Extent: 81 files
These files describe JDC’s global relief, renewal, and reconstruction efforts during the years 1955-1964, as the organization continues to: assist in the reconstruction of European Jewish communal life and its infrastructure in the aftermath of World War II; provide critical support for the absorption of immigrants into the State of Israel and developing an extensive array of social service resources to facilitate their integration into Israeli society; and offer critical relief for displaced persons and Holocaust survivors and for vulnerable communities and individuals around the world.
The Subject Matter subcollection is organized into 11 record groups. Within each record group, files are arranged alphabetically.
Christian Rescuers
Displaced Persons
Education, Religion, and Culture
Emigration and Immigration
Relief Supplies
Record Group: Aged
File 776: Aged, 1956-1957, 1960-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4141,4142
Miscellaneous on care of aged, on White House Conference on Aging
(January 1961); President John F. Kennedy statement (February 21,
1963) on care of the aged.
Record Group: Children
File 777: Adoptions, 1955-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4139,4140
Correspondence regarding adoption of orphans from North Africa,
Eastern Europe; miscellaneous on legal aspects of adoption.
File 784: Day Care, General, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4169
Reports on day care programs, including turnover of children, personnel due to emigration.
File 785: Day Care, General, 1955-1956, 1958-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4170,4172
Correspondence, reports on day care programs, including turnover of children, personnel due to emigration.
File 786: Day Care, Personnel Recruitment, 1956-1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4171
Correspondence seeking applicants, personnel for projects overseas.
File 787: Day Care, Staff Conferences, 1960, 1962-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4173, 4174, 4175
Minutes of day care staff conferences in Geneva, including program overviews, education, educational standards, recruitment and professional development.
File 853: Summer Colonies, 1955-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4529
Correspondence, memos, press releases, extracts of committee meetings minutes on summer colonies.
File 854: Summer Colonies, Counselors, 1961-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4527, 4528
miscellaneous, including correspondence on volunteer program and
subsequent problems with American volunteer counselors at European
summer colonies, camps.
File 855: Summer Colonies, Directories, 1956, 1960, 1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4526
Printed directories of summer colonies and camps, primarily for children, in Europe; tables include ages of campers, duration of program.
File 856: Summer Colonies, Printed Matter, 1957
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4526
Printed material includes “Handbook for Counselors of Jewish Summer Colonies and Camps”; booklet on standards for vacation colonies and camps.
Record Group: Christian Rescuers
File 778: General, 1962-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4159
Correspondence, queries, background materials on Christian rescuers; paper on Institute for the Righteous Acts, a documentation center (unsigned, undated, probably 1963).
File 779: Johannes Bagaard, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4157
Correspondence on Johannes Bagaard, who rescued Jews in Holland during the Nazi era.
File 780: Herman F. Graebe, 1961-1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4158
Correspondence on aid to Herman F. Graebe, a German engineer who rescued Jews in Zdolbunow, Ukraine.
File 781: Theodoros M. Karakatsoulas, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4160
Correspondence on aid to Theodoros M. Karakatsoulas; no details on rescue of Larissa Jews.
File 782: Leopold Kopetzky, 1946, 1950, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4161
Correspondence (in German) regarding Leopold Kopetzky’s rescue activities.
File 783: Wladyslaw Wojcik, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4162
Letter (August 1964) from Jewish Historical Institute stating that Wladyslaw Wojcik, excavating Warsaw Ghetto, located and salvaged canisters with Emanuel Ringelblum’s documentation.
Record Group: Displaced Persons
File 788: General, 1955, 1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4178
Miscellaneous, including logistical aid to voluntary agencies.
Record Group: Education, Religion, and Culture
File 789: Education, General, 1963-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1251
Reports, extracts from committee meeting minutes on education programs. Press release (January 17, 1963) on Jewish education in Western Europe.
File 790: Education, General, 1961-1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1252
Reports, correspondence, extracts from committee meeting minutes on education programs, including effect on locations of losses to emigration and gains from immigration.
File 791: Education, General, 1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1253
Reports, correspondence on JDC role in Jewish education; press release (March 3, 1960) on revival of Jewish education in Western Europe [Names of some scholarship recipients, memo November 15, 1960].
File 792: Education, General, 1959
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1253
Reports, correspondence on proposects for education programs.
File 793: Education, General, 1955-1958
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1254
Memos, reports on education issues, primarily in Europe.
File 794: Education, Europe, Printed Matter, 1961
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1249
Booklet, “Mon Album d’Images”, of text, “clip art” of Jewish symbols, personalities, history; supplement to Hamore (Hamoreh) (No. 17, December 1961).
File 795: Education, Europe, Printed Matter, 1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1247
Printed material on Jewish education, lifecycle events (from JDC Overseas Conference, Geneva, November 1, 1960). Booklets (German, French) on schools, role of parents, summer camps, bar mitzvah; copies of Hamore (Hamoreh). [See 55/64 # 791, Education, General, 1960]
File 796: Education, Europe, Report, 1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1246
Report (October 1962, in English, French) on Jewish day and supplementary schools in Western Europe.
File 797: Education, Europe, Report, 1959
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1248
Proceedings (November 1959) of session on Jewish education at annual Overseas Conference.
File 798: Education, Europe, Report, 1958
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1250
Report on activities of Education Department, on education programs in France, Italy, Belgium, Holland.
File 799: Education, Europe, Report, 1956
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1257
Proceedings (October 8-10, 1956, Paris) of conference on Jewish education.
File 800: Education, Scholarships, General, 1959-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4493
Miscellaneous on creation, financing of JDC scholarship program for professional training in social welfare, education and health services [Some names of applicants].
File 801: Education, Scholarships, Medical, 1955-1956
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4494
Miscellaneous materials, statistics on scholarships for medical/health personnel.
File 802: Education, Scholarships, Meetings, 1959-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4523
Meeting minutes of JDC scholarship committee; review of applications, miscellaneous on procedures [Names in minutes, discussions of applications].
File 845: General, 1955-1960, 1962-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1238
Reports, correspondence on cultural and religious programs, needs.
File 846: Cemeteries, Restoration, 1961, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4150
Correspondence on renovations; appeals for funds for restoration and preservation of Jewish cemeteries in Europe.
File 847: Publications, European Shass, 1955-1957, 1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1265
Miscellaneous on background of, requests for, distribution of volumes of Talmud printed in Europe for displaced persons.
File 848: Religious Articles and Books, 1957-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1282
Correspondence regarding requests, salvage, distribution of religious supplies, books.
File 849: Religious Articles and Books, 1955-1956
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1283
Correspondence regarding requests, distribution of religious supplies, books.
File 850: Talmud Torah Correspondence Course, 1959
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1305
Materials (French) for Talmud Torah correspondence course), created under supervision of Rabbi Jean Schwarz.
Record Group: Emigration and Immigration
File 806: Emigration, General, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4277
Correspondence, bulletins on immigration legislation, excerpts from congressional hearings.
File 807: Emigration, General, 1959-1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4194
Correspondence, memos on emigration. [NO EMIGRATION MATERIALS FOR 1963]
File 808: Emigration, General, 1955-1958
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4195
Correspondence, memos, including background, statistical material on emigration; financing [Names of individuals who received, repaid emigration grants].
File 809: Immigration to U.S., 1963-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4238
Bulletins on immigration legislation; excerpts from congressional hearings.
File 810: Immigration to U.S., 1957-1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4239
Miscellaneous, including U.S. State Department bulletins, excerpts from congressional hearings, immigration legislation.
File 811: Immigration to U.S., 1955-1956
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4240
Miscellaneous, including U.S. State Department bulletins, excerpts from congressional hearings, immigration legislation.
File 812: Immigration to U.S., Printed Matter, 1953, 1957, 1961
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4246
Pamphlets and booklets, including: “American Immigration Policy: Selected Statements,” by the American Immigration Conference (1957); “Witness for Immigration,” from National Council of the Churches of Christ (1961); “Polish Immigration Committee in the United States,”by Thaddeus Theodore Krysiewicz (1953).
File 813: Immigration to U.S., Refugees from Cuba, 1960-1961, 1963-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4333
Correspondence, materials on aid, resettlement in the U.S. of refugees from Cuba.
Immigration to U.S., Refugees from Cuba, 1960-1961, 1963-1964
Record Group: Demographics
File 814: Jewish Population, 1958, 1961-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4257
Memos with data on Jewish population.
Record Group: Refugees
File 815: Nansen Medal, 1955, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4296
Miscellaneous on award for service to refugees, named in honor of Norway’s Fridtjof Nansen; Charles Jordan speech on Nansen, receipt of medal.
File 816: Refugees, 1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4332
Miscellaneous correspondence, statistics on refugees, aid.
File 817: Refugees, Children, Conversion, 1958, 1961-1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4336
Miscellaneous regarding refugee children said to be endangered by missionaries.
File 818: Refugees, Congressional Questionnaire, 1959-1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4337
Miscellaneous on aid to refugees, submitted in response to questionnaire from congressional Judiciary Committee’s Representative Francis Walter.
File 819: Refugees, World Refugee Year, Printed Matter, 1959-1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4603, 4605
JDC reports on special projects for World Refugee Year; report of U.S. Committee for Refugees, International Catholic Migration Commission. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) bulletins on refugee programs, aid to Palestinian refugees.
Record Group: Relief Supplies
File 821: General, 1960-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4338
Statistical reports from supply division on purchases, shipments of relief supplies.
File 822: General, 1955-1959
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4339
Statistical reports from supply division on purchases, shipments of relief supplies.
File 823: Donations, Clothing, 1955, 1958-1959, 1962-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4381
Miscellaneous correspondence, generally discouraging clothing donations.
File 824: Donations, Medical, 1959-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4384
Miscellaneous, including lists of medicines, medical supplies and equipment needed by institutions; letters to pharmaceutical companies seeking donations.
File 825: Financial, Reimbursement of Shipping Expenses, 1958-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4366
Correspondence to International Cooperation Administration and Agency for International Development for reimbursement of shipping/freight expenses for commodities, relief supplies.
File 826: Financial, Reimbursement of Shipping Expenses, 1955-1957
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4367
Correspondence to and regarding International Cooperation Administration for reimbursement of shipping/freight expenses for commodities, relief supplies.
File 827: Fish Flour, 1958-1961
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4348
Correspondence regarding futile efforts to purchase fish flour with high nutritional value, problems with kashrut certification.
File 828: Religious Supplies, Kosher Food, 1959, 1961-1962, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4353
Correspondence regarding kashrut certification for various commodities.
File 829: Religious Supplies, Passover, 1963-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4356
Correspondence, accounting memos on requests, distribution and remittances for Passover supplies, primarily matzot.
File 830: Religious Supplies, Passover, 1961-1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4357
Correspondence, accounting memos on requests, distribution and remittances for Passover supplies, primarily matzot.
File 831: Religious Supplies, Passover, 1957-1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4357
Correspondence, accounting memos on requests, distribution and remittances for Passover supplies, primarily matzot.
File 832: Religious Supplies, Passover, 1955-1956
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4358
Correspondence, accounting memos on requests, distribution and remittances for Passover supplies, matzot.
File 833: Religious Supplies, Passover, Maot Chitim, 1955, 1957, 1960-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4362
Correspondence (remittances, acknowledgements) on fund-raising campaign to provide Passover supplies.
Religious Supplies, Passover, Maot Chitim, 1955, 1957, 1960-1964
File 834: Religious Supplies, Sefer Torah, 1956-1961, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 1297
Correspondence on acquisition, rescue, repair, distribution of religious books, Sifrei Torah. [See 55/64 # 848, Religious-Cultural: Religious Articles and Books, 1957-1964]
File 835: U.S. Surplus Commodities, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4634
Miscellaneous regarding legislation, available surplus commodities; minutes of meetings of voluntary agencies’ Food Resources Policy Committee,
File 836: U.S. Surplus Commodities, 1963
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4635
Correspondence regarding legislation, needs and availability of surplus commodities. Declaration, remarks from World Food Congress (transmitted June 22, 1963).
File 837: U.S. Surplus Commodities, 1962
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4636
Miscellaneous, including remarks from Food for Peace conference (June 1962), correspondence regarding legislation concerning surplus commodities.
File 838: U.S. Surplus Commodities, 1961
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4637
Miscellaneous, including memos, correspondence on legislation regarding surplus commodities, requests for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) commodities.
File 839: U.S. Surplus Commodities, 1959-1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4638
Miscellaneous, including memos, correspondence on legislation, availability of surplus commodities; U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) press releases.
File 840: U.S. Surplus Commodities, 1958
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4639
Miscellaneous, including correspondence from voluntary agencies on policy, legislation on surplus commodities; Senator Hubert Humphrey report “Food and fiber as a force for freedom” (April 21, 1958).
File 841: U.S. Surplus Commodities, 1955-1957
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4640
Miscellaneous, including correspondence from voluntary agencies on freight subsidies, testimony on legislation on surplus commodities; U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) press releases and booklet.
File 842: U.S. Surplus Commodities, Israel, 1956, 1958, 1961-1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4641
Materials on U.S. surplus supplies for Israel; correspondence on administration, operations, compliance, use of supplies.
File 843: U.S. Surplus Commodities, Morocco, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4642
U.S. government audit, correspondence on remedial measures for use of U.S. commodities in Morocco.
File 844: U.S. Surplus Commodities, Yugoslavia, 1964
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4643
U.S. government audit, correspondence on remedial measures for publicity on U.S. commodities in Yugoslavia.
Record Group: Reparations
File 851: Reparations: General, 1955-1957
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4388
Correspondence on reparations claims, payments from Paris Reparation Conference agreements, from neutral countries; correspondence regarding Western European claims against West Germany.
File 852: Reparations: Committee on Eight Power Demarche, 1956-1960
Old Folder Number: 45/64 # 4481
Minutes of meetings of ad hoc committee of Jewish organizations seeking reparations for Nazi victims in Western Europe.