Record Group: Aden
Series 1: Aden: Administration: General
File 1: Aden, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 1
Staff memos, news accounts, accounting and financial Protectorate of Aden to Israel between 1948 and September 1950. Does not include materials from 1953.
File 2: Aden, 1949
Old Folder Number: 2
Staff memos and reports on relief, medical aid, and education to resident Jews and Yemenite refugees in British Protectorate of Aden. Aid to residents follows December 1947 “pogrom” in Aden.
File 3: Aden, 1948
Old Folder Number: 3
Correspondence, reports on Yemenite Jewish refugees in Aden, and conditions for local resident Jewish population.
File 4: Aden, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 4
Appeals for on-going aid for some 1,500 refugee Yemenite Jews in Aden who had faced starvation and epidemics.
Record Group: Albania
Series 1: Albania: Administration: General
File 87: Albania, General, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 133
Correspondence, memos and news accounts, beginning in December 1944, regarding aid for 300 Jewish refugees from Europe who remained in Albania after the Germans had been driven out. Report (1947) on Albania by International Centre for Relief to Civilian Populations. Contains list of names of displaced persons.
Series 2: Albania: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 88: Albania, Relief Supplies: Matzot, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 134
Correspondence from Greek Jews about efforts and obstacles to providing aid to Jews in Albania. Accounting memos regarding cost, shipping of matzot; memos regarding customs permits in Greece.
Record Group: Algeria
Series 1: Algeria: Administration: Financial
File 27: Algeria, Financial, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 32
Accounting correspondence regarding fund transfers; file includes cover memos regarding transmittal of financial reports; reports are not in files.
File 28: Algeria, Financial, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 33
Monthly financial and statistical reports from JDC Algeria (incomplete for period covered in this file).
Series 2: Algeria: Administration: General
File 23: Algeria, General, 1945-1952
Old Folder Number: 28
Report on foreigners’ and refugees’ status and eligibility for repatriation.
Series 3: Algeria: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 26: Algeria, Emigration, 1949
Old Folder Number: 31
Three letters regarding 160 Jews of (apparently) European origin traveling from Algeria on French ship to Australia via Panama.
Series 4: Algeria: Subject Matter: Medical
File 29: Algeria, Medical, 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 34
Summary of dispensary activities, including staffing, patients visits, types of services and budgets.
Series 5: Algeria: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 30: Algeria, Refugee Center in Philippeville, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 36
Miscellaneous on conditions, needs at refugee center in Philippeville, also known as “Joan of Arc (Jeanne d’Arc) Refugee Center,” successor to Fedhala camp.
Series 6: Algeria: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 31: Algeria, Relief Supplies, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 37
Cables, memos on insurance and shipping of relief supplies.
Series 7: Algeria: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 25: Algeria, Education, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 30
JDC staff reports on extent of Jewish and general education in Algerian Jewish communities, primarily in main population centers of Algiers, Oran and Constantine.
File 24: Algeria, Disasters, 1954-1955, 1964
Old Folder Number: 29
Press release on nonsectarian relief, and emergency relief and reconstruction loan for Jewish community after 1955 earthquake in Orleansville. Report by American Consul General Lewis Clark on field visit to Orleansville. Report on 1966 flood, not in a Jewish area.
Record Group: Argentina
Series 1: Argentina: Administration: Financial
File 884: Argentina, Financial, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 1095, 1096
Correspondence on inflation, cost of living adjustments. Financial statements from Asociacion Filantropica Israelita (ASOFIS) on emigration assistance. Contains list of names on correspondence regarding emigration deposits.
File 885: Argentina, Financial, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 1096
Financial statements, including summaries of budgets, expenditures of Asociacion Filantropica Israelita (ASOFIS). Accountings correspondence, memos on expenses, bank accounts, currency exchanges.
Series 2: Argentina: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 886: Argentina, Fund-Raising, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 1098, 1099
Correspondence regarding impediments to fund-raising.
File 887: Argentina, Fund-Raising, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 1099
Correspondence regarding the organization and problems with fund-raising, including income, allocations, division of funds.
File 888: Argentina, Fund-Raising, 1947
Old Folder Number: 1100
Reports, correspondence on efforts to initiate a united fund-raising campaign, establishment of the Organizacion Central de Ayuda a las Victimas Israelitas de le Guerra. Miscellaneous newspaper accounts of Rabbi Joshua Goldberg’s fund-raising trip.
File 889: Argentina, Fund-Raising, VIII-XII 1946
Old Folder Number: 1100
Correspondence on fund-raising, remittances. Correspondence, news accounts (English, Spanish, and Yiddish) on H.M. Caiserman’s mission.
File 890: Argentina, Fund-Raising, I-VII 1946
Old Folder Number: 1100
Correspondence of fund-raising, remittances. Correspondence, news accounts (Yiddish) on H.M. Caiserman’s mission.
File 891: Argentina, Fund-Raising, VIII-XII 1945
Old Folder Number: 1101
Correspondence on fund-raising, remittances, communal conflicts. Reports, news accounts of mission of Rabbi Joseph Lookstein. Summary of activities of Junta de Ayuda Judia a las Victimas Israelitas de le Guerra.
File 892: Argentina, Fund-Raising, I-VII 1945
Old Folder Number: 1101
Correspondence on fund-raising, remittances, purchase of relief supplies. Reports, news accounts of mission of Rabbi Joseph Lookstein.
Series 3: Argentina: Administration: General
File 881: Argentina, General, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 1093
Correspondence, miscellaneous news accounts on local conditions, including Jacob Lightman letter (September 16, 1949) on “blacklist” of organizations published in the nationalist newspaper Democracia.
File 882: Argentina, General, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 1094
Correspondence, miscellaneous news accounts on local conditions, including August 1947 correspondence on bombing of Libertad Temple. Weekly summaries of Yiddish press.
File 883: Argentina, General, 1944, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 1094
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, including reports (1946) on government decree on control of religious activities.
Series 4: Argentina: Organizations
File 895: Argentina, Medical: “Ezrah” Hospital Israelita, 1947, 1950-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 1106
Correspondence, primarily regarding arrangements to place a doctor from Buenos Aires at Mount Sinai Hospital (New York) for training in thoracic surgery.
Argentina, Medical: “Ezrah” Hospital Israelita, 1947, 1950-1952, 1954
Series 5: Argentina: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 893: Argentina, Immigration, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 1102, 1103
Correspondence on efforts to arrange immigration, locate sponsors, navigate quotas and government decrees. Correspondence on concluding emigration operations of Asociacion Filantropica Israelita (ASOFIS); report covering ASOFIS activities 1948-1953. Reports (1950, 1951) on activities of Organizacion Israelita Argentina, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPROTIMIS). Names on lists of emigration deposits,on correspondence.
File 894: Argentina, Immigration, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 1102, 1103
Series 6: Argentina: Subject Matter: Medical
File 896: Argentina, Medical: Liga Israelita Contra la Tuberculosis, Buenos Aires, 1945, 1950-1952, 1954, 1955
Old Folder Number: 1107
Correspondence regarding acquisition of parts for X-ray equipment.
Argentina, Medical: Liga Israelita Contra la Tuberculosis, Buenos Aires, 1945, 1950-1952, 1954, 1955
Series 7: Argentina: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 897: Argentina, Escuela Sholom Aleichem, 1946, 1948, 1951, 1955
Old Folder Number: 1105
Correspondence regarding invitations (Yiddish) to events at the school in Buenos Aires.
Record Group: Aruba
Series 1: Aruba: Administration: General
File 89: Aruba, General, 1946-1951
Old Folder Number: 135
Correspondence regarding JDC efforts to raise funds from small Jewish island community, with no synagogue, rabbi, or strong central Jewish body.
Record Group: Australia
Series 1: Australia: Administration: Financial
File 92: Australia, Financial, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 141,142
Accounting memos, correspondence on promissory notes, disbursements, allocations, remittances for transport. Passenger names often noted on bills for transport fares.
File 93: Australia, Financial, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 142
Accounting memos regarding payments for passage/transit, expenses for hostels for immigrants. Memos, correspondence on migration financing, forms of assistance, and expenditures of Australian Immigration Societies. Passenger names may be noted on bills for transport fares.
File 102: Australia, Transfer of Funds, 1946-1955
Old Folder Number: 151
Correspondence, memos on remittances to/from individuals, financial transactions, currency conversions.
Series 2: Australia: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 94: Australia, Fund-Raising, 1946-1950, 1959-1961
Old Folder Number: 143
Correspondence related to requests for publicity material, emissaries/organizers for fund-raising campaigns. Pamphlets for fund-raising, including “They will live if you give” (1947) and for “Welfare Relief Appeal, 1961” by Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society.
Series 3: Australia: Administration: General
File 90: Australia, General, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 137
Correspondence, memos and reports about effort to resettle Holocaust survivors in Australia.
File 91: Australia, General, Printed Matter, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 138
“Report of Mr. Leslie B. Prince on his visit to Australia on behalf of Jewish Colonization Association and the American Joint Distribution Committee” (1954), includes material on demographics, socioeconomic conditions, administration and other aspects of immigration. Guidebook for new immigrants from Europe, “Your introduction to Australia: Hints and Help on Knowing Your New Homeland,” a primer including broad range of material, from how to identify a taxi and public telephone, to understanding Australian humor, tax system, government and geography. Report (1949-1951) of the Australian Council for International Social Service, the successor organization to the International Migration Service.
Series 4: Australia: Organizations
File 100: Australia, Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society, Melbourne, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 149
Transcript of conference (September 7-8, 1947) of the Australian Jewish Welfare Societies. Biannual report (1950) of Australian Immigration Project. Resolutions of annual meeting (1954) of Executive Council of Australian Jewry. Accounting letters on remittances.
Australia, Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society, Melbourne, 1947-1954
File 101: Australia, Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society, Sydney, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 150
Monthly statistical reports (1950-1953) on number of immigration applications, visas, permits, arrivals (occasionally includes name of ship). Financial statements on JDC funds held in trust (1954); correspondence on financial transfers, expenditures.
Australia, Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society, Sydney, 1947-1954
File 103: Australia, Bialystoker Center, 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: 153
Correspondence, memos on efforts of Bialystoker Center to provide permits, aid and accommodation to refugees from Bialystok.
File 104: Australia, Committee of Lowitcher Friends, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 154
Correspondence about the use of $2,000 collected by the Lowitcher association (Lovitcher verein) of Detroit, and whether it was counted against JDC expenses, or as passage paid by others. Lists the names of migrants from Lowicz, Poland, whose passage to Australia was aided by contributions from the Lovitcher verein of Detroit.
File 105: Australia, United Jewish Overseas Relief Fund, 1944-1952
Old Folder Number: 155
Annual reports of United Jewish Overseas Relief Fund (incomplete). Accounting correspondence on remittances, financial transfers. Correspondence regarding efforts to locate and ship Yiddish-English typewriter.
Series 5: Australia: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 95: Australia, Immigration, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 144
Correspondence, memos regarding Australian immigration policies and procedures, including cumbersome review of migrants’ applications by Australian authorities, limitations and conditions on landing (entry) permits.
File 96: Australia, Immigration, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 145
Memos and analyses of Australia’s Jewish immigration quotas, including lower expectation of number of immigrants to Australia since the recognition of the State of Israel. Correspondence, memos, transcripts of meetings of Emery Komlos’s 1949 trip to Australia. Contains list of names of some immigrants coming from Shanghai, sponsored by Federation of Australian Jewish Welfare Societies.
File 97: Australia, Immigration, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 146
Memos, reports and correspondence on initiation, organization and obstacles regarding Jewish immigration to Australia from Europe and Shanghai.
File 98: Australia, Immigration of Children, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 147
Correspondence – some hostile – from Australian Jewish organizations regarding futile efforts (possibly since 1942) to bring in 300-400 children. Constitution of Jewish Welfare Guardian Society of Australia. Contains lsit of children leaving Haifa for Freemantle, 1947, on SS Partizanka.
Series 6: Australia: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 99: Australia, Loan Funds, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 148
Accounting letters, memos on financial transactions. Press release (1954) on loans to aid Jewish immigration to Australia.
Record Group: Austria
Series 1: Austria: Administration: Financial
File 116: Austria, Financial, 1954
Old Folder Number: 165
Accounting letters, memos on financial transactions, including payments, deposits, currency purchases.
File 117: Austria, Financial, 1951-1953
Old Folder Number: 166
Accounting letters, memos on financial transactions, including payments, deposits, currency purchases, banks transfers, loan arrangements, letters of credit, bank guarantees, signatories on bank accounts.
File 118: Austria, Financial, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 167
Accounting letters, memos on financial transactions, including currency purchases, banks transfers, loans. Correspondence on difficulty on obtaining Austrian shillings. Periodic monthly financial reports.
File 134: Austria, Transfer of Funds, A-Z, 1942-1954
Old Folder Number: 185
Accounting letters, correspondence on currency purchases, remittances, recovering funds from blocked accounts.
Series 2: Austria: Administration: General
File 142: Austria, General, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 193
Extracts from JDC committee meetings, indicating (trends in) community size, emigration, nature and extent JDC aid.
File 143: Austria, General, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 194
Memos, reports on influx of refugees from Eastern Europe and the strain on food, housing, clothing and other relief supplies; JDC’s increasing responsibility following U.S. military’s “freeze order” barring refugees/infiltratees from entering DP camps in Austria after April 21, 1947. JTA special report (May 15, 1948) on Jewish situation in Austria. List of 1949 “International Employees.”
File 144: Austria, General, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 195
Correspondence, cables on preliminary assessments of survivors, situation, efforts to bring in teams from JDC, urgent requests for supplies.
Series 3: Austria: Administration: Publicity
File 106: Austria, AJDC Bulletin, 1948
Old Folder Number: 156
Copies of AJDC Bulletin, “newspaper” in Yiddish, German, Romanian, English, including reports on food rations, school feeding programs, education, emigration, health and Jewish holidays.
Series 4: Austria: Administration: Statistical Reports
File 131: Austria, Statistical Reports, 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: 183
Statistical reports on JDC operations in Austria, including demographics on population, welfare, emigration; vital statistics on births, deaths, disease.
File 132: Austria, Statistical Reports, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 183
Statistical reports on JDC operations in Austria, including demographics on population, welfare, emigration; vital statistics on births, deaths, disease.
Series 5: Austria: Localities
File 137: Austria, Innsbruck, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 188
Monthly activity reports (April, May 1946) from Jacob Mendelsson-Fischer.
Series 6: Austria: Organizations
File 124: Austria, Rehabilitation Center in Ebelsburg, 1949
Old Folder Number: 175
Correspondence following allegations of inadequate aid at Ebelsberg, a rehabilitation center near Linz for the hard-core who could not emigrate quickly.
File 135: Austria, Voluntary Agencies, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 186
Correspondence on eligibility of voluntary relief agencies for aid and benefits under the Economic Cooperation Act (ECA, Marshall Plan, 1948).
File 138: Austria, Chevra Kadisha, 1945(?)-1952
Old Folder Number: 189
Correspondence on arrangements for private contribution to Chevra Kadisha, via JDC. Unsigned, undated (1945?) report on Chevra Kadisha; indicates that, with aid of a benefactor, Chevra Kadisha provides limited social welfare support to needy individuals.
File 139: Austria, Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Wein, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 190
Extracts from JDC meeting minutes indicating financial assistance to the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (IKG), cash relief to individuals, and reports of number of returnees from Israel. Monthly financial reports from Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (incomplete). See 45/54 # 119, Austria, Jewish Proselytes, 1946-1947; 45/54 # 304, Germany, Baptized Jews, 1946-1947
File 140: Austria, Jewish Documentation Center, Simon Wiesenthal, 1948-1953
Old Folder Number: 191
Correspondence between JDC and Jewish Daily Forward (New York newspaper) about the reliability of Simon Wiesenthal, who was seeking to publish a letter sent to International Refugee Organization (IRO) complaining bitterly that Nazis and their collaborators are being cleared for immigration to the U.S.
Austria, Jewish Documentation Center, Simon Wiesenthal, 1948-1953
File 141: Austria, ORT, 1952
Old Folder Number: 192
Accounting correspondence about Austrian shilling-dollar exchange rate paid by ORT-Austria.
Series 7: Austria: Subject Matter: Children
File 108: Austria, Children, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 158
Documentation, final report on allegations (1947) that Jewish children had been given inappropriate treatment and possibly used for “experiments” in treatment at Zentrales Infektions Krankenhaus. Materials related to Jewish Mothers League, which offered to sponsor feeding project for individual children. Contains an undated list of surviving Jewish children in Vienna.
Series 8: Austria: Subject Matter: Displaced Persons
File 109: Austria, Displaced Persons, Compulsory Labor, 1948
Old Folder Number: 159
Correspondence regarding JDC’s efforts to shield Jewish displaced persons from Austrian law on compulsory labor, which was intended to restore the Austrian economy.
File 110: Austria, Displaced Persons, Discrimination Against Bundist Group, 1947
Old Folder Number: 160
Correspondence regarding allegations by Bund representative Mr. Kupper of discrimination against Bund members.
Austria, Displaced Persons, Discrimination Against Bundist Group, 1947
File 111: Austria, Displaced Persons, 1948-1956
Old Folder Number: 161
Memos, correspondence on administration, financing, conditions, population, operations and consolidations of camps for displaced persons and refugees.
File 112: Austria, Displaced Persons, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 161
Memos, correspondence on administration, financing, grave need for supplies; on conditions of camps and other accommodations for displaced persons.
File 113: Austria, Displaced Persons in Rothschild Hospital, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 162
Press release (October 3, 1947) on refugees, primarily from Romania, crowded into Rothschild Hospital, a multi-building site used as accommodation for refugees.
Austria, Displaced Persons in Rothschild Hospital, 1946-1954
File 136: Austria, Work Projects, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 187
Periodic reports on work projects, statistics on employees, purchase requests for materials, production of goods (including clothing and carpentry).
Series 9: Austria: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 115: Austria, Emigration, 1947-1956
Old Folder Number: 164
Correspondence, statistical reports on emigration. Correspondence, accounting letters on promissory notes from recipients of Ford Foundation loans.
Series 10: Austria: Subject Matter: Medical
File 121: Austria, Medical, 1947-1954, 1956
Old Folder Number: 172
Reports, JDC medical Information Bulletins (in German), general summaries of medical problems and programs in Vienna (July 1954, May 1956).
Series 11: Austria: Subject Matter: Property
This series is restricted in accordance with our Access and Restrictions Policy.
Series 12: Austria: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 120: Austria, Loan Kassas, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 171
Correspondence, memos, beginning in July 1948, on efforts to secure Austrian government loan to Jewish community for business loans, housing repairs, communal expenses.
Series 13: Austria: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 146: Austria, Refugees, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 197
Correspondence (March-May 1946) regarding the repatriation of Austrian Jews, primarily from Shanghai, but also from within Europe. Cables, memos (April-August 1947) on impact of U.S. military’s “freeze order.” Contains list of former inmates of Camp Karaganda, USSR, who were repatriated to Vienna, April 1947.
File 147: Austria, Refugees from Hungary, 1951
Old Folder Number: 198
Correspondence about the fate of Hungarian immigrants recommended by Rabbi Leo Jung to the Canadian Jewish Congress; not clear if migrants reached preferred destinations. Contains list of names of potential immigrants and preferred destinations.
Series 14: Austria: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 125: Austria, Relief Supplies, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 176
Cables, letters and memos on requests for and shipments of relief supplies, including clothing, shoes, food, kosher items, textiles and language books. Letters and cables on financing supplies. Correspondence on change in policy on shipments through the U.S. military’s APO mail system. Occasional statistical reports.
File 126: Austria, Relief Supplies: Books, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 177
Correspondence, memos on providing books to displaced persons and refugees in Austria.
Series 15: Austria: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 114: Austria, Education and Religious Life, 1945-1954, 1964
Old Folder Number: 163
Correspondence, cables on religious supplies, including Yiddish, Hebrew and English textbooks. News account (January 14, 1949) in Yiddish about religious life and institutions in Austria.
File 133: Austria, Synagogues, 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: 184
Correspondence regarding rubble removal, renovation and maintenance of Zeremonienhalle of Central Cemetery.
Series 16: Austria: Subject Matter: Restitution
File 127: Austria, Restitution, 1954
Old Folder Number: 180
Memos, correspondence, minutes of the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria, an affiliate of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference), which was pursuing restitution and compensation for Nazi-era damages.
File 128: Austria, Restitution, VII-XII 1953
Old Folder Number: 181
Memos, correspondence, minutes of the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria, an affiliate of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference), which was pursuing restitution and compensation for Nazi-era damages. Memos on Jewish claims against Austria, Austrian measures on behalf of former Austrian Nazis. News accounts on negotiations.
File 129: Austria, Restitution, I-VI 1953
Old Folder Number: 181
Memos, correspondence, minutes following the creation of the Committee for Jewish Claims on Austria, an affiliate of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference), which was pursuing restitution and compensation for Nazi-era damages.
File 130: Austria, Restitution, 1948-1952
Old Folder Number: 182
Memos and correspondence on Austria’s post-war laws dealing with the restitution of properties confiscated during the Nazi-era.
File 107: Austria, Cemeteries, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 157
Correspondence regarding care of Jewish graves in Austrian cemeteries, and JDC policy on maintenance of mass graves. Correspondence regarding payment of ad in newspaper Aufbau by Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (IKG) about care of graves of relatives of those by then living in the U.S. (Ad not in file).
File 119: Austria, Jewish Proselytes, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 169
Correspondence regarding aid to non-Jewish family members of Nazi victims.
File 122: Austria, Peace [State] Treaty, 1947
Old Folder Number: 173
Comments (September 10, 1947) from a consortium of Jewish groups to the Council of Foreign Ministers (representing the Allied Occupation authorities) on the terms of a treaty to restore Austrian sovereignty. Objections to terms for compensation and restitution; comments and recommendations submitted in English, French and Russian.
Record Group: Barbados
Series 1: Barbados: Administration: General
File 148: Barbados, General, 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: 199
Correspondence regarding fund-raising from small Jewish community.
Record Group: Belgium
Series 1: Belgium: Administration: Financial
File 152: Belgium, Financial, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 204
Accounting letters and memos regarding fund transfers, remittances, currency exchange. JDC branch office’s monthly financial report (June 1950).
File 153: Belgium, Financial, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 205
Accounting letters and memos regarding fund transfers, remittances, cash, currency exchange. Financial reports (January and March 1948) for Union des Etudiants. Revised budget, including commentary, for operations in Belgium (March 1948). Contains list of names on September 1948 list of disbursements for emigration.
File 154: Belgium, Financial, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 206
Accounting letters and memos regarding fund transfers, remittances, currency exchange.
File 160: Belgium, Transfer of Funds, A-Z, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 214
Correspondence on transfers, payments, remittances.
Series 2: Belgium: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 155: Belgium, Fund-Raising, Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives, 1946-1953
Old Folder Number: 208
Correspondence (primarily) regarding 1953 plan of Max Gottschalk to raise funds for Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives (Brussels) from former Belgian nationals living in the U.S.
Belgium, Fund-Raising, Centrale d’Oeuvres Sociales Juives, 1946-1953
Series 3: Belgium: Administration: General
File 149: Belgium, General, 1944-1954
Old Folder Number: 200
Correspondence, reports on efforts to meet relief, educational and legal needs of returning deportees and refugees. Correspondence on government treatment and legal status of Jewish refugees (versus German nationals).
Series 4: Belgium: Organizations
File 163: Belgium, Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG), Printed Matter, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 217
Reports and other materials (primarily in French) from Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG).
Belgium, Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG), Printed Matter, 1945-1948
File 164: Belgium, Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG), 1945-1958
Old Folder Number: 218
Statistics on aid for October and November 1947.
Belgium, Aide aux Israelites Victimes de la Guerre (AIVG), 1945-1958
Series 5: Belgium: Subject Matter: Children
File 150: Belgium, Children, 1944-1954
Old Folder Number: 201
Report on activities from June 1942 to March 1945 to rescue, protect and hide Jewish children by the Association Juifs en Belgique (Children’s Department) during the German occupation and deportation of the Jews. Correspondence on JDC financing for Jewish children in non-Jewish homes.
Series 6: Belgium: Subject Matter: Medical
File 157: Belgium, Medical, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 211
Reports, correspondence on medical programs and needs in Belgium, including summary statistics (July 1947) on medical program expenses, supplies, and personnel and students.
Series 7: Belgium: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 156: Belgium, Loan Kassas, Caisse de Prets et de Credit, Brussels; Joodsche Cooperative, Leenkas, Antwerp, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 210
Cables (March-November 1945) on establishment and financing of kassas. Reports and correspondence (December 1946, January and June 1947) on organization, nature of loans, data on loans.
Series 8: Belgium: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 158: Belgium, Refugees, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 212
Correspondence, reports on efforts to ensure legal protection and lefts of Jewish refugees in Belgium, and to avert the restrictions (including detention) imposed on foreigners and German civilians (as enemy aliens).
File 159: Belgium, Refugees, Returnees, 1954
Old Folder Number: 213
Correspondence on political, legal and practical problems of hundreds of returnees in Belgium from Israel.
Series 9: Belgium: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 161: Belgium, Relief Supplies, 1945-1959
Old Folder Number: 215
Accounting letters, cables on payments, shipments, insurance and warehouse inventories of relief supplies, including food, shoes, clothing.
Series 10: Belgium: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 151: Belgium, Education, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 202
Correspondence, reports on schools, educational orientation, and educational, religious, and cultural assistance.
File 165: Belgium, Ecole Israelite, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 219
Financial and statistical report for Ecole-Israelite Yeshiva Ets Chajim. Correspondence (primarily 1954) on requests for financing.
File 166: Belgium, Jesode Hatora-Beth Jacob, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 220
Materials on religious school serving boys (Jesode Hatora) and girls (Beth Jacob).
File 167: Belgium, Yeshiva Kehillat Yaakov, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 222
Materials on religious school that, in 1947, also is known as Yeshiva of Szombathely, which was transplanted from Hungary, without local support from Antwerp community. Financial and statistical report (January 1948).
File 162: Belgium, Survivors (Individuals), 1945
Old Folder Number: 216
Individual survivors’ brief accounts (in French) of internment. Accounts taken/provided by search/location service Service d’Evacuation et Regroupement, Brussels (SER). French spelling of Eastern European names.
Record Group: Bolivia
Series 1: Bolivia: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 899: Bolivia, Fund-Raising, 1943-1944, 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 1110
Correspondence on fund-raising, remittances, clearances.
Series 2: Bolivia: Administration: General
File 898: Bolivia, General, 1945-1952, 1954
Old Folder Number: 1109
Materials regarding local conditions, Sociedad de Proteccion a Los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO). Assorted JTA reports on conditions, including political instability, lack of security for Jews.
Series 3: Bolivia: Organizations
File 901: Bolivia, Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO), 1954
Old Folder Number: 1114
Financial and agricultural reports on farming operations. Correspondence on political question of ownership in light of national agrarian reform (August 1953 law).
File 902: Bolivia, Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO), 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 1114
Miscellaneous financial, shareholder correspondence. Correspondence on status of farm, operations in light of August 1953 national law on land reform.
Bolivia, Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO), 1949-1953
File 903: Bolivia, Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO), 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 1115
Correspondence on budgets, finances, leases, potential property sales and liquidation, and change in nature of operations from colonization and resettlement to commercial project. Miscellaneous correspondence on agriculture, property damage.
Bolivia, Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO), 1946-1948
File 904: Bolivia, Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO), 1940, 1944, 1945
Old Folder Number: 1115
Reports on prospects for refugees’ resettlement. Miscellaneous on continued financing, operations at Cochabamba.
Bolivia, Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO), 1940, 1944, 1945
File 905: Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: 1116
Correspondence, accounting memos, primarily regarding SOPRO’s debts to JDC, including mortgage on children’s home in Miraflores. Contains list of names on correspondence regarding emigration deposits.
Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1950-1953
File 906: Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 1117
Correspondence regarding migration; discontinuance and reinstatement of JDC subventions. Miscellaneous financial reports, accounting memos, including payments from Sociedad Colonizadora de Bolivia (SOCOBO).
Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1947-1949
File 907: Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1946
Old Folder Number: 1118
Primarily financial materials, including correspondence on financing SOPRO’s operations, currency transfers, subventions. Memo (August 14, 1946) transmits miscellaneous materials on SOPRO reorganization.
Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1946
File 908: Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1945
Old Folder Number: 1118
Reports on SOPRO financing, operations; correspondence regarding mortgage for children’s home (La Paz).
Bolivia, Sociedad de Proteccion a los Immigrantes Israelitas (SOPRO), 1945
Series 4: Bolivia: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 900: Bolivia, Credit Cooperative, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 1111
Miscellaneous correspondence on Comunidad Israelita loan fund. [See 45/54 # 898, Bolivia, General]
Series 5: Bolivia: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 909: Bolivia, Religious Life, 1945-1947, 1950
Old Folder Number: 1112
Correspondence regarding rabbi for La Paz (1950); regarding Cochabamba’s request for funds for synagogue (1946-1947), quest for rabbi (1950).
Record Group: Brazil
Series 1: Brazil: Administration: Financial
File 911: Brazil, Financial, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 1120
Correspondence (English, German), primarily regarding Comite Auxiliar administrative expenses, practices.
File 912: Brazil, Financial, 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 1121
Correspondence regarding Comite Auxiliar administrative expenses, activities in Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro.
File 913: Brazil, Financial, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 1121
Correspondence on currency transactions, fund-raising, remittances, services for migrants.
Series 2: Brazil: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 914: Brazil, Fund-Raising, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 1123
Correspondence on currency transactions, fund-raising, remittances, services for migrants.
File 915: Brazil, Fund-Raising, 1950
Old Folder Number: 1124
Miscellaneous correspondence on fund-raising campaigns, remittances, currency exchange.
File 916: Brazil, Fund-Raising, 1949
Old Folder Number: 1124
Correspondence on problems in united fund-raising campaigns; appeals to Sephardim. Correspondence on reductions in JDC offices.
File 917: Brazil, Fund-Raising, 1948
Old Folder Number: 1125
Correspondence on problems in united fund-raising campaigns.
File 918: Brazil, Fund-Raising, 1947
Old Folder Number: 1126
Correspondence on organization of local fund-raising, competition between fund-raisers. Correspondence on purchase by Sao Paulo Landsmanschaften of sewing machines for Poland.
File 919: Brazil, Fund-Raising, 1946
Old Folder Number: 1127
Miscellaneous on local communities, personalities, rivalries.
File 920: Brazil, Fund-Raising, 1945
Old Folder Number: 1127
Correspondence on creation of fund-raising committees. Accounting memos on remittances. Correspondence, inquiries regarding the shipment of relief supplies, food to Europe, purchase of sewing machines for Poland.
Series 3: Administration: General
File 910: Brazil, General, 1946-1949, 1951, 1953
Old Folder Number: 1119
Miscellaneous correspondence, including Akiva Kohane letter (October 21, 1954) on organizing operations.
Series 4: Brazil: Organizations
File 925: Brazil, Congregacao Israelita Paulista, 1945-1948, 1954
Old Folder Number: 1141, 1142
Monthly financial-statistical reports on relief activities (incomplete). December 1946 publication, “10 Years of CIP.”
File 926: Brazil, Congregacao Israelita Paulista, 1940-1944
Old Folder Number: 1141
Monthly financial-statistical reports on relief activities, sundry assistance (virtually complete).
File 927: Brazil, Sociedad Mauricio Cardoso, Associacao Israelita Brasileira, 1945, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 1140
Correspondence regarding requests by and contribution of Sociedad Mauricio Cardoso, a local federation of Polish Jews seeking to aid Polish Jews in Paris, Jerusalem.
Brazil, Sociedad Mauricio Cardoso, Associacao Israelita Brasileira, 1945, 1948-1949
File 928: Brazil, Associacao Beneficente Israelita (UNIAO), 1941-1951
Old Folder Number: 1143
Organizational bulletins (printed and stencils).
Series 5: Brazil: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 921: Brazil, Immigration, 1954, 1955
Old Folder Number: 1129
Correspondence on immigration caseloads, problems of stateless migrants, criminals and medical cases; commotion over responsibility for aid to newcomers. Contains names on lists of migrants.
File 922: Brazil, Immigration, 1948-1953
Old Folder Number: 1130
Correspondence on conditions governing immigration, including visas, financing, responsibility for expenses. Accounting materials regarding transportation deposits. Contains names listed on correspondence regarding transportation deposits.
File 923: Brazil, Immigration, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 1130
Correspondence on changes in immigration laws, problems with visas, disembarkation. Miscellaneous news accounts on immigration. Correspondence on expenses, responsibility of Associacao Beneficente Israelita (UNIAO).
Series 6: Brazil: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 924: Brazil, Loan Funds, 1945-1947, 1951, 1954
Old Folder Number: 1139
Correspondence on changes in immigration laws, problems with visas, disembarkation. Miscellaneous news accounts on immigration. Correspondence on expenses, responsibility of Associacao Beneficente Israelita (UNIAO).
Record Group: British Guyana
Series 1: British Guyana: Administration: General
File 168: British Guyana, General, 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 223
Fund-raising correspondence, primarily from JDC leaders to British Guyana Jewish leaders.
Record Group: Bulgaria
Series 1: Bulgaria: Administration: Financial
File 172: Bulgaria, Financial, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 227
Accounting letters and memos regarding bank transfers, disbursements. Periodic monthly financial statements on expenses, commodities. Budget report (November 1946-March 1947) includes data on cash relief, medical expenses, scholarships, and facilities for children. Correspondence on payments to Jewish Agency for hachsharot accommodations.
Series 2: Bulgaria: Administration: General
File 169: Bulgaria, General, 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: 224
Correspondence, reports on relief, reconstruction, medical and social conditions. Contains list of leaders of Jewish communal political factions.
File 170: Bulgaria, General, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 225
Correspondence, reports on local conditions, economic hardships, emigration,communal rifts; correspondence includes references to communal political and “ethnic” divisions.
Series 3: Bulgaria: Organizations
File 175: Bulgaria, Jewish Institute of Science, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 230
Correspondence, memos on the establishment, with JDC aid, of the Jewish Institute of Science, a center intended to rebuild Jewish cultural and intellectual life in Bulgaria with a museum, library, scholarly publications, and documentation.
Series 4: Bulgaria: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 171: Bulgaria, Cooperatives, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 226
Correspondence on development of cooperatives and provision of equipment for enterprises; correspondence (incomplete) on establishment of Joint Foundation for Economic Reconstruction and Consolidation of Jews in Bulgaria.
Series 5: Bulgaria: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 173: Bulgaria, Relief Supplies: Medical, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 228
Correspondence, memos regarding shipping, export licenses, bills of lading for pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and instruments to Bulgaria and Romania, apparently to combat an epidemic.
File 174: Bulgaria, Relief Supplies, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 229
Correspondence on shipments, customs duties and requests for supplies, primarily shoes, clothing and coats.
Record Group: Canada
Series 1: Canada: Administration: Financial
File 177: Canada, Clearances of Funds, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 232
Accounting letters on fund transfers and remittances. Contains list of names of recipients of remittances.
File 178: Canada, Clearances of Funds, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 233
Accounting letters on fund transfers, currency conversions, foreign exchange controls, remittances. Contains list of names of recipients of remittances.
File 179: Canada, Department of National Revenue, 1936-1952
Old Folder Number: 234
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding tax liabilities for bonds and tax status of donors’ contributions to JDC.
Series 2: Canada: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 180: Canada, Fund-Raising, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 237
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding requests for publicity (print and film) and speakers for fund-raising. Correspondence referring to reductions in overseas aid in light of heavy immigration and Canadian Jews’ responsibility for refugees.
Series 3: Canada: Administration: General
File 176: Canada, General, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 231
Canadian Jewish Congress memo (October 13, 1947) regarding currency transfers, rescue of children, JDC’s Canadian personnel.
Series 4: Canada: Organizations
File 185: Canada, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 242
Invitations to events, schedules of meetings, accounting letters, requests for speakers. Correspondence (1950) on exchange rates and Canadian Foreign Currency Law. Fund-raising pamphlet (June 1945) in Yiddish and English for house-to-house collection to “rescue the living.”
File 186: Canada, United Jewish Relief Agencies, 1945-1950, 1957
Old Folder Number: 243
Primarily financial materials, accounting memos, including emigration deposits. Telegram (April 18, 1957) to Samuel Bronfman, urgently seeking funds to aid Jews being evacuated from Egypt, and discussing the repatriation of Polish Jews from the Soviet Union. Contains names listed on emigration deposits.
Series 5: Canada: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 181: Canada, Immigration, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 238
Correspondence on Canadian immigration regulations and procedures; memos and correspondence on responsibility for transit costs. Miscellaneous concerning the definition of “refugees,” which affects the opportunities of the Israeli returnees—European-born Israeli residents who wish to immigrate to Canada.
File 182: Canada, Immigration, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 238
Miscellaneous correspondence, testimony, grievances on Canadian immigration policy, procedures. Names listed in “Outstanding war guest accounts,” January 28, 1947.
File 183: Canada, Immigration of Children, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 239
Correspondence—some antagonistic—regarding Canadian Jewish Congress’s (CJC) War Orphans Project, following Canadian government’s willingness to admit 1,000 children from displaced persons camps. Statistical reports on migration; cables on transit costs.
File 184: Canada, Immigration of Needle Trade Workers, 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: 240
No materials from 1949. Correspondence related to efforts to fill 2,000 slots (Canadian entry permits) for skilled needle workers from DP camps, including screening by Canadian officials.
Record Group: Chile
Series 1: Chile: Administration: Financial
File 930: Chile, Financial, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 1147
Financial reports, accounting memos (English, German) about accounting procedures.
Series 2: Chile: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 931: Chile, Fund-Raising, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 1149
Correspondence on fund-raising activities, remittances, united campaign.
File 932: Chile, Fund-Raising, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 1149
Correspondence on fund-raising, remittances, united campaign, division of proceeds, rivalries among organizations.
Series 3: Chile: Administration: General
File 929: Chile, General, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 1144
Miscellaneous on organization of a cooperating committee, Junta Judia de Ayuda, a migration service. Correspondence (1947) regarding prospects for financing repatriation to Europe from South America.
Series 4: Chile: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 933: Chile, Immigration, 1945-1949, 1953
Old Folder Number: 1150
News accounts, correspondence on costs of immigration. [NOTE: No names of migrants]
Series 5: Chile: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 934: Chile, Religious Life, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 1153
Correspondence from synagogue in Santiago regarding request for cantor.
Record Group: Colombia
Series 1: Colombia: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 936: Colombia, Fund-Raising, 1946-1953, 1956
Old Folder Number: 1156
Reports on communal, political conditions. Extensive materials on kassas. Juan Altmann reports (1948) on conditions in Bogota, credit sources, economic insecurity, and damages after April 9, 1948, revolution.
Series 2: Colombia: Administration: General
File 935: Colombia, General, 1945-1952
Old Folder Number: 1155
Reports on communal, political conditions. Extensive materials on kassas.
Series 3: Colombia: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 937: Colombia, Immigration, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 1157
Correspondence on prospects for immigration, responsibility for newcomers, tensions between Jewish organizations; on recovery of funds for immigration permits. Contains list of names on correspondence regarding immigration deposits.
Series 4: Colombia: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 938: Colombia, Loan Kassas, 1951-1953
Old Folder Number: 1158
Accounting memos on loans, remittances, promissory notes. Financial reports on loans, delinquent debtors.
File 939: Colombia, Loan Kassas, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 1158
Accounting memos on loans, remittances, promissory notes. Financial reports on loans, delinquent debtors. Contains list of some names of borrowers.
Record Group: Costa Rica
Series 1: Costa Rica: Administration: General
File 187: Costa Rica, General, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 244
Correspondence relating to unsuccessful efforts to generate JDC fund-raising in Costa Rica, a small community of Jews, primarily families that immigrated from Europe between the two world wars.
Series 2: Costa Rica: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 188: Costa Rica, Immigration, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 245
Correspondence regarding JDC efforts to find a local, reliable representative in Costa Rica; about local community’s obligations for immigration expenses.
Record Group: Curacao
Series 1: Curacao: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 190: Curacao, Fund-Raising, 1944, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 251
Letters of thanks from JDC to local community for funds; letters regarding fund transfers from Curacao.
Series 2: Curacao: Administration: General
File 189: Curacao, General, 1943-1952, 1962
Old Folder Number: 250
Correspondence, printed materials on vigorous efforts of local community to aid migrants. Printed materials: 1943 synagogue newsletters in Dutch from Mikve Israel; bulletins (1962) from the Reform synagogue, Temple Emanu-el.
Record Group: Cyprus
Series 1: Cyprus: Administration: Financial
File 195: Cyprus, Financial, 1947-1951
Old Folder Number: 256
Accounting memos, correspondence on expenses, payments, banking, remittances, insurance.
Series 2: Cyprus: Administration: General
File 191: Cyprus, General, 1949-1954, 1959
Old Folder Number: 252
Materials related to earlier detention of Jews on island, including correspondence (1951, 1954) regarding care and maintenance of cemetery in Cyprus in which refugees were interred.
File 192: Cyprus, General, 1948
Old Folder Number: 253
Materials related to detention of Jews; cables indicating number of people disembarking in Cyprus, as well as number sailing to Palestine/Israel. Materials on the Pan Crescent and Pan York.
File 193: Cyprus, General, 1947
Old Folder Number: 254
Materials regarding arrival, detention of Jews on island. Cables indicating number of people disembarking in Cyprus, as well as number sailing to Palestine; cables on evacuation of infants. Cables (March 1947) on internees’ altercations with British; cable (April 22, 1947) on demonstration and hunger strike by internees after British cut emigration quota; one Jew killed.
File 194: Cyprus, General, 1943-1946
Old Folder Number: 255
Miscellaneous on conditions, treatment, fate of detainees. Cables on currency transactions.
Series 4: Cyprus: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 198: Cyprus, Relief Supplies, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 259
Correspondence, cables and accounting memos regarding relief supplies.
Record Group: Czechoslovakia
Series 1: Czechoslovakia: Administration: Financial
File 205: Czechoslovakia, Financial, 1948-1953
Old Folder Number: 266
Accounting memos, correspondence on budgets, expenses, remittances, currency exchanges. Occasional financial reports on JDC activities.
File 206: Czechoslovakia, Financial, 1947
Old Folder Number: 267
Accounting memos, cables on expenses, remittances, currency exchanges, currency transfers. Occasional monthly financial reports.
File 207: Czechoslovakia, Financial, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 267
Accounting memos, cables on expenses, remittances, currency exchanges, currency transfers. Financial reports and audits cover 1946 (all periods covered, occasionally pages are missing).
File 220: Czechoslovakia, Transfer of Funds, General, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 280
Correspondence on claims by Czechs regarding war-era transactions with JDC.
File 221: Czechoslovakia, Transfer of Funds, A-Z, 1948-1949, 1964
Old Folder Number: 281
Miscellaneous correspondence on claims, payments, remittances, currency exchange.
Series 2: Czechoslovakia: Administration: General
File 199: Czechoslovakia, General, 1948
Old Folder Number: 260, 264
Narrative and statistical reports on JDC activities (incomplete) after February 1948 regime change.
File 200: Czechoslovakia, General, 1947
Old Folder Number: 261
Narrative and statistical reports on JDC activities (incomplete) indicate improved economic conditions and communities’ efforts to become self-sufficient.
File 201: Czechoslovakia, General, 1946
Old Folder Number: 262
Narrative and statistical reports on JDC activities, political conditions, refugees using Czechoslovakia as transit point.
File 202: Czechoslovakia, General, 1944-1945
Old Folder Number: 262
Miscellaneous on postwar entry of JDC into Czechoslovakia. Correspondence on aid to survivors, miscellaneous regarding who has responsibility to aid Polish Jewish transients in Czechoslovakia.
File 203: Czechoslovakia, General, 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 263
Correspondence, memos, news accounts of Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ order for JDC to cease operations in Czechoslovakia by end of January.
Series 3: Czechoslovakia: Organizations
File 211: Czechoslovakia, OSE, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 271
Correspondence reviewing health, medical conditions. Notice (November 13, 1949) that OSE committee in Czechoslovakia is liquidating its activities.
Series 4: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 204: Czechoslovakia, Emigration, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 265
Correspondence on emigration opportunities, procedures, U.S. immigration, obligations of International Refugee Organization (IRO), and Czech emigration policy.
Series 5: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Medical
File 210: Czechoslovakia, Medical, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 270
Correspondence, cables regarding appeals for aid to reopen Jewish hospital in Bratislava.
Series 6: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 209: Czechoslovakia, Loan Kassas, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 269
Miscellaneous financial reports of loan kassas. Press release (October 18, 1946) on reconstruction activities; materials (1946) on establishment and operations of Bratislava loan kassa (Pomocna Pokladnica).
File 219: Czechoslovakia, Textile Cooperatives, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 279
Correspondence, accounting memos on textile cooperatives, role in individual rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Series 7: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 213: Czechoslovakia, Refugees, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 273
Cables, reports, correspondence on transients, infiltratees, emigration expenses, guarantees of maintenance, refugee rabbis, transportation fees and border closings. Contains June 16, 1945 list of DPs in Susice, Czechoslovakia.
Series 8: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 214: Czechoslovakia, Relief Supplies: General, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 274
Cables on shipments, expenses, freight charges, insurance, machinery, conveys carrying supplies from Denmark. Periodic reports on inventories in Czech warehouses. Miscellaneous accounting memos.
File 215: Czechoslovakia, Relief Supplies: Food Packages, 1945-1946, 1949
Old Folder Number: 275
Cables, correspondence about sending food packages to individuals. Contains “JTA Czechoslovakian List.”
Czechoslovakia, Relief Supplies: Food Packages, 1945-1946, 1949
File 216: Czechoslovakia, Relief Supplies: Medical, 1945-1952
Old Folder Number: 276
Cables seeking supplies, medicines, equipment.
Series 9: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 212: Czechoslovakia, Rabbis, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 272
Correspondence about rabbinical training, emigration.
File 222: Czechoslovakia, Yeshivoth, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 282
Correspondence on subsidies for religious educational institutions, plans for emigration.
Series 10: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Restitution
File 217: Czechoslovakia, Restitution, 1946-1954, 1958
Old Folder Number: 277
Correspondence, memos (1948) on Czechoslovakia property restitution law, including legal procedures, lefts, disposition of heirless properties. Contains list of property owners, properties, 1948-1949.
Series 11: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter: Vocational Training
File 208: Czechoslovakia, Hachsharot, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 268
Miscellaneous correspondence; list (January 1948) of hachsharot in Czechoslovakia.
File 218: Czechoslovakia, Students, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 278
Correspondence (1947) from university students in Brno, who object to inability to simultaneously qualify for JDC and government aid.
Record Group: Denmark
Series 1: Denmark: Administration: Financial
File 224: Denmark, Financial, 1945-1954, 1956
Old Folder Number: 284
Accounting memos on remittances, currency exchange, purchases, disbursements. Miscellaneous financial reports.
Series 2: Denmark: Administration: General
File 223: Denmark, General, 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 283
Miscellaneous correspondence, including on allocation of $100,000 to Danish Jewish community to alleviate communal debt stemming from refugee aid.
Series 3: Denmark: Organizations
File 226: Denmark, Royal Library, 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 286
Correspondence, memos regarding JDC’s arrangements in Western Europe for exhibition of the Judaica and Hebraica from the Royal Library.
Series 4: Denmark: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 225: Denmark, Refugees, 1945
Old Folder Number: 285
Cable on aid in Copenhagen to 50 refugees from Germany.
Record Group: Dominican Republic
Series 1: Dominican Republic: Administration: General
File 227: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 1950-1955
Old Folder Number: 288
Correspondence (1950-1951) on establishing the Jewish Relief Committee in Ciudad Trujillo, as a separate entity from Parroquia Israelita (de la Republica Dominicana), to undertake local relief activities. Accounting memos on currency transfers, remittances, shipments of matzot.
File 228: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 1949
Old Folder Number: 289
Correspondence on relief work by Parroquia Israelita (de la Republica Dominicana) as JDC eliminates functional activities. Accounting memos on currency transfers, remittances. Miscellaneous financial and statistical reports.
File 229: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 1948
Old Folder Number: 290
Miscellaneous on conditions, needs in Sosua. Accounting memos on currency transfers, remittances, disbursements; financial and statistical reports.
File 230: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 291
Correspondence on emigration. Accounting memos on remittances; financial and statistical reports, including migration to/from Dominican Republic.
File 231: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 1945
Old Folder Number: 292
Miscellaneous on efforts to save Sosua through immigration. Accounting memos on transfers, expenditures, audits; financial and statistical reports.
Record Group: Ecuador
Series 1: Ecuador: Administration: Financial
File 941: Ecuador, Financial, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 1160
Accounting correspondence regarding expenses, revolving fund. Lists names on correspondence regarding migration-related expenses.
Series 2: Ecuador: Administration: General
File 940: Ecuador, General, 1947-1952, 1956
Old Folder Number: 1159
Reports on immigration, Jews’ political and legal rights. Correspondence (1949) regarding earthquake damage and aid (Ambato region).
Series 3: Ecuador: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 942: Ecuador, Immigration, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 1161
Reports, correspondence on immigration laws, regulations, political conditions. Lists names in correspondence regarding visas and in monthly activity reports.
File 943: Ecuador, Immigration, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 1161
Monthly reports on immigration activities, political conditions. Lists names in monthly activity reports.
Series 4: Ecuador: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 944: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 1162
Correspondence on remittances.
File 945: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 1163
Accounting correspondence on remittances.
File 946: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 1164
Accounting correspondence on remittances, status of loans. Minutes of meetings, which include information on projects, loan applications and decisions on lending. Lists names on loan applications.
File 947: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” 1948
Old Folder Number: 1164
Accounting correspondence on remittances, reports on status of loans. Correspondence on collection of debt, requests for increase in loan capital. Minutes of meetings, which include information on projects, loan applications and decisions on lending. Lists names on loan applications.
Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” 1948
File 948: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” 1947
Old Folder Number: 1165
Accounting correspondence on remittances, reports on status of loans. Minutes of meetings, which include information on projects, loan applications and decisions on lending. Lists names on loan applications.
Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” 1947
File 949: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” VII.-XII.1946
Old Folder Number: 1166
Minutes of meetings, which include information on projects, loan applications and decisions on lending. Lists names on loan applications.
File 950: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” I.-VI. 1946
Old Folder Number: 1166
Minutes of meetings, which include information on projects, loan applications and decisions on lending. Correspondence on national economic conditions, trade requirements. Lists names on loan applications.
File 951: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” VII.-XII.1945
Old Folder Number: 1167
Minutes of meetings, which include information on projects, loan applications and decisions on lending. Lists names on loan applications.
File 952: Ecuador, Loan Kassas, Cooperativa de Credito para Agricultura, Industria y Comercio “Quito,” I.-VI. 1945
Old Folder Number: 1167
Correspondence, minutes of meetings. Max Weiser letter (April 27, 1945) regarding purchase of estate on Isabela island for Jewish colonization.
Record Group: El Salvador
Series 1: El Salvador: Administration: Fund-Raising
File 233: El Salvador, Fund-Raising, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 294
Correspondence regarding fund-raising campaigns in country.
Series 2: El Salvador: Administration: General
File 232: El Salvador, General, 1946-1953, 1956
Old Folder Number: 293
Miscellaneous annual reports from Jewish community; Pan American Union booklet (1941) provides general survey of country. Memo (July 1946) on immigration possibilities to El Salvador.
Record Group: Egypt
Series 1: Egypt: Administration: General
File 32: Egypt, General, 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: 40
American Jewish Committee report (two copies, different date) on the “Jewish Situation in Egypt,” including appendices with decrees outlining restrictions on Jews, and news accounts regarding fate of 75,000 Jews in Egypt. News accounts on detention of Jews in three camps in Cairo, Alexandria, and Port Said.
Series 2: Egypt: Subject Matter: Property
File 33: Egypt, Property Rights of Italian Jews, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 41
Correspondence concerning the properties in Egypt of Italian Jews, and of Egyptian law under which the properties of former enemy nations were confiscated. Correspondence does not indicate what properties were at stake or whether Italian Jews succeeded in recovering properties.
Series 3: Egypt: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 34: Egypt, Refugees, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 43
Memo on migration from Egypt to Israel via Naples and Marseille.
Series 4: Egypt: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 35: Egypt, Relief Supplies, Medical, 1945
Old Folder Number: 47
Inventory of shipment of medicine and medical supplies.
Record Group: England
Series 1: England: Administration: Financial
File 235: England, Financial, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 296
Accounting letters, memos on bank transfers, currency purchases, currency exchange and employee salaries. Lists some passengers’ names on transportation financial documents.
Series 2: England: Administration: General
File 234: England, General, 1945-1953, 1956
Old Folder Number: 295
Miscellaneous on resettlement; memos regarding the reorganization of JDC’s London office.
Series 3: England: Organizations
File 236: England, Miscellaneous Organizations, 1945-1954, 1961
Old Folder Number: 297
Limited correspondence.
File 237: England, Central British Fund, 1949-1954, 1956
Old Folder Number: 299
Minutes (1949-1951) of the Central British Fund for Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation, includes summary materials on grant applications and allocations.
File 238: England, Central British Fund, 1944-1948
Old Folder Number: 300
Minutes of meetings, including summary materials on grant applications, allocations, restitution, claims. Accounting memos on remittances.
File 239: England, Central British Fund, Printed Matter, 1948-1952
Old Folder Number: 301
Annual reports (1948, 1950, 1952) of Central British Fund for Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation.
File 240: England, Chief Rabbi’s Religious Emergency Council, 1944-1949
Old Folder Number: 302
Queries, complaints about the fund-raising appeals of the Chief Rabbi’s Religious Emergency Council among U.S. synagogues and federations, including appeal (1944) for “synagogue ambulances.”
England, Chief Rabbi’s Religious Emergency Council, 1944-1949
File 241: England, Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 303
Newsletters (1945) for volunteers working in the field. Accounting letters, memos on remittances.
File 242: England, Jewish Trust Corporation, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 305
Materials on establishment, operations of Jewish Trust Corporation to operate in British Occupation Zone, Germany, to claim heirless property of Jewish Nazi victims.
File 243: England, Wiener Library, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 306
Correspondence regarding requests of Alfred Wiener for funds for the Jewish Central Information Office (Wiener Library), London. Occasional “surveys” of British and German-Austrian press (mimeo).
Record Group: Ethiopia
Series 1: Ethiopia: Administration: General
File 36: Ethiopia, General (Falashas), 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 50
Correspondence regarding pleas to establish a school to educate Falasha children as Jews.
Record Group: France
Series 1: France: Administration: Financial
File 251: France, Financial, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 317
Accounting memos, correspondence on currency purchases and transactions, foreign exchange. Budget estimates for 1949 activities.
File 252: France, Financial, 1948
Old Folder Number: 318
Accounting memos on receipts, remittances. Budget materials, including January 1948 memos from Laura Margolis on programs, operations, budget cuts.
File 253: France, Financial, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 318
Accounting memos on currency transactions, remittances. Miscellaneous financial, statistical reports. See B.M. Joffe report (May 6, 1948) in 45/54 # 252.
File 266: France, Transfer of Funds, 1945-1949, 1954, 1964
Old Folder Number: 332
Correspondence on financial transfers. Lists names of individuals with some transfers.
File 267: France, Transfer of Funds, Bigar, Pierre, 1949-1954, 1957-1958
Old Folder Number: 334
Accounting memos, correspondence on financial transfers, payments.
France, Transfer of Funds, Bigar, Pierre, 1949-1954, 1957-1958
File 268: France, Transfer of Funds, Craig Stanton & Co., 1948-1949, 1954-1955
Old Folder Number: 335
Accounting memos, correspondence on financial transfers, payments, currency exchange.
France, Transfer of Funds, Craig Stanton & Co., 1948-1949, 1954-1955
File 269: France, Transfer of Funds, Ed Small Productions, 1954-1955
Old Folder Number: 336
Correspondence on currency transactions.
File 270: France, Transfer of Funds, Frankenbush, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 337
Correspondence regarding prospects of currency transactions.
File 271: France, Transfer of Funds, Leval & Co., Dreyfus & Co., 1950-1956
Old Folder Number: 338
Accounting memos, correspondence on currency and commodities transactions.
France, Transfer of Funds, Leval & Co., Dreyfus & Co., 1950-1956
File 272: France, Transfer of Funds, Motion Picture Export Association, 1948-1955
Old Folder Number: 339
Accounting memos, correspondence on currency exchange, relations with authorities.
France, Transfer of Funds, Motion Picture Export Association, 1948-1955
File 273: France, Transfer of Funds, Sternheimer, J., 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 340
Correspondence on prospect of currency exchange.
File 274: France, Transfer of Funds, Universal International Films, 1944-1945
Old Folder Number: 342
Correspondence on currency exchange, purchases.
France, Transfer of Funds, Universal International Films, 1944-1945
File 275: France, Transfer of Funds, Vernes & Co., 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 343
Correspondence on currency exchange, purchases.
File 276: France, Transfer of Funds, Winkler, V., 1948-1952
Old Folder Number: 344
Correspondence on currency purchases.
Series 2: France: Administration: General
File 244: France, General, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 309
Correspondence, reports on relief, refugees, transient and communal services, creation of local entity to replace JDC.
File 245: France, General, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 310
Correspondence, reports on relief, communal services for resident, refugee, and transient populations.
File 246: France, General, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 311
Detailed summaries of activities, operations, efforts to supervise, structure and coordinate multiplicity of agencies, including creation of a social service exchange to act as a clearinghouse. Occasional financial and statistical analyses on JDC-subventioned activities.
File 247: France, General, 1944-1945
Old Folder Number: 311
Summaries of activities, operations, personnel needs, efforts to reestablish Jewish communities, aid refugees and displaced persons, including miscellaneous financial and statistical reports.
Series 3: France: Organizations
File 277: France, Organizations A-Z, 1945-1952
Old Folder Number: 347
Miscellaneous and sundry materials on various organizations.
File 278: France, Association des Israelites Pratiquants de France, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 348
Correspondence regarding demands, appeals for aid and related materials on financing Rabbi Zalman Schneersohn’s activities, including children’s home.
France, Association des Israelites Pratiquants de France, 1945-1949
File 279: France, Center de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, 1943-1953
Old Folder Number: 349
Correspondence regarding appeals for funds; notices of books published by archive/documentation center. Report on 10th anniversary of the center.
France, Center de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, 1943-1953
File 280: France, Centre Educatif, 1951-1957
Old Folder Number: 350
Judah Shapiro memos on development, activities of the central clearing house for Jewish educational materials. Correspondence on book purchases.
File 281: France, Cercle Amicale (Workmen’s Circle), 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 351
Correspondence, descriptions, appeals for aid for children’s homes.
File 282: France, Preliminary Report, Comite Juif d’Action Social et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), 1947
Old Folder Number: 352
Auditors’ report on accounting, bookkeeping problems and poor administrative procedures at Comite Juif d’Action Social et de Reconstruction (COJASOR, Jewish Committee for Social Action and Reconstruction).
France, Preliminary Report, Comite Juif d’Action Social et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), 1947
File 283: France, Comite Juif d’Action Social et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 353
Reports, correspondence on operations between 1945 and 1948, including aid to the needy among the settled population as well as relief to newcomers, refugees by Service Special des Immigrants (SSI).
France, Comite Juif d’Action Social et de Reconstruction (COJASOR), 1945-1951
File 284: France, Commission Centrale de L’Enfance, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 354
Correspondence, reports on activities of agency that was outgrowth of communist-inspired Union des Juifs pour la Resistance et l’Entr’Aide (UJRE, Union of Jews for Resistance and Mutual Aid).
File 285: France, Eclaireurs Israelites Francaises, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 355
Correspondence regarding scouts, projects to train scout leaders and social workers for France and North Africa, fund-raising, recruitment. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding financing of the film “Hazak” (“A Time to Live”). May 1945 bulletin.
File 286: France, Federation des Societes Juive de France, 1945-1952
Old Folder Number: 356
Correspondence, requests for funds.
File 287: France, Fonds Sociale Juif Unifie, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 357
Correspondence, reports on efforts to organize a united French fund-raising organization.
File 288: France, Fund for Relief of Russian Men of Letters and Science, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 360
Correspondence regarding aid to Russian professional, intellectual community.
France, Fund for Relief of Russian Men of Letters and Science, 1945-1947
File 289: France, Federation Interprofessionnelle et Interouvre l’Habillement des Enfants des Fusilles et Deportes (HEFUD), 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 361
Reports on training immigrants for trade (children’s clothing). Bulletin du Comite Professionnelle pour les Immigres Juifs (1949).
File 291: France, National Council of Jewish Women Home for Girls, 1946-1955
Old Folder Number: 364
Correspondence on origins of home for girls, on prospect of selling the property.
France, National Council of Jewish Women Home for Girls, 1946-1955
File 292: France, Oeuvre de Protection des Enfants Juifs, 1945-1952
Old Folder Number: 365
Correspondence, report (1952) on activities. Book from Centre Educatif on Sukkot, including text, songs, skit, holiday activities.
File 293: France, Lubavitch, 1947-1953
Old Folder Number: 366
Correspondence on visas, emigration plans of rabbinical students and families.
File 294: France, OSE, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 367
Correspondence on Oeuvre de Secours des Enfants (OSE) activities, including care of TB patients, transients.
File 295: France, Service Social des Jeunes, 1947-1952
Old Folder Number: 369
Reports (narrative, 1947; statistical, January 1952) on youth services.
File 296: France, Tombeau du Martyr Juif Inconnu, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 370
Correspondence, endorsements, speeches on creation of the monument in Paris to the “unknown Jewish martyr.”
File 297: France, Union des Juifs pour la Resistance et l’Entr’Aide, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 371
Correspondence regarding the origin of aid, description of children’s homes of Union des Juifs pour la Resistance et l’Entr’Aide (UJRE, Union of Jews for Resistance and Mutual Aid).
France, Union des Juifs pour la Resistance et l’Entr’Aide, 1945-1954
File 298: France, Union Populaire Juive, 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 372
Correspondence regarding JDC effort to collect debt of Labor Zionist Committee, as guarantor of loan for 1946 Youth Aliya.
Series 4: France: Subject Matter: Children
File 248: France, Childrens’ Homes, 1948-1957
Old Folder Number: 313
Correspondence on children’s homes, Youth Aliya villages.
File 249: France, Children, 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 314
Correspondence on supportfor children, Youth Aliya homes; miscellaneous on welfare, emigration and adoption for children.
Series 5: France: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 255: France, Immigration, 1945-1951, 1955
Old Folder Number: 320
Materials, memos on operations in France, including French visas and legal requirements, consular developments. Names listed on 1950, 1951 departure lists.
File 260: France, Migration, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 325
Correspondence (1953-1954) regarding claim by French Health Ministry for reimbursement of medical/hospital expenses incurred by Jews in transit to Israel via Marseille. Correspondence (1949) regarding ship-a-box program of National Council of Jewish Women. See 45/64 # 325, 309, 3878 regarding Sante medical bill, Marseille.
Series 6: France: Subject Matter: Medical
File 259: France, Medical and Mental Health, 1946-1953
Old Folder Number: 324
Correspondence, reports on medical services, development of mental hygiene program.
Series 7: France: Subject Matter: Property
File 254: France, Heirless Assets, 1944-1951
Old Folder Number: 319
Correspondence, reports on property restitution, heirless assets, French property laws and regulations.
File 261: France, Properties Offered, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 326
Correspondence regarding property at Cambes de Pujols offered by a family in Argentina; and children’s home in La Vesinet, which owner wishes to sell.
Series 8: France: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 258: France, Loan Kassas, 1944-1949
Old Folder Number: 323
Miscellaneous reports, memos on loan kassas, credit institutions, prospects for reconstruction for artisans, professionals.
Series 9: France: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 262: France, Refugees, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 328
Correspondence on aid, maintenance, housing of transients, coordination of requests for visas, transfer to French government of functions of International Refugee Organization (IRO).
Series 10: France: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 263: France, Relief Supplies, 1946-1953
Old Folder Number: 329
Correspondence, cables regarding requests, shipments and costs of supplies.
File 264: France, Relief Supplies, 1945
Old Folder Number: 330
Correspondence, cables regarding availability, location, costs of material aid. Correspondence on logistical and financial arrangements for shipments, commercial credit for purchases.
File 265: France, Relief Supplies: Food Packages, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 331
Correspondence on availability, shipment of food parcels. Contains list of names of individuals sending,seeking and receiving packages.
Series 11: France: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 250: France, Education, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 316
Correspondence, reports on Jewish education, books.
File 257: France, Kosher Kitchens (Canteens), 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 322
Correspondence on availability of kosher canteens.
File 299: France, Yeshivoth, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 373
Correspondence on activities, appeals of Beth Jacob Seminary (Paris), Chachmey Tsorphat (Aix le Bains), Yeshivah Katanah (Bailly), Lublin Yeshiva (Paris).
File 300: France, Yeshiva Ohel Joseph, 1947-1954
Old Folder Number: 374
Correspondence, reports about hygienic, safety conditions and related problems of yeshiva (of multiple names) that reneged on agreements for emigration to Israel.
Series 12: France: Subject Matter: Vocational Training
File 290: France, Hachsharot, 1948-1951
File 256: France, Jewish Writers and Artists, 1944-1951
Old Folder Number: 321
Correspondence, memos on aid, grants to Yiddish writers, artists; unfavorable media reports regarding aid. Lists names of Jewish artists in Paris, March 9, 1946.
Record Group: Germany
Series 1: Germany: Administration: Financial
File 344: Germany, Financial, 1954
Old Folder Number: 414
Accounting letters regarding financial transfers with Israel Purchasing Mission in Cologne. Cables regarding availability of funds following German Nazi-era compensation legislation, remittances, funds via Jewish Restitution Successor Organization.
File 345: Germany, Financial, 1946-1953
Old Folder Number: 415
Accounting memos, reports regarding expenses, including welfare, administration, medical care, child care, supplies, vocational training and education. Memos on attempts to purchase local currency.
Series 2: Germany: Administration: General
File 301.1: Germany, General, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 375
Reports, correspondence on JDC activities in Germany, displaced persons, political and economic conditions; problems with distribution of relief supplies; demographic distortions of communal conditions. Contains personnel rosters.
File 301.2: Germany, General, 1949-1953
Old Folder Number: 375
Reports, correspondence on JDC activities in Germany, displaced persons, political and economic conditions; problems with distribution of relief supplies; demographic distortions of communal conditions. Contains personnel rosters.
Series 3: Germany: Administration: Personnel
File 350: Germany, Personnel, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 419
Assorted staff lists, with individual name, job title, duty station, nationality.
Series 4: Germany: Localities
File 376: Germany, Berlin, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 444
Monthly narrative and statistical reports (incomplete 1948-1950; complete for 1951) cover community composition-demographics, emigration, relief supplies, vocational training. Miscellaneous correspondence on aid to Gemeinde, infiltratees in West Berlin. Names listed in monthly reported lists of “transferred cases.”
File 377: Germany, Berlin, 1947
Old Folder Number: 445
Reports on community demographics, relief supplies, emigration, works projects, communal conditions in sectors of Berlin. Information sheet (undated) about immigration to South Africa.
File 378: Germany, Berlin, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 446
Correspondence, reports on condition of the Jews in Berlin. Cables on flood of infiltratees from Poland (beginning November 1945). International Committee of the Red Cross report (June 11, 1946) on public health problems in Berlin.
File 379: Germany, Localities: A-Z, 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 447
Miscellaneous materials, including reports, correspondence, requests for aid (materials vary for each locale). Contains list with names of Jews in Weimar on May 8, 1945.
File 380: Germany, Frankfurt, 1940-1941, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 448
List (April 24, 1945) of survivors found when Frankfurt liberated by Americans. Correspondence regarding appeals for aid; disputes over distribution of supplies. List of survivors in Frankfurt on April 24, 1945.
File 381: Germany, Munich, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 449
Accounts of riots, correspondence, reports related to transfer of JDC functions from Foehrenwald to Munich after “occupation-invasion” of JDC office (1954). Assorted monthly activity reports, occasional statistical reports on activities of Munich office. Contains list of names of survivors seeking relatives.
Series 5: Germany: Organizations
File 366: Germany, Bayerisches Hilfswerk fuer die Durch de Neurnberger-Gesetze Betroffenen, 1951-1953
Old Folder Number: 434
Correspondence (primarily) following report in publication of American Council for Judaism, Council News (March 1951), on “Germany’s Forsaken Jews.” Article implies that JDC should assist Bayerisches Hilfswerk, a Bavarian-sponsored relief organization.
Germany, Bayerisches Hilfswerk fuer die Durch de Neurnberger-Gesetze Betroffenen, 1951-1953
File 367: Germany, Central Federation of Hungarian Jews, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 435
Correspondence related to appeals in 1947 and 1950 to Jewish organizations for aid to the Central Federation of Hungarian-Speaking Jews in U.S. Zone of Germany.
File 368: Germany, Convalescent Home, Bad Harzburg Hotel, 1947
Old Folder Number: 436
Correspondence with Helene Braun regarding efforts to recover a family hotel that was sold under duress during Nazi era, which could be used by JDC as Jewish convalescent home. Correspondence regarding JDC aid to convalescent home.
File 369: Germany, Council of Voluntary Agencies, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 437
Correspondence (1948) regarding formation of an organization of voluntary agencies in Bremen. Minutes of meetings (August, September 1949) of Resettlement and Welfare Committees of the Council of Voluntary Agencies in the U.S. Occupation Zone.
File 370: Germany, Gauting Sanatorium, 1947-1953
Old Folder Number: 438
Cables, correspondence about medical supplies, including pharmaceuticals; reports on treatment and rehabilitation of TB patients.
File 371: Germany, Haganah, 1948
Old Folder Number: 439
Correspondence, memos regarding recruitment, pressure-coercion on displaced persons and refugees to join Haganah. Resolution (undated) by Executive Board of the Knitgoods Workers Union on mobilization.
File 372: Germany, Heineman Home for the Aged, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 440
Correspondence about efforts to recover Heineman Home for the Aged near Hanover, which JDC would use as a children’s vacation home. Correspondence indicates that agreement was reached with British authorities, but was superseded when British authorities cited military necessity for their continued use of property.
File 373: Germany, HIAS AID Coordinating Committee for Jewish DPs Immigrating to the USA, 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 441
Correspondence, reports concerning a coordinating committee established to process cases for immigration to the U.S. under the Displaced Persons Act.
Germany, HIAS AID Coordinating Committee for Jewish DPs Immigrating to the USA, 1949-1952
File 374: Germany, International Trust Corporation, 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 442
Correspondence, accounting memos on creation, mission, functions and prospects of the International Trust Corporation GMBH, which was intended as an instrument to transfer individual and institutional restitution proceeds outside of Germany.
File 375: Germany, Israelitische Krankenhaus Hamburg, 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 443
Correspondence, beginning with a private request for bed linens, regarding supplies for Jewish hospital in Hamburg, including discussion about whether it is practical to rehabilitate hospital.
File 382: Germany, Offenbach Archival Depot (Rothschild Library), 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 451
Correspondence (1946) related to U.S. military government permission to borrow Nazi-looted Jewish books collected by Allies and stored at the Offenbach Depot. Statistics (1949) on books, education and religious supplies. List (1950?) of Jewish institutions that received samples of materials published by JDC in Germany.
Germany, Offenbach Archival Depot (Rothschild Library), 1946-1950
File 383: Germany, Warburg Children’s Home, Blankenese, 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 453
Correspondence with Eric Warburg regarding rehabilitation, reconstruction, maintenance and use of Warburg property.
Series 6: Germany: Subject Matter: Displaced Persons
File 306: Germany, Displaced Persons, 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 381
Reports, summaries of activities (primarily 1952) on Foehrenwald, including population increases due to returnees, problems associated with the liquidation of the International Refugee Organization (IRO), transfer of control of Foehrenwald from IRO to German authorities in November 1951.
File 307: Germany, Displaced Persons, 1951
Old Folder Number: 382
Monthly narrative and statistical reports from the Operation, Welfare, Legal and Transportation Departments, mainly from the U.S. Occupation Zone, with limited number from the British and French zones, on services for displaced persons. Memos, correspondence regarding Foehrenwald.
File 308: Germany, Displaced Persons, 1950
Old Folder Number: 383
Narrative and statistical reports on activities, services for displaced persons mainly from the U.S. Occupation Zone, with limited number from the British and French Zones (monthly reports are incomplete; May and September are missing); reports indicate cuts, shifts in educational, vocational activities due to emigration of personnel, cuts in international relief funds, legal conditions affecting displaced persons.
File 309: Germany, Displaced Persons, VII-XII.1949
Old Folder Number: 384
Monthly narrative and statistical reports from the Welfare, Legal Departments, as well as general summaries, from the U.S. Occupation Zone (incomplete); some reports from operations in British Zone on services for displaced persons. Materials on medical services, law enforcement.
File 310: Germany, Displaced Persons, I-VI. 1949
Old Folder Number: 385
Narrative and statistical reports on activities in the U.S. Occupation Zone (January, February, March-April 1949), including review of emigration, employment, education, supplies, transportation, legal services and medical care. Correspondence, reports on closing and consolidation of DP camps.
File 311: Germany, Displaced Persons, X-XII.1948
Old Folder Number: 386
Monthly narrative and statistical reports on activities in U.S. Occupation Zone for displaced persons (incomplete). Correspondence, reports on emigration, problems with maintenance services at Jewish Agency transit points.
File 312: Germany, Displaced Persons, VII-IX.1948
Old Folder Number: 386
Monthly narrative and statistical reports on services for displaced persons from Welfare, Legal and Transportation Departments (July report is limited). Correspondence, reports on order of International Refugee Organization (IRO) to impose deduction on DPs’ salaries as reimbursement for costs of care and maintenance.
File 313: Germany, Displaced Persons, V-VI. 1948
Old Folder Number: 387
Monthly narrative and statistical reports on welfare and legal services for displaced persons. Miscellaneous on impact of U.S. immigration law, impact of German currency reform. Correspondence on Czechoslovak refugees in U.S. Zone, who are primarily non-Jewish.
File 314: Germany, Displaced Persons, I-IV. 1948
Old Folder Number: 387
Reports, correspondence covering activities for displaced persons for the periods January-February and March-April 1948, including emigration, employment, medical, welfare, legal and religious services, supplies, transportation.
File 315: Germany, Displaced Persons, XI-XII.1947
Old Folder Number: 388
Narrative and statistical materials on emigration, medical, welfare, employment activities for displaced persons in U.S. Occupation Zone. Memo (November 1, 1947, unsigned) on JDC organizational structure in U.S. Occupation Zone; JDC “U.S. Zone Bulletin” (mimeo, November 5, 1947).
File 316: Germany, Displaced Persons, VII.-X.1947
Old Folder Number: 388
Monthly narrative and statistical reports on welfare, education, relief services for displaced persons; miscellaneous correspondence.
File 317: Germany, Displaced Persons, I.-VI. 1947
Old Folder Number: 389
Monthly reports on JDC operations, services for displaced persons. Correspondence, memos and references in reports to JDC’s relations with Central Committee of Liberated Jews. Materials on organizing work force, nature of employment, salaries and payments.
File 318: Germany, Displaced Persons, VII.-XII.1946
Old Folder Number: 390
Reports, correspondence on different conditions, needs, legal status, political sentiments toward displaced persons, refugees, infiltratees in U.S. and British Occupation Zones. List (December 31, 1946) of communities, cities, camps in Germany and Austria serviced by JDC.
File 319: Germany, Displaced Persons, IV.-VI. 1946
Old Folder Number: 391
Correspondence, minutes of meetings (of official and voluntary agencies) regarding varying conditions, needs, legal status of displaced persons, refugees in occupation zones. Miscellaneous on border closings in Germany and Austria. Press release (May 3, 1946) and transcript of radio interview (WNYC; May 6, 1946) with Lavy Becker review of needs and relief activities for 60,000 Jews in U.S. Occupation Zone.
File 320: Germany, Displaced Persons, I.-III. 1946
Old Folder Number: 391
Reports on displaced persons’ and infiltratees’ demographics; on food, relief, welfare, relief supplies, medical services, distribution, education. Materials on UNRRA activities.
File 321: Germany, Displaced Persons, X.-XII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 392
Cables, correspondence on desperate situation of displaced persons and infiltratees, need to segregate Jews from other displaced persons; urgent need for supplies, personnel arrangements. Statistics/estimates throughout reports in file. Summary by Saul Elgart of JDC activities in 7th Army Area (August 1-October 15, 1945), including demographics, organization of structure, services. Detailed set of narrative reports on conditions in U.S. Occupation Zone, prepared for JDC staff conference in Germany (October 21, 1945); main report on Bavaria by Eli Rock summarizes conditions in camps (Feldafing, Landsburg, Foehrenwald, Deggendorf); includes establishment, scope and services of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews; role of and relations with U.S. military and UNRRA. Excerpt from “Protocol 16,” meeting (November 15, 1945) of Central Committee of Liberated Jews with representatives of American Jewish organizations (not including JDC); notes struggle to be recognized as “Jews” who are distinct from other DPs, desire to emigrate to Palestine. Reports by Dr. Joseph M. Shapiro (October 25-November 12, 1945, and December 22, 1945) on health of DPs, sanitation and medical conditions in camps, problems of lurking ailments as result of victims’ years of starvation; ailments and DPs’ conditions vary according to nature of persecution and whether they were in concentration camps, in hiding; reports note that flux in number of arrivals and internal migration of DPs creates problems in arranging services.
U.S. military order (November 30, 1945, signed by Lt. Col. H. Gorman) modifies policy on segregation of DPs, allowing Jews to have separate blocks within camps, but says that no special camps exclusively for Jews will be established. Lavy Becker memos (December 16 and 17, 1945) on efforts by U.S. military and UNRRA to move infiltratees to Bamburg (including problems of UNRRA and interference of Zionist groups). Becker correspondence (December 26, 1945) on accommodations for infiltratees (transient camps, scouted by military authorities); need to relieve severe overcrowding; problem with transport by U.S. military, army failed to take into account that individuals could not be ordered about as could soldiers and that refugees had a fear of the unfamiliar, as well as fleftening memories of transports. “Summary of recent reports from JDC representatives in Germany” (Paris Memo No. 1114, December 18, 1945) includes summary on emigration, DPs’ morale and disillusionment with aid from outside world; inadequacy of supplies; notes establishment of Central Committee of Liberated Jews; Foehrenwald set up as all-Jewish camp.
File 322: Germany, Displaced Persons, VIII.-IX.1945
Old Folder Number: 392
Correspondence, cables on JDC status and ability to function in areas with displaced persons; on personnel, transit, relief supplies, clothing. Miscellaneous on establishment of new conditions for displaced persons; General Dwight D. Eisenhower speech. Contains list of survivors getting medical care at Neustadt, Holstein.
File 323: Germany, Displaced Persons, I.-VII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 393
Correspondence, cables urgently seeking staff, recruitment, transportation after Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) permits JDC to work with stateless people in Germany, under UNRRA “coordination.” Correspondence, personal letters from servicemen to families describing situation of Jews, appealing for help for victims. Correspondence concerning survivors seeking to locate relatives. Some names of survivors liberated from Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald who were seeking relatives are listed.
File 324: Germany, Displaced Persons, Camps A-Z, 1945-1948, 1953
Old Folder Number: 394
Reports, limited correspondence concerning or from DP camps in Germany. Materials about camps include references to welfare, lefts, activities of displaced persons. Contains list of potential emigrants to Palestine from Garmisch-Partenkirchen; list of names from Vilseck.
File 325: Germany, Displaced Persons Camps: Bergen-Belsen, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 395
Reports and correspondence on conditions and needs of Jews in Belsen, relations with Central Committee of Liberated Jews, newspaper Jews and non-Jews in camp, urgent need for personnel. Contains January 15, 1945, list of individuals interned in Belsen, Theresienstadt and Birkenau; also, names appear, between June and October 1945, in records of JDC “postal service” arranging mail to and from Belsen.
File 326: Germany, Displaced Persons Camps: Foehrenwald, VII.-XII.1954
Old Folder Number: 397
Materials concerning the closing of Camp Foehrenwald, including German and JDC aid for resettlement, local integration or emigration; letters on procedures for emigration grants.
Germany, Displaced Persons Camps: Foehrenwald, VII.-XII.1954
File 327: Germany, Displaced Persons Camps: Foehrenwald, I.-VI. 1954
Old Folder Number: 397
Materials concerning efforts to liquidate Camp Foehrenwald, German emigration grants, resistance of remaining displaced persons and antagonism of “Actions Committee” toward JDC.
File 328: Germany, Displaced Persons Camps: Foehrenwald, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 398
Materials on origin of camp, the transition to an all-Jewish camp for displaced persons, activities and services within camp, including welfare and education programs. Miscellaneous on transfer of Foehrenwald from the auspices of the International Refugee Organization (IRO) to German authority, and liquidation plans, need to resettle remaining population.
File 329: Germany, Displaced Persons, Appeals for Aid to the DPs by Soldiers Stationed in Germany, 1945
Old Folder Number: 399
Miscellaneous correspondence from soldiers regarding aid to displaced persons.
Germany, Displaced Persons, Appeals for Aid to the DPs by Soldiers Stationed in Germany, 1945
File 330: Germany, Displaced Persons, Quarterly Installation Reports, 1948
Old Folder Number: 400
Statistical reports from installations, with wide range of data; limited space for narrative. Some comments on legal matters, problems matching individuals to camp jobs due to emigration. List of installations (by type: camp, Jewish community, sanatorium, children’s center) in U.S. Occupation Zone.
Germany, Displaced Persons, Quarterly Installation Reports, 1948
File 331: Germany, Displaced Persons, Report by S.L.Haber, 1949
Old Folder Number: 401
92 page report in Yiddish.
File 332: Germany, Displaced Persons, Returnees, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 402
Correspondence, memos and excerpts from JDC committee minutes and reports regarding the “returnees,” referring to European Jews who return to Europe, often illegally, from Israel in hopes of emigrating elsewhere in the West. Correspondence on extent of International Refugee Organization’s (IRO) legal protection for returnees, on Israel’s responsibility for returnees.
File 333: Germany, Displaced Persons, Workers Projects, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 404
Memos, correspondence, reports on development of vocational training, employment and other work projects for displaced persons, determining what was feasible (supplies, personnel, coordination and cooperation of agencies and camp committees), and how to compensate (or motivate) workers.
Series 7: Germany: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 337: Germany, Emigration, 1952-1954, 1955-1956
Old Folder Number: 408
Primarily statistics on number of departures, names of ships. Miscellaneous accounting letters.
File 338: Germany, Emigration, 1951
Old Folder Number: 409
Monthly reports (incomplete) on emigration; statistics on numbers of emigrants, method of transport, destinations; List of ships’ passengers. Correspondence about problem of resettling intermarried refugee families in U.S. Emigrants’ names appear in emigration reports.
File 339: Germany, Emigration, 1950
Old Folder Number: 409
Correspondence, reports on emigration, expenses, limited migration options for displaced persons. Statistics on numbers of emigrants, method of transport, destinations; lists of ships’ passengers. Cables on ships’ departures, flights. Emigrants’ names appear in monthly emigration reports.
File 340: Germany, Emigration, 1949
Old Folder Number: 410
Monthly narrative and statistical reports (incomplete), including numbers of emigrants, means of transport, destinations; some emigrants’ names. Cables on departures of ships, flights. Miscellaneous on prospects, problems of immigration to Israel. Press release (June 2, 1949) on first emigration of Jews from Berlin and Russian Zone of Germany. Some emigrants’ names are listed in monthly reports; however, ships’ names do not correlate to specific passengers.
File 341: Germany, Emigration, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 411
Monthly narrative and statistical reports (incomplete), including numbers of emigrants, method of transport, destinations. Cables on ship departures. Miscellaneous on limits of immigration to Palestine/Israel. Miscellaneous on immigration to U.S., including correspondence (1946-1947) about purchase of educational materials, manuals regarding American citizenship.
File 342: Germany, Emigration, Deposits, Simon Weiler Account, Max Perlman Transportation Fund, 1939-1944, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 412
Materials regarding Otto Weiler, representative of the Reichsvereinigung, endeavoring to secure blocked deposits of German refugees; includes small list of depositors. Correspondence on liquidating the account. Lists names of depositors in the so-called Weiler-Simon Account.
File 343: Germany, Emigration: Yeshiva Students, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 413
Correspondence regarding Rabbi Herman Meisels’ efforts to secure JDC aid for 150-600 yeshiva students emigrating from the British Occupation Zone.
Series 8: Germany: Subject Matter: Medical
File 346: Germany, Medical, 1951-1953
Old Folder Number: 417
Reports on medical services, needs of hard-core, how medical care and old-age facilities will be effected by emigration; first hard-core transports to Israel (May 6, 1951) on SS Artzeh.
File 347: Germany, Medical, 1950
Old Folder Number: 417
Reports on health, medical needs and services, personnel, health education; impact on and prospects for emigration for the hard-core, including those who have TB, are aged, chronically ill, physically or mentally handicapped.
File 348: Germany, Medical, 1949
Old Folder Number: 418
Reports on health, medical needs and services; including personnel, administration, maternal and child care, medical facilities. Recurring reviews of needs, installations, capacity for care of the elderly, chronically ill, handicapped, mental patients; statistics on patients, services, staff. Medical Information Bulletins (in German).
File 349: Germany, Medical, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 418
Materials on initial assessment of survivors’ and refugees’ medical conditions, JDC’s relationshipwith authorities and with Gusendheitsamt of Central Committee of Liberated Jews, and organization of health program. Reports on medical activities (incomplete) include statistics on illness, treatments, procedures, capacity, patients.
Series 9: Germany: Subject Matter: Property
File 352: Germany, Properties Offered to JDC, 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 421
Correspondence from individuals in the U.S. and Canada offering properties (real estate, bank accounts) in Germany to JDC; responses generally indicate why JDC cannot take title or use properties; role of Occupation authorities in control and disposition of property.
Series 10: Germany: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 353: Germany, Relief Supplies: General, 1949-1951, 1955, 1959
Old Folder Number: 422
Correspondence, cables, reports on import licenses, shipments, allocations and distribution of supplies. Accounting memos on duty-free certification. Press release (July 13, 1949) summarizing two years of relief supplies for displaced persons.
File 354: Germany, Relief Supplies: General, 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 423
Cables, reports on relief supplies, warehouse inventories, distribution and logistics, including problems due to Berlin blockade. Memos, notices of military rules for voluntary agencies’ import of relief supplies. Miscellaneous complaints, grievances about distribution, allocations. Correspondence regarding individuals, congregations and organizations that wish to send relief supplies to displaced persons camps.
File 355: Germany, Relief Supplies: General, 1946
Old Folder Number: 424
Cables, reports on requests, on shipments of relief supplies, shipping procedures and logistics, warehouse inventories and theft. Queries from individuals and organizations that wish to send relief supplies to DP camps; complaints about distribution.
File 356: Germany, Relief Supplies: General, 1944-1945
Old Folder Number: 424
Urgent cables requesting food, funds, clothing, personnel. Cables on shipments, licenses, procedures.
File 357: Germany, Relief Supplies: Books, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 425
Correspondence regarding the provision, production and distribution of general, technical and Hebrew and Yiddish literary and religious books, as well as scientific journals, dictionaries, textbooks, Jewish newspapers and Yiddish plays; special requests for books in Polish and textbooks for medical students.
File 358: Germany, Relief Supplies: Films, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 426
Cables, correspondence on myriad arrangements, beginning September 15, 1945, to borrow and screen Yiddish and American movies to displaced persons; list of films.
File 359: Germany, Relief Supplies: Food Packages, 1944, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 427
Correspondence regarding groups’ and individuals’ eligibility for food packages; regarding individuals and organizations that wish to send food parcels to Germany. Contains list of names of some survivors of Belsen, Theresienstadt.
File 360: Germany, Relief Supplies: Information Bulletin, 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 428
Publication issued by Supply Department (Munich) on allocations, items distributed, rations, procedures. (Incomplete, file includes bulletins 1-18, minus 5, 8, 11).
File 361: Germany, Relief Supplies: Kosher Food and Passover Supplies, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 429
Reports on distribution of Passover supplies; press release (April 2, 1953) on Passover supplies for refugees who escaped from Soviet Occupation Zone to West Berlin.
Germany, Relief Supplies: Kosher Food and Passover Supplies, 1945-1953
File 362: Germany, Relief Supplies: Medical, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 430
Cables, correspondence on requests, shipments of supplies; list of supplies. Correspondence (November 1945) regarding purchase of 10 ambulances. Contains list of children at Bad Aibling who were injected with Plasma Globulin.
File 363: Germany, Relief Supplies: Recreational, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 431
Correspondence seeking supplies, including sheet music, (printing) paper, tennis balls, theater equipment, films, books and library materials. List (July 31, 1946) of supplies sent to Germany from the U.S. and Palestine (source of list is not indicated). Memo from S. Lewis Gaber (December 20, 1946) with list of recreational supplies/items needed for a six-month period.
Series 11: Germany: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 334: Germany, Educational, Religious & Vocational Activities, 1948-1953
Old Folder Number: 405
Correspondence, reports on general, religious and vocational education. Extracts from monthly reports on educational, cultural, religious, recreational and vocational activities in the U.S. Occupation Zone, including religious practices, observance of Shabbat; statistics on schools, students, teachers, courses. Correspondence on end of quotas at German universities, and appeals for aid from Jewish Students Union.
Germany, Educational, Religious & Vocational Activities, 1948-1953
File 335: Germany, Educational, Religious & Vocational Activities, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 406
Correspondence, reports on the development and organization of educational, religious and cultural activities in U.S. Occupation Zone; correspondence on educational, religious and cultural needs of population and conditions in camps; urgent requests for supplies; statistics on students, books, schools, ORT schools, religious articles, supplies, teachers, including “nonpartisan” mix of religious personnel.
Germany, Educational, Religious & Vocational Activities, 1945-1947
File 336: Germany, Educational & Religious Activities, Rabbi Michael L. Munk, 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 407
Press release (May 2, 1947) on JDC dispatch of German-born Rabbi Michael L. Munk (Adas Yisroel) as the first rabbi in Berlin since prewar days; ending June 1948. Correspondence regarding request by World Union of Progressive Judaism for grant for Reform rabbi in Germany.
Germany, Educational & Religious Activities, Rabbi Michael L. Munk, 1946-1949
File 302: Germany, Aged, 1948
Old Folder Number: 376
Correspondence, primarily from Irving Antell (December 23, 1948), on the need to move elderly out of Germany in light of worsening political and material situation.
File 303: Germany, Antisemitism, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 377
Correspondence, pamphlets on anti-Semitism. Harry Greenstein, adviser on Jewish affairs, correspondence with John McCloy on need for official West German repudiation of anti-Semitism.
File 304: Germany, Baptized Jews, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 378
Correspondence on “classification” of Jews, who qualifies as Jewish, for purpose of receiving supplies and services; role of local community in determining eligibility for relief. See 45/54 # 139, Austria, Org., Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Wein, 1945-1954
File 305: Germany, Cemeteries, 1947-1949, 1955
Old Folder Number: 379
Correspondence on graves registrations, cemetery desecrations.
File 351: Germany, Prisoners, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 420
Correspondence, memos on prisoners George Politzer, Roman Reich-Bogacki, Leo Ferleger and others at Ziegenheim and in the Allied National Prison at Werl, in the British Occupation Zone. (Materials on the prisoners are incomplete.)
File 364: Germany, Statistics of Jewish Population, 1946-1950, 1954
Old Folder Number: 432
Cables, correspondence on Jewish population. Statistical reports (incomplete) through December 1950; usually include camp figures, include age and gender of DPs; occasional narrative analysis of the demographics, primarily in U.S. Occupation Zone and British Occupation Zone.
File 365: Germany, Trial of Toebbens and Bauch, 1949
Old Folder Number: 433
Report (June 13, 1949) from Max Leuchter, a DP lawyer who worked for JDC and assisted in prosecution of Bremen businessman Walter Toebbens, who was convicted of offenses in persecution of Jews as manufacturer in Warsaw Ghetto, whose workers were murdered in November 1943 in Poniatowa, Poland. Press accounts of Toebbens’ trial and subsequent charges against Rudolf Bauch, witness in the proceedings.
Record Group: Greece
Series 1: Greece: Administration: Financial
File 392: Greece, Financial, 1951-1954
Old Folder Number: 462
Accounting memos on financial transfers, exchange rates, devaluation of drachma.
File 393: Greece, Financial, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 463
Accounting memos, correspondence regarding currency transactions, currency exchange and financial transfers. Miscellaneous monthly financial/statistical reports of Jewish organizations, including loan kassa and Central Board of Jewish Communities (Conseil Central des Communautes Juives de Grece).
File 394: Greece, Financial, 1948
Old Folder Number: 464
Accounting memos on financial transfers; correspondence on currency transactions. Budgets, statistical and narrative budget estimates, including summaries of relief, medical and child care programs.
File 395: Greece, Financial, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 465
Accounting memos on financial transfers, licenses, currency exchange. Budgets, statistical and narrative summaries of relief, medical and child care programs. Correspondence on fluctuation of currency, effect on operations.
Series 2: Greece: Administration: General
File 384: Greece, General, 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 454
Reports on local political, economic and communal conditions. Correspondence on emigration; appeals for funds.
File 385: Greece, General, 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 455
Reports on programs, conditions in Greece and within Jewish communities, including relief, reconstruction, vocational training and rehabilitation of artisans, need for religious and cultural leadership. Correspondence includes appeals for aid, communal complaints, status of property restitution law.
File 386: Greece, General, VIII.-XII.1945
Old Folder Number: 456
Correspondence, reports on political, economic and communal conditions. Materials on extreme destitution, homelessness of returning Holocaust survivors. Report from Greek American Council of role of Greek Jews in war. Correspondence from Finance Ministry on property restitution.
File 387: Greece, General, I.-VII. 1945
Old Folder Number: 457
Reports, correspondence on political, economic and communal conditions, including destitution, homelessness, medical needs, orphans.
Series 3: Greece: Organizations
File 403: Greece, Anatolia College, 1948
Old Folder Number: 474
Correspondence regarding JDC’s request to the college in Saloniki (Salonika) for scholarships for Jewish students.
File 404: Greece, Girls Home and Training Center, Athens, 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 475
Correspondence regarding operations, expenses of home, supported by National Council of Jewish Women, for rehabilitation of girls who had been living in sheltered housing.
Series 4: Greece: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 391: Greece, Emigration, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 461
Correspondence on emigration from Greece to the U.S., including prospects, visas, arrangements for passage.
Series 5: Greece: Subject Matter: Medical
File 399: Greece, Medical, 1945-1953
Old Folder Number: 470
Memos, reports on medical programs, facilities, disposition of Baron Hirsch Hospital in Saloniki (Salonika)
Series 6: Greece: Subject Matter: Property
File 396: Greece, Heirless Assets of Nazi Victims, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 466
Memos, correspondence on efforts to recover heirless Jewish communal properties under Greek restitution law, anticipated division of proceeds, problems with implementation of law, including presumption of death.
File 397: Greece, Heirless Assets of Nazi Victims, 1946-1952
Old Folder Number: 467
Correspondence, reports on efforts to recover heirless Jewish individual and communal properties, including Greek restitution law and implementing decree; creation, organization and administration of “Heirless Property Foundation”; number of properties and use of proceeds.
Series 7: Greece: Subject Matter: Reconstruction
File 398: Greece, Loan Kassas, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 469
Correspondence on establishment, activities of kassa; accounting correspondence on remittances, use of funds. Memos, statistical and narrative reports on status of loans, list of borrowers, occupations, economic conditions.
Series 8: Greece: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 400: Greece, Passover Supplies, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 471
Correspondence on shipments of matzot to communities in Greece, Albania.
File 401: Greece, Relief Supplies, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 472
Cables, correspondence on requests, payments and shipments of relief supplies. Correspondence on government import restrictions, customs delays.
Series 9: Greece: Subject Matter: Religious, Cultural, and Educational
File 390: Greece, Education, 1947-1952
Old Folder Number: 460
Correspondence on educational programs, problems, including availability of religious leaders, teachers, procurement of books, supplies. Report (unsigned, September 9, 1948) on Jewish education in Greece.
File 388: Greece, Cemeteries, 1946
Old Folder Number: 458
Undated memo by Dr. Cecil Roth on Jewish cemetery in Saloniki (Salonika).
File 389: Greece, Disasters, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 459
Correspondence, press release, minutes of meetings of voluntary agencies regarding aid to victims of earthquakes in Ionian Islands.
File 402: Greece, Survivors, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 473
List of Holocaust survivors (alphabetical, A-O), resident in Athens in April 1945. Contains list of survivors.
Record Group: Guatemala
Series 1: Guatemala: Administration: General
File 405: Guatemala, General, 1944-1954
Record Group: Haiti
Series 1: Haiti: Administration: Financial
File 407: Haiti, Financial, 1953-1954
Old Folder Number: 480
Financial-statistical reports of Joint Relief Committee regarding aid to refugees.
File 408: Haiti, Financial, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 481
Financial-statistical reports of Joint Relief Committee regarding aid to refugees.
File 409: Haiti, Financial, 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 482
Financial-statistical reports of Joint Relief Committee regarding aid to refugees.
File 410: Haiti, Financial, 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 482
Financial-statistical reports, correspondence with Joint Relief Committee regarding aid to refugees.
Series 2: Haiti: Administration: General
File 406: Haiti, General, 1945-1952
Old Folder Number: 477
Miscellaneous correspondence, including 1949 correspondence about undesirability of Haiti as resettlement site (local community too small, unable to assume responsibility for immigrants.)
Record Group: Hawaii
Series 1: Hawaii: Administration: General
File 411: Hawaii, General, 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 483
Correspondence, financial statements from community regarding aid to refugees in transit from Shanghai.
Record Group: Holland
Series 1: Holland: Administration: Financial
File 419: Holland, Financial, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 492
Accounting memos, cash reports, correspondence on remittances, budget/subventions (July-December 1946).
File 420: Holland, Financial, 1948-1954
Old Folder Number: 493
Accounting memos, cash reports, correspondence on remittances, loan kassas, credit, miscellaneous subventions, budget (1948).
File 428: Holland, Transfer of Funds, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 506
Miscellaneous accounting, financial correspondence on transfer of funds. Lists names throughout correspondence.
Series 2: Holland: Administration: General
File 412: Holland, General, 1946-1954
Old Folder Number: 485
Materials on conditions of surviving Dutch Jewry, including children, on aid to war victims from Dutch government, communal reconstruction. Miscellaneous on problems within community over Nazi-era communal leadership.
File 413: Holland, General, 1945
Old Folder Number: 485
Correspondence, reports regarding conditions at liberation, needs, rescue and care of children, commotion between pre- and postwar communal leadership. Miscellaneous on persecution by Nazis.
Series 3: Holland: Organizations
File 429: Holland, Help Action Red Cross (HARK), 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 507
Miscellaneous correspondence.
File 430: Holland, Rabbinaat der Nederlandsch-Israelietische Hoofdsynagoge te Amsterdam, 1945-1954
Old Folder Number: 508
Miscellaneous correspondence on religious supplies, loan to repair synagogue.
Holland, Rabbinaat der Nederlandsch-Israelietische Hoofdsynagoge te Amsterdam, 1945-1954
Series 4: Holland: Subject Matter: Children
File 415: Holland, Children, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 487
Materials on condition, aid, needs of two groups of children: Dutch Jewish children who were rescued by non-Jews, and Jewish refugee children who temporarily are in Holland. Contains list of names of some orphaned children.
Series 5: Holland: Subject Matter: Emigration and Immigration
File 416: Holland, Emigration Clearances, 1950-1954
Old Folder Number: 489
Financial correspondence, accounting memos on remittances, payments for emigration. Lists names on correspondence, accounting memos.
File 417: Holland, Emigration Clearances, 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 490
Financial correspondence, accounting memos on remittances, payments for emigration. Lists names on correspondence, accounting memos.
File 418: Holland, Emigration Clearances, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 491
Financial correspondence, accounting memos on remittances, payments for emigration. Lists names on correspondence, accounting memos.
Series 6: Holland: Subject Matter: Property
File 426: Holland, Restitution of Property and Heirless Assets, 1946-1953, 1958
Old Folder Number: 503
Miscellaneous materials on Dutch property laws, restitution laws, legal rights; prospect of Dutch successor organization to claim heirless assets; assets held in Switzerland.
Holland, Restitution of Property and Heirless Assets, 1946-1953, 1958
File 427: Holland, Restitution of Property and Heirless Assets, Lift Vans (Containers of Furniture), 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 504
Miscellaneous correspondence, including treatment of claims, for proceeds/income from German Jews’ lift vans, containers of properties that were liquidated in Holland during war. Contains list of names (dated June 8, 1948) of people whose lift vans came into Holland during war.
Holland, Restitution of Property and Heirless Assets, Lift Vans (Containers of Furniture), 1948-1949
Series 7: Holland: Subject Matter: Refugees
File 421: Holland, Refugees, 1945-1947
Old Folder Number: 496
Cables, memos on immigration, emigration, emigration procedures, supplies, transfer of former Belsen internees. “Organization of Dutch Jews in England” lists names of Jews found in various camps.
Series 8: Holland: Subject Matter: Relief Supplies
File 422: Holland, Relief Supplies, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 497
Cables of shipments, prices, amounts of relief supplies. Correspondence (1946) with Netherlands Red Cross regarding distribution of supplies.
File 423: Holland, Relief Supplies: Books, 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 498
Correspondence on books, educational materials, religious supplies.
File 424: Holland, Relief Supplies: Kosher Food, 1945-1951
Old Folder Number: 500
Correspondence, cables on supplies, primarily on purchase of matzot. Gertrude Pinsky letter (October 26, 1945) regarding distribution of kosher food to the Jewish community in Utrecht.
File 425: Holland, Relief Supplies: Medical, 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 501
Cables, correspondence about medical supplies for Holland, primarily from Siegfried Kramarsky (New York).
Series 9: Holland: Subject Matter: Restitution
File 414: Holland, Royal Decree of September 17, 1944, 1944-1947
Old Folder Number: 486
Copy (English) of Royal Decree of September 17, 1944, and amendments, on the restoration of legal lefts. Regulations on composition, powers of the council for restoration of legal rights; regulations on restitution, lefts of original property owners, current possessors.
Record Group: Honduras
Series 1: Honduras: Administration: General
File 431: Honduras, General, 1945-1950
Old Folder Number: 509
Correspondence, statistical reports (1945) on community services, fund-raising correspondence.