This subcollection deals with JDC’s relationship and cooperation with the United States Government, departments, and agencies; with JDC constituent member organizations, other private Jewish organizations, landsmannschaften (immigrant fraternal associations), commercial agencies and businesses, and nonsectarian humanitarian agencies. It is arranged in 4 record groups.
Record Group 2-1: Relations with United States Government
File 72.1: Relations with United States Government - General
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, materials on relations with U.S. government departments, federal agencies. Miscellaneous on congressional legislation (H.R. 13708) to provide food to Europe. List [Some names on materials concerning Alien Property Office]
File 72.2: Relations with U.S. Government, U.S. Food Administration, 1919
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, materials on relations with U.S. government departments, entities. Miscellaneous on legislation to provide food to Europe.
Relations with U.S. Government, U.S. Food Administration, 1919
File 72.3: Relations with U.S. Government, U.S. State Department, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on mail, cable transmissions, fees; miscellaneous on visas, credentials for relief workers, typhus mission. List [Some names in correspondence].
Relations with U.S. Government, U.S. State Department, 1919-1921
Record Group 2-2: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
File 73.1: Non-Governmental Organizations
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, queries from non-governmental organizations. National Investigative Bureau form, application for approval for organizations raising funds for disbursement abroad.
File 73.2: American Friends Service Committee, 1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on relief activities. Bulletin on Russian relief information.
File 74.1: Benevolent Societies
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous fund-raising materials, descriptions of suffering, including pamphlet (undated): “Former American Ambassador of Austria-Hungary, Frederic Courtland Penfield, describes actual conditions in Austria.”
File 74.2: American Relief Administration, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous on relief activities, feeding programs, logistics in war-ravaged areas; memo (May 28, 1919) on creation of special Children’s Relief Bureau. Correspondence on cable traffic, costs. Explanation of Food Draft plan (December 27, 1919; January 8, 1920).
File 75: American Red Cross, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Extensive correspondence, reports on activities, remittances, arrangements for cooperation/ coordination. Report (December 27, 1920) on medical and sanitary conditions, miscellaneous on hospital in Wlodawa. List [Some names of war dead, transmitted October 11, 1920].
File 76.1: Non-Governmental Organizations
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, queries, remittances, news accounts from non-governmental organizations. List [Some names on remittances].
File 76.2: Central Relief Committee, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on coordination, remittances; appeal (December 28, 1920) for families to care for orphans. List [Some names in correspondence].
File 76.3: Federation of Galician and Bucovinian Jews, 1918, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, queries, remittances; appeal (April 22, 1920) on behalf of 94 destroyed communities; efforts to coordinate collections, allocations of landsmanschaften. List [Some names in correspondence].
File 77.1: HIAS, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports, financial statements, including plans of Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to withdraw from certain regions.
File 77.2: Jewish Farmers' Credit Union
Extent: 0.20 inch
Bylaws, forms, applications certificates for Jewish Farmers’ Credit Union.
File 77.3: Non-Governmental Organizations
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding non-governmental organizations’ aid programs.
File 77.4: Non-Governmental Organizations, Ukrainian Relief Societies, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) regarding Ukrainian relief societies from various American cities, their aid programs, including report (Yiddish) of Federation of Ukrainian Jews.
Non-Governmental Organizations, Ukrainian Relief Societies, 1919-1921
File 78.1: Landsmanschaften, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence (English, Yiddish) on procedures, receipts, distribution of funds from landsmanschaften. JDC Information Service Letter (April 1, 1921) on Landsmanschaften Department.
File 78.2: Landsmanschaften, 1919-1920
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence (English, Yiddish) on receipts, distribution of funds from landsmanschaften; JDC Information Service Letter (September 7, 1920) on Landsmanschaften Department. List [Names of delegates from landsmanschaften].
File 78.3: Landsmanschaften, List
Extent: 0.75 inch
Lists of various landsmanschaften from multiple locations; some family reunification correspondence. List [Names of some landsmanschaften officials].
File 79.1: Landsmanschaften, A-B
Extent: 0.75 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, distribution of funds. List [Names on remittances; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 79.2: Landsmanschaften, C-F
Extent: 2 inches
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, distribution of funds. List [Names on remittances; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 79.3: Landsmanschaften, G-J
Extent: 0.75 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, distribution of funds. List [Names on remittances; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 79.4: Landsmanschaften, K
Extent: 2 inches
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems with distribution, including Abraham Shohan letter (April 24, 1921) on Kowel. List [Names on remittances; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften; pogrom victims on Krivoe Ozero, transmitted May 24, 1921]
File 80.1: Landsmanschaften, L
Extent: 1.25 inches
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems. List [Names on remittances; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 80.2: Landsmanschaften, M
Extent: 1 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems. List [Names on remittances, of emigrants; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 80.3: Landsmanschaften, N
Extent: 0.80 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems. List [Names on remittances, names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 80.4: Landsmanschaften, O
Extent: 0.50 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems. List [Names on remittances, names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 80.5: Landsmanschaften, P
Extent: 1 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems, distribution of funds. List [Names on remittances, names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 80.6: Landsmanschaften, Pinsk
Extent: 1 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems, reports, including Jacques Rieur report (October 22, 1920) on visit to area. List [Names on remittances, names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 81.1: Landsmanschaften, R
Extent: 1 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems, distribution of funds, including Abraham Shohan correspondence, reports on Rowno. List [Names on remittances, names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 81.2: Landsmanschaften, S
Extent: 2 inches
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems, distribution of funds, including Elkan Voorsanger report (November 9, 1920) on Suchowola. List [Names on remittances; list of orphans in Stanislaw; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 81.3: Landsmanschaften, T-U
Extent: 0.50 inch
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems. List [Names on remittances; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 81.4: Landsmanschaften, V-Z
Extent: 1.50 inches
Forms, questionnaires on organization, plans, finances, delegates of landsmanschaften from multiple locations; applications of individuals to function as delegates, agents to distribute funds from landsmanschaften. Some queries, correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish) on local conditions, appeals, problems. List [Names on remittances; names of officers, potential delegates from landsmanschaften]
File 82: Landsmanschaften, Newspaper Clippings
File 83: Non-Governmental Organizations, L-O
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, queries from non-governmental organizations, attempts to coordinate activities. Reports from meetings of National Conference of Jewish Social Service; miscellaneous from federations of Ukrainian Jews. National Investigation Bureau’s “Bulletin of Approved War Activities Abroad” (Number 4, June 1919), includes brief listings of non-governmental organizations in various countries. List [Names of officers of organizations in memos, reports; names of individuals on remittance correspondence]
File 84.1: Peoples Relief Committee, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Reports, correspondence regarding coordination, tension with JDC, secession demands, remittances, complaints of discrimination in allocations. Appeal (December 28, 1920) for families to care for orphans. Miscellaneous newspaper stories, financial reports.
File 84.2: Non-Governmental Organizations, R-Z
Extent: 0.80 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, queries from non-governmental organizations, attempts to coordinate activities, including exchanges with Western Canada’s Jewish Fund for the Relief of War Sufferers. List [Names of officers of organizations in memos, reports]
File 87.1: ORT, 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, French), including Isaac Rubinstein’s summary of history of ORT (in materials for Reconstruction Committee, April 22, 1921), miscellaneous on JDC aid. List [Names of individuals in reports]
Record Group 2-3: Relations with Commercial Agencies
File 85: Relations with Commercial Agencies, 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Report (August 7, 1919) by Reuben Fink with detailed information on the activities of private organizations, commercial agencies, businesses, Yiddish and Ladino newspapers and public institutions that offer services or provide relief for Jews abroad. List [Names of business, agency individuals in report]
Record Group 2-4: Organizations Overseas
File 86: Organizations Overseas
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, French) on organizing, financing aid, extent of JDC commitment. Miscellaneous from Comite des Delegations Juives Aupres de la Conference de la Paix (on aid to Jews after the Paris Peace Conference).
File 87.2: Overseas, International (Jewish) World Relief Conference, 1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, German, French) on conference in Carlsbad in 1920; account in Jewish Criterion (June 11, 1920). Correspondence on whether JDC should participate. List [Names of individuals in Alexander Salkind report]
Overseas, International (Jewish) World Relief Conference, 1920