Extent: 253 files
This subcollection describes JDC’s Jerusalem office’s post-World War II programs and relief activities. These records include: discussions on the challenges of sending supplies from Israel during the War of Independence to refugees and survivors in Europe; lists of early recipients—as early in 1945—of JDC relief packages in Vilna, Rovno and Kiev; monthly financial reports detailing outlays for emigration assistance, supplies, and assistance to yeshivot students and their families throughout Israel; preliminary deliberations about planning an airlift of Iraqi Jewry—which eventually took place as Operation Ezra and Nehemiah, a series of airlifts from Baghdad in 1951-1952; and the impact of the rise of Communist governments in China and Europe on JDC’s activities, reflected in, for example, the increasingly heavy taxes levied by the Romanian government on relief packages. (In 1947, JDC ceased its activities in Romania.)
Decisions of the Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee are cross-referenced in JDC’s New York 1945-1954 Administration subcollection
The Subject Matter subcollection is arranged in 10 record groups. Within each record group, files are arranged alphabetically.
Record Group: Aliya
Extent: 57 files
The Aliya record group, the second largest in this subcollection, primarily covers the years 1948-1952, a period of mass immigration to the State of Israel. JDC coordinated and subsidized the transport of Jews from Aden, Afghanistan, China, Europe, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, and elsewhere (see the Aden sub-collection for detailed information on Occupation Magic Carpet from Yemen).
The files contain passenger lists and transit camp descriptions from Operation Ezra and Nehemiah, a series of airlifts from Baghdad in 1951-1952, during which most of the 2,800-year-old Iraqi Jewish community–some 130,000 people–are brought to Israel via Cyprus and Iran; discussions about reducing support for Aliya in light of curtailed funds; Aliya statistics; and an agreement, dated 1951, that the Jewish Agency assume responsibility for Aliya, as well as its plans for building and loans to facilitate absorption.
Another noteworthy group of records are the 11 files of emigration deposits and promissory notes submitted by individuals in Israel to cover the cost of their relatives in Europe hoping to make Aliya from Europe.
File JER.382: Absorption of Olim 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 58/4, 58/5
File JER.383: Absorption January-March 1950
Old Folder Number: 57/2
Cables, correspondence, charts, list, regarding Aliya from Tientsin, Aden, Poland and other places; returnees from Israel to Germany; hard core olim; successful negotiation for IRO coverage; expenses, baggage; negotiations regarding air transport of Yemenites from Aden.
File JER.384: Absorption April-June 1950
Old Folder Number: 57/2.1
Cables, correspondence, charts, regarding Aliya and air transport from Iraq, Aden, and other places; returnees from Israel to Germany; hard core olim; IRO coverage; expenses, baggage, statistics; arrangements for Passover.
File JER.385: Absorption May-July 1950
Old Folder Number: 57/2a
Cables, correspondence, charts, draft agreement, regarding Aliya and transport from Tripoli, Iraq, Aden, and other places; returnees from Israel to Germany; hard core olim; IRO coverage; expenses, baggage, statistics; financial responsibility for Hachsharot in France.
File JER.386: Absorption August-October 1950
Old Folder Number: 57/2a.1
Cables, correspondence, charts, report, meeting minutes, regarding Aliya and future Aliya planned from Iran, Afghanistan, and other places; hard core olim; IRO coverage; expenses, baggage, statistics.
File JER.387: Absorption October 1950-January 1951
Old Folder Number: 57/2b
Cables, correspondence, charts, report, meeting minutes, regarding Aliya and future Aliya planned from Iran, Hong Kong, and other places; hard core olim; potential IRO coverage for Aliya; need to cut Aliya in light of curtailed funds; returnees from Israel; Anna Salen ship; statistics of Aliya including total number sponsored by JDC for 1950.
File JER.388: Absorption February 1951
Old Folder Number: 57/2b.1
Cables, correspondence, agreements, meeting minutes, newspaper clipping, regarding hard core olim; potential IRO coverage for Aliya; returnees from Israel; medical treatment in Tripoli; Jewish Agency take over of responsibility for Aliya; agreement with ORT.
File JER.389: Absorption March-April 1951
Old Folder Number: 57/2b.2+51/1
Cables, correspondence, chart, agreements, memoranda, regarding hard core olim, their transportation and absorption; definitions of those eligible for IRO coverage; cooperation with OSE; medical treatment in North Africa; closing of Kuridsh transit camp in Iran; takeover of responsibility for Aliya from JDC to Jewish Agency.
File JER.390: Absorption April 1951-May 1952
Old Folder Number: 57/2c
Cables, correspondence, charts, booklets, agreements, meeting minutes, press release, newspaper clipping, regarding hard core olim, their transportation and absorption; Aliya statistics; Aliya from Libya, Germany, Romania; Israeli returnees; IRO eligibility; ongoing questions regarding Aliya financing vis a vis Jewish Agency.
File JER.391: Absorption and Emigration June-December 1952
Old Folder Number: 57/2d
Cables, correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, regarding individuals leaving Israel for Canada; Jews in Cochin; Aliya from China; Israeli returnees, including their being barred from Fohrenwald; IRO eligibility; a doctor for JDC Germany.
File JER.392: Aliya from China 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 57/8
Correspondence, cables regarding olim from Shanghai in old age home in Israel; new Chinese legislation to deport destitute; negotiations with Jewish Agency regarding responsibility for Aliya.
File JER.394: Aliya from Iraq 1950-1951
Old Folder Number:
Cables, correspondence, charts, regarding Aliya from Iraq, considered a rescue operation made possible after the lifting of martial law. Includes statistics of how many passengers per flight by age group, possibility of El Al taking over from Near East Air Transport.
File JER.395: Aliya from Iraq August 1950-July 1951
Old Folder Number: 57/3b.1
Cables, correspondence, lists, booklet, reports, passenger statistics by age and country of origin, camp expense report, agreeement, regarding conflict between Mossad and Jewish Agency; Iraqi prisoners, situations in Iraqi and Kurdish transit camps, gift of four ambulances to Iran government, travel arrangements, medical personnel and supplies for transit camps. In addition some material on Aliya from Iran and Afghanistan.
File JER.396: Aliya from Iraq and Iran 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 57/3
Cables, correspondence, shipping advice, report, expenses account, newspaper clippings, agreeement, meeting minutes, regarding travel arrangements, medical personnel and supplies for transit camp and Aliya from Iraq, considered a rescue operation made possible after the lifting of martial law. In addition, situation in Kurdistan mentioned.
File JER.397: Aliya from Iraq and Iran 1950
Old Folder Number: 57/3b
Cables, correspondence, reports, expenditure accounts, regarding conditions in Kurdish and Iraqi transit camps, statistics for Aliya by place of origin; Jewish prisoners in Iraq.
File JER.398: Aliya from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 57/3c
Cables, correspondence, press releases, booklet, reports, passenger statistics by age and country of origin, regarding the situation in the transit camp and general feeling to wait until reports from Israel improve; take over of Aliya operation by Jewish Agency. In addition, significant material on Aliya from Iran and Afghanistan, travel arrangements, and departure of Stanley Abramovitch, replacement by Abraham Laskove.
File JER.399: Aliya from Moslem Countries and Reports 1949
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Correspondence, cables, lists, newspaper clipping, reports regarding situations of Jews in and Aliya from Yemen, Aden, Asmara, Djibouti, Bahrain,Ethiopia and India. Includes letters from individuals in various countries; summaries regarding absorption methods of Jews from the Middle East.
File JER.401: Correspondence with Bucharest Aliya Deposits 1948
Old Folder Number: 3
Cables regarding who will cover emigration costs for individuals in Romania; one item regarding supplies.
Bucharest (Romania)
Emigration Deposits
File JER.402: Correspondence with Bucharest 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/9
Cables, correspondence regarding Aliya from Romania, including many queries concerning covering costs for relatives.
File JER.403: Correspondence with Budapest 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 51/10
Correspondence and cables regarding payments and money transfers.
File JER.404: Correspondence with Germany Aliya 1949
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Correspondence, cables, lists, newspaper clipping, reports regarding situations of Jews in and Aliya from Yemen, Aden, Asmara, Djibouti, Bahrain,Ethiopia and India. Includes letters from individuals in various countries; summaries regarding absorption methods of Jews from the Middle East.
File JER.405: Correspondence with London Aden Camp 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/4.1
Cables, correspondence, regarding negotiations with the Colonial Office for transporting Yemenite Jews from Aden camp to Israel; transfer of funds to cover transport.
File JER.406: Correspondence with Paris Aliya 1948 More info
Old Folder Number: 51/1.9
Correspondence, and cables regarding Aliya from Aden, Turkey, India and Cyprus. Includes much material on conditions in Hashed camp, exchanges regarding personnel in these locations, as well as a proposal for employment for new immigrants.
File JER.407: Correspondence with Paris Aliya July-September 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.40
Correspondence, cables, lists of Aliya ships, meeting minutes, potential Aliya from Europe and Cyprus; potential permission for Aliya from Aden and reconstruction there; division of labor between Jewish Agency and government Aliya departments; Aliya statistics; conditions in Hashed camp.
File JER.408: Correspondence with Paris Aliya December 1948-February 1949 More info
Old Folder Number: 7
Cables, correspondence, regarding emigration deposits; Aliya from Aden including statistics on flights, negotiations with Alaska Airlines; youth Aliya from Greece; Aliya from other places in Europe, Turkey, Shanghai.
File JER.409: Correspondence with Paris Aliya 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.31
Correspondence, budget and cables regarding Aliya via Italy and Marseilles, as well as from Cyprus and Aden. Topics include anticipated care of social cases in Israel, conditions in Marseilles, publicity regarding the packing up of the Cyprus camps.
File JER.410: Correspondence with Paris Aliya 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.14
Correspondence and cables regarding Aliya from Czechoslovakia, Romania, Aden. Much of the file relates to damaged property.
File JER.411: Correspondence with Paris Aliya July-October 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.34
Correspondence, letters of recommendation, and cables regarding Aliya of individuals seeking employment; Youth Aliya; Aliya from North Africa.
File JER.412: Correspondence with Prague 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/6
Correspondence, cables regarding transportation of individuals paid by JDC or by relatives; etrogs shipped to Prague; lost luggage; appeals for help for individuals now in Israel.
File JER.413: Correspondence with Shanghai 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 56/9
Cables, correspondence, letter of recommendation, list, bill of lading, regarding individual cases; airflights of immigrants from various locations; belongings from Tientsin; statistics on numbers in transit, including age group.
File JER.414: Correspondence with Shanghai 1950-1951, 1953
Old Folder Number: 56/9
Correspondence, cables, bills of lading, passenger lists, invoice regarding baggage sent by ship of immigrants from Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tientsin, Harbin. In addition, question of repayment by these immigrants to JDC.
File JER.415: Correspondence with Sweden 1949
Old Folder Number: 56/26
Letter regarding declaration by individual in Israel received in Sweden, relating to American immigration visa.
File JER.416: Emigration Deposits May-July 1948
Old Folder Number: 1(3)
Cables, correspondence, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives in Israel. In addition some correspondence regarding emigration to South America.
File JER.417: Emigration Deposits August 1948
Old Folder Number: 1(3).1
Cables, correspondence, affidavits, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives in Israel.
File JER.418: Emigration Deposits September 1948
Old Folder Number: 1(3).2
Cables, correspondence, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives in Israel.
File JER.419: Emigration Deposits November 1948
Old Folder Number: 1(4)
Cables, correspondence, chart regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives in Israel. In addition some correspondence regarding emigration to New Zealand.
File JER.420: Emigration Deposits December 1948
Old Folder Number: 1(4).1
Cables, correspondence, chart regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives in Israel. In addition, emigration case to Australia and shipments from South Africa.
File JER.421: Emigration Deposits January-February 1949
Old Folder Number: 1(4).2
Cables, correspondence, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives in Israel. In addition, correspondence regarding missing luggage, requests for individual help.
File JER.422: Emigration Deposits June-July 1949
Old Folder Number: 1(5)
Cables, correspondence, bill, list, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives in Israel. In addition some correspondence regarding emigration to the United States; Aliya from North Africa.
File JER.423: Emigration Deposits August-September 1949
Old Folder Number: 1(5).1
Cables, correspondence, bill, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives. In addition some correspondence regarding help contacting relatives in the United States.
File JER.424: Emigration Deposits and Loans September-October 1949
Old Folder Number: 1(6)
Cables, correspondence, bill, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives. In addition some correspondence regarding help contacting relatives in the United States.
File JER.425: Emigration Deposits November 1949
Old Folder Number: 1(6).1
Cables, correspondence, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives. In addition some correspondence regarding emigration to other countries.
File JER.426: Emigration Deposits December 1949-January 1951
Old Folder Number: 1(6).2
Cables, correspondence, IOUs, regarding payment of immigration costs by relatives. In addition some correspondence regarding emigration to other countries.
File JER.427: Harry Viteles on Yemenite Aliya 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3
Correspondence, cables, regarding Viteles’ travel arrangements to Aden and Teheran; personnel and supplies for refugee camp in Aden as well as for Operation Magic Carpet planes; agreements with youth Aliya regarding orphans from Yemen in first phase of operation.
File JER.428: Immigrant Absorption 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 12
Correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, newspaper clipping, charts, regarding statistics and plans for further immigrant absorption by the Jewish Agency, such as in Jerusalem. Includes detailed expenditure listings such as building, loans.
File JER.429: Immigrant Absorption March-April 1949
Old Folder Number: 12.1
Correspondence, reports, booklet, newspaper clippings, charts, regarding statistics and plans for further immigrant absorption by the Jewish Agency.
File JER.430: Immigrant Absorption May-July 1949
Old Folder Number: 12.2
Correspondence, cables, booklets, reports, newspaper clippings, charts, regarding statistics, immigrant demonstrations, absorption in Jerusalem, early discussions for JDC care for social cases, plans for other immigrant absorption by the Jewish Agency.
File JER.431: Italy: Aliya 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 20.1, 3
Cables, correspondence, lists, regarding money deposited by immigrants from Italy; increased certificate holders; baggage.
File JER.432: Jewish Agency Aliya Reports 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 11
Reports, correspondence, cable, press release, booklets, collected press coverage, regarding Aliya. Aspects include financial outlay, statistics on tourists, immigrants, conditions in immigrant camps, government allocations.
File JER.433: Jewish Agency Aliya Reports 1950
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Reports, collected press coverage, regarding Aliya. Statistics include countries of origin, family status and size, modes of transportation.
File JER.434: Promissory Notes and Emigration Cards from Greece 1950
Old Folder Number: 11
Promissory notes, emigration cards and list documenting immigrants from Greece.
File JER.436: Promissory Notes from Sweden and Aliya Finances 1950
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Promissory notes signed by immigrants in Sweden; lists of immigrants and calculations of expenses associated with Aliya, including shoe repair, clothing, luggage, housing.
File JER.437: Tientsin Transport 1949
Old Folder Number: 56/9a
Lists, correspondence, cables, bill of lading, receipts, regarding transport of belongings from Hong Kong to Israel.
File JER.438: Tientsin and Shanghai Transports 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 56/9a1
Lists, correspondence, cables, bills, regarding transport of belongings from China to Israel; payment for the shipments, including promissory notes. Some belong to individuals emigrated elsewhere.
Record Group: Cultural/Religious Children
Extent: 57 files
The Cultural/Religious record group describes the proceedings of JDC’s Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee of JDC, which was based in JDC’s global headquarters in New York and supervised allocations for cultural and religious supplies and resources to Palestine, later Israel, along with some shipments of supplies to communities in Europe and Shanghai. The files also reflect a policy shift in 1949 towards exclusively funding institutions of higher education–with an increased focus on supporting yeshivot all across Israel.
In addition, this record group includes material on Torah scrolls and research and advocacy conducted on behalf of Agunot (women who have not received a religious divorce from their husbands). For post-1949 files on these topics, please see the Yeshivot record group in this Subject Matter subcollection.
File JER.439: Aid to Cultural and Religious Institutions, Religious Supplies 1945
Old Folder Number: 7.1
Correspondence, export license applications, booklets, financial report, regarding support requested or given to cultural and religious (non-yeshiva) institutions; religious supplies sent to Europe; allocations made by JDC New York cultural committee; help needed by religious communities in Europe.
Aid to Cultural and Religious Institutions, Religious Supplies 1945
File JER.440: Aid to Cultural and Religious Institutions, Religious Supplies 1946
Old Folder Number: 8.1
Correspondence, booklet, allocations lists and tables, charm formulation, financial report, insurance certificate, meeting minutes, package registration slip, debit note, export form, regarding support and supplies requested or given to cultural and religious (non-yeshiva) institutions; tefillin manufactured in Palestine and sent to Mir Yeshiva in Shanghai; other religious and educational supplies sent to Europe; allocations made by JDC New York cultural committee.
Aid to Cultural and Religious Institutions, Religious Supplies 1946
File JER.441: Aid to Educational Institutions, Religious Supplies 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 7.1
Correspondence, insurance certificates, meeting minutes, package registration slip, debit note, export form, regarding support requested or given to cultural and religious (non-yeshiva) institutions; tefillin manufactured in Palestine and sent to Europe and the United States; allocations made by JDC New York cultural committee. The file contains documentation of a decision to fund only higher education.
Aid to Educational Institutions, Religious Supplies 1946-1947
File JER.442: Correspondence with Paris Religious 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.32
Correspondence, budget and cables regarding travel arrangements; manuscripts in Poland to be transferred to Israel.
File JER.443: Cultural Committee 1949
Old Folder Number: 52/12.1
Correspondence, meeting minutes, financial report, allotment lists, regarding new Israel-based committee to decide on allocations; support requested or given to religious publishing projects, schools; religious supplies from Cyprus.
File JER.444: Cultural Religious Affairs Committee April-September 1949
Old Folder Number: 9.1
Reports, meeting minutes, allocations lists, correspondence, regarding allocations to research and publication projects decided by the Cultural-Religious Affairs Committee in New York. Topics include S.D. Kahane’s work on behalf of war Agunot; demand for copies of Talmud printed in Germany; sifrei Torah from Europe for various bodies in Israel; proposal for Aguda schools to be opened for new immigrants; counselors for immigrant camps.
File JER.445: Educational and Religious Supplies for Europe 1945
Old Folder Number: 9
Order lists, export license applications, invoices, receipts, insurance certificates, regarding ordering, sending of and insurance for books, tefillin and other ritual objects, art supplies, newspapers, to Europe.
Record Group: Education
Extent: 16 files
The 16 Education files primarily cover the years 1948-1952, while there is some material from 1945-47. The material details educational programs in North Africa and Europe, including four files on the recruitment of individuals in Palestine/Israel to teach in Europe and North Africa. The Jewish Agency conducted much of the recruitment, but the Yeshivot Committee also responded to requests by the Central Orthodox Committee for teachers from that sector. In addition, the record group includes nine files on the Paul Baerwald School for training Jewish social workers in Versailles, recruitment of applicants and its planned move to Israel. Finally, the record group includes an agreement with ORT, as well as correspondence on scholarships and training by the National Council of Jewish Women.
File JER.446: Correspondence with Paris Education 1947
Extent: .2 inch
Circulars regarding agreement with ORT, aid to students, work projects.
File JER.447: North Africa: Education and Hachshara 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Correspondence regarding educational supplies, a hot lunch program for schools in Morocco, Tripolitania. In addition, material on aid to a Hachshara program in Greece.
File JER.448: ORT 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 53/9, 51/1
Report, correspondence, cables, agreement, lists on ORT activities in Israel. Lists include ORT trade schools in Israel, members of the council and board; relationship between ORT and the Histadrut, JDC; State Department meeting summary.
File JER.449: Paul Baerwald School 1949, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 56/28a
Correspondence, cables, report, meeting minutes, photographs, letters of recommendation regarding candidates for the Paul Baerwald School in Versailles; visas, and other travel arrangements; placement after graduation; planned move of school to Israel.
File JER.450: Paul Baerwald School 1950
Old Folder Number: 56/28b.1
Correspondence, forms, accommodation certificate, article reprint, regarding visas for France; admissions; transportation arrangements and costs; individual cases of students and applicants.
File JER.451: Paul Baerwald School 1951
Old Folder Number: 56/28a.1
Correspondence, press release, cables, reports, meeting minutes, lists, letters of recommendation regarding candidates for the Paul Baerwald School in Versailles; visas, and other travel arrangements; potential program to introduce alumni to Israeli social work, placement after graduation; planned move of school to Israel.
File JER.452: Paul Baerwald School January-April 1951
Old Folder Number: 56/28b.2
Correspondence regarding evaluation of PBS graduates in Israel; student recruitment, and requests for application materials.
File JER.453: Paul Baerwald School May-June 1951
Old Folder Number: 56/28b.3
Correspondence, cables, letter of recommendation, meeting minutes, press release, regarding lecturer for PBS, possible role of PBS in Israel; application process.
File JER.454: Paul Baerwald School 1952-1954
Old Folder Number: 56/28b
Correspondence, meeting minutes, cables, regarding travel arrangements for students on their way to study in Versailles; possible ulpan for graduates in Israel; in service training course for Malben as possible preparation for moving school to Israel, and its implementation.
File JER.455: Paul Baerwald School Candidates 1952
Old Folder Number: 56/28
Correspondence, letters of recommendation and employment confirmation regarding title, visas, and other travel arrangements.
File JER.456: Paul Baerwald School Correspondence 1952
Old Folder Number: 56/22
Correspondence, cables regarding employment, applications, acceptance of candidates, travel arrangements. Although accepted, a number of candidates did not ultimately enroll.
File JER.457: Paul Baerwald School Students and Move 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 56/28a.2
Correspondence, pledges of social work service, cables, meeting minutes, newspaper clipping, letters of recommendation regarding candidates for the Paul Baerwald School in Versailles; visas, and other travel arrangements; placements after graduation; planned move of school to Israel; recruitment of students for 1952-53.
File JER.458: Reports from Foehrenwald 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: none
Photocopied reports on camp conditions, especially child care and education, at Foehrenwald DP camp. In addition some information on conditions in Austria, Switzerland, and regarding Frankfurt conference.
File JER.459: Teachers for Europe April-August 1948
Old Folder Number: 57/1.2
Correspondence, cables, report, list, regarding recruitment of teachers from Palestine/Israel to teach in Europe, North Africa. Includes report on Judaism and Zionism in Morocco, Tunisia and Tripoli.
File JER.460: Teachers for Europe September 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 57/1.3
Correspondence, cables, chart, [report], lists, meeting summary, regarding teachers from Palestine/Israel to teach in Europe, North Africa, their terms of work. Most were recruited and sent by the Jewish Agency, but the Yeshivot Committee also responded to requests by the Central Orthodox Committee for teachers from that sector.
File JER.463: National Council of Jewish Women Scholarships 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 56/21.1
Correspondence, cables, meeting minutes, regarding proceedings of Israel selection committee; travel arrangements, visas, for recipients of scholarships to study in the United States.
Record Group: Emigration
Extent:13 files
The thirteen folders in the Emigration record group cover the years 1946-1950 and primarily cover the movement of individuals to countries besides Palestine/Israel. In these post-war years Displaced Persons were on the move from Europe and Asia to start anew in places such as Australia; individuals left Israel to return to Europe or go elsewhere. Emigration manuals sent from the Paris Emigration office contain information on quotas, visa accessibility and conditions in various countries of potential immigration. In addition, the record group contains some material relating to Aliya, such as reports on conditions in Aden, IRO coverage for Olim, and procedures regarding emigration deposits given by individuals for their relatives making Aliya.
File JER.465: Correspondence with Bombay 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/13
Cables, correspondence regarding Passover packages; transportation arrangements; Israelis quarantined in India because their Alaska Airline chartered plane had been in a yellow fever zone.
File JER.466: Correspondence with Genoa 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 51/12
Correspondence, cable, Dr. Magnes’ discretionary fund; shipment of supplies, luggage.
File JER.467: Correspondence with Paris Emigration/Refugees 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.1
Memoranda, cables, correspondence, news bulletin, regarding change in policy governing emigration deposits for relatives; payment for Hachsharot in Bulgaria run by the Jewish Agency; situation of refugees in Aden, Bombay, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
File JER.468: Correspondence with Paris Emigration 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.19
Correspondence, cables, regarding payments by relatives for emigration; arrangements for Aden flights; conditions in Aden camp.
File JER.469: Correspondence with Paris: Emigration 1949-1954
Old Folder Number: 52/6
Cables, correspondence, memoranda regarding transportation costs covered by relatives, ICEM (Intergovernmental Committee for Migration), and JDC; requests for supplies to Eastern Europe; Aliya from Romania, Bulgaria; immigration to Australia, Canada; immigration statistics; instructions regarding paperwork for emigrants; U.S. legislation increasing European immigration.
File JER.470: Emigration and Tracing Circulars 1947
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Administrative memoranda, names lists, address lists, monthly report, tables, sent from emigration headquarters in Paris. Topics include departures from France, Berlin, Czechoslovakia; statistics on numbers of cases processed in various European offices.
File JER.471: Emigration from Holland 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 10
Loan agreements signed by emigres leaving Holland for Australia, England, New Zealand, United States, Colombia, Uruguay and Paraguay.
File JER.472: Emigration Information Manual June 1946
Old Folder Number: 6.1
Memoranda of information collected by Emigration department from various JDC offices on the potential of immigration into various countries and reports on emigration work in Europe, including documents needed, transportation, visas needed.
File JER.473: Emigration Information Manual July-August 1946
Old Folder Number: 5.2
Testimony excerpt, memoranda, regarding situation of Jews as represented to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry; potential of immigration into various countries and reports on emigration work in Europe, including documents needed, dollar exchange rates, adoption by relatives.
File JER.474: Emigration Information Memoranda 1947
Old Folder Number: 11
Information memoranda sent from emigration headquarters in Paris. Topics include procedures for emigration to Canada and South American countries; financial assistance for purchase of equipment. Proposal for settlement in Dutch Guiana seen unfavorably.
File JER.475: Israel-IRO Relationship 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.23
Correspondence, cables, requesting clarification as to whether Israel will join the International Refugee Organization once Israel has been admitted to the United Nations and signed the Lausanne Protocol.
File JER.476: Orphan Emigration 1947-1948
Extent: .3 inch
Pamphlet, blank forms, and correspondence regarding projects for orphan emigration, some through adoption, and containing statistics on Jewish children in Europe.
File JER.477: Ships from Haifa to Australia 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 10
Cables, correspondence, passenger lists, receipts, ledger bok, account statements, supplies lists, authorization letters, thank you note, regarding ships Partizanka and Radnik. Emigrants travelled from Italy via Palestine to Australia. While they waited for their second ship JDC supported them.
File JER.478: Correspondence with New York: Emigration, Yeshivot, Communities 1948
Old Folder Number: 5.1
Outgoing correspondence, cables, reports, regarding cases in Shanghai, emigration deposits, claims; yeshivot feeding project; postal service interruptions; psychiatric team expenses. Includes material on Aden, Syria, Turkey and Balkans.
Correspondence with New York: Emigration, Yeshivot, Communities 1948
Record Group: Individual Cases
Extent: 9 files
The 8 files in the Individual Cases record group cover the years 1948-1952 and include correspondence about searches for and assistance to, individuals in Israel and Europe, or claims and legal cases. The majority of the files are restricted in accordance with JDC’sAccess & Restrictions Policy
File JER.479: Correspondence with Prague Tracing Service 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 3
Correspondence, location request forms, concerning individuals sought by those in Palestine/Israel, or abroad, about individuals believed to be in Palestine/Israel.
Record Group: Medical
Extent: 6 files
The 6 folders in the Medical record group cover the years 1948-1949 and contain correspondence, meeting minutes, policy guides and reports detailing plans for medical care for the anticipated influx of immigrants to the newly declared State of Israel. Some of these materials also discuss displaced persons in Germany and personnel in Europe and North Africa.
File JER.487: Medical Correspondence with Paris 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.4
Correspondence, cables, meeting minutes, report, tables, regarding activity of OSE organization in Israel; recommendation for scholarship; letter of congratulations to Shulamit Cantor on position at Ministry of Health.
File JER.488: Medical Correspondence with Paris 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.29
Correspondence, cables, policy guide, budget, regarding sending individuals to another country for medical care; projected care for 120,000 immigrants; care for post-TB patients; personnel for Europe, Algeria.
File JER.489: Correspondence with Paris: Doctors and Students Training 1948-1949, 1951-1953
Old Folder Number: 52/7
Correspondence, cables, certificates, meeting minutes, forms regarding study stipends given to doctors; some queries regarding medical students.
Correspondence with Paris: Doctors and Students Training 1948-1949, 1951-1953
File JER.490: Medical Correspondence with Paris 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.15+53/3
Correspondence, booklet, tables, bulletins, and cables regarding medical care for Olim, tuberculosis care, salaries for Israeli doctors, exams conducted on DPs in Germany.
File JER.491: Medical Correspondence with Paris June-October 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.21
Correspondence, cables, regarding medical report from Germany, x-ray apparatus for an Israeli hospital; medications for Aden; immunization of personnel.
File JER.492: North Africa: Medical 1948
Old Folder Number: 1
Correspondence, cables, visa applications, regarding sending doctors to Tripolitania (Libya) to conduct medical survey. In addition, arrangements for doctor to visit Morocco.
Record Group: Packages
Extent: 78 files
The Packages record group is the largest within the sub-collection, with 78 files covering the years 1944-1949. The package request forms, correspondence, and lists of recipients document the sending of parcels to individuals in Europe, USSR, Cyprus, and Asia, beginning with parcel stocks to the USSR in 1944 through Teheran. JDC arranged for packages to be delivered to individuals, sponsored by their friends and relatives who requested them. Collection of these requests was done in cooperation with other organizations in Palestine/Israel and India, such as HIAS, Irgun Olej Merkas Europa (Organization of Olim from Central Europe), and the Jewish Relief Association in Bombay. The request forms contain invaluable genealogical information, including the names and addresses of individuals and their relationship to those for whom they were sponsoring packages.
File JER.493: CARE Parcel Requests November-December 1946
Old Folder Number: 9
Order forms, index card, placing orders for packages to be delivered to individuals in Europe, from relatives in Palestine and Iran. Each order form contains information on individuals, addresses, relationship between the sender and receiver..
File JER.494: CARE Parcel Requests December 1946
Old Folder Number: 9.1
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Europe, from relatives in Palestine and Iran. Each order form contains information on individuals, addresses, relationship between the sender and receiver.
File JER.495: CARE Parcels Lists 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 3
Lists of package senders in Palestine, Iran, India and recipients in France, Poland, Italy, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Austria.
File JER.496: CARE Parcels Lists February-May 1947
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Lists of package senders in Palestine, Iran, India and recipients in France, Poland, Italy, Germany, Austria.
File JER.497: CARE Parcels Lists Belgium and France 1945
Old Folder Number: 8
Lists of senders in Palestine and recipients in Belgium and France.
File JER.498: CARE Parcels Lists France 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 8.1
Lists of senders in Palestine and India; recipients in France.
File JER.499: Correspondence with Germany Supplies 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/6.2
Correspondence regarding supplies sent to various countries in Europe, including some through Teheran.
File JER.500: Correspondence with South Africa Regarding Parcels 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 6
Correspondence, cables, names lists, lists of supplies included in parcels, regarding parcels to be sent from South Africa to Europe.
Correspondence with South Africa Regarding Parcels 1945-1948
File JER.501: Deliveries to Prague 1945-1948
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence, cables, books and clothes inventory lists, customs declaration, invoice, regarding aid to HeChalutz members in Czechoslovakia; shipments of goods, orange concentrate, religious supplies.
File JER.502: Inventory Reports January-July 1945
Old Folder Number: 11(2)
Lists of goods, stock reports, correspondence, regarding packages sent to Polish Jews in Poland and the USSR.
File JER.503: Inventory Reports January-July 1946
Old Folder Number: 10.1
Consignment lists, monthly reports, regarding stocks for parcels delivered.
File JER.504: Packages to Europe October-November 1946
Old Folder Number: 1
Correspondence, lists, postcards, newspaper clipping, regarding parcels sent to individuals in Europe and Shanghai from individuals and organizations in Palestine, Bombay, Teheran. Includes reports of undelivered packages and refunds, as well as a tracing request.
File JER.505: Packages to Europe November-December 1946
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Correspondence, lists, postcards, regarding parcels sent to individuals in Europe from individuals and organizations in Palestine, Bombay, Teheran. Includes reports of undelivered packages and refunds.
File JER.506: Parcel Delivery Reports 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 2
Cover letters, lists, documenting beneficiaries of packages requested by individuals in Palestine, later Israel.
File JER.507: Parcel Lists to Belgium and France May-June 1945
Old Folder Number: 3
Lists of senders and recipients of packages. In addition, one page of information on packages to Russia.
File JER.508: Parcel Lists to Belgium and France July 1945
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Lists of senders and recipients of packages.
File JER.509: Parcel Order Lists January-April 1948
Old Folder Number: 6
Handwritten and typed lists, credit note, detailing sender and receiver for packages sent to Europe and Cyprus. Some include addresses.
File JER.510: Parcel Order Lists May-July 1948
Old Folder Number: 6.1
Handwritten and typed lists, credit notes, detailing sender and receiver for packages sent to Europe and Cyprus. Some include addresses.
File JER.511: Parcel Order Lists for Belgium and France 1945
Old Folder Number: 4
Handwritten lists detailing sender and receiver for packages sent to Belgium and France. Some include addresses.
File JER.512: Parcel Order Lists for Poland 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 2/18(1)
Type-written lists of package orders to be delivered to individuals in Poland from individuals in Palestine. Most orders contain information on individuals and their addresses.
File JER.513: Parcel Order Lists for Poland 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 2/18(1).1
Type-written lists of package orders to be delivered to individuals in Poland from individuals in Palestine. Most orders contain information on individuals and their addresses.
File JER.514: Parcel Reports to Europe and Cyprus July-August 1947
Old Folder Number: 1
Lists, correspondence, regarding parcels requested to be sent to Europe and Cyprus by individuals in Palestine and India.
File JER.515: Parcel Reports to Europe and Cyprus September-October 1947
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Lists, correspondence, regarding parcels requested to be sent to Europe and Cyprus by individuals in Palestine and India.
File JER.516: Parcel Orders October-December 1945
Old Folder Number: 8
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Europe, from relatives in Palestine. Each order form contains information on individuals, addresses, relationship between the sender and receiver..
File JER.517: Parcel Orders 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: none
Lists, ledger calculations, relating to parcel orders to individuals in Europe and Cyprus.
File JER.518: Parcel Orders December 1946-February 1947
Old Folder Number: 7.2
Lists, most typewritten, of parcel orders to individuals in Europe and Cyprus.
File JER.519: Parcel Orders March-April 1947
Old Folder Number: 7.3
Lists, most typewritten, of parcel orders to individuals in Europe and Cyprus.
File JER.520: Parcel Orders April-May 1947
Old Folder Number: 7
Cover letters, lists, regarding packages ordered by individuals in Palestine, India, for those in Europe, Cyprus. Lists include cost, some addresses, and type of package (food, blankets, clothing).
File JER.521: Parcel Orders June-July 1947
Old Folder Number: 7.1
Cover letters, lists, regarding packages ordered by individuals in Palestine, India, for those in Europe, Cyprus. Lists include cost, some addresses, and type of package (food, blankets, clothing).
File JER.522: Parcel Orders August-December 1948
Old Folder Number: 6
Lists, receipts, relating to parcel orders to individuals in Europe and Cyprus.
File JER.523: Parcel Orders January-July 1949
Old Folder Number: 6.1
Lists, receipts, relating to parcel orders to individuals in Europe and Cyprus.
File JER.524: Parcel Orders Correspondence August-September 1946
Old Folder Number: 11
Correspondence, lists, postcards receipt, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.525: Parcel Orders Correspondence October 1946
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Correspondence, leaflet, lists, thank you notes, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, received, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.526: Parcel Orders Correspondence December 1946
Old Folder Number: 1
Order sheets, correspondence, regarding packages to be sent to individuals in Europe by individuals in Iran, India, and Palestine.
File JER.527: Parcel Orders Correspondence January 1947 1 of 2
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Order sheets, correspondence, receipt, regarding packages to be sent to individuals in Europe by individuals in Iran, India, and Palestine.
File JER.528: Parcel Orders Correspondence January 1947 2 of 2
Old Folder Number: 1.2
Order sheets, correspondence, receipt, regarding packages to be sent to individuals in Europe by individuals in Iran, India, and Palestine.
File JER.529: Parcel Orders Correspondence February 1947
Old Folder Number: 1.3
Order sheets, correspondence, regarding packages ordered or sent to individuals in Europe by individuals in Iran, India, and Palestine.
File JER.530: Parcel Orders Correspondence May 1947
Old Folder Number: 11
Correspondence, cables, lists, receipts, brochure, regarding requests from individuals and organizations for parcels to be sent to Europe.
File JER.531: Parcel Orders Correspondence June 1947
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Correspondence, cables, lists, receipts, cloth sample, regarding requests from individuals and organizations for parcels to be sent to Europe.
File JER.532: Parcel Orders Correspondence July 1947
Old Folder Number: 8
Correspondence, cables, lists, receipts, regarding requests from individuals and organizations for parcels to be sent to Europe.
File JER.533: Parcel Orders Correspondence August 1947
Old Folder Number: 8.1
Correspondence, cables, lists, receipts, brochure, regarding requests from individuals and organizations for parcels to be sent to Europe.
File JER.534: Parcel Orders Correspondence September 1947
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence, leaflet, lists, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, received, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.535: Parcel Orders Correspondence October 1947 2 of 2
Old Folder Number: 7.1
Correspondence, receipts, postcards, lists, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, received, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.536: Parcel Orders Correspondence October 1947 1 of 2
Old Folder Number: 4
Correspondence, receipts, lists, regarding parcels sent to Europe by individuals in Palestine, India.
File JER.537: Parcel Orders Correspondence November 1947
Old Folder Number: 4.1
Correspondence, receipts, lists, order form, regarding parcels sent to Europe by individuals in Palestine, India. Packages discontinued to Romania by government there.
File JER.538: Parcel Orders Correspondence December 1947
Old Folder Number: 4.2
Correspondence, receipts, lists, regarding parcels sent to Europe and China by individuals in Palestine, India.
File JER.539: Parcels Orders Correspondence December 1947-January 1948
Old Folder Number: 5(2)
Correspondence, lists, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.540: Parcel Orders Correspondence December 1947-February 1948
Old Folder Number: 5(1)
Correspondence, lists, acknowledgments of receipt, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.541: Parcel Orders Correspondence February-March 1948
Old Folder Number: 5(2).1
Correspondence, lists, receipt, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.542: Parcel Orders Correspondence March-April 1948
Old Folder Number: 5(1).1
Correspondence, lists, greeting card, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.543: Parcel Orders Correspondence March-June 1948
Old Folder Number: 3
Correspondence, lists, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine and India for those in Europe. Orders to Romania were cancelled and they were no longer deliverable.
File JER.544: Parcel Orders Correspondence June-August 1948
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Correspondence, lists, credit memos, receipts, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine and India for those in Europe. Orders to Romania were cancelled and they were no longer deliverable.
File JER.545: Parcel Orders Correspondence September 1948
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence, cables regarding undeliverable packages; refunds, various types of packages available. Includes material regarding parcels requested for Germany, Libya, Belgium.
File JER.546: Parcel Orders Correspondence October 1948
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Correspondence, cables, receipt, regarding undeliverable packages; refunds, various types of packages available. Includes material regarding parcels requested for Bulgaria, statistics on other countries.
File JER.547: Parcel Orders Correspondence October-November 1948
Old Folder Number: none
Correspondence, lists, receipts, postcard, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe.
File JER.548: Parcel Orders Correspondence December 1948
Old Folder Number: none
Correspondence, lists, receipts, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, elsewhere, and India for those in Europe and Cyprus.
File JER.549: Parcel Orders Correspondence December 1948-January 1949
Old Folder Number: 5
Correspondence regarding orders, delivered, undelivered and cancelled packages.
File JER.550: Parcel Orders Correspondence March-July 1949
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence, lists, regarding requested parcels, dispatched, and rejected requests, from individuals in Palestine, and India for those in Europe. Parcels to Hungary are no longer deliverable because there is no longer an agreement with that country.
File JER.551: Parcel Orders for Poland January-March 1946
Old Folder Number: 11
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Poland, from relatives and friends in Palestine and Iran.
File JER.552: Parcel Orders for Poland April-May 1946
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Poland, from relatives and friends in Palestine.
File JER.553: Parcel Orders for Poland May-June 1946
Old Folder Number: none
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Poland from relatives in Palestine. Each order form contains information on individuals, addresses.
File JER.554: Parcel Orders for Poland July-August 1946
Old Folder Number: none
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Poland from relatives in Palestine. Each order form contains information on individuals, addresses.
File JER.555: Parcel Orders from Bombay 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 10
Correspondence, names lists, of packages requested to be sent by individuals in India through the Jewish Relief Association of Bombay.
File JER.556: Parcel Orders from India 1946-1948
Old Folder Number: 4
Lists of packages ordered by individuals in India for those in Europe and Shanghai.
File JER.557: Parcels from New York to Holland 1945-1949
Old Folder Number: 2/17
Lists of orders for packages from individuals in Palestine, India to those in Holland, to be sent through New York.
File JER.558: Parcels from New York to Holland October 1945
Old Folder Number: 2/17(1)
Order forms for packages to be sent to individuals in Holland.
File JER.559: Parcels from New York to Holland November 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 2/17(1).1
Order forms for packages to be sent to individuals in Holland.
File JER.560: Parcel Orders for Poland 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 2/18
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Poland from relatives in Palestine, India and Teheran. Each order form contains information on individuals, addresses, some include the relationship between the sender and recipient.
File JER.561: Parcels to Europe April 1947
Old Folder Number: 9
Correspondence, lists, bill, receipt, regarding parcels ordered to be sent to Europe.
File JER.562: Parcels to Europe May-June 1947
Old Folder Number: 9.1
Correspondence, postcards, lists, bill, receipt, regarding parcels ordered to be sent to Europe and Cyprus.
File JER.563: Parcels to Europe January-March 1949
Old Folder Number: 3
Correspondence, cables, [books and clothes inventory lists, customs declaration, invoice], regarding parcels to be sent per request of those in Israel, India; publicizing special Passover packages and orders for them; refunding of money for packages for Hungary after closure.
File JER.564: Parcels to Europe and China 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 3
Lists of packages ordered by individuals in Palestine, Iran and India for those in Europe and Shanghai.
File JER.565: Parcels to Europe and China January-March 1946
Old Folder Number: 3(2)
Lists of packages ordered by individuals in Palestine and India for those in Europe and Shanghai.
File JER.566: Parcels to Europe and Asia April-May 1946
Old Folder Number: 3(2).1
Lists of packages ordered by individuals in Palestine, Iran, and India for those in Europe and Shanghai.
File JER.567: Parcels to Europe, China, Cyprus 1948
Old Folder Number: 5
Correspondence with New York regarding parcel orders, undelivered parcels, redirection, refunds; includes intended recipient lists; statistical summaries of types of parcels sent and to which countries.
File JER.568: Parcels to Soviet Occupied Areas January-March 1945
Old Folder Number: 11.1
Telegrams, correspondence, report, names lists, newspaper clipping, agreement, receipt, list of goods, regarding purchase, donation and dispatching of parcels to Soviet Occupied areas from Teheran. Includes population reports from various locations in Europe, including references to youth movement and partisan affiliation.
File JER.569: Parcel Orders for Poland 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 8
Order forms for packages to be delivered to individuals in Poland from relatives in Palestine and India. Each order form contains information on individuals, addresses, some include the relationship between the sender and recipient.
File JER.570: Parcel Stocks to USSR 1944-1946
Old Folder Number: 4
Supplies lists, charts, ledgers, stock lists, orders regarding the sending of parcels and supplies to the Soviet Union from Teheran.
Record Group: Publications
Extent: 8 files
The eight files in the Publications record group cover the years 1945-1949. Four of these are Yiddish press summaries sent from the New York office and three of them contain publications produced by JDC in New York in 1945. The remaining file contains 1949 newspaper clippings and correspondence regarding sending newspapers and books to Europe and Aden.
File JER.571: Newspapers, Books 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.35
Correspondence, cables regarding surplus books, Israeli newspapers sent to Europe relating to Aden, among other topics.
File JER.572: Publications, New York January-July 1945
Old Folder Number: 5
Weekly Reviews, Digests of Publications, JDC Digest, OSE News Release, sent by New York office regarding developments worldwide.
File JER.573: Publications July-October 1945
Extent: 8 inch
Weekly Reviews, Digests of Publications, JDC Digest, booklets, reports, press releases, and publications of other organizations regarding developments worldwide.
File JER.574: Publications November-December 1945
Extent: 1 inch
Weekly Reviews, Digests of Publications, JDC Digest, JDC News, reports, press releases, and publications of other organizations regarding developments worldwide.
File JER.575: Yiddish Press Summaries July-October 1947
Old Folder Number: none
File JER.576: Yiddish Press Summaries November-December 1947
Old Folder Number: none, 3
File JER.577: Yiddish Press Summaries January-February 1948
Old Folder Number: 3
File JER.578: Yiddish Press Summaries March-April 1948
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Record Group: Supplies
Extent: 31 files
The 31 files in the Supplies record group cover the years 1944-1951, starting with supplies sent into Soviet Occupied Poland in December 1944. DPs in Europe received religious, medical, and educational supplies originating in Palestine/Israel and elsewhere. While JDC’s original policy dictated sending as much as possible from Palestine/Israel, during the War of Independence this became less practical. Jewish communities in South Africa and Australia, eager to help, sent various goods for distribution to DPs; in addition, the surplus supply found in Europe was channeled to help those in need. The record group also includes material on products imported to Palestine/Israel, such as meat for the yeshivot feeding program, and various goods for organizations such as Hadassah and the military.
File JER.579: Charles Passman Correspondence Supplies 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 4.1
Correspondence, cables, agreement, lists, reports, almost all sent while Passman was out of Palestine visiting Italy, London, Paris, Cairo and Teheran. Topics include negotiations for a good exchange rate and Hachshara in Bulgaria and Italy; supplies to Polish repatriates; buying US Army surplus in Teheran.
File JER.580: Correspondence with Antwerp 1948
Old Folder Number: 56/15
Cables, correspondence, bills of lading regarding supplies shipped in both directions between Antwerp and Israel.
File JER.581: Correspondence with Australia Supplies 1945-1946
Old Folder Number: 5
Correspondence, cables, lists of goods, bills of lading, regarding supplies sent by newly formed committee in Perth, designated for Poland.
File JER.582: Correspondence with Paris Supplies 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.2
Correspondence, cables, bill of lading, supplies lists, regarding shipments of tefillin, etrogim, cloth, Passover wine, to Europe, Aden; meat from Europe for Israel; Yeshivot feeding project; transfer of South African currency through supplies.
File JER.583: Correspondence with Paris Supplies October-December 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.11
Correspondence, cables, AJDC chopmark, purchase orders, shipping instructions, regarding clothing for Iran; wine, chocolate, marmalade, religious supplies, for Europe; text book exhibit in Paris.
File JER.584: Correspondence with Paris Supplies 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.30, 7
Old Folder Number: 51/1.30, 7
File JER.585: Correspondence with South Africa 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/3
Correspondence, cables, inventories, distribution lists, thank you notes regarding shipment and distribution of goods to Israel from South Africa; seizure of goods on S.S. Klipfontein by Egyptians at Port Said; mail forwarding. Goods included were for use in Israel, Aden and Cyprus.
File JER.586: Correspondence with Sydney, Australia 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/4
Correspondence, cables, chart, shipping advisements, bills of lading, insurance policy regarding goods sent from Sydney and confiscated by Egyptians in Port Said; no direct shipping between Australia and Israel necessitating shipping via Europe; distribution by various organizations within Israel.
File JER.587: Correspondence with Sydney, Australia 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 56/4.1
Correspondence, cables, chart, thank you letter, lists, regarding goods sent from Sydney and confiscated by Egyptians in Port Said; no direct shipping between Australia and Israel necessitating shipping via Europe; distribution by various organizations within Israel; individiuals who did not receive all the packages sent to them and others who did not collect their packages.
File JER.588: Correspondence with Trieste 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/11
Cables, correspondence regarding shipment of packages and supplies; location inquiry.
File JER.589: Etrogim for Belgrade 1948
Old Folder Number:M 56/12
Cables regarding shipments of etrogim to Belgrade from Israel.
File JER.590: Italy: Supplies 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 20.2, 3
Report, correspondence, lists, invoices, pamphlets, articles, regarding supplies needed, sent to Italy, Yugoslavia. Supplies include medicines, religious items, used clothes.
File JER.591: Religious, Cultural, Medical Supplies December 1947-January 1948
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence, bills, payment schedule, invoices, book lists, regarding sending mezuzas, tefillin, other Judaica; educational and medical supplies.
Religious, Cultural, Medical Supplies December 1947-January 1948
File JER.592: Religious and Cultural Supplies August-September 1947
Old Folder Number: 5.1
Correspondence, export certificates, money order, invoices, regarding ordering and sending of lulavim, etrogim, books, tefillin and other ritual objects, newspapers, to Europe.
File JER.593: Religious, Medical and Other Supplies February-March 1948
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Correspondence, payment schedule, shipping advisements, invoices, supplies lists, regarding sending megillas, haggadahs, other Judaica; educational and medical supplies.
File JER.594: Shipping Paris 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 55/2
Correspondence, bills, journal, cables, shipping advices, lists, regarding shipments of supplies from various places in Europe for use by kupat holim (sick funds), various government and charitable bodies. Goods included medical supplies, clothing, religious books. In addition, a Torah scrolls project refurbished some which were damaged, for use in new settlements.
File JER.595: Shipping Paris 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 55/2.1
Correspondence, cables, shipping advices, bills, receipts, lists, regarding shipments of supplies from various places in Europe for use by Malben and yeshivot. Goods included bedding, food, clothing, religious books. In addition, a project refurbished damaged Torah scrolls, for use in new settlements, and items from the Baltic Collection, various Judaic books from Lithuania and North Eastern Poland rendered ownerless by World War Two.
File JER.596: Supplies for Europe March-May 1948
Old Folder Number: 1
Invoices, shipping advisements, purchase orders, receipt, regarding ordering and sending of medical supplies, books, tefillin and other ritual objects, newspapers, textiles, to Europe. Includes reference to shipping being delayed because of shooting in the harbor.
File JER.597: Supplies for Europe June-July 1948
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Shipping advice, payment advices, packing lists, purchase orders,correspondence regarding ordering and sending of clothing, books, tefillin and other ritual objects, newspapers, textiles, to Europe. Includes reference to difficult situation in Palestine resulting in shipment delays.
File JER.598: Supplies for Europe April-July 1946
Old Folder Number: 3
Correspondence, invoices, receipts, pamphlet, cloth samples, regarding religious supplies, clothing, food and drink to be sent to DPs in Europe.
File JER.599: Supplies for Europe August 1946
Old Folder Number: 3.1
Correspondence, invoices, rabbinic recommendations, export license applications, regarding religious supplies to be sent for distribution to DPs in Europe.
File JER.600: Supplies for Europe and North Africa November-December 1946
Old Folder Number: 4
Invoices, newspaper clipping, export license applications, Defence Regulations forms, receipts, regarding ordering and sending of medical supplies, books, tefillin and other ritual objects, newspapers, to Europe and Tripoli.
File JER.601: Supplies for Europe and North Africa January-April 1947
Old Folder Number: 4.1
Invoices, export license applications, bills of lading, import license, shipping advice, receipts, regarding ordering and sending of medical supplies, books, tefillin and other ritual objects, newspapers, to Europe and Tripoli.
File JER.602: Supplies for Europe April-July 1947
Old Folder Number: 5
Correspondence, export certificates, receiving reports, invoices, export license applications, shipping advice, receipt, purchase orders, insurance claim, regarding ordering and sending of toothpaste, gramophone records, books, tefillin and other ritual objects, newspapers, to Europe.
File JER.603: Supplies for Europe October-December 1947
Old Folder Number: 5.2
Correspondence, export license applications, purchase requests, shipping advice,invoices, regarding ordering and sending of chanuka candles books, tefillin and other ritual objects, textiles, to Europe.
File JER.604: Supplies for Liberated Poland November-December 1944
Old Folder Number: 11
Telegrams, correspondence, inventory list, check, regarding negotiations with Polish minister in Teheran to send supplies in to Poland for distribution, as well as purchase, donation and dispatching of supplies.
File JER.605: Supplies Requested by JDC Paris 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 10
Shipping advisements, purchase requests, regarding food, book, Judaica orders for Europe, Aden.
File JER.606: Surplus Supplies 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 52/11
Lists, cables, correspondence, photos, meeting minutes regarding surplus supplies available in Europe and offered for sale to various bodies in Israel. Includes inspection of goods arrived in Haifa, sale to Israeli army, medical bodies, billings. Good include supplies for Passover; clothing; canned food; mobile xray unit; medications.
File JER.607: Surplus Supplies 1950
Old Folder Number: 52/11.1
Correspondence, medical supply record, lists, invoices, shipping records, regarding shipping surplus supplies from Europe for sale to various bodies in Israel. Supplies include medications, other medical supplies, sewing machines, clothing, tiles. Topics include billing and payments.
File JER.608: Surplus Supplies 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 52/11.2
Cables, correspondence, lists, purchase orders, receipts, delivery documents regarding purchase and sale of supplies. Includes medical supplies, books, and other goods. Receiving bodies include Kupat Holim, army, National Library, Malben.
File JER.609: Surplus Supplies 1951
Old Folder Number: 52/11.3
Correspondence, cables, purchase orders, advertisement, pamphlet, blueprint, photographs, delivery records, regarding medical supplies and other goods offered in Europe, purchased and transported for Malben, Kupat Cholim, Ministry of Defense.
Record Group: Yeshivot
Extent: 25 files
The 25 files in the Yeshivot record group cover the years 1945-1952. While the activities aiding the yeshivot and refugee rabbis in Palestine/Israel originally fell under the supervision of the Cultural-Religious Affairs Committee in New York, this committee recognized the need for greater local supervision. In November 1949 Rabbi Jacob Goldman became the JDC liaison to yeshivot and soon founded the Jerusalem-based Yeshivot Committee. This committee brought together the three major yeshivot bodies, Mifal HaTorah, Va’ad HaYeshivot, and Ichud HaYeshivot, to form universal policies regarding JDC allocations to the yeshivot, their building funds, research projects, and feeding programs. The material reflects the controversy over the legitimacy of secular subjects and job training as part of the yeshiva program, and includes an argument to subsidize Beis Yaacov girls schools to increase the secular knowledge in ultra-Orthodox households. In addition, the record group includes attempts to provide religious books to yeshivot obtained through the Offenbach Archival Depot in Europe, and to encourage yeshiva students to become rabbis in new settlements. For related material, see the Cultural/Religious record group.
File JER.610: Aid to Yeshivot 1945
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence, meeting minutes, order, receipt, financial reports, newspaper clipping, regarding support requested or given to yeshivot, their feeding programs and stores; a survey of their needs.
File JER.611: Aid to Yeshivot 1946
Old Folder Number: 8
Correspondence, meeting minutes, regarding support requested or given to yeshivot, their feeding programs.
File JER.612: Aid to Yeshivot 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, regarding support requested or given to yeshivot, holiday grants, feeding programs.
File JER.613: Aid to Yeshivot 1949
Old Folder Number: 52/12
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, regarding support requested or given to yeshivot, individuals, building grant, feeding programs. Includes a proposal to set up a committee in Israel to supervise allocations, thus freeing the Cultural Committee in New York to act in a more advisory capacity.
File JER.614: Aid to Yeshivot June-September 1949
Old Folder Number: 9
Reports, meeting minutes, lists, correspondence, regarding allocations to yeshivot, their feeding programs, and individuals associated with them. Topics include funding through the Jewish Agency and a potential American fund devoted to yeshivot; books for yeshivot from Offenbach Archival Depot in Europe; teachers for immigrant camps; a proposed one-time grant of $75,000 for building for immigrants.
File JER.615: Aid to Yeshivot November-December 1949
Old Folder Number: 9(2)
Reports, meeting minutes, lists, correspondence, architectural drawing, regarding allocations to yeshivot, their feeding programs, and individuals associated with them. Topics include founding of new Israel Committee for Yeshivot; support for refugee rabbis; teachers for immigrant camps. Includes a report on conditions and education of Yemenites in Ein Shemer, Rosh Ha’ayin, and Atlit immigrant camps.
File JER.616: Aid to Yeshivot June-September 1950
Old Folder Number: 9(2).1
Reports, meeting minutes, allocations lists, correspondence, booklet, regarding allocations to yeshivot, their feeding programs, and individuals associated with them. Topics include new Israel Committee for Yeshivot; Jewish Agency possibly cutting off support thus necessitating more JDC contribution; building grant.
File JER.617: Aid to Yeshivot January-May 1950
Old Folder Number: 52/12(3)
Correspondence, reports, allocations list, responsa, regarding support given to yeshivot, refugee rabbis. Topic include support to widows, holiday grants.
File JER.618: Aid to Yeshivot June-December 1950
Old Folder Number: 52/12(3).1
Correspondence, meeting minutes, newspaper clipping, invitation, allocations list, regarding support given to yeshivot, their feeding programs, refugee rabbis such as from Czechoslovakia. Topics include building loans, paper given on child survivors, funding to copy important Judaica held in the U.S.; shipment and distribution of Talmuds from Germany; holiday grants.
File JER.619: Aid to Yeshivot 1951
Old Folder Number: 52/12(3).2
Correspondence, meeting minutes, allocations lists, regarding support given to yeshivot, their feeding programs, refugee rabbis. Topics include distribution of Talmuds from Germany; holiday grants; supplies needed for dormitories; potential and existing vocational training program for yeshiva students.
File JER.620: Aid to Yeshivot January-May 1952
Old Folder Number: 52/12(4)
Correspondence, reports, purchase orders, pamphlets, bills of lading, packing list, allocations lists, regarding support given to yeshivot, their feeding programs, medical aid. Topics include distribution of Talmuds from Germany; proposed printing projects; holiday grants; supplies needed for dormitories.
File JER.621: Aid to Yeshivot June-December 1952
Old Folder Number: 52/12(4).1
Correspondence, reports, thank you notes, tables, allocations lists, regarding support given to yeshivot, their feeding programs, refugee rabbis organizations and medical aid. Topics include distribution of Talmuds from Germany; proposed printing projects; holiday grants; attempt to consolidate aid to refugee rabbis; donation of religious books from Europe to the chief rabbis’ library.
File JER.622: Aid to Yeshivot Policies and Publicity 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 451-6
Reports, tables, correspondence, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, regarding yeshivot, the formation of the Yeshivot Committee, building loans, help to refugee rabbis and positions offered to them; fundraising.
File JER.623: Aid to Yeshivot Policies and Reports 1950
Old Folder Number: 451-1
Correspondence, reports, regarding policies agreed upon by a Yeshivot sub-committee on numbers of students, hours per day, required to receive JDC funding. In addition, discussion of institutions which include secular subjects, such as Medrashia Noam in Pardes Hanna; reports on visits to yeshivot in Bnei Brak, Kfar Avraham.
File JER.624: Aid to Yeshivot Policies and Reports 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: none
Correspondence, reports, JDC annual report, spreadsheets, regarding formation of policies vis a vis yeshivot. Includes reports on various yeshivot, listing according to point value system.
File JER.625: Aid to Yeshivot Reports 1944-1946
Old Folder Number: 451-17
Reports, tables, documenting requests for aid and subventions given to various religious institutions in Palestine.
File JER.626: Aid to Yeshivot Reports 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 451-8
Spreadsheets, tables, poster, photograph, regarding analysis of attendance and financial details regarding yeshivot assisted by the JDC.
File JER.627: Cultural-Religious Affairs Committee on Yeshivot 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: 52/12a
Minutes from the New York Cultural-Religious Affairs committee meetings, dealing mostly with yeshivot in Israel. Also includes minutes from a meeting of the Administration Committee, and request for aid from yeshiva organization.
File JER.629: Supplies for Yeshivot Feeding Program 1952
Old Folder Number: 50/1
Correspondence, receipt, regarding special allocation of $50,000 for yeshivot food supplies to be imported.
File JER.630: Yeshivot Committee 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 451-9
Meeting minutes, invitations, allocations lists, correspondence, regarding meetings of the yeshivot committee, division of grants; program, potential improvements, reflections on its history.
File JER.631: Yeshivot Committee 1950-1952
Old Folder Number: none
Note pads containing meeting minutes, booklet, notes, regarding yeshivot program, potential improvements, reflections on its history.
File JER.632: Yeshivot Cultural Committee September 1949
Old Folder Number: 52/12(1)
Correspondence, reports, allocations lists, regarding allocations to yeshivot, publishing and research projects, feeding programs, provision of religious supplies.
File JER.633: Yeshivot Cultural Committee October-November 1949
Old Folder Number: 52/12(1).1
Correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, allocations lists, regarding allocations to yeshivot, publishing and research projects, feeding programs, import of Sifrei Torah to Israel; appointment of liasion to Yeshivot, Jacob Goldman; reorganization of committee in Israel.
File JER.634: Yeshivot Finances 1947-1949
Old Folder Number: 52/12(2), 52/12/12450
Spreadsheets, report, regarding statistics of yeshivot; expenses, donors, regarding 103 institutions under Va’ad Hayeshivot, Mifal HaTorah, and Ichud HaYeshivot.