This subcollection documents JDC’s overseas programs and operations in 50 localities. The majority of these files deal with JDC’s work in Poland, Russia (including Siberia), and Palestine; records for Romania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, and Turkey are also significant.
The materials depict JDC’s extensive relief efforts to alleviate suffering and rebuild devastated European Jewish communities in the wake of World War I. Detailed field reports describe prevailing political, social, and economic conditions in these areas, with considerable space devoted to Brest Litowsk, Bialystok, Pinsk, Rovno, and Vilna.
Record groups in this subcollection are organized alphabetically by country or regional name. Certain record groups are further arranged in series.
Record Group 4-1: Abyssinia
File 109: Abyssinia, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports, including materials from Jacob (Jacques) Faitlovitch on Falashas, questions about Jewish world’s obligation of aid this remnant, appeal for funds for medical care. Miscellaneous on remittances.
Record Group 4-2: Argentina
File 110: Argentina, 1917, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on remittances, statement about willingness of Argentine community to send ship to Europe with relief supplies; about formation (1920) of Comite de Proteccion a Los Inmigrantes Israelitas, in anticipation of Jewish immigration from Europe.
Record Group 4-3: Austria
Series 1: Austria: Administration
File 111.1: Austria, General, 1919
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on needs, conditions of residents and refugees from Palestine, Galicia and Bukovina.
File 111.2: Austria, General, January-March 1920
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports on needs, conditions of residents and refugees. Report and abstract (January 15, 1920) on operations of the Vienna Branch for October-December 1919).
File 112.1: Austria, General, April-December 1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on needs, conditions of residents and refugees. Reports for Vienna Branch for March-April and May-August 1920.
File 112.2: Austria, General, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on local conditions, liquidation plans. Newspaper account of anti-Semitic demonstration. List [Names of communal officials in Bogen report]
File 113.1: Austria, Administration, 1921
Extent: 1 inches
Extensive correspondence, reports, particularly from Boris Bogen, Jacques Rieur on liquidation plans, review of operations, activities, determinations of need, local responsibility.
File 113.2: Austria, Administration, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, newspaper accounts on logistics, aid. List [Names of refugees with contacts in U.S, transmitted May 28, 1919; Names of communal officials in correspondence, reports]
File 114.1: Austria, Financial, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on finances, budgets, remittances, accounting.
File 114.2: Austria, Financial, Reports
File 114.3: Austria, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables on remittances, currency exchange, banking, appeals for funds. List [Names on remittance correspondence]
Series 2: Austria: Organizations
File 115.1: Austria, Organizations
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on relations with, needs, appeals of local organizations.
Series 3: Austria: Subject Matter
File 115.2: Austria, Individual Appeals
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous on family location, finances. List [Names of individuals in correspondence]
File 116: Austria, Child Care, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, appeals on care, aid for children, orphans.
File 117: Austria, Cultural and religious, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, appeals (English, German) for funds for educational institutions. List [Names of professionals who received food parcels, transmitted May 18, 1920; some individual names in correspondence]
File 118.1: Austria, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Cables, correspondence regarding influx, assistance for refugees, migration; Information Service Letter (December 16, 1919) on refugees in Vienna.
File 118.2: Austria, Reconstruction, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, cables on loans, tools and supplies for artisans, employment.
File 118.3: Austria, Medical-Sanitary, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, appeals for funds, review of facilities (English, German).
File 119: Austria, Relief Supplies, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on supplies; reports on financing, receipt, distribution of commodities, Passover supplies; arrangements with American Relief Administration for relief supplies. Text (undated) on Austrian federal law on school feeding programs.
Record Group 4-4: Baltic Countries
File 120: Baltic Countries, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, reports including on JDC operations; war damage, competing armies requisitioning local goods, local destruction. Correspondence on remittances, arrangements for transmission of funds.
Record Group 4-5: Belgium
File 121: Belgium, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, French, Yiddish) on aid to refugees, including students, after repatriation from Russia, appeals for funds.
Record Group 4-6: Bulgaria
File 122: Bulgaria, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, German, French) on aid. Extensive correspondence regarding orphanage. Correspondence (1919) regarding possible Bulgo-American Jewish Bank. List [Names of communal officials in Julius Savitski report]
Record Group 4-7: Central Europe
File 123: Central Europe, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports, including British Government report (1920), “Economic Conditions in Central Europe.” List [Names of communal leaders in reports, correspondence]
Record Group 4-8: China
File 124: China, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, appeals, reports (English, Russian, Yiddish, German). Miscellaneous correspondence on HIAS plans, role. Printed matter: Israel’s Messenger (March 14, 1919), publication of Shanghai Zionist Association.
Record Group 4-9: Cuba
File 125: Cuba, 1921
Record Group 4-10: Czechoslovakia
Series 1: Czechoslovakia: Administration
File 126.1: Czechoslovakia, January-July 1920
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports, including appeals for funds; report (unsigned, July 1920) on relief work in 1919, arrangements made by Henry Alsberg following collapse of Austria-Hungary. List [Names of communal leaders in reports, correspondence]
File 126.2: Czechoslovakia, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, German), including Henry Alsberg letters to Lewis Strauss of U.S. Food Administration Mission on local conditions, needs of refugees, government policy toward Jews. List [Names in reports, correspondence]
File 126.3: Czechoslovakia, Wechsler Reports, 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Detailed reports by Leon Wechsler, Hetty Goldman on conditions, needs in Czechoslovakia; reorganization and confusion of local relief committees; governments’ varying sentiments toward refugees; financial and statistical data; appropriations to institutions. Appendices include minutes of relief committee meetings, reports (English, German). List [Names of communal leaders in reports]
File 127.1: Czechoslovakia, August-December 1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports, including statistical reports, Information Service Letter (September 24, 1920) on social and economic conditions, operations in Czechoslovakia
File 127.2: Czechoslovakia, 1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, German), including report by Leon Wechsler (and synopsis) for period September 1920 through March 1921. List [Names of communal leaders in reports]
File 127.3: Czechoslovakia, Bogen Report, 1922
Extent: 0.25 inch
Report on JDC activities in Czechoslovakia, based on official records and reports, written under direction of Boris Bogen, on conditions in new republic of Czechoslovakia. Miscellaneous on allocations to institutions, delay in liquidation. List [Names of communal leaders in reports]
File 128.1: Czechoslovakia, Individual Appeals
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (multiple languages) on requests from, aid to individuals, including transit, financial. List [Names of individuals, institutions on remittances]
File 128.2: Czechoslovakia, Administration, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on meetings, personnel, travel, finances, liquidation, including article from Judische Presse of Vienna (May 29, 1921) assigning blame for liquidation to “Jewish nationalists.”
File 128.3: Czechoslovakia, Administration, Financial, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on finances, remittances, banking, audits.
Series 2: Czechoslovakia: Subject Matter
File 129.1: Czechoslovakia, Child Care, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous, including memo on activities of American Relief Administration’s European Children’s Fund.
File 129.2: Czechoslovakia, Relief Supplies, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Cables, correspondence on relief supplies, including problems with Passover flour.
File 129.3: Czechoslovakia, Cultural and religious, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence (English, German) regarding appeals, remittances, for education, Talmud Torah schools for children, orphans.
File 129.4: Czechoslovakia, Reconstruction, 1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Miscellaneous (English, German), including excerpts of Leon Wechsler reports.
File 129.5: Czechoslovakia, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Cables, correspondence on influx refugees, problems with visas, limits on American consular authorities. Appeals for individual aid.
Series 3: Czechoslovakia: Localities
File 130: Czechoslovakia, Dunaszerdahely, Kosice, Slovakia, Sub-Carpathia
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous on conditions in Dunaszerdahely, Kosice, Slovakia, Sub-Carpathia; appeals for aid, grievances about distribution of aid.
Czechoslovakia, Dunaszerdahely, Kosice, Slovakia, Sub-Carpathia
Record Group 4-11: Danzig
File 131: Danzig, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, letters on liquidation of local office.
Record Group 4-12: Denmark
File 132: Denmark, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, primarily financial, banking correspondence. Financial report (October 1919) of Skandinavischen Judischen Zentrakhilfskomitees. Letter (April 4, 1919) on origins of Information Office Regarding the Conditions of Jews in Poland.
Record Group 4-13: Eastern Europe
File 133: Eastern Europe, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.20 inch
Several newspaper articles on JDC activities (one critical), summarizing regional conditions.
Record Group 4-14: Egypt
File 134: Egypt, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (English, French) on financial arrangements, remittances, Passover supplies. Printed report: “General Report on the Refugees Administration,” on [Colonial] administrative work connected with Jewish refugees from Palestine, post-war British refugees from Smyrna, and Russian Orthodox refugees; reference to Zion Mule Corps; with photos; written by William C. Hornblower, Societe de Publications Egyptiennes, 1920. List [Names of recipients of relief supplies]
Record Group 4-15: England
File 135.1: England, Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on aid, remittances, including Boris Bogen report (November 6, 1920) on use of funds, supplies.
England, Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia, 1919-1920
File 135.2: England, JDC (London) Purchasing Department, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on aid, remittances, purchasing relief supplies for distribution in Eastern Europe.
File 135.3: England, Transmission of Funds, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Cables, correspondence on remittances, currency exchange, banking, financial statements, purchase of supplies for Eastern Europe.
Record Group 4-16: Estonia
File 136: Estonia, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports including on children’s home (with report transmitted October 8, 1921), miscellaneous on liquidation of office; miscellaneous concerning Narva, which sustained war damage.
Record Group 4-17: Finland
File 137: Finland, 1920-1921
Record Group 4-18: France
File 138: France, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, including report through April 1921 on Societe Juive d’Assistance par le Travail, including statutes List [Communal leaders named in Savitski report]
Record Group 4-19: Galicia
Series 1: Galicia: Administration
File 139.1: Galicia, 1913, 1919
Extent: 1.25 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (English, German), including financial reports, statements from delegation of Galician Jews in Paris (see especially June 15, 1919) on being between “two fires”&emdash;Poland and Ukraine. Financial statements of loan kassas (1913). List [Communal leaders named in correspondence]
File 139.2: Galicia, January-February 1920
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on need for relief for towns in region from Stanislau-Tarnopol to Russia border.
File 140: Galicia, March-April 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous reports, correspondence (Polish). Correspondence from Julius Goldman, Galician Commission, memos on allocations for Galicia; budget.
File 141.1: Galicia, May-December 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous reports, correspondence, including Abraham Zucker report (June 12, 1920) on Galicia; Committee for Relief of Polish Jews in Krakow by Rafal Landau (August 1920); Charles Wortsman report (transmitted December 15, 1920) on relief activities in Lemberg, Simon Peiser letter (October 8, 1920) on Krakow. List [Names of communal officials in some reports]
File 141.2: Galicia, 1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous reports, including Abraham Shohan report (August 14, 1921) on Lvov; I.M. (Mayer) Kowalsky report (February 1, 1921) on problems in Lvov, including with refugees from Ukraine; Charles Wortsman (January 1, 1921) on regional visits.
Series 2: Galicia: Subject Matter
File 142.1: Galicia, Medical-Sanitary, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous reports, including Dr. Irwin Michlin reports on epidemics of typhus; building plans. List [Memo of May 29, 1921 on medical assignments]
File 142.2: Galicia, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous individual correspondence seeking aid with migration, family reunification. List [Names in correspondence]
File 142.3: Galicia, Cultural and religious, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (English, German), including from East Galician Organization for Jewish Elementary and Schools on reconstruction of schools after war and pogroms. List [Names in correspondence]
File 142.4: Galicia, Child Care, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (English, German) including Simon Peiser field reports, and report (April 1921, unsigned) of activities of Child Care Department. List [Names in correspondence]
Record Group 4-20: Germany
Series 1: Germany: Administration
File 143.1: Germany, American Friends Service Committee, 1920
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on American Friends feeding program in Berlin, JDC contribution, see Julius Goldman letter (March 9, 1920).
File 143.2: Germany, General, 1916, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.66 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (English, German) on needs for relief, poverty and political conditions after war and Versailles Treaty. Bernhard Kahn reports (1920) on variety of needs, conditions.
File 143.3: Germany, Financial, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.80 inch
Miscellaneous financial reports, correspondence (English, German) on banking, remittances, appeals.
Series 2: Germany: Subject Matter
File 144.1: Germany, Child Care, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, German) on care, needs of children, including medical care for tubercular children. Miscellaneous financial materials. Printed matter: German children in Switzerland (Bulletin of Save the Children Fund, Geneva). List [Names in correspondence]
File 144.2: Germany, Prisoners of War, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous (English, German) on relief supplies, aid to Russian prisoners of war in Germany who cannot be repatriated, including provocative articles in Zeit. Some correspondence from prisoners. List [Prisoners’ names on some correspondence]
File 144.3: Germany, Cultural and religious, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, appeals (English, German) for funds for educational institutions.
File 145.1: Germany, Relief Supplies, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (German, English), cables on requests, distribution of relief supplies, Passover supplies.
File 145.2: Germany, Refugees, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous reports, correspondence (German, English) on requests for aid; problems with emigration; conditions of refugees; economic, labor and housing crises.
Record Group 4-21: Greece
File 146.1: Greece, 1918, 1919
Extent: 1.50 inches
Miscellaneous reports, cables, correspondence (French, English, Greek) on needs, banking, financial matters, appeals and building supplies after fire destroyed Salonica’s Jewish community’s assets, including schools and housing
File 146.2: Greece, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous reports, correspondence (French, English,) on needs, financial matters, appeals regarding schools destroyed by fire. Moise Morpurgo and Joseph Nehama report (February 20, 1920) on aid to victims of disaster; on restoration of Hirsch Jewish Hospital.
Record Group 4-22: Holland
File 147.1: Holland, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on financial matters, remittances, supplies, personnel needs for communities throughout Europe; miscellaneous on logistics, transit.
File 147.2: Holland, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Primarily correspondence on financial matters, remittances, balance sheets. Several documents on financing children’s holidays, prospects for sending matzot abroad on timely basis.
File 147.3: Holland, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence [English, Dutch, Yiddish] on aid to refugees; appeals from individuals. List [Names of some aid recipients/transmigrants, transmitted September 7, 1920; names of individual on appeals correspondence]
Record Group 4-23: Hungary
Series 1: Hungary: Administration
File 148.1: Hungary, General, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, Hungarian) on refugees, aid, reconstruction in Hungary. List [Marcus report includes names, accounts of interned Jews]
File 148.2: Hungary, General, 1919-1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence, reports (English, Hungarian) on refugees, finances, relief supplies, rehabilitation in Hungary.
File 149.1: Hungary, Administration-Financial, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, cables on banking, problems with liquidation. Financial statements, including report for 1920 (transmitted March 31, 1921). List [Names of communal leaders, staff on some reports]
File 149.2: Hungary, Administration-Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables on remittances, currency exchange, banking, appeals for funds. List [Names on remittance correspondence]
Hungary, Administration-Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1920-1921
Series 2: Hungary: Subject Matter
File 150.1: Hungary, Child Care, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, appeals for care, aid, food for children, orphans; correspondence on JDC contribution to American Relief Administration program; problems with government regime. Alexander Landesco letter (March 5, 1920) on local grievances, arrangements for programs. Printed report: American Relief Administration European Children’s Fund (June 1, 1920), illustrated, narrative and statistical material, includes political and economic problems after armistice, Romanian occupation; living conditions, relief supplies, children’s feeding programs. List [Names of child welfare leaders, transmitted February 20, 1920]
File 150.2: Hungary, Cultural and Religious, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, appeals for institutions, students, religious functionaries.
File 151.2: Hungary, Prisoners of War and Refugees, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous on various types, treatment of refugees.
File 151.3: Hungary, Persecution and pogroms, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, extensive news stories in various languages, with accounts of atrocities. List [Names in accounts of atrocities]
File 151.4: Hungary, Marcus Report on "White Terror," 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Joseph Marcus report (June 8, 1921) on “Is There White Terror in Hungary?” evaluating the political conditions of the Jews, veracity of reports of persecution, including persecution, anti-Semitism, bodies in Danube. List [Names in accounts of atrocities]
Series 3: Hungary: Localities
File 151.1: Hungary, Localities, Fulopszalas, Sotoralja-Ujhely, Tinye
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous appeals concerning Fulopszalas, Sotoralja-Ujhely, Tinye.
Record Group 4-24: Italy
File 152.1: Italy, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous on emigration, refugees from Romania and Russia at Italian ports.
File 152.2: Italy, Personal services, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous on family location, migration, aid. List [Names in correspondence]
Record Group 4-25: Japan
File 153: Japan, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous (English, Yiddish, German, Russian) on emigration, family location, remittances. Jewish Immigration Bulletin report (transmitted January 13, 1920) on HIAS activities in Far East (extremely fragile). List [Names in correspondence]
Record Group 4-26: Latvia
Series 1: Latvia: Administration
File 154.1: Latvia, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (primarily English, some Yiddish) on economic and social conditions, including monthly activity reports; need for massive reconstruction, credit for communal and individual rehabilitation. Map. List [Names in correspondence]
File 155: Latvia, Administration-Financial, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (English, German, Yiddish), cables on financial matters, remittances, banking, account balances, personnel. List [Names in correspondence]
Series 2: Latvia: Subject Matter
File 154.2: Latvia, Personal services, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous on family location, migration, aid. List [Names in correspondence]
File 156.1: Latvia, Relief Supplies, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on relief supplies, shipments, requests.
Latvia, Relief Supplies, 1920-1921
File 156.2: Latvia, Cultural and religious, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous, including correspondence from Ebreju Zentrala to effect that cultural work cannot continue without JDC support.
File 156.3: Latvia, Child Care, 1921
File 156.4: Latvia, Medical-Sanitary, 1920-1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence and reports, including Dr. Julius Eliasberg report (July 16, 1920) on need for Jewish hospital in Riga, Dr. Harry Plotz report (May 31, 1921) on creation of medical committee to deal with public health in Latvia, hiring of physicians in underserved areas; creation of dispensaries, bathhouses and mikves. List [Names in correspondence]
Series 3: Latvia: Localities
File 157: Latvia, Localities, Daugavpils, Dubena, Liepaja (Libua), Mitau, Preily, Reschitza, Riga
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on needs, conditions in Daugavpils, Dubena, Liepaja (Libua), Mitau, Preily, Riga, including letters on extent to which towns such as Dubena fall through the cracks of different service areas.
Latvia, Localities, Daugavpils, Dubena, Liepaja (Libua), Mitau, Preily, Reschitza, Riga
Record Group 4-27: Libya
File 158: Libya (Tripoli), 1920
Record Group 4-28: Lithuania
Series 1: Lithuania: Administration
File 159.1: Lithuania, General, 1919
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, German, Yiddish) on political, social and economic conditions; miscellaneous on war damage by competing armies. List [Names in correspondence]
File 159.2: Lithuania, General, February-June 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (English, German, Yiddish, French) on economic and social conditions, communal tensions, including plea (February 20, 1920) and report on congress of Jewish communities from M. Soloveitchik and Simon Rosenbaum. Some statistical material on Jewish populations. List [Names in correspondence]
File 160.1: Lithuania, General, July-December 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (English, German), including annual budget for relief work undertaken by Jewish National Council, plans for orphanages. List [Names in correspondence]
File 160.2: Lithuania, General, 1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish), including Julius Muscott multiple letters and reports (April 5, 1921; August 9, 1921) on JDC aid, refugees, re-evacuation and child welfare.
File 160.3: Lithuania, Ministry of Jewish Affairs in Lithuania
Extent: 0.25 inch
Reports (English, Yiddish), including Vladimir Grossman report (undated) on the position of position of Jews in country.
File 161.2: Lithuania, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, cables on remittances, currency exchange, banking, financial arrangements. List [Names on remittance correspondence]
File 161.3: Lithuania, Administration and Financial, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, cables on remittances, currency exchange, banking, financial arrangements; Julius Muscott letter (May 19, 1921) and materials on expenses of Nationalrat.
Series 2: Lithuania: Subject Matter
File 161.1: Lithuania, Personal services, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous on family location, aid. List [Names in correspondence]
File 162.1: Lithuania, Child Care, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous on needs, care of children, including proposal (December 7, 1920) from Conseil National Juif en Lituanie regarding agricultural school for orphans.
File 162.2: Lithuania, Cultural and religious, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, appeals for educational institutions. List of Tarbuth schools.
File 162.3: Lithuania, Medical-Sanitary, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous, including Julius Muscott letter (January 18, 1921) on medical and other conditions for children.
File 162.4: Lithuania, Relief Supplies, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
File 162.5: Lithuania, Reconstruction, 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables (English, German) on arrangements, financing for reconstruction work; materials on economics activities of Nationalrat (banks, agriculture).
Series 3: Lithuania: Localities
File 163: Lithuania, Localities, Kovno, Kowarskas, Seduva, Skaudvile, Vaiguva, Zydikiai
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, cables on needs, conditions in Kovno, Kowarskas, Seduva, Skaudvile, Vaiguva, Zydikiai. List [Names in correspondence; names of loan recipients in Kavarsk]
Lithuania, Localities, Kovno, Kowarskas, Seduva, Skaudvile, Vaiguva, Zydikiai
Record Group 4-29: Mesopotamia
File 164: Mesopotamia, 1918, 1919
Extent: 0.15 inch
Record Group 4-30: Mexico
File 165: Mexico, 1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Miscellaneous on fugitives, refugees stranded in Mexico in belief they could immigrate to U.S.
Record Group 4-31: Ober Ost
File 166: Ober Ost, 1919
Extent: 0.10 inch
Baruch (Barnet) Zuckerman report on visit to region; Isaac Rubinstein memo on relief activity.
Record Group 4-32: Palestine
Series 1: Palestine: Administration
File 167.1: Palestine, General, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, detailed reports (primarily from David de Sola Pool) on relief activities, need to expand to reconstruction.
File 167.2: Palestine, General, 1918-1919
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, budgets, reports (many authors unknown) on communal conditions, institutions.
File 168.1: Palestine, Administration, 1921
Extent: 0.60 inch
Miscellaneous on activities, finances, letters of credit. Correspondence (including letter of April 4, 1921) on liquidating activities.
File 168.2: Palestine, Administration, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on activities, war orphans.
File 169.1: Palestine, Appropriations, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous financial statistics, cables on remittances.
File 169.2: Palestine, Appropriations, 1919
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous financial statistics, cables on remittances.
File 170.1: Palestine, Transmission of Funds, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, cables on remittances, currency exchange, banking.
File 170.2: Palestine, Transmission of Funds, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables on remittances, currency exchange, banking. List [Names of individuals, institutions on remittances]
File 171.1: Palestine, Financial Reports, July-October 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Monthly financial/statistical reports, correspondence, on relief, loans, children, aged, religious institutions, various municipalities/colonies.
File 171.2: Palestine, Financial Reports, March-June 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Monthly financial/statistical reports, correspondence on relief, loans, children, aged, religious institutions, various municipalities/colonies.
File 171.3: Palestine, Financial Reports, January-February 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Monthly financial/statistical reports, correspondence, on relief, loans, children, aged, religious institutions, various municipalities/colonies.
File 172.1: Palestine, Financial Reports, May-November 1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Monthly financial/statistical reports (May-September) on relief, loans, children, aged, religious institutions; miscellaneous correspondence (October, November).
File 172.2: Palestine, Financial Reports, January-April 1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Monthly financial/statistical reports on relief, loans, children, aged, religious institutions.
File 172.3: Palestine, Financial Reports, November-December 1919
Extent: 0.33 inch
Monthly financial/statistical reports on relief, loans, children, aged, religious institutions.
File 173.1: Palestine, High Commissioner for Palestine, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
David de Sola Pool correspondence, reports on meetings with High Commissioner for Palestine.
Series 2: Palestine: Subject Matter
File 173.2: Palestine, Personal services, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on requests, relief, assistance, conditions of individuals. List [Names of individuals, institutions on requests for aid, remittances]
File 174.1: Palestine, Child Care, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.60 inch
Minutes, first annual report of Palestine Orphan Committee. Correspondence on orphanages, institutions’ appeals for funds.
File 174.2: Palestine, Child Care, 1918-1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Extensive correspondence from Alice Seligsberg, including letter (September 7, 1919) reviewing conditions, needs, relief, facilities, personnel, budget. Miscellaneous on orphanages’ suitability, institutions’ appeals for funds. List [Names of some children needing aid]
File 175.1: Palestine, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Minutes, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Committee meeting minutes (incomplete); reports on child care, facilities, needs, finances, personnel.
Palestine, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Minutes, 1919-1921
File 175.2: Palestine, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Financial, July-December 1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Financial reports, budgets for Palestine Orphan Committee.
Palestine, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Financial, July-December 1920
File 175.3: Palestine, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Financial, January-June 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Financial reports, budgets for Palestine Orphan Committee.
Palestine, Child Care, Palestine Orphan Committee, Financial, January-June 1920
File 176: Palestine, Cultural and religious, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence on religious, cultural, educational needs, appeals for funds, financing. Grievances, allagations about bias in financing.
File 177.1: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, appeals for funds, review of facilities.
File 177.2: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on responsibilities, operations, services proposed.
Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, 1919-1921
File 178: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Reports, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Monthly narrative and statistical reports on medical procedures and public health services.
Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Reports, 1919
File 179.1: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Reports, 1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Monthly narrative and statistical reports (incomplete) on medical procedures and public health services.
Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Reports, 1921
File 179.2: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Reports, 1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Monthly narrative and statistical reports (incomplete) on medical procedures and public health services.
Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Reports, 1920
File 180: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Financial Reports 1919
File 181: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, American Zionist Medical Unit, Financial Reports 1920-1921
File 182.1: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, Shaare Zedek Hospital, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on finances, services, problems with fund-raising from traditional Dutch, German sources abroad. Various testimonial statements of support for hospital.
Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, Shaare Zedek Hospital, 1919-1921
File 182.2: Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, Straus Health Bureau, 1918-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous on operations, finances, transfer of Nathan Straus Health Bureau to American Zionist Medical Unit. Narrative, statistical report (unsigned, undated) on operations during the war (1914-1918).
Palestine, Medical-Sanitary, Straus Health Bureau, 1918-1921
File 183.1: Palestine, Reconstruction, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on finances, loan society, training, arrangements for immigrants.
File 183.2: Palestine, Reconstruction, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Extensive correspondence on establishment of credit institution, mortgage bank; minutes of Reconstruction Committee meetings.
File 183.3: Palestine, Refugees and Immigrants, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
David de Sola Pool letter (August 17, 1920) on conditions for immigrants in Palestine, including lack of employment, housing. Miscellaneous correspondence on remittances, transit deposits. List [Names associated with transit correspondence]
File 184: Palestine, Relief Supplies, 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on need for supplies; reports on operations, funding of Straus and Dreyfus Soup Kitchens; reports on distribution of clothing, Passover supplies.
Series 3: Palestine: Organizations
File 173.3: Palestine, Local Organizations, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, primarily regarding fund-raising, by Jewish organizations, institutions. Miscellaneous on change of management of Nathan Straus factory.
Series 4: Palestine: Localities
File 185: Palestine, Galilee, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, seeking supplies, aid. Report (undated) by W.S. Dizengoff on communities, conditions in the Galilee.
Record Group 4-33: Persia
File 186: Persia, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on relief funds; minutes of Persian Jewish Relief Committee on use of funds.
Record Group 4-34: Poland
Series 1: Poland: Administration
File 187.1: Poland, General, April-June 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports on local conditions, needs, programs. Miscellaneous reports from “Information Office regarding the Conditions of Jews in Poland” (Copenhagen). Article “The Bossing over the American Relief Fund” by S. Herz in Der Jud (June 26, 1919) criticizes distribution of funds.
File 187.2: Poland, General, January-March 1919
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports on initial needs, intervention in Poland, local conditions, including article “The Relief Action in Lithuania and White Russia” in Yiddish Folk (March 21, 1919).
File 188: Poland, Julian Leavitt Report, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Draft report (carbon copy) compiled by Julian Leavitt on “present situation of Jews in Poland,” based on reports, news stories, cables, correspondence from February 1 to June 26, 1919.
File 189: Poland, General, July-December 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports (carbons, many unsigned, some handwritten) on establishment of operations, role of JDC, on political conditions. Information Service Letter (December 3, 1919) lists 1,034 cities, villages and towns reached by JDC. List [Names of local communal leaders in various reports]
File 190.1: Poland, General, June-December 1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence, reports (carbons, some unsigned) on conditions, needs of Jews, varying according to shifting boundaries of state and extent of antagonisms. Information Service Letter (December 1, 1920) provides basic background on political, social, economic conditions; Information Service Letter (September 1, 1920) on evacuation from Warsaw; miscellaneous accounts of evacuation from Warsaw to Danzig because of Russo-Polish War.
File 190.2: Poland, General, January-May 1920
Extent: 1.75 inches
Correspondence, reports (carbons, some unsigned) on conditions, needs of Jews, establishment, structure of JDC operations; Publicity Division reports, including report on first month of operations (“One Month in Poland,” March 24, 1920); Boris Bogen reports, Bogen “bulletin” (statement of greetings) on arrival in Poland (transmitted March 2, 1920).
File 191: Poland, Bogen Report, 1920
Extent: 0.80 inch
Boris Bogen “Report of Joint Distribution Committee Activities in Poland,” February-June 1920 (printed, carbon copies of report). List [Names of field staff in appendices]
File 192: Poland, General, 1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Boris Bogen “Report of Joint Distribution Committee Activities in Europe” (June 1920-September 1921).
File 193.1: Poland, Congress Poland, Piotrkow, Plock, Radom, Siedlce, 1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Boris Bogen “Report of Joint Distribution Committee Activities in Europe” (June 1920-September 1921).
Poland, Congress Poland, Piotrkow, Plock, Radom, Siedlce, 1921
File 193.2: Poland, Congress Poland, Kalisz, Kielce, 1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Statistical, narrative reports on operations in Kalisz and Kielce districts of Congress Poland territories, presented by Jacques Rieur, transmitted by M.E. Baynton (May 24, 1921). List [Names of communal officials in reports]
File 193.3: Poland, Congress Poland, Lodz, Lomza, Lublin, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Statistical, narrative reports on operations in Lodz and Lomza, districts of Congress Poland territories, presented by Jacques Rieur, transmitted by M.E. Baynton (May 24, 1921). List [Names of communal officials in reports]
File 194: Poland, Congress Poland, Warsaw State, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Statistical, narrative reports on operations in Warsaw State districts of Congress Poland, presented by Jacques Rieur, transmitted by M.E. Baynton (May 24, 1921). List [Names of communal officials in reports]
File 195.1: Poland, Congress Poland, 1921
Extent: 0.60 inch
Report on opening office, organizing operations in Congress Poland, by Jacques Rieur, transmitted by M.E. Baynton (June 7, 1921). List [Names of communal officials in reports]
File 195.2: Poland, Congress Poland, Warsaw, 1921
Extent: 1 inch
Statistical, narrative report on operations in the Warsaw district of Congress Poland, presented by Jacques Rieur, transmitted by M.E. Baynton (June 7, 1921). List [Names of communal officials in reports]
File 196.1: Poland, Administration, 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables to/from Isidore Hershfield, on organization of operations, funds, logistics, relief, including Hershfield letter (November 13, 1919) reviewing work, sentiments. Critical article from The Day (New York, November 20, 1919) on “Isidore Hershfield Nerves,” Hershfield letter (November 8, 1919) regarding Warsaw publication.
File 196.2: Poland, Administration, July-December 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables, including Boris Bogen letters on activities, arrangements; letter (December 28, 1920) on personnel, staff assignments. List [Names of American staff on memos, November 9, 1920; December 1, 1920]
File 196.3: Poland, Administration, January-June 1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on activities. Correspondence concerning local grievances. News accounts, including article in Vilna Tog (June 1, 1920) by K. Marmor of the Forward; undated article by Hillel Zeitlin. List [Names of communal officials on Central Apportioning Committee, April 5, 1920]
File 197: Poland, Administration, 1921
Extent: 1.75 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on activities, including reports on remittances, liquidation of relief activities; minutes of staff meetings, Poland Administrative Council, liquidation conference. Abraham Zucker memo (May 26, 1921) on distinguished visitors. List [Names of terminated employees, March 30, 1921; staff assignments in memo, February 9, 1921]
File 198.1: Poland, Financial, Report, 1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Loeb and Troper financial report (dated March 31, 1921) on JDC Poland operations for 1920, including summary of income, allocations.
File 198.2: Poland, Financial, 1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Cables, correspondence on budget, funds; miscellaneous on allocations.
File 198.3: Poland, Financial, 1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Cables, correspondence on budget, funds, fluctuations in needs, relief supplies as territories become more or less accessible. Miscellaneous on allocations
File 198.4: Poland, Financial, 1919
Extent: 0.25 inch
Cables, correspondence on funds, economic rehabilitation. Miscellaneous on allocations.
File 198.5: Poland, Financial, Administrative Accounts, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Cables, correspondence on staff expenses, funds.
File 199.1: Poland, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1920
Extent: 0.20 inch
Receipts for transmission of funds. List [Names on remittances]
File 199.2: Poland, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, requests, sources, receipts on transmission of funds, exchange rates, instructions on uses of funds. List [Names on remittances]
File 200: Poland, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, receipts on transmission of funds, remittances.
File 201: Poland, Financial, Remittances, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables on transmission of funds, individuals’ remittances, liquidation of Remittance Bureau. Information Service Letter (January 27, 1921) on remittance operations, fluctuating exchange rates, depreciation in value. List [Names on remittances]
File 202.1: Poland, Relations With U.S. Government, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, including letter from War Department (March 22, 1921) expressing appreciation for voluntary agencies.
File 202.2: Poland, Relations With Polish Government, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous materials, including correspondence on Poland’s requirements for foreign corporations; official statement (May 16, 1921) on regulations for remittances to Poland.
File 229.2: Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Part I, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Report (and draft, Yiddish) by Abraham Shohan on JDC activities in Polish Ukraine (Wolyn and Podolia).
File 230.1: Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Appendix, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Appendix of report by Abraham Shohan on JDC activities in Polish Ukraine (Wolyn and Podolia).
File 230.2: Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Appendix (Yiddish) 1919-1920
Extent: 1 inch
Appendix (Yiddish) 1919-1920. Yiddish version of appendix; see previous file of same number.
Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Appendix (Yiddish) 1919-1920
File 231.1: Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Part II, 1920
Extent: 0.25 inch
Report by Abraham Shohan (English and Yiddish) on JDC activities in Polish Ukraine (Wolyn and Podolia) for period from April through July 1920.
File 231.2: Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Part III, 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Report by Abraham Shohan (English and Yiddish) on JDC activities in Polish Ukraine (Wolyn and Podolia) for period from October 1920 through June 1921. List [Names of communal leaders in report]
File 232: Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Appendix II (Yiddish) 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Appendix II (Yiddish) 1920-1921. Appendix of statistical tables (in Yiddish) for prior report [19/21 # 231].
Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Appendix II (Yiddish) 1920-1921
File 233: Poland, Report: Polish Ukraine, Pogroms, 1919-1920
Extent: 1.50 inches
Graphic accounts/testimonies (English and Yiddish) of pogroms in Polish Ukraine. List [Names of victims of atrocities, presumed incomplete]
Series 2: Poland: Organizations
File 203: Poland, Local Organizations, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous materials, including statutes of “Polish-American Children’s Relief Committee” (EPAKPD).
Series 3: Poland: Subject Matter
File 204: Poland, Individual Appeals, A-F, 1919-1922
Extent: 1.5 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence (multiple languages) on requests from, aid to individuals, including passports, transit, financial. List [Names of individuals, institutions on remittances]
File 205.1: Poland, Individual Appeals, G-P, 1921-1922
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (multiple languages) on requests from, aid to individuals. List [Names of individuals, institutions on remittances]
File 205.2: Poland, Individual Appeals, G-P, 1919-1920
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (multiple languages) on requests from, aid to individuals. List [Names of individuals, institutions on remittances]
File 206: Poland, Individual Appeals, R-Z, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence (multiple languages) on requests from, aid to individuals. List [Names of individuals, institutions on remittances]
File 207: Poland, Child Care, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Reports, correspondence on needs, care of children, orphans, including reports from specific locations. Various financial statements, statistical reports; newspaper accounts. List [Names of individuals]
File 208: Poland, Cultural and religious, 1919-1920
Extent: 1 inch
Reports, correspondence on needs for education, cultural and religious activities, including reports from specific locations. Newspaper accounts. List [Names of individuals who receive aid on behalf of institutions; cable to Central Relief Committee (January 26, 1920) signed by 224 rabbis]
File 209: Poland, Cultural and religious, 1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Reports, correspondence on needs for education, cultural and religious activities; financial statements, budgets, correspondence on allocations, lists of institutions that receive subventions. Miscellaneous appeals for aid.
File 210.1: Poland, Medical-Sanitary, 1921, 1975
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports from Dr. Harry Plotz on medical and sanitary needs, proposals for medical staff, equipment, building repair.
File 210.2: Poland, Medical-Sanitary, 1919-1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Reports, correspondence on medical and sanitary needs, activities, emphasis on typhus. List [Names of people killed in pogroms in Kamien Kaszyrsk, Szack, Domaczew; see memos October 1, 1920; names of medical officers in American Typhus Relief Expedition; see report February 1, 1920]
File 211.1: Poland, Political Conditions, 1919-1920
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence from various sources on military, political conditions, atrocities, including Lewis Strauss letter (January 20, 1919) to Louis Brandeis on political conditions in Austria, Poland and dangers to Jews in Poland.
File 211.2: Poland, Discrimination and Persecution, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Reports, correspondence, cables from various sources on political conditions, persecution, atrocities, including Sir Stuart Samuels’s graphic report to British Parliament on mission to Poland (reprinted in American Jewish Congress Bulletin, August 1920). List (in Yiddish) of the pogrom areas in 1919 and 1920.
File 212: Poland, Reconstruction, 1919-1921
Extent: 2 inches
File 213.1: Poland, Reconstruction, Credit Activities, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
inchReports (English and Yiddish), correspondence on cooperatives, including Benjamin Blattner’s report on Central Union of Jewish Handworkers Cooperatives (November 7, 1920), Jacques Rieur and Abraham Shohan reports on loan associations in Congress Poland, Wolyn; report on cooperatives for September-November 1920. Miscellaneous correspondence on appeals for funds, allocations; newspaper articles (translations).
File 213.2: Poland, Reconstruction, Tools, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on request for tools, supplies, funds. Reports on inventory, distribution of tools.
File 213.3: Poland, Reconstruction, Trade Schools, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding requests for aid, primarily regarding request by Cecelia Klaften of the Society of Workshops for Jewish Girls in Lemberg.
File 214.1: Poland, Reconstruction, Agriculture, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding requests for aid, including from Jewish Farm School in Krakow (transmitted January 6, 1921) seeking loan to buy farm.
File 214.2: Poland, Reconstruction, Housing, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence regarding requests for housing aid, including building materials, heating (fuel). Press release (May 1, 1920) on need for housing to alleviate homelessness.
File 215.1: Poland, Refugees and Emigrants, 1920-1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Extensive correspondence, cables regarding assistance for emigration, location of individuals, family reunification, logistics, maintenance, visa questions as residents seek to emigrate and destitute refugees come into Poland. List [Names of individuals on requests for transit aid, remittances, including cable (December 1, 1920) with names on requests from Rovno for travel funds]
File 215.2: Poland, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Extensive correspondence, cables regarding assistance for migration, location of individuals, family reunification; disruptions in emigration because of lack of trains, ships. List [Names of individuals on requests for transit aid, remittances]
File 216: Poland, Personal services, 1919-1922
Extent: 1.25 inches
Extensive correspondence, cables regarding relief, conditions of individuals; assistance for migration, location of individuals, family reunification. Reports (April 2, 1920 and July 1920) of Department of Personal services. List [Names of individuals on requests for aid, remittances]
File 217.1: Poland, Relief Supplies, 1918-1921
Extent: 1.50 inches
Correspondence, cables on needs, distribution of supplies, including Robert Olds letters (May 20, 1921; June 14, 1921) on American Red Cross agreement with JDC List [Names of recipients of clothing, shoes, July 1920]
File 217.2: Poland, Relief Supplies, Food, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence, cables on needs, distribution of food, especially in light of war conditions. Reports of warehouse and transportations departments. Miscellaneous on kosher meat, Passover supplies; on milk stations; arrangements with American Relief Administration.
Series 4: Poland: Localities
File 218.1: Poland, Baligrod, Baranowicze, Bedzin, Belchatow, Belz, Bereza Kartuska, Bereznica, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, cables on local conditions, appeals for aid, allocations, including Morris Lewis report (December10, 1920) on Bereza Kartuska. List [Names (in Yiddish) of Baligrod community representatives, of fire victims’ committee of Bereza Kartuska]
Poland, Baligrod, Baranowicze, Bedzin, Belchatow, Belz, Bereza Kartuska, Bereznica, 1919-1921
File 218.2: Poland, Bialystok, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Extensive reports (in Yiddish and English), correspondence on local conditions, before and after JDC evacuation (July 20, 1920). List [Names in Jacob Field report (October 13, 1920)]
File 219.1: Poland, Brest Litowsk, Report, 1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Mayer Raskin 113-page report (carbon) on district of Brest Litowsk, liquidation of relief work; review of history, economic conditions, social needs, relief supplies, education, needs of children; financial and statistical materials. Narrative “sketches” of history, conditions in individual towns within district.
File 219.2: Poland, Brest Litowsk, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports, correspondence on activities, local conditions, increasing instability, including June 1920 evacuation after Polish army, reference to forced labor in I.M. (Mayer) Kowalsky report (September 1920). List [Names of communal officials]
File 219.3: Poland, Bobrka, Bolechow, Bolszowce, Brody, Bukowsko, Busko, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations, including I.M. (Mayer) Kowalsky and Abraham Zucker report (October 4, 1920) on atrocities in Brody region.
Poland, Bobrka, Bolechow, Bolszowce, Brody, Bukowsko, Busko, 1919-1921
File 220: Poland, Chmielnik, Chodel, Chodorow, Czieszyn, Dabrowica, Debica, Dolina, Domaczewo, Dubno, Dubrowa, Dynow, Glebokie, Glogow, Gorochow, Grodno, Grodzisk, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations, including Abraham Shohan reports on Dubno. List [Correspondence includes names of communal officials, victims of atrocities]
File 221: Poland, Halicz, Horodenka, Hrubieszow, Jalowka, Janowo, Jaroslaw, Jedlinsk, Jezierzany, Kalisz, Kalusz, Kaluszyn, Kamien Koszyrski, Kaminiec Litewski, Kazanow, Kielce, Kobryn, Kolomyja, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous on local conditions, appeals, aid and atrocities in various locations, including Morris Lewis report on Janowo. List [Correspondence includes names of communal officials, victims of atrocities]
File 222.1: Poland, Korzec, Kosowo, Kowell, Kozienice, Krakow, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.50 inches
Miscellaneous on local conditions, appeals, aid and atrocities in various locations, including handwritten Yiddish reports on Jews displaced after June 1921 fire in Kowell. List [Correspondence includes names of communal officials]
Poland, Korzec, Kosowo, Kowell, Kozienice, Krakow, 1919-1921
File 222.2: Poland, Krystonopol, Krzemieniec, Krzepice, Lagow, Laskarzew, Lezajsk, Lida, Limanowa, Lodz, Lokacze, Lublin, Luboml, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous on local conditions, appeals, aid and atrocities in various locations, including extensive reports on Lodz, Adolph Krakowski report (translation from Russian) on Lida. Materials on Lagow in Russian, possibly Polish). NAMES/SUBJECTS: Poland, Krystonopol, Krzemieniec, Krzepice, Lagow, Laskarzew, Lezajsk, Lida, Limanowa, Lodz, Lokacze, Lublin, Financial, Food, Soup Kitchens, Flour, Passover, Remittances, Landsmanschaften, Adolph Krakowski, Relief, Poverty, Orphans, Children, Schools, Medical, Atrocities, Pogroms, Handworkers, Artisans, Industry, Textile Industry, Abraham Shohan, Isidore Hershfield, Jacques Rieur, Simon Peiser, I. Rubinstein, Abraham Zucker, List [Materials include names of communal officials]SIZE: 0.50 inch[19/21 # 223] Localities: Poland, Lubycza Krolewska, Lukowica, Luck, Lwow, Lyskow, Magnuszew, Malecz, Modliborzyce, Monasterzyska, Niebylec, Nowogrodek, 1919-1921. Miscellaneous (in English, Russian) on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations. List [Materials include names of communal officials]
File 223: Poland, Lubycza Krolewska, Lukowica, Luck, Lwow, Lyskow, Magnuszew, Malecz, Modliborzyce, Monasterzyska, Niebylec, Nowogrodek, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous (in English, Russian) on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations.
File 224.1: Poland, Oleczyce, Olkieniki, Olkusz, Ostrog, Ostrow, Ostrowiec, Oszmiana, Ottynia, Ozarow, Pabianice, Paradyz, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous (in English, Russian) on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations.
File 224.2: Poland, Pinsk, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Reports on local conditions, refugees, massacre, atrocities and plundering in battleground region; occupations by various militaries. List [Materials include names of communal officials, victims of atrocities]
File 225.1: Poland, Piotrkow, Plock, Potok-Zloty, Poznan, Pruzana, Przysucha, Przytyk, Puchowitz, Pyzdry, Radom, Radomsko, Ratno, Rawa Ruska, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous (in English, Russian) on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations, including detailed reports on Plock, Pruzana, Radom; report of atrocities in Ratno.
File 225.2: Poland, Rovno, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Extensive reports on Rovno, on military conditions, relief activities, liquidation, including monthly reports for period December 1920-February 1921. List [Materials include names of communal officials]
File 226: Poland, Rozwadow, Sanok, Sarny, Siedlce, Siedlec, Skulsk, Slonim, Sokolki, Sokolow, Solec, Stanislawow, Staszow, Stromice, Stryj, Suchedniow, Suchowola, Swieciany, Synowodzko, Szack, Tarnopol, Tyrawa-Woloska, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous (in English, Yiddish, Russian) on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations.
File 227.1: Poland, Vilna, 1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Extensive reports on local conditions, instability, political upheaval, effects of occupations by Germans, Bolsheviks and Poles; liquidation under emergency conditions. Newspaper articles, booklet (pamphlet).
File 227.2: Poland, Vilna, 1919-1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Materials all reflect political/military upheavals, evacuations and aftermath. Miscellaneous appeals for relief; booklets (Yiddish).
File 228.1: Poland, Vilna-Lida, Pogroms, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Reports, cables on pogroms in Vilna, Lida; Polish conquest, occupation of Vilna as pretext for anti-Semitic allegations, atrocities.
File 228.2: Poland, Wachock, Wielopole, Wlodawa, Wlodzimierz, Wojnilow, Wolkowsyk, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous (in English, Yiddish, Russian) on local conditions, appeals, aid in various locations.
Poland, Wachock, Wielopole, Wlodawa, Wlodzimierz, Wojnilow, Wolkowsyk, 1919-1921
File 228.3: Poland, Warsaw, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.66 inch
Extensive reports on activities in the city and district of Warsaw, including Adolph Krakowski report (December 1919) on the political, economic condition of the Jews in Warsaw, with upheavals due to citys role as capital of a new nation, anti-Semitic propaganda in press.
File 229.1: Poland, Wolyn, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Reports on activities, upheavals due to multiple changes of governments, military actions, occupation, persecution in various locations, efforts to form committees. List [Materials include names of communal officials]
File 234: Poland, Wyszkow, Zaleszczyki, Zarnow, Zloczow, Zolkiew, Zolyn, 1919-1921.
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous (in English, Polish, Russian) on local conditions, appeals. [Materials include names of communal officials]
Poland, Wyszkow, Zaleszczyki, Zarnow, Zloczow, Zolkiew, Zolyn, 1919-1921.
Record Group 4-35: Romania
Series 1: Romania: Administration
File 235: Romania, General, 1919
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports on local conditions, needs from Hetty Goldman, Baruch (Barnet) Zuckerman and James Becker. List [Materials include names of communal officials]
File 236.1: Romania, General, 1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Reports on local conditions, liquidation of activities. (File seems to be missing material.)
File 236.2: Romania, General, 1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence, reports on local conditions, needs; extensive Alexander Landesco-Julius Goldman correspondence regarding reconstruction and relief activities, financing. List [Materials include names of communal officials]
File 237: Romania, Administration, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports on administration, organization, general personnel, banking, safeguards for financial transactions. Miscellaneous newspaper accounts (in Romanian). Protocol (in Romanian) of meeting of Central Relief Committee (probably June 1920). List [Materials include names of communal officials]
File 238.1: Romania, Financial, Audit, 1920
Extent: 0.50 inch
Copy of financial audit for 1920, including data, distribution of funds by function, location.
File 238.2: Romania, Financial, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables on finances, expenses, credit, remittances.
File 239: Romania, Transfer of Funds, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables on finances, remittances, Romanian government fees/deductions for remittances.
Series 2: Romania: Organizations
File 240: Romania, Relations with Romanian Government, Organizations, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, including Oscar Leonard letters on meetings with Romanian officials, including Queen Marie.
Romania, Relations with Romanian Government, Organizations, 1920-1921
Series 3: Romania: Subject Matter
File 241: Romania, Individual Inquiries, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables regarding individual appeals, remittances, aid to families, efforts to locate/trace families, migration.
File 242.1: Romania, Child Care, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on care for children, widows, including Albert Lucas letter (September 29, 1919) to Adolf Salomon summarizing JDC views on care, housing, training of orphans.
File 242.2: Romania, Prisoners of War, 1920
File 242.3: Romania, Political Conditions and Pogroms, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Reports of dangers facing Jews. List [Names of few communal leaders in correspondence]
File 242.4: Romania, Medical, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous materials, including general report on JDC activities in Jassy after arrival of Noel Aronovici.
File 242.5: Romania, Cultural and religious, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous (various languages) on institutions, appeals for aid for schools, refugee students. List [Names in correspondence]
File 243: Romania, Reconstruction, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous reports, correspondence (various languages) on efforts to organize reconstruction operations (development beyond relief activities), programs in various locales, functional areas. List [Names of communal officials, personnel in reports]
File 244.1: Romania, Reconstruction, Housing, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous materials on prospects for housing construction.
File 244.2: Romania, Reconstruction, Tools, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Miscellaneous on purchase, shipment of tools, equipment.
File 244.3: Romania, Reconstruction, Banks and Cooperatives, 1920-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous materials, correspondence, reports on cooperatives, banks, including arrangements for capital, loans for financing activities. List [Names of communal officials in reports]
File 245.1: Romania, Refugees and Emigrants, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous reports, correspondence regarding refugees from Ukraine, on refugees’ health, relief and maintenance needs.
File 245.2: Romania, Relief Supplies, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, shipping documents on relief supplies.
Series 4: Romania: Localities
File 246: Romania, Bessarabia, Bukovina, Calarasi, Campulung, Cernauti, Chisinau, Iasi, Novo Sulita, Pancio, Targul-Ocna, Sadagura, Suceava, Transylvania, Vatra Dornei, Wiznitz, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous on local conditions, appeals, reports of atrocities, grievances, aid in various locations. List [Names of communal officials in correspondence, reports]
Record Group 4-36: Russia
Series 1: Russia: Administration
File 247.1: Russia, General, 1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Detailed reports on local conditions in Russia, Ukraine, Minsk.
File 247.2: Russia, General, 1920
Extent: 1.5 inches
Extensive materials (primarily in English, some Yiddish) on local conditions, refugees, pogroms, relief needs, appeals for funds; efforts to reach various locations depend on military/political conditions. List [Names of community leaders in reports]
File 247.3: Russia, General, 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, reports on local needs, conditions, including efforts to send personnel to Ukraine. List [Names of community leaders in Alexander Salkind letter, May 1919]
File 248: Russia, Administration, 1920
Extent: 1.25 inches
Correspondence, cables, including financial arrangements for local operations, logistics for relief supplies.
File 249.1: Russia, Administration, April-July 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, cables (English, Russian), including financial arrangements for local operations, sporadic financial reports; references to confiscation of supplies.
File 249.2: Russia, Administration, January-March 1921
Extent: 0.80 inch
Correspondence, cables (English, Russian), including financial arrangements for local operations, letters of credit; government demands for JDC commitment for monthly payments (cable, March 11, 1921).
File 250.1: Russia, Administration, Financial, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on finances, letters of credit, expenses, budgets, remittances for individuals and projects.
File 250.2: Russia, Financial, Transmission of Funds, 1918-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence on finances, remittances.
File 251.1: Russia, Transmission of Funds, Petrograd Claims, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, cables regarding claims, remittances. List [Names on remittances]
File 251.2: Russia, Transmission of Funds, Petrograd Claims, 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, cables regarding claims, remittances. Extensive correspondence regarding transactions, financial arrangements by Harry Fisher and Max Pine. List [Names on remittances]
File 251.3: Russia, Transmission of Funds, Petrograd Claims, 1919
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, cables regarding finances, remittances. Petrograd Relief Committee (Central Jewish Relief Committee for War Sufferers) financial report, August 1914 to December 1919. Minutes of meeting (January 20, 1919) of Jewish Relief Committee.
File 252: Russia, Transmission of Funds, Petrograd Claims, Individuals, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.60 inch
Correspondence, cables (English, Russian) regarding individual claims, remittances, borrowing from EKOPO. List [Additional names on correspondence]
Russia, Transmission of Funds, Petrograd Claims, Individuals, 1919-1921
File 253.1: Russia, Relations With Organizations, Jewish Colonization Association, 1919
Extent: 0.15 inch
Report (November 19, 1919) on activities since the Russian Revolution and civil war placed Petrograd out of reach of population, and operations were moved to Kiev.
Russia, Relations With Organizations, Jewish Colonization Association, 1919
File 253.2: Russia, Relations With Organizations, Zionist Organization in Russia, 1920
Extent: 0.10 inch
Limited correspondence regarding trip of Israel Friedlaender, Harry Fisher and Max Pine.
Russia, Relations With Organizations, Zionist Organization in Russia, 1920
File 253.3: Russia, Relations With Organizations, ORT, 1920
Extent: 0.15 inch
Reports by Leonty Bramson (1920) on the situation of the Jews, danger and disruption of Jewish life because of pogroms; on plans for ORT; on acquisition of raw materials, tools, equipment. Statutes of Society for the Promotion of Trades and Agriculture Among the Jews in Russia.
File 253.4: Russia, Relations With Organizations, EKOPO, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.40 inch
Detailed history of EKOPO from 1914 founding through 1919 (unsigned). Miscellaneous on Petrograd claims. Henry Sliosberg memo (September 9, 1920) on EKOPO, abstract of letter (July 20, 1920) on EKOPO financing.
File 253.5: Russia, Relations With Organizations, Moscow Relief Committee, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Cables, correspondence (English, Russian) on organization, allegations regarding distribution of aid, supplies to pogrom victims; reports on Dubrowsky parcel proposals, remittances.
Russia, Relations With Organizations, Moscow Relief Committee, 1920-1921
File 253.6: Russia, Relations With Soviet Government, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence on aid, on political intrigue, JDC pledges.
Series 2: Russia: Subject Matter
File 254: Russia, Individual Appeals, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Miscellaneous cables, correspondence appealing for aid, information.( List [Names on correspondence]
File 255.1: Russia, Medical and Sanitary, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports (English and Russian) on medical and health conditions.
File 255.2: Russia, Cultural and Religious, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Correspondence, cables on conditions, appeals for aid, needs, newspaper reports (Russia, Yiddish).
File 255.3: Russia, Child Care, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, Yiddish, German), including Mrs. M. Zaslovskaya on Ukrainian orphans, the influx of refugees after pogroms. Report (undated) with information on institutions in Kiev that care for children.
File 256.1: Russia, Pogroms, 1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous materials, cables, queries (English, Russian) on pogroms; memo (June 30, 1921) regarding the work and organization of the Association of Editors for Investigation and Collection of Data on Pogroms in Ukraina. List [Names of editors of materials on pogroms]
File 256.2: Russia, Pogroms, 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, detailed reports (Yiddish, Russian, German, French) on pogroms, locations, victims, perpetrated by peasants and by organized bands.
File 256.3: Russia, Pogroms, 1919
Extent: 0.75 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, French) on pogroms. List [Names of activists on committees]
File 256.4: Russia, Political Conditions, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, reports on military conditions, political obstacles to activities, travel.
File 257.1: Russia, Reconstruction, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous materials, including D. Lovovitch report (possibly August 1920) on “Jewish agriculture and crafts in White Russia, the Vilno and Grodno districts, and the work of the association for promoting agriculture and industry among Jews in Russia (ORT),” including colonization, education. Report (1920) by Kiev Regional Union of Cooperative Association on role of Jewish cooperatives in reconstruction after war and pogroms.
File 257.2: Russia, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous on migration, repatriation, obstacles to return of refugees between Russia and Latvia, Lithuania; individual requests for aid.
File 258.1: Russia, Relatives, 1919-1921
Extent: 2 inches
Published newspaper lists; correspondence, cables primarily from JDC regarding queries about survival, location, emigration of relatives, friends; information about letters, parcels, aid. [INDIVIDUAL QUERIES SEPARATE FROM RESPONSES]
File 258.2: Russia, Relatives, Individual Messages
Extent: 1 inch
Messages (on standard forms, in Yiddish) for transmission between relatives. [NOT SORTED]
File 258.3: Russia, Relatives, Individual Queries
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence (multiple languages) to JDC primarily from individuals about survival, location of relatives, friends; queries about letters, parcels, aid. [INDIVIDUAL QUERIES ARE NOT SORTED; RESPONSES FROM JDC IN SEPARATE FILE]
File 259: Russia, Relief Supplies, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Extensive correspondence, cables regarding requests, logistics, agreements for distribution of relief supplies, including with the Public Commissariat for Social Welfare (November 1920) and American Friends Service Committee (1921).
Series 3: Russia: Localities
File 260: Russia, Baranowka, Berdichev, Bobruysk, Borysov, Chernigov, Crimea, Fastov, Felshtin, Gomel, Horoszki, Kamenets-Podolskiy, Kiev, Krivoye-Ozero, 1919-1921
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence, reports (English, Russian, Yiddish) on needs, conditions, atrocities, aid in Baranowka, Berdichev, Bobruysk, Borysov, Chernigov, Crimea, Fastov, Felshtin, Gomel, Horoszki, Kamenets-Podolskiy, Kiev, Krivoye-Ozero. Miscellaneous correspondence seeking information on fate, location of relatives. Forward’s critical editorial (June 22, 1920), “Question that must be answered” about JDC policy on evacuation, “deserting its post.” Testimony of (non-Jewish) teacher A.F. Maleyev on pogrom in Krivoye-Ozero; list of victims. List [Names on family reunification queries; names listed in reports]
File 261: Russia, Lipovets, Luban, Lubar, Minsk, Mozyr, Novgorod-Volynski, Petchanka, Proskurow, Sluck, Sumy, Urinin, Utomir, Yaltushkov, Zhitomir, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Correspondence, reports (English, Russian, Yiddish) on needs, conditions, atrocities, aid in Lipovets, Luban, Lubar, Mozyr, Petchanka, Proskurow, Sluck, Sumy, Urinin, Utomir, Yaltushkov, Zhitomir. Miscellaneous correspondence seeking information on fate, location of relatives. List [Names of communal leaders in some locations; pogrom victims listed in testimony]
Record Group 4-37: Siberia
Series 1: Siberia: Administration
File 262: Siberia, General, Meeting Minutes, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.5 inch
Meeting minutes from Auxiliary Branch at Vladivostok
File 262.1: Siberia, General, 1921
Extent: 0.75 inch
Materials on assistance to prisoners of war and refugees, including correspondence, monthly reports from of Auxiliary Branch at Vladivostok (English, Russian, Yiddish, German) on financing, maintenance, transit, documents for war victims, liberated prisoners, refugees. Annual report for 1920 (transmitted January 12, 1921) and report (July 1, 1921) on work of Auxiliary Branch for first six months of 1921, including liquidation of branch after repatriation of prisoners of war, vocational and educational work in prisoners’ camps. Correspondence on financial liabilities of Czechoslovak Red Cross.
File 262.2: Siberia, General, 1920
Extent: 2 inches
Materials on assistance to prisoners of war, including monthly reports from of Auxiliary Branch at Vladivostok (English, Yiddish, Russian), “semi-annual” report (transmitted July 15, 1920) on formation, operations of Auxiliary Branch, sudden liberation of prisoners; pleas for expedited arrival of ships for repatriation. List [Names, in monthly reports, of some people assisted]
File 262.3: Siberia, General, 1919
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, reports, cables regarding aid, including diplomatic permission, logistics; correspondence on arrangements to transport refugees.
File 263.1: Siberia, Administration, 1921-1922
Extent: 1 inch
Financial reports, receipts, correspondence (English, Russian, German) on finances, expenses, remittances, liquidation. State Department memo (February 16, 1921) on conditions under which the U.S. government will transmit private remittances; State Department letter (May 7, 1921) that secure remittances can be made to Vladivostok through routine channels. List [Names in remittance correspondence]
File 263.2: Siberia, Administration, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.75 inch
Financial reports, receipts, correspondence (English, Russian, German) on finances, expenses, transit, remittances. Robert Rosenbluth interview (May 26, 1920) reviewing personnel and operations of Auxiliary Branch. List [Names in remittance/financial correspondence; list of POWs]
File 264.1: Siberia, Administration, Outgoing Correspondence, 1920
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables (Russian, Yiddish, German) on conditions, needs of war victims, liberated prisoners, distribution of relief supplies, finances; individual character references for employment. One letter in English, from Auxiliary Branch (unsigned) to American Red Cross (September 4, 1920) seeking emergency relief for 70 orphans, victims of atrocities in Nikolajevsk. List [Names in remittance correspondence, employment references]
File 264.2: Siberia, Administration, Outgoing Correspondence, January-October 1921
Extent: 1.25 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables (Russian, Yiddish, German) on conditions, needs of war victims, liberated prisoners; individual character references for employment; private correspondence, appeals, remittances. List [Names in remittance correspondence, employment references]
Siberia, Administration, Outgoing Correspondence, January-October 1921
Series 2: Siberia: Organizations
File 265.1: Siberia, Relations With Governments
Extent: 0.50 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (English, Russian, German) on financing, war victims, liberated prisoners, refugees.
File 265.2: Siberia, Repatriation Committee, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Minutes of meetings of various international humanitarian agencies (Repatriation Committee) engaged in relief and repatriation of war prisoners, including reduction in needs as transit continues. List [Names of humanitarian workers in correspondence, reports]
File 265.3: Siberia, Relations With Foreign Organizations
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence (English, Yiddish, French, Russian, German) on financing, aiding war victims, liberated prisoners, refugees by various humanitarian and voluntary agencies, including national members of Red Cross. Miscellaneous reports (German) on meetings. List [Names in correspondence, reports]
Series 3: Siberia: Subject Matter
File 266: Siberia, Individual Appeals, Personal services, A-E
Extent: 1.25 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence (Russian, German, Yiddish, English) on efforts to locate, aid war victims, liberated prisoners; individual remittances. [Sorted alphabetically.] List [Lists of Siberian war prisoners; names in remittance correspondence, location queries]
File 267: Siberia, Individual Appeals, Personal services, L-Z
Extent: 1.5 inches
Miscellaneous correspondence (Russian, German, English) on efforts to locate, aid war victims, liberated prisoners; individual remittances. [Sorted alphabetically.] List [Names in remittance correspondence, location queries]
File 268: Siberia, Persecution and Pogroms, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.40 inch
Correspondence, cables on conditions, atrocities; propaganda fomenting anti-Semitism, with charges of Jewish bolshevism and profiteering.
File 269.1: Siberia, Prisoners of War, January-July 1920
Extent: 2 inches
Correspondence, cables (English, German) on needs, conditions of prisoners of war. Some lists of prisoners, including those from Czernowitz
File 269.2: Siberia, Prisoners of War, 1919
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, cables (English, German) on conditions of prisoners of war.
File 270.1: Siberia, Prisoners of War, 1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, cables on repatriation, transport of prisoners; Frank Rosenblatt letter (May 24, 1921) on liquidation of Auxiliary Branch.
File 270.2: Siberia, Prisoners of War, August-December 1920
Extent: 1.33 inches
Correspondence, cables, reports (English, Yiddish) on various repatriation operations, including undated report of Committee on Principles Governing Repatriation of War Prisoners, references to equality of repatriation opportunity.
File 271: Siberia, Prisoners of War, Registers, Loans for Transportation
Extent: 0.75 inch
Lists, not annotated; sources unclear. Lists of prisoners, loans.
Siberia, Prisoners of War, Registers, Loans for Transportation
File 272: Siberia, Prisoners of War, Transport, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Lists (English, German, Hungarian) of prisoners in different camps; passenger list for (SS) Shunko Maru (May 1920).
File 273: Siberia, POW Camps, Achinsk, Chita, Floraya Rechka, Irkutsk, Krasnaya Rechka
Extent: 0.33 inch
Miscellaneous (English, German, Russian ) on prisoner of war camps: Achinsk, Chita, Floraya Rechka, including financial data for Irkutsk, report on Krasnaya Rechka. Lists of prisoners
Siberia, POW Camps, Achinsk, Chita, Floraya Rechka, Irkutsk, Krasnaya Rechka
File 274: Siberia, POW Camps, Nikolsk-Ussuriysk
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous (English, German, Russian ) on needs, conditions at prisoner of war camp Nikolsk-Ussuriysk.
File 275: Siberia, POW Camps, Nikolsk-Ussuriysk, Petrovavlovsk, List
Extent: 1 inch
List of prisoners at Russian and Japanese camps Nikolsk-Ussuriysk, Petrovavlovsk, transports.
File 276: Siberia, POW Camps, Pervaya Retchka (First River)
Extent: 1 inch
Materials (German, Russian), including financial reports. Minutes (Russian) of meetings or joint relief organizations (November 1918-March 1919). List of prisoners.
File 277.1: Siberia, POW Camps, Pervaya Retchka, Financial Accounts
Extent: 0.75 inch
Financial materials (German, Russian).
File 277.2: Siberia, POW Camps, Tomsk, Krasnoyask, Wtoraya Rechka
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous (German, Yiddish), on camps: Tomsk, Krasnoyask, Wtoraya Rechka.
File 278: Siberia, POW Camps, Repatriation Transports, Ships
Extent: 1.5 inches
Correspondence, cables (English, German, Russian) on repatriation transports, including sailings, routes, logistics, destinations, supplies, costs, passengers.Some passenger lists; Shinko-Maru, Steigerwald lists have some photos.
File 279: Siberia, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence, cables) on refugees, settlement needs, relief, persecution, including Samuel Mason letters on conditions among Jewish refugees.
File 280: Siberia, Relief Supplies, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Correspondence, cables with requests, including exchange (September 1919) between Frank Rosenblatt and Rudolf Teusler of the American Red Cross regarding the distribution of relief supplies. List [CONTENTS UNCLEAR]
Record Group 4-38: South Africa
File 281: South Africa, Orphans, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.10 inch
Correspondence on South African offer to care for orphans from pogrom areas.
Record Group 4-39: Spain
File 282: Spain, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.25 inch
Correspondence, appeals for funds to assist refugees who arrived in port of Barcelona. Extensive report (February 10, 1919) on use of funds for refugees. List [Names on reports of expenses, subsidies]
Record Group 4-40: Switzerland
Series 1: Switzerland: Administration
File 283.1: Switzerland, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.50 inch
Extensive correspondence (English, French, German), including Julius Goldman letters, regarding aid for Russian refugees, Jewish students in Switzerland, for medical care, repair sanatorium.
Series 2: Switzerland: Organizations
File 283.2: Switzerland, Agudas Jisroel, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.20 inch
Correspondence (English, German) regarding aid for orphans in Poland, Lithuania, for prisoners of war. Also, correspondence expressing belief that Zionists receive aid at the expense of the Orthodox.
Series 3: Switzerland: Subject Matter
File 283.3: Switzerland, Individual Appeals
Extent: 0.15 inch
Correspondence (English, German) seeking aid, arrangements for remittances. List [Names on correspondence]
Record Group 4-41 : Syria
File 284: Syria, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Miscellaneous reports (English, Hebrew) on activities in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. List [Some names in reports, correspondence]
Record Group 4-42: Turkey
Series 1: Turkey: Administration
File 285.1: Turkey, General, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Materials (English, French), including report on activities of Commission Centrale (Central Commission for Relief). List [Some names in reports, correspondence]
File 285.2: Turkey, Administration, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.33 inch
Materials including cables referring to tensions between S. Tiomkin and Bernhard Kahn over authority, protocol. Minutes of meeting (June 10, 1921) on election of Refugee Committee. Report (unsigned, undated) on history of JDC activities in Constantinople, tensions between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews. List [Names in correspondence; list of some who received relief; Refugee Committee members]
File 286: Turkey, Appropriations, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Cables, accounting correspondence, financial sheets on expenses, disbursements, remittances.
File 287: Turkey, Transmission of Funds, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Cables, accounting correspondence on remittances to individual, organizations.
Series 2: Turkey: Subject Matter
File 288.1: Turkey, Child Care, 1920-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous, including statistics on orphans, extract Julius Savitsky report on activities in Smyrna (December 1920).
File 288.2: Turkey, Cultural and religious, 1919-1921
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous (English, Hebrew, German), including extract (unsigned, undated) on education. Appeals for schools, institutions, teachers, refugees.
File 288.3: Turkey, Medical-Sanitary, 1920
Extent: 0.15 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, primarily payment for hospital for tubercular care.
File 288.4: Turkey, Refugees and Emigrants, 1919-1921
Extent: 1 inch
Cables, correspondence (English, French) on influx and destitution of refugees, some fleeing pogroms; limited landing, emigration options because of visa problems; opening of refugee/emigrant house. List [Names of some who received relief]
File 288.5: Turkey, Relief Supplies, 1919-1920
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous correspondence, cables on relief supplies, shipments, logistics, including letter to State Department (January 13, 1919) stating that Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum will travel with the Committee for Relief in the Near East.
Series 3: Turkey: Localities
File 289: Turkey, Adrianople, Angora, Constantinople, Gallipoli, Smyrna
Extent: 0.25 inch
Miscellaneous (English, French) on local conditions, needs, remittances, reports from Adrianople, Angora, Constantinople, Gallipoli, including report on Smyrna by Julius Savitsky.
Turkey, Adrianople, Angora, Constantinople, Gallipoli, Smyrna
Record Group 4-43: Yugoslavia
File 290: Yugoslavia, Monastir, Osijek, Skoplje
Extent: 0.75 inch
Miscellaneous (English, French) on local conditions, relief supplies, remittances in Monastir, Osijek, Skoplje, including report (unsigned, undated) regarding Serbia. List [Names from Monastir]