UNRRA/DP] camp doctors”; “50 facts about UNRRA”; “Out of the chaos.”
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), V.-XII. 1946
File 1990: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), I.-IV. 1946
Old Folder Number: 4099
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), I.-IV. 1946
File 1991: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), VII.-XII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4100
Correspondence, news accounts, press releases, Herbert Lehman statements on activities, refugees’ conditions; UNRRA “monthly reviews,” reports on operations; miscellaneous on U.S. aid for UNRRA.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), VII.-XII. 1945
File 1992: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), I.-VI. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4100
News accounts, press releases, correspondence (Harold Linder) on refugees’ conditions, arrangements for aid; Herbert Lehman speeches. UNRRA “monthly reviews,” miscellaneous on UNRRA mission to South American governments.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), I.-VI. 1945
Record Group: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
As noted above, this record group is arranged in two separate alphabetical spans. The first, Group 1, is an alphabetical list of series. Series exist when there are multiple files or folders for the same organization. These are labeled as the name of the organization for which all files within the series are housed. For example, in Series 1. Alliance Israelite Universelle includes all files that relate to the Alliance Israelite Universelle. The second alphabetical span, labeled as Group 2, covers the organizations for which there is less material and therefore not arranged into separate series. Group 2 includes files named for specific organizations such as Agudas Harabanim or folders labeled as Miscellaneous A, which include individual documents for a number of different organizations beginning with the letter “A.”
Group 1: Series
Series 1: Alliance Israelite Universelle
File 1419: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1954
File 1420: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1952-1953
File 1421: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1949-1951
File 1422: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1947-1948, 1970
File 1423: Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1945-1946
Series 2: American Committee of OSE
File 1428: American Committee of OSE, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 3498
Miscellaneous correspondence. Printed matter: Jacob Lestschinsky report, “OSE: 40 Years of Activities and Achievements.”
File 1429: American Committee of OSE, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 3499
Correspondence on finances, relations with JDC; minutes of meetings; newsletters. Printed matter: “The Rehabilitation of Jewish Children by the OSE.”
File 1430: American Committee of OSE, 1941, 1944-1945
Old Folder Number: 3499
Correspondence on finances, relations with JDC; minutes of meetings; newsletters. Printed matter: “The Rehabilitation of Jewish Children by the OSE.”
Series 3: American Council for Judaism
File 1432: American Council for Judaism, 1950-1951, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3504
Correspondence, conference materials.
File 1433: American Council for Judaism, 1943-1949
Old Folder Number: 3504
Miscellaneous materials on refugee aid, “Information Bulletin.”
Series 4: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service
File 1434: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3512
Correspondence, meeting notices, congressional testimony. Position paper (January 1954) on “Voluntary Agencies in Service Programs Abroad.”
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1954
File 1435: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3512
Correspondence, meeting notices, congressional testimony. Position paper (January 1954) on “Voluntary Agencies in Service Programs Abroad.”
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1953
File 1436: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3513
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, memo (May 21, 1952) “Facts about the Council in Brief.”
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1952
File 1437: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3514
Correspondence; facts on migration. Document (June 13, 1951) in support of intergovernmental migration agency.
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1951
File 1438: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3515
Correspondence, minutes of meetings (in U.S. and in U.S. Occupation Zone, Germany).
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1950
File 1439: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1949
Old Folder Number: 3516
Correspondence, minutes of meetings; miscellaneous materials on membership dues. Undated outline (April?) on council’s functional and administrative committees.
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1949
File 1440: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, IX.-XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3517
Correspondence, minutes of meetings (in U.S. and in U.S. Occupation Zone, Germany).
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, IX.-XII. 1948
File 1441: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, I.-VIII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3517
Correspondence, minutes of meetings (in U.S. and in U.S. Occupation Zone, Germany).
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, I.-VIII. 1948
File 1442: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3518
Materials regarding plans for post-UNRRA relations, responsibilities; proposed agreement between International Refugee Organization (IRO) and voluntary agencies.
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, 1947
File 1443: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, VIII.-XII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3519
Materials on meetings, summaries of factors affecting field work/financing of voluntary agencies, plans for operations after demise of UNRRA, President’s War Relief Control Board. Correspondence, drafts of UN General Assembly resolution (December 18, 1946) on creation of “International Children’s Emergency Fund.”
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, VIII.-XII. 1946
File 1444: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, I.-VII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3519
Materials on meetings, summaries of factors affecting field work/financing of voluntary agencies, plans for operations after demise of UNRRA, President’s War Relief Control Board. Correspondence, drafts of UN General Assembly resolution (December 18, 1946) on creation of “International Children’s Emergency Fund.”
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, I.-VII. 1946
File 1445: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, VII.-XII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3520
Correspondence on administrative, organizational procedures, intergovernmental relations.
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, VII.-XII. 1945
File 1446: American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, I.-VI. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3520
Correspondence on administrative, organizational procedures, intergovernmental relations.
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service, I.-VI. 1945
File 1447: Certificate of Incorporation, 1944
File 1448: Committee on Cooperatives, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 3529
Miscellaneous on establishment of nonprofit cooperative agency to handle remittances, deliveries of food parcels to designated individuals: Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe (CARE).
File 1449: Committee on Educational Reconstruction, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3536
Miscellaneous correspondence, committee meeting minutes.
File 1450: Countries, Austria, 1946-1948, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3522
Miscellaneous regarding Committee on Austria.
File 1451: Countries, Czechoslovakia, 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3530
Miscellaneous on Committee on Czechoslovakia.
File 1452: Countries, France, 1945-1948
File 1453: Countries, Germany, 1945, 1947-1949, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3539
Miscellaneous regarding Committee on Germany.
File 1454: Countries, Germany, Council in Germany, 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 3540
Minutes of council of voluntary agencies working in Germany.
File 1455: Countries, Germany, Council in Germany, 1947-1949, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3540
Minutes of council of voluntary agencies working in Germany.
File 1456: Countries, Greece, 1944-1945, 1948-1949, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3542
Miscellaneous regarding Committee on Balkans, Greece. List (1944) of voluntary agencies working in Greece.
File 1457: Countries, Hungary, 1946-1948
File 1458: Countries, Italy, 1945, 1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3547, 3549
Miscellaneous regarding Committee on Italy.
File 1459: Countries, Korea, 1950-1954
File 1460: Countries, Near and Middle East, 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 3561
Miscellaneous regarding Committee on the Near and Middle East.
File 1461: Countries, Netherlands, 1945, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3565
Miscellaneous regarding Subcommittee on the Netherlands.
File 1462: Countries, Orient, 1944-1945
Old Folder Number: 3567
Miscellaneous regarding Committee on the Orient.
File 1463: Countries, Poland, 1945-1948
File 1464: Countries, Romania, 1946-1947
File 1465: Displaced Persons, 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 3531
Miscellaneous materials, including minutes of meetings related to U.S. immigration, western migration. Miscellaneous “Information Bulletins.”
File 1466: Displaced Persons, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3532
Minutes of meetings of council’s committee on DPs. Constitution, by-laws of Council of Voluntary Agencies Working in Germany.
File 1467: Displaced Persons, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 3533
Minutes of meetings. Miscellaneous correspondence on proposals for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
File 1468: Displaced Persons, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3533
Minutes of meetings. Miscellaneous materials on relations with Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO).
File 1469: Displaced Persons, 1945-1946
File 1470: Displaced Persons, Committee on Orientation, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 3535
Miscellaneous materials on work of panel on DP orientation
File 1471: Displaced Persons, Printed Matter, VI. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3534
Survey Committee of Displaced Persons (May 8, 1946), “Report on Programs of Voluntary Agencies for Displaced Persons.”
File 1472: Executive Committee, 1950, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 3558
Minutes of Executive Committee meetings.
File 1473: Executive Committee, 1945-1948
File 1474: Finance-Membership Committee, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 3560
Meeting minutes, correspondence regarding member, dues, funds.
File 1475: Food and Famine Committee, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3537
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding activities of ad hoc committee.
File 1476: Gifts-in-Kind, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3541
File 1477: Migration, 1953-1954
File 1478: Shipping and Purchasing, 1945-1951, 1953-1954
File 1479: Surplus Commodities, VI.-XII.1954
Old Folder Number: 3575
Materials, including correspondence, congressional testimony and legislation on disposal of U.S. surplus commodities.
File 1480: Surplus Commodities, I.-V.1954
Old Folder Number: 3575
Materials, including correspondence, congressional testimony and legislation on disposal of U.S. surplus commodities.
File 1481: Survey Committee, 1948-1950
File 1482: Technical Assistance and Projects Committee, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 3578
Miscellaneous reports on role, activities of voluntary agencies. Materials on U.S. immigration law.
Series 5: American Jewish Committee
File 1493: American Jewish Committee, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 3593
Miscellaneous correspondence, meeting minutes, statements of policy regarding displaced persons, Germany. AJC statement (September 22, 1952) on withdrawal from National Community Relations Advisory Council.
File 1494: American Jewish Committee, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3594
Miscellaneous materials on opening AJC Washington office, on initiation of AJC “political” activities on behalf of rehabilitation, reconstruction of Jewish communities abroad, coordination of activities with JDC. Minutes from meetings of AJC Foreign Affairs Committee, including materials on need for “democratic education” in Germany.
File 1495: American Jewish Committee, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 3594, 3595
Miscellaneous correspondence, including Joseph Proskauer, Jacob Blaustein letters (1945) from San Francisco on UN conference on Commission on Human Rights. “Home Front,” digest of AJC activities, anti-Semitism.
File 1496: Printed Matter, I.-VI. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3595
Copies of the “Committee Reporter,” monthly publication.
Series 6: American Jewish Conference
File 1497: American Jewish Conference, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 3597
Miscellaneous correspondence on activities of conference.
File 1498: American Jewish Conference, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 3597
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, American Jewish Committee memo (November 19, 1945) on AJC meeting with President Harry Truman.
File 1499: Committee on Rescue, 1943
Old Folder Number: 3596
Summary, transcript of Committee on Rescue meeting in New York (August 31, September 1-2 1943).
Series 7: American Jewish Congress
File 1500: American Jewish Congress, 1948-1950, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 3599
Correspondence on JDC’s absorption of World Jewish Congress/American Jewish Congress child-care projects in Europe. Materials on inclusion of American Jewish Congress in UJA.
File 1501: American Jewish Congress, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 3599
Correspondence culminating in agreement on JDC’s absorption of World Jewish Congress/American Jewish Congress child-care projects in Europe.
Series 8: B’nai B’rith
File 1516: B’nai B’rith, 1947-1950, 1952, 1954
File 1517: B’nai B’rith, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 3659
Miscellaneous correspondence, primarily on scholarships and Hillel Refugee Student Service. Contains names of students whose cases were being processed, memo transmitted September 11, 1946.
File 1518: Scholarships, 1947-1950
File 1519: Scholarships, Financial, 1947-1952
Old Folder Number: 3660
Correspondence regarding Hillel Foundation’s debt for emigration, transportation expenses for refugee students.
Series 9: CARE
File 1526: CARE, 1951, 1953-1954
File 1527: CARE, 1950
File 1528: CARE, 1949
Old Folder Number: 3699
Miscellaneous correspondence, including tracking of food packages, financial. Materials on CARE’s arrangements with Israel.
File 1529: CARE, VII.-XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3700
Miscellaneous accounting correspondence, correspondence on JDC withdrawal from CARE. Contains list of some names of package senders/recipients.
File 1530: CARE, I.-VI. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3700
Miscellaneous accounting correspondence, correspondence on JDC withdrawal from CARE, reorganization of CARE, service to Cyprus.
File 1531: CARE, X.-XII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3701
Correspondence regarding JDC withdrawal from organization.
File 1532: CARE, VI.-IX.1947
Old Folder Number: 3701
Miscellaneous correspondence, minutes of meetings. Contains some names listed on cables.
File 1533: CARE, II.-V. 1947
File 1534: CARE, I. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3701
Correspondence, general manager’s reports. Contains list of names of senders, recipients.
File 1535: CARE, X.-XII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3702
Miscellaneous correspondence. Contains list of names of senders, recipients.
File 1536: CARE, VIII.-IX. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3702
Correspondence, financial reports. Contains list of names of senders, recipients.
File 1537: CARE, VI.-VII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3702
Correspondence, financial reports. Contains list of names of senders, recipients.
File 1538: CARE, I.-V.1946
Old Folder Number: 3702
Correspondence, financial reports. Contains list of names of senders, recipients.
File 1539: CARE, 1945
Old Folder Number: 3702
Correspondence on organization, administration, logistics of new nonsectarian agency for food package remittances to Europe.
File 1540: Parcels, Mexico, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3703
Materials on parcel orders from Mexico. Contains list of names of senders, recipients.
Series 10: Central Location Index
File 1541: Central Location Index, 1949-1950, 1952-1953, 1957
Old Folder Number: 3712
Miscellaneous correspondence, including 1949 liquidation of Central Location Index.
File 1542: Central Location Index, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3712
Correspondence, notes on meetings regarding liquidation of Central Location Index, transfer of tracing service, disposition of records. Contains list of names of Hungarian slave laborers who were POWS in Soviet Union,and Jews in Kazan and Kaukasus regions; with memo transmitted January 5, 1948, from Egyleti Elet, Hungarian-Jewish paper published in New Jersey, October 17, 1947.
File 1543: Central Location Index, VII.-XII. 1947
File 1544: Central Location Index, I.-VI. 1947
Series 11: Central Relief Committee
File 1545: Financial Reports, 1945-1949
File 1546: Central Relief Committee, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 3719
Financial correspondence, receipts for subventions.
File 1547: Central Relief Committee, 1944-1948
Old Folder Number: 3719
Financial correspondence, receipts for subventions.
Series 12: Claims Conference
File 1549: General, VII.-XII 1954
Old Folder Number: 4409
Accounting, financial correspondence on remittances, use of Claims Conference funds. Reports regarding organizational and institutional requests for allocations.
File 1550: General, V.-VI. 1954
Old Folder Number: 4408
Miscellaneous accounting correspondence on use, transfer of funds.
File 1551: General, I.-IV. 1954
Old Folder Number: 4408
Miscellaneous accounting correspondence on use, transfer of funds.
File 1552: General, VIII.-XII. 1953
Old Folder Number: 4410
Memos, correspondence on on West German indemnification law, use of reparations funds, on criteria for applicants.
File 1553: General, I.-VII. 1953
Old Folder Number: 4410
Miscellaneous correspondence on West German indemnification legislation, Claims Conference operations, negotiations with Austria.
File 1554: General, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4411
Miscellaneous correspondence, materials on negotiations with West Germany for indemnification and restitution.
File 1555: General, X.-XII. 1951
Old Folder Number: 4411
Miscellaneous materials, correspondence on origin, initial meeting of Claims Conference.
File 1556: Agreement, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4430
Statements, correspondence, copies of agreements with West Germany, Israel. Miscellaneous financial correspondence.
File 1557: Allocations, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4428
Saul Kagan draft report (undated) on Claims Conference allocations.
File 1558: Annual Reports, 1954
File 1559: Applications, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4416
Material regarding applications for relief/rehabilitation and cultural/salvage projects from agencies around world.
File 1560: Applications, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4417
Material regarding applications for relief/rehabilitation and cultural/salvage projects from agencies around world.
File 1561: Applications, Cultural, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4432
Material regarding applications for education, cultural/salvage projects from agencies around world.
File 1562: Bylaws and Certificate of Incorporation, 1952
File 1563: Cultural, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4419, 4420, 4431
Minutes of meetings, materials on applications for funds for institutions, refugee rabbis, scholarships.
File 1564: JDC Reports, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4448
Bound copy of narrative JDC report on use of Claims Conference funds.
File 1565: Meetings, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 4446
Minutes of meetings of executive committee, board; summary of allocations.
File 1566: South America Payments, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4472
Financial, accounting correspondence on payments for projects, to individuals in South America.
Series 13: Committee of Five
File 1572: Committee of Five, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 4026
Minutes, memos, financial materials of committee of JDC and United Palestine Appeal, chaired by Judge Simon Rifkind, that determined allocations, policies of NYANA and United Service for New Americans.
File 1573: Meeting I, 1950
Old Folder Number: 4027
Stenographer’s transcript (carbon) of Committee of Five meeting January 30-31, 1950.
Series 14: Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration
File 1575: Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3738
Correspondence, report on activities (August 1953-June 1954); minutes of meetings.
Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1954
File 1576: Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3738
Correspondence regarding international conference; list of conference member organizations. Paper (draft, May 1953): “On putting down roots: the integration of migrants into the life of their countries of resettlement.” Materials regarding implementation of conference recommendations in South/Latin America.
Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1953
File 1577: Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3738
Correspondence, speeches, report from international conference of agencies interested in migration; organized under the auspices of the United Nations and International Labor Organization.
Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1952
File 1578: Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 3738
Correspondence, memos regarding international plan for conference to address problems for refugees, migration after the expiration of the International Refugee Organization (IRO), creation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Conference of Nongovernmental Organizations Interested in Migration, 1950-1951
File 1579: Working Party I, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 3744
Minutes of committee meetings, memos regarding migrants’ preparation for departure, integration into new country, in preparation for 1952 conference.
File 1580: Working Party II, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 3743
Minutes of committee meetings, memos regarding simplified procedures for migrants’ transit, in preparation for 1952 conference. UN secretary-general’s report (January 24, 1952) to UN Economic and Social Council, “Simplification of formalities and reduction of costs for migrants.”
File 1581: Working Party III, 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 3742
Minutes of committee meetings on migration, legal status of migrants, in preparation for 1952 conference.
Series 15: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds
File 1588: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3752
Miscellaneous correspondence, financial statements.
File 1589: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3753
Miscellaneous, including reports on JDC appropriations, West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s declaration and plans for Israel-Jewish negotiations with West Germany.
File 1590: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3753
Miscellaneous, including reports on JDC appropriations; materials in preparing for 1951 General Assembly. Minutes of meeting (January 4, 1951) of UJA, Council of Jewish Federations, Israel Bonds and Jewish Agency to coordinate activities.
File 1591: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, X.-XII. 1950
Old Folder Number: 3753
Miscellaneous materials on fate of UJA; correspondence on JDC appropriations.
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, X.-XII. 1950
File 1592: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, I.-IX. 1950
Old Folder Number: 3753
General correspondence, including coordination of funders of Israeli institutions; correspondence on JDC appropriations.
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, I.-IX. 1950
File 1593: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, X.-XII. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3754
Miscellaneous materials regarding meetings, resources from “campaign clinic”; correspondence on JDC appropriations; resolutions from regional meetings.
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, X.-XII. 1949
File 1594: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, I.-IX. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3754
Correspondence on JDC appropriations; miscellaneous regarding fund-raising and CJF committee on fund-raising.
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, I.-IX. 1949
File 1595: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, X.-XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3755
Correspondence on JDC appropriations. Harry Lurie speech (with memo, November 23, 1948) on communities’ responsibilities.
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, X.-XII. 1948
File 1596: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, I.-IX. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3755
Correspondence on JDC appropriations. Nathan Reich speech (May 17, 1948) on “Overseas relief needs in the light of United Nations decision in Palestine.”
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, I.-IX. 1948
File 1597: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3755
General correspondence, miscellaneous excerpts from committee meetings.
File 1598: Budget Bulletins, 1931-1944, 1945, 1947, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3757
CJF reports (stencils) on JDC; general narrative summaries of JDC activities, financial data.
File 1599: Committee on Multiplicity of Campaigns, 1949-1951
Old Folder Number: 3954
Correspondence on competing fund-raising campaigns for Israel; memos (January 12, 1949, February 8, 1949) on overseas campaigns.
File 1600: Institute on Overseas Studies, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 3759, 3968
Reports, accounting correspondence regarding JDC budgets.
File 1601: Institute on Overseas Studies, VI.-XII.1948
Old Folder Number: 3759
Reports, correspondence on institute activities; reports on displaced persons, emigration, European communal conditions.
File 1602: Institute on Overseas Studies, I.-V. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3759
Reports, correspondence on institute activities, JDC allocations.
File 1603: Institute on Overseas Studies, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 3759, 3968
Miscellaneous on development, financing of institute; correspondence, field reports from Mordecai Ezekiel on JDC operations, communal conditions.
Series 16: Ezras Torah Fund
File 1614: Ezras Torah Fund, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 1271
Correspondence acknowledging JDC monthly and holiday subventions to program aiding rabbis, scholars and their families.
File 1615: Ezras Torah Fund, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 1272
Correspondence including appeals for funds and acknowledging JDC monthly and holiday subventions to program aiding rabbis, scholars and their families. Aid recipients noted on financial statement for year ending December 1947.
Series 17: Ford Foundation
File 1621: Ford Foundation, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3790
Miscellaneous correspondence, including termination of Ford Foundation aid for refugee projects.
File 1622: Ford Foundation, VII.-XII. 1953
Old Folder Number: 3792
Materials from voluntary agencies regarding proposals for Ford Foundation grants.
File 1623: Ford Foundation, I.-VI. 1953
Old Folder Number: 3792
Materials regarding Ford Foundation grant, voluntary agencies’ deteriorating relationship with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
File 1624: Ford Foundation, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3791
Miscellaneous materials, including application for Ford Foundation grant.
Series 18: Haffkine Foundation
File 1632: Haffkine Foundation, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1274
Financial reports, minutes, correspondence (English, German) between foundation members in New York and Lausanne regarding applications, subventions.
File 1633: Haffkine Foundation, 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 1274
Financial reports, minutes, correspondence (English, German) between foundation members in New York and Lausanne regarding applications, subventions.
File 1634: Haffkine Foundation, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 1275
Financial reports, minutes, correspondence (English, German) between foundation members in New York and Lausanne regarding subventions, organization of foundation.
File 1635: Haffkine Foundation, 1938, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 1275
Financial reports, minutes, correspondence (English, German) between foundation members in New York and Lausanne regarding subventions, organization of foundation. Report of foundation activities, 1930-1938, including biography of Waldemar Haffkine.
Series 19: HICEM
File 1641: HICEM, 1946-1949, 1957, 1962
Old Folder Number: 3815
Correspondence regarding JDC claim for assets deposited by Brinckmann Wirtz & Company of Hamburg in a Swiss account (Zurich). Miscellaneous on emigration, financial payments. Frank Kohn memo (January 29, 1962) on HICEM’s Lisbon archives, including list of contents.
File 1642: HICEM, 1945
Series 20: International Conference of Social Work
File 1660: International Conference of Social Work, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 3833
Miscellaneous on conferences, meetings of the U.S. Committee of the International Conference. Arthur Greenleigh speech (May 27, 1952) on “Problems of people on the move – meeting the needs of displaced populations of the world, the role of the U.S.”
File 1661: International Conference of Social Work, 1931, 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 3833
Bernhard Kahn letter (November 23, 1931) regarding plans for international conference in Frankfurt, Germany in 1932. Miscellaneous on conferences, meetings and post-war rehabilitation of the professional association. List (1949) of former JDC overseas professional staff for invitations to the U.S. Committee of the International Conference.
Series 21: International Red Cross
File 1664: International Red Cross, 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 3836
Correspondence on financial matters, relief supplies.
File 1665: International Red Cross, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3836
Cables, correspondence on purchases of supplies, parcels for prisoners of war, on liquidation of Commission Mixte de Secours (Joint Relief Commission). Report on 17th International Red Cross conference (August 1948, Stockholm).
File 1666: International Red Cross, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 3836
Cables, correspondence on purchases of supplies, liquidation of Commission Mixte de Secours (Joint Relief Commission). Reports (stencils): “Food requirements in European countries, Hungary” (1946); “Health Conditions among the civilian population of certain European countries affected by the war” (1947).
Series 22: Jewish Agency
File 1715: Jewish Agency, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3870
Financial correspondence on JDC takeover of Pardess Hanna, care of aged. Jewish Agency’s digest of commentary regarding Jewish claims against Austria and Germany.
File 1716: Jewish Agency, V.-XII. 1953
Old Folder Number: 3871
Miscellaneous correspondence, including financial correspondence on Jewish Agency debt.
File 1717: Jewish Agency, I.-IV. 1953
File 1718: Jewish Agency, VIII.-XII. 1952
Old Folder Number: 3871
Financial correspondence, including materials on distribution of Jewish Restitution Successor Organization funds, use of Claims Conference funds in Israel. Printed matter: “Israel Economic Horizons” (Jewish Agency’s economics department). Miscellaneous press releases.
File 1719: Jewish Agency, I.-VII. 1952
Old Folder Number: 3871
Financial correspondence, press releases, digest concerning Jewish claims against Germany and Austria.
File 1720: Jewish Agency, VI.-XII. 1951
File 1721: Jewish Agency, I.-V. 1951
Old Folder Number: 3872
Correspondence, memos on Jewish Agency’s debt, immigration role.
File 1722: Jewish Agency, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3873
Correspondence, materials on arrangements to transfer migration functions, transient camps to Jewish Agency. Miscellaneous press releases; statistical reports on Jewish Agency activities.
File 1723: Jewish Agency, VII.-XII. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3874
Financial correspondence, including regarding Jewish Restitution Successor Organization borrowing for prefabricated houses. Extracts of committee meeting minutes on JDC program in Israel. Miscellaneous press releases; statistical reports on Jewish Agency activities.
File 1724: Jewish Agency, III.-VI. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3874
Miscellaneous financial correspondence. Extracts of committee meeting minutes on JDC program in Israel. Correspondence regarding multiple fund-raising campaigns.
File 1725: Jewish Agency, I.-II. 1949
File 1726: Jewish Agency, XI.-XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3875
Miscellaneous correspondence, including correspondence regarding multiple fund-raising campaigns.
File 1727: Jewish Agency, VIII.-X. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3875
Miscellaneous correspondence, including correspondence regarding multiple fund-raising campaigns.
File 1728: Jewish Agency, VI.-VII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3875
Miscellaneous financial correspondence, including proposal to settle Istanbul transportation accounts. Correspondence regarding multiple fund-raising campaigns.
File 1729: Jewish Agency, I.-V. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3875
Miscellaneous correspondence, including on purchases of food, relief supplies for Jewish Agency.
File 1730: Jewish Agency, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3876
Miscellaneous financial, correspondence, many via Saly Mayer. Unsigned memo (August 6, 1947) on youth aliya activities.
File 1731: Jewish Agency, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3877
Miscellaneous financial correspondence, including copy intergovernmental reparations agreement on allocations of non-monetary gold for relief and rehabilitation of non-repatriable Nazi victims.
File 1732: Jewish Agency, 1945
Old Folder Number: 3877
Miscellaneous correspondence. Eliyahu Dobkin speech ( December 1944) on “new problems of Palestine immigration” (April 1945 reprint, “Jewish Frontier”).
File 1733: French Medical Claim, 1955
Old Folder Number: 3878
Jerome Jacobson’s aide memoir regarding France’s 1953 claim against Jewish Agency for medical expenses for transients in Marseille. [See 260, 45/64 # 325, 309 regarding Sante claim]
File 1734: Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency, Bulletins, 1945
Old Folder Number: 3879
Series 23: Jewish Central Orthodox Committee
File 1739: Jewish Central Orthodox Committee, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3884
Correspondence on finances, remittances, liquidation of European office.
File 1740: Jewish Central Orthodox Committee, 1949
Old Folder Number: 3884
Correspondence on finances, remittances, budget requests. Rabbi Manuel Laderman reports on Sweden, Norway and Holland; on Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Germany (June 1949); final report (August 15, 1949).
File 1741: Jewish Central Orthodox Committee, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3884
Correspondence on remittances, fund-raising, JDC agreement with Central Orthodox Committee. Samuel Sar report on religious needs in Europe.
File 1742: Jewish Central Orthodox Committee, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3884
Miscellaneous correspondence on JDC agreement with Central Orthodox Committee.
Series 24: Jewish Cultural Reconstruction
File 1743: Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 1276
Correspondence, accounting memos regarding property claims, shipments of books, cultural properties. Minutes of meetings.
File 1744: Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 1277
Miscellaneous reports on activities, correspondence on distribution of items, minutes of meetings.
File 1745: Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 1278
Correspondence, memos on organization, administration, functions, financing of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction; miscellaneous on recovery, shipment of books from Czechoslovakia to Israel. Extracts of committee meeting minutes.
File 1746: Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, 1944-1946
Old Folder Number: 1287
Miscellaneous on financing, tasks of Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, predecessor of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, including bulletin (Summer 1945) on “immediate tasks.” Materials on cultural reconstruction in Europe, including minutes of meeting (November 20, 1944) on cultural and religious rehabilitation; appeal (March 7, 1945) from Ernest Frischer on rebuilding European synagogues.
Series 25: Jewish National Fund
File 1751: Jewish National Fund, 1949-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3898, 3925
Correspondence on competing fund-raising campaigns. Statement by Council of Jewish Federations Institute on Overseas Studies (April 12, 1949) on JNF land acquisitions.
File 1752: Jewish National Fund, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 3898, 3925
Series 26: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization
File 1756: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, VI.-XII. 1954
Old Folder Number: 4261
Miscellaneous accounting correspondence. Applications for funds on behalf of religious institutions in Israel. Materials on claim for heirless Jewish assets in the U.S., amendments to Trading with the Enemy Act (Public Law 626). Allocations agreement (November 3, 1954) with Council for the Protection of Rights and Interests of Jewish Refugees from Germany. Annual report (1954).
File 1757: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, I.-V. 1954
Old Folder Number: 4261
Correspondence on bulk property settlements; on claims/grievances of former German Jews; on relations with gemeinden. Minutes of meeting (May 14, 1954) with Zentralrat, gemeinden.
File 1758: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4261
Correspondence on finances, bulk property settlements, dissolved German-Jewish communities. Minutes of meeting (October 21, 1953) with Zentralrat, gemeinden.
File 1759: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4262
Accounting, financial correspondence on remittances, currency transfers.
File 1760: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, VI.-XII. 1951
Old Folder Number: 4262
Accounting, financial correspondence on currency transfers; miscellaneous on JDC-Jewish Agency participation in expenses and proceeds of successor organization. Correspondence on Nazi-era claims against Germany, on bulk settlement of property claims in U.S. Occupation Zone. Minutes of meeting (October 24, 1951) on establishment of successor organization for French Occupation Zone.
File 1761: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, I.-V. 1951
Old Folder Number: 4262, 4268
Accounting, financial correspondence on currency transfers; miscellaneous on JDC-Jewish Agency participation in expenses and proceeds of successor organization. Correspondence on Nazi-era claims against Germany, on bulk settlement of property claims in U.S. Occupation Zone. Minutes of restitution meeting (May 8-9, 1951). Reprint: Report to the 23rd Zionist Congress, “The Department for the Restitution of German Jewish Property.”
File 1762: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, 1950
Old Folder Number: 4264
Correspondence on bulk settlements of property claims, distribution and transfer of funds, U.S. government support. Minutes of JRSO meeting (May 2, 1950) with Jewish Agency, Israeli officials.
File 1763: Jewish Restitution Successor Organization, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 4264
Miscellaneous on establishment, operations, financial arrangements of JRSO and participation of JDC and Jewish Agency.
File 1764: Bylaws, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4267
File 1765: Meetings, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 4269
Minutes of meetings, including statement by Frederick Borchardt to executive committee (November 30, 1953), on request of the Council of Jews from Germany for a share in the proceeds earned from heirless assets.
File 1766: Meetings, 1950-1951
File 1767: Property, Heinrich Guldman, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 4264
Correspondence regarding donation of unclaimed property in Noerdlingen, Germany.
File 1768: Report, After Five Years: 1948-1953, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4271
File 1769: Report, Enclosures, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4263
Bound stenciled appendices for report covering 1951-1952.
File 1770: Report, 1949
Series 27: Jewish Telegraphic Agency
File 1772: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 3905
Correspondence, including materials on JTA debt (France). Transcript of meeting (November 28, 1950) of UJA (New York) and JTA regarding financing of news service.
File 1773: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3906
Accounting correspondence regarding subscriptions, postage; Jacob Landau letter (March 15, 1948) in support of JTA financial request; miscellaneous on UJA financing of JTA.
File 1774: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3906
Accounting correspondence regarding subscriptions, postage; miscellaneous on UJA financing of JTA.
File 1775: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3907
Financial correspondence regarding loans; Passover stories.
File 1776: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1945
Series 28: Jewish Welfare Federation
File 1779: Jewish Welfare Federation, Dallas, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 3910
Miscellaneous on fund-raising, including text for localized spoof of “South Pacific.”
File 1780: Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 3914
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 1781: Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, 1945-1946, 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 3915
Miscellaneous correspondence.
Series 29: Labor Zionist Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation
File 1792: Labor Zionist Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation, 1948-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3930
Miscellaneous financial correspondence, including materials on committee’s debt, fund-raising.
Labor Zionist Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation, 1948-1950, 1952
File 1793: Labor Zionist Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation, 1940-1941, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 3930
Correspondence about committee’s operational claims. Summary (English, Yiddish) of committee’s executive meeting (March 12, 1947).
Labor Zionist Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation, 1940-1941, 1945-1947
Series 30: Landsmanschaften
File 1794: Landsmanschaften, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3931
Miscellaneous financial cables, correspondence, primarily on remittances.
File 1795: Landsmanschaften, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3931
Miscellaneous financial cables, correspondence on role, remittances of landsmanshaften.
File 1796: Landsmanschaften, V.-XII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3931
Miscellaneous financial cables, correspondence on role, remittances of landsmanshaften.
File 1797: Landsmanschaften, I.-IV. 1946
Old Folder Number: 3932
Miscellaneous financial cables, correspondence on requests, remittances, fund-raising.
File 1798: Landsmanschaften, 1944, 1945
Old Folder Number: 3932
Miscellaneous financial cables, correspondence on requests, remittances, supplies. Materials regarding coordination of activities, minutes of first meeting (June 28, 1945) of Council of Landsmanshaften organizations.
Series 31: National Council of Jewish Women
File 1821: National Council of Jewish Women, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 3966
Miscellaneous materials, including correspondence (1954) regarding sale of National Council’s home for girls in Paris. Correspondence on training of lay leadership abroad. Printed matter: Address (January 13, 1953) by Mrs. Louis Broido on her retirement as New York chapter president.
File 1822: National Council of Jewish Women, 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 3966
Miscellaneous materials, including correspondence regarding National Council’s home for girls in Athens. Financial correspondence, miscellaneous reports from Council’s Brooklyn chapter.
File 1823: National Council of Jewish Women, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3967
Miscellaneous correspondence, primarily financial.
File 1824: National Council of Jewish Women, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3967
Miscellaneous materials, including financial correspondence, Council of Jewish Federations’ report (April 17, 1947) on National Council-JDC agreement.
File 1825: National Council of Jewish Women, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3970
Miscellaneous on development of Council’s overseas rehabilitation work; correspondence regarding purchase of National Council home in Paris.
File 1826: National Council of Jewish Women, 1945
Old Folder Number: 3970
Miscellaneous materials on revival of Council’s overseas child care work. Contains list of arrivals from Havana, monthly, December 1944, January-December 1945.
File 1827: Scholarship Program, 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: 3969
Correspondence regarding expenses, remittances for scholarships for professional training in social work, public health for European women.
Series 31: National Jewish Welfare Board
File 1831: National Jewish Welfare Board, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 4019
Miscellaneous correspondence, newsletters.
File 1832: National Jewish Welfare Board, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 4020
Miscellaneous financial correspondence regarding claims, remittances for chaplains who aided displaced persons, funds from UJA. Seymour Fishman letter (May 21, 1947) regarding reception costs/legal affairs in Hawaii of migrants from Shanghai.
File 1833: National Jewish Welfare Board, 1946
Old Folder Number: 4020
Miscellaneous financial correspondence regarding claims, remittances for chaplains who aided displaced persons, funds from UJA. Occasional reports from chaplains. Printed material: “Chaplains to the Rescue,” by Lee Levinger; annual report (1946?).
Series 33: National Refugee Service
File 1836: National Refugee Service, 1946
Old Folder Number: 4016
Materials on U.S. immigration policy and resettlement, including Bernard Dubin report (February 8, 1946) on Oswego. Miscellaneous regarding 1946 merger of National Refugee Service and National Council of Jewish Women operations into United Service for New Americans.
File 1837: National Refugee Service, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4016
Materials on U.S. immigration policy and resettlement; press releases.
Series 34: New York Association for New Americans
File 1842: New York Association for New Americans, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 4024, 4025
Correspondence regarding budget requests, disproportionate settlement of refugees in New York. Council of Jewish Federation background reports (October 1952, November 1953) on New York Association for New Americans (NYANA).
File 1843: New York Association for New Americans, 1950
Old Folder Number: 4025
Correspondence, primarily budget requests.
File 1844: New York Association for New Americans, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 4025
Miscellaneous materials, including press release (June 23, 1949) on formation of NYANA; policy, budget materials for distinct agency to handle refugee resettlement in New York in lieu of national organization, United Service for New Americans. Materials on development of “Committee of Five.”
Series 35: Organization for Rehabilitation through Training (ORT)
File 1848: General, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3617
Correspondence, field financial reports, press releases on activities.
File 1849: General, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3618
Financial reports, accounting correspondence, miscellaneous correspondence on activities.
File 1850: General, VI.-XII. 1952
Old Folder Number: 3618
Financial, statistical reports summarizing 1952 activities; accounting, general correspondence.
File 1851: General, I.-V. 1952
File 1852: General, VII.-XII. 1951
Old Folder Number: 3619
Financial, statistical reports summarizing 1951 activities; miscellaneous accounting correspondence.
File 1853: General, I.-VI. 1951
File 1854: General, VIII.-XII. 1950
Old Folder Number: 3620
General, financial correspondence; Monroe Goldwater speech (October 18, 1950) to Women’s American ORT conference.
File 1855: General, V.-VII. 1950
File 1856: General, I.-IV. 1950
File 1857: General, VII.-XII. 1949
File 1858: General, IV.-VI. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3622
Materials on JDC-ORT agreement; financial, accounting correspondence.
File 1859: General, I.-III. 1949
Old Folder Number: 3622
Materials on JDC-ORT agreement, budgets; financial, accounting correspondence.
File 1860: General, XII. 1948
File 1861: General, IX.-XI. 1948
File 1862: General, VII.-VIII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3623
Financial, general correspondence; materials on World ORT Union’s “standard course classification.”
File 1863: General, V.-VI. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3624
Correspondence, reports on ORT activities in Austria, Germany, including list (transmitted May 6, 1948) of ORT instructors in U.S. Occupation Zone.
File 1864: General, III.-IV. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3624
Correspondence and materials on ORT agreements with JDC, Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO), vocational training courses in U.S. Occupation Zone, strike by ORT students in Rosenheim and Traunstein.
File 1865: General, I.-II. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3624
Correspondence on ORT agreements with JDC, Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO), on ORT-JDC agreement, miscellaneous financial correspondence.
File 1866: General, XI.-XII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3625
Correspondence on JDC-ORT agreement; correspondence (December 1947) between Aron Syngalowski and W. Hallam Tuck on ORT agreement with Preparatory Commission of the International Refugee Organization (PCIRO). Accounting correspondence, year-end financial reports.
File 1867: General, VII.-X. 1947
File 1868: General, V.-VI. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3626
Miscellaneous correspondence; sample forms (English, Yiddish) for reporting activities.
File 1869: General, I.-IV. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3626
Correspondence, press release, news account regarding unification of JDC, ORT vocational training programs in Europe. Miscellaneous financial correspondence.
File 1870: General, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 3626
Correspondence regarding ORT and JDC operations, confusion, coordination in Germany.
File 1871: American ORT Federation, Agreements, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 3610
Correspondence, agreements, press releases on JDC financial support for ORT programs.
File 1872: American ORT Federation, Agreements, 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: 3610
Materials on JDC financial support for ORT programs
File 1873: American ORT Federation, Agreements, 1936-1937
Old Folder Number: 3610
File 1874: Printed Matter: ORT Union, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3637
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, prepared for World ORT Union Executive Committee meeting (February 13-14, 1955).
File 1875: Printed Matter: ORT Union, Semi-Annual Report, I.VI. 1954
Old Folder Number: 3638
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, prepared for World ORT Union Executive Committee meeting (July 3-4, 1954).
File 1876: Printed Matter: ORT Union, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3640
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, prepared for World ORT Union Executive Committee meeting (February 27-28, 1954).
File 1877: Printed Matter: ORT Work, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3639
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, at the beginning of the 1953/54 school year, prepared for World ORT Union Executive Committee meeting (November 14-16, 1953).
File 1878: Printed Matter: ORT Union Activities, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3642
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, prepared for World ORT Union Executive Committee meeting (March 8-9, 1952).
File 1879: Printed Matter: ORT Activities, I.-VI. 1951
Old Folder Number: 3643
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, prepared for World ORT Union Executive Committee meeting (July 7-9, 1951).
File 1880: Printed Matter: ORT Trade School, 10th Anniversary Journal, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3641
Dinner journal for celebration of ORT trade schools in New York (1941-1951).
Printed Matter: ORT Trade School, 10th Anniversary Journal, 1951
File 1881: Printed Matter: Report on ORT Activities, VII.-X. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3644
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, prepared for World ORT Union Executive Committee meeting (November 18-19, 1948).
File 1882: Printed Matter: Report on ORT Activities, III.-VI. 1948
Old Folder Number: 3645
Narrative report on ORT activities world-wide, with survey for 1947/1948 school year, prepared for World ORT Union Board meeting (July 11-13, 1948).
Series 36: Refugee Assistance Fund
File 1890: Refugee Assistance Fund, 1951-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4045
Miscellaneous financial, accounting correspondence on loans, remittances, including Swedish scholarships, Australia’s Mutual Farms Loan Fund. Contains list of names of borrowers, scholarship students.
File 1891: Refugee Assistance Fund, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 4045
Miscellaneous financial, accounting correspondence. Materials on dissolution of Refugee Assistance Fund and Refugee Economic Corporation; transfer of loans, liabilities to JDC. Contains list of names of borrowers.
Series 37: Refugee Economic Corporation
File 1892: Refugee Economic Corporation, 1951-1953, 1962
Old Folder Number: 4046
Miscellaneous financial, accounting correspondence. Contains list of names of borrowers.
File 1893: Refugee Economic Corporation, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 4046
Miscellaneous financial, accounting correspondence. Materials on dissolution of corporation, transfer of loans, liabilities to JDC. Contains list of names of borrowers.
File 1894: Annual Reports, 1946, 1948, 1949
Old Folder Number: 4046
Reports for Refugee Economic Corporation and Refugee Assistance Fund.
Series 38: Rescue Children
File 1896: Rescue Children, 1948-1949, 1954, 1962
Old Folder Number: 4048
Correspondence, memos regarding JDC agreement (1948) with Rescue Children to take responsibility for children in Rescue Children homes in France, Belgium, Sweden.
File 1897: Rescue Children, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 4048
Correspondence, memos regarding JDC negotiations to take responsibility for children in Rescue Children homes; memo (December 12, 1947) on children under care of Rescue Children (France, Belgium, Sweden, Germany). Correspondence on conditions in Orthodox children’s homes. Rescue Children financial report (June 30, 1947). Contains list of names of children in Strasbourg, Schmireck, December 1947.
Series 39: Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service
File 1906: Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service, 1951
Old Folder Number: 4061
Minutes of meetings; materials on courses; testimonials; miscellaneous on termination of training bureau activities.
File 1907: Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service, VI.-XII. 1950
Old Folder Number: 4062
Minutes of meetings; reports, materials on curriculum, course offerings for professional training. Materials regarding recommendation for school of Jewish communal service; brochures.
File 1908: Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service, I.-V. 1950
Old Folder Number: 4062
Minutes of meetings; proposals for training communal service workers; materials on curriculum, course offerings.
File 1909: Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service, IX.-XII. 1949
Old Folder Number: 4063
Minutes of meetings; proposals for training communal service workers, developing an “American Jewish civil service”; materials on curriculum, course offerings.
File 1910: Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service, I.-VIII. 1949
Old Folder Number: 4063
Minutes of meetings; materials on curriculum, course offerings, including syllabus (August 1949) for course on American Jewish philanthropy and Jews overseas; summarizes Jewish communal conditions in Europe, North Africa; Israel’s political, social and economic structures.
File 1911: Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service, 1948
Old Folder Number: 4063
Minutes of meetings; memo (September 20, 1948) on purpose/objectives of “Institute on Advanced Studies in Jewish Community Organization.”
Series 40: Union of Orthodox Rabbis
File 1915: Union of Orthodox Rabbis, 1948-1950, 1953
File 1916: Union of Orthodox Rabbis, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4070
Memos, minutes of meetings, correspondence concerning JDC aid to the Orthodox and “cooperation” agreement (July 29, 1947) with the Union of Orthodox Rabbis.
File 1917: Union of Orthodox Rabbis, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 4070
Correspondence regarding Union of Orthodox Rabbis’ fund-raising appeals; cables on conditions, needs in Europe. Council of Jewish Federations report (June 1945) on Union of Orthodox Rabbis.
Series 41: United Israel Appeal/United Palestine Appeal
File 1921: United Israel Appeal, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 4074
Miscellaneous reports on UIA, including negotiations with UJA. Financial correspondence; Ellis Radinsky speech (January 25, 1953) on problems with fund-raising in American Jewish community.
File 1922: United Israel Appeal, 1949
Old Folder Number: 4075
Miscellaneous reports on UIA, including negotiations with UJA. Financial correspondence; press releases, newsletters for communal leaders.
File 1923: United Israel Appeal/United Palestine Appeal, 1948
Old Folder Number: 4076
Miscellaneous on conflicts with multiple fund-raising campaigns; agreement on UJA negotiations.
File 1924: United Israel Appeal/United Palestine Appeal, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4077
Miscellaneous budget analyses, correspondence, including JDC aid to Zionist institutions in Europe.
File 1925: United Israel Appeal/United Palestine Appeal, 1946
Old Folder Number: 4082
Miscellaneous financial correspondence.
File 1926: United Israel Appeal/United Palestine Appeal, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4082
Materials on dissolution of UJA, conflict between UPA and JDC. Miscellaneous financial correspondence.
File 1927: United Israel Appeal/United Palestine Appeal, 1944
Old Folder Number: 4082
Correspondence regarding fund-raising appeals.
File 1928: Financial, Budgets, 1943, 1944, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4079, 4081, 4083
Budget requests, including narrative material on activities, for UPA (Jewish Agency, Keren Hayesod, Keren Kayemeth).
File 1929: Financial, Refunding Project, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4086
Correspondence regarding funds from UIA to UJA.
Series 42: United Jewish Appeal
File 1930: National, General, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4537
Miscellaneous on fund-raising, loans to Israel; radio-ad scripts.
File 1931: National, General, 1953
Old Folder Number: 4538
Miscellaneous on fund-raising, division of funds; press releases, Council of Jewish Federations report (May 1953) on UJA structure, fund-raising and allocations.
File 1932: National, General, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 4538
Miscellaneous on fund-raising, division of funds; press releases, friction over Israel Bonds fund-raising.
File 1933: National, General, 1950
Old Folder Number: 4539
Miscellaneous on fund-raising, division of funds, emergency JDC fund-raising from federations for emigration programs.
File 1934: National, General, 1949
Old Folder Number: 4539
Correspondence on fund-raising, division of funds, (political) uses of funds, “reconstitution of UJA” after dispute between United Palestine Appeal and Jewish Agency.
File 1935: National, General, 1948
Old Folder Number: 4540
Correspondence on fund-raising, division of funds, tax status of donations. Draft report (transmitted November 19, 1948) on 10 years of UJA.
File 1936: National, General, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4540
Correspondence on fund-raising, material on effect of the cessation of UNRRA. Printed material: “What are the facts?” (background for 1947 appeal); press releases.
File 1937: National, General, VII.-XII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 4541
Correspondence on fund-raising, division of funds, press releases. Printed matter: “From survival in 1946 to reconstruction in 1947.”
File 1938: National, General, I.-VI. 1946
Old Folder Number: 4541
Correspondence on fund-raising, including Julia Rubenstein memo (June 6, 1946) on Christian participation in UJA.
File 1939: National, General, VI.-XII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4541
Correspondence on reconstitution of UJA, fund-raising.
File 1940: National, General, V. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4542
Materials on fund-raising, reconstitution of UJA; correspondence with President’s War Relief Control Board regarding history, operations of UJA.
File 1941: National, General, III.-IV. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4542
Materials on independent fund-raising, miscellaneous statements on JDC operations and expenses, proposals on reconstitution of UJA.
File 1942: National, General, II. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4542
Correspondence, memos, news accounts on dissolution of UJA.
File 1943: National, General, I. 1945
File 1944: National, Administrative Committee, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 4544
Minutes of committee meetings.
File 1945: National, Administrative Committee, 1946
File 1946: National, Administrative Committee, 1945
File 1947: National, Agreements, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 4546
Materials regarding agreements on fund-raising, division of funds.
File 1948: National, Agreements, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 4546
Materials regarding agreements on fund-raising, division of funds.
File 1949: National, Agreements, 1930, 1934-1935, 1937-1939, 1940-1944
Old Folder Number: 4547
Materials regarding agreements on fund-raising, division of funds.
File 1950: National, Broadcasts, 1947-1952
Old Folder Number: 4551
Correspondence, scripts for radio and TV broadcasts.
File 1951: National, By-Laws, 1946-1947
File 1952: National, Conferences and Meetings, 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: 4573
Correspondence, minutes of meetings.
File 1953: National, Conferences and Meetings, 1949
Old Folder Number: 4575
Correspondence, minutes, press releases regarding national conferences, meetings.
File 1954: National, Conferences and Meetings, 1948
Old Folder Number: 4575
Correspondence, minutes, press releases regarding national conferences, meetings; Golda Meir speech.
File 1955: National, Conferences and Meetings, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4577
Correspondence, minutes, speeches, press releases regarding national conferences, meetings.
File 1956: National, Conferences and Meetings, 1946
Old Folder Number: 4577
Correspondence, minutes, speeches, press releases regarding national conferences, meetings.
File 1957: National, Conferences and Meetings, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4577
Correspondence, minutes, speeches, press releases regarding national conferences, meetings; pamphlets.
File 1958: National, Inter-City Committee, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 4582
Correspondence, minutes of meetings regarding activities during hiatus of UJA, and subsequently regarding representation of local Jewish communities in UJA.
File 1959: National, Israel Bonds, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4567
Financial correspondence on receipts from redemption of Israel Bonds.
File 1960: National, Israel Bonds, 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 4567
Financial correspondence on receipts from redemption of Israel Bonds, exchange rates, arrangements to transfer funds.
File 1961: National, JDC Campaign, 1945-1946, 1949, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4569
Miscellaneous, including certificate of incorporation, for JDC fund-raising committee, in anticipation of UJA demise.
File 1962: National, Members, 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 4574
Members of board, executive and campaign committees.
File 1963: National, Overseas Study Missions, 1946-1950, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4581
Correspondence, press releases, extracts of minutes regarding missions abroad; financial correspondence regarding missions’ expenses.
File 1964: National, Printed Matter, Budgets, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 4553
Budgets, financial materials for national conference.
File 1965: National, Printed Matter, Budgets, 1946, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 4553
Budgets, financial materials for national conference.
File 1966: National, Publicity and Public Relations, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 4583
Summaries of meetings of UJA publicity committee; outline (August 6, 1948) of publicity program for fund-raising.
File 1967: National, Women’s Division, 1954
Old Folder Number: 4578
Transcript of meeting (January 19-20, 1954) of executive board of women’s division.
Series 43: United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York
File 1968: General, 1954
File 1969: General, 1948-1953
File 1970: General, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 4596
Correspondence on fund-raising, division of funds, unified campaign, JDC takeover of World Jewish Congress/American Jewish Congress child care program. Miscellaneous speeches, press releases.
File 1971: Edward Warburg Address, 1946
Old Folder Number: 4576
Transcript of Edward Warburg speech to Bronx division of UJA of Greater New York (May 13, 1946).
File 1972: Loan, 1954
Series 44: United Restitution Organization
File 1993: United Restitution Organization, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 4488
Correspondence on governance, operations and financing of URO; relations with Claims Conference. Alfred Prager brief (transmitted May 23, 1952) arguing that foreign-born lawyers in U.S. entitled to handle cases under German law.
File 1994: United Restitution Organization, 1951
Old Folder Number: 4489
Correspondence on remittances, requests for funds, currency exchange; statistics on claims.
File 1995: United Restitution Organization, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 4489
Correspondence on remittances, budgets, currency exchange. Kurt Wehle report (transmitted October 2, 1950) on URO offices in U.S. Occupation Zone, British Occupation Zone; minutes of meeting of URO’s Financial Control Committee.
Series 45: United Service for New Americans
File 1996: United Service for New Americans, 1953-1954, 1955
Old Folder Number: 4105
Miscellaneous on coordination of migration services, on United Service for New Americans (USNA) debt. Material on U.S. immigration legislation, resettlement. Report on board meeting (January 17-18, 1953).
File 1997: United Service for New Americans, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 4105
Miscellaneous correspondence, accounting memos.
File 1998: United Service for New Americans, IV.-XII. 1950
Old Folder Number: 4106
Miscellaneous correspondence, accounting memos, reports on fund-raising, immigration quotas.
File 1999: United Service for New Americans, I.-III. 1950
Old Folder Number: 4106
Correspondence, accounting memos, reports on immigration quotas, procedures. NYANA report (February 17, 1950) “Statement of Services and Functions,” including section on resettlement of religious functionaries.
File 2000: United Service for New Americans, VII.-XII. 194
Old Folder Number: 4107
Material on development of Committee of Five; UJA-UPA negotiations for NYANA-USNA financing. Budget request (transmitted June 23, 1949) outlines division of responsibility between NYANA and USNA. Correspondence on eligibility of intermarried families.
File 2001: United Service for New Americans, I.-VI. 1949
Old Folder Number: 4107
Correspondence on finances, communal assurances. Materials on division of responsibility between NYANA and USNA.
File 2002: United Service for New Americans, X.-XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4108
Correspondence on finances, communal assurances. Materials on coordination of JDC, HIAS and USNA activities, including agreement (October 23, 1948), Council of Jewish Federations report (November 10, 1948); materials regarding Operating Organizational Committee and division of responsibility between USNA and a local New York agency.
File 2003: United Service for New Americans, VII.-IX. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4108
Correspondence on finances, merger of HIAS and USNA activities. Draft Council of Jewish Federations report (July 21, 1948) on USNA.
File 2004: United Service for New Americans, IV.-VI. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4108
Correspondence on finances. Reports on meetings regarding consolidation of emigration services; miscellaneous on division of responsibility between USNA and local New York agency.
File 2005: United Service for New Americans, I.-III. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4108
Correspondence on finances, statistics, immigration laws and procedures. Joseph Beck correspondence, including memo (February 2, 1948) summarizing background, organization and function of USNA.
File 2006: United Service for New Americans, VII.-XII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 4109
Correspondence on finances; memo (October 1, 1947) regarding collection of transportation expenses. Council of Jewish Federations survey of USNA.
File 2007: United Service for New Americans, I.-VI. 1947
Old Folder Number: 4109
Correspondence, memos regarding finances.
File 2008: United Service for New Americans, VIII.-XII. 1946
Old Folder Number: 4109
Press release (August 1, 1946) on formation of USNA, result of merger of National Refugee Service and National Service to Foreign Born of National Council of Jewish Women. Miscellaneous financial materials. Minutes, materials of Executive Committee meeting (September 24, 1946), including report on immigration to U.S. Bernard Dubin report (October 18, 1946) on problems of Polish refugee yeshiva scholars, rabbis arriving from Shanghai.
File 2009: Hard-Core, 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 4110
Correspondence regarding procedures for reimbursement by International Refugee Organization for hard-cord resettlement cases in U.S.
Series 46: U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children
File 2024: U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children, 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 4627
File 2025: U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children, 1941, 1948-1951
Series 47: Vaad Hatzala
File 2054: Vaad Hatzala, 1949-1953, 1957
Old Folder Number: 4114
Correspondence, memos on fund-raising, requests for religious books, emigration, responsibility for resettlement of yeshiva students.
File 2055: Vaad Hatzala, VII.-XII. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4114
Correspondence (primarily Judah Shapiro) on JDC religious program in Germany.
File 2056: Vaad Hatzala, I.-VI. 1948
Old Folder Number: 4114
Correspondence on Vaad Hatzala claims for support of religious institutions.
File 2057: Vaad Hatzala, VIII.-XII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3773
Correspondence, reports regarding Vaad Hatzala fund-raising, agreement between JDC and Union of Orthodox Rabbis on activities.
File 2058: Vaad Hatzala, I.-VII. 1947
Old Folder Number: 3773
Correspondence, reports regarding Vaad Hatzala fund-raising, talks between JDC and Union of Orthodox Rabbis on activities.
File 2059: Vaad Hatzala, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3774
Correspondence, memos on activities, claims, proposals, fund-raising. Report (May 1946) on Vaad Hatzala by Council of Jewish Federations.
File 2060: Vaad Hatzala, VIII.-XII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3775
Correspondence, memos on activities, claims, proposals, fund-raising. Report on Vaad Hatzala by Council of Jewish Federations (June 1944 CJF report, transmitted with 1945 correspondence). Miscellaneous on arrival (from Terezin to Switzerland), needs of 1,200 Jews. Letter from War Relief Control Board (August 24, 1945) on Vaad Hatzala’s status as war relief agency; letter from UNRRA (September 29, 1945) regarding limits on voluntary agencies’ activities in Germany.
File 2061: Vaad Hatzala, IV.-VII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3775
Correspondence, memos on activities, claims, proposals, fund-raising.
File 2062: Vaad Hatzala, I.-III. 1945
Old Folder Number: 3775
Correspondence, memos on activities, claims, proposals, fund-raising.
Series 48: World Jewish Congress
File 2069: World Jewish Congress, 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 4124
Miscellaneous correspondence, report on Germany (1951).
File 2070: World Jewish Congress, 1948
File 2071: World Jewish Congress, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4126
Miscellaneous correspondence, press releases. Materials on negotiations and December 1947 agreement for JDC takeover of WJC/AJC child care programs.
File 2072: World Jewish Congress, 1946
Old Folder Number: 4126, 4127
Correspondence on WJC activities, fund-raising; press releases, news clippings.
File 2073: World Jewish Congress, VI.-XII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4127
Correspondence on WJC fund-raising, conflicts; reaction to Congress Weekly articles “JDC Must Explain” (November 23, 1945) by Yitzchak Ziv-Av and “Failure of the JDC” (November 30, 1945).
File 2074: World Jewish Congress, I.-V. 1945
Old Folder Number: 4127
Correspondence, news clips, primarily regarding WJC fund-raising, claims about extent of relief/rescue activities.
File 2075: World Jewish Congress, 1944
Series 49: World Union for Progressive Judaism
File 2076: World Union for Progressive Judaism, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 4128
Correspondence, primarily regarding funds to maintain Reform rabbi in Berlin.
File 2077: World Union for Progressive Judaism, 1941, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 4128
Correspondence regarding funds to maintain Reform rabbi in Berlin, and for Liberal/Reform schools in Israel.
Series 50: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
File 2081: YIVO, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 4132
Correspondence, including JDC aid for research, recovery of Yivo materials in Europe.
File 2082: YIVO, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 4132
Correspondence, including financial on allocations, and on Yivo acquisitions/recovery of documentary materials.
File 2083: YIVO, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 4132
Correspondence, including Max Weinreich letters on location, recovery of cultural treasures in Europe.
File 2084: YIVO, 1930, 1933-1940, 1944
Old Folder Number: 4132
Correspondence, seeking assistance, summarizing role of Yivo in European Jewish life. Council of Jewish Federations report (July 1939) on Society of Friends of the Yiddish Scientific Institute. Report (English and Yiddish, transmitted October 17, 1944) on Jewish cultural activity in Poland under the Nazis.
Group 2: Files Not Arranged in Series
File 1412: A, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1940, 1944-1946, 1949-1950, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 3475, 3476, 3483
Miscellaneous correspondence.
A, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1940, 1944-1946, 1949-1950, 1952-1954
File 1413: Agudas Harabanim, 1947-1948, 1950
File 1414: Agudas Israel World Organization, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 3478
Correspondence, including plan for emigration from Eastern Europe to Palestine, via the U.S.
File 1415: Agudas Israel Youth Council of America, 1942-1943, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 3479
Miscellaneous correspondence.
Agudas Israel Youth Council of America, 1942-1943, 1945-1949
File 1424: Allied Jewish Appeal of Philadelphia, 1945-1950, 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 3491
Miscellaneous correspondence, JDC financial reports.
File 1425: American Association of Former Inmates of Concentration Camps,
Old Folder Number: 3493
Miscellaneous correspondence.
American Association of Former Inmates of Concentration Camps, 1948-1949
File 1426: American Association of Social Workers, 1950, 1953
File 1427: American Committee for Relief of Yemenite Jews, 1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3497
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding aid to Yemenite Jews in Palestine, Aden.
File 1431: American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science, 1945, 1947, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3501
Miscellaneous correspondence on fund-raising.
American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science, 1945, 1947, 1950
File 1483: American Council of Warsaw Jews, 1943-1949
Old Folder Number: 3579
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding aid from landsmanshaften.
File 1484: American Council on Education, 1948, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3502
Correspondence regarding council’s Commission on the Occupied Areas.
File 1488: American Friends Service Committee, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4166
Correspondence on aid to Jewish conscientious objectors.
File 1490: American Fund for Israel (Palestinian) Institutions, 1945-1949, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3588
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding fund-raising for Israeli institutions.
American Fund for Israel (Palestinian) Institutions, 1945-1949, 1953-1954
File 1491: American Hungarian Federation, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 3589
Miscellaneous on landsmanshaften. Louis Sobel letter (November 28, 1945) describes JDC arrangements with landsmanshaften, at urging of President’s War Relief Control Board.
File 1492: American Hungarian Relief, 1945-1946, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3590
Correspondence with New York organization regarding nonsectarian aid.
File 1502: American Jewish Labor Council, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3601
Miscellaneous correspondence attempting to determine if funds are distributed in Europe by American Jewish Labor Council.
File 1503: American Jewish Relief Committee, 1931, 1934-1935, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3602
Miscellaneous materials on banking (1931-1935), on dissolution of organization (1950).
File 1504: American League for a Free Palestine, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3603
Correspondence attempting to distance JDC from organization.
File 1505: American Library Association, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 3604
Questionnaire regarding reconstruction of libraries worldwide.
File 1506: American Memorial to 6 Million Jews of Europe, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3606
Limited correspondence regarding JDC participation in effort to form a board related to organization for a memorial to Nazi victims.
File 1507: American National Red Cross, 1940, 1946-1949
File 1508: American Red Mogen David, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 3649
Correspondence regarding fund-raising in U.S.
File 1509: American Relief for Holland, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 3650
Miscellaneous on shipments of supplies, dissolution of fund, also known as Queen Wilhelmina Fund.
File 1510: American Relief for Korea, 1950-1952
File 1511: Association of Jewish Landsmanschaften and Societies, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3653
Correspondence regarding fund-raising.
File 1512: Aufbau, 1945-1948, 1955
Old Folder Number: 3654
Miscellaneous correspondence, complaints, reports of conditions to German-Jewish newspaper.
File 1513: Baron de Hirsch Fund, 1935, 1939, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 3657
Correspondence regarding funds from Baron de Hirsch Fund for loan kassas, particularly in Salonika (Saloniki), Greece.
File 1514: Belgian War Relief Society, 1946-1947
File 1515: Beth Jacob Schools, 1940-1941, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 1244
Miscellaneous materials on aid for schools in Palestine-Israel, Hungary.
File 1523: Bobowa Yeshiva, Students, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 1245
Correspondence regarding assistance to Bobowa rabbis and students for entry into U.S. Contains list of surviving students in Germany and Poland.
File 1524: Bulova Foundation, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3694
Correspondence regarding assurances for immigrants; query regarding JDC expenditures.
File 1525: C, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1946, 1948, 1950
File 1548: Church World Service, 1946-1947, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3725
Miscellaneous correspondence. Printed matter: “The Church Builds the Groundwork of Peace” (March 1946) on relief and rehabilitation activities of Protestant church in Europe and Asia.
File 1567: Combined Relief for Jews from Germany and Austria, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 3728
Correspondence regarding funds raised by landsmanshaften.
Combined Relief for Jews from Germany and Austria, 1946-1947
File 1568: Commentary, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 3729
Miscellaneous correspondence, subscriptions. Reprints: Nathan Reich “Jewish Life in the Russian Satellites” (April 1949), Hal Lehrman, “Turning Point in Jewish Philanthropy?” (September 1950).
File 1569: Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 3730
Correspondence on organization of commission; report (dated September 6, 1946) and comments, “Tentative Report on the Present Jewish Educational Situation in Europe.” Printed matter: “Tentative List of Jewish Cultural Treasures in Axis-Occupied Countries,” Supplement to Jewish Social Studies, Vol. VIII, No.1, 1946
Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, 1945-1947
File 1570: Commission for International Educational Reconstruction, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 3731
Correspondence on activities of commission coordinating voluntary agencies’ education reconstruction in Europe.
Commission for International Educational Reconstruction, 1946-1949
File 1571: Committee for the Forgotten Million, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3732
Correspondence on committee activities.
File 1574: Common Council for American Unity, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 3733
Miscellaneous correspondence, including proposed “International Bill of Rights.”
File 1582: Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, 1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3772
Program, correspondence and prepared texts for 11th seminar of conference sponsored by Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia University.
File 1584: Coordinating Foundation, 1940-1941, 1943, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 3741
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 1585: Congress for Jewish Culture, 1947-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3746
Miscellaneous correspondence on plans, requests of congress.
File 1604: Council of Relief Agencies Licensed for Operation in Germany (CRALOG), 1954
Old Folder Number: 3765
Miscellaneous on JDC membership in organization to facilitate favorable government treatment for relief operations in Germany.
Council of Relief Agencies Licensed for Operation in Germany (CRALOG), 1954
File 1605: Day Jewish Journal, 1945-1947, 1954, 1964
Old Folder Number: 3767
Correspondence, newspaper stories.
File 1606: Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3768
Correspondence regarding critical column by Phineas Biron (March 19, 1948).
File 1607: E, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1945-1946
File 1610: Emergency Rescue Committee for European Jews, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3776
Reports, correspondence regarding religious activities for refugees by committee of Klausenburger Rabbi.
File 1611: Emigre Charitable Fund, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 3777
Correspondence regarding funds for reconstruction projects to aid refugees.
File 1612: Encyclopedia Hebraica, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3778
Correspondence regarding entry on JDC in encyclopedia.
File 1613: European Jewish Children’s Aid, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 4231
Financial reports (1945-1946); correspondence, including Lotte Marcuse memo (October 24, 1945) on post-war family reunions.
File 1616: F, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1945-1946
File 1617: Federated Council of Israel (Palestine) Institutions, 1946, 1949-1950, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3782
Miscellaneous correspondence. Statement (transmitted with memo of August 7, 1946) on “United program of the FCPI and the Vaad Leumi for the independent Palestinian institutions.”
Federated Council of Israel (Palestine) Institutions, 1946, 1949-1950, 1953-1954
File 1618: Federation for European Relief, 1947
File 1619: Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, New York, 1944-1948, 1952-1953
Old Folder Number: 3785
Correspondence, primarily meeting announcements, fund-raising solicitations to JDC staff. Printed material: “Federation reports to the community” (1944).
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, New York, 1944-1948, 1952-1953
File 1620: Federation of Refugee Agencies, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3787
Correspondence regarding proposed fund-raising federation for agencies dealing with refugees and displaced persons.
File 1625: Foster Parents Plan for War Children, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3794
Miscellaneous correspondence; 1950 report on organization (with application to American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service).
Foster Parents Plan for War Children, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1952
File 1626: Four Organizations, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 4483
Miscellaneous materials, including congressional testimony regarding efforts of four organizations (JDC, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, Jewish Agency) to recover Nazi-era Jewish properties. Accounting memos, minutes of meetings.
File 1628: Free Synagogue Child Adoption Committee (New York), 1948
Old Folder Number: 3797
Correspondence, primarily concerning misunderstandings about possible adoptions.
File 1627: Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization, 1943, 1945-1949, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3796
Correspondence, press releases regarding resettlement of displaced persons.
Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization, 1943, 1945-1949, 1954
File 1630: Golden Rule Foundation, 1945-1947, 1950
File 1631: H, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1940-1941, 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3803
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 1637: Hashomer Hatzair, 1937-1938
File 1638: Hebrew Committee on National Liberation, 1944, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3807
Correspondence regarding demands, grievances of Hebrew Committee on National Liberation for designated financing for aid, transit of refugees into France.
File 1639: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1941, 1945-1946, 1951, 1955
Old Folder Number: 3809, 4068
Correspondence on 70th anniversary of Hebrew Union College, fund-raising.
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1941, 1945-1946, 1951, 1955
File 1640: Hechalutz, 1949
File 1645: Holyland Emergency Liaison Program, 1949
Old Folder Number: 3818
Correspondence regarding press statement on aid to Arab refugees.
File 1647: Hungarian Roumanian Relief Committee, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3821
Correspondence regarding fund-raising.
File 1648: Hunter College, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3820
Correspondence regarding shipment of food supplies; aid to refugee professors in France via Inter-Faculty Friendship Committee of Hunter chapter of American Association of University Professors.
File 1649: I, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1947-1948, 1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3816
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 1659: International Conference of Jewish Social Work, 1946, 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 3827
Miscellaneous on conference, financing.
International Conference of Jewish Social Work, 1946, 1948-1951
File 1662: International Council of Jewish Women, 1951-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3831
Miscellaneous materials, including 1954 query regarding membership application of “women’s section” of Yugoslav Jewish community.
File 1663: International Legal Assistance, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 3837
Miscellaneous on the formation of International Legal Assistance, including certificate of incorporation, by-laws.
File 1704: International Secretariat for Non-Governmental Organizations Operating in the Field of Migration, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3854
Draft proposal for creation of group.
File 1705: International Rescue Committee, 1945-1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: 3855
Bulletins, correspondence concerning international rescue and relief committee aiding anti-fascists.
File 1711: International Welfare Group, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3861
Correspondence concerning creation/interests of International Welfare Group. Printed materials: statement by International Preparatory Commission to International Congress on Mental Health (London, August 1948); “U.S. Participation in International Congress on Mental Health.”
File 1712: Interpreter Releases, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 3862
Stencils of “Interpreter Releases, an information service on immigration, naturalization and related problems”; publication of Common Council for American Unity, edited by Frank L. Auerbach; includes articles on administration, interpretation of Displaced Persons Act.
File 1713: J, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1944-1948, 1953
File 1714: Janina Relief Fund, 1944-1954
Old Folder Number: 3866
Correspondence including financial, remittances, on uses of landsmanschaft fund of Greek Jews. Correspondence (1954) regarding termination of loan kassa.
File 1735: Jewish Agricultural Settlement Corporation, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3880
Herman Simon memo regarding efforts of German Jews.
File 1736: Jewish Agricultural Society, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 3881
Press releases on Jewish farming. Printed matter: Report of the managing director for the period 1900-1949; report for 1950.
File 1737: Jewish Book Council, 1949-1950
File 1747: Jewish Daily Forward, 1945-1950
File 1748: Jewish Education Committee of New York, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 3889, 3890
Miscellaneous bulletins, correspondence, including materials on “school adoption program.”
File 1749: Jewish Encyclopedic Handbooks, 1947-1948, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3891
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding financing of book project.
Jewish Encyclopedic Handbooks, 1947-1948, 1953-1954
File 1750: Jewish Morning Journal, 1945-1949, 1952
File 1753: Jewish National Workers Alliance, 1944, 1945
Old Folder Number: 3899
Miscellaneous memos, correspondence primarily concerned with organizational structure of JDC, relief activities.
File 1754: Jewish Occupational Council, 1946, 1948-1950, 1953
Old Folder Number: 3900
Miscellaneous materials, including correspondence regarding potential services to Malben.
File 1755: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1945-1950, 1959
Old Folder Number: 3902
Correspondence regarding provision of books to chaplains and Jewish communal libraries in Europe; bibliography of JDC publications (1959).
File 1771: Jewish Social Service Review Quarterly, 1948-1950, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3904
Correspondence regarding drafts, reprints of articles: Philip Klein (June 1950) on Paul Baerwald School of Social Work; draft of Charles Jordan article (transmitted December 22, 1949) on migration; draft of Louis Horowitz and Aubrey Malach article (transmitted December 29, 1954) on professional disciplines of overseas assignments. Miscellaneous minutes of quarterly’s editorial board.
File 1777: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1946-1953
File 1778: Jewish War Veterans of the U.S., 1946-1949
File 1782: Jewish Welfare Fund of Chicago, Combined Jewish Appeal, 1945, 1947-1951, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3913
Miscellaneous on fund-raising, financial and travel arrangements.
Jewish Welfare Fund of Chicago, Combined Jewish Appeal, 1945, 1947-1951, 1954
File 1783: Jewish Zionist Labor Relief Committee, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3917
Correspondence regarding fund-raising for Hungarian children’s homes.
File 1784: Jews from France, 1948, 1950
File 1785: John Jay Company, 1949
Old Folder Number: 3920
Correspondence regarding description of JDC for inclusion in book “How to Wage Peace: The Citizen’s Guide for Action” by Hans Rosenhaupt.
File 1786: Joint Defense Appeal, 1945-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3919
Correspondence and summary materials on fund-raising agency of American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
File 1787: K, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1945, 1949
File 1788: Keren Aliyah U’Klitah, 1947
File 1789: Keren Hayesod, 1945-1950, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3924
Correspondence on fund-raising and fund-raising problems in South America; on foreign exchange, remittances from movie industry. Printed matter: “30 Years Keren Hayesod,” “Facts and Figures on Israel’s Population and Economy” (June-August 1950).
File 1791: L, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1945-1947, 1954
File 1800: League for Religious Labor in Palestine, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 3935
Correspondence on fund-raising, financial claims.
File 1804: Lubavitch Yeshivah, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 1280
Correspondence, accounting memos regarding subventions to Lubavitch schools. Correspondence (1952) regarding resistance to Lubavitch emigration from France. Contains list transmitted February 22,1947: Jews repatriated to Poland from Russia; names (received August 28,1945) of students from Tomchei Tmimim of Otowck, Poland, who are refugees in Shanghai.
File 1805: M, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1947-1948
File 1807: Materials for Palestine, 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 3945
Correspondence, primarily regarding solicitations of funds, supplies for Israel.
File 1808: Meals for Millions Foundation, 1947-1948, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3947
Correspondence, reports on nutritional substance developed by Los Angeles foundation to combat starvation world-wide.
File 1809: Minneapolis Federation for Jewish Service, 1932, 1939, 1942, 1946, 1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 3950
Miscellaneous correspondence, including pre-war correspondence on contributions to yeshivot in Europe.
Minneapolis Federation for Jewish Service, 1932, 1939, 1942, 1946, 1950, 1952
File 1810: Mizrachi Organization, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 3951, 3952
Correspondence regarding fund-raising, children’s aid, relief supplies.
File 1811: Morning Freiheit, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 3953
Correspondence, newspaper accounts (Yiddish, English) from newspaper of Jewish communists in U.S.
File 1812: N, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1946, 1948, 1950-1951
File 1815: National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1944-1949, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3960
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 1816: National Committee for a Free Europe, 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 3961
Correspondence regarding broadcasts.
File 1817: National Commission for the Resettlement of Foreign Physicians, 1947-1954, 1957
Old Folder Number: 3962
Correspondence, mimeos on opportunities, requirements for foreign-trained doctors, dentists.
National Commission for the Resettlement of Foreign Physicians, 1947-1954, 1957
File 1818: National Conference on Citizenship, 1951-1952, 1954, 1956-1957
Old Folder Number: 3963
Invitations to annual conference, convened under auspices of U.S. attorney-general.
National Conference on Citizenship, 1951-1952, 1954, 1956-1957
File 1819: National Conference of Jewish Communal Service, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 3964
Correspondence, materials on conference, including 1954 paper on “In-service training needs in social service, Malben, Israel.”
File 1820: National Conference of Social Welfare, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 3965
Correspondence, materials on conference, including May 1950 report on “Review of selected aspects of personnel plans of fourteen national agencies.” Miscellaneous minutes (1949) of U.S. Committee of International Conference of Social Work.
File 1829: National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship, 1950, 1952-1953
File 1830: National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 4013
Miscellaneous on U.S. immigration legislation, including analyses, articles, minutes of meetings, including interdenominational meetings. Report on Institute on Immigration, sponsored by the archbishop of St. Louis, Joseph Ritter.
National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, 1950-1954
File 1834: National Planning Association, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 4014
Miscellaneous reports (of general character), report on displaced persons, “Working group on human aspects of international reconstruction.”
File 1835: National Planning Conference for Israel and Jewish Rehabilitation, 1950
Old Folder Number: 4015
Materials, including program, draft resolutions from earlier conference in Jerusalem, for October 1950 fund-raising conference in Washington.
National Planning Conference for Israel and Jewish Rehabilitation, 1950
File 1838: National Social Welfare Assembly, 1949-1951, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 4017
Miscellaneous correspondence, minutes of meetings.
File 1839: National Women’s League of the United Synagogue of America, 1946
Old Folder Number: 4021
Correspondence regarding Women’s League purchase of Hebrew, Yiddish books for shipment/use abroad.
National Women’s League of the United Synagogue of America, 1946
File 1840: Near East Jewish Aid Society, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 4022
Correspondence regarding emergency grants to Jews in Moslem nations.
File 1841: Netherlands Jewish Society, 1944-1946
Old Folder Number: 4023
Correspondence regarding relief supplies for Holland.
File 1845: New York Guild for Jewish Blind, 1934, 1937, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 4030
Correspondence on supplies, aid to the blind in Europe.
File 1847: Non-Partisan Committee for the (Spiritual) Survival of Eastern European Jews, 1949-1954, 1955-1956
Old Folder Number: 4033
Resolutions adopted by committee, summarizing and commending the work of Rabbi Benjamin Gorodetzki.
Non-Partisan Committee for the (Spiritual) Survival of Eastern European Jews, 1949-1954, 1955-1956
File 1883: Palestine Lighthouse, 1935-1936, 1943, 1945, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 4036
Correspondence, bulletin of organization that conducts fund-raising in the U.S. for the Institute for the Jewish Blind in Jerusalem.
File 1885: Play Schools Association, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 4039
Correspondence regarding recreational, educational materials for children in DP camps.
File 1886: Poale Agudath Israel, 1948-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4040
Miscellaneous correspondence on projects, fund-raising.
File 1887: Polish Labor Group, 1945
Old Folder Number: 3798
Letter from Polish auxiliary group, seeking assistance for 32 people in various camps in Germany and Austria. Contains list of names of 32 people in camps.
File 1888: R, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1945, 1948, 1953
File 1889: Rabbinical Council of America, 1936, 1944, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 4043
Correspondence on religious supplies, aid to religious institutions.
File 1895: Relief for Refugee Jews in Shanghai, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 4047
Correspondence regarding group of former American soldiers seeking to aid Jews in Shanghai.
File 1898: Save-A-Child Foundation, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 4050
Correspondence regarding fund-raising, activities of foundation.
File 1899: Save the Children Federation, 1944, 1948
File 1900: Self Help of Emigres from Central Europe, 1942-1943, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 4052
Correspondence regarding remittances; aid to gemeinden, refunds for pre-war transit fares/tickets. Occasional newsletters.
Self Help of Emigres from Central Europe, 1942-1943, 1945-1950
File 1901: Standing Conference of Voluntary Agencies Working for Refugees, 1948, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 4055
Miscellaneous materials, including minutes of meetings.
Standing Conference of Voluntary Agencies Working for Refugees, 1948, 1950-1954
File 1902: Survey Associates, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 4056
Printed materials: Survey Midmonthly (April 1947), “World Relief Crisis”; Survey Graphic (April 1948), “Homeless, Tempest-Tossed: The Challenges of Europe’s DPs to the American Congress.”
File 1903: Synagogue Council of America, 1946-1951
Old Folder Number: 4057
Correspondence, agreements for Rabbis Simon Kramer and Isaac Klein to serve as liaisons between U.S. military government and the German gemeinden; Rabbi Klein reports (1949-1950).
File 1904: T, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1948, 1953
File 1912: Transcontinental Distribution Service, 1945, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 4064
Correspondence regarding arrangements, contents, shipping of food packages.
File 1913: U, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1945-1947, 1949
File 1914: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, 1945, 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 4069
Orthodox Union (OU) requests for translations of letters of appeal. Printed matter: “Jewish Action” (newsletters, 1951).
File 1918: Union of Russian Jews, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 4071
Correspondence regarding efforts to locate relatives in Soviet Union, Poland, DP camps.
File 1919: United HIAS Service, Agreement, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3812
Agreement, by-laws, certification of consolidation of HIAS and United Service for New Americans into United HIAS Service.
File 1920: United Hungarian Jews, 1944-1948, 1951, 1964
Old Folder Number: 4122
Miscellaneous correspondence on extensive donations.
File 1973: United Jewish Educational and Cultural Organization in Europe, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 1306
Miscellaneous on origins, constitution and financial support of organization, including Judah Shapiro memos on organization’s operations, purpose. Memos on shipments of books, supplies.
United Jewish Educational and Cultural Organization in Europe, 1946-1950
File 1974: United National Clothing Collection for War Relief, 1945
Old Folder Number: 4087
Bulletins, press releases about April 1945 national clothing collection for overseas war relief (organized by UNRRA and voluntary agencies); Henry Kaiser report to president, including anecdotes on clothing collection across the U.S.
File 2011: United Service to Holland, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 4104
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding relief supplies. Printed matter: “Dutch Messenger.”
File 2064: Vocational Service Bureau, 1947
Old Folder Number: 4113
Correspondence and draft of chapter on overseas work for publication on careers in Jewish communal service.
File 2065: W, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1947-1948, 1951, 1954
File 2066: World Alliance of the YMCA, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 4118
Correspondence on requests, grants; reports on aid to refugees. Printed matter: issues of “World Communiqué.”
File 2067: World Council of Churches, 1946, 1948, 1954
File 2068: World Federation of Hungarian Jews, 1953-1954, 1955
Old Folder Number: 4122
Miscellaneous correspondence. Contains list of needy Jews in Transylvania, December 29, 1953.
File 2078: X, Y, Z, Miscellaneous NGOs, 1944-1947
File 2079: Yeshiva Mir, 1946-1949, 1953
Old Folder Number: 1308
Miscellaneous correspondence, including appeals for funds.
File 2080: Yeshiva University, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 4130
Miscellaneous correspondence, including reference to Joseph Schwartz’s honorary degree (1949).
File 2085: Zionist Organization of America, 1947-1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 4134
Correspondence regarding fund-raising, communal politics; newspaper accounts. Printed matter: Daniel Frisch (reprint, October 1949), “Democratization of the American Jewish Community.”
Record Group: Companies
File 1416: Air France, 1950-1951
File 1417: Airco Company International, 1950
File 1418: Alaska Airlines, 1949-1952
File 1486: American Express Company, 1947-1950, 1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 3581
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 1489: American Fuel Relief for Austria, 1947-1948
File 1583: Cosmos Travel, 1948
File 1586: Consolidated Tours, 1949-1951
Old Folder Number: 3747
Accounting memos, cables on arrangements, payments for plane fare, transit.
File 1587: Consolidated Tours, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 3747
Accounting memos, cables on arrangements, payments for plane fare, transit.
File 1629: Gdynia America Line, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 3799
Financial correspondence on emigration/transit expenses. Contains list of names of passengers on some correspondence.
File 1644: Holland America Line, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3817
Correspondence on emigration, logistics, bills.
File 1646: Hotel Suisse, 1950
Old Folder Number: 3819
Correspondence regarding financial claim for accommodation of transients.
File 1790: KLM Royal Dutch Airline, 1951
Old Folder Number: 3926
Correspondence on foreign exchange, financial arrangements for emigration made through KLM’s South American office.
File 1799: Lazard Freres, 1947-1948
File 1801: Life Magazine, 1939, 1942, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3938
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding news stories, publicity.
File 1802: Linguaphone Institute, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3939
Correspondence regarding language instruction equipment.
File 1803: Lloyd Triestino, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3940
Correspondence with Simpson, Spence & Young, agents for Lloyd Triestino, regarding transit passage for Josef and Sara Lewisohn and Jascha Kameras from Genoa to Durban.
File 1806: Madison Book Exchange, 1944-1945, 1947, 1949
Old Folder Number: 3943
Correspondence regarding donations of books by Memphis distributor.
File 1813: Nasza Trybuna, 1947
File 1814: Nation, 1929, 1937, 1940-1941, 1946
Old Folder Number: 3958
Correspondence regarding articles in magazine, as well as political activism.
File 1846: Nippon Yusen Kaisya Line, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 4032
Correspondence, remittances for emigration deposits (1941, Lithuania) related to bankruptcy proceeding against shipping company. Contains list of migrants from Lithuania, 1941.
File 1884: Pan American Airways, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 4037
Financial correspondence regarding use of Pan American Airways for emigration, currency exchange.
File 1905: Thomas Cook & Son, Wagons-Lits, 1941, 1944, 1947
Old Folder Number: 3739
Correspondence regarding claim for payment of transit for Asia passengers.
File 2036: U.S. Lines, 1940-1942, 1946, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 4112
Financial correspondence regarding transit. Contains 1941 list of HICEM passengers (Genoa) for whom payments made.
File 2063: Vaxer, M., 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 1295
Correspondence regarding acquisition of religious-cultural books.
File 2086: Zukunft, 1945-1948, 1961
Old Folder Number: 4135
Correspondence regarding on book orders, shipments for displaced persons in Europe.