Finding Aid
Subcollection 4: Countries and Regions

This subcollection comprises materials on major topics of JDC’s worldwide programs and activities, including: the expansion of JDC’s postwar relief efforts in Eastern Europe; assistance to refugees and displaced persons; the development of health and welfare societies in Poland and the Soviet Union; funding for public health programs in Lithuania and Romania, and the promotion of economic, agricultural, and welfare development in Palestine, as well as reports on the political, economic, and social conditions in all of the regions in which JDC operated.

Of particular interest may be the files on Agro-Joint, the American Jewish Joint Agricultural Corporation. With the consent of the Soviet government, Agro-Joint trained and resettled 70,000 Jews as farmers in Ukraine and the Crimea, while also providing medical care, homes for the aged, orphan care, vocational training, loan funds, and workshops and cooperatives in the cities.

This subcollection is organized in record groups alphabetically by country/region. Note that borders shifted in the war era, and that the names of localities reflect both recognized political and indigenous regions.

Record Group 4.1: Ethiopia (previously processed as “Abyssinia”)

File 165: Abyssinia: Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1932

The Pro-Falasha Committee was organized in the United States in 1922 to help in providing Falasha Jews in Abyssinia with Cultural and Religious aid extended under direction of Dr. J. Faitlovitch. Between 1921-1930, the American Jewish Relief Committee granted $13,150 in Cultural funds. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, J. Faitlovitch, S. Friedman, E. Frisch, H. Gans, I. Goldstein, Joseph C. Hyman, Wm. J. Mack, Louis Marshall, D. de Sola Pool, N. Salit, H. Schneiderman.

Abyssinia: Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1932

Record Group 4.2: Austria

Series 1: Austria: Administration

File 166: Austria: Administration, General, 1921 – 1923, 1929

a. JDC Liquidation and Liquidation Report B. Bogen, 8/17/21. Correspondence: H. Gans, J. Goldman, J. Rieur. Also see: JDC administration Personnel, Leon Wechsler, File 53b. b. Economic Crisis, 1921-1923, 1929 Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, H. H. Lehman, A. Pick, G. Richardson, James N. Rosenberg.

Austria: Administration, General, 1921 – 1923, 1929

File 167: Austria: Financial, Vienna Office Accounting Procedure, 1922
File 168: Austria: Financial, Final Report, 1924

Series 2: Austria: Organizations

File 169: Austria: Organizations, Various

Materials are found in this file except where noted otherwise. Allgemeine Oesterreichische Taubstummen Institut, Vienna. American Relief Administration (ARA) see: File 92, ARA. Chajes Real Gymnasium, Vienna. Also see: File 172a. Hebraisches Pedagogium, Vienna. File 172a. Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Vienna. Also see: Files 172-172a, 174. Israelitische Theologische Lehranstalt, Vienna, File 172. Juedische Mittelstand Fuersorge, Vienna. Juedischer Schulverein, Vienna. File 172. Rabbiner Verband in Wien. File 172. Soziale Hilfsgemeinschaft Anitta Mueller, Vienna. Wirtschaftlicher Organization Juedischer Angestellter (WOJA), Vienna. Zukunft Verein zur Erziehung and Erhaltung juedischer Lehrlinge Isr. Handwerkverein.

Austria: Organizations, Various

File 170: Austria: Organizations, Relations with United States Government, 1921 – 1923

Series 3: Austria: Subject Matter

File 171: Austria: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

General, 1921-1923. Financial Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1922-1924. Correspondence: W. L. Brown, B. Kahn, A. Lucas, A. Pick, J. Rieur, J. N. Rosenberg. Also see: File 175.

Austria: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

File 172: Austria: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921-1924

Cultural and Religious grants were forwarded to Austria between 1921-1932, and stemmed from the American Jewish Relief Committee and the JDC. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, H. P. Chajes, M. Gruenwald, H. Hurwitz, A. Lehman.

Austria: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921-1924

File 172a: Austria: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1925 – 1928

Cultural and Religious grants were forwarded to Austria between 1921-1932, and stemmed from the American Jewish Relief Committee and the JDC. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, H. P. Chajes, Joseph C. Hyman, G. A. Kohut, J. Loewenherz.

Austria: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1925 – 1928

File 172b: Austria: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1929 – 1932

Cultural and Religious grants were forwarded to Austria between 1921-1932, and stemmed from the American Jewish Relief Committee and the JDC. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, G. A. Kohut, J. Loewenherz, Evelyn M. Morrissey.

Austria: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1929 – 1932

File 173: Austria: Subject Matter, Reconstruction

Sewing Machines, 1922. Loan Kassas, 1922 – 1924, 1929 – 1930. Correspondence: J. Marcus, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg.

Austria: Subject Matter, Reconstruction

File 174: Austria: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, General, 1921 – 1922
File 175: Austria: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Intelligentsia, 1921 – 1922

Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, W. L. Brown, B. Held, B. Kahn, F. C. Page, E. Rickard, G. Richardson, James N. Rosenberg, G. Schwartzwald, E. Simon, F. M. Warburg. Also see: File 90a, Austria File 170, 1/26/22 – 3/28/23 Austria: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Intelligentsia, 1921 – 1922

File 176: Austria: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Intelligentsia, 1923 – 1924

Report: A Review of the Work of the American Relief Administration in Austria, 1922 – 1923, 6/1/23. Correspondence: W. L. Brown, B. Kahn, Wm. J. Mack, G. Richardson, G. Schwartzwald.  Austria: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Intelligentsia, 1923 – 1924

Record Group 4.3: Belgium

File 177: Belgium

In March 1920, the JDC allocated $2,500 for the support of Russian refugee students in Belgium. Thereafter, relief allocations were discontinued, on the ground that the Jewish community was capable of meeting normal relief needs. General. a. Jewish students from Russia. Comite de Secours aux Etudiants de Russie on Belgique, Brussels, 1921 – 1924. Correspondence: L. Berlin, A. Lucas, W. J. Mack, F. F. Rosenblatt. b. Emigrants and Transmigrants. Ezra, Antwerp, 1922 – 1923.


Record Group 4.4: Bulgaria

File 178: Bulgaria: Subject Matter

The JDC granted two allocations for relief aid in Bulgaria: in 1920 for the support of refugee children, and in 1928 for emergency aid to earthquake victims and communities. a. Child Care, 1921-1922 Queen Eleanora Jewish Orphan Home, Sofia. Correspondence: Noel Aronovici, H. Gans, B. Kahn, A. Lucas. b. Reconstruction, 1926-1930 Emergency aid to Philipopel and to Sofia Loan Kassa. Correspondence: Noel Aronovici, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn.

Bulgaria: Subject Matter

Record Group 4.5: Canada

File 179: Canada

The JDC granted two allocations for refugee relief in Canada: in 1922, for transmigrants detained at Halifax by Canadian authorities, and in 1924 for newly arrived immigrants held in Canadian ports. a. Child Care, 1921 – 1922 Agreement between JDC and Jewish War Orphans Committee of Canada, 1921. b. Refugees, 1922 – 1924 Aid for refugee transmigrants in Canada. Also see: File 65, 1/11/26 – 1/20/26, Jewish War Relief, Canada.


Record Group 4.6: China

File 180: China

After the Russian Revolution, many Jewish refugees found their way to China, via Siberia, and most notably to Harbin and Shanghai where other Jews had settled in earlier years. a. Organizations. Central Information Bureau for Jewish War Sufferers, Harbin, 1922 – 1925. Jewish People’s Bank of Harbin, 1923 – 1924. b. Cultural and Religious Aid. Harbin Tal and Torah, 1924 – 1932. Shanghai Jewish School, 1926 – 1929. c. Flood Relief: Harbin, 1932 Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, H. Gensburger, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, L. Kamaiky, H. H. Lehman, S. S. Levin, W. J. Rosenblatt, H. A. Soloveitchik.


Record Group 4.7: Cuba

Series 1: Cuba: Administration, 1921 – 1932

File 181: Cuba: Administration, General, 1921 – 1924

Reports to the JDC by J. Shohan, dated: 1/16/22, 1/18/22, 2/3/22, 2/7/22, 3/4/22, 3/18/22, 3/31/22, 4/17/22, 5/7/22, 5/8/22, 6/16/22. Publication: The Jewish Community of Cuba, Settlement and Growth, Boris Sapir, N. Y. 1948: Report: Jewish Committee for Cuba, 1924 – 1944, Boris Sapir, undated. (Note: Last item in folder). Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, E. V. Benjamin, H. J. Bernheim, Jacob Billikopf, D. Blis, M. Horr, A. Lucas, J. Marcus, W. J. Mack, Louis Marshall, J. Shohan, J. Steinberg, J. Stourdze, C. L. Sulzberger, F. M. Warburg, J. Zoller.

Cuba: Administration, General, 1921 – 1924

File 182: Cuba: Administration, General, 1925 – 1932

In June 1922, an Emergency Committee on Jewish Refugees was organized, by a group of over 30 organizations, to aid migrants stranded in verious countries. The JDC granted an allocation of $50,000, and a Jewish Committee for Cuba was organized soon after to aid migrants in that country. Its activities continued until 1929. Correspondence: D. M. Bressler, Joseph C. Hyman, J. M. Kaplan, M. Lewis, C. Razovsky, F. Valbe. Also see: Emergency Committee on Jewish Refugees, File 29m.

Cuba: Administration, General, 1925 – 1932

File 183: Cuba: Administration, Reports

Is Cuba of Today a Proper Place for Jewish Immigrants, Joseph Marcus, 8/27/21. Jewish Immigration to Cuba and the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, Joseph Marcus, 11/21/21. A Program of Social Service for the Jewish Refugees in Cuba, Cecilia Razovsky, 5/31/24. Status of Jewish Immigrants in Cuba, Harry Viteles, February 1925.

Cuba: Administration, Reports

File 184: Cuba: Administration, Special Historical Project on History of the Jews in Cuba: General, 1890 – 1944

From the depression 1930s and onward, Cuban law barred the labor market to foreigners. During World War II, the JDC underwrote a form of WPA Federal Writer’s Project for the many professional men among the Nazi victims unemployed in Cuba. Some of the materials collected and prepared by them on the History of the Jews in Cuba, are contained in Files 184 – 185.

Cuba: Administration, Special Historical Project on History of the Jews in Cuba: General, 1890 – 1944

File 185: Cuba: Administration, Special Historical Project on History of the Jews in Cuba: Bibliographies of Jewish Interest

From the depression 1930s and onward, Cuban law barred the labor market to foreigners. During World War II, the JDC underwrote a form of WPA Federal Writer’s Project for the many professional men among the Nazi victims unemployed in Cuba. Some of the materials collected and prepared by them on the History of the Jews in Cuba, are contained in Files 184 – 185. Books, Brochures, etc. Periodical publications

Cuba: Administration, Special Historical Project on History of the Jews in Cuba: Bibliographies of Jewish Interest

Record Group 4.8: Czechoslovakia

Series 1: Czechoslovakia: Administration

File 186: Czechoslovakia: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922

General Reports: Visit to Czechoslovakia, A. Zucker, July, 1921. Situation Report, about Sub-Carpathia, E. Frenkel, 1/20/22. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, E. Frenkel, M. Horr, James N. Rosenberg, A. Shohan.

Czechoslovakia: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922

File 187: Czechoslovakia: Administration, Financial, Loeb and Troper Audits,

Annual, 1922. Semi-annual, Jan-June 1923. Quarterly, July 1923-June 1924

Czechoslovakia: Administration, Financial, Loeb and Troper Audits, 1922 – 1924

File 188: Czechoslovakia: Administration, Financial, Kosice, 1922 – 1924

Child Care, Various, 1923, 1924. Reconstruction, Various 1922-1923

Czechoslovakia: Administration, Financial, Kosice, 1922 – 1924

File 189: Czechoslovakia: Administration, Financial, Munkacevo, 1921 – 1924

Audited Statement 8/1/21-3/31/22. Child Care Committee, Various, 1922, 1923, 1924

Czechoslovakia: Administration, Financial, Munkacevo, 1921 – 1924

Series 2: Czechoslovakia: Organizations

File 190: Czechoslovakia: Organizations, Various

Materials are in this file except where noted otherwise. “Achduth” Verein Juedischer Akademiker in Prag, File 192. Bratislava Yeshiva, Bratislava, File 192. Heil. Isr. Bruederschaft “Chewra Kadisha”, Bratislava. Juedische Fuersorgezentrale (Jewish Relief Committee) fuer die Cechoslovakische Republik, Prague. Juedischer Hilfsverein, Olmutz. Menso Academica Rituales in Prague, File 192. Orthodoxische Landeskanzlei der Slovakei, Bratislava. Sozialer Hilfsverein der Juden fuer die Slowakei, Kosice, Files 191, 195. Spitalkomittee des Vereins “Chevra Kadisha”, Munkacevo, File 193. Talmud Torah, Kosice, File 192. Union of Hebrew Schools in Sub-Carpathia, Munkacevo, File 192. Union of Jewish Schools for Sub-Carpathia, File 192. Unterstuetzungsverein fuer juedische Hochschueler in Bruenn, File 192. Verein der juedischen Kriegsinvaliden der Tsechoslov Republik, Teplitz-Schoenau. Zentralverband juedischer Akademiker in Prag, File 192

Czechoslovakia: Organizations, Various

Series 3: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter

File 191: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1923

Correspondence: B. Kahn, S. Lowenstein, James N. Rosenberg. Also see: Files 188-189 RUMANIA, File 416.

Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1923

File 192: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1930

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, J. Goldman, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn.

Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1930

File 193: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1923, 1929

Report: Sub-Carpathia and Slovakia, M. D. Waldman, 6/15/22. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, M. Engelman, E. Frenkel, B. Kahn, A. Kolinsky, I. Michlin, W. Rose, M. D. Waldman Also see: File 13, Controversy, Morris Waldman and B. Flexner and dismissal of former, 6/15/22-7/13/22, 8/1/22, 8/17/22-9/4/22, 9/9/22-10/10/22.

Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1923, 1929

File 194: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1929

Report: Field Work in E. Slovakia and Sub-Carpathia, H. Viteles, 8/23/22. Correspondence: M. Engelman, H. Gell, Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson.

Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1929

File 195: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1922

Report: Trade Education Survey in E. Slovakia and Sub-Carpathia, by S. M. Viteles, October 1922 Also see: File 194, Report by H. Viteles, 8/23/22.

Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1922

File 196: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Documents, 1924

Discussions, Reconstruction problems in Sub-Carpathia, August 1922. Replies to questionnaire on economic conditions in Sub-Carpathia, 1924.

Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Documents, 1924

Record Group 4.9: Danzig

File 197: Danzig

General, 1921-1926. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, D. Bressler, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn. Danzig

Record Group 4.10: Denmark

File 198: Denmark

In 1916, the JDC placed $10,000 at the disposal of Professor D. Simonsen of Copenhagen to meet emergency needs of war refugees in Denmark, and a second $10,000 followed in May 1920. The activity was liquidated by the end of 1921. General, 1921-1922. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, D. Simonsen.


Record Group 4.11: Egypt

File 198a: Egypt

Cultural and Religious. In May 1930, the JDC granted a small allocation to the Yeshiva of Rabbi Prato at Alexandria. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, D. Prato.


Record Group 4.12: England

File 199: England

The JDC aided British organizations in the distribution of relief supplies and moneys to needy Jews in Russia. British donors also contributed to the maintenance of orphans sponsored by the JDC War Orphans Bureau. a. General, 1921-1925 Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, C. E. Sebag-Montefiore, James N. Rosenberg, L. Strauss. b. Child Care, 1921-1922 Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, J. Bogen, B. Kahn, A. M. Kaizer, H. H. Lehman, C. E. Sebag-Montefiore, M. Raskin, James N. Rosenberg, F. F. Rosenblatt. c. Organizations: Materials will be found under a or b above except where otherwise noted: Federation of Ukrainian Jews, London. Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Eastern Europe, London. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, B. Kahn, A. M. Kaizer, James N. Rosenberg, L. de Rothschild, C. E. Sebag-Montefiore Also see: File 103 Jewish Health Organ. of Great Britain, London Jewish War Victims Fund, London.


Record Group 4.13: Estonia

File 200: Estonia

In 1920, a JDC Committee was established in Reval under the direction of Abram Pumpiansky. After July 1921, relief activities were discontinued, and the Reval office was closed by the end of the year. a. General, 1921-1924. b. Reconstruction, 1923-1924 Correspondence: H. J. Hyman, Joseph C. Hyman, J. Marcus, L. G. Robinson Also see: File 51b, Pumpiansky.


Record Group 4.14: France

File 201: France

In 1921, the JDC granted two allocations to the Asile de Jour Israelite, Paris, for the aid of migrant refugees. Thereafter, no relief allocations were granted. a. Cultural and Refugees, 1925-1928. b. Refugees, 1921-1924 Correspondence: Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, M. Eisenstadt, A. de Guinzbourg, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. Sliosberg.


Record Group 4.15: Germany

Series 1: Germany: Administration

File 202: Germany: Administration, General, 1922 – 1932

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, James N. Rosenberg, F. M. Warburg.

Germany: Administration, General, 1922 – 1932


Series 2: Germany: Organizations

File 203: Germany: Organizations, 1921 – 1925

Materials on JDC allocations to organizations in Germany will be found in the files noted below. Arbeiterfuersorgeamt der juedischen Organizationens Deutschlands, Berlin. File 208. Bethamidrash Elyon, Berlin. File 119, 206a. Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden, Berlin. File 50b, 203, 208. Israelitisches Krankenhaus u. Waisenanstalt, Fuerth. File 204. Israelitische Kranken-Verpflegungs Anstalt, Breslau. File 207. Israelitische Gartenbauschule, Ahlem. File 205. Israelitische Hochschule, Fuerth. File 206b. Israelitische Realschule, Fuerth. File 205. Juedisches Blindenanstalt fuer Deutschland, Berlin. File 203. Juedisches Kinder-Fluechtlingsheim, Berlin. File 204. Juedisches Theologisches Seminar, Breslau. File 206b. Juedisches Wissenschaftliches Institut, Berlin (YIVO) File 206b. Kuranstalt fuer armen Israeliten, Soden File 207. Mensa Academica, Wuerzburg. File 205. Philanthropin, Frankfort a/M. File 206. Rabbiner Seminar zu Berlin. File 206b. Reichsauschuss der Juedischen Gemeinden Deutschlands zur Verteilung von Auslandsspenden, Berlin. File 202. Schweizerische-Deutsche Hilfskommission fuer Notleidende Deutsche Kinder. File 204. Verband der Russischen Juden in Deutschland, Berlin. File 208. YIVO, Berlin. See: Juedisches Wissenschaftliches Institut, Berlin.

Germany: Organizations, 1921 – 1925

Series 3: Germany: Subject Matter

File 204: Germany: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1923

Correspondence: Jacob Billikopf, M. Horr, B. Kahn, Wm. J. Mack, P. Uhlmann, M. D. Waldman

Germany: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1923

File 205: Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, General, 1921-1923

Plan for distribution of $35,000 among Jewish Cultural institutions of Germany, 1/24/23. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Paul Baerwald, B. Drachman, I. Elbogen, R. Frisch, B. Kahn, W. J. Mack, J. Magnes, W. Senator, F. M. Warburg Also see: Files 30, 116, 117, 119, 119a, 121, (Report by Dr. G. Weil) File 205a.

Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, General, 1921-1923

File 205a: Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, General Report, 1922

Report: The Economic Status of German Cultural Institution by Professor Gotthold Weil, November 1922 (In German) Also see: File 205, 12/26/22-1/8/23

Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, General Report, 1922

File 206: Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, General, 1924 – 1931

Reports by Professor Gotthold Weil (In German): Activity of the German Cultural Committee of the AJDC, 1923-1924, 12/14/24. Training of Rabbis and Jewish Teachers, and the other Jewish Cultural Institutions in Germany, 1/15/26. Table of Allocations for Institutions in Germany, 1923-1924, 4/3/24. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, M. Hildesheimer, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, G. A. Kohut, L. Wolf Also see: Files 30, 117, 121 File 103, Nansen Relief Committee, 1923-1924.

Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, General, 1924 – 1931

File 206a: Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, Bethamidrash Elyon, 1921 – 1930

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, I. B. Block, Ch. Heller, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, A. Lehman, J. Magnus, Louis Marshall, E. Mittwoch, Evelyn M. Morrissey, P. Lew.

Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, Bethamidrash Elyon, 1921 – 1930

File 206b: Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, Other Institutions

Israelitische Hochschule, Fuerth, 1922-1931. Juedisches Theologisches Seminar, Breslau, 1922-1923, 1929. Juedisches Wissenschaftliches Institut, Berlin, (YIVO) 1926-1932. Also see: YIVO Wilno, File 356. Rabbiner Seminar zu Berlin, 1922-1928. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, M. Hildesheimer, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, W. J. Mack, J. Lestchinsky.

Germany: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, Other Institutions

File 207: Germany: Subject Matter, Medical, 1922 – 1924, 1926

Correspondence: B. Kahn, F. M. Warburg.

Germany: Subject Matter, Medical, 1922 – 1924, 1926

File 208: Germany: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1930

Correspondence: D. M. Bressler, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, G. Margolin, J. Rieur, F. M. Warburg, M. Warburg, O. Wassermann.

Germany: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1930

Record Group 4.16: Greece

File 209: Greece

The materials pertain mostly to the Jewish Community of Salonika. Report on Salonika Community, F. J. Rosenblatt, 9/16/22. Correspondence: J. G. Cazez, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, W. R. Monteser, H. Morgenthau, Evelyn M. Morrissey, L. G. Robinson, F. F. Rosenblatt, A. Teitelbaum, C. V. Vickrey, F. M. Warburg, H. Zoellner.


Record Group 4.17: Hungary

Series 1: Hungary: Administration

File 210: Hungary: Administration, General, 1921 – 1931

Report on Hungary by Dr. W. Senator, 4/21/27 (In German). Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, B. D. Bogen, M. Engelman, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, A. Kaufman, J. Polachek, A. Shohan.

Hungary: Administration, General, 1921 – 1931

File 211: Hungary: Administration, Financial, 1921 – 1923

Disbursements 1920-1923; Statements of appropriations and drawings 4/30/23, 8/14/23; Loeb and Troper Audit Reports, Jan-June, 1923 and July-September, 1923.

Hungary: Administration, Financial, 1921 – 1923

Series 2: Hungary: Subject Matter

File 212: Hungary: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

Report on Visit to Hungary, A. Shohan, 3/13/23; Loeb and Troper Financial Reports, Child Care Committee Budapest, March-September 1923 Correspondence: H. Breckler, B. D. Bogen, M. Engelman, A. Shohan

Hungary: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

File 213: Hungary: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, 1921 – 1931

For Rabbinical Seminary, Budapest, see: File 213a Report: Appropriation of $15,000 by the American Jewish Relief Committee, Isidore Hershfield. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Paul Baerwald, M. Engelman, L. Friedman, H. S. Gans, I. Hershfield, B. Kahn, A. Lucas, W. J. Mack, Louis Marshall, F. Mezey, James N. Rosenberg, F. Szekely, F. M. Warburg Also see: Files 31, 119a, 122.

Hungary: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid, 1921 – 1931

File 213a: Hungary: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid: Rabbinical Seminary, Budapest, 1922 – 1932

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, L. Blau, Joseph C. Hyman, F. Mezey, I. Speiser.

Hungary: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious Aid: Rabbinical Seminary, Budapest, 1922 – 1932

File 214: Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1923, 1930 – 1931

Digest by Joseph C. Hyman (9/8/22) of Survey on Hungary by H. Viteles, 6/22/22. Report: Status of Credit Operations, H. Viteles, 10/17/22, and Digest by Joseph C. Hyman, 11/17/22. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, S. Molnar, L. G. Robinson, H. Viteles, I. M. Warshow Also see: Loeb and Troper Audit Reports, 1923, File 211.

Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1923, 1930 – 1931

File 214a: Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Survey on Hungary, H. Viteles, 1922 June 2

Text is in Files 214b-e. Correspondence: H. Viteles – I. Warshow, April-June, 1922.

Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Survey on Hungary, H. Viteles, 1922 June 2

File 214b: Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Survey on Hungary, Part I, Volume I

Part I: Vocational and Agricultural Educational Facilities in Budapest and Neu Pest. Volume I.

Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Survey on Hungary, Part I, Volume I

File 214c: Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Survey on Hungary, Part I, Volume II
File 214d: Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Survey on Hungary, Part II

Part II: Need for Cooperative Cheap Credit Organizations in Budapest, Debreczen, Miskolcz, Nyiregyhaza and Satoral jaujhely, 9/15/22.

Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Survey on Hungary, Part II

File 214e: Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Survey on Hungary, Part II, Appendices

Part II, Appendices: “A” Home interviews in city of Budapest “B” Home visits in Provinces, etc.

Hungary: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Survey on Hungary, Part II, Appendices

File 215: Hungary: Subject Matter, Refugees

Reports: Financial, 1922-1923 Also see: Loeb and Troper Audit Reports on Hungarian Activities, Jan-June, 1923, File 211

Hungary: Subject Matter, Refugees

Record Group 4.18: Italy

File 216: Italy

General, 1921-1924. Memo: In Defense of the Laws Issued in 1930-1931 on the Jewish Communities in Italy, Dr. Angiolo Treves.


Record Group 4.19: Japan

File 217: Japan

General. Emergency Relief, $2,000, for 40 Jewish families in Kobe, 1923-1924.


Record Group 4.20: Latvia

Series 1: Latvia: Administration

File 218: Latvia: Administration, General, 1921 – 1929

Reports by H. Joseph Hyman, JDC Administrator for Latvia and Lithuania: Condition of Jewish People in Latvia in connection with JDC Activities, August 1921 and August 29, 1921; Latvia and Lithuania, 1/18/22. Digest by Joseph C. Hyman, 5/15/22, of Report on the Survey of Latvia by A. A. Landesco, 4/15/22, in File 226. Correspondence: H. J. Hyman, Wm. J. Mack, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg Also see: File 223a, Medical Report, March 1923, for general data on Latvia and its Jews.

Latvia: Administration, General, 1921 – 1929

File 219: Latvia: Administration, Financial

D. J. Schweitzer Audit, 7/21/21-12/31/21 Other financial reports, 1922-1924, quarterly, semi-annual and annual Also see: File 223, Report of the Latvian Medical Department, 2/13/23

Latvia: Administration, Financial

Series 2: Latvia: Organizations

File 220: Latvia: Organizations, 1922 – 1928

Association of Jewish Credit Cooperatives in Latvia, Riga, see: File 224. Central Jewish People’s Relief Committee of Courland, Libau. Central Labor Relief Association of Latvia, Riga. Juedische Gemeinde Verwaltung zu Riga Linas Hacedek, Riga. Maccabi, Jewish Gymnastic and Sporting Club, Riga. Note: File containes five unidentified photos of Maccabi members. Zentralrat der Juedischen Gemeinden Lettlands, Riga, see: File 222

Latvia: Organizations, 1922 – 1928

Series 3: Latvia: Subject Matter

File 221: Latvia: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

Child care aid in Latvia included 48 grants for economic rehabilitation extended to war-windows with dependent children. Correspondence: W. Avin, H. J. Hyman, B. Kahn, Wm. J. Mack, James N. Rosenberg, A. Shohan, M. D. Waldman.

Latvia: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

File 222: Latvia: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1922 – 1924, 1928

Report: Cultural Status of Jewish Communities in Latvia with special reference to Jewish schools, H. J. Hyman, 6/5/23. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Jacob Billikopf, H. J. Hyman, Joseph C. Hyman, J. Marcus

Latvia: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1922 – 1924, 1928

File 223: Latvia: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1923

Reports on Medical conditions in Latvia, I. Michlin: 4/5/22, 7/10/22, 8/2/22, 8/9/22 H. J. Hyman: 4/3/22, 7/27/22 M. D. Waldman: 5/3/22, 6/13/22, 8/9/22. Correspondence: H. L. Gans, H. J. Hyman, I. Michlin, James N. Rosenberg, M. D. Waldman.

Latvia: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1923

File 223a: Latvia: Subject Matter, Medical, Report

Report: Medico-Sanitary Activities in Latvia, 1922-1923, H. J. Hyman, 3/6/23, 232 pp. illustrated.

Latvia: Subject Matter, Medical, Report

File 224: Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, 1922 – 1924

(For Trade Schools, see: File 225). Digest: Joseph C. Hyman of Report on the Survey of Latvia by A. A. Landesco (4/15/22) contained in File 226. Reports: Trip to Latvia, H. Viteles, 7/12/22; War Destroyed Homes in Lettgallen and Courland, H. J. Hyman, 3/12/23; Activities of Credit Cooperatives, October 1922-October 1923, H. Viteles, 12/2/23; What AJDC Has Done for Development of Credit Cooperatives in Latvia, J. Marcus, 1924. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, J. Marcus, L. G. Robinson, H. Viteles.

Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, 1922 – 1924

File 225: Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1922 – 1924

Photos of Trade School Riga. Correspondence: H. J. Hyman, Joseph C. Hyman, James N. Rosenberg, L. G. Robinson, H. Zoellner.

Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1922 – 1924

File 226: Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Narrative Report: Survey of Latvia, A. A. Landesco, 1922

Narrative Report: Survey of Latvia, A. A. Landesco, 4/15/22, 150 pp. and appendices

Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Narrative Report: Survey of Latvia, A. A. Landesco, 1922

File 226a: Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Narrative Report: Survey of Latvia (uncorrected copy), 1922

Narrative Report: Survey of Latvia, A. A. Landesco, 4/15/22 Uncorrected copy, with separate list of corrections.

Latvia: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Narrative Report: Survey of Latvia (uncorrected copy), 1922

File 227: Latvia: Localities, 1921 – 1932

General, 1923. Daugavpils (Dvinsk; Dunaburg), 1921-1924. Gostini (Glazmanka), 1922. Jekabpils (Kreuzburg), 1927-1928. Skaistkalnes (Schoenberg), 1930-1932. Varaklani (Warklany), 1931 For list of localities where JDC aid was extended, 1926-1930, see: File 88.

Latvia: Localities, 1921 – 1932

Record Group 4.21: Lithuania

Series 1: Lithuania: Administration

File 228: Lithuania: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922 June

Correspondence: H. J. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, J. Muscott, James N. Rosenberg, H. Viteles

Lithuania: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922 June

File 229: Lithuania: Administration, General, 1922 July – 1931

Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, J. Marcus, I. Michlin, M. D. Waldman Also see: Lithuania, File 55

Lithuania: Administration, General, 1922 July – 1931

File 230: Lithuania: Administration, Financial

Loeb and Troper Audits 1922, Annual; Jan-June 1923, Semi-Annual; July 1923-March 1924, Quarterly. D. J. Schweitzer, Quarterly reports, March-May 1922, April-June 1924. David A. Angus, Accounting Report, 9/24/23.

Lithuania: Administration, Financial

Series 2: Lithuania: Organizations

Central Bank for Support of Jewish Cooperation in Lithuania, Kovno: Files 238-239. Central Committee of Tarbuth Schools, Kovno: Files 233,234. ICA Files 4/4/23-6/1/24, 237. Jewish University, Kovno: Files 232. Jewish Volksbank, Kovno: Files 238, 239. “Makabi”, Kovno: Files 3/1/28, 229. ORT, Lithuania: Files 242. OZE, Lithuania: Files 235. Slabodka Yeshiva. Files 11/11/22-6/10/23, 232 Slabodka, 253. Society for Higher Education Among Jews in Lithuania (Jewish University, Kovno): Files 232. Tauroggen Gymnasium: Files Tauroggen, 253. Telsch Yeshiva: Files 232. Union of Jewish Volksbanks of Lithuania: Files 238-239. Yavne Teachers Seminary, Telsch: Files 232.

Series 3: Lithuania: Subject Matter

File 231: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

Correspondence: J. J. Borwein, H. J. Hyman, J. Marcus, J. Muscott, James N. Rosenberg, A. Shohan.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1924

File 232: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1932

Includes grants to Jewish primary schools, teachers’ colleges, yeshivot, the Jewish University of Kovno and refugee rabbis. Jewish University (College) of Kovno, 10/22/23, 1/24/24, 5/13/24, 5/21/24, 6/18/24. Report: Statistical Data concerning Jewish Schools in Lithuania, 1923. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, M. Berlin, J.L. Block, Simon Dubnow, Albert Einstein, H. Fischel, L. Ginsberg, H. J. Hyman, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, W. J. Mack, J. L. Magnus, J. Marcus, M. S. Margolis, B. Shapiro.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1932

File 233: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious: Tarbuth Schools, 1921 – 1927 May

Includes grants to Jewish primary schools, teachers’ colleges, yeshivot, the Jewish University of Kovno and refugee rabbis. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, B. Bogen, Joseph C. Hyman, Vladimir Jabotinsky, (handwritten in English, 2/3/26-5/3/26), M. Kahan, J. Marcus, Evelyn M. Morrissey, M. Soloveitchik.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious: Tarbuth Schools, 1921 – 1927 May

File 234: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1927 July – 1932

Includes grants to Jewish primary schools, teachers’ colleges, yeshivot, the Jewish University of Kovno and refugee rabbis. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Selig Brodetsky, Chaim Nachman Bialik (handwritten in Hebrew, 8/31/31), Joseph C. Hyman, M. Kahan, Evelyn M. Morrissey.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1927 July – 1932

File 235: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1929

Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda. Narrative reports: Medical San, and Child Welfare Conditions in Lithuania, D. M. Olkon, 7/31/21; On Lithuania, I. Michlin, 8/11/22. Correspondence: R. P. Cohn, H. J. Hyman, J. Marcus, I. Michlin, H. Plotz, M. D. Waldman.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1929

File 236: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1921 – 1922 March

For Report JDC Reconstruction Activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, see: File 245, printed digest of that Report, by Joseph C. Hyman, in this file.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1921 – 1922 March

File 237: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 April – 1928

Correspondence: H. J. Hyman, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, A. A. Landesco, J. Marcus, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg also see: Lithuania, File 55

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 April – 1928

File 238: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Central Bank and Volksbanks, 1921 – 1923 February

Charter of the Jewish Volksbanks, 1/30/22. Agreement with Central Bank for the Support of Jewish Cooperatives in Lithuania, 11/9/22, 11/20/22. Discussions with Central Bank of Lithuania on grant of credits to the Jewish Volksbanks, 2/28/23-6/18/23.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Central Bank and Volksbanks, 1921 – 1923 February

File 239: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Central Bank and Volksbanks, 1923 March – 1929

Credits for Jewish Volksbanks, H. Viteles, 3/19/23. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, J. Marcus, L. G. Robinson.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Central Bank and Volksbanks, 1923 March – 1929

File 239a: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Loan Kassas, Individual cases, 1923 March – 1929
File 240: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Cooperatives, 1922 – 1930

General, 1922-1930. Correspondence: J. Marcus, L. G. Robinson.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Cooperatives, 1922 – 1930

File 241: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Housing, 1921 – 1924

General, 1921-1924. Towns where JDC housing grants were used, 5/10/23. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, J. Marcus, H. Viteles.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Housing, 1921 – 1924

File 242: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Trade Schools (ORT), 1922 – 1924

General, 1922-1924. Correspondence: J. Marcus, L. G. Robinson, H. Viteles.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Trade Schools (ORT), 1922 – 1924

File 243: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Monthly Reports, September 1922 – March 1924

Monthly reports of activities, J. Marcus to L. G. Robinson, September 1922-March 1924

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Monthly Reports, September 1922 – March 1924

File 244: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Field Trip Reports, 1922 – 1923

Field trips to individual cities and towns, 1922-1923, by members of Reconstruction Department, Lithuania. (In Yiddish mostly)

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Field Trip Reports, 1922 – 1923

File 245: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Report: Survey of Jewish Reconstruction activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, Volume I (unbound), 1921

Survey of Jewish Reconstruction activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, Volume I, pp. 240, unbound, 12/3/21. Note: This copy is a better reading one than the bound one in File 246. For printed digest of the report, by Joseph C. Hyman, see: File 236.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Report: Survey of Jewish Reconstruction activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, Volume I (unbound), 1921

File 246: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Report: Survey of Jewish Reconstruction activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, Volume I (bound), 1921
File 247: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Report: Survey of Jewish Reconstruction activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, Volume I Appendices A and B
File 248: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Report: Survey of Jewish Reconstruction activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, Volume III, Appendix B
File 249: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Report: Survey of Jewish Reconstruction activities in Lithuania, by Harry Viteles, Volume III, Appendices C to F
File 250: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Non-JDC Reports

Political, Economic and Social Position of Lithuanian Jews in Pre War Days and Now, J. Marcus, et al; in Yiddish, plus a rough summary in English, undated. Financial and Economic Position of Lithuania and its Jews. (German) Undated and author unnamed. Jewish Agriculture in Lithuania in Pre-War Days and Now (Yiddish) Undated and author unnamed.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Non-JDC Reports

File 251: Lithuania: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1923

Correspondence: H. J. Hyman, J. Marcus.

Lithuania: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1923

Series 4: Lithuania: Localities

File 252: Lithuania: Localities, Alytus to Naumiestis

Alytus (Alyta). Anyksciai (Anicst) Also see: File 240, 7/5/22-8/10/22. Durbenai (Dorbenai). Ezernai (Ezereny) Also see: File 238, 10/27/32. Filvishki See: Filviskis, File 253. Jonava (Janovo) See: File 231, 2/16/23. Kalvarija (Kalvaria) Also see: File 237, 8/18/22. Kaunas (Kowno). Kedainiai (Kedaney). Komajai See: File 238, 10/27/22. Krakanava. Kupishkis (Kupishky). Lazdijai (Lazdai). Memel See: File 235, 6/2/23. Meretz. Naumiestis (Neishtaat)

Lithuania: Localities, Alytus to Naumiestis

File 253: Lithuania: Localities, Panevezzi to Wilkomir

Panevezzi (Ponevesh). Peladnogi See:File 240, 5/24/22-10/26/22. Pilviskis (Filvishky). Plungiany (Plunge). Salantai (Salant). Salakas (Salok) Also see:File 238, 10/27/22. Shat. Siauliai (Shavli). Simnas (Symna). Sirvintas (Shirvent). Slabodka See: Viliampolis. Smorgonie (Smargon). Sumelishki. Tauragnei (Tauroggen). Telsiai (Telsz) Also see: File 232, 12/6/22-11/14/24. Ukmerge (Wilkomir). Uzpaliai. Vabalninkas (Vabolniki). Viliampolis (Slabodka) Also see: File 232, 11/14/22. Vladislavas (Vladislavov) See: File 237, 8/17/22. Wilkomir See: Ukmerge

Lithuania: Localities, Panevezzi to Wilkomir

Record Group 4.22: Mexico

File 254: Mexico

General, 1921-1932. Narrative Report: Jewish Immigration to Mexico, Henry P. Goulston, 8/26/21. Correspondence: D. M. Bressler, Joseph C. Hyman, H. Viteles, P. Wiernik Also see:USSR, File 512, 10/16/40-10/21/40.


Record Group 4.23: Palestine

Series 1: Palestine: Administration

Correspondence, reports memos, addenda.

File 255: Palestine: Administration, General, 1920 – 1923

For background data on JDC activities, see: File 258. Attitudes to Palestine of JDC personalities: D. de Sola Pool to Van Vriesland, 5/26/20, 5/28/20, 6/17/20. Review of JDC Activities in Palestine 1920-1921, D. de Sola Pool 2/1/22. Work of the JDC Committee in Palestine, D. de Sola Pool. 12/22/21. Correspondence: James H. Becker, H. J. Bernheim, B. D. Bogen, H. S. Gans, H. H. Lehman, Julian W. Mack, Wm. J. Mack, D. de Sola Pool, F. F. Rosenblatt, Sir Herbert Samuel, Nathan Straus, F. M. Warburg.

Palestine: Administration, General, 1920 – 1923

File 256: Palestine: Administration, General, 1924 – 1932

Narrative Reports: F. M. Warburg on Meditteranean trip, 5/20/24. B. Flexner on Reconstruction and Medical activities in Palestine 5/20/24. Correspondence: Harry M. Fischer, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, S. Kaplan, J. L. Magnes, E. N. Mohl, D. de Sola Pool, S. A. Van Vriesland

Palestine: Administration, General, 1924 – 1932

File 257: Palestine: Administration, Hoofien Claims, 1921 – 1924

In August 1917, S. Hoofien, acting as a JDC agent in Palestine for relief activities, borrowed turkish Paper Pounds from the Anglo-Palestine Co. Jaffa. Some time later, he repaid the loan from JDC funds, but at the rate for Turkish Gold Pounds, six times greater. D. de Sola Pool urged the JDC to press a claim for the discrepancy, when he uncovered it in July 1921. In March 1924, Hoofien agreed to pay $25,000 in settlement, and the funds were expended in Palestine. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, S. Hoofien, Joseph C. Hyman, J. Kann, S. Kaplan, A. Lucas, W. J. Mack, J. L. Magnus, L. Marshall, D. de Sola Pool, H. Sacher, J. Simon, M. C. Troper. Also see: File 29 o.

Palestine: Administration, Hoofien Claims, 1921 – 1924

File 258: Palestine: Administration, Audit Report

Audit Report (Loeb and Troper) of the Palestine Activities of the JDC, by S. Kaplan, 1924. This is the narrative portion of the Audit Report. The rest of the Audit Report is missing.

Palestine: Administration, Audit Report

File 259: Palestine: Administration, Narrative Report: Survey of Economic Conditions in Palestine, Dr. Paul Singer, 1925
File 260: Palestine: Administration, Narrative Reports, Various

Activities in Palestine, Dr. A. E. Cohn, July 1922. Palestine Survey, Elisha M. Friedman, March 1925 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, D. A. Brown, June 1925 Proceedings of Non-Zionist Conference concerning Palestine, Louis Marshall, Chairman, October 20-21, 1928.

Palestine: Administration, Narrative Reports, Various

File 260a: Palestine: Administration, Financial, 1917 – 1929

Statements, various, 1917-1929.

Palestine: Administration, Financial, 1917 – 1929

Series 2: Palestine: Organizations

File 261: Palestine: Organizations, Agudas Israel to Histadruth Nashim Ivrith

Agudas Israel, Jerusalem Files 270. Aleppo Orphanage, Aleppo Files 267. American Zionist Medical Unit (American Zionist Medical Unit) Files 276. Bank Constructivi, Tel Aviv 261. Bezalel, Jerusalem Files 261, 305. Blumenthal-Zion Orphanage, Jerusalem Files 267. Bokhara Community, Jerusalem Files 261. Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine, Jerusalem Files 295-296. Diskin Orphanage, Jerusalem Files 267. Dreyfus Soup Kitchen, Jerusalem Files 321. Emergency Loan Fund Palestine, Jerusalem Files 313-314. Ezras Nashim Society, Jerusalem Files 261. General Federation of Jewish Labor in Eretz Israel, Jerusalem Files, Kupat Cholim, see: Kupat Cholim, File 262. Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem Files 276-278. Haifa Children’s Home, Haifa Files 267. Halvaa Vechisachon Files 305. Hamashbir, Jaffa Files 261. Hebrew Secondary School, Haifa Files 271. Hebrew Teachers College, Jerusalem Files 272. Histadruth Nashim Ivrith, Jerusalem Files 261

Palestine: Organizations, Agudas Israel to Histadruth Nashim Ivrith

File 262: Palestine: Organizations, Jewish Blind Institute to Yesod Hamaalah Colony

Jewish Blind Institute, Jerusalem Files 262. Kupat Cholim, General Federation of Jewish Labor in Eretz Israel Files 262. Kupat Milveh, Central, Jerusalem Files 297-308. Loan Bank Ltd., Jerusalem Files 309-312. Malaria Research Unit, Jerusalem Files 279-292. Meyer Chfeye Orphanage, Jerusalem Files 267. Mizrachi Schools, Jerusalem Files 7/6/22-8/7/22,269. Pro-Jerusalem Files Society, Jerusalem Files 262. Safed and Tushiya Orphanage, Safed Files 267. Shaareh Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem Files 293. Society to Return Home, Safed Files 262. Straus Soup Kitchen, Jerusalem Files 322. Technion, Haifa Files 262. Tel Aviv Municipality, Tel Aviv Files 262, 305. Tiberias Orphanage, Tiberias Files 267. Vaad Haleumi, Jerusalem Files 12/27/20-5/12/23,297. Waad Hair, Jerusalem Files 262. Weingarten Orphanage, Jerusalem Files 267. Workshop for Blind, Jerusalem Files 267. Yemenite Talmud Torah, Jerusalem Files 269 5/2/27-6/30/30,274. Yesod Hamaalah Colony, Upper Galilee Files 262

Palestine: Organizations, Jewish Blind Institute to Yesod Hamaalah Colony

Series 3: Palestine: Subject Matter

File 263: Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1921 – 1925

Correspondence, Reports, memos, addenda. Palestine Orphan Committee, 1919-1924, narrative Report, 1/7/25. Orphans brought to Palestine from the Ukraine, 1921-1924. Correspondence: Norman Bentwich, S. Berger, J. Bogen, S. Lowenstein, Sir Herbert Samuel, R. Storrs, M. D. Waldman.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1921 – 1925

File 263a: Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1926 – 1930

Report: Palestine Orphan Committee, 1919-1928, by Sophie Berger (attachment to 1/26/29); summary by Joseph C. Hyman, 3/1/29. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, S. Berger, J. D. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, S. Lowenstein, Evelyn M. Morrissey, F. M. Warburg

Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1926 – 1930

File 264: Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care: Palestine Orphan Committee, 1921-1924

Palestine Orphan Committee, Minutes of Meetings, #68-117 (#74-76 missing), 1921-1924

Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care: Palestine Orphan Committee, 1921-1924

File 265: Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Reports, Financial

1921, August-October Monthly. 1922, Statement of Accounts. Annual. 1924, May-August Statement of Accounts. Monthly. 1925, December 31. Audit Report, Loeb and Troper.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Reports, Financial

File 266: Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Reports, Statistical
File 267: Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, Orphanages and Institutions

Aleppo Orphanage, Aleppo 1922. Blumenthal-Zion Orphanage, Jerusalem 1919-1924. Diskin Orphanage, Jerusalem 1921-1924. Haifa Children’s Home, Haifa 1927. Meyer Chfeye Orphanage, Jerusalem 1922-1924, 1926. Safed and Tushiya Orphanages, Safed 1921-1922. Tiberias Orphanage, Tiberias 1923. Weingarten Orphanage, Jerusalem 1920-1923. Workshop for the Blind, Jerusalem 1922

Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, Orphanages and Institutions

File 268: Palestine: Subject Matter, Child Care, Photographs
File 269: Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1930

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, M. Berlin, H. Bernstein, C. W. Eliot, B. Flexner, I. Goldstein, Joseph C. Hyman, A. J. Kook, H. H. Lehman, B. L. Levinthal, W. J. Mack, J. L. Magnes, J. J. Margolin, Evelyn M. Morrissey, D. de Sola Pool, M. Ussishkin, F. M. Warburg. Also see: American Jewish Relief Committee, Files 119-119b, Central Relief Committee, Files 120, 121a, and PRC, File 122.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1930

File 270: Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudas Israel, 1926 – 1932

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, M. Blau, Joseph C. Hyman, L. Jung, J. Ch. Sonnenfeld, A. Teitelbaum

Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudas Israel, 1926 – 1932

File 271: Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Hebrew Secondary School, Haifa, 1922 – 1928

Report: Hebrew Secondary School, Haifa, 1914-1934, in English and Hebrew Copies. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, A. Biram, N. Bentwich, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, L. Jung, H. H. Lehman, J. L. Magnes, Evelyn M. Morrissey, P. Singer, A. Teitelbaum, F. M. Warburg, P. Wiernik.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Hebrew Secondary School, Haifa, 1922 – 1928

File 272: Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Hebrew Teacher’s College, Jerusalem, 1921 – 1931

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, W. J. Mack, J. L. Magnus, D. de Sola Pool, D. Yellin.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Hebrew Teacher’s College, Jerusalem, 1921 – 1931

File 273: Palestine: Subject Matter, Emergency Funds, 1927 – 1929

In February 1927, the JDC allocated $33,000 for Emergency Relief Aid in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and in August 1929, following the Arab attacks, $50,000 for Emergency Relief Aid for the Jews of Palestine. Correspondence: S. Berger, D. A. Brown, Joseph C. Hyman, J. L. Magnes, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosenberg, J. Rosenwald, N. Straus.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Emergency Funds, 1927 – 1929

File 274: Palestine: Subject Matter, Emergency Funds: Yemenite Jews, 1921, 1928 – 1931

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Paul Baerwald, D. M. Bressler, M. B. Hexter, Joseph C. Hyman, S. Lowenstein, H. Manischewitz, Evelyn M. Morrissey, F. F. Rosenblatt, C. V. Vickrey, M. D. Waldman, F. M. Warburg. Also see: File 269, 5/2/27-6/30/30, Cultural allocations to Yemenite Jews.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Emergency Funds: Yemenite Jews, 1921, 1928 – 1931

File 275: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, General, 1921 – 1926

Narrative reports on Medical and health conditions in Palestine. J. M. Shapiro, 1921, undated I. M. Rubinow, 2/7/22 A. E. Cohn, July 1922. Correspondence: S. Berger, Jacob Billikopf, A. E. Cohn, B. Flexner, Sir Herbert Samuel, D. de Sola Pool, F. M. Warburg.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, General, 1921 – 1926

File 276: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Hadassah, General, 1921 – 1923

The American Zionist Medical Unit (American Zionist Medical Unit) was supported jointly by the Zionist Organization of America and the JDC from its beginning in 1918. The name changed to Hadassah Medical Organization on January 1, 1922, and JDC support continued until 1924. Controversy between Dr. I. M. Rubinow and Dr. A. O. Freedman on activities of American Zionist Medical Unit, 2/23/22. Narrative reports: Hadassah Medical Organization September 1920-December 1921. Sanitary Department of Hadassah Medical Unit, June 1922, (semi-annua) Official statement on transfer of anti-malarial activition of Hadassah Medical Organization to Health Department of Gov’t. of Palestine 7/14/22. Correspondence: A. O. Freedman, I. J. Kligler, H. H. Lehman, W. J. Mack, A. Seligsberg, D. de Sola Pool, M. Rothenberg, I. M. Rubinow Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Hadassah, General, 1921 – 1923

File 277: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Hadassah, Reports, Financial

The American Zionist Medical Unit (American Zionist Medical Unit) was supported jointly by the Zionist Organization of America and the JDC from its beginning in 1918. The name changed to Hadassah Medical Organization on January 1, 1922, and JDC support continued until 1924. Monthly: Jan-December 1922, January, March 1923, April 1925.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Hadassah, Reports, Financial

File 278: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Hadassah, Reports, statistical

The American Zionist Medical Unit (American Zionist Medical Unit) was supported jointly by the Zionist Organization of America and the JDC from its beginning in 1918. The name changed to Hadassah Medical Organization on January 1, 1922, and JDC support continued until 1924. Monthly: August-November, 1921, Jan-August, 1922.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Hadassah, Reports, statistical

File 279: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), General, 1921 – 1924

Discussion between Dr. Victor Heiser and Medical Committee on malaria control in Palestine, 1/16/22. Correspondence and agreement on Malaria Research Unit between JDC and Palestine Department of Health, 5/9/22-6/17/22, 7/14/22, 7/25/22. Continuation of Malaria Research Unit, 5/7/24-5/27/24. Correspondence: N. Bentwich, R. Briarcliffe, B. V. Cohen, J. A. Farrell, B. Flexner, Lee K. Frankel, Col. G. W. Heron, I. J. Kligler, F. M. Read, Sir Herbert Samuel, P. Singer.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), General, 1921 – 1924

File 280: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), General, 1925 – 1928

(June) JDC support of Malaria Research Unit continues, 1/14/25, B. Flexner to Louis D. Brandeis, 5/13/26, B. Flexner to Evelyn M. Morrissey, 6/6/28. Correspondence: A. E. Cohn, Charles W. Eliot, B. Flexner, G. W. Heron, I. J. Kligler, J. L. Magnus, E. N. Mohl, F. F. Russell.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), General, 1925 – 1928

File 281: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), General, 1928 September – 1932

JDC support of Department of Hygiene of Hebrew University in 1930, 5/26/30,. Correspondence: Louis D. Brandeis, B. Flexner, Lee K. Frankel, G. W. Heron, Joseph C. Hyman, I. J. Kligler, J. L. Magnes, Evelyn M. Morrissey, M. J. Rosenau, J. M. Shapiro, Mrs. R. Szold

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), General, 1928 September – 1932

File 282: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, 1923 annual

Dr. Israel Kligler and the Malaria Research Unit, year ending 8/31/23 Malaria Research Unit, Haifa, 1923

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, 1923 annual

File 283: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care:, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, 1924 annual
File 284: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care: Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, 1925 annual
File 285: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care: Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, 1926- 1927 annual
File 286: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care: Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, 1928, 1929, 1930 annual
File 287: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1922 – 1923 Annual

Note: Report includes a section on the Malaria Research Unit which was a part of the Department

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1922 – 1923 Annual

File 288: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1924 – 1925 Annual

Note: Report includes a section on the Malaria Research Unit which was a part of the Department

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1924 – 1925 Annual

File 289: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care: Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1926 – 1927 Annual

Note: Report includes a section on the Malaria Research Unit which was a part of the Department

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care: Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1926 – 1927 Annual

File 290: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1928 – 1929 Annual

Note: Report includes a section on the Malaria Research Unit which was a part of the Department

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1928 – 1929 Annual

File 291: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1930, 1931, 1932 Annual

Note: Report includes a section on the Malaria Research Unit which was a part of the Department

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Reports, Palestine Department of Health, 1930, 1931, 1932 Annual

File 292: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Malaria Research Unit (MRU), Anti-Malarial Advisory Commission, Proceedings, 1921 – 1926
File 293: Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Shaare Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem, 1921-1928

General, 1921-1928. Correspondence: B. Flexner, L. Gutman, Joseph C. Hyman, S. Kaplan, W. J. Mack, J. Marx, S. A. Van Vriesland.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Shaare Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem, 1921-1928

File 294: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1926

Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda JDC proposes $200,000 allocation for Rutenberg Hydroelectric Project, Resolution, Executive Committee, 4/27/22; Sir Alfred Mond proposes that JDC enlarge its allocations, 10/17/23; H. H. Lehman replies, 12/9/23. Narrative Report to Executive Committee by B. Flexner on activities of Reconstruction Committee, 5/20/24. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, J. L. Magnus, E. N. Mohl, Sir Alfred Mond, D. de Sola Pool, T. de Sola Pool.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1926

File 295: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine, General, 1921 – 1923

The Central Bank was created in 1922 by the JDC, ICA, and the Economic Board for Palestine Development Council (PDC). A. L. Easterman was General Manager until May 1924 and Harry Viteles followed in 1926. Correspondence: W. S. Cohen, A. L. Easterman, M. L. Ernst, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, L. Oungre, James N. Rosenberg, S. Rosenblum

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine, General, 1921 – 1923

File 295a: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine, General, 1924 – 1932

The Central Bank was created in 1922 by the JDC, ICA, and the Economic Board for Palestine Development Council (PDC). A. L. Easterman was General Manager until May 1924 and Harry Viteles followed in 1926. Summaries of activities by Central Bank, 9/1/25, 2/13/30. Correspondence: J. Bernhardt, W. S. Cohen, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, S. Kaplan, H. Viteles

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine, General, 1924 – 1932

File 296: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine, Annual Reports, 1923 – 1926, 1929, 1931 – 1932

The Central Bank was created in 1922 by the JDC, ICA, and the Economic Board for Palestine Development Council (PDC). A. L. Easterman was General Manager until May 1924 and Harry Viteles followed in 1926.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine, Annual Reports, 1923 – 1926, 1929, 1931 – 1932

File 297: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), General, 1921 – 1922

The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12. Correspondence: I. Braude, Joseph C. Hyman, S. Kaplan, P. Knabenshue, H. H. Lehman, D. de Sola Pool, D. Yellin.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), General, 1921 – 1922

File 298: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), General, 1923 January – June

The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12. Correspondence: I. Braude, Joseph C. Hyman, S. Kaplan, N. J. Miller, S. A. Van Vriesland

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), General, 1923 January – June

File 299: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), General, 1923 July – 1924

Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, I. Braude, Joseph C. Hyman, S. Kaplan, J. L. Magnus. The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), General, 1923 July – 1924

File 300: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), General Correspondence, Kaplan-Magnus, 1922 – 1924

The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), General Correspondence, Kaplan-Magnus, 1922 – 1924

File 301: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1922 May 10 – 1922 November 29

Correspondence, Kaplan-Loeb and Troper, and Loeb and Troper-Kaplan, numbered letters, General #1-42.##$. The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1922 May 10 – 1922 November 29

File 301a: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1922 October 6 – 1923 February 26

Correspondence, Kaplan-Loeb and Troper, and Loeb and Troper-Kaplan, numbered letters, General #43-78. The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1922 October 6 – 1923 February 26

File 302: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1923 March 2 – 3

Correspondence, Kaplan-Loeb and Troper, and Loeb and Troper-Kaplan, numbered letters, General #79-135, with many omissions. The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1923 March 2 – 3

File 302a: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1923 May 30 – 1923 October 24

Correspondence, Kaplan-Loeb and Troper, and Loeb and Troper-Kaplan, numbered letters, General #136-211. The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1923 May 30 – 1923 October 24

File 303: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1923 October 26 – 1924 February 26

Correspondence, Kaplan-Loeb and Troper, and Loeb and Troper-Kaplan, numbered letters, General #212 – 272. The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), 1923 October 26 – 1924 February 26

File 304: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), General

Correspondence, Kaplan-Loeb and Troper, and Loeb and Troper-Kaplan, numbered letters. The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12. Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), General

File 305: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), Selected Individual Claims

The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12. Selected Individual Claims: Bezalel. Haifa Kupat Milve Cash Shortage. Halvaa Vechisachon. Immobilien Gesellecheft. Jacobson’s Salary. Jaffe and Lapin. Jewish Soldiers and Dependents. Roadworkers. Sarona Account. Tel Aviv Municipality, Tel Aviv

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), Selected Individual Claims

File 306: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), Minutes, Temporary Managing Committee, 1923 June 5 – 1923 September 1

The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Kupat Milve (K.P.), Minutes, Temporary Managing Committee, 1923 June 5 – 1923 September 1

File 307: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), Minutes, Conferences Kaplan-Braude and Van Vriesland, 1923 February 11 – March 13

The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), Minutes, Conferences Kaplan-Braude and Van Vriesland, 1923 February 11 – March 13

File 308: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), Reports, K. P. Financial, Monthly, 1922 March – 1924 April (December 1922 missing)

The K. P., a small loan fund, was created in Palestine as a relief activity during World War I. A central office was opened in Jerusalem and local offices in smaller cities and towns. In September 1921, the JDC allocated L 10,000 to the K.P. for the grant of small productive loans. Dr. David de Sola Pool reorganized the K. P. and managed it until his return to the United States at the end of 1921. He was succeeded by S. A. Van Vriesland and I. Braude acting as Co-Directors. In 1922, the JDC authorized Samuel Kaplan, of Loeb and Troper, to audit the accounts of its offices in Palestine, including the K. P. His K. P. audit stretched from June 1922 to February 1924 and it generated a bitter feud with Van Vriesland and Braude. They remained as Co-Directors until early in 1924 when the JDC transferred the management of the K. P. administration to the Palestine Cooperative Company. For activities between 1924-1932, see: Files 309-12.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Kupat Milve (K.P.), Reports, K. P. Financial, Monthly, 1922 March – 1924 April (December 1922 missing)

File 309: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd., 1923 – 1926

In January 1924, the Palestine Cooperative Co. took over the management and administration of the K. P. and it was incorporated as the Loan Bank Ltd. E.N. Mohl served as Managing Director from 1924-1933. Minutes of meetings, memos, reports, Correspondence, financial statements, addenda.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd., 1923 – 1926

File 310: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd., 1927

In January 1924, the Palestine Cooperative Co. took over the management and administration of the K. P. and it was incorporated as the Loan Bank Ltd. E.N. Mohl served as Managing Director from 1924-1933. Minutes of meetings, memos, reports, Correspondence, financial statements, addenda.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd., 1927

File 311: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd., 1928 – 1932

Correspondence: J. Bernhardt, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, J. W. Mack, E. N. Mohl, D. de Sola Pool, P. Singer. In January 1924, the Palestine Cooperative Co. took over the management and administration of the K. P. and it was incorporated as the Loan Bank Ltd. E.N. Mohl served as Managing Director from 1924-1933. Minutes of meetings, memos, reports, Correspondence, financial statements, addenda.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd., 1928 – 1932

File 312: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd. Financial statements

Monthly: Aug 1926, Oct 1926-May 1927, Sept 1927. Annual: Oct 1925-Sept 1926, Oct 1927-Sept 1928. Semi-annual: Oct 1926-March 1927. In January 1924, the Palestine Cooperative Co. took over the management and administration of the K. P. and it was incorporated as the Loan Bank Ltd. E.N. Mohl served as Managing Director from 1924-1933. Minutes of meetings, memos, reports, Correspondence, financial statements, addenda.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan Bank Ltd. Financial statements

File 313: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Emergency Loan Fund, 1927 January – August

In Jan 1927, the JDC appropriated $50,000 for an Emergency Loan Fund in Palestine to be administered by a Committee under the supervision of J. L. Magnus and E. N. Mohl. Reports, memos, Correspondence, addenda. Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Emergency Loan Fund, 1927 January – August

File 314: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Emergency Loan Fund, 1927 September – 1930

Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, J. Bernhardt, D. A. Brown, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, J. L. Magnus, Louis Marshall, E. N. Mohl, Evelyn M. Morrissey, F. M. Warburg. In Jan 1927, the JDC appropriated $50,000 for an Emergency Loan Fund in Palestine to be administered by a Committee under the supervision of J. L. Magnus and E. N. Mohl. Reports, memos, Correspondence, addenda.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Emergency Loan Fund, 1927 September – 1930

File 315: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Palestine Cooperative Co.-Palestine Development Council, 1921 – 1925

Org. of Palestine Development Council, 10/7/21, 2/24/22 Palestine Cooperative Co., Report by President for 1922, February 1923.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Palestine Cooperative Co.-Palestine Development Council, 1921 – 1925

File 316: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1924 – 1926

Summary of PEC activities: Flexner-Warburg, 9/28/26. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, D. A. Brown, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, James N. Rosenberg. Memoranda, minutes, reports, Correspondence, addenda. The PEC was organized in February 1925 by a merger of the assets in Palestine of the JDC Reconstruction Committee and the Palestine Cooperative Co., so as to aid in the economic development of the country along productive lines. F. M. Warburg, H. H. Lehman, Louis Marshall and B. Flexner, were among the organizers. The latter became President and subsequently Chairman of the Board. The JDC also appropriated $1,500,000 to the PEC, payable in three annual installments beginning in 1926. In 1927, the PEC waived its left to $50,000 of that sum which was granted to the Palestine Emergency Loan Fund, see: File 313. By 1932 the JDC had paid $1,150,000 of its PEC appropriation, and an agreement was reached with respect to the $300,000 balance, see: File 319.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1924 – 1926

File 317: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1927 – 1930 June

Summary of PEC activities: Flexner-Warburg, 5/9/28 Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, J. Bernhardt, B. Flexner, A. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, P. Singer. Also see: File 320, PEC Annual Reports. Memoranda, minutes, reports, Correspondence, addenda. The PEC was organized in February 1925 by a merger of the assets in Palestine of the JDC Reconstruction Committee and the Palestine Cooperative Co., so as to aid in the economic development of the country along productive lines. F. M. Warburg, H. H. Lehman, Louis Marshall and B. Flexner, were among the organizers. The latter became President and subsequently Chairman of the Board. The JDC also appropriated $1,500,000 to the PEC, payable in three annual installments beginning in 1926. In 1927, the PEC waived its left to $50,000 of that sum which was granted to the Palestine Emergency Loan Fund, see: File 313. By 1932 the JDC had paid $1,150,000 of its PEC appropriation, and an agreement was reached with respect to the $300,000 balance, see: File 319.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1927 – 1930 June

File 318: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1930 August – 1931 April

Memo to Executive Committee on PEC activities, 3/20/31. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, James N. Rosenberg Also see: File 320, PEC Annual Reports. Memoranda, minutes, reports, Correspondence, addenda. The PEC was organized in February 1925 by a merger of the assets in Palestine of the JDC Reconstruction Committee and the Palestine Cooperative Co., so as to aid in the economic development of the country along productive lines. F. M. Warburg, H. H. Lehman, Louis Marshall and B. Flexner, were among the organizers. The latter became President and subsequently Chairman of the Board. The JDC also appropriated $1,500,000 to the PEC, payable in three annual installments beginning in 1926. In 1927, the PEC waived its left to $50,000 of that sum which was granted to the Palestine Emergency Loan Fund, see: File 313. By 1932 the JDC had paid $1,150,000 of its PEC appropriation, and an agreement was reached with respect to the $300,000 balance, see: File 319.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1930 August – 1931 April

File 319: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1931 May – 1932

Agreement JDC and PEC on $300,000 balance on original appropriation, 5/18/32-7/14/32. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, M. A. Leavitt, H. H. Lehman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, James N. Rosenberg, B. C. Vladeck Also see: File 320, PEC Annual Reports. Memoranda, minutes, reports, Correspondence, addenda. The PEC was organized in February 1925 by a merger of the assets in Palestine of the JDC Reconstruction Committee and the Palestine Cooperative Co., so as to aid in the economic development of the country along productive lines. F. M. Warburg, H. H. Lehman, Louis Marshall and B. Flexner, were among the organizers. The latter became President and subsequently Chairman of the Board. The JDC also appropriated $1,500,000 to the PEC, payable in three annual installments beginning in 1926. In 1927, the PEC waived its left to $50,000 of that sum which was granted to the Palestine Emergency Loan Fund, see: File 313. By 1932 the JDC had paid $1,150,000 of its PEC appropriation, and an agreement was reached with respect to the $300,000 balance, see: File 319.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), General, 1931 May – 1932

File 320: Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), Annual Reports, 1926 – 1932, 1939

The PEC was organized in February 1925 by a merger of the assets in Palestine of the JDC Reconstruction Committee and the Palestine Cooperative Co., so as to aid in the economic development of the country along productive lines. F. M. Warburg, H. H. Lehman, Louis Marshall and B. Flexner, were among the organizers. The latter became President and subsequently Chairman of the Board. The JDC also appropriated $1,500,000 to the PEC, payable in three annual installments beginning in 1926. In 1927, the PEC waived its left to $50,000 of that sum which was granted to the Palestine Emergency Loan Fund, see: File 313. By 1932 the JDC had paid $1,150,000 of its PEC appropriation, and an agreement was reached with respect to the $300,000 balance, see: File 319.

Palestine: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Palestine Economic Corporation (PEC), Annual Reports, 1926 – 1932, 1939

File 321: Palestine: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Dreyfus Soup Kitchen, Jerusalem, 1921 – 1924

Correspondence: O. S. Heizer, S. Kaplan, W. J. Mack, J. L. Magnus, D. de Sola Pool, M. C. Troper

Palestine: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Dreyfus Soup Kitchen, Jerusalem, 1921 – 1924

File 322: Palestine: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Straus Soup Kitchen, Jerusalem, 1921 – 1924

Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, B. Flexner, S. Kaplan, A. Lucas, W. J. Mack, D. de Sola Pool, H. Sacher, M. C. Troper

Palestine: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Straus Soup Kitchen, Jerusalem, 1921 – 1924

Series 4: Palestine: Localities

Materials on the following organizations are contained in the files listed in the left-hand column. Aleppo: Aleppo Orphanage Files 267. Haifa: Haifa Children’s Home Files 267. Hebrew Secondary School Files 271. Technion Files 262. Jaffa: Hamashbir Files 261. Jerusalem: Agudas Israel Files 270. American Zionist Medical Unit (AZMU) Files 276. Blumenthal-Zion Orphanage Files 267. Bokhara Community Files 261. Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions in Palestine Files 295-296. Diskin Orphanage Files 267. Dreyfus Soup Kitchen Files 321. Emergency Loan Fund Files 313-314. Ezras Nashim Society Files 261. General Federation of Jewish Labor, Kupat Cholim Files 262. Hadassah Files 276-278. Hebrew Teacher’s College Files 272. Histadruth Nashim Ivrith Files 261. Jewish Blind Institute Files 262. Kupat Milveh (K. P.) Files 297-308. Loan Bank Ltd. Files 309-312. Malaria Research Unit Files 279-292. Meyer Chfeye Orphanage Files 267. Mizrachi Schools Files 269. Pro-Jerusalem Society Files 262. Shaareh Zedek Hospital Files 293. Straus Soup Kitchen Files 322. Weingarten Orphanage Files 267. Workshop for the Blind Files 267. Yemenite Talmud Torah Files 269-274. Safed Safed and Tushiya Orphanage 2Files 67. Tel Aviv Bank Constructivi Files 261. Tel Aviv Municipality Files 262.

Record Group 4.24: Persia

File 323: Persia

General, 1922-1923, 1927. JDC appropriated $3,000 as Emergency Relief for Jews of Urumiah district, 6/28/22-7/10/23. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, Joseph S. Kornfeld, M. Laredo, W. J. Mack, Stephen S. Wise.


Record Group 4.25: Poland

Series 1: Poland: Administration

File 324: Poland: Administration, General

Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda. Summary of B. D. Bogen’s diary of trip to Poland,7/6/21 – 8/26/21. JDC grants $2,500 to Archbishop of Lemberg for relief of war orphans without distinction of creed, 4/15/22-7/20/22. Antisemitism in Poland and requests by Polish representatives for credits by American-Jewish bankers, 10/21/24-10/27/24. Summary table, JDC expenditures in Poland, functional and nonfunctional activities, 1920-1928, undated, Economic crisis of Jews in Poland 1930-1931, and discussions thereon with Polish officials, 10/20/31. Memo. by Joseph C. Hyman, of discussion with F. L. Belin, U. S. Ambassador to Poland, 11/15/32. Correspondence: M. Baynton, B. Bogen, M. Freund, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, S. Newman, James N. Rosenberg, D. J. Schweitzer, A. Shohan, R. M. Taylor. Also see: JDC Staff Conference, Warsaw transcript, File 325 12/13/21-12/16/21. Feeding program for intellectuals in Poland, File 338, ARA. File 410, Niebylec, 1926-1929. For summary of JDC disbursements in Poland, see: File 326, 11/15/32.

Poland: Administration, General

File 325: Poland: Administration, General

Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda. Reorganization of local JDC employees, 7/7/21. Salary standard for local JDC employees, 9/2/21, 1/2/22, 1/19/22, 1/29/22. List of local JDC employees, 2/17/22. Minutes of meetings, Poland administration Council, 6/24/21-9/25/21, and of Poland Executive Council, 2/7/22. JDC Staff Conference, Warsaw, transcript, 12/13/21-12/16/21. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, H. Breckler, M. Freund, H. S. Gans, H. H. Lehman, James N. Rosenberg, E. Rosenblum, D. J. Schweitzer.

Poland: Administration, General

File 326: Poland: Administration, Publicity, Reports

Outline of Report On JDC Activities in Poland, November 1914-March 1926, 4/1/26. Conditions Up-to-Date in Poland, M. D. Waldman, 10/22/27-10/23/27. Summary of JDC disbursements in Poland 11/15/32. Jewish Social Work in Poland, 1926-1935, (Yiddish), see: pp. 15-28 on JDC. Also see: File la, Menorah Journal, 1927, February, April, June

Poland: Administration, Publicity, Reports

File 326a: Poland: Administration, Publicity, Report: Jewish Social Work in Poland 1926-1935

Report: Jewish Social Work in Poland 1926-1935 (Yiddish). See: pp. 15-18 on JDC.

Poland: Administration, Publicity, Report: Jewish Social Work in Poland 1926-1935

File 327: Poland: Administration, Relations with Governments (Including government agencies and officials), 1921 – 1923

Lists of JDC representatives who served in Poland from the Armistice to October 1921, 10/10/21. Polish Foreign Office refuses to grant free visas to JDC representatives, 9/11/22-7/10/23. Liaison, Warsaw, 1920-1922 (Dr. Golub Collection), containing Correspondence with officials or government agencies of Poland, Germany, Great Britain and U. S., and dealing mostly with passports and visas for individuals, individual remittances and the like. Correspondence: L. Cohan, M. Freund, H. H. Lehman, W. J. Mack, W. J. Szatensztajn, A. Teitelbaum, B. Zuckerman Also see: File 324, 5/6/31, 10/20/31, 11/15/32, 11/30/32

Poland: Administration, Relations with Governments (Including government agencies and officials), 1921 – 1923

File 328: Poland: Administration, Reports, Jewish Industrial Establishments, Poland, Dr. Eliezer Heller, 5 vols.

Jewish Industrial Establishments, Poland, Dr. Eliezer Heller, 5 vols., and preliminary drafts, vol. 1, part 1 (in 2 parts). Correspondence: E. Heller, B. Kahn, A. A. Landesco, A. Lucas, W. J. Mack, James N. Rosenberg, F. F. Rosenblatt, M. D. Waldman. 328 (H, I,1); 328 (H, I, 2); 328 (H, II); 328 (H, III); 328 (H, IV); 328 (H, V)

Poland: Administration, Reports, Jewish Industrial Establishments, Poland, Dr. Eliezer Heller, 5 vols.

File 329: Poland: Administration, Reports, Board Members of Jewish Social, Economic and Educational Institutions in Poland

Board Members of Jewish Social, Economic and Educational Institutions in Poland. Undated and anonymous. Vol. 1 Central Organizations. Vol. 2 Breakdown of Central Organizations by Communities

Poland: Administration, Reports, Board Members of Jewish Social, Economic and Educational Institutions in Poland

File 330: Poland: Administration, Reports, JDC Relief Activities in Poland, 1926
File 330a: Poland: Administration, Reports, JDC Subventioned Institutions in Poland, August 1928

JDC Subventioned Institutions in Poland, August 1928, by JDC Finance Department Berlin.

Poland: Administration, Reports, JDC Subventioned Institutions in Poland, August 1928

File 331: Poland: Administration, Financial, General, 1921 – 1924

Correspondence, memos, summary financial tables, addenda. Correspondence: B. Bogen, H. H. Lehman, H. C. Richard, D. J. Schweitzer

Poland: Administration, Financial, General, 1921 – 1924

File 332: Poland: Administration, Financial, Audit Report Poland, Louis Breslow, 1921 July 1 – December 31
File 333: Poland: Administration, Financial, Audit Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1922

January -June 1922 Semi-annual. July-December 1922 Semi-annual.

Poland: Administration, Financial, Audit Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1922

File 334: Poland: Administration, Financial, Audit Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1923 – 1924

January -June 1923 Semi-annual. July-September 1923 Quarterly. October-December 1923 Quarterly. January -March 1924 Quarterly. April-June 1924 Quarterly

Poland: Administration, Financial, Audit Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1923 – 1924

File 335: Poland: Administration, Financial, Reports, 1921 – 1923

1921 (July-December) Semi-annual JDC NY (3 copies). 1922 (September) Monthly JDC Warsaw. 1923 (Jan.) Monthly JDC Warsaw

Poland: Administration, Financial, Reports, 1921 – 1923

File 335a: Poland: Administration, Financial, Reports, Finance Department, Warsaw, 1924

Polish Marks, 1924 (January -March) Monthly. U. S. Dollars, 1924 (January -March) Monthly Poland: Administration, Financial, Reports, Finance Department, Warsaw, 1924

File 336: Poland: Administration, Financial, Reports, JDC Remittance Department, 1919 September – 1921
File 337: Poland: Administration, Financial, Reports, 1926 November – December

Inspection of Local Institutions in Poland November -December 1926, Individual reports by JDC accountants in Poland

Poland: Administration, Financial, Reports, 1926 November – December

Series 2: Poland: Organizations

File 338: Poland: Organizations, Agudas Israel to Auxilium Academicum Judaicum

Agudas Israel, Warsaw Files 346-347a. All-Russian-Ukrainian Assn. of Emigrants, Warsaw Files 338. American Red Cross (ARC) Files 338. American Relief Administration (ARA) Files 338. Auxilium Academicum Judaicum, Warsaw Files 356

Poland: Organizations, Agudas Israel to Auxilium Academicum Judaicum

File 338a: Poland: Organizations, Bank dla Spoldzielni to YIVO

Bank dla Spoldzielni (see: Central Reconstruction Bank) . Berdichewer Yeshiva, Rowno Files 354. Beth Jacob Schools Files 347-347a. Brith Trumpeldor, Warsaw Files 338a. Central Association of Jewish Artisans in Poland, Warsaw Files 338a. Central Committee of Mizrachi Organizations Wilno Files 11/19/25, 345. Central Credit Kassa, Bialystok Files 5/16/22, 12/31/22, 3/1/23, 401. Central Credit Kassa, Warsaw Files 402. Central Credit Kassa, Wilno Files 5/18/22, 401 . Central Jewish School Organization in Poland, Warsaw Files 351. Central Jewish School Organization Wilno Files 351. Central Reconstruction Bank, Warsaw (Bank dla Spoldzielni) Files 392-394. Central Reconstruction Committee Poland, Warsaw Files 387, 389-390. Central Ukrainian Committee “Pomocy Zydom”, Warsaw Files 338a. Central Workmen’s Credit Cooperative (RCKS) Files 395. Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva, Lublin Files 354. Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva, Radun Files 354. Cultural League Volhynia Files 7/21/21, 344. EKOPO, Wilno Files 338a. Emek Halacha, Warsaw Files 354. Esther Rubinstein School for Girls, Wilno Files 351. Etz Chaim Yeshiva, Kleck Files 354. Ezras Torah, Slonim Files 10/26/22, 344. Friedlander Hebrew Public School, Kowel Files 351. Gemilath Chessed Kassas (by individual communities) Files 398. Hebrew Gardening and Agricultural School, Czestochowa Files 338a. Hilf durch Arbeit, Wilno Files 338a. ICA Also see: Files 104, 386, 403. 338a. Instytut Nauk Judaistycznych Files 356. Jehudiah, Warsaw Files 351. Jewish Colonization Association, see: ICA. Jewish Hospital Nurses Training School, Warsaw Files 364-368. Jewish Labor Emigration League in Poland, Warsaw Files 338a. Jewish Orphan Asylum, Grodno Files 338a. Jewish Reconstruction Bank Files 12/5/21-2/15/22, 392. Jewish School Organization Wilno District Files 8/24/22 and ff., 344. Jewish Teachers Seminary, Krakow Files 345. Juedische Volks u. Mittelschulverein, Lemberg Files 2/7/24, 345 351. Knesset Bes Yitzchak Yeshiva, Kamieniec Litewski Files 354. Kultur Liga, Wilno Files 9/27/22, 344. Mesywta, Warsaw Files 354. Metzion Tetze Torah, Lemberg Files 2/14/23, 344. Mir Yeshiva, Mir Files 355. Nurses Training School, Warsaw Files 364-368. ORT 338a, Files 391. Polish Federation of Jewish Child Care, Warsaw Files 341. Rubinstein (Esther) School for Girls, Wilno Files 351. Shaar Hatorah, Grodno Files 354. Slonim Yeshiva, Slonim Files 354. Strashun Library, Wilno Files 356. Szul Kult, Warsaw Files 351. Tachkemoni Yeshiva, Bialystok Files 354. Tarbuth Schools, Warsaw Files 348-350. Toras Chesed, Lodz Files 354. TOZ, Warsaw Files 369-373. Trade Schools, individual cities Files 403-404. Union of Jewish Cooperative Associations of Merchants in Poland, Warsaw Files 338a 12/11/30, 346. United Workers Credit Association (RZGK), Warsaw Files 395. Volozyn Yeshiva, Volozyn Files 354. Waad Haezra, Wilno Files 8/13/22, 344. Waad Hajeszywos, Wilno Files 7/17/30, 353. Waad Hamouchad, Wilno Files 351. Waad Tomchei Yeshiwas Bobowa Files 354. Yavneh Schools, Wilno Files 7/1/29, 344. YIVO, Wilno Files 356

Poland: Organizations, Bank dla Spoldzielni to YIVO

Series 3: Poland: Subject Matter

The JDC medical files of Poland are more extensive than in other countries, for three main reasons: 1) the program in Poland was the greatest anywhere, 2) the Medical files in New York apparently were not raided for materials in the preparation of the JDC history project of the 1920s, 3) the survival of the Dr. J. J. Golub collection of Medical files, 1921-1923. Dr. Golub was JDC Medical Commissioner for the District of Volhynia, Poland, 1921-1922, and Director of JDC Medical activities in Poland, 1922-1923. A part of Dr. Golub’s materials have been incorporated into the subject matter below, wherever feasible, but the bulk has been retained as a separate collection of nearly 70 files. For an outline of those files, see below: Dr. J. J. Golub Collection of Files, G1-G68. In November 1920, the Executive Committee appropriated $2,000,000 for a Medical-Sanitary program in Eastern Europe and appointed Dr. Harry Plotz to organize a Medical unit for undertaking the task. Early in 1921, he was joined in Europe by a Medical unit of 17, later called the Medical Commission. In January 1921, the Executive Committee requested Dr. Plotz to limit his program to a cost of $500,000, and in light of the smaller sum he assigned the Unit members to conduct regional surveys of Medical-Sanitary conditions in Poland. Dr. Plotz resigned on September 30, 1921, but the Medical Commission continued activities in 1922. In 1922-1923, Dr. J. J. Golub served as Medical director, Poland, and after his departure Medical activities were scaled down greatly.

File 339: Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1921

Correspondence, memos, reports, addenda. Ill-health compels Dr. Simon Peiser, Director of War Orphans Deptartment, Poland, to take prolonged leave, 5/19/21. Also see: File 51t S. Peiser. A. Shohan appointed Associate Director, Child Care Department Poland, 9/14/21. Reports on child care activities in Poland: A. Shohan 10/29/21, S. Peiser 11/17/21. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, J. Bogen, I. Hershfield, S. Lowenstein, S. Peiser, M. Raskin, A. Shohan, I. Speiser, M. D. Waldman

Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1921

File 340: Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1922 – 1923

Correspondence, memos, reports, addenda. A. Shohan resigns as Associate Director Child Care Department 4/12/22, but agrees to remain 6 months longer, 5/6/22. JDC aiding 10,289 children in Poland, 8/24/22. Controversies over Jewish religious training of JDC aided orphans in: Miedzyrzec, 10/11/22-7/9/23, Brest Litowsk, 12/7/22-4/10/23, Warsaw, 12/29/22-3/27/23. Correspondence: S. Bero, D. Brown, B. Kahn, A. Kottler, S. Lowenstein, Wm. J. Mack, James N. Rosenberg, A. Shohan, M. D. Waldman, P. Wiernik

Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1922 – 1923

File 341: Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1927 – 1932

Correspondence, memos, reports, addenda. Polish Federation of Jewish Child Care, Warsaw, 1927-1932. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, D. J. Schweitzer.

Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1927 – 1932

File 342: Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, Reports, 1922 January – June
File 343: Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, Reports, 1922

1922, Annual. Narrative and statistical, and photos of children Accounting forms, JDC Poland.

Poland: Subject Matter, Child Care, Reports, 1922

File 344: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1923 April

Jewish schools in Poland aided by Central Relief Committee, 8/22/21. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, H. J. Bernheim, B. D. Bogen, J. L. Fain, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, A. Lucas, J. L. Magnus, N. Prilutzki, M. Raskin, A. Shohan Also see: Controversies over religious training of Jewish orphans, File 340.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1923 April

File 344a: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1923

Statistical Report, Jewish Schools in Poland, 1923.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1923

File 345: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1923 May – 1932

Role of JDC in expansion of Jewish schools in Poland, 5/2/23, 4/18/24. Inspection report covering Jewish schools in Poland (Yiddish), 5/28/23. Report on orthodox schools in Poland (Yiddish), 1/8/30. Cultural and Religious expenditures in Poland by JDC constituent organizations, 11/17/32. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, D. M. Bressler, Lee K. Frankel, C. O. Grodzienski, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, J. L. Magnes, Louis Marshall, C. Razovsky, B. Semel, A. Teitelbaum

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1923 May – 1932

File 346: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudath Israel, General, 1923 – 1930

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, L. Ehrman, B. Kahn, I. M. Lewin, A. Teitelbaum, F. M. Warburg. Also see: Mesywta, Warsaw, File 354.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudath Israel, General, 1923 – 1930

File 347: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudath Israel, Beth Jacob Schools, 1925 – 1932

Lists of Beth Jacob schools in Poland, 10/28/25, 10/27/27, 4/18/29. Summary of JDC allocations to Beth Jacob, 1926-1928, 2/6/29. Photos: Beth Jacob Vacation Home, Rabka, (see 1930). Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, L. Deutschlaender, L. Horowitz, Joseph C. Hyman, L. Jung, Evelyn M. Morrissey

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudath Israel, Beth Jacob Schools, 1925 – 1932

File 347a: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudath Israel, Publications on Beth Jacob Schools, 1927 – 1928

Beth Jacob, Rabbi Tobias Horowitz, 1928. Bajs Jakob, Sein Wesen u. Werden, Dr. Leo Deutschlaender, 1928. Das Erziehungswerk der Gesetztreuen Judenheit, Dr. Leo Deutschlaender, 1929, section on Beth Jacob schools, pp.67-79.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Agudath Israel, Publications on Beth Jacob Schools, 1927 – 1928

File 348: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1921 – 1923

Lists of Tarbuth schools in Poland, October 1921, April 1923. Appeal to JDC by Nahum Sokolow that it continue grants to Tarbuth, 6/7/22 (handwritten), 6/12/22. Also see: File 350, 1/29/30. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, B. D. Bogen, M. L. Ernst, J. Hershfield, M. Klumel, J. L. Magnus, Nahum Sokolow.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1921 – 1923

File 349: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1924 – 1927

List of Tarbuth institutions in Poland, October 1926. Summary of JDC allocations to Tarbuth schools, 1923-1927, 4/29/27. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, J. Barondess, Joseph C. Hyman, M. Klumel, Z. Tygel.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1924 – 1927

File 350: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1928 – 1932

Appeal by Nahum Sokolow for aid to Tarbuth, 1/29/30, two letters bearing same date, both handwritten; also see: File 34 6/7/22, 6/12/22. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Selig Brodetsky, Israel Davidson, I. Gruenbaum, Joseph C. Hyman, M. Klumel, B. Reis-Zuckerman, M. Rothenberg, Nahum Sokolow.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Tarbuth Schools, 1928 – 1932

File 351: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Schools, Individual (other than Agudah and Tarbuth)

Central Jewish School Organization, Warsaw, 1922-1932. Central Jewish School Organization, Warsaw, 1922-1926. Friedlander Hebrew Public School, Kowel, 1926 Photo of school. Jehudiah, Warsaw, 1924. Juedische Volks u. Mittelschul Verein, Lemberg, 1924. Esther Rubinstein School for Girls, Wilno, 1927-1931 Photos of school, before and after new construction. Szul-Kult, Warsaw, 1929-1932. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Sholem Asch, Joseph C. Hyman, Berl Locker. Waad Hamouchad, Wilno, 1921.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Schools, Individual (other than Agudah and Tarbuth)

File 352: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Mizrachi Questionnaires on Jewish Communal Schools

Mizrachi Questionnaires on Jewish Communal Schools, undated (1922-1923?)

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Mizrachi Questionnaires on Jewish Communal Schools

File 353: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Yeshivoth, General, 1921 – 1932

Register of Yeshivahs in Poland, prepared by Bureau of Jewish Social Research, January 1932.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Yeshivoth, General, 1921 – 1932

File 354: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Yeshivoth, Individual (except Mir)

Berdichewer Yeshiva, Rovno, 1921-1922. Chachmei Lublin, Lublin 1925-1926, 1931. Chofetz Chaim, Radun, 1921, 1930. Emek Halacha, Warsaw, 1926. Etz Chaim, Kleck, 1926. Knesset Bes Yitzchak, Kamieniec Litewski, 1930. Mesywta, Warsaw, 1923-1929. Mir, see: File 355. Shaar Hatorah, Grodno, 1928-1929. Slonim, 1931. Tachkemoni, Bialystok, 1923-1930. Toras Chesed, Lodz, 1927. Waad Tomchei Yeshivas Bobowa, 1926-1927. Wolozyn, 1922

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Yeshivoth, Individual (except Mir)

File 355: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Yeshiva of Mir, 1922 – 1923, 1926 – 1932

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, H. Bernstein, L. J. Finkel, J. C. Eyman, B. Kahn, A. Kalmanowitz, H. Sliosberg, P. Wiernik.

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Yeshiva of Mir, 1922 – 1923, 1926 – 1932

File 356: Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Other Institutions (excluding primary and secondary schools and yeshivot)

Auxilium Academicum Judaicum, Warsaw, 1921-1935 Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, G. Lewin, Z. Tygel. Instytut Nauk Judaistycznych, Warsaw, 1929-1931Correspondence: Majoer Balaban, Ismar Elbogen, Joseph C. Hyman, Moses Schorr. Strashun Library, Wilno, 1922-1926 Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, I. Rubenstein, B. C. Vladeck, B. Zuckerman. YIVO, Wilno, 1927-1930 Pamphlet: The Yiddish Scientific Institute, its Aims and Achievements, NY. 1929. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, J. Shatzky, Max Weinreich

Poland: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Other Institutions (excluding primary and secondary schools and yeshivot)

File 357: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1921 May – September

Narrative reports by Dr. Plotz: Medical-Sanitary Program for Poland, 5/2/21; Lemberg Conference, 7/1/21, 9/30/21. American Relief Administration opens separate milk stations in Piotrkow for Jews and Poles, 8/9/21-9/29/21. Narrative regional reports: Bialystok, 9/24/21, 9/28/21; West Galicia, 9/20/21; Wilno, 9/19/21. Correspondence: Z. A. Bonoff, R. Friedman, J. J. Golub, R. Kohn, I. Michlin, S. Newman, H. Plotz, L. Silver, R. M. Taylor. Also see: File 325, JDC Staff Conference, Warsaw, verbatim Report, 12/13/21-12/16/21.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1921 May – September

File 358: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1921 October – December

Narrative regional reports: Bialystok, September 1921, 10/8/21; October 1921, 11/14/21. East Galicia, 10/17/21. Lemberg, 11/2/21. Lwow, October 1921, 11/25/21. Wilno, September 1921, 10/20/21; October 1921, 10/28/21. Wolhynia (Rowno), 11/19/21. Dr. Golub Collection, JDC Medical Commission, Warsaw, December 1921, bound volume: Correspondence, reports, conferences, minutes of meetings, addenda. Correspondence: Z. A. Bonoff, R. Friedman, J. J. Golub, H. H. Lehman, R. Kohn, A. A. Landesco, S. M. Schmidt, M. D. Waldman

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1921 October – December

File 359: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 January – February

Narrative regional reports: Bialystok, November 1921, 1/19/22; December 1921, 1/23/22; January 1922, 2/17/22. Brest-Litowsk, January 1922, 1/29/22. Congress Poland, January 1922, 1/31/22. Lemberg, December 1921 – January 1922, 2/1/22. Warsaw, Jan. 1922, 2/17/22. Wilno, December 1921, 1/3/22. Correspondence: Z. A. Bonoff, R. Friedman, J. J. Golub, R. Kohn, S. Newman, S. M. Schmidt.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 January – February

File 360: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 March – May

Narrative regional reports: Bialystok, February 1922, 3/1/22. Brest-Litowsk, February 1922, 3/1/22; March 1922, 4/4/22; April 1922, 5/4/22. Congress Poland, February 1922, 2/28/22; March 1922, 4/6/22; April 1922, 4/30/22. Krakow, Jan-March 1922, 3/31/22. Lvow, February 1922, 3/16/22; Mar-April, 5/10/22. Wilno, February 1922, 3/9/22, annual Report 1921-1922, 5/17/22. Wolhynia, March-April, 1922, 5/9/22. Medical-Sanitary Department, semi-monthly reports, 3/31/22, 5/8/22. Correspondence: Z. A. Bonoff, E. Eber, R. Friedman, J. J. Golub, R. Kohn, S. Newman, S. M. Schmidt.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 March – May

File 361: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 June

Dr. Golub Collection, M. D. Waldman, Progress Report Poland #2, 5/17/22-6/13/22, (6/13/22). Correspondence: B. Flexner, R. Kohn, Morris Waldman.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 June

File 362: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 July – December

JDC appropriates $40,000 to establish college for students at State School of Hygiene of Polish Ministry of Health, Warsaw, 7/6/22-8/12/22, 8/19/22, 9/1/22-9/2/22, 9/8/22, 10/17/22, 12/15/22; also see: File 363, 1/3/23, 2/26/23, 12/6/23, 5/29/24, 6/28/24. Narrative reports: M. D. Waldman, Progress Report #3 on Medical activities in Poland, 6/13/22-8/12/22;. J. J. Golub: JDC Medical-Sanitary Activities in Poland, 2 reports, both dated 10/19/22, and forwarded to: 1) JDC Medical Committee N. Y. 2) Dr. W. Chodzko, Minister of Public Health, Poland; Wolhynia, May-June 1922, 7/10/22. Correspondence: Minister of Health, Witold Chodzko, A. E. Cohn, B. Kahn, C. J. Liebman, L. Rajchman, W. Rose, James N. Rosenberg, M. D. Waldman.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1922 July – December

File 363: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1923 – 1925, 1927

JDC appropriations for Medical – Sanitary activities in Poland, 2/4/23. Brief statements on Medical – Sanitary activities, J. J. Golub, 4/21/23, 9/28/23, 10/16/23, 2/1/24. Correspondence: B. Flexner, J. J. Golub, S. M. Gunn, Joseph C. Hyman, C. J. Liebman, F. M. Read, L. Rajchman, D. J. Schweitzer, J. Van Gelder, I. H. Warshow.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, General, 1923 – 1925, 1927

File 364: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, 1922 – 1923

A. Greenwald engaged to organize Nurses Training School in Warsaw, 1/17/23. Narrative reports by A. Greenwald: 5/2/23, 7/17/23, 8/26/23, 11/4/23. Correspondence: A. Bercowitz, B. Flexner, Lee K. Frankel, J. Goldmark, J. J. Golub, A. Greenwald, B. Kahn, K. M. Olmstead, L. Rajchman, S. M. Schmidt. Also see: Nurses Training School (Dr. Golub Collection) Files 365, 373.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, 1922 – 1923

File 365: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, 1922
File 366: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, 1924 – 1927

Narrative reports by A. Greenwald, 11/26/23, 6/23/24, 9/1/24, 3/5/25. Comments by B. Kahn on Greenwald Report, dated 9/1/24. Evaluation of Nurses Training School, Professor Hermann Strauss, 12/6/24. Photos of 1st graduating class, together with A. Greenwald, 1925. JDC transfers management of Nurses Training School to local Warsaw Committee 7/26/26. JDC agrees to bring two Jewish nurses from Warsaw for study in the U. S. 10/14/26-10/25/27; also see: File 367. Correspondence: B. Flexner, A. W. Goodrich, A. Greenwald, Joseph C. Hymanm B. Kahn, I. M. Rubinow, S. Schindler, A. Weisblat.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, 1924 – 1927

File 367: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, 1928 – 1932

Two nurses from the Nurses Training School, Warsaw, receive JDC scholarships for a year of training at Teacher’s College, Columbia University-one to become Director of the School, the other, Head Instructor. They completed their studies between October 1928-September 1929 and assumed their new positions on returning to Poland. Also see: File 366, 10/14/26-10/25/. Reports by Amelia Greenwald on Nurses Training School: 1923-1929, 2/5/29; 1922-1926 (undated attachment to letter dated 6/6/31). Also see: File 368 for 1928 Report by A. Greenwald. Testimonials on merits of the Nursing School by visiting professionals: Mary Roberts, 2/11/31; E. J. Taylor, 12/12/30, 2/25/31; M. E. Tennant, 2/26/30, January 1932; Joseph C. Hyman, 2/11/3. Correspondence: M. Beard, D. M. Bressler, Louis I. Dublin, Lee K. Frankel, A. Greenwald, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, R. L. Metcalfe, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Mary Roberts, S. Schindler, E. Schabad, E. J. Taylor, M. E. Tennant, M. D. Waldman.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, 1928 – 1932

File 368: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Nurses Training School, Warsaw, Report: School of Nursing, Amelia Greenwald, 1929
File 369:Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, 1922 – 1924, 1929 – 1932

Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, addenda, 1922 – 1924, 1929 – 1932. Activities of TOZ, 1/15/30 and attachments. JDC appropriations to TOZ, 1926-1932, 11/17/32. JDC report: Medical-Sanitary Situation in Poland, 9/1/23. TOZ Reports: Five Years of TOZ, 1922-1926 (Yiddish) and annual Report financial and statistical, 1928 (Yiddish). Correspondence: J. J. Golub, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, M. J. Rosenau, S. M. Schmidt, H. Strauss. Also see: File 362, 9/26/22, 10/18/22 File 363, 6/29/23. The TOZ was organized in 1922 as a national Jewish health organization in Poland, and notably to carry on Medical activities and institutions established by the JDC, as well as programs in public health education. It received JDC appropriations over the years.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, 1922 – 1924, 1929 – 1932

File 370: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, 1922

Files from Dr. Golub Collection. Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda, in English, Yiddish, Polish and German, pertaining to TOZ and its activities. The TOZ was organized in 1922 as a national Jewish health organization in Poland, and notably to carry on Medical activities and institutions established by the JDC, as well as programs in public health education. It received JDC appropriations over the years.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, 1922

File 371: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, Favus, 1922

Files from Dr. Golub Collection. Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda, in English, Yiddish, Polish and German, pertaining to TOZ and its activities. The TOZ was organized in 1922 as a national Jewish health organization in Poland, and notably to carry on Medical activities and institutions established by the JDC, as well as programs in public health education. It received JDC appropriations over the years.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, Favus, 1922

File 372: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, Public Health, 1922

Files from Dr. Golub Collection. Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda, in English, Yiddish, Polish and German, pertaining to TOZ and its activities. The TOZ was organized in 1922 as a national Jewish health organization in Poland, and notably to carry on Medical activities and institutions established by the JDC, as well as programs in public health education. It received JDC appropriations over the years.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, Public Health, 1922

File 373: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, Warsaw, 1923

Files from Dr. Golub Collection. Correspondence, reports, memos, addenda, in English, Yiddish, Polish and German, pertaining to TOZ and its activities. The TOZ was organized in 1922 as a national Jewish health organization in Poland, and notably to carry on Medical activities and institutions established by the JDC, as well as programs in public health education. It received JDC appropriations over the years.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, TOZ, Warsaw, 1923

File 374: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Financial Reports, Medical-Sanitary, 1921 – 1922

1921 (January -September) Medical Commission Poland, Paris office. 1922 (January -June) Medical Department, Poland, Semi-annual. 1922 (July-September) Medical Department Poland. Quarterly

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Financial Reports, Medical-Sanitary, 1921 – 1922

File 375: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Financial Reports, Medical-Sanitary, 1922 – 1923

1922 (October-December) Medical Department, Poland Quarterly. 1922 (January -December) Medical Department, Poland Annual. 1923 (January -June) Medical Department, Poland Monthly.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Financial Reports, Medical-Sanitary, 1922 – 1923

File 376: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Liquidation Reports, Medical-Sanitary, 1922 July – October
File 376a: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Liquidation Reports, Medical-Sanitary, 1922 November – 1923 February

November 1, 1922. December 1, 1922. January 1, 1923. February 1, 1923 (2 copies)

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Liquidation Reports, Medical-Sanitary, 1922 November – 1923 February

File 377: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Regional Reports, West Galicia, Dr. I. Michlin, 1921 February – 1922 September

West Galicia, February 1921-September 1922, Dr. I. Michlin. Report contains 34 photos.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Regional Reports, West Galicia, Dr. I. Michlin, 1921 February – 1922 September

File 378: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Regional Reports, Wolhynia, Dr. J. J. Golub, 1921 March – 1922 February

Wolhynia, March 1921-February 1922, Dr. J. J. Golub. Report contains 74 photos.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Regional Reports, Wolhynia, Dr. J. J. Golub, 1921 March – 1922 February

File 379: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Regional Reports, Bialystok, Dr. R. Friedman, 1921 September 29 – 1922 June 30

Bialystok, 9/29/21-6/30/22, Dr. R. Friedman. Enclosure to the report: Djournal, a Yiddish publication of the Central Medical-Sanitary Organization, Bialystok. First three issues, January – July 1922. The Report itself is missing.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Regional Reports, Bialystok, Dr. R. Friedman, 1921 September 29 – 1922 June 30

File 380: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Other Reports, 1921 October – 1922 July

Rehabilitation of Medical – Sanitary Institutions. JDC Medical Stores. Anti-Typhus Activities. Health Situation, Poland. Eradication of Favus.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Other Reports, 1921 October – 1922 July

File 381: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Report: JDC Medical – Sanitary Department, Dr. J. J. Golub, 3 vols., 1921 February – 1923 October, Vol. 1
File 382: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Report: JDC Medical – Sanitary Department, Dr. J. J. Golub, 3 vols., 1921 February – 1923 October, Vol. 1, Enclosure

Enclosure: Map of Medical institutions in Poland aided by JDC Medical – Sanitary Department. Two copies

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Report: JDC Medical – Sanitary Department, Dr. J. J. Golub, 3 vols., 1921 February – 1923 October, Vol. 1, Enclosure

File 383: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Report: JDC Medical – Sanitary Department, Dr. J. J. Golub, 3 vols., 1921 February – 1923 October, Vol. 2
File 384: Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Report: JDC Medical – Sanitary Department, Dr. J. J. Golub, 3 vols., 1921 February – 1923 October, Vol. 3

Photo Appendix, 143 photos. Includes photos of JDC Medical Commissioners, M. D. Waldman and B. Kahn.

Poland: Subject Matter, Medical, Report: JDC Medical – Sanitary Department, Dr. J. J. Golub, 3 vols., 1921 February – 1923 October, Vol. 3

File 385: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1921

Instructions to A. A. Landesco on establishing reconstruction program in Poland, 6/29/21. Landesco requests discretionary fund for emergency grants, 9/21/21, 10/19/21, 10/20/21. Reconstruction Committee appropriates $25,000 as discretionary fund for trade schools in Poland, 10/28/21; also see: Trade Schools, File 403 and ICA, File 104. Photo of Jewish Reconstruction Commission for Poland, attached to letter containing identifications, 11/30/21. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, M. Freund, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, Louis Marshall, E. Meyerson, James N. Rosenberg

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1921

File 386: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 January – June

Proposals to ICA, by Rosenberg and Landesco, to participate with JDC in reconstruction activities in Poland, 2/15/22, 2/21/22, 3/7/22, 3/8/22, 4/6/22. JDC and ICA agree on joint credits for Jewish loan kassas in Poland, 5/11/22, 5/23/22. Correspondence: A. Czerniakow, M. Freund, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, L. Oungre, I. Portnoy, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg,W. J. Szatensztajn, S. Tipperman, H. Vitele

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 January – June

File 387: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 July – December

Minutes of Conferences of Central Reconstruction Committee Poland, 5/28-29/22 (German) 6/19/22 – 6/20/22 (German). Reports on Conferences by L. G Digest by Joseph C. Hyman of above mentioned minutes and reports, 8/18/22; also see: Files 389-390. JDC buys Warsaw bank to serve as Central Reconstruction Bank, Poland, 11/6/22, 11/14/22, 12/14/22; also see: Files 392-394. Correspondence: M. Freund, J. Goldsmith, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 July – December

File 388: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1923 – 1932

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, L. Jung, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg. Also see: JDC Foundation and reconstruction activities in Poland, Files 149-155

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1923 – 1932

File 389: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Committee, General, 1921 – 1922
File 390: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Committee, Minutes and Conferences, 1921 – 1922

Minutes of Central Reconstruction Committee, November 1921- June 1922. Minutes of Executive Committee of Central Reconstruction Committee, July 1921 – May 1922. Note: The minutes are bound together in the original files.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Committee, Minutes and Conferences, 1921 – 1922

File 391: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agricultural Credits, 1922 – 1923

Report: Agricultural Credits Extended by ORT in Wilno and Grodno Districts, 1/1/21 – 2/28/22, by Harry Viteles (2 copies). Correspondence: M. Freund, A. A. Landesco, L. G. Robinson, H. Viteles.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agricultural Credits, 1922 – 1923

File 392: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Bank (CRB), Warsaw, 1921 – 1922

Summary by Joseph C. Hyman of discussions and correspondence bearing on alternative proposals for organization of Jewish Reconstruction Bank, Warsaw, 3/1/22. JDC Reconstruction Committee NY authorizes purchase of Reconstruction bank, 3/4/22. Purchase completed 11/6/22, 11/14/22, 11/24/22, 12/21/22, 12/28/22. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson. In late 1921, the JDC sought to found a Jewish Reconstruction Bank in Warsaw, as a joint stock company, for the grant of Reconstruction loans, but the Government license needed was not forthcoming. In November 1922, the JDC purchased a joint stock company, the Bank Rosyjsko-Polski, Warsaw, the Russian-Polish Bank, at a cost of $35,000, and renamed it Bank dla Spoldzielni, Central Reconstruction Bank, to serve as a central agency for the federations of Jewish loan cooperatives in Poland. The revised bank charter received govt approval. The JDC, and subsequently the JDC Foundation, made substantial grants to the Central Reconstruction Bank.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Bank (CRB), Warsaw, 1921 – 1922

File 393: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Bank (CRB), Warsaw, 1923

JDC earmarks $100,000 for the Central Reconstruction Bank, 2/5/23. Agudas Israel, Warsaw, complains that orthodox group was not invited to join Central Reconstruction Bank Board, 1/18/23, 2/7/23. JDC instructs Reconstruction Department, Warsaw, that administration boards at Central Reconstruction Bank should represent all segments of Jewish community, 2/9/23 – 4/25/23. JDC deposits $50,000 in Polish State Bank, 8/1/23 – 9/24/23, 10/16/23. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, M. Freund, Joseph C. Hyman, A. Lucas, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg, A. Teitelbaum. In late 1921, the JDC sought to found a Jewish Reconstruction Bank in Warsaw, as a joint stock company, for the grant of Reconstruction loans, but the Government license needed was not forthcoming. In November 1922, the JDC purchased a joint stock company, the Bank Rosyjsko-Polski, Warsaw, the Russian-Polish Bank, at a cost of $35,000, and renamed it Bank dla Spoldzielni, Central Reconstruction Bank, to serve as a central agency for the federations of Jewish loan cooperatives in Poland. The revised bank charter received govt approval. The JDC, and subsequently the JDC Foundation, made substantial grants to the Central Reconstruction Bank.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Bank (CRB), Warsaw, 1923

File 394: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Bank (CRB), Warsaw, 1924 – 1932

Polish State Bank releases JDC’s $50,000 deposit, and latter redistributes the funds, 1/30/24, 2/25/24. Dr. Kahn and Dr. Oungre Managing Directors of JDC Foundation, question if Central Reconstruction Bank can survive in its existing form, 6/17/24. Audit Report of Central Reconstruction Bank, 1/4/24 – 3/31/25. Council, JDC Foundation, expresses loss of confidence in Central Reconstruction Bank management, see: File 151, 5/15/28. Financial mismanagement of Central Reconstruction Bank 10/19/31 – 11/20/31. Foundation severs relations with Central Reconstruction Bank 2/25/32 – 11/18/32. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, M. A. Leavitt, H. H. Lehman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, L. Oungre, L. G. Robinson, Z. Tygel, H. Viteles. Also see: File 151, 4/4/28, 3/14/30 – 4/21/30; File 155, JDC Foundation Minutes, 12/16/31. In late 1921, the JDC sought to found a Jewish Reconstruction Bank in Warsaw, as a joint stock company, for the grant of Reconstruction loans, but the Government license needed was not forthcoming. In November 1922, the JDC purchased a joint stock company, the Bank Rosyjsko-Polski, Warsaw, the Russian-Polish Bank, at a cost of $35,000, and renamed it Bank dla Spoldzielni, Central Reconstruction Bank, to serve as a central agency for the federations of Jewish loan cooperatives in Poland. The revised bank charter received govt approval. The JDC, and subsequently the JDC Foundation, made substantial grants to the Central Reconstruction Bank.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Central Reconstruction Bank (CRB), Warsaw, 1924 – 1932

File 395: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Consumer Cooperatives

Report: Workmen’s Cooperative Movement in Poland, by J. Marcus, 10/11/23. Comments on Report by L. G. Robinson, 11/5/23. Summary of Report and comments, by Joseph C. Hyman, 11/27/23. Agreement with Central Workmen’s Credit Cooperative (RCKS) and United Workers Credit Association (RZGK) for expenditure of JDC credit of $25,000, 3/9/23. JDC sets aside $5,000 more in credits to them, 11/30/23. Controversy over division of the latter sum, 1/31/24-4/26/24. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, A. A. Landesco, L. G. Robinson, J. Savitski, H. Viteles, B. Zuckerman.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Consumer Cooperatives

File 396: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Financial, General, 1921 – 1924

Reconstruction Department, Poland: Liquidation Financial Report, H. Viteles, 3/10/24. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, H. H. Lehman, A. A. Landesco, D. J. Schweitzer.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Financial, General, 1921 – 1924

File 397: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Financial, Reports

Audit Reports by Loeb and Troper. Reconstruction Department 1922 (2 copies). Reconstruction Department 1/1/23-5/15/24. JDC Accounting Reports. Reconstruction Department, Balance Statements, Jan. 1922, November 1922-March 1923, Monthly. Reconstruction Department, Financial Report 4/30/22-12/31/22, 1/1/22 – 12/31/22.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Financial, Reports

File 398: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Gemiloth Chessed Kassas (G. C.), General, 1926 – 1932

JDC kassas in Poland, August 1927. For later lists, see: Yiddish reports, File 399, December 1929, May 1930, June 1930. Memo on JDC activities in organization and development of G. C. Kassas in Poland (attachment to letter, 2/24/30). Correspondence: J. Gitterman, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. Moskowitz, S. O. Tulin. Note: The Correspondence deals mostly with individual requests to JDC to open a G. C. kassa in the petitioners’ hometown. The major Correspondence is with S. O. Tulin, for a small loan kassa in Chomsk, December 1926-November 1927, and 1937-1938. The G. C. Kassas granted small personal short-term interest free loans, in contrast with the Loan and Savings Kassas which granted larger interest bearing loans, both short and long-term.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Gemiloth Chessed Kassas (G. C.), General, 1926 – 1932

File 399: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Gemiloth Chessed Kassas (G. C.), Various Reports, 1926 – 1935

G. C. Kassas aided by JDC, 1926-1935. Statistics and Photos. Narrative and Statistical, Jan-June, 1929 (Yiddish). Financial December 1929, 2 copies (English and Yiddish). Financial May 1930 (Yiddish). >Financial June 1930 (Yiddish). The G. C. Kassas granted small personal short-term interest free loans, in contrast with the Loan and Savings Kassas which granted larger interest bearing loans, both short and long-term.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Gemiloth Chessed Kassas (G. C.), Various Reports, 1926 – 1935

File 400: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Housing Reconstruction

JDC appropriates $100,000 for Reconstruction of destroyed Jewish homes in Poland, 2/19/23. $400,000 more appropriated thereafter, 10/1/23. JDC holds Realty Reconstruction Conference, Warsaw, 5/9-10/23, stenographic record of proceedings. Reports: Reconstruction Activities, H. Viteles, 7/3/23, Housing Reconstruction, 12/31/23. Correspondence: M. Freund, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Housing Reconstruction

File 401: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan and Savings Kassas, General, 1921 – 1925

Covers all loan kassas except Warsaw Federation, (K.K.S. Warsaw). For latter, see: File 402. Report: Status of Kassas 3/31/24, B. Entelis (Yiddish). Correspondence: M. Freund, Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg, H. Viteles. These kassas granted short and long term loans that were interest bearing. The interest rate was low by prevailing Polish standards, but high by prevailing American standards. The most important kassas were joined in regional federations, Central Credit Kassas (K.K.S.) and obtained their capital funds, in part locally and in part from credits granted mainly by the JDC, and ICA, and subsequently by the JDC Foundation The funds were channelled in considerable part via the Central Reconstruction Bank, Warsaw. Also see: Files 392-394.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan and Savings Kassas, General, 1921 – 1925

File 402: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan and Savings Kassas, K. K. S., Warsaw, 1922

Correspondence: M. Freund, Joseph C. Hyman, L. G. Robinson. These kassas granted short and long term loans that were interest bearing. The interest rate was low by prevailing Polish standards, but high by prevailing American standards. The most important kassas were joined in regional federations, Central Credit Kassas (K.K.S.) and obtained their capital funds, in part locally and in part from credits granted mainly by the JDC, and ICA, and subsequently by the JDC Foundation The funds were channelled in considerable part via the Central Reconstruction Bank, Warsaw. Also see: Files 392-394.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan and Savings Kassas, K. K. S., Warsaw, 1922

File 403: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1921 – 1923 March

Report: Trade Schools in Bialystok, Brest Litowsk, Grodno and Pinsk, A. Czerniakow, 2/17/22. JDC calls for trade school survey in Poland in connection with possible cooperation with ICA, 1/16/22. Study Commission appointed, 2/17/22, 4/11/22. ICA agrees to participate with JDC and comments by L. G. Robinson on Commission Report, 10/20/22. Summary and evaluation of report by Morris S. Viteles, 2/5/23, and other comments by A. A. Landesco, 3/14/23. Summary of Report and comments, by Joseph C. Hyman, 3/19/23. Correspondence: A. Czerniakow, Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson, James N. Rosenberg. Also see: ORT, File 338a. ICA, File 104, File 385, 10/28/21.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1921 – 1923 March

File 404: Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1923 May – 1926

Reports: Vocational Training Activities, JDC Reconstruction Department Poland May 1922-Sept 1923. (Author not given). Status of Jewish Trade Schools in Poland, 1922-1923, by A. Czerniakow (English and Polish versions). Map of Jewish Trade Schools in Poland aid by JDC, undated, but presumably linked to the preceding reports (in Polish). Correspondence: A. Czerniakow, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson.

Poland: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1923 May – 1926

File 405: Poland: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1922 February

Narrative reports: Work for Refugees in Poland, A. Shohan, 12/12/21. Refugees Department activities, October 1921, D. J. Schweitzer, 12/28/21, November 1921 (undated), December 1921, 2/17/22. Refugees in Brest-Litowsk, H. Breckler, 1/15/22, J. Gitterman et al, 12/23-30/21, 1/3-6/22. Refugees in Galicia, W. Senator, 1/5/22. Conference on JDC Relief Activity in Poland for Refugees and Re-emigrants 1/31/21-2/3/22, undated, complete copy in Yiddish, incomplete copy in English. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, H. Breckler, F. Brylowski, A. Lucas, N. Prilutzki, James N. Rosenberg, D. J. Schweitzer, W. Senator, A. Shohan.

Poland: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1922 February

File 406: Poland: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1922 March – 1923 August

Narrative reports, Refugees Department Poland: Annual, 1922; Monthly, February 1922, 4/4/22, March 1923, 5/28/23. Correspondence: D. M. Bressler, H. L. Fraenkel, B. Kahn, D. J. Schweitzer

Poland: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1922 March – 1923 August

Series 4: Poland: DR. J. J. Golub Collection of Medical – Sanitary Files

The files are preserved in bound volumes, in soft covers mostly and represent the only complete set of files to survive from the 1921-1933 period. They contain correspondence, reports, memos, and a variety of other materials, written in English, Yiddish, Polish or German. Some materials have kept their value but a considerable part have not. To break open the volumes and to extract the materials of value would be an unfeasible task, the more so since the filing system is incompatible with the one in use today. But researchers seeking data on Medical – Sanitary activities in Poland between 1921-1923, must take these files into account. The files are numbered G1-G68, and bear the titles listed below. Note: The term ‘incoming’, as used in the files below, refers to the arrival of correspondence at the office of the Medical – Sanitary Department, Warsaw, from the office or region named on the file. Conversely, the term ‘outgoing’, refers to the dispatch of correspondence by the Medical – Sanitary Department, Warsaw, to the office or region named on the file.

File G1: Poland: Golub Collection, European Executive Council, Paris (EUREXCO), Incoming, 1921 March – September

Correspondence by H. Plotz, M. D. Waldman et al with S. M. Schmidt and other Medical Commissioners.

Poland: Golub Collection, European Executive Council, Paris (EUREXCO), Incoming, 1921 March – September

File G2: Poland: Golub Collection, European Executive Council, Paris (EUREXCO), Incoming, 1921 October – December

Correspondence by H. Plotz, M. D. Waldman et al with S. M. Schmidt and other Medical Commissioners.

Poland: Golub Collection, European Executive Council, Paris (EUREXCO), Incoming, 1921 October – December

File G3: Poland: Golub Collection, European Executive Council, Paris (EUREXCO), Outgoing, 1921 February – October
File G4: Poland: Golub Collection, European Executive Council, Paris (EUREXCO), Outgoing, 1921 November – December
File G5: Poland: Golub Collection, JDC Medical Commissioners, Incoming, 1921
File G6: Poland: Golub Collection, JDC Medical Commissioners, Outgoing, 1921
File G7: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Bialystok, Incoming, 1921
File G8: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Bialystok, Outgoing, 1921
File G9: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Bialystok, Incoming, 1922
File G10: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Bialystok, Outgoing 1922 and In- and Outgoing 1923
File G11: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Brest Litowsk, Pinsk, Incoming, 1921
File G12: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Brest Litowsk, Pinsk, Outgoing, 1921
File G13: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Brest Litowsk, Pinsk, Incoming, 1922
File G14: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Brest Litowsk, Pinsk, Outgoing 1922 and In- and Outgoing 1923.
File G15: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Congress Poland, Incoming, 1921
File G16: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Congress Poland, Outgoing, 1921
File G17: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Krakow, Incoming, 1921
File G18: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Krakow, Outgoing, 1921
File G19: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Krakow, Incoming, 1922
File G20: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Krakow, Outgoing 1922 and In- and Outgoing 1923
File G21: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Lemberg (Lvov), Incoming, 1921
File G22: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Lemberg (Lvov), Outgoing, 1921
File G23: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Lemberg (Lvov), Incoming, 1922
File G24: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Lemberg (Lvov), Outgoing, 1922
File G25: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Lemberg (Lvov), In- and Outgoing, 1923
File G26: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Lodz, Incoming, 1922
File G27: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Lodz, Outgoing, 1922
File G28: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Pinsk, In- and Outgoing 1921
File G29: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Rowno, Incoming, 1922
File G30: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Rowno, Outgoing 1922 and In- and Outgoing 1923
File G31: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, Incoming 1921, I
File G32: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, Incoming 1921, II
File G33: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, Outgoing 1921
File G34: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, Incoming 1922 January – May
File G35: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, Incoming 1922 June – December
File G36: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, Outgoing 1922
File G37: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, In-and Outgoing 1923

Following the Wilno correspondence is additional 1923 correspondence with Breat, Bialystok, and Wolhyn District/Rowno. Also see: File G41.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wilno, In-and Outgoing 1923

File G38: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wolhynia (Volhynia), Incoming 1921, I
File G39: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wolhynia (Volhynia), Incoming 1921, II
File G40: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Wolhynia (Volhynia), Outgoing 1921
File G41: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Other, 1921 – 1923

Congress Poland Also see: Files G15-G16. Bialystok Also see: Files G7-G10. Wilno Also see: Files G31-G37. Brest-Litowsk, Pinsk Also see: Files G11-G14. Wolhynia (Volhynia) Also see: Files G38-G40. West Galicia Also see: Files G17-G20. East Galicia Also see: Files G21-G25.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with Cities and Regions, Other, 1921 – 1923

File G42: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC-Vienna, Incoming, 1922 June – 1923 July
File G43: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC-Vienna, In-and Outgoing, 1923
File G44: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC-Paris – Vienna, Incoming 1922
File G45: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC-Paris – Vienna, Outgoing 1922
File G46: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC Administration, Warsaw: JDC Administrator, Incoming 1922

In 1922, Samuel Emerson, followed later by Simon Tipperman, bore the title: “JDC Administrator, Poland.” They acted as finance administrators and not as country directors. The file contains Correspondence of the Administrator with the Medical Department, Warsaw.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC Administration, Warsaw: JDC Administrator, Incoming 1922

File G47: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC Administration, Warsaw, JDC Administrator, Outgoing 1922
File G47a: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC Administration, Warsaw, JDC Administrator, Outgoing 1922

Note: Files G47 and G47a both cover all of 1922, but the materials are mainly non-duplicating.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC Administration, Warsaw, JDC Administrator, Outgoing 1922

File G48: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC administration, Warsaw: Assistant Director, Med-San Department, In-and Outgoing 1921 – 1922

The outgoing materials include a selection of numbered Circular Letters sent to Regional Medical Commissioners and Directors by the Assistant Director. For a full set of the numbered Circular Letters, see: Files G49-G50.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC administration, Warsaw: Assistant Director, Med-San Department, In-and Outgoing 1921 – 1922

File G49: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC administration, Warsaw, Assistant Director, Med-San Department, Circular Letters, numbered 1-89, 1921
File G50: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with JDC administration, Warsaw, Assistant Director, Med-San Department, Circular Letters, numbered 90-185
File G51: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Auditing Department, S. Fleisig, 1921
File G52: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Auditing Department, In-and Outgoing, 1922
File G53: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Bath-House Department, In-and Outgoing, 1921
File G54: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Bath-House Department, In-and Outgoing, 1922
File G55: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Bath-House Department, Requests for bath-houses, 1923
File G56: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Purchasing Department, Incoming, 1922
File G57: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Purchasing Department, Outgoing, 1922
File G58: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Reconstruction Department In-and Outgoing, 1922
File G59: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Refugee Department In-and Outgoing, 1922

Also see: Files G61, G62, G64, G65, Refugees. Warehouse and Transportation Department See: Files G61, G62, G64, G65, Warehouse and Transportation.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Refugee Department In-and Outgoing, 1922

File G60: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, War Orphans Department In-and Outgoing, 1922
File G61: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Other Departments, Incoming, 1921

Administration, Accounting, Refugee, Warehouse and Transportation and War Orphan departments, but no separation by departments.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Other Departments, Incoming, 1921

File G62: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Other Departments, Outgoing, 1921

Administration, Accounting, Refugee, Warehouse and Transportation and War Orphan departments, but no separation by departments.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Other Departments, Outgoing, 1921

File G63: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Correspondence, Intra-departmental, JDC Warsaw, In- and Outgoing, 1922
File G64: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Correspondence, Intra-departmental, JDC Warsaw, In- and Outgoing, 1922 – 1923

Correspondence has the following separation: JDC Administrator, Refugee Department, Purchasing Department, Warehouse Department and M. Colton (Personal).

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Correspondence, Intra-departmental, JDC Warsaw, In- and Outgoing, 1922 – 1923

File G65: Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Correspondence, Intra-departmental, JDC Warsaw, In- and Outgoing, 1923

Covers the following departments but with no separation. Finance and administration, Purchasing, Reconstruction, Refugees, and Child Care.

Poland: Golub Collection, Correspondence with other JDC departments, Warsaw, Correspondence, Intra-departmental, JDC Warsaw, In- and Outgoing, 1923

File G66: Poland: Golub Collection, Miscellaneous I, 1922
File G67: Poland: Golub Collection, Miscellaneous II, 1922
File G68: Poland: Golub Collection, Miscellaneous, 1923 January – August

Series 5: Poland: Localities

For additional material on individual localities, besides those listed below, see: organizations listed in catalogue under Files 338, 338a; Dr. J. J. Golub collection of Medical-Sanitary files, G7-G41; localities listed in Brief Sketch of JDC Activities, including Foundation and Agro-Joint, 1926-1930, File 407.

File 407: Poland: Localities, Aleksandrja to Bromberg Bydgoszcz

Aleksandrja (Wolyn) 1921-1925, 1929. Antopol 1923-1929. Augustow 1921-1922. Belz 1930. Bereza Kartuska 1921-1923. Bereznica 1921. Bialystok 1925-1928 Also see: Files 357-360. Biecz 1930. Bielsk 1921-1925. Blaszow 1929-1931. Bojanow 1929. Boremel 1926-1927. (Brest-Litowsk Brisk Brzesc-Litewski) 1921-1923 Also see: Files 359, 405. Brzeziny 1923-1929. Brzostowica-Wielka 1929. Burzenin 1926-1927. Buten Byten 1921-1923 Also see: Files 32, 412b. Bromberg Bydgoszcz 1928

Poland: Localities, Aleksandrja to Bromberg Bydgoszcz

File 408: Poland: Localities, Chomsk to Jezierzany

Chomsk 1922 Also see: Reconstruction File 398. Cieszanow 1926-1930. Czarnkow 1928. Dobrzyn 1921-1922. Domaczewo 1921. Drohobycz 1926-1927 . Drujsk (Wilno District) 1922. Dubinowa 1926 . Dunilowicze 1929. Dzialoszyn 1923-1924. Glusk 1931. Grodno 1921-1922, 1927, 1929. Hossakow 1930. Iwieniec 1922-1924. Iwje 1921- 1922, 1929. Jadow 1922-1923. Jezierzany 1921, 1929-1932

Poland: Localities, Chomsk to Jezierzany

File 409: Poland: Localities, Knyszyn to Mir

Knyszyn 1921. Kobryn Photo of Jewish hospital now used as school (undated). Koden 1929-1930. Kosow 1921-1922. Kowel 1921. *Krakow See: Files G17-G20. Krynki 1921-1923. Lebiedziew 1921. *Lemberg See: Files 358, 359. Lodz 1926, 1928. Lomza 1928-1929. Lwow 1921-1926 Also see: File 360 . Makow 1922. (Miedzyrzec 1921. (Mezritch 1921-1922, 1927 Also see: File 340, 10/11/22-7/9/23. Mir 1921-1922, 1928 Also see: File 355

Poland: Localities, Knyszyn to Mir

File 410: Poland: Localities, Niebylec to Szydlowiec

Niebylec 1926-1929. Nowogrodek 1922. Ostrog 1921 . Pabjanice 1922-1923. Piaski 1922. Pinsk 1921-1924 Also see: File G 28. *Piotrkow. See: File 357. Pruzana 1921-1924. Przemysl 1927-1928. *Rabka See: File 347, Photos. Rowno 1921-1922 Also see: Files G 29-G 30, G 37. Rzeszow 1926-1972. Sambor 1922-1928. Sanok 1928. Sarny 1922. Skala 1922. Smorgonie 1922. Sniatyn 1926. *Sokolowka See: File 363, 3/25/23-5/25/23. Szydlowiec 1927-1928.

Poland: Localities, Niebylec to Szydlowiec

File 411: Poland: Localities, Tarnopol to Zuromin

(For Wilno, see: File 412). Tarnopol 1921. Tomaszow-Mazowiecki 1921-1924, 1928. Turmonty 1927 . Tykocin 1922. Warsaw 1926-1927. Also see: Files 359, 402. Wasilkow 1929. Wizajny 1928. Wloclawek 1927-1928. Wlodawa 1931. Worniany 1928. Wyszkow 1930. Zambrow 1921. Zuromin 1926

Poland: Localities, Tarnopol to Zuromin

File 412: Poland: Localities, Wilno

a. General, 1921-1922, 1926-1927, 1931. Also see: Files 357-360. b. Wilno-Buten Guarantee Bank Controversy, 1921-1923. The controversy pertains to the rate of exchange paid in Poland by agents of the Guaranty Trust Co., N. Y., upon a remittance of $69,000 submitted by the JDC on behalf of the Wilno-Buten Land On payment, the Polish agents deducted 5% ($3,400), which the JDC maintained, violated its agreement with the Guaranty Trust A settlement of $1,896 was finally reached, following a prolonged and comprehensive Correspondence involving numerous JDC official. The materials illustrate the considerable administration burden that fell on the JDC in helping the landsmannschaften to remit funds to Poland.

Poland: Localities, Wilno

Record Group 4.26: Romania

Series 1: Romania: Administration

File 413: Romania: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922, 1926 – 1928

Morris Lewis dismissed as Regional Director of Romania, 1/7/22 1/14/22, 2/2/22, 2/7/22; also see: M. Lewis, File 50c. Lists of JDC employees in Romania, 1/17/22. Discussion between I. Rubinstein and James N. Rosenberg on status of JDC activities in Romania, 3/31/22. Resume of JDC activities in Romania: 1919 – 1926, 10/16/26; January-June 1926, 5/4/27; 1926 and early 1927, 4/20/27. JDC subventions to institutions in Bessarabia, 1926 1928, 10/15/28. Correspondence: M. E. Baynton, B. D. Bogen, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, M. Lewis, Evelyn M. Morrissey, James N. Rosenberg, L. L. Rounds, I. Rubinstein, Morris Waldman. Also see: Bucharest, File 434.

Romania: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922, 1926 – 1928

File 414: Romania: Administration, Financial, 1921

Audit Bucharest Office, J. Pollinger, 1/1/21-8/27/21. Audit Romania, D. J. Schweitzer, 8/27/21 – 12/31/21.

Romania: Administration, Financial, 1921

File 415: Romania: Administration, Financial, 1922 – 1924

Reports by D. J. Schweitzer: January-March 1922 Quarterly. Apr-June 1922 Quarterly. July-Aug 1922 Bi-monthly. Audit Reports by Loeb and Troper: January-December 1922 Annual. July-Sept 1923 Quarterly. Oct-December 1923 Quarterly. January-March 1924 Quarterly. April-June 1924 Quarterly

Romania: Administration, Financial, 1922 – 1924

Series 2: Romania: Organizations

Materials on Organizations will be found in the files listed below. Central Committee for the Relief of Ukrainian Refugees in Romania, Bucharest Files 433a. Girls Trade School, Kishinev Files 422a. Hospital and Polyclinic “Iuberia de Oameni”, Bucharest Files 5/27/29-8/13/30,418b. Kadima Druckerei u. Verlagsanstalt, Cluj Cluj,Files 434. Morgenroit Trade School, Czernowitz Files 422a. Safah Ivriah, Czernowitz Files 6/29/22 – 10/17/22,418. Syndicate of Jewish Cooperatives of Bessarabia, Kishinev Files 423-426. Tarbuth, Kishinev Files 12/3/26,418. Union of Jewish Cooperatives of Bessarabia, Kishinev Files 423-426. Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina (WAG), Czernowitz Files 427-432. Wirtschaftsverband Juedischer Hochschueler, Czernowitz (Economic Association of Jewish University Students) Files 418. Yiddish School, Kishinev Files 4/19/29,418.

Series 3: Romania: Subject Matter

File 416: Romania: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1921 – 1932

Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, D. Mitrany, Jacob S. Potofsky, I. Rubinstein. Also see: Cernauti, File 434.

Romania: Subject Matter, Child Care, General, 1921 – 1932

File 417: Romania: Subject Matter, Child Care, Reports, 1922 – 1923, 1928

Child Care Committee, Cluj, November 1922-Sept 1923. . Child Care Committee, Czernowitz, Nov 1922-Sept 1923. Child Care Committee, Marmoros, December 1922-Sept 1923. Romania Reunion Cases, 5/9/24. Institutions for Orphan Care in Romania and Czechoslovakia, Wm. Bein, 1/15/29.

Romania: Subject Matter, Child Care, Reports, 1922 – 1923, 1928

File 418: Romania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1929

Statistical data on: Tarbuth schools Bessarabia, 12/3/26. Safah Ivriah schools, Bukowina, 6/29/22. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, D. J. Schweitzer, B. Zuckerman.

Romania: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, General, 1921 – 1929

File 418a: Romania: Subject Matter, Emergency Relief, 1928 – 1932

Institutions in Bessarabia subventioned by JDC, 1926 – 1928, 10/15/28. Reports on disaster conditions in Bessarabia, 3/8/29 (In German, plus excerpts in English), 3/11/29, 4/29/29, 12/16/29, 5/19/30. Aid by JDC and JDC Foundation 3/27/29, 3/29/29, 4/2/29, 4/23/32. Correspondence: Noel Aronovici, Paul Baerwald, D. A. Brown, W. Filderman, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, Louis Marshall, Irma May, Evelyn M. Morrissey, D. J. Schweitzer Also see: File 419, 11/28/28, 3/12/29.

Romania: Subject Matter, Emergency Relief, 1928 – 1932

File 418b: Romania: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1930

Correspondence: M. E. Baynton, A. Bercowitz, L. B. Bernstein, N. Flugelman, M. B. Hexter, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, M. Lewis, I. Rubinstein, B. Semel. Also see: Satu-Mare, File 434

Romania: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1930

File 419: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1921 – 1922 February

Instructions to I. Rubinstein as Representative of Reconstruction Department Romania, 8/16/21, 2/28/22 (The Latter is bound together with Conference Minutes on Romania, 2/23/22). Diary Report on Reconstruction activities, I. Rubinstein, 11/25/21. Minutes of Reconstruction Conference in Romania, 2/23/22 (bound copy). Correspondence: H. H. Lehman, A. A. Landesco, I. Rubinstein, S. Tipperman, H. Viteles.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1921 – 1922 February

File 420: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 March – 1932

Statements of appropriations, drawings, and undrawn balances, 2/20/23, 8/14/23, 8/30/23. Report: Reconstruction Activities in Romania, Noel Aronovici, 6/21/29 (German). Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, Louis Marshall, L. G. Robinson, I. Rubinstein. Also see: File 421, Transylvania, 1923 – 1924.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, 1922 March – 1932

File 421: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, Transylvania, 1923 – 1924

Digest by Joseph C. Hyman of I. Rubinstein’s Report on conditions in Transylvania, 11/6/22; for the Report itself, see: File 40i. Correspondence: H. Gell, J. Hirsch, Joseph C. Hyman, I. Millstein, L. G. Robinson, H. Viteles, H. Zoellner.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, General, Transylvania, 1923 – 1924

File 422: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agricultural Credits, 1922 – 1924

$10,000 appropriated by Reconstruction Committee for agricultural loans in Bessarabia 4/5/22. Report: Status of Jewish Agriculturalists in Bessarabia, I. Rubinstein, January 1923; summary by Joseph C. Hyman, 4/18/23. $6,000 for agricultural activities in Bessarabia included in JDC appropriation to ORT, 3/18/24. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, I. Millstein, L. Oungre, James N. Rosenberg, I. Rubinstein, H. Also see: Files 423-424

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agricultural Credits, 1922 – 1924

File 422a: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1922 – 1932

JDC loans $10,000 to Czernowitz Trade School “Morgenroit” for construction, 8/2/23, 1/15/24. Loan converted to grant, 5/22/25. JDC grants $5,000 more in 1927, 12/7/28. Extract from Hyman-Bressler Report (1929) on Morgenroit school. Photos of Morgenroit school in varying stages of construction. Correspondence: H. Gilishensky, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson, H. Viteles, H. Zoellner, B. Zuckerman Also see: File 434, Iclod.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1922 – 1932

File 423: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, 1921 November – 1922 June

Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev. (Earlier name: Syndicate of Bessarabian Cooperatives). Interest rates charged by loan cooperatives, 12/21/21, 2/10/22, 3/7/22, 3/22/22, 4/12/22, 6/1/22 pp 6-9. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, I. Millstein, I. Rubinstein.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, 1921 November – 1922 June

File 424: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, 1922 August – 1924

Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev. (Earlier name: Syndicate of Bessarabian Cooperatives). Reports: Activities of the Union and the loan cooperatives, January-June, 1922, 8/8/22; Jan 1, 1923, 4/23/23. Interest payments to JDC by the Union, 1/17/23 and attachment 1/8/23. JDC and ICA appropriate $25,000 to the Union, in equal shares, 5/25/23. JDC audit of the Union books and records 5/1/21-3/31/23, 6/10/23. Inspection trip to the Union and to loan cooperatives in Bessarabia, H. Viteles, 7/26/23. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, I. Millstein, L. Oungre, L. G. Robinson, I. Rubinstein, H. Viteles.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, 1922 August – 1924

File 425: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, Report: 1922 April 17

Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev. (Earlier name: Syndicate of Bessarabian Cooperatives). Report: Bessarabia Syndicate and Cooperatives, I. Rubinstein. The Report includes Exhibits A-G.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, Report: 1922 April 17

File 426: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, Report Annex

Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev. (Earlier name: Syndicate of Bessarabian Cooperatives). Annex A to Exhibit A of above Report.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Union of Bessarabian Cooperatives, Kishinev, Report Annex

File 427: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), 1921 – 1922 August

Preliminary reports on WAG affairs: attachments to 11/4/21; 2/13/22 and summary by Joseph C. Hyman, 3/16/22; 3/15/22; 4/5/22 (attachment to 4/14/22). JDC authorizes $100,000 loan to WAG, 4/14/22; summary of materials on interest and payments for the loan, by Joseph C. Hyman, 5/5/22, 5/8/22. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson, I. Rubinstein, H. Viteles.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), 1921 – 1922 August

File 428: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), 1922 September – 1924

JDC Audit Report of WAG, 5/1/21-3/31/23, 6/10/23. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, L. G. Robinson, H. Viteles.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), 1922 September – 1924

File 429: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), Report: WAG of Bukowina, Section I and II, 1920 October – 1921 November

Report: WAG of Bukowina, October 1920-November 1921, Harry Viteles. Section I, Introduction, Findings, Recommendations, 131 pp. Section II, Text of the Report, 186 pp.

Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), Report: WAG of Bukowina, Section I and II, 1920 October – 1921 November

File 430: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), Report: WAG of Bukowina, Section III and IV
File 431: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Wiederaufbaugesellschaft fuer die Juedische Bevoelkerung der Bukowina, Czernowitz (WAG), Report: WAG of Bukowina, Section III Exhibit E.
File 432: Romania: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Report: History of the WAG, Dr. Loewner
File 433: Romania: Subject Matter, Refugees, General and Financial

General: Reports: Journey in Romania and Bessarabia, B. Kahn, 7/15/21. Refugees activities in Romania, undated (1924?). Financial: Monthly financial reports, January-Sept 1923. Correspondence: Noel Aronovici, Dr. Bacilieri, B. D. Bogen, F. Brylawski, B. Kahn, A. Lucas, M. Lewis, L. Oungre, F. F. Rosenblatt, I. Rubinstein, L. L. Strauss, B. Zuckerman. Also see: File 103, Nansen Relief Commission.

Romania: Subject Matter, Refugees, General and Financial

Series 4: Romania: Localities

File 434: Romania: Localities

Arad 1928, 1931. Borscha 1929 – 1930. Report: Fire in Borscha, 7/31/30 (German). Correspondence: D. M. Bressler, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, Morris Waldman. Bricewa 1923. Bucharest 1932 – 1933. Cernauti 1929 Also see: File 422a, Morgenroit Trade School; Files 423-426, Syndicate of Bessarabian Cooperatives. Chisinau 1932 Also see: Files 427-432, WAG, File 417, Child Care Committee, Czernowitz. Cluj 1923 Also see: File 417, Child Care Committee, Cluj. Czernowitz See: Cernauti. Iasy 1929. Iclod 1929. Jassy See: Iasy. Kishinev See: Chisinau. Klausenburg See: Cluj. Maramorossziget 1929 Also see: File 417, Child Care Committee, Marmoros. Marmorosch-Sighet See: Maramorossziget. Rozavlea 1929. Satu-Mare 1927. Suceava 1924. Suczawa See: Suceava. Szatmar See: Satu-Mare. Viso 1929

Romania: Localities

Record Group 4.27: Switzerland

File 435: Switzerland

The materials pertain mainly to the TB Convalescent Home “Etania”, at Davos, and to Jewish Refugees students from Eastern Europe at the University of Geneva. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, B. Bogen, M. Bollag, B. Flexner, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, Wm. J. Mack, I. Speiser, F. M. Warburg, Max Warburg, Louis Wolsey.


Record Group 4.28: Syria

File 436: Syria: General, 1921, 1925 – 1927, 1931 – 1932

The JDC appropriated no funds for Syria in the years listed, but the materials are of interest nonetheless. The activities pertain to Aleppo, Beirut and Damascus. Correspondence: M. M. Attie, N. Behar, E. Boissier, Bernard Drachman, J. H. Hertz, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, H. M. Kalvarisky, A. N. Khouri, J. L. Magnes, R. E. Nehmod, Dr. Pinto, D. de Sola Pool, Miss Schwarz.

Syria: General, 1921, 1925 – 1927, 1931 – 1932

Record Group 4.29: Turkey

Series 1: Turkey: Administration

File 437: Turkey: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922

Correspondence, memos, reps, addenda. Dr. Tiomkin resigns as JDC representative in Constantinople, following investigation by B. Kahn of complaints of malfeasance and of unauthorized obligations incurred. B. Kahn organizes new local Refugees Committee, 8/23-31/21 (attachment to 9/21/21). Jacques Rieur sent to Constantinople to liquidate local JDC office, 10/18/21. Narrative Report by J. Rieur, 12/1/21. Rieur leaves JDC service, 2/27/22, 3/1/22. Also see: J. Rieur, File 51d. Correspondence: Haim Bejarano, H. J. Bernheim, B. D. Bogen, B. Kahn, A. Lucas, James N. Rosenberg, F. F. Rosenblatt, D. J. Schweitzer

Turkey: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922

File 438: Turkey: Administration, Financial, 1921 – 1924

a. General. JDC reimburses U. S. State Department for wartime disbursements in Turkey by Ambassador Morgenthau, 11/9/21 – 11/30/21. JDC controversy with Guaranty Trust Co. NY. on overpayments in Constatinople made by latter. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Louis D. Brandeis, Wm. McNeir, Henry Morgenthau, F. M. Warburg. b. Audit Reports, Loeb and Troper. 1922, Annual. 1923, January-June Semi-annual. July-Sept Quarterly. Oct-Dec Quarterly. 1924, January-Mar Quarterly. Apr-June Quarterly

Turkey: Administration, Financial, 1921 – 1924

Series 2: Turkey: Organizations

File 439: Turkey: Organizations

Materials on the organizations presented below are contained in the files listed: Caisse de Petits Prets de Constantinople Files 442. Central Reconstruction Committee of Constantinople Files 8/28/22-9/26/22,442. Communaute des Juifs Aschkenazim a la Constantinople Files 5/11/23,439. Federation of Mutual Aid of the Jews of Russia, Constantinople, see: Mutual Aid Federation. Mutual Aid Federation of the Jews of Russia in Constantinople Files 439. Near East Relief Files 97,440. Phelps-Stokes Fund Files 443b. Secours aux Israelitas Ottomans Eprouves de la Guerre, Commission Central Files 437.

Turkey: Organizations

Series 3: Turkey: Subject Matter

File 440: Turkey: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1928

Narrative Report: Near East and Balkan States, J. Rieur, 12/1/21, pp 5, 10, 14, 17. Financial reports, Child Care Committee, Constantinople, Dec 1922-June 1923, July, Aug, Sept, Oct-Dec 1923, January-March, April -June 1924. Photos, Jewish Orphanage Constantinople, undated. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Joseph C. Hyman, H. C. Jaquith, B. Kahn Also see: Near East Relief, File 97.

Turkey: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1921 – 1928

File 441: Turkey: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1928

Elementary Jewish schools in Constantinople, 3/13/22. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, S. Bero, B. D. Bogen, L. Cohan, A. Lucas, D. F. Marcus, James N. Rosenberg, F. F. Rosenblatt, W. Senator, A. Teitelbaum.

Turkey: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1928

File 441a: Turkey: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1922, 1928

Report: Near East and Balkan States, J. Rieur, 12/1/21, pp 2, 12, 17. Correspondence: W. Gellner, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, Nathan Straus.

Turkey: Subject Matter, Medical, 1921 – 1922, 1928

File 442: Turkey: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, 1922 – 1924

Reports: Near East and Balkan States, J. Rieur, 12/1/21, pp 15, 17. Constantinople, F. F. Rosenblatt, 9/6/22. Trip to Near East (Caisse de Petits Pres de Constantinople), H. Viteles, 11/7/23 – 11/17/23. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, S. Mitrani, W. R. Monteser, L. G. Robinson, F. F. Rosenblatt, H. Viteles, I. H. Warshow, H. Zoellner

Turkey: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, 1922 – 1924

File 443: Turkey: Subject Matter, Refugees

A: General, 1921 – 1924. Narrative Report: Refugees Problem in constantinople, attachment to 12/4/21. Financial Reports, Refugees Committee Constantinople, monthly, Jan – Sept 1923. Correspondence: W. Gellner, B. Kahn, Wm. J. Mack, W. R. Monteser, James N. Rosenberg, D. J. Schweitzer, S. Tiomkin. Also see: File 437, Report by B. Kahn, 8/23/21-8/31/21 (attachment to 9/21/21). File 442, Report by J. Rieur, 12/1/21, pp 6 – 10. B: Aid to Phelps Stokes Fund, 1927 – 1932. JDC appropriates $3,000 to aid Russian refugees in Constantinople threatened with expulsion by Turkish Government, 1/12/28, 1/14/28, 1/18/28, 2/3/28, 3/8/28. JDC appropriates $8,000 more and Emergency Relief Committee appropriates $8,000 for the same purpose, 2/14/30, 2/20/30, 1/27/32. Correspondence: D. M. Bressler, E. R. Embree, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, A. V. S. Mitchell, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Fridjof Nansen, A. P. Stokes, L. Wolf.

Turkey: Subject Matter, Refugees

File 444: Turkey: Subject Matter, Refugees, Weekly Statistical Reports, 1922 January – June
File 445: Turkey: Subject Matter, Refugees, Weekly Statistical Reports, 1922 July – 1923 March

Series 4: Turkey: Localities

File 446: Turkey: Localities

Adrianople 1923. Ankara 1921 – 1922. Gallipoli 1922. Salonika 1923. Smyrna 1922 – 1923. Correspondence: L. Cohan, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, W. Monteser, L. G. Robinson.

Turkey: Localities

Record Group 4.30: USSR

Series 1: USSR: Administration

Correspondence, memos, reports, addenda.

File 447: USSR: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922 May

Committee on Russia reactivated and Lewis Strauss named Acting Chairman, 11/21/21. Approval of a grant of $2,500,000 to American Relief Administration and of a joint ARA-JDC operation in the Ukraine and Crimea, 3/14/22. Joseph A. Rosen reports critically on lack of effectiveness in JDC working relations with ARA, 1/25/22. Joseph A. Rosen’s achievements in Russia, 4/4/22. The file includes a series of numbered letters by B. D. Bogen to L. L. Strauss, #1 – 11, 4/10/22-5/31/22, telling of his trips to the Ukraine as the JDC representative on the staff of ARA. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, I. Hershfield, F. C. Page, J. Rosenberg, F. F. Rosenblatt, L. L. Strauss. Also see: Committee on Russia, File 42. Reconstruction Committee, Sub-Committee on Russia, File 40h, ARA, USSR, Files 488, 490.

USSR: Administration, General, 1921 – 1922 May

File 448: USSR: Administration, General, 1922 June – September

The series of numbered letters by B. D. Bogen to L. L. Strauss continues, #12-60, 6/6/22-9/30/22, with gaps interspersed in between. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, Walter Duranty, W. H. Haskell, F. C. Page, James N. Rosenberg, L. L. Strauss. Also see: Committee on Russia, File 42. Reconstruction Committee, Sub-Committee on Russia, File 40h. ARA, USSR, Files 488, 490.

USSR: Administration, General, 1922 June – September

File 449: USSR: Administration, General, 1922 October – 1923 March

JDC appropriates $1,250,000 to American Relief Administration program for childfeeding in the Ukraine and White Russia, 10/20/22, 10/24/22, and $1,240,000 for Reconstruction program under supervision of JDC Reconstruction Committee. Correspondence: Henry G. Alsberg, B. D. Bogen, H. H. Lehman, James N. Rosenberg, L. L. Strauss, F. M. Warburg. Also see: Committee on Russia, File 42. Reconstruction Committee, Sub-Committee on Russia, File 40h, ARA, USSR, Files 489-491.

USSR: Administration, General, 1922 October – 1923 March

File 450: USSR: Administration, General, 1923 April – 1927

Herbert Hoover expresses views on JDC activities in USSR, 8/18/23. Summaries of reports on JDC activities in USSR, 2/9/24, 6/19/25. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, B. Kahn, Evelyn M. Morrissey, J. Rosen, L. L. Strauss, F. M. Warburg. Also see: Committee on Russia, File 42. ARA, USSR, Files 489-491.

USSR: Administration, General, 1923 April – 1927

File 451: USSR: Administration, General, 1931, 1935 – 1936, 1944 – 1948

Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, M. A. Leavitt, Evelyn M. Morrissey, J. Rosen

USSR: Administration, General, 1931, 1935 – 1936, 1944 – 1948

File 452: USSR: Administration, General Administration, 1922 – 1923

Lists of persons who served JDC in Russia, 3/2/23 – 12/15/23. Correspondence: I. Hershfield, F. C. Page, James N. Rosenberg, L. L. Strauss, F. M. Warburg.

USSR: Administration, General Administration, 1922 – 1923

File 453: USSR: Administration, Publicity, 1921 – 1922

Correspondence, memos, press clippings and magazine articles. For other publicity materials on USSR, see: Agro-Joint and American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Files 526-532

USSR: Administration, Publicity, 1921 – 1922

File 454: USSR: Administration, Publicity, 1923

Correspondence, memos, press clippings and magazine articles. For other publicity materials on USSR, see: Agro-Joint and American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Files 526-532

USSR: Administration, Publicity, 1923

File 455: USSR: Administration, Publicity, 1924

Correspondence, memos, press clippings and magazine articles. For other publicity materials on USSR, see: Agro-Joint and American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Files 526-532

USSR: Administration, Publicity, 1924

File 456: USSR: Administration, Relations with Soviet Government and Its Agencies, 1922 – 1924

Temporary Agreement, JDC-Soviet Government 9/22/22 . Agreement, JDC-Soviet Government 12/11/22 . Agreement, JDC-Kiev Gubernia Militia, 11/9/22 . Agreement, JDC-MOSSELPROM, 3/3/23. Agreement, JDC-Guard Staff, Southwest R. R. undated . Correspondence: S. Bero, B. Kehn, H. H. Lehman, J. Rosen, L. L. Strauss. Also see: File 90, 11/15/21, Kahn to Rosenberg.

USSR: Administration, Relations with Soviet Government and Its Agencies, 1922 – 1924

File 457: USSR: Administration, Narrative Reports, 1922 – 1924

Report: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Russia, January 1924 (1 copy and 1 set of galleys).

USSR: Administration, Narrative Reports, 1922 – 1924

File 457a: USSR: Administration, Narrative Reports, 1925 – 1932 (Including Agro-Joint)

My trip to Russia, June-July 1925, Dr. B. Kahn. Founding a New Life for Suffering Thousands, Joseph A. Rosen, 1925 The New Exodus, D. A. Brown, 1925. Jewish Situation in Eastern Europe including Russia, J. Billikopf and M. B. Hexter, 1926. Present Status of Russian Jewish Agricultural Colonization and the Outlook, Joseph A. Rosen, 1926. After Three Years, Joseph A. Rosen, F. M. Warburg and James H. Becker, 1927

USSR: Administration, Narrative Reports, 1925 – 1932 (Including Agro-Joint)

File 457b: USSR: Administration, Narrative Reports, Interviews of Agro-Joint Workers

(Acc988.09): Transcripts of interviews with 4 Agro-Joint colonists, collected in 1985 – 1986 by Chizuko Takao, Japanese student living in Jerusalem. Subjects: Simon Yampolski. Benjamin Gorshtein. Itschak and Rivka Falkowitz. Shterna Ninburg. Sent by Ms. Chizuko, 2/88. **As of this entry (2/24/88), terms of gift/donation have not been determined.

USSR: Administration, Narrative Reports, Interviews of Agro-Joint Workers

File 458: USSR: Administration, Report: JDC Activities in Russia, B. Bogen

Report: JDC Activities in Russia, 11/1/22 – 10/31/23 by B. D. Bogen. Includes map of localities where JDC relief operations were conducted.

USSR: Administration, Report: JDC Activities in Russia, B. Bogen

File 459: USSR: Administration, Report: White Russia, Vitebsk, Gomel and Smolensk, 1923 February to November, by Edward Rosenblum

Report: White Russia, Vitebsk, Gomel and Smolensk, Feb-Nov, 1923, by Edward Rosenblum.

USSR: Administration, Report: White Russia, Vitebsk, Gomel and Smolensk, 1923 February to November, by Edward Rosenblum

File 460: USSR: Administration, Report: Ukraine, undated (1923?) and unsigned.

Report: Ukraine, undated (1923?) and unsigned.

USSR: Administration, Report: Ukraine, undated (1923?) and unsigned.

File 461: USSR: Administration, Financial, General, 1922 – 1924, 1927

Memos, Correspondence, Financial statements. JDC expenditures in Russia, 1920 – 1927, undated. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, H. J. Bernheim, B. Blattner, Evelyn M. Morrissey, J. Pollinger, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, D. J. Schweitzer, L. L. Strauss, M. C. Troper.

USSR: Administration, Financial, General, 1922 – 1924, 1927

File 462: USSR: Administration, Financial, Reports: Russian Activities and Russian Central Office Moscow

Russian Activities, October 1922-March 1923, Loeb and Troper Audit Report. Russian Central Office Moscow, Monthly Reports July 1923-April 1924

USSR: Administration, Financial, Reports: Russian Activities and Russian Central Office Moscow

File 463: USSR: Administration, Financial: Reports, Cash Receipts and Disbursements
File 464: USSR: Administration, Financial, Report: Russian Liquidation Committee

Russian Liquidation Committee, Moscow. April-June 1924 Quarterly. July 1924-June 1926 Monthly

USSR: Administration, Financial, Report: Russian Liquidation Committee

File 465: USSR: Administration, Financial Reports, short/various

Russian Activities, 1922 – 1928. Supplementary Statement, Dr. Rosen Special Account, June 1924-September 1926. JDC Liquidation Committee, Medical and Relief Work in Russia. April 1924-September 1926 (2 copies). October 1926-September 1927 (2 copies). October 1927-December 1928. Brief Summary of Russian Activities, 1924 – 1928

USSR: Administration, Financial Reports, short/various

File 466: USSR: Administration, Financial: Petrograd Claims

The claims arose from sums in roubles advanced in 1919 to the EKOPO (Jewish Committee for the Relief of War Sufferers), by individuals and organizations in Petrograd, for use in relief activities. The EKOPO was subsidized earlier by the JDC. The JDC accepted the claims as a moral obligation and individual settlements were effected in 1921 and thereafter. Claims: B. Aranowitch, J. Friedland, I. Jefroykin, E. Kassel, R. Monosson, L. Klueger.

USSR: Administration, Financial: Petrograd Claims

File 467: USSR: Administration, Financial: Petrograd Claims

The claims arose from sums in roubles advanced in 1919 to the EKOPO (Jewish Committee for the Relief of War Sufferers), by individuals and organizations in Petrograd, for use in relief activities. The EKOPO was subsidized earlier by the JDC. The JDC accepted the claims as a moral obligation and individual settlements were effected in 1921 and thereafter. Claims: C. A. Pines, F. M. Schapiro, H. Sliosberg, J. Yazunski, Zionist Central Committee of Russia.

USSR: Administration, Financial: Petrograd Claims

File 467a: USSR: Administration, Financial: Soloveichik Claim

Summary of the history of this interesting claim from Vladivostok, by Evelyn M. Morrissey, 1927 February 23

USSR: Administration, Financial: Soloveichik Claim

Series 2: USSR: Organizations

File 468: USSR: Organizations, American Friends Service Committee to Ukrainian Red Cross

The materials are contained in the files noted in the column to the left. American Friends Service Committee Files 91 b 12/29/22 – 1/16/23, 482. American Relief Administration (ARA) Files 488-491. COMZET See: KOMZET. EKOPO Files 466-467. EKOPO, Petrograd, 1923 Files 468. EVOBKOM 471. “Evrabmol” Trade School, Odessa Files 5/28/26, 485. Frigator School, Odessa Files 5/12/35, 485. Hebrew Art Theatre, (Habima) Files 468. Moscow, 1922 – 1923 Files 3/28/23, 472. Hebrew Historical-Ethnographic Society, 1922 Files 472. Hebrew University, Petrograd, 1922 Files 472. Hecholutz, 1927 468. ICA, 1922 – 1930 469 . IDGESKOM, 1922 468. Institute of Higher Hebrew Sciences, Petrograd 3/28/23, Files 472. Jewish Public Committee for the Relief of Pogrom Victims, 1921 Files 468. Jewish University of Petrograd, 1921 – 1922 Files 472. Khal Adath Israel of Kiev Files 498. KOMZET Files 2/16/31, 510 1/15/29, 521. “Metall School #6”, Odessa Files 12/29/28-5/29/29, 485. OPE, Petrograd Files 3/28/23, 472. ORT, 1921 – 1925 Files 469a. OSE Files 481. OZET Files 6/24/37, 510. Ratmansky School, Kiev Files 5/18/35, 485. Society for the Promotion of Jewish Knowledge, 1922 Files 472. Trud School, Odessa Files 2/10/23, 472 5/11/35, 485. Ukrainian Provinces Diocesan Relief Fund, 1922 Files 468. Ukrainian Red Cross Delegation in Western Europe, 1922 Files 468.

USSR: Organizations, American Friends Service Committee to Ukrainian Red Cross

File 469: SSR: Organizations, ICA, 1922 – 1930

Correspondence: Saul Arons, L. Cohen, G. Davidson, O. E. d’Avigdor Goldsmid, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, F. Phillipson, L. Oungre, L. Robinson, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, L. Sack, F. M. Warburg

SSR: Organizations, ICA, 1922 – 1930

File 469a: USSR: Organizations, ORT, 1921 – 1924

Correspondence: L. Bramson, W. L. Brown, F. Hardy, H. S. Gans, A. A. Landesco, H. H. Lehman, M. M. Mitchell, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Organizations, ORT, 1921 – 1924

Series 3: USSR: Subject Matter

File 470: USSR: Subject Matter, Care of the Aged, 1924 – 1927

JDC Schedules of Aid to Homes for the Aged, 1924 – 1927.

USSR: Subject Matter, Care of the Aged, 1924 – 1927

File 471: USSR: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1924 – 1927

JDC Schedules of Aid for Child Care, 1924 – 1927 Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, F. C. Page.

USSR: Subject Matter, Child Care, 1924 – 1927

File 472: SSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1926

Letter, Simon Dubnow to Sholem Asch requesting JDC aid for starving scholars at Jewish University of Petrograd, 8/5/21. JDC Cultural Committee appropriates $30,000 as discretionary fund to B. D. Bogen to aid rabbis and teachers providing Jewish religious education, 12/14/22. Bogen requests additional funds for Jewish cultural purposes, 7/14/23. Replies by Cyrus Adler, 8/17/23, and by B. D. Bogen, 9/17/23. JDC appropriates $75,000, as discretionary fund to Dr. Rosen, for religious education in Russia, 9/1/26, 9/8/26. Aide-memoire on Jewish religious education in Russia, (writer unnamed), enclosure to 9/22/26. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Henry G. Alsberg, Sholem Asch, S. Bero, Jacob Billikopf, B. D. Bogen, M. Gillis, B. Kahn, G. Leikin, Wm. J. Mack, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, S. Soudbinine, L. L. Strauss, P. Wiernik Also see: File 478, 1922 – 1926

SSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1921 – 1926

File 473: USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1927 January – July

J. Rosen reports on expenditure of $75,000 discretionary fund, 7/12/27. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Jacob Billikopf, W. H. Haffkine, Joseph C. Hyman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, I. Schneersohn, S. Zeitlin

USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1927 January – July

File 474: USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1927 August – December

Dr. Rosen reports earmarking $75,000 in Agro-Joint funds for Cultural purposes, 12/5/27. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Jacob Billikopf, Joseph C. Hyman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, F. M. Warburg.

USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1927 August – December

File 475: USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1928

JDC discusses transmittal of funds to USSR for special Cultural activities, 1/5/28-2/29/28. Funds transmitted via Rabbi I. Schneersohn, Riga, 4/16/28-4/30/28, 5/24/28, 7/9/28, 8/16/28. Statistical Report on Jewish religious instruction in USSR, undated, unsigned. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Ch. O. Grodzienski, S. Gourary, M. Hildesheimer, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, Louis Marshall, James N. Rosenberg, I. Schneersohn, D. J. Schweitzer, F. M. Warburg, S. Zeitlin.

USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1928

File 476: USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1929

JDC appropriates $25,000 for special Cultural activities in USSR. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, S. Gourary, Joseph C. Hyman, Louis Marshall, I. Schneersohn, A. Teitelbaum, P. Wiernik. Also see: File 478, 1929

USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1929

File 477: USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1930 – 1932

Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Ch. O. Grodzienski, S. Goldman, S. Gourary, Joseph C. Hyman, I. Schneersohn, A. Teitelbaum. Also see: File 478, 1931 – 1932

USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, 1930 – 1932

File 478: USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Matzoth and Passover Relief

JDC appropriates $10,000 for shipment of Matzoth packages to the USSR, 3/9/29. Union of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis (Agudath Harabonim) raises $50,000 more and the JDC transmitted most of the funds 3/19/29-5/22/29. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, B. D. Bogen, H. S. Gans, S. Gourary, M. Hildesheimer, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, L. Kamaiky, G. Manischewitz, Evelyn M. Morrissey, F. C. Page, I. Schneersohn, D. J. Schweitzer, L. L. Strauss, A. Teitelbaum, F. M. Warburg, S. Zeitlin.

USSR: Subject Matter, Cultural and Religious, Matzoth and Passover Relief

File 479: USSR: Subject Matter, Medical Care: General, 1921 – 1931

Reports on Medical Commission of the Joint, 6/25/26, 8/1/26, November 1928 Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, P. Fireman, B. Kahn, H. H. Lehman, H. Plotz, James N. Rosenberg, S. J. Rosenblatt, F. M. Warburg

USSR: Subject Matter, Medical Care: General, 1921 – 1931

File 480: USSR: Subject Matter, Medical Care, Reports: 1923 – 1929
File 481: USSR: Subject Matter, Medical Care, OSE, 1922 – 1925

Correspondence: B. Bogen, A. M. Bramson, B. Kahn, M. Gran, James N. Rosenberg, L. L. Strauss, F. M. Warburg, O. Warburg.

USSR: Subject Matter, Medical Care, OSE, 1922 – 1925

File 482: USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1928

Reconstruction Committee designates Dr. Rosen as its representative in the USSR to administer its funds, and it appropriates $1,240,000 for use in USSR, 9/21/22. Report by Dr. Rosen on expenditure of the appropriation, undated (January 1924?). In 1923 – 1924, JDC Reconstruction expenditures in the USSR aggregated $1,290,000, 4/12/24. Extracts from Minutes of Meetings, JDC Executive Committee on Reconstruction activities in the USSR, 1922 – 1928. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, L. Oungre, L. G. Robinson, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, L. L. Strauss.

USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: General, 1921 – 1928

File 483: USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agriculture, 1921 – 1934

JDC appropriates $100,000 to buy implements, seeds, etc. for colonists in the Ukraine, 7/10/22. Report on Reconstruction Relief, USSR, 7/31/23, pp. 2-5, (author unnamed). Appropriations for agricultural aid in USSR, 1921 – 1923, by JDC Reconstruction Committee, 9/20/23. Correspondence: Henry G. Alsberg, M. Belenky, B. D. Bogen, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, J. Marcus, Evelyn M. Morrissey, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, L. L. Strauss, W. K. Thomas, P. Wierni. Also see: Agro-Joint, Files 508-509.

USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agriculture, 1921 – 1934

File 484: USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan and Gemiloth Chessed Kassas

The Loan Kassas granted Loans for productive purposes, while the Gemiloth Chessed Kassas also granted small loans for temporary relief. Dr. Rosen reports on credit activities in the USSR, 2/9/23. Loan Kassas established by the JDC Reconstruction Department in cooperation with ICA, 11/20/23. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Loan and Gemiloth Chessed Kassas

File 485: USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Trade Schools,

Digest of Report, in Russian, on professional-technical education, 1/1/24 – 10/1/30. Correspondence: Saul Arons, Joseph C. Hyman, J. Rosen, M. Senior.

USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction: Trade Schools,

File 486: USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agro-Joint Report, “Concerning its Industrial Work, 1934”

Agro-Joint Report, “Concerning its Industrial Work, 1934”. The Report deals mainly with trade school courses for artisans and industrial workers.

USSR: Subject Matter, Reconstruction, Agro-Joint Report, “Concerning its Industrial Work, 1934”

File 487: USSR: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1925

Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, D. M. Bressler, B. Kahn, J. Rosen, F. F. Rosenblatt.

USSR: Subject Matter, Refugees, 1921 – 1925

File 488: USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, American Relief Administration (ARA), General, 1921 – 1922 July

JDC appropriates up to $2,500,000 to American Relief Administration for joint operation with JDC in the Ukraine and Crimea, 3/16/22-3/30/22. Agreement on relief in Ukraine reached by JDC and ARA, 3/28/22-4/8/22. Rosenberg criticizes workings of agreement with ARA, 5/26/22; also see: File 447, 1/25/22. Differences ironed out, 6/2/22-6/6/22, and agreement signed, 6/19/22. Correspondence: W. L. Brown, H. S. Gans, W. R. Grove, W. H. Haskell, Herbert Hoover, F. C. Page, James N. Rosenberg, R. H. Sawtelle, L. L. Strauss, C. Sulzberger. Also see: File 92, American Relief Administration AUSTRIA, Files 175 – 176, American Relief Administration POLAND, File 338, ARA. In 1919, the American Relief Administration was created by the U. S. Government. to provide non-sectarian relief to the destitute in war-torn countries. Herbert Hoover was named Administrator. In August 1921, the American Relief Administration concluded the Riga Agreement with the USSR Government. Under that Agreement, the JDC and the American Relief Administration cooperated in the grant of non-sectarian relief, in the USSR. The JDC appropriated about $3,600,000, in 1921 – 1922, for expenditure under American Relief Administration supervision. The funds went mainly for child-feeding programs in the Ukraine and White Russia. The JDC also participated in American Relief Administration package programs for the distribution of food and clothing. Dr. Boris Bogen and Dr. Joseph A. Rosen served as JDC representatives on the staff of ARA, USSR. On the American Relief Administration side, Walter Lyman Brown served as Director for Europe, Col. Wm. H. Haskell as Director in Russia, and Col. Wm. R. Grove as American Relief Administration Supervisor in the Ukraine.

USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, American Relief Administration (ARA), General, 1921 – 1922 July

File 489: USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies: American Relief Administration (ARA), General, 1922 August – 1923 June

New JDC-ARA Agreement calls for American Relief Administration programs in the Ukraine and White Russia to continue into 1923, 8/14/22, 9/14/22. JDC transmits $1,250,000 to American Relief Administration for child feeding program, 9/2/22. JDC-ARA Agreement for clothing draft system, 9/25/22 (corrected 12/29/22). American Relief Administration to continue operations in USSR until June 1923, 9/29/22. Rosen becomes JDC representative in USSR for Reconstruction activities and Bogen JDC representative on American Relief Administration Ukraine Unit, for relief activities, 10/14/22. American Relief Administration discontinues food and clothing remittances to USSR effective March 15, 1923, 2/20/23. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, W. L. Brown, W. H. Haskell, M. Menachem, Evelyn M. Morrissey, F. C. Page, James N. Rosenberg, R. H. Sawtelle, L. L. Strauss, F. M. Warburg. Also see: File 92, Organizations, American Relief Administration AUSTRIA, Files 175 – 176, American Relief Administration POLAND, File 338, ARA. In 1919, the American Relief Administration was created by the U. S. Government. to provide non-sectarian relief to the destitute in war-torn countries. Herbert Hoover was named Administrator. In August 1921, the American Relief Administration concluded the Riga Agreement with the USSR Government. Under that Agreement, the JDC and the American Relief Administration cooperated in the grant of non-sectarian relief, in the USSR. The JDC appropriated about $3,600,000, in 1921 – 1922, for expenditure under American Relief Administration supervision. The funds went mainly for child-feeding programs in the Ukraine and White Russia. The JDC also participated in American Relief Administration package programs for the distribution of food and clothing. Dr. Boris Bogen and Dr. Joseph A. Rosen served as JDC representatives on the staff of ARA, USSR. On the American Relief Administration side, Walter Lyman Brown served as Director for Europe, Col. Wm. H. Haskell as Director in Russia, and Col. Wm. R. Grove as American Relief Administration Supervisor in the Ukraine.

USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies: American Relief Administration (ARA), General, 1922 August – 1923 June

File 490: USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies: American Relief Administration (ARA), Individual Packages – Food, 1921 – 1923

ARA agrees to accept Russian food package remittances from the JDC, 11/4/21, 11/10/21, 11/16/21, 12/3/21. Standard $10 food package contains 117 lbs. of food, 11/7/21. American Relief Administration advises that food packages can no longer be delivered to specified individuals, 11/28/22. American Relief Administration reports on volume of food package deliveries, 12/20/22, 2/20/23. Correspondence: H. J. Bernheim, B. D. Bogen, Herbert Hoover, H. H. Fisher, Wm. J. Mack, Evelyn M. Morrissey, I. M. Naishtut, S. Newborg, F. C. Page, James N. Rosenberg, F. F. Rosenblatt, L. L. Strauss, E. Troper. In 1919, the American Relief Administration was created by the U. S. Government. to provide non-sectarian relief to the destitute in war-torn countries. Herbert Hoover was named Administrator. In August 1921, the American Relief Administration concluded the Riga Agreement with the USSR Government. Under that Agreement, the JDC and the American Relief Administration cooperated in the grant of non-sectarian relief, in the USSR. The JDC appropriated about $3,600,000, in 1921 – 1922, for expenditure under American Relief Administration supervision. The funds went mainly for child-feeding programs in the Ukraine and White Russia. The JDC also participated in American Relief Administration package programs for the distribution of food and clothing. Dr. Boris Bogen and Dr. Joseph A. Rosen served as JDC representatives on the staff of ARA, USSR. On the American Relief Administration side, Walter Lyman Brown served as Director for Europe, Col. Wm. H. Haskell as Director in Russia, and Col. Wm. R. Grove as American Relief Administration Supervisor in the Ukraine.

USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies: American Relief Administration (ARA), Individual Packages – Food, 1921 – 1923

File 491: USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, American Relief Administration (ARA), ARA Individual Packages – Clothing, 1922 – 1923

JDC-ARA Agreement for clothing package remittances to USSR; JDC agrees to advance $250,000 subject to repayment by ARA, 9/25/22, (corrected as of 12/29/22), 11/18/22, 12/4/22. American Relief Administration agrees to return $250,000 advance in cash, 8/15/23. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, Wm. J. Mack, Louis Marshall, Evelyn M. Morrissey, James N. Rosenberg, F. F. Rosenblatt, R. H. Sawtelle, L. L. Strauss, P. Wiernik. In 1919, the American Relief Administration was created by the U. S. Government. to provide non-sectarian relief to the destitute in war-torn countries. Herbert Hoover was named Administrator. In August 1921, the American Relief Administration concluded the Riga Agreement with the USSR Government. Under that Agreement, the JDC and the American Relief Administration cooperated in the grant of non-sectarian relief, in the USSR. The JDC appropriated about $3,600,000, in 1921 – 1922, for expenditure under American Relief Administration supervision. The funds went mainly for child-feeding programs in the Ukraine and White Russia. The JDC also participated in American Relief Administration package programs for the distribution of food and clothing. Dr. Boris Bogen and Dr. Joseph A. Rosen served as JDC representatives on the staff of ARA, USSR. On the American Relief Administration side, Walter Lyman Brown served as Director for Europe, Col. Wm. H. Haskell as Director in Russia, and Col. Wm. R. Grove as American Relief Administration Supervisor in the Ukraine.

USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, American Relief Administration (ARA), ARA Individual Packages – Clothing, 1922 – 1923

File 492: USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Student Feeding, 1922 – 1923

Memo of Agreement by the Student Friendship Fund of the American Colleges and the JDC for cooperation in student feeding in Russia, 10/4/22. Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, D. A. Brown, E. T. Colton, Wm. J. Mack. Also see: File 97, Student Friendship Fund GERMANY, File 205, 11/21/23-5/7/24

USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Student Feeding, 1922 – 1923

File 493: USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Letters of Thanks for JDC Supplies, 1922 – 1923

Letters in Russian, some in English translation, some in Hebrew and English.

USSR: Subject Matter, Relief Supplies, Letters of Thanks for JDC Supplies, 1922 – 1923

Series 4: USSR: Localities

File 494: USSR: Localities, General and A-B

List of cities, towns and villages to which Landsmannschaft remittances were sent, 2/20/23. See: Files 125 – 128 for additional materials on individual remittances. (Locality, Gubernia, Years). Aleksandriya, Yekaterinoslav, 1921 – 1923. Aleksandrovka, Yekaterinoslav, 1922 – 1923. Aleksandrovka, Kiev, 1922 – 1923. Ananjev, Kherson, Undated. Artomovsk, 1929. Bakhmut, Donets, 1922 – 1923. Balta, Odessa, 1921 – 1923. Bar, 1923. Baranovka, Novograd, 1923,. Belaya Cherkov, Kiev, 1923. Berdichev, 1922 – 1923,. Berdyansk, 1922. Berezino, Odessa, 1923,. Berezovka, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Beshenkovichi, Vitebsk, 1922 – 1923. Bobr, Vitebsk, 1923. Bobruisk, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Bogopol, See: Pervomaysk. Boguslav, Kiev, 1921 – 1924. Borisov Minsk, 1921 – 1923. Botchiekovo, Vitebsk, Undated. Bratslav, Podolsk, 1922 – 1923. Brusilov Kiev, 1921 – 1922. Buki, Kiev, 1923. Bykhovka, Gomel, 1923

USSR: Localities, General and A-B

File 495: USSR: Localities, C-D

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Chaltek, 1923. Chashniki, Vitebsk, 1923. Chausy, Gomel, 1922 – 1923. Chechelnik, Podolsk, 1922 – 1923. Chereja, Vitebsk, 1923. Cherkassy, Kiev, 1921 – 1923. Chernigov, Chernigov, 1923. Chernobyl, Kiev, 1922 – 1923. Choinike, See: Khoiniki. Chudnov, Volynsk, 1923. Dashev, Kiev, 1923. Domanevka, Odessa, 1922 – 1923. Drissa, Vitebsk, 1922 – 1923. Dubossary, Kherson, 1922 – 1923. Dubrovno, Smolensk, 1921 – 1924. Ducor, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Dymer, Kiev, 1923. Dzygovka, Podolsk, 1923

USSR: Localities, C-D

File 496: USSR: Localities, E – I

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Eurewitch, Gomel, 1921 – 1924. Fastov, Kiev, 1921 – 1923. Gadyach, 1923. Galta, 1923. Gaysin, Podolsk, 1923. Genichesk, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Glusk, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Gomel, Gomel, 1922 – 1923, Also see: File 459, Report by E. Rosenblum. Gornostaypol, Kiev, 1923. Gorodok, Podolsk, 1922 – 1923. Grafskoi, Yekaterinoslav, 1921 – 1922. Gulaipolya, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Habnoe, Kiev, 1923. Husiatyn Podolsk, 1923. Ignatovka, Kiev, 1923. Igumen, Minsk, 1922. Ilino, Vitebsk, 1922. Iljintzy, Kiev, 1921 – 1923. Ivankov, Kiev, 1923

USSR: Localities, E – I

File 497: USSR: Localities, J-K (except Kiev)

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Jabokritch, Podolsk, 1923. Jerebets, 1922. Jivotov, Kiev, 1923. Jornishche, Kiev, 1923. Kachovka, 1922 – 1923. Kaidanovo, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Kalinkovichi, Gomel, 1923. Kalinovka, Podolsk, 1923. Kalus, Podolsk, 1922. Kamen, Vitebsk, 1923. Kamenny Brod, Volynsk, 1923. Kaputkevich, Minsk, 1923. Kharkhov, Kharkhov, 1923, 1927, Correspondence: V. Bassin, B. Bogen, Joseph C. Hyman. Khashchavatoye, Podolsk, 1923. Khislavitchi Smolensk. Khmelnik Podolsk, 1922 – 1924. Khodorov, Kiev, 1922 – 1923. Khciniki, Gomel, 1922 – 1923. Kitai Gorod, Kiev, 1923 . Kochanovo, Vitebsk, 1922 – 1923. Konstantinovka, Donets, 1923. Kopaigorod, Podolsk, 1923. Kopesta, Gomel, 1921. Kopyl, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Kopys, Smolensk, 1923. Korosten, Volynsk, 1923. Korostyshev, Kiev, 1922 – 1923. Korsun, Kiev, 1923. Koshevata, Kiev, 1921 – 1922. Krasnoye, Podolsk, 1923. Kremenchug, Krementchug, 1922 – 1923. Krivoi Rog, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Kowoye Ozero, Odessa, 1921 – 1923. Kublitz, Vitebsk, 1922. Kulchin, Volhyn, 1921 – 1923. Kupin, Podolsk, 1923. Kursk, 1923

USSR: Localities, J-K (except Kiev)

File 498: USSR: Localities, Kiev and Kiev District

U. S. Landsmannschaften Activities (Kiev) 1922 – 1924 JDC Activities (Kiev and Kiev District) 1922 – 1926 Statistics on Jewish needs in 67 localities in Kiev District, 3/26/23. Correspondence: B. Bogen, Joseph C. Hyman, I. M. Kowalsky, A. Margolin, Evelyn M. Morrissey, I. M. Naishtut, Joseph A. Rosen, L. L. Strauss

USSR: Localities, Kiev and Kiev District

File 499: USSR: Localities, L-Mink

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Labun, Volynsk, 1923. Ladyzhinka, Podolsk, 1923. Lanzkorun, Podolsk, 1923. Leatichev, Podolsk, 1923. Lebedin, Kharkov, 1923. Lepel, Vitebsk, 1923. Lipovets, Kiev, 1923. Litin, Podolsk, 1921 – 1923. Logoisk, Minsk, 1923. Lokhvitsa, Poltava, 1923. Loyev, Gomel, 1921 – 1923. Lubavich, Mogilev, 1922 – 1923. Luchinetz, Podolsk, 1922 – 1923. Lugansk, Donets, 1923. Lukomlia, Vitebsk, 1923. Lyady, Smolensk, 1923. Lysanka, Kiev, 1923. Lyuban, Poltava, 1922 – 1923. Lyubar, Volynsk, 1921 – 1924. Lyubashevka, Odessa, 1923. Makaryev, Kiev, 1922. Makhnovka, Kiev, 1923. Marina Gorka, Minsk, 1923. Mariupol, Donets, 1922 – 1923. Martynovka, Smolensk, 1923. Melitopol, Yekaterinoslav, 1922. Mena, Chernigov, 1922. Miastovka, Podolsk, 1923. Mikulino, Smolensk, 1923. Minkovtsy, Podolsk, 1923

USSR: Localities, L-Mink

File 500: USSR: Localities, Minsk

Correspondence: S. Bero, B. Bogen, W. J. Thomas, B. C. Vladeck.

USSR: Localities, Minsk

File 501: USSR: Localities, Mir-N

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Mirgorod, Poltava, 1923. M’ko Slavni, Vitebsk, 1922 . Mogilev-on-Dnieper, Gomel, 1922 – 1923. Mogilev, Podolsk, 1923. Mokraya Kaligorka, Kiev, 1923 . Monastyrishche, Kiev, 1923. Monastyrshchina, Smolensk, 1923. Mozyr, Minsk, 1923. Mstislavl, Smolensk, 1923. Mur Kurilovitz, Podolsk, 1921 – 1923 . Narodichi, Volynsk, 1923. NeMirov, Podolsk , 1922 – 1923. Nevel, Vitebsk, 1923. Nezhin, Chernigov, 1922. Nikolayev, Kherson, 1922 – 1923. Nikopol, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Norinsk, Volynsk, 1923 . Novograd, Volynsk, 1922 – 1923. Novo-Konstantinov, Podolsk, 1923. Novo-Mirgorod, Odessa, 1923 . Novo-Odessa, Kherson, 1922 – 1923. Novo-Ushiza, Podolsk, 1923. Novo-Vorontsovka, Nikolayev, 1922 – 1923. Novyie Zhuravichi, Gomel, 1921 – 1923 . Novozybkov, Gomel, 1923

USSR: Localities, Mir-N

File 502: USSR: Localities, O-P

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Obodovka, Kiev, 1923. Odessa, Odessa, 1922 – 1923. Olevsk, Volynsk, 1922 – 1923. Olshana, Kiev, 1923. Oriol, Oriol, 1923. Orsha, Vitebsk, 1922 – 1923. Ostropol, Volynsk, 1922 – 1923, Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, I. M. Kowalsky, I. M. Naishtut. Ovruch, Volynsk, 1923. Pavlograd, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Pereyaslav, Kiev, 1922 – 1924. Pervomaysk, Odessa, 1923 – 1924, Correspondence: B. Bogen, Wm. J. Mack, I. Nesson. Pesochnya, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Petroverovka, Odessa, 1922 – 1924. Pikov, Podolsk, 1923. Piryatin, Poltava, 1923. Podobrianka, Gomel, 1923. Pogost Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Pogrebishche, Kiev, 1923. Polonnoe, Volynsk, 1923. Polotsk, Vitebsk, 1923 – 1924. Poltava, Poltava, 1923 – 1924. Priluki, Poltava, 1921 – 1923. Propoisk, Gomel, 1921 – 1923. Proskurov, Podolsk, 1921 – 1928, Correspondence: B. D. Bogen, D. M. Bressler, E. A. Grower, Evelyn M. Morrissey, I. M. Naishtut, Joseph A. Rosen. Ptich, Minsk, 1923. Pukhovichi, Minsk, 1923

USSR: Localities, O-P

File 503: USSR: Localities, R-Sh

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Radomyshl, Kiev, 1923. Rechitsa, Gomel, 1923. Ritzov, Volynsk, 1923. Rijischev, Kiev, 1922 – 1923. Rohachev, Gomel, 1923. Rohachev, Volynsk, 1923. Romny, Poltava, 1922 – 1923. Roshev, See: File 498(1) 1/27/22 – 8/7/22. Roslavl, Smolensk, 1923. Rostov-on-Don, 1922 – 1923. Rudensk, Minsk, 1923. Ryjanovka, Kiev, 1923 . Saksagan, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Samgorodok, Kiev, 1923. Sebezh, Vitebsk, 1922 – 1923. Seide, Menucha, 1925. Semionovka, Gomel, 1923. Senno, Vitebsk, 1923. Shargorod, Kiev, 1923. Shatsk, Minsk, 1922 – 1923. Shchedrin, Minsk, 1922 – 1924. Shepetovka, Volynsk, 1922 – 1923. Shirayevo, Odessa, 1923. Shklov, Gomel, 1921 – 1923. Shpola, Kiev, 1922 – 1924. Shumyachi, Smolensk, 1921 – 1923

USSR: Localities, R-Sh

File 504: USSR: Localities, Si-Su

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Simbirsk, 1923. Sinelnikovo, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Sitna, Minsk, 1923. Skvira, Kiev, 1923. Slavnoye Gomel, 1923. Slavuta, Volynsk, 1923. Report on Slavuta by Boris Bogen 6/12/23. Two photos of children at Jewish School dated 1922. Slovechno, Volynsk, 1923. Smela, Kiev, 1921 – 1923. Smolensk, Smolensk, 1923. Also See: File 459 Report by E. Rosenblum. Smolyana, Vitebsk, 1921 – 1923. Sobelevka, Podolsk, 1923. Sourazh, Vitebsk, 1923. Spichenza, Kiev, 1923 – 1925. Starodub, Gomel, 1922 – 1928. Staro-Konstantinov, Volhyn, 1921 – 1923, 1929. Stavishche, Kiev, 1923. Stebelev, Kiev, 1923 . Stepanzy, Kiev, 1923. Streshin, Gomel, 1921 – 1923 . Sudilkov, Volynsk, 1923. Sumy, Kharkov, 1923

USSR: Localities, Si-Su

File 505: USSR: Localities, T

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Talnoe, Kiev, 1922 – 1924. Tambov, Tambov, 1923. Tarashcha, Kiev, 1922 – 1923. Teplik, Podolsk, 1923. Tiraspol, Kherson, 1921 – 1923. Tomashpol, Podolia, 1922 – 1923. Trostyanets, Kiev, 1923

USSR: Localities, T

File 506: USSR: Localities, U-V

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Ulanov, Podolia, 1923. Ulla, Vitebsk, 1923. Uman, Kiev, 1923. Usvyaty, Vitebsk, 1923. Uzovka, Donets, 1923. Vachnovka, Kiev, 1923. Vasilkov, Kiev, 1922 – 1923. Velegozulovo, Kherson, 1922 – 1924. Velizh, Vitebsk, 1922 – 1923. Verkhovka, Podolsk, 1923. Vetka, Gomel, 1923. Vinnitsa, Podolsk, 1923. Vinograd, Kiev, 1923. Vitebsk, Vitebsk, 1922 – 1923. Also See: File 459, Report by E. Rosenblum. Volkovintsy, Kiev, 1923. Volochisk, 1922 – 1923. Voronezh, 1923. Voroshilovka, Podolsk, 1922. Voznesensk, Odessa, 1922 – 1923

USSR: Localities, U-V

File 507: USSR: Localities, Y-Z

(Locality, Gubernia, Years). Yagotin, Poltava, 1922-1923. Yaltushkov, Podolsk, 1923. Yanovichi, Vitebsk, 1923. Yanovka, Odessa, 1923. Yaruga, Podolsk, 1923. Yaryshev, Podolsk, 1923. Yekaterinopol, Kiev, 1923. Yekaterinoslav, Kiev, 1922-1923, Report on 18 towns in Yekaterinoslav Gubernia, 7/19/23. Report: “The Miracle of Ekaterinoslav”, by Benj. Pepper, 12/27/23. Yelisavetgrad, Kherson, 1922. Yelisavetgrad, Odessa, 1924. Yerpatoriya, 1923. Zakharino, Smolensk, 1923. Zamekhov, Podolsk, 1923. Zaslavl, Volynsk, 1923. Zembin, Minsk, 1921-1923. Zhitomir, Volynsk, 1923. Zhmerinka, Podolsk, 1922-1923. Zigifka, Podolsk, 1922, 1928. Zlatopol, Kiev, 1921-1923. Znamenka, Yekaterinoslav, 1923. Zolotonosha, Poltava, 1923. Zvenigorodka, Kiev, 1923

USSR: Localities, Y-Z

Series 5: USSR: Agro-Joint (American Jewish Joint Agricultural Corporation)

In July 1924, the JDC organized the Agro-Joint to serve as its operating agency in the USSR, and especially to aid so-called “nonproductive” Jews from smaller cities and towns. The newcomers were settled in colonies or in compact groups. The Agro-Joint also became the operating agency of the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements from May 1, 1928 to December 31, 1935. See: American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Files 539-564. It concluded Agreements with the Soviet Government. covering its operations. See: File 521, 1/15/29, and File 533. From 1924 through 1938, the Agro-Joint administered some $16,000,000, including the funds provided by the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. The funds were used for land settlement and for allied projects covering industrial, medical, trade school and loan kassa activities. In 1929, the organization of an Industrial Fund for Russia, as a separate corp., was proposed, along the same lines as the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A subsequent shift in Soviet political and economic policy caused a large reduction in the scope of the project. See: Files 565-567. In the course of developing the Agro-Joint projects, certain local government agencies took over the activities and continued them on a larger scale at government expense. By 1938, the Soviet Government held that Jewish colonists no longer needed assistance from outside organizations. Accordingly, the Agro-Joint would-up its operations in the USSR in 1938 – 1939, and aided by assets it obtained from the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, it shifted activities to Latin-American countries chiefly, for the rehabilitation of Nazi refugees. See: Files 518-520. For additional materials on those projects, researchers should consult the JDC files for 1940– The Agro-Joint was dissolved in 1952.

File 508: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1924 – 1925

Decision to form Agro-Joint with an initial capital of $400,000 7/11/24, 11/20/24, 12/31/24. JDC transfers to Agro-Joint its assets in the USSR belonging to the Reconstruction Committee, N. Y., 11/20/24. Agreement signed between the Agro-Joint and the KOMZET (Soviet Government Department for the Settlement of Jewish Workers), permitting the Agro-Joint to operate in the USSR, 11/29/24, 1/6/25. Statement by F. M. Warburg on work of Agro-Joint, 3/21/25. Louis Fischer Report on Agro-Joint in Russia, 5/14/25. Resolutions by American Jewish Congress on JDC colonization activities in Russia, adopted 10/26/25, and JDC reply by Louis Marshall, 11/2/25 and enclosures. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, L. Fischer, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, Wm. J. Mack, Louis Marshall, Evelyn M. Morrissey, F. Philippson, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, F. M. Warburg. Also see: File 26, Minutes, 7/7/24. File 521, Minutes, first Agro-Joint Board meeting, 7/3/24.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1924 – 1925

File 509: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1926 – 1929

JDC appropriations: $1,500,000 for Agro-Joint, 1/21/26; $2,000,000 for 1926 – 1927, 6/1/26; $200,000 for non-agricultural activities, 1/5/28; $125,000 for non-agricultural activities, 1/5/28; $125,000 for non-agricultural activities, 12/28/28. Correspondence between Louis Marshall and Secretary of State Kellogg on Jewish land settlement in USSR, 4/30/28, 5/9/28. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Herbert Hoover, Joseph C. Hyman, Louis Marshall, Evelyn M. Morrissey, L. Oungre, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, I. Schneersohn, F. M. Warburg. Also see: File 516, Minutes, Agro-Joint meetings.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1926 – 1929

File 510: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1930 – 1937

KOMZET reaffirms its support of Agro-Joint activities, 2/16/31 (attachment to 3/16/31). Old Agro-Joint assets as medium of negotiation with USSR Government., 10/28/31 – 11/9/31, 12/6/32, 9/28/33. Statements by Dr. Rosen on Agro-Joint activities in 1936, 1/10/36, January 1937. Agreement between Agro-Joint and OZET, a USSR agency, for rental of Agro-Joint shops, 6/24/37. Memo by Dr. Rosen on possible wind-up of Agro-Joint activities in USSR, 9/9/37. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, J. Marshall, Evelyn M. Morrissey, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg Also see: File 516, Minutes of Agro-Joint meetings.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1930 – 1937

File 511: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1938 – 1939

Agro-Joint to wind-up activities in the USSR in 1938 – 1939, 2/15/38. USSR Government. offers to redeem all Agro-Joint bonds for $1,500,000, payable in installments; Agro-Joint demands $3,500,000, 6/16/38. Negotiations and settlement followed, 9/5/38 – 10/2/38, 11/10/38. Agro-Joint creates reserve of $100,000 for refugee project in the Philippines, 3/2/39. Note: The funds were never used and the project was cancelled after Pearl Harbor, see: file 512, 1/13/42, 2/3/42. Reorganization of Agro-Joint discussed, 5/17/39-6/1/39. Agro-Joint approves underwriting of $200,000 for refugee settlement in Dominican Republic, 10/6/39; 11/13/39. Also see: Files 512, 4/15/52, 514, 517. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, H. Katzki, Evelyn M. Morrissey, J. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1938 – 1939

File 512: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1940 – 1941

Agro-Joint appropriates $50,000 for Refugees settlement in Bolivia 1/9/40. For other appropriations to Bolivia, see: File 512a, 4/15/52 (attachment to 3/15/52). For additional materials on Dominican Republic Settlement Association (DORSA), see: File 512a, 4/15/52, and special collection of files on DORSA. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, B. Flexner, P. E. Hoffman, Joseph C. Hyman, C. E. Liebman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, R. Pilpel, M. L. Quezon, James N. Rosenberg, W. Rosenwald.

SSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1940 – 1941

File 512a: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1942 – 1945; 1947; 1949 – 1952; 1959 – 1960; 1976

Photo of S. E. Lubarsky, undated and follows Rosen letter 8/19/43. Agro-Joint dissolved, 5/5/52. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, M. B. Hexter, Joseph C. Hyman, M. A. Leavitt, Evelyn M. Morrissey, R. Pilpel, E. C. Ropes, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, M. C. Troper. Also see: Files 519-520.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, 1942 – 1945; 1947; 1949 – 1952; 1959 – 1960; 1976

File 513: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Birobidjan, 1926 – 1929

Report of the American ICOR Commission for the Study of Biro-Bidjan and its Colonization, Undated. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, A. Margolin. In 1928, the USSR set aside the territory of Birobidjan in Eastern Siberis as an autonomous region for Jewish settlement. The JDC took a negative position at the time to the creation of the new region. But after the Nazis rose to power the finding of new homes for Jewish refugees grew pressing, and the Agro-Joint began to restudy resettlement projects in Birobidjan. In 1936, the Soviet Government undertook to shoulder full responsibility for the operation and management of all settlement activities within the territory, and restricted activities of foreign organizations to the transport of prospective immigrants to the USSR borders. Until that point, the Agro-Joint had exercised all but complete authority and supervision in its colonizing activities elsewhere in the country. Moreover, in the Stalinist purges of 1936 – 1938. several leading Jewish personalities in Birobidjan were denounced and liquidated. As a result, the JDC and the Agro-Joint followed a strictly hands-off policy in Jewish resettlement activities in Birobidjan. Following the Nazi invasion of the USSR and the coming of the Holocaust, the Ambijan Committee for Emergency Aid to the Soviet Union mounted pressure on the JDC to aid in the care and rehabilitation of 3,500 Jewish war orphans. The Soviet Government was expected to evacuate these children from other parts of Russia and to build children’s settlements for them in Birobidjan. The JDC declined to participate.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Birobidjan, 1926 – 1929

File 514: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Birobidjan, 1932 – 1935

Reports on visits to Birobidjan by : Professor M. Krol, attached to letter dated 12/9/35, Lord Marley, 10/14/33 – 10/15/33 and ICOR Library #2, 1935, and J. Rosen, 10/27/34 and les Cahiers do Renouveau, March 1935. Correspondence: Saul Arons, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Hyman, B. Kahn, Lord Marley. Joseph A. Rosen, F. M. Warburg, Max Warburg. In 1928, the USSR set aside the territory of Birobidjan in Eastern Siberis as an autonomous region for Jewish settlement. The JDC took a negative position at the time to the creation of the new region. But after the Nazis rose to power the finding of new homes for Jewish refugees grew pressing, and the Agro-Joint began to restudy resettlement projects in Birobidjan. In 1936, the Soviet Government undertook to shoulder full responsibility for the operation and management of all settlement activities within the territory, and restricted activities of foreign organizations to the transport of prospective immigrants to the USSR borders. Until that point, the Agro-Joint had exercised all but complete authority and supervision in its colonizing activities elsewhere in the country. Moreover, in the Stalinist purges of 1936 – 1938. several leading Jewish personalities in Birobidjan were denounced and liquidated. As a result, the JDC and the Agro-Joint followed a strictly hands-off policy in Jewish resettlement activities in Birobidjan. Following the Nazi invasion of the USSR and the coming of the Holocaust, the Ambijan Committee for Emergency Aid to the Soviet Union mounted pressure on the JDC to aid in the care and rehabilitation of 3,500 Jewish war orphans. The Soviet Government was expected to evacuate these children from other parts of Russia and to build children’s settlements for them in Birobidjan. The JDC declined to participate.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Birobidjan, 1932 – 1935

File 514a: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Birobidjan, 1936 – 1940, 1943 – 1944

Report: Birobidjan and the Jews in the Post-War World by Professor Mikhoels and Lt. Col. Feffer. Correspondence: Saul Arons, Paul Baerwald, J. M. Budish, A. Gromyko, Joseph C. Hyman, E. D. Kisselev, M. A. Leavitt, H. L. Lurie, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, J. J. Schwartz, M. C. Troper. Also see: File 545, 10/7/36 – 10/16/36. In 1928, the USSR set aside the territory of Birobidjan in Eastern Siberis as an autonomous region for Jewish settlement. The JDC took a negative position at the time to the creation of the new region. But after the Nazis rose to power the finding of new homes for Jewish refugees grew pressing, and the Agro-Joint began to restudy resettlement projects in Birobidjan. In 1936, the Soviet Government undertook to shoulder full responsibility for the operation and management of all settlement activities within the territory, and restricted activities of foreign organizations to the transport of prospective immigrants to the USSR borders. Until that point, the Agro-Joint had exercised all but complete authority and supervision in its colonizing activities elsewhere in the country. Moreover, in the Stalinist purges of 1936 – 1938. several leading Jewish personalities in Birobidjan were denounced and liquidated. As a result, the JDC and the Agro-Joint followed a strictly hands-off policy in Jewish resettlement activities in Birobidjan. Following the Nazi invasion of the USSR and the coming of the Holocaust, the Ambijan Committee for Emergency Aid to the Soviet Union mounted pressure on the JDC to aid in the care and rehabilitation of 3,500 Jewish war orphans. The Soviet Government was expected to evacuate these children from other parts of Russia and to build children’s settlements for them in Birobidjan. The JDC declined to participate.

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Birobidjan, 1936 – 1940, 1943 – 1944

File 515: USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Julius Rosenwald, 1925 – 1929, 1931 – 1933

Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, E. R. Embree, N. W. Levin. Also see: Files 561-562

USSR: Agro-Joint, General, Julius Rosenwald, 1925 – 1929, 1931 – 1933

File 515a: USSR: Agro-Joint, Agro-Industrial (Dr. Julius Hammer), 1928
File 516: USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1924 – 1937

For minutes of first meeting of Agro-Joint Board of Directors, 7/23/24, and for annual meeting of Agro-Joint Stockholders (trustees), 8/1/28, see: File 521. In File 516, minutes of Agro-Joint administration bodies begin in 1929. Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Agro-Joint, and JDC Trustees. Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1924 – 1937

File 517: USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1938 – 1939

Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Agro-Joint, and JDC Trustees.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1938 – 1939

File 518: USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1940 – 1941

Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Agro-Joint, and JDC Trustees.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1940 – 1941

File 519: USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1942 – 1943

Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Agro-Joint, and JDC Trustees.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1942 – 1943

File 520: USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1944 – 1952

Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Agro-Joint, and JDC Trustees.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Minutes of Meetings and of Conferences, 1944 – 1952

File 521: USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Legal Documents

Contains a bound volume incorporating selected legal documents of Agro-Joint. Certificate of Incorporation, 7/21/24. By-laws adopted 7/23/24 and 1/15/42. Minutes of lst meeting, Board of Directors 7/23/24. Agreement Agro-Joint-USSR Government., 1/15/29-2/15/29.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Legal Documents

File 522: USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Legal Documents

Contains unbound legal documents and Correspondence For Agreements between the Agro-Joint and the Soviet Government., see: File 533. Other Legal Documents and Correspondence. Correspondence: G. G. Ernst, M. L. Ernst, Joseph C. Hyman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg. Also see: File 521

USSR: Agro-Joint, Administration, Legal Documents

File 523: USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, General, 1924 – 1930

Statements of Cash Receipts and Disbursements, August 1924-June 1926 (semi-annual, quarterly, monthly and 11 month statement). Agro-Joint Working Plans: 1929, 4/8/29; 1930, 10/1/31.

SSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, General, 1924 – 1930

File 524: USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, General, 1931 – 1952

Agro-Joint working Plans: 1931, 2/26/31; 1934, 6/22/34; 1936, 1/10/36; 1937, 1/18/37. Non-Agro-Joint Working Plan: 1931, 3/15/31. Balance Sheet, 1/25/43.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, General, 1931 – 1952

File 525: USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, Berlin Audit Reports, 1924 July 1 – 1925 December 31
File 525a: USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, Berlin Audit Reports, 1926 January 1 – September 30
File 525b: USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, Berlin Audit Reports, 1926 October – 1928 April
File 525c: USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, Berlin Audit Reports, 1928 May – 1935

5/1/28 – 12/31/28. 1/1/29 – 12/31/29. 1/1/30 – 12/31/30. 1/1/30 – 12/31/31. 9/1/24 – 12/31/33 Cumulative. 1924 – 1935 Cumulative

USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, Berlin Audit Reports, 1928 May – 1935

File 525d: USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, Loeb and Troper Audit Reports

8/1/24 – 12/31/28 Cumulative. 1929 1942, 1942 Annual and Cumulative. 1945 – 1950 Annual (as of December 31 of the year)

USSR: Agro-Joint, Financial, Loeb and Troper Audit Reports

File 526: USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1925 – 1927

The Forward to the Soil Movement of Jews in Soviet Russia, Louis Fischer, undated, 3/20/26. Jewish Colonization in Soviet Russia a Success, Abraham Cahan, 11/6/27. Jews Return to the Sil, Junius B. Wood, May 1927. Correspondence: A. H. Fromenson, N. Glicksman, Joseph C. Hyman, A. D. Margolin, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg. Note: The materials in these files pertain to both the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A full-scale separation of the two sets of materials is not feasible.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1925 – 1927

File 527: USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1928 February – May

Felix Warburg: How we Aid Jewish Farmers in Russia, by Isaac Don Levine, 5/27/28. Correspondence: Jacob Billikopf, Arthur Brisbane, O. Gruen, Joseph C. Hyman, J. A. Marcus, A. D. Margolin, James N. Rosenberg, W. Z. Spiegelman, F. M. Warburg. Note: The materials in these files pertain to both the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A full-scale separation of the two sets of materials is not feasible.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1928 February – May

File 528: USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1929 June – October

Herbert Hoover praises JDC agricultural aid in Russia, 7/13/28-9/23/28. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, B. D. Bogen, D. A. Brown, H. G. Enelow, Herbert Hoover, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, I. D. Levine, A. D. Margolin, James N. Rosenberg. Note: The materials in these files pertain to both the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A full-scale separation of the two sets of materials is not feasible.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1929 June – October

File 529: USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1928 November

Rockefeller gift of $500,000 to American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. Note: The materials in these files pertain to both the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A full-scale separation of the two sets of materials is not feasible.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1928 November

File 530: USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1928 November – 1929 February

Correspondence: B. Chanis, Joseph C. Hyman, Louis Marshall. Note: The materials in these files pertain to both the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A full-scale separation of the two sets of materials is not feasible.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1928 November – 1929 February

File 531: USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1929 April – 1930

Correspondence: W. H. Blumenthal, Reuben Brainin, Joseph C. Hyman, A. D. Margolin, James N. Rosenberg, B. C. Vladeck. Note: The materials in these files pertain to both the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A full-scale separation of the two sets of materials is not feasible.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1929 April – 1930

File 532: USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1931 – 1938

Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, James N. Rosenberg, B. C. Vladeck. Note: The materials in these files pertain to both the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements. A full-scale separation of the two sets of materials is not feasible.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Publicity, 1931 – 1938

File 533: USSR: Agro-Joint, Relations with Soviet Government, 1924 – 1938

Agreements between the Agro-Joint and the Government of the USSR were concluded: November 29, 1924, January 31, 1927, January 15, 1929, March 22-April 14, 1933, and October 1, 1938. Copies of those agreements, with but a single exception, are contained in this file. For the latter agreement dated 1/15/29, see: File 521.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Relations with Soviet Government, 1924 – 1938

File 534: USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1925 – 1928

Representatives: James H. Becker, E. A. Grower, Joseph C. Hyman, James N. Rosenberg, Joseph A. Rosen, F. M. Warburg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1925 – 1928

File 535: USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1926

Report: Diary of James N. Rosenberg (in galleys).

USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1926

File 536: USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1929 – 1934

Report: E. A. Grower, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg

USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1929 – 1934

File 537.1: USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1935 – 1943

The correspondence reflects the vicissitudes attending the publication of Evelyn M. Morrissey’s volume on the Agro-Joint: “Jewish Workers and Farmers in the Crimea and Ukraine.” For the text volume see: File 538.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), 1935 – 1943

File 537.2: USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), Annual Report, 1930

Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, I. Fainberg, Evelyn M. Morrissey, L. Popkin, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, Wm. Rosenwald, H. J. Seligman, S. M. Strook.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries), Annual Report, 1930

File 538: USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries)

Text volume and preliminary draft of: “Jewish Workers and Farmers in the Crimea and Ukraine,” by Evelyn M. Morrissey.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Reports (By Agro-Joint Officials and Functionaries)

File 539: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1927 – 1928

Correspondence: Joseph C. Hyman, Louis Marshall, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg Also see: File 469, 4/13/28-5/2/28, 5/21/28-6/25/28, 7/27/28.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1927 – 1928

File 540: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1929

Agreement signed by American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Agro-Joint and USSR Government on Agro-Joint program, 3/25/29. Campaign in South Africa, headed by Reuben Brainin, for colonization activities in USSR, 2/20/29-2/1/30; for earlier materials, see: File 539, 11/13/28 – 12/26/28. Correspondence: Ralph F. Colin, Joseph C. Hyman, Louis Marshall, Evelyn M. Morrissey, A. Ovedoff, James N. Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1929

File 541: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1930 – 1931

Progress Report on agricultural settlements in USSR, by Dr. Rosen contained in American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements Minutes, 11/24/30, pp. 2-6. For other reports, see: American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements Minutes, 10/8/31, pp. 3-8, and 10/15/31, pp. 3-7. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, F. M. Warburg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1930 – 1931

File 542: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1932

Dr. Rosen sounds out Soviet Government on modifying payments by American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements under 1929 Agreement, 6/19/32-6/23/32. Also see: File 541, 11/9/31. Impact of J. Rosenwald estate on the need to modify those payments, 6/30/32-7/11/32, 7/19/32-7/21/32, 8/8/32. Dr. Rosen authorized to negotiate with Soviet Govt on modification of 1929 Agreement, 8/26/32. Review of development in 1932 re the 1929 Agreement, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements Minutes 9/1/32, Annual Meeting 10/17/32, and memo 12/6/32. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, B. Kahn, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, F. M. Warburg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1932

File 543: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1933 – 1934

1929 Agreement modified, 4/14/33, 4/28/33, 9/25/33-9/26/33. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, Joseph A. Rosen, L. Rosenwald.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1933 – 1934

File 544: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1935

Should JDC participate in Birobidjan development, discussed in Minutes of Joint Meeting, JDC Executive Committee Agro-Joint and American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, 7/1/35. Also see: memo 7/19/35. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Joseph C. Hyman, E. C. Ropes, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1935

File 545: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1936 – 1950

American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements program in Russia considered completed as of 12/31/35 on expiration of 1929 Agreement, 11/10/36. American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements dissolved 2/4/49. Correspondence: D. M. Bressler, Joseph C. Hyman, P. E. Hoffman, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, W. Rosenwald.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, General, 1936 – 1950

File 546: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Minutes of Meetings, 1928 – 1931

Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Members, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Minutes of Meetings, 1928 – 1931

File 547: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Minutes of Meetings, 1932 – 1936

Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Members, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Minutes of Meetings, 1932 – 1936

File 548: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Minutes of Meetings, 1937 – 1950

Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Members, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Minutes of Meetings, 1937 – 1950

File 549: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Legal Documents and Correspondence, 1928 – 1929 February

Certificate of Incorporation, 11/13/28. By-Laws adopted 11/19/28 Agreement between Soviet Government, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, and Agro-Joint, 1/15/29, and copy signed by Soviet representative, 2/15/29. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Ralph F. Colin, E. A. Grower, Joseph C. Hyman, Louis Marshall, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Legal Documents and Correspondence, 1928 – 1929 February

File 550: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Legal Documents and Correspondence, 1929 March – 1938

Supplementary Agreement between Soviet Government, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements and Agro-Joint (to Agreement dated 1/15/29-2/15/29), 3/22/33. Agreement between Soviet Government, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements and Agro-Joint, 10/1/38. Correspondence: Ralph F. Colin, E. A. Grower, Joseph C. Hyman, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Administration, Legal Documents and Correspondence, 1929 March – 1938

File 551: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Financial Reports, JDC Berlin, Russian Department, 1929 January 1 – 1930 June 30
File 552: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Financial Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1928 May 1 – 1930 December 31
File 553.1: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Financial Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1935 December 31 – 1941 December 31

1935 December 31. 1936 December 31. 1938 December 31. 1939 November 30. 1940 December 31. 1941 December 31

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Financial Reports, Loeb and Troper, 1935 December 31 – 1941 December 31

File 553.2: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Financial Annual Report, 1930
File 554: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Campaign for Subscribers, General, 1927 – 1928

Campaign launched at dinner in Warburg home, 11/5/27, where Rosenwald pledged $1,000,000 and Warburg $500,000 payable over 5 years, 10/20/27 – 11/21/27. Rosenwald raises subscription to $5,000,000 and Warburg to $1,000,000 payable over 10 years, 1/16/29. Letter to Rosenwald on his gift by Herbert Hoover, 2/13/28. J. D. Rockefeller Jr. contributes $500,000, 10/10/28 – 11/16/28; also see: File 560, J. D. Rockefeller Jr, and File 529, Publicity. Correspondence: Cyrus Adler, Paul Baerwald, James H. Becker, Jacob Billikopf, B. D. Bogen, D. A. Brown, Herbert Hoover, Joseph C. Hyman, H. H. Lehman, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg, J. Rosenwald, N. Straus, F. M. Warburg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Campaign for Subscribers, General, 1927 – 1928

File 555: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Campaign for Subscribers, Campaign Publicity Efforts, 1928

Correspondence: D. A. Brown, Joseph C. Hyman, James N. Rosenberg, O. G. Villard. Also see: Files 527-531.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Campaign for Subscribers, Campaign Publicity Efforts, 1928

File 556: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Campaign for Subscribers, Status of Subscriptions, 1928 – 1936
File 557: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, A-B

Adler, Max, 1928 – 1936. Baerwald, Paul, 1928 – 1938. Bamberger, Louis, 1929 – 1933

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, A-B

File 558: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, E-Ka

Epstein, Jacob, 1928. Fuld, Felix, 1928 – 1933 . Glazier, Henry S., 1928 – 1933. Goldman, Julius, 1928 – 1933. Goodhart, Philip J., 1928 – 1931 . Halle, Eugene S., 1928 – 1929, 1934. Hellman, I. W., 1929 – 1933. Hyman, Harris, 1928 – 1931 . Ittelson, Henry, 1928 – 1934. Kaltenbacher, Joseph, 1928

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, E-Ka

File 559: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements: Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Ko – Le

Kohn, Mrs. Simon, 1928 – 1933. Koshland, Daniel E., 1928 – 1931. Koven, Max N., 1929. Koven, Mrs. S. L., 1929 – 1933. Kuhn, Robert, 1932 – 1934, 1949 . Lamport, Samuel C., 1928 – 1936, 1940. Lavenson, A. S., 1928 – 1930. Lehman, Arthur, 1928 – 1933, 1937 . Lehman, Herbert H., 1928 – 1933, 1936. Levy, Louis S., 1928 – 1939

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements: Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Ko – Le

File 560: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements: Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Lo – Ro

Loeb, Carl, 1928 – 1933, 1938. March, David H., 1928 – 1940. Marshall, Louis M., 1928 – 1929. Marshall, James, 1929 – 1938. Mayer, Charles, 1928 – 1933 . Meier and Frank Co., 1928 – 1933. Meyer, Eugene, 1928 – 1933. Naumburg, Nettie G., 1930. Ottinger, Albert, 1928. Rockefeller, John D. Jr. 1928. Also see: File 554, 10/10/28 – 11/16/28 File 529, Publicity File 65a, 10/20/26, for other contributions by John D. Rockefeller Jr. Rosenfeld, Ernest 1928 – 1933

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements: Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Lo – Ro

File 561: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Rosenwald, Julius, 1928 – 1932 June

Background information on $5,000,000 contribution by J. Rosenwald, 1/9/32, 1/11/32 (at the very beginning of this folder). Obituary, 1/6/32. “In Memoriam” a record of a memorial meeting to Julius Rosenwald, 3/27/32. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, James H. Becker, E. R. Embree, Herbert Hoover, Joseph C. Hyman, N. W. Levin, L. M. Marshall, J. W. Rosenberg, Julius Rosenwald, F. M. Warburg Also see: Publicity, File 527, 2/3/28-4/22/28.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Rosenwald, Julius, 1928 – 1932 June

File 562: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Rosenwald, Julius, 1932 – 1941

Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Ralph F. Colin, Joseph C. Hyman, N. W. Levin, James N. Rosenberg, Lessing Rosenwald, Wm. Rosenwald, Edward Sonnenschein, F. M. Warburg. Also see: File 542, 6/30/32-7/11/32, 7/19/32-7/21/32, 8/8/32, on impact of Rosenwald estate on negotiations between Dr. Rosen and Soviet Government. See File 515, for other contributions to Agro-Joint by J. Rosenwald.

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Rosenwald, Julius, 1932 – 1941

File 563: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Rot – V

Rothschild, Walter N., 1929 – 1932. Sachs, Henry, 1930 – 1931. Selling, Ben, 1928 – 1933. Senior, Max, 1928 – 1933. Shapiro, Nathan D., 1928 – 1932. Straus, Hugh Grant, 1928 – 1929. Strauss, Lewis L., 1928 – 1933. Untermyer, Samuel, 1928 – 1934, 1939 . Vogelstein, Ludwig, 1928 – 1934

USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Rot – V

File 564: USSR: Agro-Joint, American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, Subscribers and Donors, Individual Subscribers, Warburg, Felix and Paul
File 565: USSR: Agro-Joint, Industrial Fund for Russia, General, 1929 – 1932

Julius Rosenwald agrees to contribute 5/8 of the total needed for an industrial fund for the benefit of declassed Russian Jews, with a $3,000,000 minimum and a $5,000,000 maximum, 10/17/29 – 10/29/29. Subscribers pledge $2,379,000 to industrial fund, payable over three years, 11/12/29 – 11/18/29. Dr. Rosen outlines industrialization project, 11/18/29. He proposes delay in proceeding with original project, 2/7/30-2/8/30. Scope of project reduced to $1,000,000 payable over a three-year period, 9/25/30, and finally to $51,000, 1/20/31, 3/20/31. In October 1929, Dr. Rosen proposed a program of industrial aid for declassed Jews in smaller Russian cities and towns. Individual subscribers to the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements were called upon to subscribe $3,000,000 payable over three years. Political and economic considerations held back the start of the program, and the scope of it was drastically reduced in September 1930 and again in 1931. The original plan by Dr. Rosen to organize a separate corporation, along the lines of the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements, fell through when conditions changed. Correspondence: Paul Baerwald, Ralph F. Colin, Joseph C. Hyman, N. W. Levin, Evelyn M. Morrissey, Joseph A. Rosen, James N. Rosenberg.

USSR: Agro-Joint, Industrial Fund for Russia, General, 1929 – 1932

File 566: USSR: Agro-Joint, Industrial Fund for Russia, Subscribers, Individual, B – G

Baerwald, Paul, 1929 – 1933. Bamberger, Louis, 1929 – 1930. Becker, James H., 1929 – 1930. Friedman, H. G., 1929 – 1930. Fuld, Mrs. Felix, 1929 – 1930 . Glasier, Henry S., 1929 – 1931. Goldman, Henry, 1929 – 1931. Goldman, Julius, 1930 – 1931 . Goodhart, Philip J., 1930

USSR: Agro-Joint, Industrial Fund for Russia, Subscribers, Individual, B – G

File 567: USSR: Agro-Joint, Industrial Fund for Russia: Subscribers, Individual, H-W

Halle, Eugene S., 1929 – 1930. Ittleson, Henry, 1929 – 1931. Meyer, Eugene, 1929 – 1930. Ottinger, Albert, 1929 – 1930. Rosenberg, J. N., 1930. Rosenwald, Julius, 1929 – 1931. Senior, Max, 1929 – 1931. Strauss, Lewis L., 1929 – 1930. Vogelstein, Ludwig, 1929 – 1931. Warburg, Felix M., 1930

USSR: Agro-Joint, Industrial Fund for Russia: Subscribers, Individual, H-W

Record Group 4.31: Yugoslavia

File 568: Yugoslavia: Localities

Monastir. Subotica

Yugoslavia: Localities

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Archives of The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc.

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