Extent: 130 files
The subcollection documents the administrative aspects of JDC’s relief efforts in Palestine, later Israel; its support for individuals attempting to immigrate or search for relatives after the Holocaust; assistance to yeshivot; its responses to correspondence and appeals for help from Jews in many countries, including Afghanistan, Greece, and Syria; the coordination of shipment of relief supplies from JDC’s Jerusalem office to refugees and survivors in Europe, Cyprus, and Aden.
These records also reflect the impact of security concerns in the fledgling state on JDC’s administrative functions, such as heightened precautions outside JDC offices, correspondence regarding special passes for JDC staff employees to travel within the area of Jerusalem where JDC’s office was located, numerous office moves within Jerusalem, and, finally, the Jerusalem office’s year-long relocation to Tel Aviv.
Decisions of the Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee are cross-referenced in JDC’s New York 1945-1954 Administration subcollection.
The Administration subcollection is organized into 8 record groups. Within each record group, files are arranged alphabetically.
Record Group: Conferences
Extent: 5 files
The Conferences record group comprises papers, correspondence, speech transcripts, and instructions to offices from two 1948 conferences held at the Paris office, the European headquarters. Topics of papers include supplies, emigration, welfare, DPs, reconstruction and a wide range of countries.
File JER.252: Country Directors Conference 1948 1 of 2
Old Folder Number: 5(2)
Materials distributed at title. Includes the annual report for 1947 on supplies; drafts of speech transcripts on emigration; welfare; DP issues; economic reconstruction; fundraising.
File JER.253: Country Directors Conference 1948 2 of 2
Old Folder Number: 5(2).1
Country reports and some discussion summaries distributed at title regarding Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Norway, North Africa, Shanghai, South America, Sweden. In addition, contains school report card from Cyprus.
File JER.254: Country Directors Conference 1948--Instructions to Offices
Old Folder Number: 5(2).3
Sample forms, instructions regarding monthly office reports to European Headquarters; transcript of report on Finance and Accounting Department; memoranda on income tax and personnel practices; list of multi-national organizations with which JDC worked.
File JER.255: Paris Conference November 1948
Old Folder Number: 8
Speech transcripts, report from title regarding welfare, child care, education, culture, immigration, emigration.
File JER.256: Paris Conference Papers November 1948
Old Folder Number: 2.2
Reports on new areas of need, medical work, reconstruction and rehabilitation, in Europe.
Record Group: Finance
Extent: 19 files
The nineteen files contain monthly audits, annual report, balance sheets, document the financial aspects of the operations run under the Jerusalem office, such as those in Cyprus, Aden, and in the yeshivot locally. Documents include restricted material on claims and loans made to individuals, as well as insurance forms bearing testimony to injuries sustained by JDC worker Pessach Litwak in the March 1948, bombing of the Jewish Agency building.
File JER.257: Aden: Accounts 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 51/8
Correspondence, cover letters, expenses list regarding Aden operation.
File JER.258: Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions 1948-1949 1 of 2
Old Folder Number: 58/1b
File JER.259: Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions 1948-1949 2 of 2
Old Folder Number: 58/1b.1
File JER.260: Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions 1949 1 of 2
Old Folder Number: none
File JER.261: Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions 1949 2 of 2
Old Folder Number: 1
File JER.262: Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 58/1
JDC monthly audits, bank’s annual report, lists of loans due; correspondence regarding transfers, interest, addition of signatories on account; name change to Canada-Israel Central Bank Ltd.
File JER.263: Central Bank of Cooperative Institutions - Account "C"
Old Folder Number: 58/3
Correspondence, balance sheets regarding payment transfers, loans issued from the “C” bank account of JDC held at the Central Bank.
File JER.264: Financial Correspondence with Paris 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.41
Correspondence, tables, cables, regarding settling outstanding accounts in Turkey; Mercaz Lagola in Italy.
File JER.265: Financial Correspondence with Paris 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.17 + 7
Correspondence, tables, cables, reports, speech transcript, regarding transferring accounting from bank to internal JDC; efforts to obtain payments from Jewish Agency; Israeli economy; recommendations regarding transferring the main Israel office from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv and expenses involved.
File JER.266: Judah Magnes Fund 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 58/6
Lists, correspondence, balance sheets, newspaper clipping regarding loans and gifts given to students and teachers and scholars at Hebrew University through Judah L. Magnes’s discretionary fund. Upon his death the remainder of the Fund and repayments on loans were turned over to Hebrew University.
File JER.267: New York: Finances 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/2
Correspondence, cables, memoranda, chart, list, meeting minutes, insurance forms regarding injury caused by explosion at Jewish Agency building; yeshivot feeding program; statistics of care parcels ordered for Europe and China; insurance for Cyprus personnel.
File JER.268: Payments and Loan Collection 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: 13(2).a1
File JER.374: Finances: Administrative and Supplies March 1946
Old Folder Number: 9
Invoices, correspondence, ledgers, checkbooks, regarding expenses related to office, Passover packages, location service, supplies.
File JER.375: Finances: Administrative and Supplies April 1946
Old Folder Number: 9.1
Invoices, correspondence, ledgers, checkbooks, regarding expenses related to office, Passover packages, supplies.
File JER.376: Finance: Deutsch Marks 1952
Old Folder Number: 210/7
Correspondence regarding exchange with the Israeli government of Deutsch Marks in Germany for Israeli pounds. Currency to be used by Israeli Ministry of Health and by Kibbutz movement for purchasing equipment; Ministry of Defense was also involved.
File JER.377: Finance: Donations 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 20/8
Correspondence regarding contributions of UJA pledges to be donated in Israeli pounds in Israel.
File JER.378: Financial Correspondence with Paris 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 51/2
Correspondence, disposal document, inventory list, regarding various financial arrangements, such as payments to individuals; reports from Aden; promissory notes of Romanian olim; field hospital purchased for Hadassah.
File JER.379: Financial Correspondence with Paris 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 51/2.1
Correspondence, names lists, [disposal document, inventory list, regarding various financial arrangements, such as payments to individuals; expenses of visitors to Israel; promissory notes of Romanian olim.
File JER.380: Monthly Financial Reports 1950, 1952
Old Folder Number: 51/2a
Reports, lists, regarding expenditures of Israel Offices, including yeshivot, supplies, emigration, and other programs.
Record Group: General
Extent: 48 files
The General record group is the largest in the Administration sub-collection. Half of these are correspondence with JDC offices worldwide, on a wide range of issues: individual cases both in Israel and abroad, export of religious supplies, and public relations. There are also a significant number of country reports on the situations of Jews in Moslem countries, as well as in Europe. Remarkable is a May 1945 letter from Reuben Resnick, reporting on his journey with the allied armies while they liberated Italian towns. He met with Jews who had been hiding in these towns, setting in motion the reconstruction and restitution mechanisms that would prove crucial to these survivors’ rehabilitation. Other correspondence of note includes a request for aid sent by 70 rabbis in Afghanistan, a request for aid after an attack in Damascus, August 1949, work done on behalf of 23 Greek Jews imprisoned under Communists, as well as that from David Guzik, JDC representative in Poland, favoring repatriation for Polish Jews in February 1946.
File JER.269: Bulletins, Conference and JDC Offices 1947
Old Folder Number: none, 7
Correspondence, bulletins, minutes, memoranda, regarding Tri-Country Conference, meeting on American Remittances to Europe; information regarding JDC offices worldwide; PCIRO; situations in various countries.
File JER.270: Bulletins and Reports 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: none
Correspondence, bulletins, tables, reports, memorandum, sent from New York to Cyprus, regarding Country Directors’ Conference; fundraising; situations in various countries.
File JER.271: Canadian Jewish Congress 1949
Old Folder Number: 56/27
Letters of introduction and correspondence regarding visitors to Israel, individual seeking employment.
File JER.272: Conferences, Bulletins, Personnel Travel 194
Old Folder Number: 51/1.33
Correspondence, cables, tables, conference program, memorandum, regarding planned Country Directors’ Conference, proposed conference of Jewish organizations working in Moslem countries; activities in Israel including parcel service, tracing service; yeshivot.
File JER.273: Conference, Publications, Inquiries regarding Individuals, and Varia 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.5
Conference program, tables, correspondence, cables, regarding travel arrangements for personnel and others; mail for forwarding; analysis of office activities; new year and other greetings.
Conference, Publications, Inquiries regarding Individuals, and Varia 1948
File JER.274: Correspondence April-July 1948
Old Folder Number: 12
Correspondence, supplies list, booklet, charts, check book, regarding parcels for Europe, statistics of immigrants subsidized from various countries; total expenditures 1944-1947; personnel issues, including some transferring to the new office in Tel Aviv from Jerusalem; other aspects of Tel Aviv office set up; expenditures and visa for Aden.
File JER.275: Correspondence with Amsterdam 1947-1950
Old Folder Number: 56/14
Correspondence, cables regarding aid to individuals such as paying transportation costs; arrival of S.S. Negba youth aliya ship.
File JER.276: Correspondence with Argentina 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/20
Correspondence, letters of introduction, list, regarding visitors to Israel and travel arrangements; packages sent.
File JER.277: Correspondence with Brazil 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/17
Cables, correspondence regarding donation; duties on imported machine.
File JER.278: Correspondence with Brussels 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 56/7
Cables, correspondence regarding personnel visits to both countries; individual matters of immigrants from Belgium; export of etrogim from Israel.
File JER.279: Correspondence with Germany 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/6
Reports, correspondence, letters of recommendation, press release, cables, invitation, regarding activities in Germany; visitors to Israel; help to relatives in Germany; party in honor of former Israeli Consulate to Munich; presentation of European Shas to President Weizmann.
File JER.280: Correspondence with Germany 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 56/6.1
Correspondence, letter of recommendation, cables, regarding personnel, individuals arriving in Israel; doctors for tuberculosis care in Israel and Germany; trucks sent from Germany.
File JER.281: Correspondence with Greece 1946-1949
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence, booklet, cables, invoice, shipping advisements, bills of lading, export license applications, regarding refugee boat Rafiah which sank near Sirina; food parcels and religious supplies, aliya, personnel travel.
File JER.282: Correspondence with Greece 1948-1951
Old Folder Number: 56/19
Correspondence, cables, letters of introduction, report with diagrams regarding supplies; baggage, youth and general aliya, travel arrangements and visitors to Israel; Greek legislation on restitution. Includes correspondence regarding 23 Jewish prisoners held by Communists in Greece; the families appealed to Member of Knesset Avraham Rekanti, who turned to JDC for help.
File JER.283: Correspondence with Lisbon 1949
Old Folder Number: 56/25
Cable and correspondence regarding family to be settled and letter to be delivered.
File JER.284: Correspondence with Melbourne 1947-1949, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 56/10
Correspondence, cables, bill of lading regarding goods destined for Cyprus confiscated in Port Said; possible emigration to Australia from Teheran; other emigration matters.
File JER.285: Correspondence with New York 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/1
Correspondence, statistical abstract, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, condolence note, cables regarding the arrival of VIPs; situation of Jews in Muslim countries; tracing requests; inquiries regarding land owned in Israel and other inheritances; new edition of Talmud by Rabbi Meir Berlin.
File JER.286: Correspondence with New York 1949
Old Folder Number: 56/1
Cables, correspondence, list, condolence letters regarding death of Joseph Hyman; public relations including making of Cyprus film, hosting visitors to Israel; request for aid from Romania and Israel; tracing requests.
File JER.287: Correspondence with New York 1950-1952, 1956
Old Folder Number: 56/1.1
Cables, correspondence, photograph, meeting minutes, regarding bank transfers for individuals; public relations including hosting visitors to Israel; request for aid from Israel, including from the Hebrew University; tracing requests.
File JER.288: Correspondence with Paris November-December 1946
Old Folder Number: 2.2
Memoranda, lists, correspondence, regarding appointment of Moses Beckelman as Vice-Chairman of executive council; JDC offices address lists; individual cases referred from one JDC office to another; declarations of death; scholarship; contact details for major Jewish organizations in Palestine.
File JER.289: Correspondence with Paris August-September 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.38
Correspondence, cables, meeting minutes, bulletins, memorandum, regarding planned conference on European Jewish Aid; JDC activities in France; Cyprus; medical program; tracing service.
File JER.290: Correspondence with Paris October 1948-February 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.26
Correspondence, cables, conference program, memorandum, regarding planned conference on Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation; request for updated war maps of Israel; pianist from Israel to visit DP camps.
File JER.291: Correspondence with Paris April-July 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.18
Correspondence, bulletins, regarding ongoing functions of Israel office; updates from various countries as well as on organizations such as the IRO.
File JER.292: Correspondence with Paris 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 52/3
Correspondence regarding transfers of funds from Israel to France, most for support of relatives in France.
File JER.293: Correspondence with Poland 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/11
Correspondence, cables regarding shipping of shofarot to Warsaw; manuscripts of Rabbi Shevach Wolkovsky in Krakow; housing request.
File JER.294: Correspondence with Santiago, Chile 1949
Old Folder Number: 56/24
Correspondence regarding supplies sent to army unit of Latin American immigrants.
File JER.295: Correspondence with Sofia 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 56/13
Cables, correspondence, booklet regarding shipment of etrogim to Bulgaria; request to buy equipment in Israel; problems relating to baggage of immigrants; supplies to Bulgaria; cooperatives formed in Israel.
File JER.296: Correspondence with Switzerland 1948-1949, 1951
Old Folder Number: 56/16
Cables, correspondence regarding institution in Israel to be named in memory of Saly Mayer; new year’s greetings.
File JER.297: Correspondence with Vienna 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 56/5
Correspondence and cables regarding individual cases, publication of medical pamphlet, supplies, personnel.
File JER.298: Country Reports and JDC Offices 1946
Old Folder Number: 5.1
Reports and memoranda regarding communication with certain offices as well as situation in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Bulgaria.
File JER.299: Country Reports June 1946
Old Folder Number: 6.3
Reports, memorandum, tables on activities and visits to various countries, including France, Bulgaria, and Austria.
File JER.300: Country Reports Germany, Poland 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Reports on activities in US Zone of Germany and Poland regarding, among other topics, DPs, emigration, medical care, education.
File JER.301: Country Reports Germany January-February 1949
Old Folder Number: 7
Reports on activities in US Zone of Germany regarding DPs, emigration, medical care.
File JER.302: Country Reports and Medical Updates from Paris 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.7
Correspondence, tables, and reports regarding JDC activities in Czechoslovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium; living indices published by United Nations; statistics of those receiving aid in North Africa and Europe; German-language medical bulletins. Also includes one item regarding religious education in Iran.
File JER.303: Cyprus, Yeshivot and Various 1947
Old Folder Number: 6
Correspondence, meeting minutes, cables, proposed budgets, press release regarding religious education program in Iran and personnel for it; visas, investigative psychiatric team, proposed workshops and courses for Cyprus, buildings to house such programs, as well as year anniversary of camps there. In addition, possible funding of yeshivot program; teachers for Europe and increased activity in Aden.
File JER.304: General Correspondence with Paris 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 51/1
Correspondence, cables, letters of testimony, regarding mailing addresses, personnel matters, individual cases, insurance, grants to Samaritans under Transjordanian rule; loan to Jewish Agency, pension plan.
File JER.305: Hadassah Supplies, Housing, Medical 1946-1950
Old Folder Number: 10
Correspondence, cables, architectural plans, receipt, blank form, reports, regarding doctors and nursing training for Europe and nursing; supplies to Jewish Agency, Haddasah; physical education for survivors; Hadassah Samuel’s trips to DP Camps on behalf of WIZO. In addition, material regarding plans for JDC participation in building camps for new immigrants, and conditions in camps.
File JER.306: Italy 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 20, 3
Cables, correspondence, reports, regarding immediate post war situation and relief given in Italy, Yugoslavia, requests for supplies; travel arrangements; transmission of funds.
File JER.307: Jews in Moslem Countries Yemen and Others 1949
Old Folder Number: 52/13
Correspondence, cables, journals, reports, names lists, regarding possibility of emigration from Yemen, agreement with Aden government and with sultan, census results of Jewish population. In addition, contains reports on the situation of Jews in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, North Africa.
File JER.308: Jews in Moslem Countries 1949-1950
Old Folder Number: 52/13.1
Cables, correspondence and reports regarding urgent request for aid from Jews in Syria; proposed conference on work in Moslem countries; report on non-American Jews including those in Moslem countries; reports on Jews in Iraq; political parties in Tangiers.
File JER.309: Personnel, Supplies, UJA Mission and Varia December 1948-April 1949
Old Folder Number: 13
Correspondence, cables, itinerary, press release, advertisements, recommendation letters on a variety of subjects. Topics include supplies such as educational books to Europe and blankets and clothing for institutions in Israel; personnel such as travel arrangements and visas, job advertisements, inquiries and applications; arrangements for a UJA mission; announcement of new stamp; phone and switchboard for office; individual cases.
Personnel, Supplies, UJA Mission and Varia December 1948-April 1949
File JER.310: Requests April-October 1949 1 of 2
Old Folder Number: 13(2)
Correspondence, invitations, cable, curricula vitae, letters of recommendation, regarding job applications; requests for individual aid; phone set up and telegram delivery to JDC office; requests for exit visas and travel arrangements for personnel; arrangements for VIP visitors.
File JER.311: Requests April-October 1949 2 of 2
Old Folder Number: 13(2).1
Correspondence, receipt, reference letters, invitation, new year greeting; newsletter, speech transcripts, cables, regarding receipt of telegrams and delayed letter delivery; inaccurate press report; job inquiries, especially by former JDC employees; World Conference of Polish Jews; requests for support for survivors’ association (“Nachei Milchama”).
File JER.312: Tel Aviv Office, Schwartz Visit and Varia July-August 1948
Old Folder Number: 53/1
Correspondence, cable, proposal, report, itinerary and schedule, contract regarding Tel Aviv office rental; tracing requests; packages sent to Europe and China; job requests; Hebrew newspapers to Europe; exit visas for Aden and Cyprus personnel, families of personnel and others; Joseph Schwartz’s visit; programs for the Aged.
File JER.313: Tel Aviv Office Set Up and Varia August 1948-January 1949
Old Folder Number: 53/1.1
Correspondence, cables, advertisement, invitation, postcards, regarding VIPs, personnel, and other visitors; Tel Aviv office set up–requests for switchboard, sugar and electricity; Rosh Hashana greetings; memorial event for Judah Magnes; protocol for applying for claims of Nazi-confiscated property; job inquiries; individual cases; parcels to Italy.
File JER.314: Telegrams January-February 1946
Old Folder Number: 7
Copies of outgoing telegrams, as well as receipts and a log of telegrams sent from Jerusalem. Topics include packages to Europe; search for relatives, with many telegrams containing messages from relatives in Palestine to those in Europe, including certificates for Palestine or visas for elsewhere. In addition, supplies sent from Australia, held up in Egypt, eventually sent through Istanbul; lists of those to receive Passover packages.
File JER.315: Telegrams March-April 1946
Old Folder Number: 7.1
Copies of outgoing telegrams, as well as receipts and a log of telegrams sent from Jerusalem. Topics include packages to Europe including individuals to receive; search for relatives, including certificates for Palestine or visas for elsewhere. In addition, requests regarding individual cases; potential arrangements to send packages via other countries in light of decision to close Teheran office, later reconsidered as impossible to send packages from New York to those communities.
File JER.316: Telegrams 1946-1947
Old Folder Number: 6
Cables, correspondence, supplies lists, regarding funding for Italy programs; packages and supplies to Russia and Poland through Teheran, including Matza, wine, haggadahs, from Palestine; repatriation of Polish Jews; relief to Bulgaria; personnel and supplies for setting up Cyprus program; requests for physical education, as well as religious books, for DPs; recommendation that JDC get involved in North African communities.
File JER.381: Correspondence with London 1949, 1951-1952
Old Folder Number: 51/4
Cables, correspondence, regarding shipment of medicine for individual, as well as correspondence and annual report of organizations for refugees in London.
Record Group: Administration: Individual Files
Extent: 8 files
The majority of the Individual Files record group are comprised of Charles Passman’s correspondence, the founding director of the Jerusalem office. In the time period covered, Passman’s travels and the wide range of tasks he performed are evident: as one of the 1946 leaders in Italy operation, testifying before the Anglo-American commission, as well as traveling to London and later to Paris and Germany. When he was later more permanently located in Israel, Passman conducted negotiations and dealt with other financial aspects of immigration paid for by JDC; he also oversaw foreign currency transfers.
File JER.317: Charles Passman Chronological File 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 4
Correspondence, cables almost all sent while Passman was out of Palestine visiting Italy, London, Paris, Cairo and Teheran. Topics include negotiations for a good exchange rate and Hachshara in Bulgaria; Italy program; search for relatives; supplies; travel arrangements; Drottningholm refugees being cared for in Turkey; repatriation to Poland.
File JER.318: Charles Passman Correspondence August 1947- November 1948
Old Folder Number: 13
Correspondence, cables, bills relating to various matters dealt with by Charles Passman during a period in which he spent much time outside of Palestine. Topics include accounts from Istanbul; religious supplies to Europe; teachers for Germany; visas and supplies for Teheran; Passman’s own travel plans.
File JER.319: Charles Passman Correspondence November-December 1949
Old Folder Number: 57/2
Cables, correspondence, charts, statistics, memoranda relating to financial arrangements of emigration. Topics include negotiations with Consolidated Tours for transport costs of Yemenites from Aden; Romanian and Czechoslovakian aliya; IRO-sponsored immigrants; delay of families making aliya from Marseille whose children were being treated for Favus; maintenace of Egyptian Jews in Italy; Shanghai refugees landing in Haifa.
File JER.320: Charles Passman Chronological File 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 58/2
Cables, correspondence relating to financial arrangements. Topics include foreign currency transfers, involving the IRO, Israeli government, and Norwegian and Danish Kroner.
File JER.321: Charles Passman Correspondence January 1950
Old Folder Number: 57/2.1
Cables, correspondence, charts, statistics, blank forms, lists memoranda relating to emigration, often with a financial focus. Topics include negotiations with Consolidated Tours for transport costs of Yemenites from Aden; Romanian, Polish, Iranian, and Yugoslavian aliya; IRO-sponsored immigrants; maintenace of Egyptian Jews in Italy and Marseilles, as well as emigrants in Tripoli; forwarded mail for Shanghai refugees landing in Haifa; severe cuts in emigration budget.
File JER.322: Charles Passman Correspondence 1950-1951
Old Folder Number: 58/1a
Cables, correspondence relating to financial arrangements. Topics include foreign currency transfers, involving the IRO, Israeli government, Canadian dollars, Deutschmarks, and Norwegian and Danish Kroner. Also includes supplies lists, of those supplies to be purchased in Denmark with money owed, for use in Israel.
File JER.323: Judah Magnes Correspondence, Aden, Cyprus and Varia 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 6.1
Correspondence, notes, cables, lists of checks and expenses, on a range of topics including obtaining visas to travel to Iran, Aden and Cyprus; Cyprus–supplies for Passover, Aden–personnel and supplies for Aden, as well as requests from those in the refugee camp. In addition, Harry Viteles’ trip to Iran and Aden in via Europe; yeshivot program, Writers Fund and Magnes Discretionary Fund, condolence letters on Magnes’ death.
Judah Magnes Correspondence, Aden, Cyprus and Varia 1948-1950
File JER.324: Pessach Litwak Correspondence June-July 1948
Old Folder Number: 3
Handwritten chronological correspondence, listings of checks, regarding Tel Aviv office rental from Peltours; travel arrangements and other issues regarding personnel and their families.
Record Group: Administration: Legal
Extent: 7 files
The Legal record group covers existing legislation and proposed legislation in Israel and Europe, and includes correspondence with JDC’s Office of General Counsel in Paris and other bodies, regarding restitution and individual cases.
File JER.325: Cooperative Union of Provisional Government 1949
Old Folder Number: 53/7
Newspaper clipping, correspondence, proposed legislation regarding organizations in newly founded state.
File JER.326: European Legislation on Declarations of Death 1949
Old Folder Number: 53/3
Book with title compiled by Office of General Counsel, regarding declaration of death in various European countries.
File JER.327: Legal Correspondence with Paris 1947
Extent: .2 inch
Circulars regarding establishment of Office of General Counsel; restitution of Jewish property; various legal developments in different countries.
File JER.328: Legal Correspondence with Paris 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.37
Correspondence, cables, documents, regarding establishment of Jewish Restitution Successor Organization; property purchased in Tel Aviv by now deceased Hungarian.
File JER.329: Legal Correspondence with Paris 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.28, 7
File JER.330: Legal Correspondence with Paris 1949
Old Folder Number: 9.1
Correspondence, cables, regarding individual cases; Greek community, IRO matters; property of Jews in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria.
File JER.331: Paris: Claims 1949-1952
Old Folder Number: 52/5
Cables, correspondence regarding insurance claims, heirless property, indeminification claims.
Record Group: Administration: Personnel
Extent: 7 files
The Personnel record group includes material about general policies, travel arrangements and insurance, and inquiries regarding potential employment for former JDC employees now in Israel.
File JER.332: Correspondence with Paris Personnel 1947-1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.3
File JER.333: Correspondence with Paris Personnel 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.27
Correspondence, cables, regarding personnel travel; personal arrangements for individuals; insurance for Cyprus.
File JER.334: Correspondence with Paris Personnel 1948-1950
Old Folder Number: 52/4
Correspondence regarding help to former JDC personnel and/or their families in Israel. Includes letters of recommendation; tracing request.
File JER.335: Correspondence with Paris Personnel 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.13
Correspondence, cables, regarding travel arrangements of personnel; potential candidates for medical positions in Germany; recommendation for former JDC accountant now in Israel.
File JER.336: Correspondence with Paris Personnel Travel 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.20
Correspondence, cables, regarding personnel issues, especially travel arrangements, including visas, sickness claim and insurance.
File JER.337: Travel: Personnel and Visitors 1947-June 1948
Old Folder Number: 7
Correspondence, cables, newspaper clipping, traveler’s bond, debit notes, inventory of belongings, regarding travel arrangements for visiting personnel, musical performer Sidor Belarsky; VIPs, including visas, insurance, payments made, potential employment, excess baggage payment.
File JER.338: Travel: Personnel and VIPs July-December 1948
Old Folder Number: 7.1
Correspondence, cables, recommendation letters, debit notes regarding visiting personnel and VIPS both in Israel and visiting Europe from Israel. Topics include payment of last salaries to personnel making aliya, travel expenses, excess baggage payment.
Record Group: Publicity
Extent: 28 files
The Publicity record group includes newspaper cuttings, publications, press releases, and speech transcripts, drawn from publications worldwide as well as those produced by JDC’s New York, Paris, and Jerusalem offices.
File JER.339: Bulletin, Speechs, Clippings January-April 1949
Old Folder Number: 7, 8.1
Newspaper cuttings, speech transcripts, regarding Cyprus camps, Passover packages, Operation Magic Carpet, situation of Jews in North Africa.
File JER.340: Correspondence with Paris Public Relations and Publications 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.8
Pamphlet on Genocide, press conference summary, newspaper clippings, correspondence regarding potential candidates to tour DP camps; conditions in Cyprus camps; offer to write book; potential publications to be sent to DP camps, Aliya from Europe, Aden, and Afghanistan.
Correspondence with Paris Public Relations and Publications 1948-1949
File JER.341: Newspaper Clippings February-March 1949
Old Folder Number: 53/3, 2
Newspaper clippings, press release, and cover letters sent from Tel Aviv to Paris and Paris to Tel Aviv regarding Aden phase of Operation Magic Carpet; disagreements regarding the Appeal for Israel; aliya from various European countries.
File JER.342: Newspaper Clippings and Press Releases January-February 1946
Old Folder Number: 2
Newspaper clippings, press releases from the Jerusalem office “Yediot Misrad HaJoint” regarding the situation of Jews in Poland, Lithuania, Berlin.
Newspaper Clippings and Press Releases January-February 1946
File JER.343: Newspaper Clippings and Printed Material 1949
Old Folder Number: 6
Newspaper clippings from Israeli and New York newspapers, accounting bulletin, JDC Review and reports regarding fundraising and negotiations thereof; funds for Aliya of hardcore; Persian, Yugoslavian, North African Jewry’s aliya; activities in Italy, social work in France.
File JER.344: Charles Passman Chronological File 1945-1946, 1948
Old Folder Number: 5
Newspaper clippings, memoranda, report, correspondence, regarding aliya from Iraq and of hardcore DPs from Europe; distribution of Passover goods; fundraising convention; celebrations of Israel’s second birthday.
File JER.345: Newspaper Clippings from New York May-June 1950
Old Folder Number: 5a
Correspondence, press release, memoranda, radio script, newspaper cuttings regarding VIP visitors to Israel; Romanian, Iraqi and Kurdish aliya; the establishment of Malben; Saly Mayer’s WWII work; fundraising efforts.
File JER.346: Printed Material from New York August 1948 - January 1949
Old Folder Number: 10
Article reprints, meeting minutes, press kit, SOS Campaign Bulletin, JDC Reviews and Digests, regarding SOS supplies campaign, reconstruction, cultural affairs, plans to empty DP Camps and transfer refugees to Israel.
File JER.347: Printed Material from New York Office 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 53/4
JDC Digests, JDC Reviews, American Fund Newscorrespondence, press releases, newspaper clippings, on topics including the plane crash in Norway carrying youth from Tunisia; Operation Magic Carpet; fundraising goals for 1950.
File JER.348: Public Relations 1945
Old Folder Number: 1
Correspondence, press releases, newspaper clippings and bulletins regarding, among other topics, strategy for publicity for JDC in Palestine; parcels, operations in Teheran; mail from DPs in Germany.
File JER.349: Public Relations 1946
Old Folder Number: 1
Newspaper clippings, cover letters, weekly reviews, correspondence, press conference summary, sent from Tel Aviv to Paris, New York regarding Jews in Europe, South America; JDC packages sent through Tehran to Polish Jews in Soviet Union. Include Hebrew language bulletins sent by Jerusalem JDC office.
File JER.350: Public Relations April 1946
Old Folder Number: 4
Correspondence, press releases, “Weekly Reviews” from the New York office; booklet, newspaper clippings and bulletins regarding, among other topics, parcels, religious supplies; activities in Poland, Holland, Sweden.
File JER.351: Public Relations May 1946
Old Folder Number: 4.1
Correspondence, press releases,”American Fund News” “A Report to Members”,”Weekly Reviews” from the New York office, summaries of the Yiddish press; booklet, newspaper clippings and bulletins regarding, among other topics, the Central Location Index; quotas; DPs in China; parcels.
File JER.352: Public Relations June 1946
Old Folder Number: 6
Correspondence, press releases from the New York office, Weekly Review, “A Report to Members” of the UJA, report of the secretary to the JDC executive committee, meeting minutes, and bulletins regarding, among other topics, social work in Israel; child care in France; aid to immigrants in the United States; Jewish cultural assets in Europe; shipment of a complete hospital to Poland.
File JER.353: Public Relations July 1946
Old Folder Number: 6.2
Correspondence, “Reconstruction” journals of South African Jewish War Appeal, meeting minutes, JDC Digests, “A Report to Members” of the UJA, and JDC Bulletins regarding, among other topics, fundraising, repatriation of Polish Jews from the Soviet Union, quotas for immigration.
File JER.354: Public Relations July-August 1946
Old Folder Number: 5
Correspondence, press releases from the New York office, “Reconstruction” journals of South African Jewish War Appeal, meeting minutes, and bulletin regarding, among other topics, SOS (Supplies for Overseas Survivors) collection; Kielce pogrom survivors; high rates of pregnancy among DPs.
File JER.355: Public Relations September-October 1946
Old Folder Number: 2
Correspondence, press releases from the New York office, “Reconstruction” journals of South African Jewish War Appeal, parts of the JDC Primer, JDC News, “A Report to Members” of the UJA, meeting minutes, and bulletins regarding, among other topics, SOS (Supplies for Overseas Survivors) collection; child care in France; aid to immigrants in the United States; activities in Germany, Holland, Czechoslovakia.
File JER.356: Public Relations November-December 1946
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Correspondence, press releases from the New York office, “Reconstruction” journals of South African Jewish War Appeal, booklet, conference summary, newspaper clippings, bulletin,”A Report to Members” of the UJA, country reports, regarding, among other topics, education, SOS (Supplies for Overseas Survivors) collection; obituary of Max Warburg, activities in Germany, Czechoslovakia.
File JER.357: Public Relations 1947
Old Folder Number: 1.1
Newspaper clippings, cable, cover letters, correspondence, regarding Cyprus; Jews in Europe, South America. Include Hebrew language bulletins sent by Jerusalem JDC office.
File JER.358: Public Relations and Press Releases March-June 1946
Old Folder Number: 2.1
Newspaper clippings, press releases from the Jerusalem office “Yediot Misrad HaJoint” regarding anti-Semitism and desire of Jews in Poland to make aliya; Anglo-American inquiry; situation in Germany.
File JER.359: Publications and Press Releases December 1945-February 1946
Old Folder Number: 3
JDC Digests, Weekly Reviews, JDC Reports, press releases from New York, bulletins, American Funds News, Memorandum to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, reports, regarding family reunification, SOS Supplies collection; child care in Europe.
File JER.360: Publications and Press Releases March 1946
Old Folder Number: 3.1
JDC Digest, Weekly Reviews, JDC Reports, press releases from New York, bulletins, “Reconstruction” newspaper, American Fund News, conversation summaries, reports, tables, regarding accidental death of Gertrude Pinsky and David Guzik; American generals in Germany; SOS Supplies collection; situations in Czechoslovakia, Romania, Netherlands, Latin America.
File JER.361: Publications and Press Releases March-July 1947
Old Folder Number: 7
JDC Reviews, Weekly Reviews, press releases from New York, JDC Digests, meeting minutes, circulars, lists, regarding SOS Supplies collection; medical mission to Aden.
File JER.362: Publications and Press Releases August-November 1947
Old Folder Number: 7.1
JDC Reviews, JDC Briefs, press releases from New York, JDC Digest, regarding SOS Supplies collection; activities in Bulgaria, apprenticeship programs in France; aid to Palestine.
File JER.363: Publications and Press Releases October 1947-April 1948
Old Folder Number: 8
JDC Reviews, press releases from New York, Jewish Agency’s Digest, JDC Digests, Församlingsblad, meeting minutes, regarding SOS Supplies collection; activities in Stockholm; Jews in Shanghai.
File JER.364: Publications and Press Releases May-June 1948
Old Folder Number: 8.1
JDC Reviews, press releases from New York, bulletins, publicity from Country Directors’ Conference, regarding SOS Supplies collection; Jews caught in Colombian uprising; summer camps.
File JER.365: Publicity from Country Directors Conference 1948
Old Folder Number: 5(2).2
Press releases, draft report, press clippings, regarding proceedings of the conference; activities of the public relations department in Paris; DPs on Cyprus.
File JER.366: Statistics and Cuttings 1948-1949
Old Folder Number: 53/3.1
Correspondence, booklets, and newspaper cuttings regarding statistics of JDC activities; aliya from various countries; French Jewish yearbook; DPs in various countries.
Record Group: Administration: VIPs
Extent: 7 files
The VIPs record group documents the visits of press, prominent individuals, and some JDC personnel, to Israel and Europe. Visitors include Franklin Roosevelt Jr., Governor and Mrs. Lehman, and Harry Rosenfield, the only Jewish member of President Truman’s DP Commission. In addition, topics such as the allocation of funds raised abroad, and the presentation of the Talmud of the Surviving Remnant, appear in this record group.
File JER.367: Correspondence with Paris Public Relations 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.12
Correspondence, cables, regarding travel arrangements for visitors, especially VIPs, traveling to Israel or Paris. Includes visit of Governor and Mrs. Lehman.
File JER.368: Travel: Personnel and Visitors 1948
Old Folder Number: 51/1.6
Correspondence and cables regarding travel arrangements of JDC personnel traveling in or arriving from Europe; arrangements for VIPs, journalist, visiting Israel. Also includes one item regarding personnel replacement needed as well.
File JER.369: VIP and Personnel Travel, Public Relations 1949
Old Folder Number: 9
Cables, correspondence, regarding travel arrangements for personnel as well as VIPs such as William Hallem Tuck of IRO; films of Cyprus; Aden press coverage; visit to North Africa.
File JER.370: VIP Travel, Public Relations 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.25
Correspondence, cables, regarding travel arrangements for visitors, especially VIPs, traveling to Israel and Europe. Includes visit of Franklin Roosevelt Jr., arrangements for Governor and Mrs. Lehman. Also includes presentation of Survivors’ Talmud.
File JER.371: VIP Travel, Public Relations, Fundraising 1949
Old Folder Number: 51/1.36
Correspondence, cables, itinerary, conference minutes, regarding travel arrangements for visitors, especially VIPs, traveling to Israel and Europe. Includes visit of Harry Rosenfield, the only Jewish member of President Truman’s DP Commission. In addition, Knesset conference on how funds raised in the American and French Jewish appeals would be divided.
File JER.372: VIP Visits and Personnel Travel 1950-1953
Old Folder Number: 13(2).a
Interoffice correspondence, cables, itinerary, regarding individuals traveling to Israel and arrangements on their behalf.
File JER.373: Visitors 1949
Old Folder Number: 53/10
Correspondence, cables, invitations, itinerary, notebook, list of American Diplomatic Corps in Israel; regarding who should be responsible as address to whom VIPs visiting Israel should be sent; arrangements for visiting personnel and VIPs visiting Israel after a Paris conference, including a cocktail party in their honor..